Page 1 of 43 Printed: 03/12/2018 Printed copies of this document should be treated as information of temporary value and destroyed after use Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C. NEW GHABA NORTH GATHERING STATION Document ID HRA Document Type Risk Report Security Restricted Discipline Occupational Health Document Owner ONO1Q Month and Year of Issue Oct/2018 Version 1.0 Keywords Occupational Health, Industrial Hygiene, Health hazards, Copyright: This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic recording or otherwise) without prior written consent of the owner.

Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C. NEW GHABA NORTH ... N… · Doc. No. Document Title Version No. Month & Year ... LP & AP Flare Systems (A-4718 & A-4719) including LP Flare KOD (V-4708)

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Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.


Document ID HRA

Document Type Risk Report

Security Restricted

Discipline Occupational Health

Document Owner ONO1Q

Month and Year of Issue Oct/2018

Version 1.0

Keywords Occupational Health, Industrial Hygiene, Health hazards,

Copyright: This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the whole nor

any part of this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or

transmitted in any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic recording or otherwise) without

prior written consent of the owner.

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Document Authorisation

Document Owners Document Custodian

ONO1Q Petrizzo, Jose MCOH1

Revision History

The following is a brief summary of the four most recent revisions to this document. Details of all revisions

prior to these are held on file by the Document Custodian.

User Notes:

1. A controlled copy of the current version of this document is on PDO's live link. Before making reference to this document, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that any hard copy, or electronic copy, is current. For assistance, contact the Document Custodian.

2. Users are encouraged to participate in the ongoing improvement of this document by providing constructive feedback.

Related Business Processes & CMF Documents

Related Business Processes

Code Business Process (EPBM 4.0)

Parent Document(s)

Doc. No. Document Title



Month & Year Author’s Name and


Scope / Remarks

1.0 Oct 2018 Jassasi, Shiboun



Issued for approval

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Other Related CMF Document(s)

Doc. No. Document Title

SP-1194 Chemical Management

SP 1230 Medical Examination, Treatment and Facilities

SP-1231 Occupational Health

SP-1232 Public Health

SP-1233 Drugs and Alcohol Policy

SP-1234 Personal Protective Equipment

PR-1243 Medical Emergency Response

PR-1418 Reporting and investigation of HSE incidents (Incident Notification, Reporting

and Follow-up Procedure Part 1)

PR-2108 Fit testing for Respirator Users

PR-2109 Legionella Management Program

PR-2111 Manual Material Handling

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Table of Contents











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0. Introduction to the HRA report

The Health Risk Assessment (HRA) report is used by PDO to process and store health

related information.

The report starts with a description of the scope of the HRA and the persons involved in

sections 1 and 2. The remedial actions from the HRA are presented in report section 3, and

are sorted by priority. Section 4 provides information from the detailed appraisals. The focus

here is on High and Medium RAM rated risks. Section 5 lists the status of the Low RAM rated

risks that were reviewed during the HRA. Section 6 provides an overview of generally

applicable controls and recovery measures. The report concludes with definitions and a

diagram of the RAM risk matrix in appendices 1 and 2. Appendix 3 contains an overview of

the detailed risk appraisals and their page numbers.

1. HRA Scope

PDO has installed green field surface facilities, both on-plot and off-plot, to enable production from the redeveloped Ghaba North field. Figure 1: Ghaba North Overall Process Schematic

The Ghaba North field is situated approximately 25 km to the North-East of the Qarn Alam field and is part of the Central Oman (Qarn Alam) operating area. Ghaba North – Off Plot Shuaiba In Shuaiba field there are new 18 gas lifted producer wells, 4 Gas Injection Wells and additional 4 future gas lifted producer wells, (provision only). Haushi In Haushi field there are 2 new, and 5 existing ESP lifted producers with provision for an additional 2 future wells. The production from the existing wells will be re routed to the new production facilities. The new Ghaba North station facilities receive produced fluids from Ghaba North Haushi, (sweet) and Ghaba North Shuaiba, (sour) reservoirs. In addition, produced fluids from QAM Haushi and Shuaiba are routed to the common bulk header, (down-stream of the MSVs) in the new station. In future, Barakat Haushi, (sweet) field will be developed and the produced fluids will be routed to the new Ghaba North station. On-Plot

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The following on-plot facilities are provided at Ghaba North Station

Multiport Selector Valves (MSVs) handling fluids from Haushi (1) and

Shuaiba (4)

Test Separators (V-4703/4)

Bulk Separators (V-4701/2)

Gas Lift /Injection Compressors (K-4701/2/3)

Surge Tanks (T-4701/2)

Export Pumps (P-4701/2/3)

Gas Recovery Compressor (K-4705)

Sour Fuel Gas System

Sweet Fuel Gas System

LP & AP Flare Systems (A-4718 & A-4719) including LP Flare KOD

(V-4708) and LP Flare KOD Pumps (P-4704/5)

Closed Drains System (V-4709 / P-4706/7)

Chemical Injection & Storage, including 3 x Demulsifier Injection Skids

and 2 x Methanol Injection Skids

Nitrogen System (A-4723)

Instrument Air System (A-4717)

Control Room and Auxiliary Room

Substation and Electrical Switchgear Room

Workshop / Store Building.

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Principal Production Operator and helper Accountabilities are:

Perform routine inspection of pipelines and flowlines to ensure all are on sleepers and report

abnormalities or leaks to ONO/14 Production Supervisor.

Carry out sampling and analysis of BFW regularly to ensure composition within defined operating limits.

Close manual isolation as required in emergency if deemed safe to do so via risk assessment.

Principal Production Coordinator and Area Supervisor Accountabilities are:

Establish and provide speed limit sign boards inside process facilities and hydrocarbon areas.

Verify that clean-up and remediation plans of Hydrocarbon spillage are developed and the manpower and resource requirements assessed on the basis of credible scenarios.

Verify through PTW authorization process that an adequate lifting plan has been prepared.

Verify through site supervision and spot checks that the job HSE Plan for heavy lifting over hydrocarbon inventories has been implemented.

Restrict vehicle access to site through PTW system.

Verity that all PTW requirements are met before signing / authorizing any work.

Responsible for HRA: Petrizzo, Jose MCOH1

Team members: Jassasi, Shiboun MCOH5

Al Haddabi, Younis ONO151Q

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3. Remedial Actions

Priority Work Area / Job Risk, Exposure Rating and Scenario Recommended Remedial Action / Date / Resp.



Noise High During routine operations

1. Provide (blue) mandatory Sign for "Use of HPE" for the following areas:

P-5685/86 area

Shipping pump

Blower area

Compressor K4703

Compressor K4702 2. Modify the Venting Outlet for the K-5661/62 dryer to

reduce generation of very high noise level during venting - Either increase its height & provide it with a silencer OR extend the outlet & place it 2-3 mts away on the ground in a water pit / sump.

