The Characters Crisóstomo Ibarra Also known in his full name as Juan Crisóstomo Ibarra y Magsalin, a Filipino who studied in Europe for 7 years, the love interest of Maria Clara. Son of the deceased Don Rafael Ibarra; Crisostomo changed his surname from Eibarramendia to Ibarra, from his ancestor's surname. Elías Ibarra's mysterious friend, a master boater, also a fugitive. He was referred to at one point as the pilot. He wants to revolutionize his country. Ibarra's grandfather condemned his grandfather of burning a warehouse, making Elias the fugitive he is. María Clara María Clara de los Santos, Ibarra's sweetheart; the illegitimate daughter of Father Dámaso and Pía Alba. Father Dámaso Also known in his full name as Dámaso Verdolagas, Franciscan friar and María Clara's biological father. Don Filipo A close relative of Ibarra, and a Filibuster. Linares A distant nephew of Don Tiburcio de Espadana, the would-be fiance of Maria Clara. Captain General (no specific name) The most powerful official in the Philippines, a hater of secular priests and corrupt officials, and a friend of Ibarra. Captain Pablo The Leader of the rebels, whose family was destroyed because of the Spanish. Tarcilo and Bruno Brothers, whose father was killed by the Spaniards. Sisa The mother of Basilio and Crispín, who went insane after losing her sons. Basilio The elder son of Sisa. Crispín The younger son of Sisa who died from the punishment from the soldiers from the false accusation of stealing an amount of money. Padre Sibyla Hernando de la Sibyla, a Filipino friar. He is described as short and has fair skin. Kaptain Tiago Also known in his fullname as Don Santiago de los Santos the known father of María Clara but not the real one; lives in Binondo. Padri Salví Also known in his full name as Bernardo Salví, a secret admirer of María Clara. Pilosopo Tasyo Also known as Don Anastasio, portrayed in the novel as a pessimist, cynic, and mad by his neighbors. The Alférez Chief of the Guardia Civil ; mortal enemy of the priests for the power in San Diego. Don Tiburcio Spanish husband of Donya Victorina who is limp and submissive to his wife; he also pretends to be a doctor. Doña Victorina Victorina de los Reyes de De Espadaña, a woman who passes herself off as a Peninsular. 1

ph-static.z-dn.net€¦  · Web viewCharacters of Noli Me Tangere. Juan Crisostomo Ibarra y Magsalin. Son of Filipino businessman, Don Rafael Ibarra, He studied in Europe for seven

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Page 1: ph-static.z-dn.net€¦  · Web viewCharacters of Noli Me Tangere. Juan Crisostomo Ibarra y Magsalin. Son of Filipino businessman, Don Rafael Ibarra, He studied in Europe for seven

The Characters

Crisóstomo Ibarra

Also known in his full name as Juan Crisóstomo Ibarra y Magsalin, a Filipino who studied in Europe for 7 years, the love interest of Maria Clara. Son of the deceased Don Rafael Ibarra; Crisostomo changed his surname from Eibarramendia to Ibarra, from his ancestor's surname.


Ibarra's mysterious friend, a master boater, also a fugitive. He was referred to at one point as the pilot. He wants to revolutionize his country. Ibarra's grandfather condemned his grandfather of burning a warehouse, making Elias the fugitive he is.

María Clara

María Clara de los Santos, Ibarra's sweetheart; the illegitimate daughter of Father Dámaso and Pía Alba.

Father Dámaso

Also known in his full name as Dámaso Verdolagas, Franciscan friar and María Clara's biological father.

Don Filipo

A close relative of Ibarra, and a Filibuster.


A distant nephew of Don Tiburcio de Espadana, the would-be fiance of Maria Clara.

Captain General (no specific name)

The most powerful official in the Philippines, a hater of secular priests and corrupt officials, and a friend of Ibarra.

Captain Pablo

The Leader of the rebels, whose family was destroyed because of the Spanish.

Tarcilo and Bruno

Brothers, whose father was killed by the Spaniards.


The mother of Basilio and Crispín, who went insane after losing her sons.


The elder son of Sisa.


The younger son of Sisa who died from the punishment from the soldiers from the false accusation of stealing an amount of money.

Padre Sibyla

Hernando de la Sibyla, a Filipino friar. He is described as short and has fair skin.

Kaptain Tiago

Also known in his fullname as Don Santiago de los Santos the known father of María Clara but not the real one; lives in Binondo.

Padri Salví

Also known in his full name as Bernardo Salví, a secret admirer of María Clara.

Pilosopo Tasyo

Also known as Don Anastasio, portrayed in the novel as a pessimist, cynic, and mad by his neighbors.

The Alférez

Chief of the Guardia Civil ; mortal enemy of the priests for the power in San Diego.

Don Tiburcio

Spanish husband of Donya Victorina who is limp and submissive to his wife; he also pretends to be a doctor.

Doña Victorina

Victorina de los Reyes de De Espadaña, a woman who passes herself off as a Peninsular.

Doña Consolación

Wife of the Alférez, another woman who passes herself as a Peninsular; best remembered for her abusive treatment of Sisa.


Abusive husband of Sisa who loves cockfighting.

Old Tasio

An older man who Ibarra seeks advice from. The town thinks him mad, but in actuality he is quite wise.

Characters of Noli Me Tangere

Juan Crisostomo Ibarra y Magsalin

Son of Filipino businessman, Don Rafael Ibarra, He studied in Europe for seven years

aria Clara

Crisostomo Ibarra’s fiancé, she is the most beautiful and widely celebrated girl in San Diego. She is an illegitimate daughter of Father Damaso

Don Santiago Delos Santos “Capitan Tiago”

He is considered one of the most hospitable men in the town. He is also known as the father of Maria Clara


Page 2: ph-static.z-dn.net€¦  · Web viewCharacters of Noli Me Tangere. Juan Crisostomo Ibarra y Magsalin. Son of Filipino businessman, Don Rafael Ibarra, He studied in Europe for seven


He is the mysterious friend of Crisostomo Ibarra. He believes that justice can be obtained through revolution

Friar Damaso Vardolagas

A Franciscan friar and the former parish curate of San Diego. He is known as notorious character that speaks with harsh words and has been a cruel priest during his stay in the town

Friar Hernando de la Sibyla

He is a Filipino friar, a Dominican curate in Binondo, described as short and has fair skin

Friar Bernardo Salvi

He is the curate of San Diego and the secret admirer of Maria Clara

Don Anastacio

He is known as Pilosopong Tacio. He is pessimist, wise and intelligent man

Don Tiburcio Espanada

He is a false doctor and the Spanish husband of Dona Victorina

Dona Victorina

She is a woman is ashamed of being a Filipino

he Alferez

He is the Chief of Guardia Civil

Dona Consolacion

She is the wife of Alferez and passes herself off as a Peninsulares. She is very abusive to Sisa


A loving mother of Basilio and Crispin


The younger son of Sisa and died because of being punished from the soldiers. He is accused of stealing an amount of money in the convent where he works with Basilio as a sacristan


The eldest son of Sisa

CHAPTER I: A Social Gathering

Setting: Captain Tiago’s house

Characters: Captain Tiago, Friar Damaso, Lieutenant Guevarra, Dona Victorina.


On the last of October near All Soul’s Day, Captain Tiago arranged a grand dinner in his home. Many guests came and most of them are uninvited because everyone wants to join since Captain Tiago is rich and known as one of the most hospitable men in San Diego. Before the evening meal, people talk among themselves and discuss different issues of interest. One of the visitors is Friar Damaso who just came back in Philippines and talks so harsh about Indios and had no regard for the rights and feelings of others whenever he opened his mouth. Other visitors include Lieutenant Guevarra, Friar Sibyla, Dr. Tiburcio and Dona Victorina.

