STATE OF CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND WELFARE AGENCY \ PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES 7141744 P Street e--P. 0. Box 942732 iacramento, CA 94234-7320 (916) 654-8076 December 30, 1998 MMCD Policy Letter 98- 12 TO: SUBJECT: A [x] County Organized Health Systems Plans [X] Geographic Managed Care Plans jX] Prepaid Health Plans [x] Primary Care Case Management Plans PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN SELECTION AND ASSIGNMENT POLICY GOALS To assure that all members of contracting Medi-Cal managed care plans are afforded timely assignment to an appropriate primary care physician to whom they have adequate and continuous access. To assure that all medically necessary services delivered to plan members are actively and continuously case managed by the member’s primary care physician of record. POLICY All Medi-Cal managed care plans (County Organized Health Systems [COHS], Prepaid Health Plans [PHP], Geographic Managed Care [GMC], Two-Plan Model, and Primary Care Case Management [PCCM], hereafter referred to as the Plans) are contractually required to implement and maintain written policies and procedures governing member selection or Plan assignment of primary care physicians (PCP).

PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES · assure that all NPMPs are operating within their respective scope of practice. The Plans must assure that the member’s assigned

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Page 1: PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES · assure that all NPMPs are operating within their respective scope of practice. The Plans must assure that the member’s assigned



e--P. 0. Box 942732iacramento, CA 94234-7320

(916) 654-8076 December 30, 1998

MMCD Policy Letter 98- 12




[x] County Organized Health Systems Plans

[X] Geographic Managed Care Plans

jX] Prepaid Health Plans

[x] Primary Care Case Management Plans



To assure that all members of contracting Medi-Cal managed care plans are affordedtimely assignment to an appropriate primary care physician to whom they have adequate andcontinuous access.

To assure that all medically necessary services delivered to plan members are activelyand continuously case managed by the member’s primary care physician of record.


All Medi-Cal managed care plans (County Organized Health Systems [COHS], PrepaidHealth Plans [PHP], Geographic Managed Care [GMC], Two-Plan Model, and Primary CareCase Management [PCCM], hereafter referred to as the Plans) are contractually required toimplement and maintain written policies and procedures governing member selection or Planassignment of primary care physicians (PCP).

Page 2: PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES · assure that all NPMPs are operating within their respective scope of practice. The Plans must assure that the member’s assigned

MMCD Policy Letter 98-12Page 2December 30,199s

I. The Plans must ensure that each member has a primary care physician ofrecord.

A .

B .

C .

D .


The Plans must ensure that each full scope Medi-Cal member, regardlessof share-of-cost considerations or service carve-out arrangements, has aPCP. The PCP serves as the medical home for members, especiallychildren. The medical home is where care is accessible, continuous,comprehensive, and culturally competent.

The Plans must ensure that each member is provided sufficientinformation to make an informed selection of a PCP within 30 days of theeffective date of enrollment in the Plan. For Two-Plan Model and GMC,the effective date of enrollment is the first day of the month followingnotification by the Medi-Cal Eligibility Data System (MEDS) tape that abeneficiary is eligible to receive services from the plan and capitation willbe paid, that is, that the member is not on “hold” status. For COHSs, theeffective date of enrollment is the date the COHS receives notificationfrom the State of the eligibility of a beneficiary to receive Medi-Calservices from the COHS. Members may select PCPs outside of thecontractually stipulated time and distance standards.

If a member does not select a PCP within 30 days, the Plan must assignthe member to an appropriate PCP within 40 days of the effective date ofmember enrollment. The Plans must assign PCPs in accordance withcontractually stipulated time and distance standards and member culturaland linguistic needs.

The Plans must assure that all foster care children within the plan andmembers in long-term care facilities, including those in out-of-countyplacements, have a PCP. The PCP must provide and/or arrange for allmedically necessary services, care coordination and case managementactivities. The Plans are responsible for reimbursement of all medicallynecessary services delivered to these populations, and must haveprocedures for coordination of care with providers in the county ofplacement.

The Plans are not required to assign PCPs to members who havepermanently changed their county of residence, but for whom necessary

Page 3: PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES · assure that all NPMPs are operating within their respective scope of practice. The Plans must assure that the member’s assigned

- MMCD Policy Letter 98-12Page 3December 30,1998

changes in the MEDS system have not as yet been made. The Plans areresponsible for reimbursement of all medically necessary servicesdelivered to these members until they can access services through theMedi-Cal system of their new county of residence. The Plans areencouraged to assure effective transition of care from one county to theother for these members through the transfer of medical information fromthe Plan to the member’s new PCP.

