July 20,1943 First test of the Philadelphia Experiment. August 6,1943 Three UFOs sighted over the USS Eldridge. August 12,1943 Second test of the Philadelphia Experiment. Duncan Cameron Jr and Edward Cameron are transported to August 12,1983. October 28,1943 Last test of the Philadelphia Experiment. Late 40's Second Stage of Project Rainbow. Phoenix Project, development of the radiosonde. 1947 Duncan Cameron Sr. contacted. Early 50's Project Rainbow and the Phoenix Project merge. 1951 Duncan Cameron Jr born 1963 August 12? Duncan Cameron Jr (1) placed in Duncan Cameron Jr's(2) body. 1967 Phoenix Project complete. 1969 Phoenix Project ordered to disband by Congress. 1971 Formation of Phoenix II (aka the Montauk Project). 1973 Experiments with mood alteration and mind control 1974 Creation of the first Montauk Chair, further experiments with mind control. 1976 Creation of the Montauk Chair Mark II. 1977 Creation of solid objects by thought alone, experiments with The Seeing Eye, mind control and telekinesis. 1979 Experiments with time travel. 1979-1980 Installation of the Orion Delta T antenna. 1980-1981 Calibration of new equipment and further time travel experim. 1981-1983 Exploration and manipulation of the time stream. 1982-1983 Exploration of Mars. August 12,1983 Last major experiment of the Montauk Project. A time tunnel is created back to August 12, 1943. Duncan releases the “Beast from the Id”. Preston Nichols shuts down the Montauk transmitter. Late 1983 Montauk Project disbands. May-June 1984 'Black Berets' purge Montauk AFB. Late 1984 Removal of most Montauk Project equipment. Cement used to seal off underground areas of the base. Montauk AFB abandoned. August 14,2003“Major electricity shutdown” in all the East coast. August 11, 1996 when some 4 million customers in nine Western states and parts of Mexico lost power for as long as 10 hours."


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Page 1: Philadelphia

July 20,1943 First test of the Philadelphia Experiment.August 6,1943 Three UFOs sighted over the USS Eldridge.August 12,1943 Second test of the Philadelphia Experiment.Duncan Cameron Jr and Edward Cameron are transported to August 12,1983.October 28,1943 Last test of the Philadelphia Experiment.Late 40's Second Stage of Project Rainbow. Phoenix Project, development of the radiosonde.1947 Duncan Cameron Sr. contacted.Early 50's Project Rainbow and the Phoenix Project merge.1951 Duncan Cameron Jr born1963 August 12? Duncan Cameron Jr (1) placed in Duncan Cameron Jr's(2) body.1967 Phoenix Project complete.1969 Phoenix Project ordered to disband by Congress.1971 Formation of Phoenix II (aka the Montauk Project).1973 Experiments with mood alteration and mind control1974 Creation of the first Montauk Chair, further experiments with mind control.1976 Creation of the Montauk Chair Mark II.1977 Creation of solid objects by thought alone, experiments with The Seeing Eye, mind control and telekinesis.1979 Experiments with time travel.1979-1980 Installation of the Orion Delta T antenna.1980-1981 Calibration of new equipment and further time travel experim.1981-1983 Exploration and manipulation of the time stream.1982-1983 Exploration of Mars.August 12,1983 Last major experiment of the Montauk Project.A time tunnel is created back to August 12, 1943.Duncan releases the “Beast from the Id”.Preston Nichols shuts down the Montauk transmitter.Late 1983 Montauk Project disbands.May-June 1984 'Black Berets' purge Montauk AFB.Late 1984 Removal of most Montauk Project equipment.Cement used to seal off underground areas of the base.Montauk AFB abandoned.August 14,2003“Major electricity shutdown” in all the East coast.August 11, 1996 when some 4 million customers in nine Western states and parts of Mexico lost power for as long as 10 hours."