CHAPTER II: Crisostomo Ibarra

Setting: Captain Tiago’s house

Characters: Captain Tiago, Crisostomo Ibarra, Friar Damaso, Lt.Guevarra, Captain Tinong


Captain Tiago greeted all the visitors and introduces Juan Crisostomo Ibarra, whose clothes clearly depicted that he is in grief. Friar Damaso was surprised to know that Ibarra is the son of Don Rafael. Crisostomo, who has just returned from Europe for his seven years study,

warmly greets Friar Damaso who became a good friend of his father; however the friar denies the existence of this close relationship. Lt. Guevarra approaches Ibarra greets him and wishes Crisostomo’s fate will be better than his father’s. Captain Tinong invited Crisostomo for a meal tomorrow but he rejected since he’ll be going to the town of San Diego.


Setting: Captain Tiago’s house

Characters: Friar Damaso, Friar Sibyla, Crisostomo Ibarra, Captain Tiago

Summary: The meal is ready and the guests gather at the dining table. Friar Damaso and Friar Sibyla both rush for the seat at the head of the table. Everyone is talking and praising the delicious foods served. The rest of the seats are occupied, and only Crisostomo Ibarra notices Captain Tiago is not seated in any of them. Ibarra offers the Captain his seat, but he refused. Friar Damaso is jealous and mad when Ibarra is served the meaty part of the chicken at dinner, while his was the skinny neck. While eating, Ibarra talked with some of the guests and they learned that Ibarra went to different countries and knows different languages. Soon after, Ibarra leaves the scene without waiting for the arrival of his love interest, Maria Clara. Friar Damaso laughed when Ibarra left and said Indios don’t have the right to study abroad since it will be useless.

CHAPTER IV: A Heretic and a Subversive


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Setting: On the streets

Characters: Crisostomo Ibarra, Lt.Guevarra


Crisostomo Ibarra walked to his destination and realized the town has never changed. Lt. Guevarra followed and warned him to be careful so he’ll not be the same to his father’s unlucky fate. Crisotomo then insisted Lt. Guevarra to tell his father’s story. According to him, Crisostomo’s father was the richest man in their town. He was respected but envied by some. Not longer Crisostomo left the country; Don Rafael made enemies and was falsely accused of killing someone. He was sent to jail and named as heretic and subversive. Lt. Guevarra tried his best to help Don Rafael. They won the case but later on after his freedom, Don Rafael died inside his jail cell. Lt.Guevarra stopped and told him that Captain Tiago will tell him more about his father.

CHAPTER V: A Star in the Dark Night

Setting: Fonda de Lala; Captain Tiago’s house

Characters: Crisostomo Ibarra, Maria Clara, Friar Damaso, Friar Salvi


Crisostomo Ibarra arrives in Fonda de Lala where he will stay and appreciates from a distance the lively singing and noise around Captain Tiago's house, which could be seen from the hotel window. He was confused and thinks about his poor father's death, and how life must have been extremely terrible for him in prison. Meanwhile, at the Captain's house, Maria Clara arrives. Friar Damaso shows great appreciation for the lady. Everyone stares at her most especially Friar Salvi who was late and was not able to join the supper.

CHAPTER VI: Captain Tiago

Setting: San Diego

Characters: Captain Tiago, Pia Alba, Friar Damaso, Maria Clara, Aunt Isabel


Captain Tiago is one of the richest man in the town, he have a lot of business and one of the most influential man. He is most likely powerful to the government and a friend to friars. He sees himself as a full Spanish and not a Filipino but he is short, has kayumanggi skin and rounded eyes. He and his wife, Dona Pia Alba, have been childless for years. After consulting Friar Damaso, the priest advised them to attend holy mass at the town of Ubando. Shortly after, Pia was with child. But, she becomes sickly and troubled for the entire duration of her pregnancy. She died after giving birth to a daughter, Maria Clara. Friar Damaso became her godfather when she was christened and was taken cared by Aunt Isabel, the cousin of Captain Tiago. Maria Clara and Crisostomo Ibarra became childhood friends.

Captain Tiago and Don Rafael were good friends as well and they agreed that their children will get married.

CHAPTER VII: Idyll in an Azotea

Setting: Azotea in Captain Tiago’s house

Characters: Crisostomo Ibarra, Maria Clara, Captain Tiago, Aunt Isabel


Early in the morning Aunt Isabel and Maria Clara attended the mass. After the mass, Maria Clara went home and sewed while impatiently waiting for Crisostomo Ibarra. Finally he came and had time to have a private talk with Maria Clara at the azotea of Captain Tiago's house. This is their first time to meet personally in seven years. They exchange thoughts, reminisced their childhood and prove that neither of them had forgotten their love to each other. Suddenly Maria Clara open the letter Ibarra gave her before he left for Europe; she read it in front of him to see his reaction. In the letter stating why Don Rafael sent Ibarra to Europe, Crisostomo suddenly stood and blushed. Maria stopped reading and asked Ibarra why. Ibarra simply answered because of Maria Clara, he forgot his task and needs to go now because tomorrow is All Soul’s Day. Captain Tiago told Ibarra to tell Anding to fix their house in San Diego since Aunt Isabel and Maria Clara will have vacation there. Ibarra nodded and left. Maria Clara felt sad and cried going to her room. His father followed her and told her to light two candles to San Roque and San Rafael, two Saints whom they usually pray for safe trip.


Setting: Along the way to San Diego

Characters: Crisostomo Ibarra, Friar Damaso, Captain Tinong, two daughters


From Captain Tiago's house, after a heartwarming conversation with Maria Clara, Ibarra continues on his way to the town of San Diego. In all of the places he passes through he notices no change in them since he left seven years ago. He noticed that the Mariveles tree didn’t change in San Gabriel. In Escolta, he observed that it’s even worse. Along his way, he saw Friar Damaso inside the carriage. He also saw Captain Tinong with his two daughters in another carriage and greeted Ibarra. He passed by Arroceros where tobacco are manufactured. He remembers that he was fainted once because of the unpleasant smell of tobacco. When he passed by the botanical garden, he forgot about the happy memories and remembers the garden in Europe that is very eye-catching and welcoming. He sighs and viewed the old Manila surrounded by thick and mossy walls. Suddenly, he remembers the advice of a friar before he leaves for Europe: (1) Knowledge is only reached by people who have the heart (2) Knowledge


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must be nurtured so it will be passed by next and (3) Foreigners come to our lands searching for gold, and you go must go to their lands to look for the gold as well.

CHAPTER IX: Some Country Matters

Setting: Captain Tiago’s house


Maria Clara, Aunt Isabel, Friar Damaso, Captain Tiago, Friar Sibyla, old Dominican priest


While Aunt Isabel waits for Maria Clara inside the carriage that were headed to the nunnery to fetch the maiden's things , Friar Damaso came whispering something and urgently entered the house .Aunt Isabel thought he was just memorizing his sermon for the mass. Friar Damaso meets Captain Tiago and tells him that he needs to talk with him privately for a very important matter. Meanwhile, in Intramuros, Friar Sibyla is deep in conversation with an old Dominican priest inflicted with a serious illness. Friar Sibyla tells him about the conflict between Friar Damaso and Ibarra, they exchange thoughts about Ibarra.

Friar Damaso blames Captain Tiago for not being honest with him and threatens him that he should tell him everything because he is the godfather of Maria Clara. After he left, Captain Tiago puts off the candles Maria Clara lighted for the two saints for Ibarra’s trip to San Diego.


