modafinil improves wakefulness in narcolepsy and adhd also used. it causes decresed gaba mediated neurotransmission. also increases alpha wavs while dereasing both beta and theta activity. thereby increasing mental alertness. alpha one blockers: doxazocin selective fr alpha 1 prazocin a1 terazocin a1 sympatholytic or anti adrenergic drugs: 4 types 1, beta adrenergic blockers propanolol, timolol,,nadolol,,metoprolol,,atenolol 2) alpha adrenergic blockers,,phenoxybenzamine,,prazosin. tolazoline,,phentolamine 3) centrally acting agents: clonidine,,guanfacine,,guanabenz,,methyldopa. 4) neuronal depleting agents: reserpine,,guanethedine


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modafinil improves wakefulness in narcolepsy and adhd also used. it causes decresed gaba mediated neurotransmission.also increases alpha wavs while dereasing both beta and theta activity.thereby increasing mental alertness.

alpha one blockers:doxazocin selective fr alpha 1prazocin a1terazocin a1

sympatholytic or anti adrenergic drugs:4 types1, beta adrenergic blockerspropanolol, timolol,,nadolol,,metoprolol,,atenolol2) alpha adrenergic blockers,,phenoxybenzamine,,prazosin.tolazoline,,phentolamine3) centrally acting agents:clonidine,,guanfacine,,guanabenz,,methyldopa.4) neuronal depleting agents:reserpine,,guanethedine