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By Perry DemopoulosTh.M.

Former Student of Hyles-Anderson College and

Member of First Baptist Church of Hammond

Note: All scripture verses are from the Authorized Version of the King James Bible (1611) with no apologies to any and all Greek and Hebrew scholars, teachers and students, pastors and preachers on top side of this earth. The following material is simply a look at the fruit of a movement in light of the Bible. There is nothing personal involved with what the author has written. The Bible says “love one another.” The Bible says “That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: (Eph. 4:14, 15). The apostle Paul had mentioned that believers have the mind of Christ and that they are to judge all things.


Two of the most dangerous and destructive “systems” of theological interpretation of the Bible have been hyper-Calvinism (Tulip) and hyper-dispensationalism. They have done much harm to the Body of Christ. Calvin was at heart an Arminianist [See our work on Eternal Security and the Heresies of Calvinism at www.harvestukraine.org ]. Hyper-dispensationalism has made its way into the ranks of true, sound, Biblical dispensationalism and has done much harm to true Biblical evangelization. Both, hyper-Calvinism and hyper-dispensationalism kill any local church in a very subtle fashion. There is still more ammo up the devil’s sleeve that is making its way into true, sound, Bible believing ranks. It is Hyper-Fundamentalism, or shall we say, Funny-MENTALism. While professing to be ‘King James only’ their faith and practice are of another spirit. The profession is only to save face. The Roman Catholic “chameleon” position is no respecter of persons.


One of the major faults in almost all of the books on church history is the absence of pointing out the negative aspect of individuals and groups of professing Christianity of the first few centuries. Of course that goes contrary to the modern philosophy that you are to “look for the good in all people.” That doesn’t stand too well in light of Jesus’ words “If ye then, BEING EVIL, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?” (Matt. 7:11). The Lord told them the truth for their own sake, “If ye then, BEING EVIL…” just to remind them the way things are. The modern view about man differs from the Biblical position. Jesus never mistook saying something right “how to give good gifts…” for telling sinners (unsaved AND SAVED) NEGATIVE truth “If ye then, BEING EVIL…” He never substituted telling of truth with His own ministry, for He was bound by the words of truth. THAT WAS his ministry (John 18:37, 38) He came IN THE VOLUME OF THE BOOK (Heb. 10:7). His final authority was the words of God and nothing could shake Him from that.


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There is a bias attitude toward the church “fathers” [as they are so called] that it is almost as if it were the press (the Fourth Estate) that had written almost all the church history books, leaning toward a Catholic position [“All roads lead to Rome”] or at least remaining silent, (silent is consent) while professing to be conservative. You may be asking, “Why?” Because what you never find when discussing the church “fathers” [a Roman Catholic term, cf. Matt. 23:9], are their seeds of heresies sown and their unbiblical practices that eventually formed a superstructure of the Roman Catholic pagan Whore. You never get the negative slant from a Biblical standpoint of their sins just because they were “godly” or dedicated to their work, and even possibly died a martyrs’ death. [Of course no heretic is going to admit that he is a heretic.] So what happens? These men almost become deified. You justify their heresies based on their dedication, and those heresies slip through the line of Biblical Christianity just because they were ‘leaders’ of Christianity. [“Leaders are readers!”] They had some influence on Christendom. It is a practice among the Fourth Estate, the Journalists of the News Media. You know, you’re not supposed to say anything bad about a pagan, liquor head, bachelor heading things in Rome because he is a “godly man.” And look at all the ‘good’ (Gen. 3:6) he has done. Look how many people follow him. Don’t mention the Muslims murdering Christians left and right in Africa and other places of predominant Muslim territory. “Muslims are good people. They believe in God too.” Mums the word! That is the job of the press, The Fourth Estate. Vatican II states that Muslims believe in God as the Roman Catholic Church does.

“But the plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amonst whom are the Moslems…” (Vatican II, volume I, p.367).