Setting: Town of San Diego

Characters: Old Spaniard, Don Rafael, Don Saturnino, Friar Damaso


San Diego is a town at the margin of the lake and within the meadows and paddy-fields. Harvested sugar, rice, coffee and fruits were then sold to the Chinese at a very cheap price. At the dome of the church, you can almost see the whole town and one particular distinction is the forest within the fields, which holds many different fictions. Just like any town, San Diego also has its own legend. Once, an old Spaniard arrived at the wood and inquired about its owner. The old man then acquired the land in exchange for clothes, jewelry, and cash. Suddenly, the old man disappeared. The people thought that he was taken by the spirits but then, it was discovered by a shepherd of carabaos discovered a foul odor and was actually the old man’s corpse decaying hanging in the Ballete tree. Sometime later, a young man claiming that he’s the son of the deceased Spaniard. He was Don Saturnino. He devoted his time into cultivating the land. Not long, he married a young woman from Manila. She gave birth to Don Rafael

Ibarra, the father of Crisostomo. Unlike Don Saturnino, Don Rafael was love by the country people. He was able to prosper his land, which brought in new settlers. The village eventually became a town and Father Damaso became its priest after the previous priest died. CHAPTER XI: The Sovereigns: Divide and Rule

Setting: San Diego

Characters: Don Rafael Ibarra, Captain Tiago, The town captain, Friar Salvi, The sacristan mayor, the alferez, Dona Consolacion


This chapter describes the powerful people in the town of San Diego. Don Rafael is the father of Crisostomo. He is known as the most powerful man since he is the richest, he is highly respected but in the end, townspeople are against him. Captain Tiago is a rich businessman, welcomed by musical band and offered with delightful foods if he visits the town but at his back, people call him Sacristan Tiago. The town’s captain is like a puppet and not considered as powerful since he bought his position for 5000 pesos and frequently yelled by the Mayor. San Diego is similar to Rome and Italy for the competition for the position in the town. They are Friar Salvi, a thin and youthful Franciscan and the Alferez who’s always surrounded by civil guards. Dona Consolacion is the wife of Alferez, a Filipina who likes to wear make-up and in his husband’s absence she controls the civil guards. Friar Salvi and Alferez are the real powerful people in the town of San Diego, they are called Casique.

CHAPTER XII: All Saint’s Day

Setting: At the cemetery

Characters: Two grave diggers, Don Rafael, old man


The cemetery of San Diego is at the west side of the town, in the midst of the paddy-fields. In the center rises a large wooden cross with the inscription INRI. At the foot of the cross is a pile of bones and skulls thrown by grave-diggers. The cemetery looks spooky and uninhabited. On the further side of the grave, two grave diggers were digging up a recently buried corpse. One was old and indifferent about what they were doing and the other was dreadful. The other exposed that a fat curate had ordered the corpse to be dug up and buried in the Chinese cemetery but was rejected.

An old man then entered the cemetery and went straight to the pile of skulls and bones at the foot of the cross. It was hard for him to find his wife’s skull so he asked for the grave diggers help in return for a coin but the grave digger was uninterested and gave him a different skull. Due to the heavy rain and the corpse was heavy; they just decided to throw the body in the lake.

CHAPTER XIII: A Gathering Storm4

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Setting: At the cemetery

Characters: Crisostomo Ibarra, old gravedigger, Friar Salvi


Crisostomo Ibarra went to the cemetery to visit his father’s grave. The old gravedigger admitted that his father’s remains is no longer there and the curate was the one who ordered them to dig up the corpse of Don Rafael and then thrown into the lake. Ibarra left and was furious about what he knew. In his way, he met Friar Salvi who is now the curate and attacked him with harsh words and forcing him to kneel before him for belittling his father’s grave. Friar Salvi talks back and said it wasn’t him then confessed that it was Friar Damaso who’s the curate during that time and is responsible for that ill act.

CHAPTER XIV: Philosopher Tacio

Setting: San Diego: cemetery, church, town

Characters: Philosopher Anastacio, Basilio, Crispin, Don Felipo, Doray


Philosopher Tacio was called Don Anastacio before. He always wanders around and looks like no sense of direction. He visited the cemetery to find the destroyed grave of his wife. He is known as lunatic by the poor. He is a son of rich but because of his high intelligence, his mother stopped him from going to school because she was worried he might get too much knowledge and might forget that there is God. His mother also wants him to become a priest but he didn’t followed and later on married but after a year his wife died. There, he focused himself to books and never mind the riches he inherited.

Tacio went to the church and saw Basilio and Crispin. He informed the two sacristans that their mother is preparing them a festive dinner. He went out the church and headed to the house of the couple Don Felipo and Doray. In their conversation Doray mentioned about purgatory since it’s already All Soul’s Day. Tacio defends that he don’t believe in purgatory but it’s good because it’s holy and there’s a lot good results to the people since it’s like a connection of the living and dead.

He then left because the rain is getting heavier with lightning and thunders. But despite the weather, Tacio raised his two hands and shouts while walking in the rain leaving the couple behind.

CHAPTER XV: The Altar Boys

Setting: Church

Characters: Crispin, Basilio, Sacristan Mayor


In spite of the storm, the two altar brothers Basilio and Crispin had to go up the bell tower of the church to ring the bells at eight in the evening. They only get two pesos salary for a month for working in the church. Both boys talked about the parish priest's lost silver. All they want is to go home to take their supper. Crispin, the younger one, was blamed for having allegedly stolen the money since their father is a drunkard and gambler. The mayor won’t let them go if they didn’t return the stolen money, he was so angry then even penalized Basilio for 3 pesos for not ringing the bell pleasantly. Crispin was tortured by the priest and the sacristan mayor. Basilio luckily escaped.


Setting: Sisa’s house

Characters: Sisa, husband, Basilio


It’s already late in the evening and everyone in San Diego seems asleep but Sisa is still awake in her small hut outside the town where Philosopher Tacio’s house is also located. Sisa is so unfortunate for marrying an irresponsible husband. Because of this only Sisa is working and taking care of the boys. She was even forced to sell all her jewelries and pearls she possesses when she’s still a maiden to provide food for family. Despite her husband’s attitude she still understands and tolerates him. To her, husband is her God and angels are her children.

That night, Sisa patiently waited for her two boys to come home. She had already prepared supper that’s same like the friars. But instead of Basilio and Crispin it was her husband, a drunkard and a gambler, who walked through the door and ate almost all the food she prepared, leaving nothing for their sons. He went on a rampage, and left telling his wife that if the boys ever brought home some money she should leave some for him. Sisa can’t do anything but cry and cook the anchovies since she knows her sons will come hungry and tired. Minutes later Basilio arrived, out of breath and bleeding.


Setting: Sisa’s house

Characters: Sisa, Basilio


Basilio came home drenched with blood and runs to her mother’s arms. He told her mother that the civil guards are chasing him and tried to stop him but he kept running so they fired a bullet to him which he was wounded. Basilio also told his mother that Crispin was left in the convent and admits that Crispin was accused of stealing money but he didn’t mentioned about him


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being punished by the Sacristan Mayor and the friar. Sisa felt sad and cried because of what he heard about Crispin, she sent Basilio to sleep since if their father comes seeing them, they’ll just be beaten .Basilio requested that three of them would be better without their father. Sisa deep inside her felt pain about what his son said.

