Perry Nuclear Power Plant October 12, 2005 Public Meeting

Perry Nuclear Power Plant · Perry Nuclear Power Plant Richard Anderson Site Vice President. 3 Perry Performance Update QPerformance Improvement Initiative (PII) QHuman Performance

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Page 1: Perry Nuclear Power Plant · Perry Nuclear Power Plant Richard Anderson Site Vice President. 3 Perry Performance Update QPerformance Improvement Initiative (PII) QHuman Performance

Perry Nuclear Power PlantOctober 12, 2005

Public Meeting

Page 2: Perry Nuclear Power Plant · Perry Nuclear Power Plant Richard Anderson Site Vice President. 3 Perry Performance Update QPerformance Improvement Initiative (PII) QHuman Performance


Perry Nuclear Power PlantPerry Nuclear Power Plant

Richard AndersonSite Vice President

Page 3: Perry Nuclear Power Plant · Perry Nuclear Power Plant Richard Anderson Site Vice President. 3 Perry Performance Update QPerformance Improvement Initiative (PII) QHuman Performance


Perry Performance UpdatePerry Performance Update

Performance Improvement Initiative (PII)

Human Performance Initiative

Corrective Action Program Initiative

Emergency Planning

Progress of Commitments

Page 4: Perry Nuclear Power Plant · Perry Nuclear Power Plant Richard Anderson Site Vice President. 3 Perry Performance Update QPerformance Improvement Initiative (PII) QHuman Performance


Desired OutcomesDesired Outcomes

Perry continues to operate safely

FENOC is improving performance and responding to NRC concerns

– Performance Improvement Initiative Phase 2

– Confirmatory Action Letter commitment implementation and progress

Perry has a sense of urgency for continued improvement

Page 5: Perry Nuclear Power Plant · Perry Nuclear Power Plant Richard Anderson Site Vice President. 3 Perry Performance Update QPerformance Improvement Initiative (PII) QHuman Performance


Critical Components of PII Phase 2

Drive ownership and accountability within the organization

Establish high standards and expectations

Achieve sustained, improved performance

Performance Improvement Initiative Key ObjectivesPerformance Improvement Initiative Key Objectives

Page 6: Perry Nuclear Power Plant · Perry Nuclear Power Plant Richard Anderson Site Vice President. 3 Perry Performance Update QPerformance Improvement Initiative (PII) QHuman Performance


Performance Improvement Initiative Driving Sustained PerformancePerformance Improvement Initiative Driving Sustained Performance

E x c e lle n c e in H u m a n P e r fo r m a n c e

F . v o n A h n / S . T h o m a s

E x c e l le n c e in H u m a n P e r fo r m a n c e

F . v o n A h n / S . T h o m a s

C o r r e c t iv e A c tio n P r o g r a m I m p le m e n ta tio n

I m p r o v e m e n tF . C a y ia / B . B la ir

C o r r e c t iv e A c tio n P r o g r a m I m p le m e n ta tio n

I m p r o v e m e n tF . C a y ia / B . B la ir

T r a in in g to Im p r o v e P e r fo r m a n c eR . A n d e r s o n /T . L e n tz

T r a in in g to I m p r o v e P e r fo r m a n c eR . A n d e r s o n /T . L e n tz

E m p lo y e e E n g a g e m e n t &J o b S a tis fa c t io n

M . W a y la n d / J . L a u sb e r g

E m p lo y e e E n g a g e m e n t &J o b S a t is fa c t io n

M . W a y la n d / J . L a u s b e r g

P la n E x e c u t iv e S p o n s o r

R ic h A n d e r s o n

P la n E x e c u t iv e S p o n s o r

R ic h A n d e r s o n

P e r fo r m a n c e I m p r o v e m e n t I n it ia t iv eP e r fo r m a n c e I m p r o v e m e n t I n it ia t iv e

P e r fo r m a n c eO v e r v ie w P a n e l

P e r fo r m a n c eO v e r v ie w P a n e l

E ffe c t iv e W o r k M a n a g e m e n t

J . S h a w / J . D e D o m e n ic o

E ffe c t iv e W o r k M a n a g e m e n t

J . S h a w / J . D e D o m e n ic o

C o m p le tio n & M o n ito r in gA p p e n d ix

C o m p le t io n & M o n ito r in gA p p e n d ix

O p e r a tio n a l F o c u s e d O r g a n iz a tio n

F . v o n A h n / J . M e ss in a

O p e r a tio n a l F o c u s e d O r g a n iz a tio n

F . v o n A h n / J . M e s s in a

F E N O C E x e c u t iv e O v e r s ig h tF E N O C E x e c u t iv e O v e r s ig h t

Page 7: Perry Nuclear Power Plant · Perry Nuclear Power Plant Richard Anderson Site Vice President. 3 Perry Performance Update QPerformance Improvement Initiative (PII) QHuman Performance


Perry Performance ImprovementPerry Performance Improvement

Frederick von AhnDirector, Site Operations

Page 8: Perry Nuclear Power Plant · Perry Nuclear Power Plant Richard Anderson Site Vice President. 3 Perry Performance Update QPerformance Improvement Initiative (PII) QHuman Performance


Excellence in Human Performance Initiative - Key ObjectivesExcellence in Human Performance Initiative - Key Objectives

Ensure station-wide awareness of Human Performance expectations

Establish ownership, alignment and integration of the FENOC Human Performance Model

