Phase transitions in exploration seismology: statistical mechanics meets information theory Felix J. Herrmann joint work with Gilles Hennenfent*, Mohamma Maysami* and Yves Bernabe (MIT) *Seismic Laboratory for Imaging and Modeling slim.eos.ubc.ca Complexity in the oil industry meeting 2007, Natal, Aug 9 Released to public domain under Creative Commons license type BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0). Copyright (c) 2007 SLIM group @ The University of British Columbia.

Phase transitions in exploration seismology: statistical ... · Research interests • Develop techniques to obtain higher quality images from (incomplete) data seismic

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Page 1: Phase transitions in exploration seismology: statistical ... · Research interests • Develop techniques to obtain higher quality images from (incomplete) data  seismic

Phase transitions in exploration seismology: statistical

mechanics meets information theory

Felix J. Herrmann joint work with

Gilles Hennenfent*, Mohamma Maysami* and Yves Bernabe (MIT)

*Seismic Laboratory for Imaging and Modeling


Complexity in the oil industry meeting 2007,

Natal, Aug 9

Released to public domain under Creative Commons license type BY (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0).Copyright (c) 2007 SLIM group @ The University of British Columbia.

Page 2: Phase transitions in exploration seismology: statistical ... · Research interests • Develop techniques to obtain higher quality images from (incomplete) data  seismic

Research interests

• Develop techniques to obtain higher quality images from (incomplete) data <=> seismic imaging of transitions

• Characterization of reflectors <=> estimation of singularity orders of imaged reflectors

• Understand physical processes that generate singular transitions in the earth <=> Percolation phenomena

• Singularity-preserved upscaling

Page 3: Phase transitions in exploration seismology: statistical ... · Research interests • Develop techniques to obtain higher quality images from (incomplete) data  seismic

Today’s topicsPhase diagrams in the recovery of seismic data from incomplete measurements

• old ideas in geophysics reincarnated in the new field of “compressive sampling”

• describes regions that favor recovery

Phase diagrams in the description of seismic reflectors

• mixture models with critical points <=> reflectors

• a first step towards singularity-preserved upscaling

Page 4: Phase transitions in exploration seismology: statistical ... · Research interests • Develop techniques to obtain higher quality images from (incomplete) data  seismic

Phase-transition behavior in

compressive samplingjoint work with Gilles Hennenfent

“Non-parametric seismic data recovery with curvelet frames” in revision for GJI

Page 5: Phase transitions in exploration seismology: statistical ... · Research interests • Develop techniques to obtain higher quality images from (incomplete) data  seismic

Seismic Laboratory for Imaging and Modeling


nominal spatial sampling ~ 112.5m

Page 6: Phase transitions in exploration seismology: statistical ... · Research interests • Develop techniques to obtain higher quality images from (incomplete) data  seismic

Seismic Laboratory for Imaging and Modeling


spatial sampling ~ 12.5m

Page 7: Phase transitions in exploration seismology: statistical ... · Research interests • Develop techniques to obtain higher quality images from (incomplete) data  seismic

Fourier exampleConsider n-random time samples from a signal with k-sparse Fourier spectrum, i.e.

with the time restricted inverse Fourier transform. The signal

with the k-non-zero spectrum can exactly be recovered.

signal =y

sparse representation of inverse extrapolated data



A ∈ Cn×N

f0 = FHx0

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Recovery for Gaussian matrices when [Donoho and Tanner ‘06]

For arbitrary measurement sparsity bases [Candes, Romberg & Tao ‘06]

for certain conditions on the matrix and sampling ....

P1 :



x̃ = arg minx!RN !x!1 =%N

i=1 |xi| s.t. y = Ax

f̃ = FH x̃.

data consistencysparsityenhancement

Fourier example cont’d

When a traveler reaches a fork in the road, the l1 -norm tells him to take either one way or the other, but the l2 -norm instructs him to head off into the bushes. [Claerbout and Muir, 1973]

n = k ! 2 log(N/k)

n = µ2k ! log Nmutual coherence

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Figure 5: Phase Diagram for !1 minimization. Shaded attribute is the number of coordinates of recon-struction which di!er from optimally sparse solution by more than 10!4. The diagram displays a rapidtransition from perfect reconstruction to perfect disagreement. Overlaid red curve is theoretical curve"!1 .

