PeV Cosmic Neutrinos from the Mountains

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PeV Cosmic Neutrinos from the Mountains. Ping Yeh ( 葉平 ) National Taiwan University November 15, 2002 CosPA 2003 @ NTU, Taipei. Today is the 75th Birthday of NTU!. Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays. Origin. Anisotropy. Fly’s Eye P(fluct) < 0.07. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • PeV Cosmic Neutrinos from the MountainsPing Yeh ()National Taiwan University November 15, 2002 CosPA 2003 @ NTU, TaipeiToday is the 75th Birthday of NTU!

  • Ultra-High Energy Cosmic RaysOriginD.J. Bird et al., Ap. J. 511, 738 astro-ph/9806096AGASA4% excessM. Teshima et al., 27th ICRC p337, 2001AnisotropyFlys EyeP(fluct) < 0.07

  • High Energy Cosmic NeutrinosProduction presumably dominated by nm and neHadronic

    Transportation & Oscillation: 1:1:1

  • Cosmic Rays and NeutrinosCosmic Ray Spectrum Not Well UnderstoodCR + X e2e~ 0.1 /EeV/year/km2/srGZK Firm!~ 1.2 x 103 /PeV/year/km2/srAGN ?

  • Observing High Energy Cosmic NeutrinosPrinciple: convert neutrinos to observablesLow cross section: need large target volumeSignals development: need large detection volumeMostly use H2O as target and detection volume (Bikal, AMANDA, ANTARES, IceCube)Energy coverage: H2O, air fluorescence, and the hole

  • Conventional n Detectors: Atm/SolarShield from CR & Atmospheric s: Underground Under Water/IceVery Large Target Volume = Detection VolumeSuperKsolar deficit/ & SNO

  • Conventional High Energy n DetectorsLimited by Target Volume: Maximum Energy ~ 1015 eVDeployment: 2003 - 2009ExistingYoshidas talk

  • IceCube: 1 PeV Limit for nt

  • UHECR DetectorsDetect -induced Air ShowersConversion Efficiency in Atmosphere Small AugerFluorescence Energy Threshold High > 1018 eVReflected

  • Window of OpportunityConventional n DetectorUHECR n Detector?

  • AGN Jets, CRs and Protons??

  • Earth SkimmingEarth Skimming + Mountain PenetratingCherenkov vs. fluorescenceTelescopeCross Section ~ E1.4Sensitive to nt ne: electron energy mostly absorbed in mountain nm: no extensive air shower t appearance experiment!

  • CollaborationItaly: IASF, CNR, PalermoN. La Barbera, O. Catalano, G. Cusumano, T. Mineo, B. SaccoFrance: Paris, France F. Vannucci, S. BouaissiUSA: Hawaii J.G. LearnedJapan: ICRR M. SasakiTaiwan: NCTS/CosPA3 G.L. Lin, H. Athar, NTUHEP/CosPA2PIs: W.S. Hou & Y.B. HsiungHardware Team: K. Ueno (Faculty)Y.K. Chi (Electronics)Y.S. Velikzhanin (Electronics)M.W.C. Lin (Technician)Simulation Team:M.Z. Wang (Faculty)P. Yeh (Faculty)H.C. Huang (Postdoc)C.C. Hsu (Ph.D. student)

    NUUM.A. Huang (Faculty)

    Formed in Spring 2002

  • Rates, Rates? Rates!Figure of merit for the experimentDiffused source vs point source Flux: different sources, different modelsAcceptance: Maximizing A(E) within the budget constraint is the design goal

  • FeasibilityFeasibility study was done in 2002 (Alfred Huang)Assume: aperture = 1 m2, light collection efficiency = 10%, ~ 40 km wide valley, ~ 2 km high mountainConclusion was O(1) events per yearDeemed feasible, more attractive with a small budget, and was funded that wayMore detailed study in 2003, will be shown

  • AcceptanceFigure of merit of the telescope designA = integration of detection efficiency in the phase space (x, y, theta, phi) Detection efficiency depends on aperture & field of viewlight collection efficiencytrigger logic

  • Factors for AcceptanceThe chain of conversions

    nt to t conversion rate: ~ O(10-5) - O(10-4)Expect O(10) /year/km2/sr t flux> O(1) km2 sr acceptance desired t decay: ~ 82% branching fraction for showersLight collection (baseline design): 1 m2 aperture, 8o x 16o field of view, ~ 10% efficiencyTrigger: position dependent

  • The Signal and Background PatternCherenkov: ns pulse, angular span ~ 1.5 degreesNight Sky Background (mean)Measured at Lulin observatory: 2.0 x103 ph/ns/m2/srA magnitude 0 star gives 7.6 ph/m2/ns in (290,390) nmCosmic Ray background very small

    Cluster-based trigger algorithmRandom Background with NSB flux1 km away from a 1 PeV e- shower

  • Trigger StudyBackground Rates vs Signal Efficiency1PeV, 30 km, normal incidence1PeV, 30 km, 10 incidenceH-L TriggerSingle TriggerH-H Trigger (Dual trigger)H threshold Trigger Rate (Hz)XYLocal coincidence necessaryto kill the background!