It all sounds sweet and “nice” but that is to justify themselves (Luke 16:15). If there was one missing factor that needs to be pointed out in church history books and history that is taking place and being written TODAY is that fact that people like Polycarp (ca. 69 – ca. 155), who used the phrase, “the son of the church,” Ignatius (ca. 35 or 50-between 98 and 117) who is responsible among professing Christianity to first use the word “catholic”, Papias (2nd century), Origen (c.185–254) who was a Mariolater, and many more, (many who suffered a martyrs’ death), sowed the seeds of heresies that would eventually bring on the Roman Catholic Church, then the Dark Ages and finally “perilous times” of today of which Paul spoke. That is where it all started and that how it ENDS! The writers of church history seem to have a hard time understanding that “A LITTLE LEAVEN leaveneth the whole lump.” Of course, if they were to write from a Biblical standpoint (and not ‘the originals’) and believe the Bible as the only measure by which to judge church history the sales of their books would eventually go down (1 Tim. 6:10). Thus, enter PERILOUS TIMES! “This know also, that in the last days PERILOUS TIMES shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away” (2 Tim. 3:1-5)

So let’s make some simple applications of why and what started back in the first few centuries of Christianity and what and how it manifests itself today. That is what most Christians do not. “What men learn from history is they never learn from history.” But, to know history is to be forewarned. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.


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“If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely THAT LITTLE POINT which the WORLD and the DEVIL are at THAT MOMENT ATTACKING, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ.” Martin Luther

I. The Peril Of Professing To Be ‘King James Only’ But Denying The Very Words In The KJB

Sometime ago we put a book together on The Other Side of Fundamentalism - Hyper-Fundamentalism. [You can read it at www.harvestukraine.org under BOOKS.] There are things that are commendable, soul-winning, the importance of attending church, having some kind of standards and giving, but when that is preached at the expense of throwing out words of the Bible like “rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15), that is in itself “[holding] the truth in unrighteousness” (Rom. 1:18). “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;” When men “hold the truth in unrighteousness” that brings on the wrath of God. That brings on perilous times that was prophesied by the apostle Paul (2 Tim. 3:1-5). The Laodicean period is that period (Rev. 3:14-21) of which Paul spoke. The Bible says that “the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against ALL ungodliness and unrighteousness of men” any men; unsaved and SAVED. If neglecting 2 Timothy 2:15 “rightly dividing the word of truth” and neglecting [“dispensations”] (mentioned 4 times in the Holy Bible) is not practiced preached and taught, then that is ungodliness and unrighteousness. To make light of 2 Timothy 2:15 and dispensations (which the late Jack Hyles did and all briders do) is one of the most subtle heresies of the modern age, for all modern bibles have mistranslated that verse by omitting the word “DIVIDING” out of the phrase “rightly DIVIDING the word of truth.” For the briders crowd and men like Jack Hyles outright slam Scofield’s notes concerning dispensations is an injustice to the scriptures. I was a member of First Baptist of Hammond and a student at Hyles-Anderson College in the late 80’s. Second Timothy 2:15 is one of three key verses (Luke 11:52) of God’s instructions concerning Biblical interpretation and being “APPROVED UNTO GOD.” If you knock that verse out, you’ve knocked out a third concerning the methods of Biblical exegesis, to know whether something be so or not (Acts 17:11). The other two-thirds are 1 Corinthians 2:13 dealing with comparing verses; scripture with scripture and Isaiah 28:10-13 dealing with context and repetition. Now when mentioning some popular figure such as Jack Schaap (whose church supposedly represents Fundamentalism) with whom I disagree in certain points, it is not a matter of “knocking the brethren,” or not “loving the brethren.” No brother needs to apologize if his allegiance is for the glory of God and to the FINAL AUTHORITY of the holy scriptures which would include EVERY WORD of the Authorized Version and an honest look at where things may not line up with the infallible Book, no matter who it is. If any man does not take THAT position then he becomes a hypocritical idolater. After all it was the Bereans, [and not a bunch of Hyper-Dispensationalists] that were “more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so” (Acts 17:11). Now if the Bereans were more noble in that they searched the scriptures daily to see what the apostle Paul was preaching and teaching then why would Laodicean Christians think any less of the scriptures after a man, any man, preach and published what was preached, unless he was afraid to do that? The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe. (Proverbs 29:25). His teachings and practice are now in the pubic arena. They ought to be tried and proven. “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good” (1 Thess. 5:21).


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Jack Schaap, pastor of First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana has now openly confessed, [you can see it on youtube.com at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jMP1S7xvdg] that only the originals were inspired by God in Hebrew and Greek. In other words God was and is not able to preserve His words in a translation according to Psalm 12:6, 7 and what we have today is not the infallible “holy scriptures” in a Book called the Holy Bible and being word perfect. While professing to believe in the fundamentals, the Fundamentalists left their former professing position. “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.” Time and time again we’ve had to clarify the Biblical position concerning inspiration and preservation of “the holy scriptures.” There is not one time throughout the entire Bible no matter who “spake” under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit that the words “scripture” or “scriptures” ever meant or even hinted to the originals. That is what stumps modern Fundamentalists. Unfortunately Jack Schaap has stumbled. “But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.”