Resp: ONO1Q

Date: 31/01/2019


Psychological Hazards and Stress


1. Implement resilience program

Resp: ONO1Q+MCOH1 Date: 30/03/2019



Chemicals Medium During routine operations

1. Install and update the SHOC card in chemical storage area and the chemical skids (Methanol, MEG, Biocides and Lubricant)

2. Clean lube oil store from surface contamination and sand in drains.

3. Dispose used chemical liquid after use and don’t keep it in open container.

4. Remove contaminated sand from crude oil leak in Tanks 4701 and 4702

Resp: ONO1Q Date: 30/03/2019

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Priority Work Area / Job Risk, Exposure Rating and Scenario Recommended Remedial Action / Date / Resp.

2 PRODUCTION OPERATOR Food and water borne pathogens

Medium During lunch break

1. Change the rusty water cooler and clean water tank

every six months.

2. Drinking water quality shall be regularly monitored and

tested by approved laboratory


Resp: ONO1Q Date: 30/01/2019

2 ELECTRICAL TECHNICIAN Use of control Panels, Computer/Display

Screen Equipment


1. Provide light and easy movable stool stair instead of

heavy one in the battery room

Resp: ONO1Q Date: 30/01/2019


Histoplasma Capsulatum


During routine operations

1. Increase cleaning frequency in areas under roof that show high contamination by bird droppings (Ghaba north export pump)

Resp: ONO1Q Date: 30/01/2019

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Priority Work Area / Job Risk, Exposure Rating and Scenario Recommended Remedial Action / Date / Resp.



General Recovery Measures: Safety Showers and eye wash, wind socks.


According to GU-817

1. Fix safety shower in chemical storage area. 2. Install safety shower and eye wash close to lube oil

storage and chemical skids. 3. Flush emergency safety showers every week

according to PDO GU-817. Resp: ONO1Q Date: 30/03/2019

2 PRODUCTION OPERATOR Generic Controls: House keeping


Increase frequency of housekeeping in control room.

Resp: ONO1Q Date: 30/01/2019

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3. Health Hazard Inventory and Detailed Risk Appraisals

Work Area – Sub Unit/Job


Hazard Food and water borne pathogens

RAM: Medium

Acute Potential Health Effects

Food poisoning; hepatitis A, amoebic dysentery, giardiasis, typhoid, cholera. RAM: 3D

Chronic Potential Health Effects

Carrier of disease without having symptoms. Note from IARC: Mycotoxins, or fungal toxins that contaminate many of the most frequently consumed foods and feeds worldwide, have the potential to contribute to adverse health effects in humans (cancer) even at low concentrations.

Scenario Food/and or drink is handled and provided to staff.

Route & Form of Exposure

Ingestion Liquid, solid

Frequency & Duration of Exposure

3 x Daily 1 - 2 hours

Exposure Limit

Exposure Rating & Justification

Low (10-50% OEL) Food Safety Management System in place.

ALARP Status No

ALARP Justification Controls need improvement

Elimination, Substitution, isolation

Not applicable

Engineering In place

Procedural Controls In place

PPE In place

Controls Effectiveness

Fitness to Work - Operating procedure requires that all food handlers are subjected to Food Handler's Fitness to Work (FTW) certification protocol.


Process design/equipment standards - Facility design conforms to standards. Effective

Sanitation / Disinfection - Dishes are machine washed with warm soapy water. Fruits and vegetables are also soaked/washed. General environment cleaned daily.


Sanitation / Disinfection - A Pest control program is in place to address site needs. The food facility manager aware of the basic principles of pest control.


Training and information on hazard - Key personnel such as the Camp boss and chef are professionals with adequate hazard training and information. Other cadres receive on-the job training with appropriate level of supervision. SMEs too do provide training on HACCP.


Written procedure/safe work practice Not Effective

Written procedure/safe work practice - A system is in place which incorporates daily inspection of staff and facility as set out in protocol but no quarterly scheduled on external audit by SMEs.


Recovery Measures Effectiveness

Local Medical Services, first aid, Medical Emergency Response Plan. Effective

Remedial Actions Priority

1. Change the rusty water cooler and clean water tank every six months.

2. Drinking water quality shall be regularly monitored and tested by approved laboratory


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Work Area – Sub Unit/Job


Hazard Infectious, venomous and dangerous animal bites

RAM: Medium

Acute Potential Health Effects

Severe wounds, tetanus, rabies, poisoning, acute renal failure and anaphylactic shock only for snakes. RAM: 4B

Chronic Potential Health Effects

None known. RAM:

Scenario During outdoors activities

Route & Form of Exposure


Frequency & Duration of Exposure


Exposure Limit

Exposure Rating & Justification

Very Low (<10% OEL) There has been no record of any significant exposures in the past seven years.

ALARP Status Yes

ALARP Justification Controls in place/implemented

Elimination Not applicable

Substitution Not applicable

Isolation Not applicable

Engineering In place

Procedural Controls In place

PPE In place

Controls Effectiveness

Training and information on hazard - Adequate hazard information and training provided all.


Written procedure/safe work practice - Written site procedure discourages unauthorized night outing to minimize chance-meeting of reptiles.


Personal bite prevention - Workers are discouraged from night-time outings when reptiles are known to be more active.


Vector control measures - Periodic fumigation. Effective

PPE-Skin protection: gloves, clothing - Safety boots provided, which minimizes exposed body parts.


Recovery Measures Effectiveness

Local medical facilities, first aid, Medical Emergency Response Plan. Effective

Remedial Actions Priority

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Work Area – Sub Unit/Job


Hazard Insect, spiders, scorpions, bees

RAM: Medium

Acute Potential Health Effects

Irritation, inflammation, poisoning, anaphylactic shock. RAM: 3C

Chronic Potential Health Effects

Allergic reaction, secondary infection. RAM: 3B

Scenario During outdoors activities

Route & Form of Exposure

Dermal Other

Frequency & Duration of Exposure


Exposure Limit

Exposure Rating & Justification

Very Low (<10% OEL) There has been no record of any significant exposures in the past seven years.

ALARP Status Yes

ALARP Justification Controls in place/implemented

Elimination Not applicable

Substitution Not applicable

Isolation Not applicable

Engineering In place

Procedural Controls In place

PPE In place

Controls Effectiveness

Training and information on hazard - Adequate hazard information and training provided all.


Written procedure/safe work practice. Effective

Personal bite prevention by using repellents. Effective

Vector control measures - Periodic fumigation. Effective

PPE-Skin protection: gloves, clothing - Safety boots provided, which minimizes exposed body parts.