F. With the exception of pregnant women, COHSs are not required to assigna PCP to members with certain restricted aid codes, which limit theservices to which the member is entitled. Plan procedures must clearlystate the circumstances under which members will not be assigned a PCP.COHSs must assign a PCP to all pregnant women, for continuous careduring the perinatal period, regardless of aid code designation or coverage.

G . The PCP must be a general practitioner, internist, pediatrician, familypractitioner, or obstetrician/gynecologist (OB/GYN). An OB/GYN mayserve as both a PCP and a specialist within the Plan’s provider network, ifthe OB/GYN specialist meets the requirements enumerated in IV belowfor approval of specialists as PCPs. The PCP assures the provision of theinitial health assessment and subsequent primary care services, and isresponsible for coordination of the care provided to the member andparticipation in all medical case management functions.

H . On occasion, the Plans may need to ‘reassign the member to another PCP.For Two-Plan Model and GMC in the event of a breakdown incontractor/member relationship as described in Plan contracts, except incases of violent behavior or fraud, the Plans must make significant effortsto resolve the problem. This effort may include reassignment of PCP aslong as the Plan assures an effective transition of care. COHS contractsrequire that written procedures for changing the designation of a PCP mustalso address the above situations. PCCM should refer to their contracts forthe specific language governing reassignment and/or case managementoptions in the above situations.

I. Plan procedures must assure continuity of PCP coverage. In the event thata PCP of record becomes unavailable to the member, for whatever reason,the Plans must inform the member and assist him or her to select anotheravailable PCP from the Plan’s provider network. If a member is receiving

Page 4: PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES · assure that all NPMPs are operating within their respective scope of practice. The Plans must assure that the member’s assigned

e MMCD Policy Letter 98- 12Page 4December 30, 1998

primary care services from a primary care clinic (see II below), themember has the right to remain at the clinic site and to select, or haveassigned, another PCP from the staff of the clinic. The member may alsoelect to continue with his or her current PCP, if the PCP remains in theplan’s provider network. In all circumstances, the Plans must assure theeffective transition of care to the new PCP.

Recently enacted legislation (Chapter 180, Statutes of 1998) requires thatthe Plans, at the request of the member, arrange for continuation ofservices for an acute condition or a serious chronic condition, for ahigh-risk pregnancy, or for a pregnancy that has reached the second orthird trimester, by a provider or provider group whose contract has beenterminated or not renewed by the plan for reasons other than cause. Thisstatute covers continuation of PCP or specialist services and stipulatestimelines for the continuation of services. A copy of the relevant sectionof this legislation is provided for your information as Enclosure 1.

-II. The Plans must allow members to choose nonphysician medical practitioners

(NPMPs), primary care physicians-in-training (residents), and primary careclinics as their providers of primary care services. (These health careproviders will be referred to in this policy letter as providers of primary careservices, to distinguish them from the member’s PCP.)

A . NPMPs are nurse practitioners (NP), certified nurse midwives (CNM) orphysician assistants.(

B . Prior to enrollment in a plan, members may have received primary careservices from an NPMP, resident or primary care clinic, such as a licensedcommunity health center, community health clinic, or a teaching clinicwhich is operated by or associated with an approved postgraduate medicaltraining institution. The Plan must honor a member’s decision to establishor continue an existing relationship with any of these providers of primarycare services, who are available as network providers. The Plan shouldassist the member to continue the relationship by assuring that the memberis assigned to a PCP who:

l has a consultative, collaborative or supervisory relationship,consistent with federal and State statutes or regulations, with the

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-. MMCD Policy Letter 98-12Page 5December 30,1998

NPMP identified by the member as his or her provider of primarycare services, or

l is in regular attendance at the primary care clinic selected by themember for the provision of primary care services, or

0 is responsible for the supervision of residents involved in theprovision of primary care services to the member.

