Permutation Group Algorithms 2016 1 / 39 Permutation Group Algorithms Zolt´ an Halasi E¨otv¨ os Lor´ and University 2016

Permutation Group Algorithms - ELTEweb.cs.elte.hu/summerschool/2016/egyeb/Permutation_I.pdf · 2016. 6. 7. · Basics we need Permutation Group Algorithms 2016 12 / 39 Storing elements

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  • Permutation Group Algorithms 2016 1 / 39

    Permutation Group Algorithms

    Zoltán Halasi

    Eötvös Loránd University


  • Permutation Group Algorithms 2016 2 / 39

    Some basic algorithms for groups

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    Main areas of Computational Group Theory

    Permutation groups

    Matrix groups

    Finitely presented groups

    Polycyclic groups

    Group representations

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    CAS, References

    General Computer Algebra Systems:

    Gap (http://www.gap-system.org/; free)Magma (http://magma.maths.usyd.edu.au;

    to institutions for charge)


    D. F. Holt, B. Eick, E. O’Brien: Handbook of computationalgroup theoryA. Hulpke: Notes on Computational Group Theory (lecturenotes)Ákos Seress: Permutation Group Algorithms


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    Group: (G , ∗) is a group, if G is a set and∗ : G × G → G , (a, b)→ a ∗ b is a binary operation satisfying

    1 Associativity: (a ∗ b) ∗ c = a ∗ (b ∗ c);2 Unit element: ∃e ∈ G such that e ∗ a = a ∗ e = a ∀a ∈ G3 Inverse: ∀a ∈ G , ∃b ∈ G such that a ∗ b = b ∗ a = e.


    Every group is finite! (In this lecture, of course)

    Notation: a ∗ b ⇒ ab, Unit element: 1, Inverse: a−1

    Unit element and inverse are unique;

    Cancellation laws:∀a, x , y ∈ G , ax = ay ⇐⇒ x = y ⇐⇒ xa = yaSolving equations:ax = b ⇐⇒ x = a−1b, xa = b ⇐⇒ x = ba−1

    Powers, power identities

    Order of an element, o(g).

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    Subgroups, cosets

    H ≤ G is a subgroup if a, b ∈ H ⇒ a−1, ab ∈ H;(If |H|

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    Lagrange theorem, index, transversal

    H ≤ G , x , y ∈ G ⇒ Hx = Hy or Hx ∩ Hy = ∅;G is partitioned into right cosets of H

    The index of H in |G | is |G : H|=the number of different(right) cosets;

    T = {g1, . . . , gk} (where |G : H| = k) is a transversal for Hin G if the list Hg1, . . .Hgk contains each coset of H exactlyonce; We also say T = {g1, . . . , gk} is a complete set of cosetrepresentatives;

    ∀i : |Hgi | = |H| ⇒ |G | = |H| · |G : H|;H ≤ G ⇒ |H| | |G |. In particular, o(g) = |〈g〉| | |G | for anyg ∈ G .

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    Permutation groups and group actions

    The symmetric group:Ω is a finite set, Sym(Ω) := All Ω 7→ Ω bijections.Group operation: composition of functions

    Usually, Ω = {1, 2, . . . , n},⇒ Sym(Ω) = Sn;Permutation group on Ω: G ≤ Sym(Ω).G acts on Ω if ∀g , h ∈ G , ∀ω ∈ Ω

    ∃ωg ∈ Ω; (The image of ω under G )(ωg )h = ωgh;ω1 = ω.

    Group action ⇐⇒ G → Sym(Ω) homomorphism(product presserving map).

    g ∈ G →(ω1 ω2 . . . ωnωg1 ω

    g2 . . . ω



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    Some important actions

    Action on cosets:

    Right: H ≤ G , Ω := {Hx |x ∈ G}, (Hx)g := H(xg);Left: H ≤ G , Ω := {xH |x ∈ G}, (xH)g := (g−1x)H;

    Special case of the above: Regular actions (with H = 1):

    Theorem (Cayley)

    Every group can be wieved as a subgroup of a symmetric group

    Action by conjugation:

    On elements: Ω := G , xg := g−1xgOn subgroups: Ω := {H |H ≤ G}, Hg := g−1Hg

    (related concepts: conjugacy classes, centraliser, normaliser)

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    How to handle permutation groups by computer?