As Basilio is sleeping, he had a nightmare. In his dreams, Crispin died in the cruel hands of the friar and Sacristan Mayor. Sisa woke him up because of his loud cry and asked him what he dreamt. Basilio didn’t tell her and instead told about his plans for them: to end them working in the convent; to ask for Ibarra’s help to hire him as a caretaker of his animals; and if he’s big enough would ask Ibarra to give him a piece of land where they can farm. According to Basilio, it will make their living better if ever his plans will succeed. Sisa was delighted about his good plans for their better life but secretly cried because her husband wasn’t included in Basilio’s plans.

CHAPTER XVIII: Souls in Anguish

Setting: Convent

Characters: Sisa, Sacristans


That morning, people noticed that Friar Salvi is sick while he had the mass this morning. It is All Souls' Day, and the streets are filled with people talking about plenary indulgence and all other religious practices and beliefs relating to the holiday. The young widows and workers are busy talking and they didn’t notice when Sisa arrived. She makes her way to the convent to fetch her son Crispin and expecting Crispin’s voice but she is told that the boy is not there and that the little thief had stolen money and escaped. Sisa breaks down in tears and left the convent with her confused mind.

CHAPTER XIX: The Travails of a Schoolmaster

Setting: In the lake

Characters: Crisostomo Ibarra, Schoolteacher


The teacher in the town of San Diego accompanies Ibarra to the part in the lake where Don Rafael's body was found, and there Ibarra pays respects to the memory of his father. The schoolteacher mentions to Crisostomo the great help of Don Rafael in providing for children's needs for education in San Diego.

The schoolteacher also mentioned about Friar Damaso who always intervene in the decisions and rules of the school. When the schoolteacher grew ill he stopped teaching and when he returned for his service, his students became few and the curate wasn’t Friar Damaso anymore so he felt at ease and confidence, he

tried to translate in Filipino the books written in Spanish and added more subjects to teach the children.

The story moves Ibarra, and so he decides to build a school for the kids. This, he says, will do great honor and justice to the memory of his father.

CHAPTER XX: The Meeting in the Town hall

Setting: Town hall

Characters: Crisostomo Ibarra, Don Felipo, old conservative group, liberated group, Captain Basilyo


The town hall is a place where authoritative people held their meetings. From the lake, Ibarra and the school teacher made their way to the town hall and the meeting about the feast is about to begin. There are people deciding on what type of celebration that must be held, Don Felipo is the one who organized the meeting and there are two types of political party in the town, the old conservative group and the liberated youths. They are discussing about the coming feast of San Diego. The meeting came to different topics and Captain Basilyo requests them to make their statements brief, because time is gold and they were running out of time. Don Felipo then presented the proposal about the expenses; they rejected it and the old conservative group proposed that they should save money for the feast; no need for fireworks and the comedy show should present social behaviors to diminish wicked manners. But then the discussion came to end and the captain said they should just agree to what the friar wants. The final decision is to have six processions, three homilies, three high mass and comedy show at Tondo. The two groups just agreed to it.

CHAPTER XXI: A Mother’s Story

Setting: Along the streets

Characters: Sisa, Civil guards,


Sisa is confused to what the civil guards told her and runs all the way home. She kept worrying how she can save her two sons and that she desperately wants to protect them from the civil guards. When she was near her home she saw two civil guards leaving their home, she felt released because Basilio wasn’t with them. The civil guards asked Sisa where they kept the money Crispin stole. They force her to admit it but then even Sisa tried to please them, they didn’t hear and carelessly dragged her to the headquarters. Sisa nearly dies of shame from the sharp stares of the people who just finished the mass. Meanwhile, the Alferez was troubled and then command the guards to let Sisa out. She went back again their house and called her sons names but there were no signs of them. She became nervous and her body uncontrollably shaking when he sees Basilio’s shirt with blood stained on it. The next day


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she wandered along the streets crying, shouting and all the people sees her with fright.

CHAPTER XXII: Lights and Shadow

Setting: Town of San Diego

Characters: Maria Clara, Crisostomo Ibarra, Aunt Isabel, Friar Salvi, Sisa and her husband


Maria Clara is together with her Aunt Isabel or the feast in San Diego. Everyone was talking about and excited to see a glimpse of her since it’s been long time since she got back to her birthplace. And everyone loves her for being sweet-natured, kind and beautiful. Friar Salvi is among the people who were withdrawn since her arrival. When Ibarra came, a lot even talked about them and Ibarra always visit her. She was glad because they’ll have picnic tomorrow and she begged him not to invite Friar Salvi but Ibarra insisted the Friar should be there since it can’t be avoided. On Ibarra’s way home, he met Sisa and her husband seeking for help for their sons. But Ibarra, don’t have enough time to talk with them.

CHAPTER XXIII: The Fishing Excursion

Setting: On the lake

Characters: Maria Clara, Crisostomo Ibarra, Elias, Maria’s friends


Its picnic day and early in the morning they go on the lake using a boat ride headed for the forest. Everyone is enjoying the fun and excitement. Maria is with her friends Iday, Victorina, Sinang and Neneng. While they are waiting for the food to be cooked, Maria Clara sings a patriotic melody. This stirs the emotions of everyone there, but most especially kindles sadness in the hearts of Elias and Ibarra. Ibarra remembers the pain of losing his father in ways more cruel than he could have imagined, and Elias recalls his painful past. They tried to catch fishes in the lake but not a single fish was caught. They said that the lake is not a good place for fishing since some crocodiles just live nearby and frightened all the fish away. A crocodile suddenly appears and Elias tried to get rid of it but when it nearly kills him, Crisostomo jumps off the boat and takes on the monster, saving Elias's life. They continued fishing and they caught a lot then went to the forest that Ibarra owns.

CHAPTER XXIV: In the woods

Setting: In the forest

Characters: Maria Clara, Crisostomo Ibarra, Elias, Maria’s friends, Friar Salvi, Sisa, Civil guards


Friar Salvi goes through the mass hurriedly in order to join in the picnic, as Ibarra had invited him. When he arrives he secretly follows the ladies around as they look for a certain bird's nest. He was so happy and plans to follow them but then he proceeds to the picnic area where the fun is. Suddenly Sisa came, Ibarra offered her food but Sisa hurriedly went away. In the middle of all the interesting amusement, the civil guards arrive in search of Elias. Although they are unable to capture the man and he is nowhere to be found, the ladies decided to go home.

CHAPTER XXV: In the Philosopher’s home

Setting: House of Philosopher Tacio

Characters: Crisostomo Ibarra, Philosopher Tacio,


Ibarra visits the home of Philosopher Tacio that looks almost like a library with all his many books and he saw him writing heirographics in Filipino. They talked about a variety of things like language, history, geography, and nature. They also talk about Elias and how the picnic went the day before. Ibarra learns that it was Dona Consolacion, the "muse of the civil guards," who ordered Elias's arrest. Crisostomo tells the old man the reason for his visit to ask for advice regarding his plans of building a schoolhouse. Philosopher Tacio responds by telling Ibarra that he had come to the wrong person; that he should rather consult Friar Salvi, the captain, and all the other men in office. Asking for their advice, Philosopher Tacio does not necessarily mean that Ibarra has to follow them, only that the latter must make it seem like he has high regard for their opinion on the matter. Ibarra mentioned about building a schoolhouse and he wants his advice, Philosopher Tacio was overwhelmed and further advises him to keep his head down among the friars.