Recovery Measures Effectiveness

Local medical facilities, first aid, Medical Emergency Response Plan. Effective

Remedial Actions Priority

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Hazard Histoplasma Capsulatum (contact with bird droppings)

RAM: Low

Acute Potential Health Effects

Histoplasmosis, primary risk is to persons with impaired immune systems RAM: 3B

Chronic Potential Health Effects

Not Known

Scenario During routine presence in the plant

Route & Form of Exposure

Inhalation Solid

Frequency & Duration of Exposure

Exposure Limit

Exposure Rating & Justification

Low (10-50% OEL)

ALARP Status No ALARP Justification Controls need improvement Elimination, substitution,

isolation Not applicable

Engineering In place Procedural Controls Need to be improved

PPE Not applicable Controls Effectiveness

Ensure Process design/equipment to standards. Effective

Written procedure/safe work practice: A maintenance program should be in place. Not Effective Recovery Measures Effectiveness

Medical Facilities in place, First Aid, Medical Emergency Response Plan Effective

Remedial Actions Priority 1. Increase cleaning frequency under roof areas (Ghaba North export pump)


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Work Area – Sub Unit/Job


Hazard Legionella bacteria (waterborne)

RAM: Medium

Acute Potential Health Effects

Pontiac fever (mildest form of infection); Legionnaires’ disease – pneumonia (severest form of infection – may be fatal). RAM: 4B

Chronic Potential Health Effects

Effects on lung function. RAM: 3B

Scenario Industrial/Domestic water supply: e.g. showers, faucets, eye wash stations, safety showers

Route & Form of Exposure


Frequency & Duration of Exposure

Daily 1 – 2 hours

Exposure Limit See PDO PR-2109

Exposure Rating & Justification

Low (10-50% OEL) According to monitoring performed

ALARP Status Yes

ALARP Justification Controls in place/implemented

Elimination, substitution, isolation

Not applicable

Engineering In place

Procedural Controls In place

PPE Not applicable

Controls Effectiveness

Process design/equipment standards – split unit AC’s used in some offices. No water treatment plant with aerosol generation or cooling towers present on site.


Preventive maintenance – Biocides routinely applied, and there is no water outlet that stays unused for a whole day.


Preventive maintenance – There is program in place to periodically clean/empty accumulated water safety shows and eye wash.


Written procedure/safe work practice: PR-2109. Effective

Recovery Measures Effectiveness

Local medical facilities, first aid, Medical Emergency Response Plan. Effective

Remedial Actions Priority

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Work Area – Sub Unit/Job


Hazard Psychological Hazards and Stress

RAM: High

Acute Potential Health Effects

Stress symptoms like headaches, high blood pressure, sleep disturbance, irritability, chest pain, difficulty breathing, severe pain, symptoms of shock. Fatigue, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, profuse sweating, thirst, visual difficulties, clenching of jaw, non specific aches. RAM: 2D

Chronic Potential Health Effects

Anxiety, depression, absenteeism, severe gastrointestinal symptoms, heart attack. Suicide. IARC 2A - probably human carcinogen with shift work that involves circadian disruption. RAM: 4D

Scenario Frequent organizational changes, tight schedules

Route & Form of Exposure

Frequency & Duration of Exposure

Daily 2 – 4 hours

Exposure Limit

Exposure Rating & Justification

Low (10-50% OEL)

ALARP Status No

ALARP Justification The subjective opinion is that the unit is functioning within an expected range of variability for stress.

Elimination, substitution, isolation

Not applicable

Engineering Not applicable

Procedural Controls Implement Resilience Program

PPE Not applicable

Controls Effectiveness

Stress – generic organizational controls – Clear organizational structure and reporting lines; job descriptions, competence assurance framework linked to roles and responsibilities. Goals & Performance Appraisal and IDP processes are in place.


Anti-stress specific training program. Not effective

Recovery Measures Effectiveness

Employee Assistance Program / Counseling - Stress support program available to all staff and their families either in PDO medical facilities or external facilities.


Local medical facilities, first aid, Medical Emergency Response Plan. Effective

Remedial Actions Priority

1. Plan and Implement resilience program 2

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Work Area – Sub Unit/Job


Hazard Heat Stress / Hot Temperature Differentials

RAM: Medium

Acute Potential Health Effects

Heat stroke leading to death (lesser symptoms: exhaustion, cramps, rash, and fatigue). RAM: 4C

Chronic Potential Health Effects

Dermatitis. RAM: 2C

Scenario Exposure during outdoor activities

Route & Form of Exposure

Frequency & Duration of Exposure

Daily 1 – 2 hours

Exposure Limit PDO SP-2222

Exposure Rating & Justification

Low (10-50% OEL) Outdoor activities where ambient temperature range between 36 and 45 degrees Celsius and Relative Humidity often not exceed 50%.

ALARP Status Yes

ALARP Justification Controls in place/implemented

Elimination Not applicable

Substitution Not applicable

Isolation Not applicable

Engineering In place

Procedural Controls In place

PPE In place

Controls Effectiveness

Training and information on hazard – Adequate information and training on causative factors and available controls provided.


Administrative controls, such as area restrictions and limited schedules – Potable cool water provided. Duration of work is managed to include frequent rest breaks where feasible. Cool rest area (air conditioned) provided for indoor workers.


Written procedure/safe work practice: SP-2222. Effective

Monitoring: Area Measurements. Effective

Recovery Measures Effectiveness

Local medical facilities, first aid, Medical Emergency Response Plan. Effective

Remedial Actions Priority

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Work Area – Sub Unit/Job/Job

Production Operator and Supervisor

Hazard NORM

RAM: Medium

Acute Potential Health Effects

None known

Chronic Potential Health Effects

IARC 1 - Human carcinogen. Damage to reproductive system and blood cells. RAM: 4B

Scenario During supervision regarding intrusive maintenance tasks.

Route & Form of Exposure

Frequency & Duration of Exposure


Exposure Limit PDO SP-1170: 0.5 µSv/hr.

Exposure Rating & Justification

Low (10-50% OEL) Effective radiation management system in place by PDO

ALARP Status Yes

ALARP Justification Controls in place/implemented

Elimination Not applicable

Substitution Not applicable

Isolation Not applicable

Engineering Applicable

Procedural Controls In place

PPE In place

Controls Effectiveness

Hazard identification by signs/warnings/labels – Radioactive source containers always carry standard ‘Radiation Hazard Warning’ label.


Training and information on hazard – Operators have appropriate level of hazard information and training.


Monitoring: Personal Measurements – Operators have instruments to ensure exposures are not above threshold limit values.