II. The Peril Of the Two Natures of a Believer at WorkProfessing in ‘The Bible’ while Going to the Greek to Build a Sermon

The late Dr. Jack Hyles wrote a book “The Need for An Every-Word Bible.” His teaching on a Wednesday night Bible study “How We Got God’s Words” is a defense of his stand on the Authorized Version. His sermon is called “Keep your Stinking Feet Out of My Drinking Water” is a stand against all the new versions and defense of the AV. His stand is clear concerning the authority of the King James Bible. But what is not talked about is how that Brother Hyles would go to a Greek word (possibly before he took a clear stand on the Book) from the back of his concordance and build a sermon on that. Of course they’d publish him saying something about the AV and his stand on it. There is enough material published concerning Brother Hyles’ position. But Hyles grads are quiet concerning when he would go to a Greek word for a sermon. There’s the seed! It is sown. It has taken germ. Don’t think that Jack Schaap’s turn in the pastorate and deception concerning the King James issue happened over night. It didn’t. The seeds of apostasy were being sown well before brother Schaap took the pastorate. Schaap has just followed suit. He also says that the King James Bible is the word of God. So you have the two natures at work. You can hear Schaap at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-JnRbj8wqE&feature=related Charles Haddon Spurgeon wrote excellent material on the word of God, the King James Bible. In his sermons you’ll find him praising the Holy Bible (AV 1611), and yet he would turn right around and correct the Holy Bible with a Greek word. Clarence Larkin would do the same thing. That is the two natures of a man at work and both contradicting each other. When you find that a man goes to a Greek word from a concordance or Greek dictionary upon which to build a sermon, that doesn’t go over too well when you are supposedly getting light from the King’s English. No, just the opposite happens; it goes over like a lead balloon. He blows his cover. Right in the middle of his sermon “Keep your Stinking Feet Out of My Drinking Water” to prove that God has chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise, Bro. Hyles says,

“You check that word ‘foolish’ some time in the original, huh, not in the original but in ‘the Greek.’ It comes from the word, the word ‘moron’ comes from.”

It is a dangerous seed that sows wild fruit. That produces an unclean spirit for others (his own son-in-law) to take (1 Kings 22:22, 23). That gives others the alibi to USE the Bible to build their ministries so that the ministry becomes an end of itself and not the words of God (Psa. 138:2), while they profess faith in the King James Bible. The church becomes the end of all


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things or soul-winning becomes the end. As a result, the Book is not first. They place the Book in second or third place in spirit, approach, faith and practice, while professing something else. It is hypocrisy, idolatry (2 Tim. 3:2).

III. The Peril of Illegitimate Exegesis of a Text

Many Fundamentalists will read some verses in a particular passage and then close the book and preach about something else. They automatically lose what’s in the text and get on their own wave length. Expository preaching of the word of God is most certainly a lost art in Fundamental circles. You are dealing with men that don’t spend time in the Holy Bible, but if they do their motives and approach are not with the Holy Spirit. They are not preaching the words that are in the text. They are not reading their Bibles to get from the text what the word of God says. They are not preaching that text as it is. They are just using the text, just like many Fundamentalists say we “use” the word of God but they really don’t believe it. They say it is the best translation available but miss the mark when it comes to acknowledging that the King James Version is; the very, infallible word of God and His written revelation by the Holy Spirit of God, intact, word perfect, without error. Just because a Fundamentalist professes belief in the King James Bible and teaches eternal security does not justify their denying 2 Timothy 2:15. It does not justify their imbalance of soul-winning over the written revelation of the words of God, all the words, like 2 Timothy 2:15; 1 Corinthians, 9:17; Ephesians 1:10; 3:2; Colossians 1:25, etc. If they profess that they do not deny 2 Timothy then why do they not preach, practice and teach those verses in their exegesis. They pass by them; go around them, pretending that they are not there. They won’t face them. You will hear Bible-believers preach on soul winning and face the verses on that subject. Have you ever heard our Fundamentalist brethren preach on RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH, or on DISPENSATIONS? and give you a sound, intelligent, exegesis of those verses? No, and for the most part you won’t. They haven’t repented of their deceit in handling the word of God. Holding the truth in unrighteousness means at this stage they’ll read a few verses and go with it where ever they want and lose the context. Many use a passage for their own interpretation so that eventually the sermon ends with either tithing, soul-winning, church attendance or standards.