4.2 Phase Diagram

A phase diagram depicts performance of an algorithm at a sequence of problem suites S(k, n,N). Theaverage value of some performance measure as displayed as a function of " = k/n and # = n/N . Both ofthese variables ", # ! [0, 1], so the diagram occupies the unit square.

To illustrate such a phase diagram, consider a well-studied case where something interesting happens.Let x1 solve the optimization problem:

(P1) min "x"1 subject to y = "x.

As mentioned earlier, if y = "x0 where x0 has k nonzeros, we may find that x1 = x0 exactly when kis small enough. Figure 5 displays a grid of # # " values, with # ranging through 50 equispaced pointsin the interval [.05, .95] and " ranging through 50 equispaced points in [.05, .95]; here N = 800. Eachpoint on the grid shows the mean number of coordinates at which original and reconstruction di!er bymore than 10!4, averaged over 100 independent realizations of the standard problem suite Sst(k, n,N).The experimental setting just described, i.e. the # # " grid setup, the values of N , and the number ofrealizations, is used to generate phase diagrams later in this paper, although the problem suite beingused may change.

This diagram displays a phase transition. For small ", it seems that high-accuracy reconstruction isobtained, while for large " reconstruction fails. The transition from success to failure occurs at di!erent" for di!erent values of #.

This empirical observation is explained by a theory that accurately predicts the location of theobserved phase transition and shows that, asymptotically for large n, this transition is perfectly sharp.Suppose that problem (y, ") is drawn at random from the standard problem suite, and consider the eventEk,n,N that x0 = x1 i.e. that !1 minimization exactly recovers x0. The paper [19] defines a function"!1(#) (called there "W ) with the following property. Consider sequences of (kn), (Nn) obeying kn/n$ "and n/Nn $ #. Suppose that " < "!1(#). Then as n$%

Prob(Ekn,n,Nn)$ 1.

On the other hand, suppose that " > "!1(#). Then as n$%

Prob(Ekn,n,Nn)$ 0.

The theoretical curve (#, "!1(#)) described there is overlaid on Figure 5, showing good agreement betweenasymptotic theory and experimental results.


Phase diagramsl1 solver [from Donoho et al ‘06]

In the white region

recovers exactly.

measurement vector y ! Rn with y = Ax0, by solving the following optimization problem

P1 :



x̂ = argminx "x"1 subject to Ax = y

f̂ = SH x̂.


The synthesis matrix A ! Cn#N is composed of three matrices, namely, A := RMSH with SH the

sparsity matrix S := F with f the Fourier analysis or decomposition matrix; M := I the Dirac mea-

surement basis with I the idendity matrix and R a restriction matrix. This restriction matrix extracts

k rows from the N#N Fourier matrix since MSH = F. During the restriction, the columns of A are

normalized such that "ai}"= 1 for i = 1 · · ·N.

The mathematical criteria for exact recovery, such as the !0-norm of the difference between the

original and the recovered sparsity vectors "x̂$x0"0, is are unfortunately impossible because of the

finite precision in floating point arithmetic. Instead, we either call a recovery successful when an

entry is to within a small constant equal to the corresponding entry in x0 or we call the recovery

successful when the relative !2-error is smaller then some threshold, "x̂$x"2/"x0"2 % ! .

The main results of compressed sensing is that it predicts the number of measurements n that are

required to ’exacly’ recover an arbitrary sparsity vector x0 with k non-zero entries given a certain

choice for the measurement and sparsity matrices. For individual realizations of the sparsity and

measurement vector, these conditions are sharp. For instance, the recovery of a sinusiodal function

of length N = 1024 with k =? non-zero entries in x0 is succesful for a measurement vector y con-

sisting of n =??? elements and fails for n =???$ 2 measurements. This behavior is numerically

illustrated in Fig. 1 and has also been observed by (35) for the spiky deconvolution.

Strong recovery conditions: An important result from the literature on compressed sensing states

that exact recovery from incomplete measurements is possible as long as the synthesis matrix A


fully sampledsparse signal

fully sampledrich signal

undersampledsparse signal

undersampledrich signal



Page 10: Phase transitions in exploration seismology: statistical ... · Research interests • Develop techniques to obtain higher quality images from (incomplete) data  seismic

Phase transitionHas a second-order phase transition at a oversampling of 5

transition becomes sharper for conceptual but unexplored ‘link’ with percolation theory k-neighborhoodness of polytopes undergoes a phase


!"# !"#$ !"% !"%$ !"& !"&$ !"' !"'$!


















!"# !"#$ !"% !"%$ !"& !"&$ !"' !"'$!