C. Federal law requires the Plans to provide access to CNM and NP services.The Plans are not required to have CNMs or NPs available within the Planprovider network, but need to be aware of the following requirements:

l If at least one of the managed care plans in a county or geographicarea includes CNMs and NPs in its network of providers, and themember has chosen to enroll in a plan without these providercategories, the member does not have the right to access services ofthese providers out-of-plan. The selected Plan is not obligated toreimburse out-of-plan CNM or NP services provided to membersunless the services have been authorized by the Plan.

a If none of the Plans in the county or geographic area includesCNMs and/or NPs in its provider network, all .Plans in that countyor geographic area must inform members that they have the right toaccess services from CNMs and/or NPs outside of the Plan and thatthe Plan will pay for such services. Reimbursement is at theapplicable managed care fee-for-service rate.

l The Plans remain responsible for the reimbursement of thoseout-of-plan services which members may obtain without priorauthorization, such as those for family planning, which may beprovided by NPs or CNMs, regardless of the regulations discussedabove.

D. The Plans may choose to have PA available within their provider networkas providers of primary care services, subject to physician supervisionconsistent with existing regulations, but are not required to offer thisoption.

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MMCD Policy Letter 98-12Page 6December 30,1998

E. CNMs, NPs, and PAS are subject to all laws, regulations, and contractprovisions governing supervision of their activities by any Californialicensed physician.’ It is the Plan’s responsibility to ascertain an NPMP’scapabilities to serve as a primary care provider for its members and toassure that all NPMPs are operating within their respective scope ofpractice. The Plans must assure that the member’s assigned PCP providesthe legally required collaboration, consultation or supervision of the NP,CNM, or PA. In all cases, the PCP is responsible for overall casemanagement and coordination of care for the member.

The Plans must submit their policies and procedures regarding supervisionof NPMPs to MMCD for approval., These policies and procedures mustinclude, but should not be limited to, methods for:

a The continuing evaluation of the competence of CNMs and NPsand the periodic review of the written standardized proceduresunder which network CNMs and NPs are authorized to performtheir medical functions;

a Assuring that appropriate written delegation of service agreementshave been developed for medical services which may be providedby PAS, and that written supervisory guidelines are in place and arebeing appropriately utilized for supervision of PAS. A reprint ofthe July 1998 Medical Board of California Action Renort articleentitled, “Supervision of Physician Assistants” is provided forinformation purposes as Enclosure 2.

l Assuring compliance with Title 22, California Code of Regulations(CCR), Sections 5 1240 and 5 1241 which require the followingfull-time equivalent (FTE) physician to NPMP assignment ratios:

N P S 1:4CNMs 1:3PAS 1:2

Four NPMPs in any combination that does not include more thanthree CNMs or two PAS.

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-. MMCD Policy Letter 98-12Page 7December 30, 1998

l Two-Plan Model Plans must implement a procedure to complywith the contract requirement of one FTE NPMP to 1,000 patientscaseload ratio.

III. The Plans must develop and implement procedures to ensure that eachmember’s PCP is available at his or her designated service site(s) forsufficient time each week to allow all assigned members timely access basedupon member’s request or medical necessity, and to provide continuous andeffective case management of the health care services delivered to themember.

A . The Plans may stipulate the minimum number of hours a given PCPshould be present at designated primary care service sites in order to meetmember health care needs. If on-site hours are stipulated, the Plan mayallow alternative arrangements for service sites located in rural or urbansettings with documented lack of access to physician providers or for otherreasons stipulated in the Plan’s procedures.

B . The Plans must continuously monitor and assess the adequacy of theirprovider networks to assure that they meet the required one FTE PCP per2,000 members ratio. This ratio is calculated on the Plan’s PCP networkas a whole and is not applied to any individual PCP. The continuousassessment of PCP network adequacy must take into consideration timeand distance access standards, current availability of PCPs accepting newmembers, and threshold language capabilities in the provider networksystem.

IV. The Plans may elect to allow a specialist to act as a member’s PCP. ThePlans which elect this option, must establish eligibility criteria whichspecialists must meet in order to serve as PCPs.

The criteria established must include, but are not limited to, the following:

l The specialist has received appropriate training and/or has relevant recentexperience in the provision of primary care services.

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- MMCD Policy Letter 98-12Page 8December 30,1998

l The specialist agrees to provide both primary care and specialty servicesfor assigned members, and to comply with all primary care and preventiveservices guidelines.

V. The Plans must assure the timely availability of specialists to assist the PCPin delivering appropriate services to members with chronic and complexmedical conditions.