Written procedure/safe work practice: SP-1170. Effective

Recovery Measures Effectiveness

Medical Facilities in place, First Aid, Medical Emergency Response Plan. Effective

Remedial Actions Priority

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Work Area – Sub Unit/Job/Job

Production Operator and Supervisor

Hazard Ultra violet light (UV) – wavelength 100 – 400 nm (non-ionizing radiation)

RAM: Medium

Acute Potential Health Effects

Skin burns, erythema (reddening of the skin) and darkening of the skin. Photokeratitis (painful condition caused by the inflammation of the cornea of the eye). Conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva). Eye disorders with pain and discomfort ("flash burn", "arc eye"). RAM: 2C

Chronic Potential Health Effects

IARC 1 - Human carcinogen (skin cancer). Skin aging. May cause pterygium, cataracts and macular degeneration. RAM: 4B

Scenario Outdoor work with high UV index

Route & Form of Exposure

Frequency & Duration of Exposure

Daily 1 – 2 hours

Exposure Limit See TLvs ACGIH

Exposure Rating & Justification

Medium (10-50% OEL) Region UV index patterns range from moderate to high.

ALARP Status Yes

ALARP Justification Controls in place/implemented

Elimination, substitution, isolation

Not applicable

Engineering In place

Procedural Controls In place

PPE In place

Controls Effectiveness

UV Radiation shields: roof//shelters Effective

PPE-Skin protection: gloves, clothing – Long-sleeved coveralls provided to all workers on site to minimize exposed body parts.


Training and information on hazard – Information on how people could be affected by inadequate protection from UV and controls presented to the locals.


Recovery Measures Effectiveness

Local medical facilities, first aid, Medical Emergency Response Plan. Effective

Remedial Actions Priority

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Work Area – Sub Unit/Job/Job

Production Operator and Supervisor

Hazard Noise

RAM: Medium

Acute Potential Health Effects

Loud steady noise: temporary threshold shift. Impact noise: rupture of eardrum; acoustic trauma. RAM: 2C

Chronic Potential Health Effects

Noise induced hearing loss (permanent threshold shift); tinnitus (ringing in ears). RAM: 2D

Scenario Noisy equipment on site (pumps, compressors, engines)

Route & Form of Exposure

Frequency & Duration of Exposure

Daily 1 – 2 hours

Exposure Limit PDO SP-1231: 85 dB(A)

Exposure Rating & Justification

High (>100% OEL) Ambient noise levels often higher than 85 dB(A) in some work locations

ALARP Status No

ALARP Justification Controls need improvement

Elimination, substitution, Isolation

Not applicable

Engineering Applicable. Cormpressors have isolation systems

Procedural Controls In place

PPE In place

Controls Effectiveness

PPE-Hearing protection – Hearing protection provided but it’s not selected not derived from appropriate objective measurement.


Training and information on hazard – Adequate training and information on the effects of noise and available means of protection provided to the workers.


Area Warning signals Not Effective

Monitoring: Noise mapping performed during 2017 Effective

Recovery Measures Effectiveness

Local medical facilities, first aid, Medical Emergency Response Plan. Effective

Remedial Actions Priority

1. Provide (blue) mandatory Sign for "Use of HPE" in all approachable direction for the following areas:

1) P-5685/86 area 2) Shipping pump 3) Blower area 4) Compressor K4703 5) Compressor K4702

2. Modify the Venting Outlet for the K-5661/62 dryer to reduce generation of very high noise level during venting - Either increase its height & provide it with a silencer OR extend the outlet & place it 2-3 mts away on the ground in a water pit / sump.


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Work Area – Sub Unit/Job

Operator/Supervisor/Coordinator/All Administrative functions

Hazard Use of control Panels, Computer/Display Screen Equipment

RAM: Medium

Acute Potential Health Effects

Muscular discomfort; eyestrain; soreness to soft tissues (e.g. wrist). RAM: 1D

Chronic Potential Health Effects

Work-related upper limb disorders, repetitive strain injury. RAM: 3D

Scenario Office jobs involving typing, mousing, and/viewing monitor for > 6hour/day.

Route & Form of Exposure

Frequency & Duration of Exposure

Daily 6 – 8 hours

Exposure Limit

Exposure Rating & Justification

Medium (50-100% OEL)

ALARP Status No

ALARP Justification Control need improvement

Elimination, substitution, isolation

Not applicable

Engineering Applicable

Procedural Controls In Place

PPE Not applicable

Controls Effectiveness

Ergonomically designed furniture & workstations – Ergonomic workstations and furniture are provided.

Not Effective

Training and information on hazard – Adequate hazard information and training on prevention of RSI is communicated to all users.


Ergonomic workplace assessment Effective

Recovery Measures Effectiveness

RSI Case management - RSI guidance available. Referral to specialist by Physician where necessary.


Physiotherapy - Effective physiotherapy service available at no cost to PDO workers. Effective

Remedial Actions Priority

1. Provide light and easy movable stool stair instead of heavy one in the battery room


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Work Area – Sub Unit/Job

Production Operator

Hazard Manual Handling – Lifting, Lowering

RAM: Medium

Acute Potential Health Effects

Acute strain or sprain to muscles and joints. RAM: 3C

Chronic Potential Health Effects

Chronic muscular-skeletal disorders. RAM: 3D

Scenario Lifting, carrying, pushing, pulling and positioning box, packages and equipment.

Route & Form of Exposure

Frequency & Duration of Exposure

Daily 30 – 60 minutes

Exposure Limit

Exposure Rating & Justification

Low (10-50% OEL) Weights do not exceed 20kg eventually lifted, carried, or positioned.

ALARP Status Yes

ALARP Justification Controls in place/implemented

Elimination Not applicable

Substitution Not applicable

Isolation Not applicable

Engineering Lifting equipment

Procedural Controls In place

PPE Not applicable

Controls Effectiveness

Mechanical lifting devices – Mechanical load handling devices provided on site. Effective

Training and information on hazard – Information and training appropriate to hazard level provided.


Recovery Measures Effectiveness

Medical Facilities in place, First Aid, Medical Emergency Response Plan. Effective

Physiotherapy - Effective physiotherapy service available at no cost to PDO workers. Effective

Remedial Actions Priority

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Work Area – Sub Unit/Job

Production Operator and Supervisor

Hazard Awkward Posture of the Shoulder, Neck, Back (not associated with force)

RAM: Medium

Acute Potential Health Effects

Muscular discomfort or fatigue, strain or sprain. RAM: 3C

Chronic Potential Health Effects

Chronic musculo-skeletal disorders of the shoulder neck or bac.k RAM: 3D

Scenario During routine field inspections

Route & Form of Exposure

Frequency & Duration of Exposure


Exposure Limit

Exposure Rating & Justification

Low (10-50% OEL)

ALARP Status Yes

ALARP Justification Controls in place/implemented

Elimination, substitution, isolation

Not applicable.