Figure 8: Empirical Transition Behaviors, varying n. (a) Fraction of cases with termination before stageS. (b) Fraction of missed detections. Averages of 1000 trials with n = 400, 800, 1600 and k = !!n",N = !n/"", " = 1/4 and ! varying. Sharpness of each transition seems to be increasing with n.

To make the comparison still more vivid, we point ahead to an imaging example from Section 9.1below. There an image of dimensions d# d is viewed as a vector x of length N = d2. Again the systemy = !x where ! is made from only n = "N rows of the Fourier matrix. One matrix-vector product costsV = 4N log N = 8d2 log d.

How do the three algorithms compare in this setting? Plugging-in S = 10, # = 10, and V as above, wesee that the leading term in the complexity bound for StOMP is 960 · d2 log d. In contrast, for OMP theleading term in the worst-case bound becomes 4!3

3 d6 + 16"d4 log d, and for $1 minimization the leadingterm is 16d4 log d. The computational gains from StOMP are indeed substantial. Moreover, to run OMPin this setting, we may need up to !2

2 d4 memory elements to store the Cholesky factorization, whichrenders it unusable for anything but the smallest d. In Section 9.1, we present actual running times ofthe di"erent algorithms.

6 The Large-System Limit

Figures 6 and 7 suggest phase transitions in the behavior of StOMP , which would imply a certainwell-defined asymptotic ‘system capacity’ below which StOMPsuccessfully finds a sparse solution, andabove which it fails. In this section, we review the empirical evidence for a phase transition in thelarge-system limit and develop theory that rigorously establishes it. We consider the problem suiteS(k, n,N ;USE,±1) defined by random ! sampled from the USE, and with y generated as y = !x0,where x0 has k nonzero coe#cients in random positions having entries ±1. This ensemble generates aslightly ‘lower’ transition than the ensemble used for Figures 6 and 7 where the nonzeros in x0 had iidGaussian N(0, 1) entries.

6.1 Evidence for Phase Transition

Figure 8 presents results of simulations at fixed ratios " = n/N but increasing n. Three di"erentquantities are considered: in panel (a), the probability of early termination, i.e. termination before stageS = 10 because the residual has been driven nearly to zero; in panel (b) the missed detection rate, i.e.the fraction of nonzeros in x0 that are not supported in the reconstruction x̂S . Both quantities undergotransitions in behavior near ! = .2.

Significantly, the transitions become more sharply defined with increasing n. As n increases, theearly termination probability behaves increasingly like a raw discontinuity 1{k/n!"F AR(n/N)} as n $%,while the fraction of missed detections properties behave increasingly like a discontinuity in derivative(k/n&!FAR(n/N))+. In statistical physics such limiting behaviors are called first-order and second-orderphase transitions, respectively.



Page 11: Phase transitions in exploration seismology: statistical ... · Research interests • Develop techniques to obtain higher quality images from (incomplete) data  seismic

2-D curvelets

curvelets are of rapid decay in space

curvelets are strictly localized in frequency

x-t f-kOscillatory in one direction and smooth in the others!

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Curvelets live in wedges in the 3 D Fourier plane...

3-D curvelets

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Seismic Laboratory for Imaging and Modeling


spatial sampling: 12.5 m

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Seismic Laboratory for Imaging and Modeling

avg. spatial sampling: 62.5 m

Data20% tracesremaining

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Seismic Laboratory for Imaging and Modeling

spatial sampling: 12.5 m

SNR = 9.26 dB

Interpolated resultusing CRSI

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Seismic Laboratory for Imaging and Modeling


spatial sampling: 12.5 m

(no minimum velocity constraint)

SNR = 9.26 dB

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New paradigm

Traditional data collection & compression paradigm ‘over emphasis’ on data collection extract essential features throw away the rest ....

New paradigm compression during sampling project onto measurements that breaks aliases recover with sparsity promotion

Exploration seismology ‘random’ sampling of seismic wavefields [Hennenfent &

F.J.H ‘06] compressive wavefield extrapolation where

eigenfunctions of the Helmholtz operator are used as the measurement basis [Lin & F.J.H ‘07]

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Characterizing singularities

joint work Mohammad Maysami

“Seismic reflector characterization by a multiscale detection-estimation method” ‘07

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Problem• Delineate the stratigraphy from seismic images.