A. The Plan must have procedures which describe how a member’s need forspecialists and/or specialty care centers for the ongoing care of chronic andcomplex medical conditions are to be identified upon enrollment of themember into the Plan. These needs must be met by continuing existingrelationships, to the extent that these specialty resources are available aspart of the Plan’s provider network, or by assuring that comparableservices are provided by network specialty providers. The Plans mustassure that families of children with special needs have access toappropriate pediatric medical and surgical specialists on referral fromPCPs as needed and that these specialists are available to assist the PCP inthe management of members under the age of 21 years who have chronicand complex medical conditions. The Plans must assure that anymember’s need for specialized care is facilitated by such means, includingstanding referrals to specialists, as are deemed necessary, in accordancewith Assembly Bill 118 1 (Chapter 3 1, Statutes of 1998). SeeEnclosure 3.

B. The Plan procedures must allow women direct access to any OB/GYN orfamily practitioner contracted to provide OB/GYN services within thePlan’s provider network. The Plans should assure that medicalinformation from these self-referrals is available to the member’s PCP ifthe PCP is other than the physician providing the OB/GYN services.

VI. The Plans must provide the information necessary to assist members to makean informed decision regarding selection of an appropriate PCP or otherprovider of primary care services.

A. The Plans must provide health care options or the local county agencyresponsible for making Medi-Cal eligibility determinations, certainmaterials to be included with the.emollment packet. These materials must

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F--- MMCD Policy Letter 98-12Page 9December 30, 1998

include a provider directory, which lists all physicians currently availablefor member choice as a PCP. Potential enrollees must be able to selectany listed physician as his or her PCP, unless it is clearly indicated that theprovider is not accepting new members. Two-Plan Model and GMC mustensure that the selection of a PCP made by the member prior to theeffective date of Plan enrollment is honored. COHSs must coordinatetheir member informing efforts with the local county agency responsiblefor Medi-Cal eligibility determinations to assure that a member’s selectionof an appropriate PCP is facilitated.

B . No later than seven days after the member’s effective date of enrollment,the Plan will distribute its Membership Services Guide to the member.Information provided with this Guide will include the name, telephonenumber, and service site address of the PCP selected by the member. Ifthe Plan assigns a PCP during this period in the absence of information onmember selection of a PCP, the name, telephone number, and service siteaddress of the PCP assigned to the member must also be provided.

C . Member informing material must include procedures for selecting orrequesting a change in PCP, and must be provided in an appropriatethreshold language and reading level. In order to enable the member tomake an informed decision concerning selection of a PCP, the Planprocedures must also ensure that members are informed:

0 Of the important role of the PCP in managing and coordinating themedical care services delivered to the member.

l That, upon enrollment, they have the right to continue anestablished relationship with a PCP if the PCP is in the Planprovider network.

l That they have the right to request to be seen by their PCP foradvice or consultation at any time, and the Plan procedures mustassure that this request is honored.

l That they may receive health care from providers of primary careother than a PCP, as defined in the contract and this policy letter.Members must be informed of the Plan procedures concerning

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- MMCD Policy Letter 98-12Page 10December 30, 1998

access to these providers, including continuation of existing servicerelationships with such providers, to the extent possible. Memberswill always have an assigned PCP to whom they have a right ofaccess:

l That they are entitled to access covered services prior to theselection and/or assignment of a PCP and the procedures for doingso must be explained.

l That they may request a change of PCPs at any time and theprocedures for doing so must be explained. Members must beallowed to change PCPs upon request pursuant to the followingrequirements: Title 22, CCR, Section 53890 (c), for the Two-PlanModel and 53925 for GMCs and provisions of COHS, PHP, andPCCM contracts.

l Of the reason for which their selection of a PCP could not behonored, and that they have the right to select another networkPCP who is accepting new members.

l Of the PCP provider sites where threshold languages are spoken,and that interpreter services must be provided should the memberselect a PCP who does not speak the member’s language. Amember’s request for or refusal of assignment to a PCP site withspecific language capability should be documented.

l That the selection of a PCP who belongs to a medical group orindependent practice association (IPA) may result in a limitation ofaccess only to those providers, including specialists who, are alsomembers of the PCP’s medical group or IPA.

l That they may select any Plan PCP accepting new memberswithout regard to time or distance standards. The Plans shouldemphasize to the member the expectation that all PCP services areto be provided by the physician selected, even if the member’sselected PCP is located beyond the usual time and distancestandards.

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MMCD Policy Letter 98-12Page 11December 30, 1998

l That they have a responsibility to provide accurate information toprofessional staff, to cooperate in the treatment plan to the extentpossible, and to use the services available in an appropriatemanner.

VII. The Plans are responsible for assuring that network PCPs are instructedregarding their responsibilities for service provision, coordination of care,case management, and supervision of other providers of primary careservices.