    From now on, Ω := {1, . . . , n}, G ≤ Sn;Representing / Storing an element ∈ Sn:

    An array of length n containing each number 1, . . . , n exactlyonce in some order; (roughly n log2 n bits)Cycle decomposition (more difficult to use it in algorithms)

    (Easily convertable to each other)

    Memory requirement: n log2(n) bits for a permutation ∈ Sn:This means 4n bytes in practice for n = 105 (we do not carewith the 4)

    Current CAS-s can calculate with permutations of degreen = 105 (even more)

    If we have 2GB Memory ⇒ 2GB/4n ≈ 5000 permutations(for n = 105) can be stored.

    But |S105 | = (105)! ≈ 2.8 · 10456574;How is this possible?

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    Some ideas

    How define a permutation group?

    Example Sn = 〈(12), (123 . . n)〉;More generally: Every G ≤ Sn can be generated by most n/2elements.

    Input group: X = [x1, . . . , xr ] ⊂ Sn with G = 〈X 〉. Inpractice, usually |X | ≤ 10

    How to plan an algorithm?

    Space – Time conflict;

    Store/Calculate elements only when you really need it;

    Avoid long lists;

    Different methods for the same problem – choose the best one(e.g. for degree n ≤ 1000 we store elements to get a fasteralgorithm, above it we always recalculate them, when weneed)

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    Storing elements

    X → Some algorithm → g ∈ G is found. How to handle(store/compute with) g?

    Explicit calculation: g can be written as a product of thegenerators, so we can calculate it explicitly ⇒ g is stored asan array of length n. (It can require both large space and longtime)

    Permutation words: g is represented with an array containingpointers to the generators (and their inverses) in the sameorder as how we should multiply them to get g .Straight-line programs (SLP): g is represented with an array[w1, . . . ,wk ] such that wi is one of the following for each i :

    wi ∈ X ;wi = (wj ,−1) for some 1 ≤ j < i(take the inverse of wj);wi = (wj ,wk) for some 1 ≤ j , k < i(take the product of wj ,wk).

    Storing base images (later)

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    Example: Calculating and storing elements

    Let X = [a, b] and g = abab2 · · · ab100Explicit calculation?

    Stupid way – Multiply from left to right:Time: 2 + . . .+ 101− 1 = 5149 multiplication of permutationsSpace: nA bit more clever way

    d := c := ab;for i ∈ [1 . . 99] do

    c := cb; d := dc ;

    Time: 199 multiplication of permutations in SnSpace: 2n

    By a permutation word: g → [1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1 . . .].Space: 5150 (it does not depend on n)

    By SLP:

    [a, b, (w1,w2), (w3,w2), (w3,w4), (w4,w2), (w5,w6), . . .]

    Space: 201

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    Computational Complexity

    big-O notation:For t, f : N→ R we say t(n) ∈ O(f (n)) if ∃n0 ∈ N, c > 0 s.t.t(n) < cf (n) if n > n0.

    Input length: O(n)

    An algorithm is polynomial-time if its running time (≈ thenumber of steps we need) is in O(nc) for some c > 0constant.

    Example: Multiplication of two permutations ∈ O(n).Theoretical Computer Science: Fast ≈ Polynomial-timePractice is often different!

    Even O(n2) running-time can be too slow;In some cases, even an exponential-time algorithm can workefficiently in practice.

    Randomisation might help to find solution faster with highprobability.

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    Randomised algorithms

    Deterministic: For the same input you always get the same(correct) output.


    Monte-Carlo (with error probability ε < 1/2):It might give a wrong answer;The probability that the answer is wrong is < ε for every input;Reliability can be improved by repeated application.One-sided Monte Carlo: A random algorithm for a decisionproblem;One of the possible answers (’yes’ or ’no’) is guaranteed to becorrect; It can be used as a ’filter’.Las Vegas:It never gives an incorrect answer;There is a probability < ε that it does not return an answer atall i.e. reports failure.

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    Randomised algorithms


    Rerunning Las Vegas algorithm as long as it reports failure ⇒it always give a correct answer, but the running time israndom.