CHAPTER XXVI: The Eve of the Feast

Setting: San Diego

Characters: Crisostomo Ibarra, Nol Juan, Philosopher Tacio


On the 10th of November, the streets of San Diego are bedazzled with colorful decorations, there are fireworks, majestic music played by the bands, and all the kitchens are busy preparing for varieties of delicious foods. To the house of the rich, the foods are all served including ham and duck, beers and wines from Europe. During feast, all foods served are for everyone. In the town plaza, they fixed a stage for the comedy show of Tondo. Crisostomo Ibarra is busy working out the plans for the new schoolhouse. His architect, Nol Juan, observes the unique rafter that will be used to put down the cornerstone. Then he explains the schoolhouse they are building, one side for the boys and


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the other for the girls. In this project, a lot of rich people offered help but rejected it since it’s not for the church. By this, Crisostomo Ibarra becomes the role model of the children the person they would want to become when they grow up. Ibarra confidently reports to Philosopher Tacio the obvious success of his new project. The sage in return responds, "If you are greeted with smiles, be more watchful of enemies hiding in the shadows”.


Setting: San Diego

Characters: Maria Clara, Captain Tiago, Crisostomo Ibarra, leper, Sisa


Everyone was enjoying the feast and among all the people, Captain Tiago’s banquet is the most abundant and he did that on purpose because of Maria Clara and Crisostomo Ibarra’s noble work. Ibarra’s name spread like wildfire and even got praises in the newspapers around Manila. Maria asked permission from her father to go out with her friend and Ibarra; he let her but advised her to come back before supper because Friar Damaso will be joining them. Captain Tiago also invited Ibarra but he reasoned out that they are waiting for guests in their home.

Maria and Ibarra went out with Iday and Victoria and at their back her Aunt Isabel. Along the way they meet an old leper. Out of pity, Maria Clara gives to the leper her scapular as a gift. Suddenly Sisa came and held the leper’s arms, showed him the lights in the church and told him that his son Basilio is there then pointed at the light of the convent saying Crispin is there. Then she left singing, the leper also left with his basket. To what Maria witnessed, she just whispered that there are really unfortunate ones.


Setting: San Diego

Characters: Maria Clara


The newspapers in Manila describes about the feast happening at San Diego and no any town can be compared to how grand and fanciful the feast. In the feast, they wondered why Ibarra wasn’t around. Rumors of him being sick made Maria Clara worried so she writes a letter to Ibarra because she hasn’t seen him. She stated that she’ll pray and will light a candle for him for his recovery. She also asked if he can visit her tomorrow.


Setting: San Diego

Characters: Philosopher Tacio, Lieutenant, Don Felipo, Maria, Ibarra, Captain Tiago, Spaniards, townspeople


Early in the morning, the bands played music, the bells ring ad there are fireworks, and the people woke up. They all put on their best dresses and embellished with expensive jewelries except for Philosopher Tacio. The Lieutenant greeted him and he answered that too much happiness is like throwing money. Don Felipo agreed to it but can’t do anything because it’s what the captain and the curate wants. The people are excited to hear what Friar Damaso will talk in the mass.

8 in the morning, the procession started and can exactly determine who’s poor and rich by their clothes. The procession simultaneously began with fireworks and church songs. The procession passed by the house of Captain Tiago where he is there together with Maria, Ibarra and the other Spaniards. Friar Salve ignored the people he knows and just put his head up.

CHAPTER XXX: In the Church

Setting: Church

Characters: Townspeople, Alferez, Civil guards, Friar Damaso, Sacristans


A huge number of people gathered in the church and everyone wants to touch the holy water. The sermon is paid for P250 including the comedy show that will perform for three nights. They feel okay to pay even it’s very expensive and the once who will watch the comedy will go to hell while the ones who will listen to the sermon will go to heaven. The Alferez is late, and the mass does not start until after he arrives. When the Alferez came with his civil guards and some people thought he’s wearing like a comedian. Friar Damaso begins the mass and everyone puts their attention to the mass and eagerly wants to listen.


Setting: Church

Characters: Friar Damaso, Friars, church goers, Ibarra, Elias


Friar Damaso proves that he can deliver the sermon in both Spanish and Tagalog. Friar Sibyla and Friar Martin are amazed to how he delivers the words. The sermon has two parts: the first one is in Spanish, and the second in Tagalog. Friar Damaso only prepares for the first part, which unfortunately also turns into a disaster when he inserts cunning comments about Ibarra when he saw him seat in the corner. The friar's dictator becomes lost in his reading, since there are no notes written there regarding such hateful accusations against the youth. When time comes to start the second part of


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the sermon, which is in Tagalog, Damaso does not conduct it very well, thinking that none of the natives understand proper rhetoric. The friar overhears a student in the crowd remark that the he is probably speaking Greek, and Friar Damaso becomes furious. A lot became sleepy, Captain Tiago yawns and Maria wasn’t listening at all since she’s busy looking at Ibarra where he’s seated. Friar Salvi signals Friar Damaso to end the sermon but he still continued it. Elias approaches Ibarra right after the sermon ends and whispers, "During the blessing, do not depart from where the curate (Friar Salvi) stands; do not descend down the excavation; do not approach the cornerstone because it is a matter of life and death." Elias left.


Setting: Schoolhouse site

Characters: Nol Juan, Ibarra, yellowish man, Elias, Philosopher Tacio


Nol Juan praises the great workmanship done by the yellowish man on the pulley. The yellowish man is most likely suffering from malaria, which was a common disease during those days, or a disorder of the liver. When asked where he learned such skills, the youth replies that he was taught by his father who learned it from a Don Saturnino. The yellowish man's father was a worker of Don Saturnino, Crisostomo's great-grandfather, who might have undergone great torture, suffering, and forced labor while he was in service.

Elias, disguised as a local farmer, observes that the yellowish man is apparently impatient and nervous as he grasps onto the rope of the pulley bearing the cornerstone. Elias positions himself beside the yellow man in eagerness, and winks at Ibarra to remind him of the warning he said earlier during the mass. Later when Ibarra descends to the quarry, the beam of the pulley suddenly breaks, letting loose the cornerstone which crushes the yellowish man to death, but leaves Ibarra unharmed. Philosopher Tacio was among the ones who witnessed it and whispers it’s a bad start.


Setting: Ibarra’s home

Characters: Ibarra, Elias


Crisostomo Ibarra went home to change his clothes. Elias arrived and told Ibarra that he had just returned the favor for saving him before. Elias arrives. He goes on to remind him not to hint to those people in power the warning that Elias gave him earlier in the church. Elias explains that it would be better for Ibarra if his enemies thought he wasn't ready. Ibarra is astonished and he had no idea he had enemies. Actually Ibarra’s enemies are everywhere because of his ancestors and

also because of his plan in building the school. Elias doubted the yellow man because he never asks any higher salary despite the incredible things he knows. Ibarra was saddened because he might have a lot of things to do with his life because of his skills. Ibarra tries to discover who Elias is, if he finished his schooling or what. But Elias left since he knew that there will be a lot of people who wants to talk with him. He told Ibarra that he’ll always be there since he has that debt of gratitude to him.


Setting: Schoolhouse

Characters: Ibarra, alferez, Captain Tiago, Friar Damaso, Friar Salvi, Maria Clara


Crisostomo Ibarra returns to the schoolhouse. The famous people in the town gathers, Ibarra and the mayor are seated on either side of the long table at dinner. Also in attendance are Captain Tiago, the alferez, and the town captain. Captain Tiago receives a letter, informing him that the captain general will be visiting his house. Tiago excuses himself right away. The guests notice that Friar Damaso is not there. Talk eventually centers on the priest's sermon during the mass. Only Friar Salvi remains silent and motionless in his seat. When Friar Damaso arrives, the dinner is just about finished. The priest starts declaring insults with the intention of enraging and provoking Ibarra, but the he remains prudent the entire time. However, when Damaso starts mocking the name of Don Rafael, Ibarra loses his calm and attacks the friar, holding a knife to his throat. Maria Clara stops Ibarra before he could do further hurt the friar, causing Ibarra to drop the knife and leaves the place.