A . The Plans should emphasize the importance of the PCP onsite presence atdesignated service sites for a sufficient amount of time per week toguarantee their timely availability for members and other provider staff,and for care coordination and case management activities.

B . Training must include:

0 Explanation of the roles and responsibilities of the PCP and otherproviders of primary care services.

0 Discussion of the Plan’s policies and procedures regarding initialhealth assessment, care coordination, and case management.

VIII. The Plans must maintain a current listing of each member’s PCP of record.

The Plans are encouraged to list the PCP on the member’s identification card.The Plans, which elect to do so, may also elect to list other providers of primarycare services on the identification card.

If there are any questions regarding thi /f-3olicy letter, please contact your contractmanager.

Medi-Cal Managed Care DivisionEnclosures

Page 12: PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES · assure that all NPMPs are operating within their respective scope of practice. The Plans must assure that the member’s assigned

Enclosure I

-7- ch. 180 ;I

(i) Subdivision (b) shall not qpiy to any coverage provided by aplan for the Medi-Cal program or the Medicare program pursuant to.

Title XVIII and Title. XIX of the Social Security Act.

. ..’

I’Yi., ,. . . . .



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.’ 1 i


SEC 3. Section 1373.96 is added to the Health and Safety Code,immediately following Section 1373.95, to read:

.1373.96 (a) Every health care service plan shail, at the requestof, an enrollee, arrange. for the. continuation of covered services.. :rendered by a terminated provide+ an enrollee who is undergoing , i& course of .treatment~from:a term&rated provider for: anacute _ _. -.conditiq sbikious chrimic ConditioIt, ‘or 8 pregnancy dovered by -- .‘%. isubdivisitin (b), at the time of the contract termination, subject to the’.‘, -. (

::.- ,.



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Page 13: PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES · assure that all NPMPs are operating within their respective scope of practice. The Plans must assure that the member’s assigned

ClL 180 -8-_-.

rendered pursuan t to this section, similar to rates and methods-of 1 u_.,_’*. payment used by the plan or the provider group for currently

.* ’ ,<.. ._ : axeradng providers providing similar services who are .not.. . ..; capitated and who are practicing in the same or a similar geographic

areaasthet ermixiated provider. The plan or the provider group&all: not be obligated to continue the services. of’s terminated providedif+ the provider does not accept the paymentratesprovided for in th+s ,. ..- .I

._ ‘.._ :

~&)~. . . . ..-. y::. ,;.. ;;. ; '-!. ___. 1 . .,, : :.., 1 ;, _'; .,.. 7(e)..’ &descri&ion as to how ak‘enrokemay request,.continuity. of . ’

‘. . care pursuant to this section shall be provided iri any plan ev&knce.: ofcoverage.anddisclosureform~~er~~yl,1999.Ap~,~

: ‘_ ..! :’. 1’ -pmticle. ,a.- . . .-m-i-- copy of this- inf~on.,,to. its contracting - : ‘1$rovide&mdprov&r groups. Aphm shall also provide a copy to its .. . :i,,.-i

. .-. ~+Re&npon.requestr. 3;.;.. ..,:. I 1 ‘, “.I. ; : (f) The payment of copayments, deductibles, or other cost s&g ”

_. componentsbythe enrollee during the periodofcontinuation of care;I.,““‘with a;:. -ted.. provider.:,:‘~. be the.. .same copayment&:I-.; ,.... I. -,,: .__.’ _*. . . . .t ‘,!. _ ;- “&ductibl&.or other costsharing cor.nponen&hatwouldbe.paid.by

the . brolle~ when receiving:. care.. fikm : a: provider currently j .‘:

.:#,z; . .:,,i1.;I

: , . . _ .,f, ‘, contracting~with or emploged.,by the:plam : : I :. .,. .. ._ ‘.:-%. :. ,;. ,,! ,:... , .- ./. .: .,__ - ‘I,‘>.. ::, ,,_ ..,:. . , . . , (g) .E’a. plan: deleg?tes thheresponsibfity ‘of complying with tli~~.1! ..Y. .“.‘. section to its ~contracting. providers or contracting providerg.+oups;~ .I .A-_,

- the plan shall ensure that .the requirements of this section are met.