IV. The Peril of “Vain Repetition” among Fundamentalists

The “vain repetition” (Matt. 6:7) of many of our Fundamentalist brethren is the usage of the word “godly.” That is not an overstatement. It is their “rap” amongst themselves, “He is a ‘godly man’…” Mr. so and so is a ‘godly man’”. It sounds like the Pentecostal “HOLYghost” or the Catholic “holy’ water,” “holy’ liturgy,” “holy beads,” etc., or like the Charismatic “Hallelujah, hallelujah…” So we’ve got now the ‘godly’ Fundamentalist. Understand that usage of a phrase as such is not bad, except when it is used at the expense of monumental verses and subjects that are neglected such as 2 Timothy 2:15, all the verses where the word “dispensation” is used, verses that deal with idolatry, and especially a denial of the preservation of the words of God in a translation, specifically in the King James Bible. The second time the word “godly” is mentioned by the Holy Spirit is Psalm 12:1 “Help, LORD; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men.” This verse is in the very same Psalm having to do with the words of the Lord, “The words of the LORD are [Present Tense] pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.” (Psalm 12:6, 7). Schaap and crew, in essence believe no more that the King James Bible is “the holy scriptures” (Rom. 1:2) than the Neo-Evangelical crowd. His public confession and explanation


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of 2 Timothy 3:16 “all scripture is given by inspiration of God...” (2 Tim. 3:16) is a denial of God’s promise that “[He] shalt KEEP them...” [the words of God] and “shalt preserve them from this generation FOR EVER.” There is no difference between the false Bibles in any language that has omitted 2 Timothy 2:15 and those who claim to be King James Bible believers and pretend as if that verse is not there. Silence is consent to the fact that they don’t believe that that verse means what it says and says WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO DO! It is an epidemic of a “form of godliness but denying the power thereof.” While many boast about the “power of God” it was Jesus that said to the Fundamentalists of His day, “Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God” (Matt. 22:29). Yes, of course there are prayers that go up by many of our beloved Fundamentalist brethren for “the power of God,” but again in the light of the Scriptures, power comes by way of knowledge of the scriptures, “Ye do err, NOT KNOWING the scriptures, nor the power of God.” Motivation for even adults to see souls saved is the overkill to win contests, pastoral authority, false motivation for giving, etc. We will not judge the motive of Bro. Hyles but any graduate from HAC knows that more than once you’d here Bro. Hyles tell of the story of his drunken father tell him that he ought to go and build the biggest church. All of these things sooner or later crumble and prove to come short of the Holy Scriptures once they are put to the test by THE final authority of ALL matters of spirit, approach, faith and practice. V. The Peril of Briderism and Pastoral Authority

Put some of the HAC (Hyles-Anderson College) graduates to a test. Some claim that Brother Jack Schaap no longer believes the Bible. We’ll deal with that later. Their bone of contention is that Brother Schaap isn’t true to the word of God. The problem is many good and sincere graduates of HAC have never confessed 2 Timothy 2:15 as a legitimate practice by the Holy Spirit concerning DIVIDING, which is a mark of being approved of God, and not being ashamed “Study TO SHEW THYSELF APPROVED UNTO GOD, a workman THAT NEEDETH NOT TO BE ASHAMED, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Many of them still practice pastoral authority. Preaching becomes church centered, not Christ centered. That is the result of Briderism. Jack Hyles taught heresy concerning the body of Christ. He didn’t believe in the universal church. [See our booklet on Briderism.] The seeds were sown. The rotten tree has grown. “By their fruits ye shall know them” (Matt. 7:20). We quote Bro. Hyles –

“There is no such thing as the universal church.  Or the invisible church composed of all believers...all believers don't form the church--a church--because all believers have not yet been called out or assembled.  Now, when all believers ARE called out at the rapture and are assembled in the sky, THEN all believers become a called out assembly.  And then they will be--we can call all believers-- a `church.' The only church there is today in the world is the New Testament Baptist church.”

Instead of the church (the body of Christ, being Christ centered, what you do is eliminate Christ as being the head of his body (Col. 1:18) which is the bride, the universal church, “that filleth [present tense] all in all” including “heaven and earth” (Eph. 3:15), you substitute that with the head of a local church; and it sure isn’t Christ as the head. The pastor becomes the final authority. Just like any organization on this earth, modern-day professing Christians as Roman Catholics do, create a worldly structure of hierarchy, because of a blind loyalty. Many Hyles grads will boast (2 Tim. 3:2) of how many souls were saved, without ever saying one word about divisions in the Bible. Soul-winning is still the measure of spirituality while ignorance of the Book is prevalent. The proof of that is the numbers game of baptisms, souls saved, supersede Biblical truth. To get them to expound properly Ephesians 1:22, 23 is nearly impossible.