    Monte Carlo algorithm + deterministic checking ⇒ Las Vegasalgorithm.

    In CGT: Random event: Choose a random element from thegroup.

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    How to find a random element of a group?

    A group G is given by a set of generators X = [x1, . . . , xr ]

    Problem: Choose a “random element” of G , i.e. with uniformdistribution:∀g ∈ G : P(g has been chosen) = 1/|G |We assume we have a perfect random generator, whichprovides a uniformly random element of a listEasy cases:

    |G | is small enough to list all elements of G ;G = Sn; (Homework)A base and a strong generating set is known for G ; (later)

    Homework 1.

    Give an algorithm, which provides a uniformly random element ofSn of running time O(n). (with the assumption that you have aperfect random generator, which can choose an element of [1 . . n]in constant time.)

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    The product replacement algorithm

    Let X = [x1, . . . , xr ] be generators for G with r ≥ 10.Additionally, let x0 = 1.

    Main step:Choose randomly: s, t ∈ [1 . . r ], s 6= t, ε ∈ {±1} and also a“side” from {left,right};Change xs to either x

    εt xs or xsx

    εt (depending on which “side”

    was chosen);Change x0 to xsx0 or x0xs .

    As an initialistion, run the main step several times. (Inpractice, 50 step is used)

    After that, each time you need a new random element, runthe main step and return with the current value of x0.


    Fast, usually works well in practice.

    It is not uniformly distributed, and it is unsatisfactory in somecases.

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    Orbit and stabilizer

    Definition (Orbit and stabilizer)

    Let G act on Ω.

    The orbit of α ∈ Ω: αG := {αg | g ∈ G};α, β ∈ Ω in the same orbit if αG = βG ;Equivalence classes: Orbits of G on Ω;

    G is transitive: there is just one orbit;

    The stabiliser of α ∈ Ω in G : Gα := {g ∈ G |αg = α} ≤ G .

    Theorem (Orbit-stabiliser theorem)

    Let G ≤ Ω, α ∈ Ω and H = Gα.There is a bijective correspondence:

    αG ←→ {Hg | g ∈ G}, αg ←→ Hg , ∀g ∈ G

    |αG | = |G : Gα| ⇒ |G | = |αG | · |Gα|

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    Basic Orbit algorithm

    The Orbit algorithm:

    Input: X = [x1, . . , xr ] ⊂ Sym(Ω) with 〈X 〉 = G , and α ∈ ΩProblem: Find αG

    Maintain an array ∆. At the first step, ∆ := [α].For any β ∈ ∆, calculate βx for every x ∈ X .Check whether βx ∈ ∆; If not, we append βx to ∆.Continue, until βx ∈ ∆ for every β ∈ ∆, x ∈ X . Then∆ = αG .

    Membership testing: Use a characteristic vector for ∆ ⊂ Ω.(This can be a problem if the action is not the natural one)

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    Pseudocode: The Orbit algorithm

    Orbit(X , α)

    Input: X ⊂ Sym(Ω) with 〈X 〉 = G , α ∈ ΩOutput: ∆ = αG

    1 ∆ := [α];2 for β ∈ ∆ do3 for x ∈ X do4 if βx /∈ ∆ then5 Append βx to ∆;6 return ∆;

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    Computing transversals

    Often, we are not only interested in αG , but for some/everyβ ∈ αG also in a uβ ∈ G , which moves α to β, i.e. for whichβ = αuβ .

    {uβ |β ∈ αG} is a right transversal for Gα.Modification of the Orbit algorithm:

    Maintain an array ∆ containing ordered pairs (β, uβ) forβ ∈ αG , αuβ = β. Initially, ∆ = [(α, 1G )];Every time a new element γ = βx of αG if found, (i.e. whenthere is no element of (γ, ∗) ∈ ∆) choose uγ := uβ · x andappend (γ, uγ) to ∆;At the end of the algorithm, we get an array ∆ containing{(β, uβ) |β ∈ αG}.

