Taylor Johnson Hour: 5A Personality Project Family, those who will be there for you through thick and thin, and those who influence who you are today. My family consists of my mom, dad, sister Emily, my dog Misty, my cat Buddy, and of course, me. As a family we don’t really have any traditions but we do a lot of different activities together. Emily and I are both cheerleaders, which is why I have a picture of the two of us in our cheerleading uniforms on my PowerPoint. Every holiday we get together with all of our cousins and relatives, illustrating why I have a picture of all of the cousins – on my dad’s side – sitting together outside. We are a pretty close family which is something that I can say proudly because over half the families in the United States have divorced parents, something I couldn’t even imagine. When you look at someone you usually think, “wow who did she get those big blue eyes from?” or “how did her hair get so curly?” I look more like my mom than my dad and I inherited a lot of features from her. My hair is the same color hers was when she was my age and I have the natural curl she had. Another thing I inherited from my mom is tiny hands which is why I have an “x” through a man with big hands on my presentation. The one thing I have in common with my dad is my eyes. We both have blue-green eyes while the rest of my family has brownish eyes. While I may look like my parents, I act and dress a lot different from them. My favorite stores are Abercrombie and Pac Sun; two places my parents obviously don’t shop. I love locket necklaces because I have one that represents TASS which stands for Taylor, Abby, Sarah, Summer. We also got purple streaks in our hair on New Year’s so I love my purple streak and heart locket because they represent our friendship. Garnier Fructis is the type of hair product I use and I wear a lot of lip-gloss. Last year for my birthday I got a huge pack of lip-gloss and could wear a different color and flavor every day. I didn’t inherit a lot of traits from my parents because although we look alike, we are totally different. One of the few traits I inherited is that none of us have allergies, which is why I have a picture of allergy medication with an “x” through it. Another trait I inherited from them is we are all right handed. Most people are right handed and our whole family happens to be. I also inherited 20/20 eyesight from my mom, which is another thing I do not have in common with my dad – he needs glasses.

Personality Project

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Taylor JohnsonHour: 5A

Personality Project

Family, those who will be there for you through thick and thin, and those who influence who you are today. My family consists of my mom, dad, sister Emily, my dog Misty, my cat Buddy, and of course, me. As a family we don’t really have any traditions but we do a lot of different activities together. Emily and I are both cheerleaders, which is why I have a picture of the two of us in our cheerleading uniforms on my PowerPoint. Every holiday we get together with all of our cousins and relatives, illustrating why I have a picture of all of the cousins – on my dad’s side – sitting together outside. We are a pretty close family which is something that I can say proudly because over half the families in the United States have divorced parents, something I couldn’t even imagine.

When you look at someone you usually think, “wow who did she get those big blue eyes from?” or “how did her hair get so curly?” I look more like my mom than my dad and I inherited a lot of features from her. My hair is the same color hers was when she was my age and I have the natural curl she had. Another thing I inherited from my mom is tiny hands which is why I have an “x” through a man with big hands on my presentation. The one thing I have in common with my dad is my eyes. We both have blue-green eyes while the rest of my family has brownish eyes.

While I may look like my parents, I act and dress a lot different from them. My favorite stores are Abercrombie and Pac Sun; two places my parents obviously don’t shop. I love locket necklaces because I have one that represents TASS which stands for Taylor, Abby, Sarah, Summer. We also got purple streaks in our hair on New Year’s so I love my purple streak and heart locket because they represent our friendship. Garnier Fructis is the type of hair product I use and I wear a lot of lip-gloss. Last year for my birthday I got a huge pack of lip-gloss and could wear a different color and flavor every day.

I didn’t inherit a lot of traits from my parents because although we look alike, we are totally different. One of the few traits I inherited is that none of us have allergies, which is why I have a picture of allergy medication with an “x” through it. Another trait I inherited from them is we are all right handed. Most people are right handed and our whole family happens to be. I also inherited 20/20 eyesight from my mom, which is another thing I do not have in common with my dad – he needs glasses.

I am a pretty social person and am in a lot of social activities with my friends. Dance is a major social activity I am in because all of my friends are in it with me or help run music for us when we need it. In the summer and early fall I am in cheerleading, which is a lot of fun because I get the chance to talk to people who I normally don’t talk to. The reason I have a picture of my cell phone is because I text a lot, well what teenage girl doesn’t? Every month I text my friends thousands of times, so it’s a good thing we have an unlimited plan. When springtime comes around, I play volleyball with my friends and we all practice together, even if we aren’t on the same team. For years I was in gymnastics and got a lot of injuries because of it. These injuries include spraining my ankles and my wrists more times than I can count, pulling tons of muscles, twisting something in my back, busting up my nose a few times, and breaking lots of fingers. Now I am one of the main tumblers on our cheerleading squad and I still go back for private lessons every so often to practice and get back in shape for cheer and dance.

Due to the fact that I am so talkative, it is kind of hard to believe that one of my major talents is good grades. I get all A’s and B’s and in 5th, 6th, and 7th grade I got nominated to be included in Who’s Who, a book naming some of the smartest kids in the nation, and those who manage to keep up good grade averages even though they are in advanced classes. Another talent I have is ice-skating. I live on Pewaukee Lake, so all winter I can ice-skate outside my

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house. Even though I can’t do axels and those type of things, I can stay up on my feet, leap, jump, and spin. Tumbling is another one of my talents and I love it. Flipping around is relaxing to me and even though I should be focusing on not landing on my face, it gives me time to think about life and all the other drama that comes with middle school. Gymnastics isn’t the only activity where I can totally zone out and think about things – dance also gives me the opportunity. Dance is a sport where I feel I can completely express myself. Getting to dance to some of my favorite music and being able to do all different types of dance, I can’t think of a better activity to just turn to and relax with.