• Parameterize seismic transitions

• beyond simplistic reflector models

• consistent with observed intermittent behavior of sedimentary records

• Estimate the parameters from seismic images:

• location

• singularity order

• instantaneous phase

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Singularity characterizationthrough waveforms

[F.J.H ’98, ’00, ’03, ‘07]

• generalization of zero- & first-order discontinuities

• measures wigglyness / # oscilations / sharpness

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Singularity characterizationthrough waveforms

[F.J.H ’98, ’00, ’03, ‘07]

1st order

• generalization of zero- & first-order discontinuities

• measures wigglyness / # oscilations / sharpness

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Singularity characterizationthrough waveforms

[F.J.H ’98, ’00, ’03, ‘07]

1st order


• generalization of zero- & first-order discontinuities

• measures wigglyness / # oscilations / sharpness

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Approach[Wakin et al ‘05-’-07, M&H ‘07]

• Use a detection-estimation technique

• multiscale detection => segmentation

• multiscale Newton technique to estimate the parameterization

• Overlay the image with the parameterization

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Seismic trace

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Singularity map

8 8.05 8.1 8.15 8.2 8.25 8.3












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0 5000 10000 15000 20000

Offset [m]










e [


Estimated alpha










Courtesy CGG Veritas

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Observations• Stratigraphy is detected

• Parameterization provides information on the lithology

• evidence of changes in exponents along clinoforms

• Method suffers from curvature in the imaged reflectors

• Extension to higher dimensions necessary

• Model that explains different types of transitions

• A step beyond the zero-& first-order discontinuities

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Modeling seismic singularities

Joint work with Yves Bernabe (MIT)

“Seismic singularities at upper-mantle phase transitions: a site percolation model” GJI ‘04

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ProblemEarth subsurface is highly heterogeneous

• sedimentary crust, upper-mantle transition zone & core-mantle boundary

Smooth relation volume fractions and the transport properties.

Homogenization/equivalent medium (EM) theory smoothes the singularities during upscaling

• relatively easy for volumetric properties (density)

• notoriously difficult for transport properties (velocity)

Q: How to preserve singularities in effective properties?

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Our approachInclude connectivity in models for the effective properties of bi-compositional mixtures <=> SWITCH

Start with binary mixtures, e.g.

• sand-shale

• gas-hydrate, Opal-Opal CT

• upper-mantle mineralogy

Studied two cases:

• elastic properties upper mantle (H & B ‘04)

• fluid-flow properties synthetic rock (B & H ‘04)

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Mixture laws for binary mixtures

Elastic case:

• Controlled by connectivity of stiffest phase

Fluid-flow case:

• Controlled by connectivity of high-conductivity phase

Note: Stiff phase = low porosity, low conductivity phase

No obvious link elastic-fluid flow properties ...

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Singularity modelingbinary mixtures


LP olivine


Site percolation

volume fraction

elastic properties

random process


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Singularity modelingbinary mixtures


LP olivine


Site percolation

volume fraction

elastic properties

random process


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Singularity modelingbinary mixtures


LP olivine


Site percolation

volume fraction

elastic properties

random process


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Mixing model

Homogeneous mixing (e.g., solid solution) of two phases (LP weak and HP strong) can only produce gradually varying elastic properties.

If Heterogeneous (e.g. emerging random macroscopic inclusions) mixing, then a singularity in the elastic properties must arise at the depth where the strong, HP phase becomes connected (observed in binary alloys).

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Site-percolation model

Assume volume fractions p and q =1–p, are linear functions of depth z.

At a critical depth zc, which corresponds to the percolation threshold pc = p(zc), an "infinite", connected HP cluster is formed.

For z ≥ zc

• not all HP inclusions belong to the infinite cluster.

• isolated HP inclusions can still be found, embedded in the remaining LP material and forming with it a mixture (M).

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Site-percolation model

Above zc we have a weak LP matrix containing randomly distributed, non-percolating, strong HP inclusions.

Below zc, a strong HP skeleton is intertwined with the weaker, mixed material M.

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Site-percolation model

Volume fraction p* of HP material that belongs to the infinite cluster

• is zero for p < pc (i.e., above zc)

• has a power-law dependence on (p - pc) for

p ≥ pc.

Hence, p* is given by:

p! = p

!p! pc

1! pc


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Site-percolation model

Mixed M is given by q* = (1 - p*).

For M, we need the volume fractions of its LP and HP parts,

qM = (1 - p)/{(1 - p) + (p - p*)}

pM = (1 - qM),


pM = 1! q

1! p!