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    Pseudocode: The Orbit-Transversal algorithm

    Orbit-Trans(X , α)

    Input: X ⊂ Sym(Ω) with 〈X 〉 = G , α ∈ ΩOutput: ∆ = {(β, uβ) |β ∈ αG , αuβ = β}

    1 ∆ := [(α, 1G )];2 for (β, uβ) ∈ ∆ do3 for x ∈ X do4 if (βx , ∗) /∈ ∆ then5 Append (βx , uβ · x) to ∆;6 return ∆;

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    Schreier vectors

    Storing a set of transversals {uβ |β ∈ αG} requires place|αG | · n. This is n2 if G is transitive.We run out of memory if n is large.

    Solution: Schreier vector. We modify the Orbit algorithm asfollows.

    Besides ∆, we maintain an array Sv indexed by elementsΩ = {1, 2, . . . , n}.Initalise Sv as Sv [α] = −1, Sv [β] = 0 for β 6= α.When a new element βxi /∈ ∆ found, we not only append βx to∆, but we also change Sv [βxi ] to i ;When the algorithm ends we return ∆,Sv (or just Sv)

    At the end, Sv can also be used as a characteristic vector forαG , since β ∈ αG ⇐⇒ Sv [β] 6= 0.

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    Pseudocode: Orbit-Sv

    Orbit-Sv(X , α)

    Input: X = [x1, . . , xr ] ⊂ Sym(Ω) with 〈X 〉 = G , α ∈ ΩOutput: Sv for α

    1 for i = [1 . . n] do Sv [i ] := 0;2 ∆ := [α]; Sv [α] := −1;3 for β ∈ ∆ do4 for i = [1 . . r ] do5 if βxi /∈ ∆ then6 Append βxi to ∆;7 Sv [βxi ] := i ;8 return Sv ;

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    Calculating transversal from Schreier vector

    Sometimes we need to explicitly calculate an uβ ∈ G which movesα to β. We can do this from Sv for α as follows.

    In general, it is worth precalculate X−1 := [x−11 , . . , x−1r ], since

    we will use them.

    Input: X , X−1, β ∈ Ω, Sv for αProblem: Find an uβ ∈ G with αuβ = β if β ∈ αG

    First, we check whether Sv [β] = 0; If yes, then β /∈ αG andthe algorithm terminates; Otherwise, β ∈ αG .By using Sv we step back from β on αG (by applying somex−1k -s according to the vector Sv until we reach an ω ∈ Ωsatisfying Sv [ω] = −1. Then ω = α and we get uβ by takingthe product of all the xi -s according to the entries of Sv wetouched on the way to α.

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    Pseudocode: U-beta

    U-beta(β,Sv ,X ,X−1)

    Input: β ∈ Ω, a Schreier vector Sv for αand X = [x1, . . . , xr ],X

    −1 ⊂ Sym(Ω) with 〈X 〉 = GOutput: uβ ∈ G with αuβ = β if β ∈ αG ; otherwise false

    1 if Sv [β] = 0 then2 return false;3 ω := β; u := 1G ; k := Sv [ω];4 while k 6= −1 do5 u := xku;

    6 ω := ωx−1k ;

    7 k := Sv [ω];8 return u;

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    Calculating the stabiliser of α

    Theorem (Schreier’s Lemma)

    Let H ≤ G be groups, X : a set of generators for G and T 3 1: aright transversal for H in G. For any g ∈ G let g := t ∈ T ifHg = Ht. Then Y = {tx(tx)−1 | t ∈ T , x ∈ X} ⊂ H generates H.


    Y ⊂ H by definition;Let g ∈ H and write g = x1 · · · xm by a product of generators;Define recursively elements tj ∈ T and yj ∈ Y byt1 = 1, tj+1 = tjxj and yj = tjxj(tjxj)

    −1; Then tjxj = yj tj+1for 1 ≤ j ≤ m. So

    g = (t1x1)x2 · · · xm = y1(t2x2) · · · xm = y1y2(t3x3) · · · xm= y1y2 · · · ymtm+1 = y1y2 · · · ym ∈ 〈Y 〉

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    Calculating the stabiliser of α

    We use the previous Orbit-Transversal algorithm, but if we get aβx which is already in ∆, then we append the Schreier generatoruβx(uβx )

    −1 to Y .

