Perl functions, pipes, and client side networking.

Perl functions, pipes, and client side networking

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functions, pipes, and client side networking.

Page 2: Perl functions, pipes, and client side networking

perl and functions

• Perl starts at the top of scripts and executes statements as it finds them. functions are skipped over until they are called and all functions are global.

• subroutines and functions are the same thing in perl

• example#!/usr/bin/perlstatements;functionstatementscall to function;statements;

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syntax of functions

• basics• sub NAME BLOCK

—example:sub helloworld {

print "Hello World! \n";}

• calling the functionhelloworld();

• a arguments to helloworld and return values are ignored by this call.

• function calls have the following syntaxLIST = FunctionName (LIST);

—() are "mostly" optional.

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parameter list

• You don't "declare" the parameter to a function and you can send 0 or more parameters to any function

• Inside a function the parameter list is located in @_;

• example:sub mysub {

my ($parm1, $parm2, $parm3) = @_;statements;


• Callmysub ($val1, $val2, $val3);

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parameter list

• Since perl doesn't check the parameter, it is up to the function

• example:sub ex2 {

foreach $par (@_ ) {

print "$par \n";



@arr = (1, 2, 3, 4);


@arr = ("one", "two");


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Pass by Value and Pass by Reference

• @_ is a pass by reference value• So, changing @_ in the function changes the

calling variables• In the last example, @_ was copied into

variables. That is pass by value.• Example:

sub mysub {my ($parm1, $parm2, $parm3) = @_;$parm1 = 2; @_[1] = 12;


• Call$val1 = 200; $val2 = 0; $val3 = 30;mysub ($val1, $val2, $val3);#$val1 = 200, $val2 = 12, $val3 = 30

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return values

• use the return statementsub test { print "Hi \n"; return "Hi";}

$v = test();

• return values can be a scalar data and lists, including undef (normally used for error )

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scoping issues and rules

• my $var; #delcares a "private" variable—The scope of the variables depends on where

is declared.—It is local to the BLOCK it is declared in and to

any function declared with that BLOCK.– NOTE: if declared outside of BLOCK, then it is global.

functions are always declared as global.

• Example:{ my $i = 1; sub iblock { print "$i\n"; } # output "1 \n"} iblock();print "$i \n"; #output " \n"

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scoping issues and rules (2)

my $i = 1;{ sub iblock { print "$i \n";} #prints 1} iblock();print "$i \n"; #prints 1• Note the difference here.iblock();print "$i \n"; #prints "\n"{my $i = 1; sub iblock { print "$i \n";} #prints "\n"} • $i has not be declared yet, since my $i has not

executed until after the print statement.

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my vs local

• my declares a variable private to it's block (or global if there is no block)

• local takes a global variable and gives it a temporary value for the block it is was "declared" in.

• example:$i = 1;print "$i \n"; #output "1 \n";{ local $i =2;

print "$i \n"; #output "2 \n";}print "$i \n"; #output "1 \n";

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my vs local (2){ #take the global variable $/ (read marker for file) and set it

to undef inside the block.local $/;$_ = <FILEHANDLE>;test();


• NOTE:$i=1;sub test { print "$i \n";}test(); #output "1 \n";{ local $i=2;

test(); #output "2 \n";}

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Exercise 12

• Using the grading program from previous exercises

• Write a function that determines the grade based on the numerical value. It will return the letter grade.

• The "main" code calls the function with a numerical grade and print the letter grade.

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built-in functions

• file system functions—chmod LIST such as chmod 755 'file1';—opendir, readdir, closedir —opendir(DIRHANDLE, NAME); #like file open,

but for directories– opendir(THISDIR, ".");

—LIST = readdir DIRHANDLE;– @allfiles = readdir THISDIR; #all the filesnames are

put in @allfiles– $nextfile = readdir THISDIR;#the next filename is

put in $nextfile;

—closedir DIRHANDLE;– close THISDIR;

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built-in functions (2)

—do FILE; # executes the contents of the file as a Perl script;

– do 'stat.pl';