Establish line accountability for Human Performance results

Ensure desired results through self-assessments that provide checks and adjustments

Page 9: Perry Nuclear Power Plant · Perry Nuclear Power Plant Richard Anderson Site Vice President. 3 Perry Performance Update QPerformance Improvement Initiative (PII) QHuman Performance


Status of Human Performance ImprovementStatus of Human Performance Improvement

Completed Actions– Human Performance Root Cause Analysis– Human Performance Fundamentals training for line managers and section advocates – Effective Field Observations training for site management – Introductory Human Performance Fundamentals training for site personnel – Effective Communications & Questioning Attitude training for site personnel

Results– Increased coaching and reinforcement of expectations by management– Improved site dialog regarding Human Performance

Challenges– Pre-job briefs– Procedure use and adherence– Attention to detail

Page 10: Perry Nuclear Power Plant · Perry Nuclear Power Plant Richard Anderson Site Vice President. 3 Perry Performance Update QPerformance Improvement Initiative (PII) QHuman Performance


Perry Performance ImprovementPerry Performance Improvement

Fred CayiaDirector, Site Performance


Page 11: Perry Nuclear Power Plant · Perry Nuclear Power Plant Richard Anderson Site Vice President. 3 Perry Performance Update QPerformance Improvement Initiative (PII) QHuman Performance


Corrective Action Program Improvement Initiative - Key ObjectivesCorrective Action Program Improvement Initiative - Key Objectives

Sustained performance in… Station ownership of the Corrective Action Program (CAP)

Self-identification of issues

Prioritization of issues

Quality of cause analysis

Use of trending for early identification of issues

Quality and consistency of closure documentation

Management oversight of CAP

Page 12: Perry Nuclear Power Plant · Perry Nuclear Power Plant Richard Anderson Site Vice President. 3 Perry Performance Update QPerformance Improvement Initiative (PII) QHuman Performance


Status of CAP ImprovementStatus of CAP ImprovementComplete Actions– CAP Root Cause Analysis– Improved FENOC fleet CAP performance indicators – Performance Indicators reviewed at monthly Performance Review Meetings– Accountability mechanism implemented

Results– Improved Corrective Action Review Board (CARB) effectiveness– Improved oversight of CAP health

Challenges– Timeliness of evaluations– Quality of closure documentation– Consistent line ownership of the CAP– Resolution of technical issues

Page 13: Perry Nuclear Power Plant · Perry Nuclear Power Plant Richard Anderson Site Vice President. 3 Perry Performance Update QPerformance Improvement Initiative (PII) QHuman Performance


Emergency PlanningEmergency Planning

Key Objectives

Address issues from NRC findings

Strengthen emergency response organization staffing and training

Improve drill call-out methods

Implement new NRC security requirements

Page 14: Perry Nuclear Power Plant · Perry Nuclear Power Plant Richard Anderson Site Vice President. 3 Perry Performance Update QPerformance Improvement Initiative (PII) QHuman Performance


Emergency PlanningEmergency Planning

Complete Actions– Actions taken to address issues from NRC findings

• Root cause analysis performed• Corrective actions taken to prevent recurrence

– Emergency Response Organization (ERO) classroom training & facility drills– Tabletop drills with offsite first responders– Improved method for conduct of off-hour response drills

Results– Increased ERO bench strength– Steady improvement in drill/exercise performance

Looking Forward– Implementation of additional NRC Bulletin 2005-02 program changes– Completion of NRC Emergency Preparedness baseline and IP 95001 inspections– Fourth Quarter Commitments

Page 15: Perry Nuclear Power Plant · Perry Nuclear Power Plant Richard Anderson Site Vice President. 3 Perry Performance Update QPerformance Improvement Initiative (PII) QHuman Performance


Progress on CommitmentsProgress on Commitments

IP 95002 Inspection Follow-up Issues

Item 1.a: Updated maintenance procedures

Item 1.b: Revised Nuclear Quality Assurance Instruction NQI-1001 “Quality Control Inspection Program Control”

Item 1.c: Revised Emergency Service Water-related Generic Mechanical Instructions (GMI) to include Quality Control inspection points

Page 16: Perry Nuclear Power Plant · Perry Nuclear Power Plant Richard Anderson Site Vice President. 3 Perry Performance Update QPerformance Improvement Initiative (PII) QHuman Performance


Progress on CommitmentsProgress on Commitments

Corrective Action Program Improvement

Item 2.b: Improved management controls implemented to Corrective Action Program line ownership and accountability

Item 2.c: Implemented management review process that monitors CAP performance

Page 17: Perry Nuclear Power Plant · Perry Nuclear Power Plant Richard Anderson Site Vice President. 3 Perry Performance Update QPerformance Improvement Initiative (PII) QHuman Performance


Perry Performance ImprovementPerry Performance Improvement

Richard AndersonSite Vice President

Page 18: Perry Nuclear Power Plant · Perry Nuclear Power Plant Richard Anderson Site Vice President. 3 Perry Performance Update QPerformance Improvement Initiative (PII) QHuman Performance


Closing RemarksClosing Remarks

Perry continues to operate safely and securely

Phase 2 Performance Improvement Initiatives are achieving the desired results

2005 third quarter commitments have been completed

Quarterly progress updates will be provided to the NRC

Page 19: Perry Nuclear Power Plant · Perry Nuclear Power Plant Richard Anderson Site Vice President. 3 Perry Performance Update QPerformance Improvement Initiative (PII) QHuman Performance