    Orbit-Stabiliser(X , α)

    Input: X ⊂ Sym(Ω) with 〈X 〉 = G , α ∈ ΩOutput: ∆ = {(β, uβ) |β ∈ αG , αuβ = β},Y ⊂ Sym(Ω) with 〈Y 〉 = Gα

    1 ∆ := [(α, 1G )];2 Y := [ ];3 for (β, uβ) ∈ ∆ do4 for x ∈ X do5 if βx /∈ ∆ then6 Append (βx , uβ · x) to ∆;7 else Append uβx(uβx )

    −1 to Y ;8 return ∆,Y ;

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    How to reduce the number of generators?

    If there is a membership test available, one can check a newlyconstructed Schreier generator whether it is already in thesubgroup generated by the current Y and append to Y ony ifit is not.

    It still not provides a minimal set of generators;It requires many element tests;

    We can choose a relatively small random subset of Y and“hope” that it still generates Gα; (its probability is often veryhigh)

    By using random subproducts of the Schreier generators onecan find subsets of Y of moderate size which generate Gαwith high probability. Here, a random subproduct ofY = {y1, . . . , ys} is an element of the form

    y ε11 yε22 · · · y

    εss , ε1, . . . , εs ∈ {0, 1}.

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    Bases and strong generating sets (BSGS)


    Let G ≤ Sym(Ω) be a permutation group acting on Ω.A sequence B = (β1, β2, . . . , βk) ⊂ Ω is a base for G if∩ki=1Gβi = 1;The stabiliser chain defined by the base B = (β1, . . . , βk) is

    G = G (0) ≥ G (1) ≥ . . . ≥ G (k) = 1,

    where G (i) := G(i−1)βi

    = G(β1,...,βi ) is the subgroup{g ∈ G | g(βj) = βj , ∀ 1 ≤ j ≤ i};A set of generators S ⊂ G is a strong generating set for Grelative to B if S ∩ G (i) generates G (i) for every 0 ≤ i ≤ k ;If B = (β1, β2, . . . , βk) ⊂ Ω is a base for G , then the i-thfundamental orbit ∆i is the orbit of βi under the action ofG (i−1), i.e. ∆i := β

    G (i−1)i .

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    The importance of BSGS

    Almost every advanced permutation group algorithm usesthem;

    Storing group elements with base images:If B = (β1, β2, . . . , βk) is a base for G , then every g ∈ G isdetermined by (βg1 , β

    g2 , . . . , β

    gk )

    Most interesting permutation groups in practice has a base ofsize ≤ 10⇒ very efficient way to store group elements;Calculating the order of the group:

    |G | = |G (0) : G (1)| · · · |G (k−1) : G (k)| = |∆1| · |∆2| · · · |∆k |.

    By using the orbit algorithm for each pair (βi ,S ∩ G (i−1)) wecan calculate each fundamental orbit ∆i .

    A (perfectly) random element g ∈ G can be chosen;Provides membership test (by shifting);

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    Finding a random element

    Let Ui be a (right) transversal for G(i) in G (i−1) for every

    1 ≤ i ≤ k ;(Such transversals can be find with the orbit-transversalalgorithm for input (βi , S ∩ G (i−1));)We have G = Uk × . . .× U1, i.e. every g ∈ G can be writtenof the form g = uk · · · u1 in a unique way!Generating random element g ∈ G :

    For every 1 ≤ i ≤ k , calculate the i-th fundamental orbit ∆i ;Choose random elements γi ∈ ∆i ;Calculate elements ui := uγi such that β

    uii = γi ;

    By taking the product uk · · · u1, we get a random element of G .

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    Membership testing (By shifting)

    Idea: For a given g ∈ Sym(Ω), we search for a decompositiong = uk · · · u1 (with ui ∈ Ui ); such ui -s can be find ⇐⇒ g ∈ G .The shifting algorithm

    Check whether βg1 ∈ ∆1: If not, g /∈ G ;Otherwise, find u1 ∈ G (1) s.t. βg1 = β

    u11 ;

    Continue with gu−11 and β2 . . . ;

    The algorithm terminate in step m < k if gu−11 · · · u−1m−1

    moves βm outside of ∆m. In that case, g /∈ G ;If you reach the k-th step, then gu−11 · · · u

    −1k fixes each

    element of B.Then g ∈ G ⇐⇒ gu−11 · · · u

    −1k = 1. (Check this!)