  • Acceptance DeterminationIntegration of efficiencies in phase space Three independent methods for cross-checking

    Results are consistent with each other!






    Range determined from Simulation

    Monte Carlo



    Modelled Curve

    Monte Carlo



    Detailed Simulation



  • Acceptance CurveEstimated with an idealistic vertical plane mountain surfaceAcceptance starts at Et ~ 1 PeVGradually levels off near 1 EeV (t decay length = 50 km @ 1 EeV)

  • Preliminary ReconstructionReconstruction: Minimize 2 for x,y,,, and ETwo Detectors Separated by a few 100m

  • Reconstruction ErrorPossible to Reconstruct Events Angular Error within 1Energy Error ~ 40%Reconstruction Efficiency 30% ~ 70%

  • SensitivitySensitivity : 1 event/year/decade of energyGreat Chance to See fromAGNTDGC Attenuation is an Issue

  • Requirements on the InstrumentFind signal on top of background!Rate >= 0.5 events/yearaperture, light collection efficiency, triggerAngular resolution: 0.5 degrees or smallerTiming (ns pulse)Low budget

  • Prototype TelescopePurpose:Proof of ConceptMeasure BackgroundTelescopeCommercial Fresnel Lens (NTK-F300, f30cm, size=30cm, pitch=0.5mm, PMMA UV), UV Filter (BG3)Hamamatsu 4x4 (H6568) MAPMTReadout Electronics: Preamp, Receiver, Trigger, ADC and DAQ

  • Field Test at Lulin Observatory (2900m)E (Mt. Jade)03715Sirius3 elevation angles: 3, 7, 152 conditions: w/o BG3 filter

  • Cosmic RaysCR tracks seen by prototype telescopeSystem functions properlyPotential Use: Monitor System HealthCalibration by CR events

  • SiriusStudy:Effective field of viewLens transmittance as function of off-axis angle.In the future, Calibrate the pointing accuracyMonitoring telescope health

  • The OpticsWant to utilize existing mirrors or lensesFirst concept: EUSO-type Fresnel lensNote that EUSO is years awayTimely readiness and cost!

  • The Optics - revisedCurrent direction: ASHRA-type Mirror + correction lensPhoton Sensor: Multi-Anode PhotomultiplierDont need arc-min resolution: optics is basically ready NOWSasakis talk

  • The ElectronicsDynamic Range x4

  • Schematics of the ElectronicsUV filterHamamatsu8x8 MPMT16-channelspreamplifierUV filterDetector pairStart readout32 channels DCM(Data Collection Module) in cPCI10 bit x40 MHzPipelinedADC16 RAM x 256 x 16 per 8 channelsMirrorTrigger FPGAADC controlFPGA (x4)To/fromAnother DCMStart readout10 bit x40 MHzPipelinedADCTo/fromAnother DCMSignal-sharing plateFront-end electronics box 8x8 pixels(1 MPMT, 1 SSP, 4 preamplifiers)

  • Calibration: PointingCrab Nebula as the standard candleCan we see it? d J / d E = 0.28 * ( E / 1TeV ) -2.6 km-2 s-1 TeV-1 Integrated flux is not small: 0.3 /km2 /sRandom background > 10 times higher in stary stary nights Use neutral density filter + tighter trigger

  • Acceptance to the CrabAcceptance ~ around O(0.1) km2 srRate ~ 6 events/hrExposure of several nights would be usefulPhoton density (1/m2 )log E (TeV) Trigger Range (m)

  • SitePrimary Site: Mt. Hualalai looking at Mauna LoaGood weather condition, less background, GC in FOVNo electricity, no water, no communicationPrototype Site: Mauna Loa looking at Mauna KeaInfrastructure ready, on-site help from CosPA1!No GC observationMt. HualalaiMauna KeaMauna LoaStill looking forpossible sites!

  • ScheduleDetector DesignConstruct1024 Ch. Prototype200320042005Prototype OperationConstruct Full-size TelescopeSite Survey / PreparationInstallation & CalibrationFull Telescope OperationCrabs itinerary dictates October - December

  • ConclusionNuTel is the first experiment dedicated to Earth skimming / mountaing watchingThe PeV cosmic nt rate is a few events/yearThe cost is low: O(1) million US dollars to build itThe time is short: prototype deployment in 2004The window of opportunity is good, both in energy and time (Hmm the uncertainty principle?) Ashra is a natural continuation for NuTelSite coincidesPhysics complimentarySchedule looks promising