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VI. The Peril of Lack of Understanding

One of the terms that was used behind the pulpit of First Baptist of Hammond was the words, “deeper lifer.” That was mentioned more than enough times by Brother Hyles. The idea is that a “deeper lifer” (which at times would imply a man that studied divisions and dispensations) was not a soul-winner. I would agree to the fact that ANY study of the scriptures to the point of neglect of seeking sinners is simply laziness concerning the Great Commission. The flesh would have any of us sit and study the scriptures, and not go on visitation, or sit and listen to some preaching or sit and watch a video of some expositors to the neglect of going and preaching. That is fully understood by any Christian who desires to know the will of God (Rom. 12:1, 2). Yes, there is a serious problem in the Body of Christ because of the refusal of many Christians to witness and tell unsaved sinners they’re going to Hell when they die. The commandment to witness is clear (Prov. 31:8; Acts 1:8). But the misunderstanding arises on the part of many Fundamentalists is when the term “deeper lifer” is preached to the end that you are to shun any kind of sound Bible studying (2 Tim. 2:15) as the Bible says to. Overkill of studying dispensations leans toward Hyperdispensationalism. There is that crowd too. They’ve taken things to the other extreme being occupied with “strong meat” (Heb. 5:12, 14). That is also good reason to puke (Prov. 25:16). There must be the understanding between a hyper-dispensationalist and a Biblical dispensationalist. That is where people get mixed up. They will put a Biblical dispensationalist in the same group with Hyper-dispensationalists and call them all “deeper lifers.” That is what causes many of our brethren to shun the study of proper divisions, obeying 2 Timothy 2:15, acknowledging dispensationalism in the scriptures, and enjoying sound doctrine (Deut. 32:2; 2 Timothy 3:16).

VII. The Peril of The Numbers Game

Jack Schaap also mentions the fact in one of his books “Independent Baptist...Where are We Going?” that the King James issue is a side issue, “the distractions that have hurt the independent Baptist church-growth movement.” In light of the holy scriptures Schaap’s statement proves him to be heretical. The Bible says, “I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name” (Psalm 138:2). Therefore Schaap belittles the emphasis where God puts the emphasis, on His words. Schaap’s numbers mentality is his measure of spirituality. If that be the case than the Roman Pope is the holiest of all. That is exactly what he would have you to believe. Let’s illustrate this point. The finger cannot say, “I am the body.” Nor can the small toe say, “No, I’m the body.” They are just part of the whole body. You do not measure a body by the finger or toe. So, no fundamentalist ought to measure spirituality by numbers. That is where David got into trouble. He got PROUD and counted Israel when he wasn’t told to. Neither did he do that in the proper manner. When he committed adultery he said “I have sinned against the LORD” (2 Sam. 12:13). But when he later counted Israel and knew that he had sinned he said, “I have sinned GREATLY in that I have done: and now, I beseech thee, O LORD, take away the iniquity of thy servant; for I have done VERY foolishly.” (1 Chron. 21:10). At first reading 2 Samuel 24:1-3 and the parallel passage (1 Chron. 21:1-3) David’s act doesn’t seem very serious. But when you read on in both passages, it is plain to any reader that what seems to be such a minor thing to man can and is a MAJOR catastrophe to God. Killing 70,000 people is no joke, to say the least. As a former professional musician and free-lance drummer, I worked with a wide variety of musicians in many different circumstances; duets, trios, quartets, big band, funk bands, rock band, orchestras, etc. It was rare but quite obvious when musicians were trying to outplay other


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musicians. You could tell it. It creates a wrong kind of a spirit. That is what needs to be watched out for, the numbers game as a means of indicating spirituality. Especially when you know that in the end times, the times of the Gentiles will come in. That means God will be done with them because less and less want to get saved. That is not ill thinking. That is Biblical prophecy and reality. Many Fundamentalists are looking for revival when many are now only professing that they have the word of God, calling it the “Word of God, and use it but don’t believe it any more than Hitler thought a black man could win the 100 meter race against a bunch of Krauts running against him. Revival? Who are these Fundamentalists kidding? Themselves first of all. It is a deception. To a great many Christians today the constant competition as to see who can get more sinners on a bus, who can get more people to church creates not only an envious spirit but causes others to lift themselves up with pride, while they sidestep the greatest issue on this earth – FINAL AUTHORITY and the King James Bible. David’s sin with Bathsheba cost the lives within his family four fold. But the sin of counting Israel cost seventy thousand lives. Quite a big difference! What was it that David did? Is it wrong to count numbers? Well in David’s case it was. Why? The counting of numbers after his victories was his fall. Pride got the best of him. He wanted to count Israel but not by the will of God.