Engineering In place

Procedural Controls In place

PPE Not applicable

Controls Effectiveness

Ergonomically designed according to HFE DEP’s. Effective

Training and information on hazard - Adequate hazard information and training on prevention of injuries is communicated to all users.


Ergonomic workplace assessment. Effective

Recovery Measures Effectiveness

Medical Facilities in place, First Aid, Medical Emergency Response Plan. Effective

Physiotherapy - Effective physiotherapy service available at no cost to PDO workers. Effective

Remedial Actions Priority

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Work Area – Sub Unit/Job

Production Operator and Supervisor

Hazard Kneeling, Squatting, Standing on 1 leg, Contact Stress on legs due low

and high walking displacement

RAM: Medium

Acute Potential Health Effects

Muscular fatigue or discomfort may include numbness in the legs. RAM: 1C

Chronic Potential Health Effects

Lower body joint disorder. RAM: 3D

Scenario Contact stress on legs while stand by performing routine inspections

Route & Form of Exposure

Frequency & Duration of Exposure

Daily 1–2 hours

Exposure Limit

Exposure Rating & Justification

Low (10-50% OEL)

ALARP Status Yes

ALARP Justification Controls in place/implemented

Elimination Not applicable.

Substitution Not applicable.

Isolation Not applicable.

Engineering In place

Procedural Controls In place.

PPE Not applicable.

Controls Effectiveness

Ergonomically designed according to HFE DEP’s Effective

Administrative controls, such as area restrictions and limited schedules – periodically breaks.


Training and information on hazard – Workers have adequate hazard information and training.


Ergonomic workplace assessment. Effective

Recovery Measures Effectiveness

Medical Facilities in place, First Aid, Medical Emergency Response Plan. Effective

Physiotherapy - Effective physiotherapy service available at no cost to PDO workers. Effective

Remedial Actions Priority

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Work Area – Sub Unit Production Operator

Hazard Crude oil

RAM: Medium

Acute Potential Health Effects

Irritant to eyes, skin and respiratory tract. H2S effects at low levels: irritation of respiratory system and loss of smell sense RAM: 2C

Chronic Potential Health Effects

IARC 1 - Human carcinogen, because contains benzene RAM: 4C

Scenario During sampling

Route & Form of Exposure

Inhalation, Dermal, Splash Liquid

Frequency & Duration of Exposure

Daily 30 – 60 minutes

Exposure Limit

Exposure Rating & Justification

Medium (50-100% OEL)

ALARP Status No

ALARP Justification Controls need improvement

Elimination Not applicable.

Substitution Not applicable.

Isolation In place

Engineering In place

Procedural Controls In place

PPE In place

Controls Effectiveness

Training and information on hazard and task – adequate information and training on possible health effects of exposure to chemicals and how to handle them safely


PPE-Skin and eye protection: gloves, clothing and H2S detectors Effective

Safety Manual, Written protocols Effective

Hazard identification by signs/warnings/labels – readily identifiable with labels, SHOC cards/SDS.


Recovery Measures Effectiveness

Medical Facilities in place, First Aid, Medical Emergency Response Plan Effective

Safety Showers and eye washer Effective

Remedial Actions Priority

1. Remove contaminated sand from crude leak in Tanks 4701 and 4702 2

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Work Area Production Operators

Hazard Hydrogen Sulphide containing streams with H2S > 1000 ppm mole (600

mg/kg) or >100 ppm vapour space

RAM: Medium

Acute Potential Health Effects

Inhalation: Can irritate the nose and throat. Can harm the nervous system. Symptoms may include headache, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and confusion. A severe exposure can cause unconsciousness. Skin Contact: Causes mild to severe irritation. Symptoms include pain, redness, and swelling. Can be absorbed through the skin, but harmful effects are not expected. Any skin contact will also involve significant inhalation exposure. Eye Contact: Causes mild to severe irritation. Symptoms include sore, red eyes, and tearing. The vapour also irritates the eyes. Ingestion: Harmful. VERY ACUTE TOXIC: Chemical asphyxiation causing respiratory paralysis, irritant; unconsciousness, fatality RAM: 4C

Chronic Potential Health Effects

Damage to nasal tissues.. RAM: 2B

Scenario During routine inspection task

Route & Form of Exposure

Inhalation Gas

Frequency & Duration of Exposure


Exposure Limit 5 ppm

Exposure Rating & Justification

Low (10-50% OEL)

ALARP Status Yes

ALARP Justification No reported cases, controls in place

Elimination Not applicable.

Substitution Not applicable.

Isolation In place

Engineering In place

Procedural Controls In place.

PPE In place

Controls Effectiveness

Training and information on hazard and task - adequate information and training on possible health effects of exposure to chemicals and how to handle them safely


PPE – Respirators and rig walkers, H2S detectors Effective

PPE-Skin and eye protection: gloves, clothing. Effective

Safety Manual, Written protocols Effective

Hazard identification by signs/warnings/labels - readily identifiable with labels, SHOC cards/SDS.


Recovery Measures Effectiveness

Safety Showers and eye washer Effective

Medical Facilities in place, First Aid, Medical Emergency Response Plan Effective

Remedial Actions Priority

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Work Area/Job Production Operator and Supervisor

Hazard Nickel/Cadmium (as insoluble compounds) Batteries

RAM: Medium

Acute Potential Health Effects

Irritant to skin, eyes and respiratory tract. RAM: 2B

Chronic Potential Health Effects

Human carcinogen (IARC 1), skin and respiratory sensitizer. Suspected reprotoxic substance. RAM: 4C

Scenario During battery exchange

Route & Form of Exposure

Inhalation, contact Solid

Frequency & Duration of Exposure


Exposure Limit

Exposure Rating & Justification

Very Low (<10% OEL)

ALARP Status Yeas

ALARP Justification Controls in place/implemented

Elimination, substitution, isolation

Not applicable

Engineering In place

Procedural Controls In place

PPE In place

Controls Effectiveness

Confining in special area. Recipient closed. Effective

Safety Manual and Written protocols. Effective

Training and information on hazard and task: adequate information and training on possible health effects of exposure to chemicals and how to handle them safely.


Hazard identification by signs/warnings/labels - readily identifiable with labels, SHOC cards/SDS.