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(5): ‘~&!liolls.ch.m &&zindition” m& a &a&,& &&&j~due h : :. :. : , 1

& diseas&Uness, or other medical problem .or medical disorder tit. , . :: (*.,& ~~o~~~.~,,‘&&.&&&* &&a off&e f$+@&.-’ ::- ,j;:.:i-- :‘.. .,- :;’

(A)' P,ers&ts’withoutfull’c+e orworsens over an extendedperi~.~:of*es--l :._ 1’ . . .’ : ;. :_ ,,. . . . .: . .: 7.. ,. . ..C’

-::;. I::;..

‘(B)- Requires ongoing treatment to maintain rem&on orpr$ent :‘deterioration. .- ’:.j . -. . . .: ..:.-. ‘..

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Page 14: PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES · assure that all NPMPs are operating within their respective scope of practice. The Plans must assure that the member’s assigned

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aIterAtive rates af paymekp urspint to Section 10133,’ sh& at the‘.

request. of an insured,, arrange for the contiuation of covered- j-...services :rendered by a terminated provkk to an &sur& *ho is

Undergo& a dour-se of treatnient from a; teiniinated providk for anacute condition, serious&ron& condition, or a.pregna& covered

by $rbd.ivision (b), at the, time of the contract. t_.. to the provisions of this section.

*tio& sutiject

..(b). Subject to subdivisions (c) and. (d),, the.i&urer G at ther&uest of an i+ured; provide for continuity of care for the insured

: ’ .. . . ‘2 ‘-- blip-a tennina ted: provider who has been providing care for aq acute‘.; c&@ion 0% a~erfous.chron$ condition&r +hi&isk progn+xy, or

~.for.. & piegnancy that l+ .reaoh&. the second or third trimester. _. I.-Continuity of care fbr an, a+e &se&$ c@roni&ondition ‘&&be


provided for up to. 90 days or a longer period ~~ne&ssary .io ensure 1. :a safe tram&r to another provider, as det&iined by theinsurer, in . .

‘. c+sultation- ivith @e: terniinated provid”~. don. &h good’

*. s!iIlcifkssio+ practice. In the case of’preg+noy,:con&Gity of care ’ -

beprovidedkhrough the course ofthepregn&cyHid.~*.the-+tpartih pert+ AfttF. tli?. pzquir+ pesiod. of .cG&uity of, carehas expired pllisuant to this +o%, coverage’ sh& be providedpursuant to the.genegl terms and condition-of the,iasur&:s +licy;. :.

(b).: :me. ,&surer may. require ,the. termmated -, providkr- whosei.

1. se$icg ..a& ’ ikktiued beyond the cpntkct termination date.:..‘t ‘ptIlS+A to l &iSS~ectiOn to,ag;ree m.titing,to be subject to the&me

: .‘_“._ . Contra+& terms ‘a+ conditions that were. imposed upon, :the .provider prior to mchiding. :but not limited to,

itermina t ion, ;:

. . ej&$&iahg, hospital privileging, utilization revieW;.‘&er review,. . and quality assurance requirements. If the terminated provider do-es :

- : not agree to comply or does not comply with these contlacti terk ! :i


-9- cs. 180

(i) This section shall not require a plan or provider goup toprovide for continuity of care by a provider whose contract with theplan or group has been termina ted or not renewed fbr reasons

’ reliiting. to a medical disciplinary cause or reason, as defined. inparagraph (6) of subdivision (a) of Section 805 of the Business and

. . . Profksion Code, or fraud or other criminal activity, :(j). ~section shall n ot require a plan to cover services or provide


- lhneib that ‘i&e not otherwise covered under the terms andconditions ef the plan contract.-; -

(k) m,e gkovisions contained -in this section are in addition to anydeer, ,reSponsibilities of health care service plans to provide

”< ‘_ .-. contir+ty of Care Bursuan t. to this chapter. Nothing in this section’‘e. : $jaU pre+.rde a plan from providing continuity of care beyond the

;. _. : requirqents of.thi3 section.\ SEC 4. section lO.l33;56 is added to the Insurance Code; to read: ’ ‘-

-10133.56. (a) Disabihty’insurers who provide, hovital, medical,_ 7..

,‘. ~~+$zih2ov~rage and that neg@ate ~m&ente+.uto contracts withprofeisional or insti#ionaL : providers to provide.’ $$rvkea ‘at

_ ;._L it’


Page 15: PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES · assure that all NPMPs are operating within their respective scope of practice. The Plans must assure that the member’s assigned

i! _,

EncLosure I I

A Supervision of Physician Assistantsby Ray E. Dale, Executive Officer, Physician Assistant Examining Committee

Several hundred physicians this year will contact the MedicalBoard of California seeking their initial approval to usephysic ian ass is tants (PAS). Those who are granted approvalaccept s ignif icant supervisory dut ies and responsibi l i t ies .According to California law, all care given to a patient by aphysician assistant is the ultimate responsibility of thesupervis ing physician.