Setting: San Diego

Characters: Townspeople, Don Felipo, Kapitana Maria


News spreads about Ibarra and Friar Damaso’s encounter. There are even rumors claiming that the friar is already dead. There are those who praise Ibarra, like Don Felipo and those who find mistake in Ibarra's lack of prudence. Most of the mothers talk among themselves, assured that Ibarra's soul is surely condemned to burn in hell after what he did to a man of God. There are other women, too, who are on his side like Kapitana Maria who claims that if her two sons were in Ibarra's shoes, she wouldn't be ashamed of it. According to her, it is a rare and honorable occurrence when a son defends the name of his parents, even if they are already dead. Most of the townspeople think that not only will Ibarra be excommunicated; he is also bound to be considered a filibuster. Others said that the


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building of the school house will be canceled since he is labeled as a filibuster by the Friar.

CHAPTER XXXVI: The First Cloud

Setting: Captain Tiago’s house

Characters: Captain Tiago, Friar Damaso, Captain General, Maria Clara, Aunt Isabel


Crisostomo Ibarra is excommunicated, as punishment for his cruel and shameful treatment of Friar Damaso. Maria Clara breaks down in tears, and Captain Tiago visits her in the convent. Maria and Ibarra are not allowed to meet nor talk to each other. There, Damaso makes clear to Tiago that the planned marriage between Ibarra and Maria Clara is to be invalidated. According to Friar Damaso, Tiago will be hanged and after his death his soul will go straight to hell. Friar Damaso wants Maria to marry a Spaniard, a relative of his who will be visiting from Spain. Maria cries and told Captain Tiago that changing a lover is not the same like changing clothes.

Suddenly the captain general arrives at the house and everyone became hectic. Aunt Isabel entered her room asking Maria who stays in solitude insider her room to dress up because the captain general wants to talk with her.

CHAPTER XXXVII: His Excellency

Setting: Captain Tiago’s house

Characters: Captain Tiago, Captain General, Crisostomo Ibarra, Maria Clara, Sinang, youth


The first person the captain general wishes to see is Ibarra. However, since Ibarra is still to be called upon, his Excellency instead addresses the matter of a youth who had gone into a fistfight with Friar Damaso the day before, after he had insulted the sermon. The Friars came and when the general asks where Friar Damaso is, he is told that the friar is bedridden in the convent. His Excellency then speaks with Maria Clara. He thanks her for having stopped Ibarra from killing the friar, and asks her to name the reward she would wish to receive for such a noble act. Ibarra arrives shortly, and discusses with the captain general. They exchange opinions and ideas, and the general grows very fond of the youth. His Excellency promises to talk with the Archbishop regarding Ibarra's case so that the latter's state of excommunication may be lifted. He asks about Ibarra's marriage with Maria Clara, and offers to be godfather during the wedding ceremony. Ibarra went to find Maria, he knocked in her room but instead Sinang showed up then said he’ll just write his letters to her. Ibarra was confused.


Setting: San Diego

Characters: Captain Tiago, Crisostomo Ibarra, Captain General, Maria Clara, Friar Salvi, Philosopher Tacio


Another procession is held, where the town displays the images of St. John, St. Francis, San Diego, and the Virgin. There are so many fireworks and looks like everyone is carrying a lighted lantern. The captain walks together with the mayor, Captain Tiago, and Crisostomo Ibarra. They watch the procession from the captain's balcony. When the statue of the Virgin Mary passes by Tiago's house, Maria Clara sings "Ave Maria" in a melody so sad that would cause one to ponder upon the cause of such miserable. Friar Salvi stopped when he heard the beautiful voice of Maria while Ibarra felt sad. Ibarra doesn't know that Captain Tiago had agreed to Friar Damaso's move to nullify their planned marriage; Maria Clara on the other hand, is not aware that Tiago consented to the captain general's request of being godfather at the wedding. Philosopher Tacio sees the ragged and poor clothing of the saints and sarcastically remarks that the saints would be ashamed if they would see the lifestyle of their fellow servants of God. Captain General invited Ibarra to join them later in dinner to discuss the loss of Crispin and Basilio.

CHAPTER XXXIX: Dona Consolacion

Setting: The Alferez house

Characters: Dona Consolacion, Sisa, Alferez, civil guards


In the house of the alferez, all the windows are closed even the procession passed by their home. The Alferez won’t allow his wife to attend mass because he’s actually ashamed to show off the vile and horrible image of his wife.

Sisa, who was taken into custody for creating social disturbance, has been in the barracks for two days now. Sisa hears Maria Clara's mournful song, and sings a sad ballad herself. The civil guards stay silent, listening. Dona Consolacion hears the woman, and forces her to sing and dance for her own amusement. When Sisa won’t follow her orders, he would whip her and her thin clothes were torn. Dona Consolacion feels happy to what she’s doing since she passed her madness to her. The alferez arrives shortly, and commands his servant to dress Sisa, feed her, give her a suitable bed for the night, and then bring her to Ibarra the following day.

CHAPTER XL: Right and Might

Setting: Town Plaza

Characters: Don Felipo, Philosopher Tacio, Maria and friend, Ibarra, Friar Salve, Captain General, the Alferez


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At 10 o’clock in the evening, the fireworks began. The townspeople were preparing themselves for the play; Don Felipo was ruling over the show and was talking with Philosopher Tacio over his resignation. However, the Mayor was unwilling to accept it and would talk about it after the feast. When Maria Clara and her friends arrived, they end their discussion as Don Felipo escorted the ladies to their seats. The curate and some Spaniards followed them. When Ibarra arrived after the first scene, he heard all the murmurs of people but never minded it. Father Salve immediately ordered him to be sent out but Don Felipo reasoned that Ibarra is one of the heaviest contributors of the play and has a right to be there as long as he doesn’t disturb the peace. And another reason is he’s been in a long conversation with the Captain General and the Alferez so there’s nothing to worry about. The curate went as far as threatening that if is not put out, they would leave. Don Felipo did not give in still and so they were forced to leave.

Two civil guards came and asked Don Felipo to stop the show because the Alferez and his wife can’t sleep but he just ignored it. Later on the people there was a commotion. It just stopped when Elias and Ibarra calmed the people down but the newspaper writer wrote that it was Father Salvi who was responsible for calming the mob. For which, the town would be forever thankful.

CHAPTER XLI: Two Visitors

Setting: Ibarra’ laboratory

Characters: Ibarra, Elias, Lucas


While Ibarra passes time in his laboratory, later on his servant came in and told him he have a visitor, it was Elias with the news of Maria Clara's illness. The lady had apparently caught fever. Ibarra asks Elias how he was able to stop the riot the night before. Shortly after Elias leaves, Ibarra heads toward Captain Tiago's house to visit Maria Clara. Along the way he comes across Lucas, the brother of the yellowish man who had attempted to kill Ibarra, who asks him for money for his grieving family. Ibarra, aggravated, tells the man to return in the afternoon. Lucas followed Ibarra with his eyes and murmurs he really is an Ibarra like his ancestors who let his family suffer but if Ibarra pays him a huge amount, they’ll be friends.