    Note: Until the last step, you should not explicitly multiply thepermutations!

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    Pseudocode: Shifting

    Shifting(g ,B, S ,∆∗)

    Input: g ∈ Sym(Ω), B,S BSGS,and ∆∗ (reference to the orbit-transversal algorithm)

    Output: m ≤ k + 1 (the step when terminated),h = gu−11 · · · u


    1 h := g ;2 for m ∈ [1 . . k] do3 γ := βhm;4 if γ /∈ ∆m then5 return m, h;6 else h := hu−1γ ;7 Return k + 1, h

    Note: g ∈ G ⇐⇒ the output is k + 1, 1G .

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    The Schreier–Sims algorithm

    Problem: G ≤ Sym(Ω) is given as G = 〈X 〉. Find a BSGS (B,S).Initial step: B := [ ]. Extend B to B := [β1, . . . , βk ] such thatno element of X fixes B pointwise;∀1 ≤ i ≤ k let S (i) := X ∩ Gβ1,...,βi and H(i) := 〈S (i)〉. Then

    G = H(0) ≥ H(1) ≥ . . . ≥ H(k) = 1.


    (B, S) is a BSGS for G ⇐⇒ H(k) = 1 and H(i−1)βi = H(i) for all i .

    For i = k , k − 1, . . ., we check whether H(i−1)βi ≤ H(i). If this

    holds for each i , then B, S is a BSGS by Lemma;Let us assume that this holds for every l > i . To check

    whether H(i−1)βi

    ≤ H(i) for i we take the Schreier generatorsfor H


    in H(i−1), and test whether they are in H(i);

    (Remark: (βi+1, . . . , βk) and S(i) is a BSGS for H(i) by

    assumption, so we can do this!)

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    The Schreier–Sims algorithm

    If not, we found a g ∈ H(i−1)βi with g /∈ H(i).

    In fact, when we checked g /∈ H(i) with algorithm Shifting, itprovided us m, h with i + 1 ≤ m ≤ k + 1 and h such that hfixes β1, . . . , βm−1 and

    1 either m ≤ k and βhm /∈ ∆m;2 or m = k + 1 and h 6= 1 fixes every element of B.

    In both case, we add h to each of S (i), . . . ,S (m−1).(Hence we redefine the subgroups H(i), . . . ,H(m−1) and thefundamental orbits ∆i , . . . ,∆m−1)

    In the second case, we also add a new element βk+1 to B notfixed by h, and define S (k+1) = [ ], k := k + 1;

    We start again to check the assumption of Lemma . . .

    The algorithm must terminate after finitely many steps; Then(B,S) is a BSGS for G , where S := ∪ki=1Si .

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    Complexity of Schreier–Sims

    The time and space need for calculating a BSGS for G = 〈X 〉 ≤ Snwith this (deterministic) algorithm:

    By calculating the transversals explicitly:

    Time: O(n2 log3 |G |+ |X |n2 log |G |)Space: O(n2 log |G |+ |X |n)

    By using Schreier vectors:

    Time: O(n3 log3 |G |+ |X |n3 log |G |)Space: O(n log2 |G |+ |X |n)

    A usual situation is when B is small, and n is large. Then

    Definitely use Schreier vectors;

    Modify algorithms to work with permutation words or SLP-s

    Slowest part: When “Shifting” returns with k + 1, h, you needto check whether h = 1G .

    “Known-base version”⇒ Fast computation of SGS.

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    Homework 2.

    Prove that if we apply the Shifting algorithm for a groupG = 〈S〉 ≤ Sn such that (B, S) is not a BSGS, then it behavessimilar to a one-sided Monte Carlo algorithm, except that theerror-probability is ε > 1/2. More precisely,

    1 If g ∈ Sn is any permutation such that g /∈ G , then it stillalways recognises this fact;

    2 On the other hand; if g ∈ G is chosen with uniformdistribution, then the probability that the shifting proceduregives an incorrect answer is at least 1/2.

    Remark: With the help of this, one can define a “RandomSchreier–Sims method” which runs much more quickly, and finds aBSGS with prescribed high probability.

    Basics we needSome basic algorithms