Current law limits physicians to supervising no more than twoPAS at any moment in time. A supervising physician must beavailable in person or by electronic communication at all timeswhen a physician assistant is caring for pat ients .

Before authorizing a PA to perform any medical procedure,the physician is responsible for evaluating their education,experience, knowledge and ablity to perform the proceduresafely and correctly. The physicl-,, rllust also verify that a PApossesses a current license to practice in California from thePhysician Assistant Examining Committee (PAEC).

For the mutual benefit and protection of patients, physiciansand their PAS, the PA regulations require that the physiciandelegate in writ ing, for each supervised physician assistant ,those medical services which the PA may provide. That

-document is often referred to as a Delegation of Servicesigreement. Medical tasks which are delegated by an approved

supervising physician may only be those which are usual andcustomary to the physician’s personal practice.

Another one of the many important responsibilities ofsupervising physicians is the establ ishment of a s igned anddated written statement which explains how, where and whenthey will review the activities of the PAS they supervise. Thestatement, often called a “written supervisory guideline,” mustbe made available to the PA and to staff of the Medical Boardof California or Osteopathic Medical Board on request.

In addition, if PAS are to be utilized in a hospital, thesupervisory guideline and often the delegation of servicesagreement should be made available to the hospital’s medicalstaff executive committee. Unless specifically delegated theauthority by the medical staff, the granting of hospitalprivi leges for physician assis tants and their supervisingphysicians does not fall within the review of the hospital’scommittee on interdisciplinary practice. If physicians plan toutilize PAS in nursing homes, hospices, jails, prisons, orsimilar settings, they should first make arrangements with thefacility’s medical director.

There are four methods for providing legally adequatesupervision outlined in Section 1399.545 of the PhysicianAssis tant Regula t ions:

d. The physician may see the patients the same day that theyare treated by the PA.

2. The physician may review, sign and date the medical recordof every pat ient t reated by the physician assistant withinthirty days of the treatment.

3. The physician may adopt written protocols whichspecifically guide the actions of the PA. The physician mustselect, review, sign, and date at least 10% of the medicalrecords of patients treated by the physician assistantaccording to those protocols .

4. Or, in special circumstances, the physician may providesupervision through additional methods which must beapproved in advance by the PAEC.

To fulfill the required supervisor obligation, the physicianmust utilize one, or a combination of, the four authorizedsupervis ion methods .

To ensure that a PA’s actions involving the prescribing 01.administration of drugs is in strict accordance with thedirections of the physician, every time a PA administers a drugor transmits a drug order, a physician supervisor must sign anddate the patient’s medical record or drug chart within seven days.

There is no current law that authorizes a PA to orally issue aprescription, write or complete pre-signed prescription blanks,or sign a prescription for drugs or medical devices. Currentlaw does not authorize the delegation of prescribing authorityto PAS. However, Business and Professions Code section 3500et seq. permits physician assistants to write and signprescription “transmittal orders” when authorized to do SO bytheir supervis ing physicians. Business and Professions Codesection 4000 et seq. authorizes licensed pharmacists todispense drugs or devices based on a PA transmittal order.

In the event there is a problem or violation involving a PA, thecomplaint process is comparable to that for the supervisingphysician. The PAEC processes the complaint and MedicalBoard invest igators are used to conduct any invest igation thatmay be required.

For physicians interested in utilizing physician assistants andwho would like to know more about the benefits andrequirements, several publications are available from thePAEC, including:

l California Laws and Regulations regarding the use of PASl Guidelines for Delegation of Services Agreementsl Written Transmittal Orders (information bulletin)l Application for Approval to Supervise a PAl Patient Information Brochures (English and Spanish)l PAEC Update (newsletter)

To request ,publications or verify physician assis tant l icensinginformation, contact:

Physician Assistant Examining Committee1424 Howe Avenue, Suite 35, Sacramento, CA 95825-3237

T+phone: (916) 263-2670 / (800) 555-8038Fax: (916) 263-2671

Medical Board of California .I c’~‘[o,\- RE~()R TPage 4 July 1998

Page 16: PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES · assure that all NPMPs are operating within their respective scope of practice. The Plans must assure that the member’s assigned