Even though I should be starting to think about college and what I want to do with my life, I’m still undecided. I change my mind almost every day about what I want to do in the future. At the moment I really want to become a pediatrician because I love kids and being able to help them would be amazing. Although I am undecided about my career, I know that I want to graduate from college, but once again, I have no idea where I want to go. It would be a lot of fun to travel, but I kind of want to stay near home and my family. After graduating I want to get married and have two kids. Twins would be a lot of fun but they would also be a lot of work, so I think I’m going to stick to wanting a boy and a girl of different ages.

I love to eat and am thankful that I have a fast metabolism or I would be like 500 pounds by now. My all time favorite restaurants are Noodles and Company and Olive Garden because I love pasta and Italian food. When I’m in the mood for something to drink I like to head to Starbucks to get an orange mango banana smoothie, which is my absolute favorite drink. Out of everything I eat, I hate spinach beyond words. I’m not exactly sure why I hate it so much, I just do, and I don’t think I’m the only one. Breakfast is my favorite time of day and pop tarts are my favorite thing to eat for breakfast or at any time of the day for that matter.

Overall I am a nice, happy person who doesn’t usually let things get to me, but there a few things that I cannot stand – drama being one of these things. In our school, there is a lot of drama everyday and I get sucked into it most of the time which is why I have a picture of the gossip girl cast on my PowerPoint. Even though I do get good grades, I am still self conscious about them and am afraid of getting bad ones. I fear spiders – always have, always will – because the thought of little things crawling up your walls and making webs, does not seem like something anyone would be interested in – me included.

Music, actors, colors, or bands, everyone has their own opinion on which is their favorite. As shown on my PowerPoint, my favorite singer would have to be Justin Bieber. I saw him in concert in November, and he is even better live then when he is recorded. Although Justin Bieber is my favorite singer, All Time Low is my favorite band. Even though they aren’t that popular, they are still amazing and I love every one of their songs. I was going to see them in concert but I had my family’s Thanksgiving that night so I missed it. My favorite color changes almost every day and although I just finished redoing my room to look like a beach – with palm trees and surfboards and all – I am already planning on painting it to look like a purple Paris loft because as of today, purple is my favorite color. Taylor Lautner is for sure my favorite actor and not just because of his eight pack or because we share the same name. I love animals and sheep are one of my favorites.

My favorite things are a little strange but my emotions are quite the opposite. Just like every other girl in this school, my friends are the thing that make me happiest. Whenever I’m upset I know I can always turn to them to help me get through whatever is wrong and we always have each other’s back. We have millions of sleepovers, go shopping, and even dye our hair the same color, which makes it clear that nothing can tear us apart. I feel pretty lucky to have such great friends and to be able to do the things I do, but there are people across the globe who don’t have those opportunities which is one of the things that makes me upset – poor starving children. I feel bad whenever I hear about sick or starving kids on the news and feel like it’s partially my responsibility to help them out.

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Not only do I have great friends, but I have experienced some pretty great things, too. A few years ago my family and I packed our bags and headed off to Orlando, Florida. My sister and I expected to get a rental car or take a shuttle to our hotel. We never would have even imagined seeing our last name on a sheet of paper, held by a limo driver, who then escorted us out to the big stretch limo waiting for us outside. This limo was our source of transportation in Florida and when the day came to return to Wisconsin we got driven in yet another limo back to their airport. Stretch limos and chauffeurs are not the only unexpected things I have been a part of. Last summer I attended a varsity dance camp with the Pirate Dancers where I thought, “with all of these varsity pom’s teams, there is no way I will get a blue ribbon.” Boy was I wrong. At UDA I received two blue ribbons, one red ribbon, and five special recognition ribbons for winning drill downs against the whole camp – varsity girls included. After receiving my ribbons my family once again packed our bags, but this time headed off to Eagle River, Wisconsin. Eagle River is such a peaceful city, with all the rivers and wildlife, I couldn’t think of a better place to spend part of my summer vacation. While in Eagle River, we went canoeing, swimming, shopping, mini golfing, we also visited an petting zoo where we got to feed llamas and other unordinary animals, and of course we tested out the huge go-kart track. I now know that go-karting is not my thing, considering I crashed the car and drove a little too fast. The day I get my driver’s license I think the city of Pewaukee should be a little scared. And of course the birth of my little sister Emily was a life experience too. Although she is three years younger, she doesn’t act like it. She acts like she is the older one and talks to me and my friends like she is the one in charge.

Whether it be my looks, my family, my favorite things, or the things I got to experience, I live a life a little different from everyone else, and I’m happy about it. My friends and the activities I am in are a huge influence on who I am today and I wouldn’t replace any of them. The things I have done and the things I plan to do are two completely opposite things, for what I want to do with my life is constantly changing. I am looking forward to the future and the many things that will come my way because every second I spend planning out what I want to happen and how I want it to happen is a second of my life gone and a second that I can’t get back.