CHAPTER XLII: The Espadana Couple

Setting: Captain Tiago’s house

Characters: Espadana couple, Maria, Linares, Friar Damaso


Captain Tiago requested for Don Tiburio’s services because Maria Clara is sick. Don Tiburcio, a Spanish

marine who ended up in the Philippines after being unable to continue his duties due to an accident that rendered him a cripple. He and his wife Dona Victorina arrive at Capitan Tiago's house together with a young Spanish gentleman, Linares. Suddenly Friar Salve came and they introduced him to Linares. While waiting for the coming of Friar Damaso, fake doctor Don Tiburcio gave Maria medications. They introduce Linares to Maria and he was so struck by her beauty. Friar Damaso came even though he just came from sick


Setting: Captain Tiago’s house

Characters: Espadana Couple, Maria, Friar Damaso, Friar Salve, Lucas


After Don Tiburcio de Espadana checks on Maria Clara and gives her a prescription, Friar Damaso arrives and talks with her, he breaks down in tears telling Maria won’t die. Maria was shocked to how the friar acted. He went to the balcony and cried like a child, they said he’s such a good godfather to Maria. The friar is introduced to Linares, and summons up a plan to arrange the marriage to Maria Clara.

Meanwhile, Lucas is formulating a plan to harm Ibarra. Friar Salvi also has plans of his own. Lucas greeted him and talked about his brother’s death that Ibarra only gave him P500. Friar Salvi was pissed off and said he’s lucky Ibarra didn’t put him to jail.

CHAPTER XLIV: An Examination of Conscience

Setting: Maria’s room

Characters: Friar Salvi, Maria Clara, Dona Victorina


Friar Salvi is alone with Maria Clara for the confession. She just talked all about her mother that she never even had a chance to see her mother since she died when it gave birth to Maria. She begins to feel well after a few hours, and according to Dona Victorina, it was all because of Don Tiburcio's skill and expertise. Friar Salvi, on the other hand, says that it was because of her confession that made her well. When the friar leaves Maria Clara's room, he appears rather pale and is covered in perspiration knowing about Maria Clara’s true story of her birth, and the identity of her biological father.

CHAPTER XLV: The Fugitives

Setting: Forest

Characters Elias, Captain Pablo


Elias finally succeeded in locating Captain Pablo. Elias told him that he had spent fifteen days looking for him


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from mountain to mountain and nearly travelled the whole of two provinces. Before, Captain Pablo was the one who took care of Elias out of pity when he saw him wandering around, now it seems that their situation changed. Captain Pablo was then a rich man who belonged in a family of fame and fortunate but when his daughter got raped by a friar, his family fight back but they just been arrested and suffered. He was a coward but now he said that he’ll take revenge


Setting Cockpit

Characters Tarsilo, Bruno, Lucas, Pedro


Sunday came and everyone is in the cockpit. Tarsilo and Bruno who are brothers, are among the audience. They wish to place their bets and join the fun, but they have no money with them. Lucas approaches the two boys and offers cash, reminding them of the revenge they have to exact upon those who caused the death of their beloved father and inviting them to join him in a rebellion he is planning to start. At first they refused but later on they see Lucas talking to Pedro, wife of Sisa and the father of Basilio and Crispin. Pedro received silver coins from Lucas. The brothers then decided to join and left after each getting thirty pesos from Lucas and will give them additional 10 of every member they can recruit, they agreed to meet at the cemetery at eight in the evening. Lucas told them that Ibarra is the mastermind.


Setting Alferez house

Characters Dona Victorina, Dona Consolacion, Don Tiburcio, Alferez, Friar Salve


Dona Victorina keeps flashing her eccentric clothes on the streets even it wasn’t unpaved and dust all over her gown. Many young ladies they met admired her beautiful gown. When she and Don Tiburcio pass by the house of the Alferez, Dona Consolacion secretly mocks and ridicules her and her crippled husband. The two women start exchanging insults and almost get into a fight that is avoided by the arrival of the Alferez and Padre Salvi. To defend her honor, Dona Victorina asks Linares to challenge the Alferez to a duel.


Setting Schoolhouse

Characters Crisostomo Ibarra, Elias, Nol Juan, Maria, Linares


The archbishop pardons to Ibarra and removes the penalty of excommunication. Ibarra went to see Maria to tell her about it but he sees Maria Clara with Linares and felt jealous. He proceeds to visit his schoolhouse, which is still under construction. Nol Juan updates him on the recent progress of the building. Ibarra then spots Elias helping out in the construction, and requests to see the full list of workers. When Nol Juan left, he approached Elias. Elias asks if he could speak with him later in the afternoon by the river and they agreed. He wants to talk to Ibarra regarding Captain Pablo and the rest of the prosecuted men. Elias walks away, and Nol Juan approaches Ibarra handing over to him the list of workers. Elias' name is not there.

CHAPTER XLIX: The Voice of the Persecuted

Setting Riverside

Characters Ibarra, Elias


Crisostomo Ibarra goes to the riverside where he had agreed to meet with Elias. Elias tells him of the purpose of the meeting to address the concerns and needs of those who are hunted and persecuted. They demand respect for human rights, a little more tranquility in the lives of the locals, and diminished power of the friars and the civil guards. He asks Ibarra to find a way to diminish the power of the friars and the civil guards but Ibarra refuses and says that the friars and the civil guards are "necessary evils."

CHAPTER L: The Family of Elias

Setting River

Characters Elias, Ibarra


Elias narrates his story and the disastrous lives of his ancestors, upon Ibarra's request. The story goes: Sixty years ago, Elias’s great-grandfather dwelt in Manila and worked as a bookkeeper for a Spanish businessman. One night, a fire broke out in the workhouse and the cause was unknown, he was accused of arson and was sentenced to be beaten in the streets, a punishment they call ‘caballo y vaca,’ which is a thousand times more dreadful than death itself. This left him crippled. In order to provide for the family his wife, still with child, was forced to enter into prostitution. One of their sons turned to thievery and lived the life of a bandit. Their other son eventually married a rich woman, and together they had twins, Elias and his sister, who were both educated in Manila. However, the family's dark past surfaced eventually, and Elias and his sister lost all that they had. The girl suicide and Elias was left alone to wander the streets as a hunted man.

CHAPTER LI: Exchanges

Setting Captain Tiago’s house


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Characters Maria Clara, Linares, Dona Victorina, Ibarra, Sinang


Dona Victorina wrote a letter to Linares, who is currently still living in Captain Tiago's house. She tells him that he have to duel with the alferez after three days. If this plan does not push through, she says, she will tell Captain Tiago of his lies and pretenses. Ibarra arrives and secretly asks Sinang to find a way for him to talk with Maria Clara privately. He asked Sinang if Maria Clara is angry at him.

Friar Salvi tells Linares, Maria Clara, and Capitan Tiago that Ibarra’s excommunication has been lifted, and the last obstacle is for Ibarra to apologize to Friar Damaso.

CHAPTER LII: The Card of the Dead and the Shadows

Setting Cemetery

Characters Pedro, Tarsilo, Bruno, Elias, Lucas


The road to the cemetery is narrow; the moon is hiding behind dark clouds and it was cold since it’s near December. Three men are talking. They are Pedro, Tarsilo, and Bruno. Pedro will attack the convent to avenge his wife and sons; the two brothers will head for the barracks to exact revenge upon the soldiers, who were responsible for their father's death. A few minutes later, Lucas arrives and instructs them to attack the barracks and the church. Elias, after spying on Lucas, finds out about the plan that will incriminate Ibarra.