PPE- Skin protection: gloves. Effective

PPE- Skin protection: clothing. Effective

PPE- Eye protection: face shield, glasses. Effective

Recovery Measures Effectiveness

Medical Facilities in place, First Aid, Medical Emergency Response Plan. Effective

Eye washer. Effective

Remedial Actions Priority

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Work Area/Job Electrical technician and supervisor

Hazard Potassium hydroxide

RAM: Medium

Acute Potential Health Effects

Very Toxic Acute: Corrosive to eyes, skin and respiratory tract. May cause pulmonary edema RAM: 3C

Chronic Potential Health Effects

Delayed corrosive effect on skin and respiratory system. RAM: 2B

Scenario During battery exchange

Route & Form of Exposure

Inhalation, contact Solid

Frequency & Duration of Exposure


Exposure Limit

Exposure Rating & Justification

Low (10-50% OEL)

ALARP Status Yes

ALARP Justification Controls in place/ implemented

Elimination, substitution, isolation

Not applicable

Engineering In place

Procedural Controls In place

PPE In place

Controls Effectiveness

Confining in special area. Recipient closed. Effective

Safety Manual and Written protocols. Effective

Training and information on hazard and task: adequate information and training on possible health effects of exposure to chemicals and how to handle them safely.


Hazard identification by signs/warnings/labels - readily identifiable with labels, SHOC cards/SDS.


PPE- Skin protection: gloves. Effective

PPE- Skin protection: clothing. Effective

PPE- Eye protection: face shield, glasses. Effective

Recovery Measures Effectiveness

Medical Facilities in place, First Aid, Medical Emergency Response Plan. Effective

Eye washer. Effective

Remedial Actions Priority

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Work Area – Sub Unit/Job

Production Operator

Hazard Simple Asphyxiants- Nitrogen, Mercaptans, Helium, Oxygen, Hydrogen

(gas cylinders)

RAM: Medium

Acute Potential Health Effects

Chemical Asphyxiants RAM: 4C

Chronic Potential Health Effects

Scenario During supervision of cylinder installation task

Route & Form of Exposure

Inhalation Gas

Frequency & Duration of Exposure


Exposure Limit

Exposure Rating & Justification

Very Low (<10% OEL)

ALARP Status Yes

ALARP Justification Controls in place/implemented

Elimination, substitution Not Applicable

Engineering In place

Procedural Controls In place

PPE In place

Controls Effectiveness

Proper warehouse .Ventilation-General dilution. Effective

Safety Manual and Written protocols. Effective

Training and information on hazard and task: adequate information and training on possible health effects of exposure to chemicals and how to handle them safely


Hazard identification by signs/warnings/labels - readily identifiable with labels, SHOC cards/SDS.


PPE- Skin protection: gloves. Effective

PPE- Skin protection: clothing. Effective

PPE- Eye protection: face shield, glasses. Effective

Recovery Measures Effectiveness

Medical Facilities in place, First Aid, Medical Emergency Response Plan. Effective

Remedial Actions Priority

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Work Area – Sub Unit/Job

Production Operator

Hazard Demulsifier (Phasetreat 14231)

RAM: Medium

Acute Potential Health Effects

Causes severe skin burns and eye damage. Causes serious eye damage. May cause respiratory irritation. May cause drowsiness or dizziness. May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. RAM: 3B

Chronic Potential Health Effects

IARC 2B - Possible human carcinogen. RAM: 4B

Scenario Supervision of filling task. During maintenance operations

Route & Form of Exposure

Inhalation, Dermal Liquid

Frequency & Duration of Exposure


Exposure Limit

Exposure Rating & Justification

Low (10-50% OEL)

ALARP Status No

ALARP Justification Controls need improvement

Elimination, substitution, isolation

Not applicable but substance must be restricted in use

Engineering In place

Procedural Controls In place

PPE In place

Controls Effectiveness

Pump transfer (System) Effective

Safety Manual and Written protocols Effective

Training and information on hazard and task: adequate information and training on possible health effects of exposure to chemicals and how to handle them safely.


Hazard identification by signs/warnings/labels - readily identifiable with labels, SHOC cards/SDS.


PPE – Respirators. Effective

PPE- Skin protection: gloves. Effective

PPE- Skin protection: clothing. Effective

PPE- Eye protection: face shield, glasses. Effective

Monitoring: Personal Measurements. Effective

Recovery Measures Effectiveness

Medical Facilities in place, First Aid, Medical Emergency Response Plan. Effective

Safety Showers and eye washer. Not Effective

Remedial Actions Priority

1. Install new safety shower close to chemical skid according to Gu-817


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Work Area – Sub Unit/Job

Production Operator


RAM: Low

Acute Potential Health Effects

Irritant to eyes, skin and respiratory tract. CNS effects, unconsciousness. can cause blindness. RAM: 3B

Chronic Potential Health Effects

Dermatitis, persistent or recurring headaches, impaired vision. Suspected reprotoxic substance. RAM: 3B

Scenario Hydrate control, field operations (hydrates, inhibitor. Auxiliary chemical, storage (bulk and drums), truck delivery and transfer

Route & Form of Exposure

Inhalation, Dermal Liquid

Frequency & Duration of Exposure


Exposure Limit

Exposure Rating & Justification

Low (10-50% OEL)

ALARP Status No

ALARP Justification Controls need improvement

Elimination, substitution, isolation

Not applicable but substance must be restricted in use

Engineering In place

Procedural Controls In place

PPE In place

Controls Effectiveness

Pump transfer (System) Effective

Safety Manual and Written protocols Effective

Training and information on hazard and task: adequate information and training on possible health effects of exposure to chemicals and how to handle them safely.


Hazard identification by signs/warnings/labels - readily identifiable with labels, SHOC cards/SDS.

Not Effective

PPE – Respirators. Effective

PPE- Skin protection: gloves. Effective

PPE- Skin protection: clothing. Effective

PPE- Eye protection: face shield, glasses. Effective

Monitoring: Personal Measurements. Effective

Recovery Measures Effectiveness

Medical Facilities in place, First Aid, Medical Emergency Response Plan. Effective

Safety Showers and eye washer. Effective

Remedial Actions Priority

1. Install SHOC card near all chemical skids 2. Install new safety shower close to chemical skid according to Gu-817.


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Work Area – Sub Unit/Job

Production Operator

Hazard MEG (Monothylene Glycol)

RAM: Medium

Acute Potential Health Effects

Severe eyes irritant, mild irritant to skin, mild irritant to lungs. May affect CNS, liver and kidneys RAM: 3C

Chronic Potential Health Effects

Damage to kidneys. MEG is a recognized Development and Reproductive Human toxicant RAM: 3C

Scenario Used for dehydration of natural gases. Anti-freeze, auxiliary chemical, drilling fluid additives. Production/Gas plant, coolant and anti freeze fluids

Route & Form of Exposure

Inhalation, Dermal Liquid

Frequency & Duration of Exposure


Exposure Limit

Exposure Rating & Justification

Low (10-50% OEL)

ALARP Status No

ALARP Justification Controls need improvement

Elimination, substitution, isolation

Not applicable but substance must be restricted in use

Engineering In place

Procedural Controls In place

PPE In place

Controls Effectiveness

Pump transfer (System) Effective

Safety Manual and Written protocols Effective

Training and information on hazard and task: adequate information and training on possible health effects of exposure to chemicals and how to handle them safely.