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This bill would provide that no reimbursement is required by this__

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Thk people of the State of CaLiomik do enact as follows:

! :‘.:L’.*;’ 1_ ‘.& ._ : ., . ...? i SECTION 1.) :Code, to read:

Section 1374.16 is added to the Health and Safety

I 1374.16. (a) Every health care service plan, except a specialized: health care service plan, shall establish and implement a procedurej .- 1 by which an enrollee may receive-a standing referral to a specialist.:... The procedure shall provide for a standing referral to a specialist if

the primary care physician determines in consultation with thespecialist, if any, and the plan medical director or his or her designee,that an enrollee needs continuing care from a specialist. The referralshall be made pursuant to a treatment plan approved by the healthcare service plan in consultation with the primary care physician, the

_ specialist, and the enrollee, if a treatment plan is deemed necessaryto describe the course of the care. A treatment plan may be deemedto be not necessary provided that a current standing referral to aspecialist is approved by ‘the plan or its contracting provider, medicalgroup, or independent practice .association. The treatment plan maylimit the number of visits to the specialist, limit the period of time that

the visits are authorized, or require that the specialist provide theprimary care physician with regular reports on the health careprovided to the enrollee.

(b) Every health care service plan, except a specialized healthcare service plan, shall establish and implement a procedure bywhich an enrollee with a condition or disease that requiresspecialized medical care over. a prolonged period of time and islife-threatening, degenerative, or disabling may receive a referral toa specialist or specialty care center that has expertise in treating thecondition or disease for the purpose of having the specialistcoordinate the enrollee’s health care. The referral shall be made if theprimary care physician, in consultation with the specialist or specialtycare center if any, and the plan medical director or his or herdesignee determines that this specialized medical care is medicallynecessary for the enrollee. The referral shall be made pursuant to atreatment plan approved by the health care service plan inconsultation with the primary care physician, specialist or specialtycare center, and enrollee, if a treatment plan is deemed necessary to



Page 17: PETE WILSON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES · assure that all NPMPs are operating within their respective scope of practice. The Plans must assure that the member’s assigned

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describe the course of care. A treatment plan may be deems,? to benot necessary provided that the appropriate refee,rral to a specialist orspecialty care center is approved by the &m or its contxctingprovider, medical group, or independent gractice association. Afterthe referral is made, the specialist shall be authorized to providehealth care services that are within the specialist’s area of expertiseand training to the enrollee in the same manner as the enrollee’sprimary care physician, subject to the terms of the treatment p!a.n.

(c) The determinations described in subdivisions (a) and (b) shallbe made within three business days of the date the request for thedetermination is made by the enrollee or the enrollee’s primary carephysician and all appropriate medical records and other items of . ’information necessary to make the determination are provided.Once a determination is made, the referral shall be made within fourbusmess days of the date the proposed treatment plan, if any, issubmitted to the plan medical director or his or her designee.

(d) Subdivisions (a) and (b) do not require a health care serviceplan to refer to a specialist who, or to a specialty care center that, isnot employed by or under contract with the health care service planto provide health care services to its enrollees, unless there is nospecialist within the plan network that is appropriate to providetreatment to the enrollee, as determined by the primary carephysician in consultation with the plan medical director asdocumented in the treatment plan developed pursuant tosubdivision (a) or (b) .

(e) For the purposes of this section, “specialty care center” meansa center that is accredited or designated by an agency of the state orfederal government or by a voluntary national health organization as‘having special expertise in treating the life-threatening disease orcondition or degenerative and disabling disease or condition forwhich it is accredited or designated.

b y(f) As used in this section, a “standing referral” means a referrala primary care physician to a specialist for more than one visit to

the specialist, as indicated in the treatment plan, if any, without theprimary care physician having to provide a specific referral for eachvisit.

SEC. 2. , Sect&y 14450.5 is added to the Welfare and InstitutionsCode, to read: L...

14450.5. (a) No contract between the department and a prepaidhealth plan that is contracting with, or that is governed, owned, oroperated by, a county board of supervisors, shall be approved orrenewed unless the standards set forth in Section 1374.16 of theHealth and Safety Code are met. The treatment plan developedpursuant to Section 1374.16 of theHealth and Safety Code shah beconsistent with federal and state medicaid requirements. Nothing inSection 1374.16 of the Health and Safety Code is intended to alter or

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