CHAPTER LIII: A Good day is foretold by the morningSetting Town of San DiegoCharacters Philosopher Tacio, Don FelipoSummaryNews spreads about the flickering lights and the moving shadows in the cemetery and the people believe that it was the souls in purgatory mourning over their dead that lighted the candles in the cemetery but there was only one light that night, from the match that Elias used to see his companions. Philosopher Tacio, who is bedridden at that time, converses with Don Felipo who has recently resigned from office. He wishes the mayor to continue in his fight. They also talk about the issue concerning the trouble with the civil guards, the friars, and Ibarra. After, Philosopher Tacio predicts his death, which he says will come in a few days.

CHAPTER LIV: DiscoverySetting: San DiegoCharacters: Alferez, Friar Salve, Ibarra, EliasSummaryThe angelus plays and people pause to pray but Friar Salve continued to walk towards the house of the alferez. They talked about that he heard about the plan for the rebellion and that the Alferez should prepare his

men and requests from him soldiers to guard the church.

Meanwhile, Elias rushes to Ibarra's house and explains that the plot had already been discovered, and Ibarra was accused of leading the rebellion. Elias immediately tells him to run and escape, but not before burning all the documents, letters, and any evidence that would implicate him. In one of these letters, Elias discovers that it was Ibarra's great grandfather who had accused his great grandfather of arson. Elias lives for only one purpose: To find and exact vengeance on the descendants of that cruel Spaniard who accused his great grandfather of a crime without any proof, which had then been the cause of his family's disgrace. He now discovers that the man he was searching for was just Crisostomo Ibarra.

CHAPTER LV: The Catastrophe

Setting: San Diego

Characters: Captain Tiago, Sinang, Maria Clara, Ibarra, Friar Salve


In Captain Tiago’s house, they are taking their dinner including Friar Salve and Linares. Sinang approached Maria Clara, who is seated by the piano and had refused to eat and whispers something. Friar Salve is nervous pacing back and forth across the living room.

Ibarra hears shots fired near the convent and he rushes toward Captain Tiago's house; saw Maria Clara and she asked what the matter is. When Ibarra returns to his house, the civil guards arrest him. Elias then enters the empty quarters and burns all the evidence that could accuse Ibarra in the failed rebellion.

CHAPTER LVI: Fact and FancySetting San DiegoCharacters Friar Salvi, Alferez, Don Felipo, Civil guards, LucasSummary

The rebellion failed and they were finding the suspects responsible for it. They suspect that the rebellion was headed by Captain Pablo. Rumor has it that Don Felipo was arrested. Some say that the civil guards had revolted in the barracks, and that Friar Salvi had attacked the alferez. Word spreads that Ibarra had burned his entire house down and was plotting to kill Friar Salve. Lucas died from the rebellion, was believed to be suicide but was killed by the head sacristan.

CHAPTER LVII: Woe to the VanquishedSetting HeadquartersCharacter Tarsilo, Andong, Friar SalviSummary

Tarsilo and Andong are the only two survivors caught from the rebellion. Friar Salvi forced him to admit that Ibarra was the one behind the rebellion but he said


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nothing but the reason why he joined was because he and his brother wants to avenge their father’s death from the hands of the soldiers. They let him suffer hoping that he’ll talk but they didn’t get anything from him so he was whipped and later on died. Andong got scared to what he saw so he said he’ll talk that the reason was he was there because his in-laws treat him bad and let him eat rotten foods. Friar Salvi was uninterested so he let him inside the quarters again.

CHAPTER LVIII: The CulpritSetting HeadquartersCharacters Ibarra, prisoners, families of the prisoners, Philosopher TacioSummary

The families of those caught during the rebellion break down in tears in front of the headquarters. They ladies even tried to talk with the Alferez but didn’t work. They were all devastated. When the twenty prisoners are taken outside at two in the afternoon, all of them are tied up except for Ibarra. From the crowd, a lady shouted that why Ibarra not tied well in fact he’s the mastermind and they blame him for the dark fate of their loved ones in imprisonment. Ibarra was looking for a friend but not even Nol Juan, the schoolteacher, or Captain Basilio is in sight. From a hilltop, Philosopher Tacio watches the prisoners leave. He couldn't go to them because of his ill health. The next day Philosopher Tacio is found dead.

CHAPTER LIX: Patriotism and Self-InterestSetting San DiegoCharacters Friar Salvi, Captain TinongSummaryThe news about the rebellion was all over the town and Manila many organizations celebrate Friar Salvi's successful discovery of the rebellion. The people in the government and the church hope for a big promotion of their offices because of the successful efforts to put a stop to the uprising. The friars blame it all on the Jesuits, who they claim had messed with the minds of the youth.

Meanwhile in Captain Tinong’s house, he and his wife were very much worried over the turn of events. The two then kept on debating and arguing about whose fault is it in befriending Captain Tiago and even talking to Ibarra. Don Primitivo came and advised them to give the Captain-General a Christmas present and to burn all documents that can use against him. Even the most innocent letter was not spared from being destroyed.

CHAPTER LX: Wedding Plans for Maria ClaraSetting Captain Tiago’s houseCharacters Captain Tiago, Captain Tinong, Espadana couple, Linares, Ibarra, Maria Clara


The suspects are all in jail but except for Captain Tiago who’s very glad because no one noticed him and wasn’t

accused. Captain Tinong is freed, but is terribly ill and does not want to go out of the house. Not even Don Primitivo himself, with all the wisdom of the ancients, could draw him out of his silence. The Espadana couple and Linares arrive at Captain Tiago's house. They agree that Linares and Maria Clara wed the soonest time possible, and Captain Tiago immediately attends to the wedding preparations the following day.

Maria Clara goes to the azotea, Ibarra climbs up and tells the maiden how he feels that she has betrayed her but when she explained that she gave the letters in exchange of her mother’s letters, he had already forgiven her. She swears to Ibarra that she’s only in love with him.

CHAPTER LXI: Pursuit in the LakeSetting LakeCharacters Ibarra, Elias, Civil guardsSummary

Elias and Ibarra are in the lake. The civil guards chased them, Elias jumps off the boat and mislead them He was shot and his garments are ripped off by the bullets fired by the civil guards. He still has the nerve to shake hands with Ibarra, who is lying flat on the boat, and to tell him that he (Elias) will meet Ibarra's great grandfather in the grave at Noche Buena, before leaping into the water. The civil guards thought they shot Ibarra when they saw traces of blood in the water.

CHAPTER LXII: Friar Damaso ExplainsSetting Captain Tiago’s houseCharacters Maria Clara, Friar DamasoSummary

News spread about the death of Ibarra when Maria knew about it, she was sad and began weeping. Friar Damaso arrives and surprises Maria cheerfully but he notices, however, that she is pale and upset. Maria Clara cries on his shoulders and asks him to tell Captain Tiago cancel the wedding. She admits to him that he met Ibarra on the azotea before his death, but didn’t mention the part about knowing the true story of her birth. She asks Friar Damaso to grant her permission to enter the nunnery and he approved.

CHAPTER LXIII: Christmas EveSetting ForestCharacters Basilio, Sisa, EliasSummary

It was Christmas Eve and Basilio returned to San Diego to look for his mother and reunites with her. This search ends in the forest of the Ibarra’s where he found Sisa, but the two of them didn’t even get a chance to speak with each other. She dies shortly after identifying her son. Minutes later, a weak and wounded Elias arrives and orders Basilio to cremate his body and her mother’s body. Basilio said, “I shall die without seeing the dawn break upon my motherland. You, who shall


Page 15: ph-static.z-dn.net€¦  · Web viewCharacters of Noli Me Tangere. Juan Crisostomo Ibarra y Magsalin. Son of Filipino businessman, Don Rafael Ibarra, He studied in Europe for seven

see it, salute it! Do not forget those who have fallen during the night."