Personality Test Results

Personality Test Results

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Personality Test Results. Result (1): Lewis. What do you know, you're just like Lewis! Whether you're inventing the latest gadget or setting the world right again, you have the smarts, creativity and ability to achieve anything. So go for it, future Nobel Prize winner. You just can't lose. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Personality Test Results

Result (1): Lewis

What do you know, you're just like Lewis! Whether you're inventing the latest gadget or setting the world right again, you have the smarts, creativity and ability to achieve anything. So go for it, future Nobel Prize winner. You just can't lose.

Result (2): Wilbur

It looks like we've got another Wilbur on our hands. You think flying a time machine through the past and future is as easy as riding your bike! With confidence and the gift of gab, you can convince anybody of anything in any time.

Result (3): Uncle Art

Like Pizza? So does Art and you're just like him! You like working out, too, and have the muscles to prove it. You are super responsible and let nothing get in the way of getting things done. Just hold the anchovies, please!

Result (4): Franny

Break out the sheet music, you're just like Franny as a young girl! Music fills your lyrical soul and if it's sung by a frog, even better. Plus, you have the ability to teach anything that walks, crawls or hops how to entertain a lively crowd. Your energy is contagious!

Result (5): Uncle Gaston

Fast on your feet? Or in the air? You and Uncle Gaston have a lot in common. Speed freak extraordinaire, you're happiest zooming down the road with the wind in your hair and the flies in your face. Bottom line: you've got a lot of drive.

Result (6): Aunt Billie

All aboard! You're just like Aunt Billie, ready to ride the rails at top speed. The sheer thrill of speeding along the road, whether it's in a car, bus, or like Aunt Billy, your very own train, sends shivers up your back. Just put on your conductor's hat and let's go for a ride.

Result (7): Uncle Fritz & Aunt Petunia

Uncle Fritz & Aunt Petunia have found their soul mate... you! Just like them, you tend to be quite vocal when it comes to expressing your opinions. You also love a good puppet show. So go ahead and say what's on your mind. We'll all have a good laugh.

While-viewing discussion

1. An Orphan / The Memory Scanner

A. In your opinion, what motivate(s) Lewis the heart of invention?

B. What are his objectives for invention?

2. The Science Fair / WilburA. How does Wilbur (wearing a black T-

shirt) appear in the film?B. How is the relationship between

Lewis and Wilbur?

3. Arriving in the Future / Crash Landing

What are the differences between the “Future World” and the reality?

4. The Bowler Hat Guy Is the “Bowler Hat Guy” ready for the

presentation of the product? Why/Why not?

Now, watch how’s the Robinson’s family…

5. Bad Advice for GoobWhat is the “bad advice”?

6. Keep Moving ForwardWhy does Wilbur say “Keep Moving

Forward” so many times?

7. Staying for Dinner / An Awesome Failure

There are numerous failures during dinner time, like the stuck of jam machine that Lewis tried to invent. What are the family’s response to such failures?

8. The T-Rex Attack / Part of the Family

Should Lewis leave the “Future World” with the Bowler Hat Guy? Why/Why not?

9. Doris’ Brilliant Plan / A Frightening Future

What motivated Lewis to fix the time machine?

Then, see who actually are Lewis and Goob at the end…