—chdir DIRECTORY #change current working directory

– chdir "/usr/local/"; #change to /usr/local– chdir; #change to user home directory

—mkdir FILENAME [, MASK]– mkdir "dir";

—rmdir FILENAME; – rmdir "dir"; #if the directory is empty

—unlink FILENAME; #deletes the FILENAME– unlink "filename";

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built-in functions (3)

• file test (operators) -e "file" true if "file" exists

-r "file" true if "file" is readable-w "file" true if "file" is writable-d "dir" true if "dir" is a directory-T "file" true if "file" is a text file

– Not a binary file

-f "file" true if "file is a regular file– Not a directory, device file, etc.

• Examples:if ( -e "filename") { print "filename exists";}-r $file and open FP, $file;

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Walking a filesystem#!/usr/bin/perluse Cwd; # module for finding the current working directory

sub WalkDir{ my ($workdir) = shift;# or shift @_; my ($startdir) = cwd(); # keep track of where we began if (-r $workdir) { print "$startdir/$workdir \n"; } else { print "Unable to enter $startdir/$workdir \n"; return; } chdir($workdir) or die "Unable to enter dir $startdir $workdir:$!\n"; opendir(DIR, ".") or die "Unable to open $workdir:$!\n"; my @names = readdir(DIR) or die "Unable to read $workdir:$!\n"; closedir(DIR);

foreach my $name (@names){ next if ($name eq "."); #current directory next if ($name eq ".."); #parent directory next if (-l $name); #linked file or directory, next if (-d $name){ # is this a directory? WalkDir($name); next; } #you could process files here if you want. example: delete core files # if ($name eq "core") { unlink ($name) } } chdir($startdir) or die "Unable to change to dir $startdir:$!\n";}


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built-in functions (4)

• time functions—time; #returns the number of nonleap seconds

since "The epoch"– UNIX since Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC

—gmtime; returns as greenwich time zone– ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon,$year,$wday,

$yday,$isdst) = gmtime;– ($min,$hour) = gmtime[1,2];

—localtime; returns the local time zone– ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon,$year,$wday,

$yday,$isdst) = localtime;– ($min,$hour) = localtime[1,2];

—NOTE: months 0 through 11, instead of 1 – 12and year is starts at 1900, so 2002

is 102– so $year += 1900; $month++; #for corrections.

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built-in functions (5)

• couple other functions—srand [EXPR]; #seeds random number

generator—rand; #returns a floating-point number from 0

to 1 (excluding 1)– rand EXPR; #return a floating-point number from 0 to

EXPR (excluding EXPR)

—sleep EXPR;– puts the script to sleep for EXPR seconds– return how many sleeps the script slept.

—$x = system("COMMAND");– system("rm –rf /tmp/*"); #execute the command

specified. output is not returned to the script.

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built-in functions (6)

• back quotes—perl will execute a command (passing

command to the shell/DOS prompt to be executed).

—The output of the command is returned.– $returnoutput = `command`;– @outputarr = `command`;

—example:—$out = `ls -la`; # for UNIX—$out = `dir`; # for windows

– for both, output is return to $out, newline between each line out put from the command.

—@arr = `dir`; #or @arr= `ls –la`;– Each line is placed in an array element (starting at 0)

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Unix built-in functions

• Access to the password file (even shadow password file and NIS passwords)—Perl has a number of function for sysadmin on


– returns username for uid number

—getpwnam("string");– return uid number for the usename

—Each return an array when set to an array value

– ($usrname, $passwd, $uid, $gid, $quota, $comment, $gcos, $dir, $shell) = getpwnam("seker");

– For on the home home directory– $dir = (getpwnam("seker"))[7];

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Unix built-in functions (2)

• To access and process the entire "password" file—setpwent();

– initialize access to the "password file"

—@list = getpwent();– fetch next entry of password file– returns undef, for end of file.

—endpwent(); – "close" password file.

• For the "group file"—getgrgid(id) and getgrnam("string")

– get group id (returns name) and get group name (returns id)

—setgrent, getgrent, and endgrent– like processing pasword file– return an array ($name, $passwd, $gid, $members)

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Unix built-in functions (3)

• There are others. With the open, system, and backquote commands, most UNIX admin can be handled easily.