Hazard identification by signs/warnings/labels - readily identifiable with labels, SHOC cards/SDS.

Not Effective

PPE – Respirators. Effective

PPE- Skin protection: gloves. Not Effective

PPE- Skin protection: clothing. Effective

PPE- Eye protection: face shield, glasses. Effective

Monitoring: Personal Measurements. Effective

Recovery Measures Effectiveness

Medical Facilities in place, First Aid, Medical Emergency Response Plan. Effective

Safety Showers and eye washer. Effective

Remedial Actions Priority

1. Update SHOC card 2. Install new safety shower close to chemical skid and not far than 30 sec.


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Work Area/Job Operator

Hazard Biocides (NaCI)

RAM: Low

Acute Potential Health Effects

Base on substances presence RAM: 2B

Chronic Potential Health Effects

Based on substances presence: Systemic effects RAM: 2B

Scenario Cooling water tower additive, water treatment, production well treatment, i.e. sodium/calcium hypochlorite as inorganic.

Route & Form of Exposure

Inhalation, Dermal Liquid

Frequency & Duration of Exposure

Weekly 1 - 2 hours

Exposure Limit

Exposure Rating & Justification

Medium (50 - 100% OEL)

ALARP Status No ALARP Justification Controls need improvement Elimination, Substitution Not applicable

Engineering Not applicable

Procedural Controls well implemented

PPE Adequate

Controls Effectiveness

Training and information on hazard and task - adequate information and training on possible health effects of exposure to chemicals and how to handle them safely


PPE – Respirators and SCBA Effective

PPE-Skin and eye protection: gloves, clothing. Effective Safety Showers and eye washer Effective Safety Manual, Written protocols Effective

Hazard identification by signs/warnings/labels - readily identifiable with labels, SHOC cards/SDS.

Not Effective

Recovery Measures Effectiveness

Medical Facilities in place, First Aid, Medical Emergency Response Plan Effective

Remedial Actions Priority 1. Install SHOC card 3

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Work Area/Job Production Operator

Hazard Diesel, Distillates, Gas Oils and Heating Oils

RAM: Medium

Acute Potential Health Effects

Irritant to respiratory tract (by inhalation of mist) and eyes. Contains organic solvents which in case of overexposure may depress the central nervous system Causing dizziness and intoxication. May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. RAM: 3C

Chronic Potential Health Effects

IARC 2B Possible human carcinogen. Suspected Development and Reproductive human Toxicant. May cause damage to the following organs: Blood. Liver.Thymus. Defeating of the skin, dermatitis RAM: 4B

Scenario Distillate process streams, separated crude oil distillates, and marketed fuel products. Storage tanks, separator vessels, vehicle fuel.

Route & Form of Exposure

Inhalation, Dermal, splash Liquid

Frequency & Duration of Exposure

Occasionally (in field area)

Exposure Limit 100 mg/m3 (as total hydrocarbon)

Exposure Rating & Justification

LOW (10-50% OEL) Fuel handling (loading in storage tank & vehicles) is done by contracted workers.

ALARP Status Yes

ALARP Justification No reported cases, controls in place

Elimination, Substitution Not applicable

Engineering Control Not applicable

Procedural Controls Current procedures adequate.

PPE Adequate

Controls Effectiveness

Hazard identification – readily identification with labels, SHOC cards/SDS Effective

Safety manual, written protocols, personal hygiene practice. Effective

Training and information on hazard and task- adequate training on health hazard & control measures to minimize exposure.


PPE-Skin protection: gloves, clothing - Appropriate gloves are readily available for use where direct contact is deemed probable


Recovery Measures Effectiveness

Medical Facilities in place, First Aid, Medical Emergency Response Plan Effective

Remedial Actions Priority

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Work Area – Sub Unit/Job


Hazard Combustion particulates/toxic smoke (including Diesel exhaust and CO2)

RAM: Medium

Acute Potential Health Effects

Irritation of eyes and respiratory tract. RAM: 2C

Chronic Potential Health Effects

IARC 2A - Probably human carcinogenic. CO2 is a suspected development and reproductive human toxicant. RAM: 4B

Scenario During burning of condensates and other gases Route & Form of Exposure

Inhalation, contact Particle

Frequency & Duration of Exposure


Exposure Limit

Exposure Rating & Justification

Very Low (<10% OEL)

ALARP Status Yes ALARP Justification Controls are in place

Elimination, Substitution, isolation

Not applicable

Engineering Applicable Procedural Controls In place

PPE In place

Controls Effectiveness

Open space – natural ventilation. Effective Flare System. Effective Safety Manual and Written protocols. Effective

Training and information on hazard and task: adequate information and training on possible health effects of exposure to chemicals and how to handle them safely


Hazard identification by signs/warnings/labels - readily identifiable with labels, SHOC cards/SDS.


PPE- Skin protection: gloves. Effective

PPE- Skin protection: clothing. Effective PPE- Eye protection: face shield, glasses. Effective Environmental Monitoring. Effective Recovery Measures Effectiveness

Medical Facilities in place, First Aid, Medical Emergency Response Plan. Effective

Remedial Actions Priority

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Work Area – Sub Unit/Job


Hazard Unknown chemicals during an emergency

RAM: Medium

Acute Potential Health Effects

Various including irritation, asphyxiation, burns (if corrosive). RAM: 4B

Chronic Potential Health Effects

Dependant of the chemical potential damage (systemic, carcinogen). RAM: 4B

Scenario During an emergency (fire, reactions, combustion)

Route & Form of Exposure

Inhalation Gas

Frequency & Duration of Exposure


Exposure Limit

Exposure Rating & Justification

Very Low (<10% OEL)

ALARP Status Yes

ALARP Justification Controls in place/implemented

Elimination, substitution, isolation

Not applicable

Engineering In place

Procedural Controls In place

PPE In place

Controls Effectiveness

Open space – natural ventilation. Effective

Safety Manual and Written protocols. Effective

Training and information on hazard and task: adequate information and training on possible health effects of exposure to chemicals and how to handle them safely


Hazard identification by signs/warnings/labels - readily identifiable with labels, SHOC cards/SDS.