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Site-percolation modelBinary mixture:

• Strong when its strong component is connected.

• Weak otherwise.

Assume locally isotropic

• Bin. mixtures bounded by Hashin-Shtrikman (HS).

• upper HS bound when strong component connects, the lower one applies otherwise.

Bulk modulus K of the co-existence region above zc is given by the lower HS bound:

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Site-percolation model

Below zc we must switch to the higher HS bound:

Since the HP inclusions in M are isolated, KM is calculated using the lower HS bound:

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Site-percolation model

Major consequence of this model is that it predicts:

• a β-order, cusp-like singularity in the elastic moduli as the critical depth zc is approached from below (instead of a first-/zero-order discontinuity).

• Singularities that persist for vanishing contrasts.

• Density that does not behave singularly.

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Site-percolation model

Elastic contrasts between LP and HP are small:

• Nearly coincident HS bounds.

• Excessively small contrasts.

Discard isotropy assumption:

•Horizontally-oriented oblate ellipsoidal inclusions which coalesce below zc into long, vertical dendrites, leaving prolate M inclusions between them.

•Transversely isotropic structure.

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Site-percolation modelNear normal incidence, VP and VS approach limiting values as the aspect ratio is goes to zero.

Same as replacing lower and higher HS bounds by Reuss and Voigt averages:

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Singularity model

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Singularity modelupper-mantle transitions

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Modeled data vs seismic

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Singularity-preserved upscaling

Joint work with Yves Bernabe (MIT)

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The problem

• Equivalent medium based upscaling washes out the singularities

• Reflection seismology lives by virtue of singularities in the elastic moduli (transport properties)

• Propose a singularity preserving upscaling method:

• upscales the lithology rather than the velocities

• Singularities can be due to sharp changes in composition or due to the switch ...

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Volume fractionsynthetic well

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 45000


















Synthetic well log

Courtesy Chevron

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Switch vs no switch

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 45001680










Velocity from lithology

Equivalent mediumPercolation model

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0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 11680







Volume fraction shale



Equivalent mediumPercolation model

Switch vs no switch


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Lithological upscalingvo


e fr



0 2 4 6 8 10










Upscaling of the lithology (volume fractions)

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EM-upscaled reflectivity

!1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10










Reflectivity for the Equivalen medium model


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Perco.-upscaled reflectivity

!1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10










Reflectivity for the Percolation model


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Relation to fluid flow&

open problemsjoint work with Yves Bernabe (MIT)

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Sedimentary crust

What does this model buy us? Some insight in

• the complexity of transitions

• the creation of a singularity for smooth varying composition, e.g. when clay lenses connect ...

• the morphology at transitions

• linking elastic and fluid properties remains a challenge ....

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Fluid flow

• difficult to model

• difficult to measure

[B&H ‘04]

Connectivity of the high conductive phase

measured modeled

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numerical simulationskHP/kLP from ~1 to 106

Steady-state flow equation:

Grid up to 50 X 50 X 50

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Sand-clay modelaccording HB model [HB ‘04]

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1







sand volume fraction

Vp and Vs (m/s)



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1





sand volume fraction

log10(permeability) (m2)



1950 2000 2050 2100 2150





Vp (m/s)

log10(permeability) (m2)



840 860 880 900 920 940 960 980




-12log10(permeability) (m2)



Vs (m/s)





velocities <=> permeability

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Elastic versus Fluid

• singularities in elastic properties are small

• singularities in fluid properties are large

• waves are way more sensitive to singularities then diffusion driven fluid flow

• models for fluid and elastic transport are not integrated

• incorporate in Biot?

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1









0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1















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Conclusions• Multiscale compressible signal representations that

exploit higher-dim. geometry are indispensable for acquiring accurate information on the imaged waveforms.

• Imaged waveforms carry information on the fine structure of the reflectors.

• Percolation model provides an interesting perspective

• on linking the micro-connectivity to singularities detected by waves

• on providing an upscaling that preserves features = singularities that matter ....

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The authors of CurveLab (Demanet, Ying, Candes, Donoho)

Chevron, Statoil, CGG-Veritas for providing data.

This work was mainly conducted as part of ChARM supported by Chevron.

This work was also partly supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Discovery Grant (22R81254) and the Collaborative Research and Development Grant DNOISE (334810-05) of F. J. H matching ChARM and the SINBAD project with support, secured through ITF (the Industry Technology Facilitator), from the following organizations: BG Group, BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Shell.