• I'll cover windows admin functions (win32 module) in lecture 7

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Interprocess Communication

• IPC—Two or more processes communicating—The processes must agree on a common


• We'll cover process concurrency, pipes, and client network sockets.—next lecture, server side network sockets.

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Process Concurrency

• fork command—The fork command creates a child process, which is

duplicate copy of the parent process.– Duplicates all resources and data

• Example:$a = 12;

if ($pid = fork) {

# Parent process

print "Parent: a = $a\n";

wait; #wait for the child process to end

} elsif (defined $pid) { #$pid contains 0

#child process

print "Child: a = $a\n";

} else { #fork failed

die "Can't fork: $! \n";


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Process Concurrency (2)

• In older versions of perl, win32 machines had to use perlfork.

• Use fork very carefully, a "out of control" fork can cause systems to crash. —such as the parent and children process both

continue to fork.—The parent process should always use the wait

command for child process. Child processes on exit return information to the parent process. If the child process is unable to do so, it can be left as zombie process (a process attempting to terminate, but unable to).

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• We've looked at pipes with the open command. But we were unable to use two way communication.

• command: pipe READHANDLE, WRITEHANDLE—allows two related processes to talk to each

other.—With one pipe, 1 process is the reader, the

other is the writer (doesn't matter which one, so long as the roles are known.)

—With two pipes, you have two way communication.

– Process 1 reads on one pipe and writes to the second.

– Process 2 reads on the second pipe and writes to the first.

• We also use the autoflush command (in the IO::Handle module), so data does not get "stuck" in a pipe.

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one way pipe example#!/usr/bin/perluse IO::Handle;pipe(READER,WRITER);WRITER->autoflush(1);

if ($pid = fork) {# Parent process print WRITER "HI\n"; waitpid($pid,0); #wait for the child process to end.} elsif (defined $pid) { #$pid contains 0#child process chomp($line = <READER>); print "Child: $line \n";} else { #fork failed die "Can't fork: $! \n";}close READER;close WRITER;

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Two way pipes example#!/usr/bin/perluse IO::Handle;pipe(CREADER,PWRITER); #create pipe 1 child reads from, parent writes to.pipe(PREADER,CWRITER); #create pipe 2 parent reads from, child writes to.PWRITER->autoflush(1);CWRITER->autoflush(1);

if ($pid = fork) {# Parent process print PWRITER "Hi child\n"; chomp($line = <PREADER>); print "Parent: $line \n"; waitpid($pid,0); #wait for the child process to end.} elsif (defined $pid) { #$pid contains 0#child process print CWRITER "Hi parent\n"; chomp($line = <CREADER>); print "Child: $line \n";} else { #fork failed die "Can't fork: $! \n";}close CREADER; close PREADER;close CWRITER; close PWRITER;

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two way communication

• Opening two pipes is complicated. To make it simpler, we can open a socket-pair instead.—NOTE: socket-pair function is broken in


• Uses the Socket module—More on the Socket module later on.

• Eliminates the need for multiple pipes.socketpair(CHILD,PARENT, AF_UNIX,

SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC);—The parent uses the CHILD to read and write—The child uses the PARENT to read and write

– think of "reading from the PARENT" and "writing to the PARENT"

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Socket-pair example#!/usr/bin/perluse Socket;use IO::Handle;socketpair(CHILD,PARENT, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC);CHILD->autoflush(1);PARENT->autoflush(1);if ($pid = fork) {#parent code print CHILD "Hi from Parent\n"; chomp($line = <CHILD>); print "Parent: $line\n"; close CHILD; close PARENT; waitpid($pid,0);} else { die "cannot fork: $!" unless defined $pid;#child code chomp($line = <PARENT>); print "Child: $line \n"; print PARENT "Hi back from child\n"; close CHILD; close PARENT; exit;}

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Network Sockets• Some quick definitions

—Server: Offers it's services and "listens" for a request—Client: Requests services from a server by initiating a

"connection" to the server.—Socket (refers both the Sockets API and a

communication endpoint.)– stream (SOCK_STREAM), which provide a bidirectional,

sequenced, and reliable channel of communication+ Used in major network applications+ TCP connection

– datagram (SOCK_DGRAM), which do not guarantee sequenced or reliable delivery, but are lightweight

+ Used as broadcast applications, and "steaming video/audio" applications

+ Think about as radio or TV+ UDP connection

– Port numbers are used to determine which program you want to talk to. Web servers usually use port 80, mail port 25, ftp port 23. RFC 1700 lists well know port numbers.