PPE- Skin protection: gloves. Effective

PPE- Skin protection: clothing. Effective

PPE- Eye protection: face shield, glasses. Effective

Environmental Monitoring. Effective

Recovery Measures Effectiveness

Medical Facilities in place, First Aid, Medical Emergency Response Plan Effective

Respiratory Protection and SCBA Effective

Remedial Actions Priority

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5. Control statements for Low RAM Hazards



Indoor climate No


Fungus/mold growth, or bioaerosols No


Virus of colds, influenza, and Norovirus No

Production Operators and Supervisors

Histoplasma Capsulatum Yes, see specific appraisal


Visible light (too much; too little) - wavelength 400 - 780 nm (non-ionizing radiation)



Infrared (IR) – wavelength 780 1 mm (non-ionizing radiation)



Radiowave/Microwave radiation - wavelength 1 mm - 30 km (non-ionizing radiation)



Extremely Low Frequency magnetic radiation (ELF) - wavelength: > 30 km (non-ionizing radiation)


Production Operators and Supervisors

Detergents No

Production Operators and Supervisors

Solvents / Degreasers No

Production Operators and Supervisors

Hydrocarbons, VOC (total vapor) No

Production Operators and Supervisors

Particulates (total, not classified) No

Production Operators and Supervisors

Hydrocarbon Gas (EP), Hydrocarbons Light (<C5's) (e.g. Methane, LPG)


Production Operators and Supervisors

Lubricating Oils, C16-C35 Hydrocarbons (includes oil mist and glycerin) and Greases (< 3%PCAH Content). Includes oil mist and glycerin


Production Operators and Supervisors

AFFF foam extinguisher No

Production Operators ABC dry powder No

Production Operators Man made or synthetic vitreous fibers No

Production Operators and Supervisors

Produced water for hydrocarbon production (brines)


Production Operators and Supervisors

Water softener salt (NACl) No

Production Operators and Supervisors

Lubricant Oils, C16-C35 Hydrocarbons and Greases (< 3%PCAH Content). Includes oil mist and glycerin

Yes, see remedial action for chemicals

Production Operators and Supervisors

Hydrocarbon gas, liquid and H2S (off plot)


Production Operators and Supervisors

Hydrocarbon gas and H2S (on plot - flaring / venting)


Production Operators and Supervisors

Crude oil under pressure (on plot) No

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Production Operators and Supervisors

Steam production and distribution system - HP, HT steam


Production Operators and Supervisors

Methanol Yes see specific appraisal

Production Operators and Supervisors

Biocides (NaCl) Yes see specific appraisal

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6. Generic Controls and Recovery Measures


Controls Effectiveness

Structural integrity: Surface Structures, Heavy lift cranes and mechanical handling, HFE design


Process containment: pressure vessels, heat exchangers, rotating equipments, piping system, pipelines, relief system, well containment, cathodic protection


Ignition control: certified electrical equipment, earth bonding, flare ignition control system Effective

Detection system: fire and gas Effective

Protection system: Emergency shutdown, sand filters, chemical injection, fire water pumps, ring main, foam injection, blanked gas, closed drain systems.


DCS/SCADA systems Effective

Shutdown system: ESD system, depressurization, HIPPs, pipeline isolation valves, process isolation, relief and blow-down system.


Maintenance Integrity Execution (MIE) Effective

Permit to Work (PTW) system Effective

Warehouse and shelters: Separate containing. Non-reactive containers. Effective

Order and housekeeping. Not Effective

Asset Register Verification, HSE audits, Inspections and reviews. Effective

Plant Operation Manual. Effective

HSE studies and assessments Effective

HSE meetings (rules, protocols, LFI’s) Effective

Area restrictions and limited schedules - Availability of air-conditioned offices on site, cool rest areas and drinking water

Not effective

Operations Competence, Development and Assurance system Effective

Recovery Measures Effectiveness

Emergency response: escape/evacuation routes, designated areas, communication system, UPS, power and lighting, locations of fire/gas alarms, fire extinguishers, fire blankets and open hazardous system, decontamination system.

Not Effective

Personal survival equipment (SCBA) and escape hoods Effective

Remedial Actions

See Section 3.

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Appendix 1: Definitions Acute Health Effect Health Effect that occurs immediately or a short time (seconds to hours) following exposure, such as heat stroke, chemical burns and asphyxiation. Agent See Hazard ALARP - As Low As Reasonably Applicable The point at which the cost (in time, money and effort) of further Risk reduction is grossly disproportionate to the Risk reduction achieved. Barrier A Risk Control or a Recovery Measure. Barriers provide the means of preventing an Event or Incident, or of mitigating the Consequences. A Barrier can be an item of equipment or a human intervention, and can also be a Control on an Escalation Factor. Chronic Health Effect Health Effect that occurs gradually over a long period of time (months or years), generally following repeated and prolonged exposure. In specific cases a short term exposure may result in a chronic health effect. Consequence An Effect on people, assets, the environment or reputation as a result of a Hazard being released. Control A means of preventing an Incident. Controls can be engineering, procedural or behavioral. Critical Activity An activity necessary for the development, implementation or maintenance of a Barrier established for managing Hazards with RAM red Risks. Effect The Consequence of the release of a Hazard. Escalation Factor A situation, condition or circumstance that may lead to the partial or full failure of a Barrier. Event An Incident that occurs when a Hazard is released. Exposure Limit The airborne concentration of chemical agents and levels of physical agents to which nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed day after day without adverse Effect. Exposure Rating The chance of over-exposure to a health hazard when compared against agreed control standards. The exposure rating is evaluated as Very Low, Low, Medium or High. Hazard An agent with the potential to cause harm to people, damage to Assets, or an Impact on the environment or reputation. Health Hazard A factor of a physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic or psychological nature with the potential to cause harm to the health of people. HRA - Health Risk Assessment

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A process of identifying, evaluating, controlling and managing Health Risks, associated with work to prevent acute and chronic health Effects. Incident An unplanned Event or chain of Events that has, or could have, resulted in injury or illness or damage to Assets, the environment or reputation. Likelihood The probability that a specified Consequence will happen. OEL – Occupational Exposure Limit The airborne concentration of chemical agents and levels of physical agents to which nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed day after day without adverse effect. RAM - Risk Assessment Matrix A tool used to assess the Consequences and Risks of Hazards to HSSE. The results are referred to as a RAM Severity rating and a RAM Risk rating. Recovery Measure A Barrier that reduces the Consequences of the release of a Hazard as a result of an Incident. Recovery Measures can be engineering, procedural or behavioral measures. Remedial Action Plan RAP - A Plan to implement corrective action items. Risk The combination of the Consequence of a specific Hazard being released and the Likelihood of it happening. Risk Assessment The process of identifying the Consequences of the Worst Case Credible Scenario arising from the release of a Hazard, and estimating the Likelihood of that scenario. Severity A level of Consequence on the RAM on a scale of 0 to 5. TBD To be determined.

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Appendix 2: Risk Assessment Matrix

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Appendix 3: List of Jobs included

Production Operators

Production Supervisor

Production Coordinator

Administrative jobs (e.g. managers, planners)

Helpers and trainees

Note: Maintenance personnel/jobs/tasks are included in PDO Maintenance HRAs (North and South)