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Network Sockets(2)

• There are two modules used to make a connection

• IO::Socket or Socket modules—IO::Socket is simpler of the two to establish a

network connection—Socket allows more control over the creation

of the socket.

• Both create a connection to remote machine via a socket.

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IO::Socket module• IO::Socket for a client connection

—$socket = IO::Socket::INET->new (PeerAddr => $remote_host, PeerPort => $remote_port, Proto => "tcp", Type => SOCK_STREAM) or die "Couldn't connect to $remove_host:$remote_port : $@\n";

—PeerAddr => $remote_host– Where $remote_host is either a IP address or Name, such

as asuwlink.uwyo.edu or—PeerPort => $remote_port

– Where $remote_port is a port number, such port 80 (http port), port 25 (smtp port), etc

—Proto => "tcp", Type => SOCK_STREAM– Connection type– OR Proto => "udp", Type => SOCK_DGRAM– If these two parameters are left off, the default is "tcp",


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IO::Socket module (2)

• Once it's open use the $socket variable as you would a FILEHANDLE to read and write the socket.

• sending:—print $socket "bah… bah…\n";

• Receiving—$line = <$socket>;

• To close the connection—close ($socket);

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IO::socket client example#!/usr/bin/perluse IO::Socket;#Read the index page from asuwlink's web server$remote_host = "asuwlink.uwyo.edu";$remote_port = "80";$socket = IO::Socket::INET->new (PeerAddr =>

$remote_host, PeerPort => $remote_port, Proto => "tcp", Type => SOCK_STREAM) or die "Couldn't connect to $remote_host:$remote_port : $@\n";

print $socket "GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n"; #http protocol{ #normally, we would write the next line. local $/; #http sends entire file, then closes

connection, so we'll just read the entire file $answer = <$socket>; print "$answer \n";}close $socket

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Socket module

• More complex and multi stepped.• create a socket to usesocket(SERVER, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM,

getprotobyname('tcp'));—SERVER is the HANDLE—PF_INET it the domain type, with IO::Socket it

was part of the new call.—getprotobyname('tcp') get the O/S number for

tcp– should allows use this function, since the number has

been known to change and for portability issues.

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Socket module (2)

• Next build address of remote machine$internet_addr = inet_aton($remote_host);$paddr = sockaddr_in($remote_port,

$internet_addr);—inet_aton function converts IP number/name to machine

usable format.—sockaddr_in for PF_INET function (socket_un for

PF_UNIX) "packs" the port and name together to form a remote socket name

• Now connect to remote machineconnect(SERVER, $paddr);• SERVER is the handle to use for

read/writing to server, same as IO::Socket $socket

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Socket client example#/usr/bin/perluse Socket;use IO::Handle;

$remote_host = "asuwlink.uwyo.edu";$remote_port = 80;socket(SERVER, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp'));SERVER->autoflush(1); #socket doesn't have autoflush turned on.$internet_addr = inet_aton($remote_host) or die "Can't convert $!\

n"; $paddr = sockaddr_in($remote_port, $internet_addr);connect (SERVER, $paddr) or die "can't connect $!\n";

print SERVER "GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n",$flags;{ local $/; #again, same thing, normally won't set this.$answer = <SERVER>;print "$answer \n";}close SERVER;

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Exercise 13

• Write a client app to connect to a remote machine. Use machine name giving to you as the host and port 3012

• It should send the message "Connection from YOUR NAME"

• and then wait for a response and print the response to STDOUT

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