VIII. The Peril of Dual Authorities and Dual Loyalites

To number the people is an act of ownership, because Israel belonged to God and not David. That little thing right there was to give David a false sense of trust. It was misplaced trust, and misplaced loyalty. And THAT is a major problem today where loyalty to a man is overrun by demanding loyalty to a pastor, but of course, “We believe the King James Bible.” If dual authorities play a major role in Roman Catholicism concerning the Holy Bible and tradition, then why would dual loyalties be any less important when dealing with loyalty to a Book that crosses the demands of a pastor? Of course a naïve, blind young Hyles-Anderson college student doesn’t and can’t see that. The numbers game is a means for men to get lifted up. I have been soul-winning since 1983 without any let up. The Lord is still blessing me with souls getting saved. We are told to “compel them to come in.” We are told that “they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word” (Acts 8:4). But to put that up on a pedestal as THE measure of spirituality creates the wrong kind of spirit and misplaced authorities. It was Jesus Christ, at the end of His ministry that stood before Pilate and said, “To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice” (John 18:37). The sole purpose for Jesus coming into the world was to “bear witness unto the truth,” and not just soul-winning. If a man rejects any part of the words of God, it is there where the Lord will deal with him. If a man rejects Biblical words, words of truth, it is there that the Lord will deal with him. Where many Fundamentalists get in trouble is they’ve been taught NOT to teach ALL the counsel of God (Acts 20:27) but in part while professing to be ‘King James only.’ If that weren’t enough, there are a number of fundamentalists who claim to be ‘King James only’ but after a close examination “prove ALL things” (1 Thess. 5:23) their loyalty is to the Textus Receptus. They are ‘TR’ men. They profess the King James Bible to be the word of God but also say that “the Hebrew” and “the Greek” are also “the word of God.” That is what causes the greatest danger because it is the most subtle. A close look at Greek texts shows that they vary from one to another. Also, there are King James readings that are NOT in ANY Greek or Hebrew manuscripts. Those readings are ADVANCED REVELATIONS found in the international language of ENGLSH, in the AUTHORIZED VERSION. THAT is what separates the men from the boys. “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap…but I found none” (Ezek. 22:30). THAT is what “ties the rag on


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the bush” for some of our mixed multitude of HAC graduates that are somewhere between a TRUE ‘King James only’ man and Schaap’s crowd. They professes to be ‘King James’ only but also say that “the Greek” and “the Hebrew” manuscripts are the word of God. The Schaap crowd is about half way across the bridge. Some of the HAC alumni are about three-quarters the way across the bridge profess the King James Bible but lean toward “the Greek” and “the Hebrew.” Your New Evangelicals talk about the “Word’ of God” which could mean anything, such as a NASV, NIV, RV, or any Greek text. Some alumni of Hyles-Anderson College that broke off from Schaap have come across the bridge a bit farther but not all the way across. They are still in profession, ‘King James’ but when push comes to shove they are also ‘TR.’ There are too many differences in the King James Bible that makes its “translation” (2 Sam. 3:10; Col. 1:13; Heb. 11:5) BETTER than any Greek and Hebrew manuscripts on top side of this earth. To profess that you are a “King James ‘BIBLE’ believer” and also give loyalty to Greek and Hebrew texts or manuscripts as the “infallible word of God” to cast doubt on the King James Bible is a CATHOLIC POSITION, one of dual authorities. Secondly, it shows that there has not been a complete, thorough examination on their part of the BIBLICAL meaning of the word “TRANSLATION.” It is a matter of BIBLICAL faith in what the BOOK (KJB) says about the BOOK. Thirdly it shows a lack of study of ADVANCED REVELATIONS of the King James Bible, which God prepared in the INTERNATIONAL language of English, which is very accessible for the whole world to see and read.

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New evangelicals Schaap’s crowd Some H.A.C. graduates KING JAMES say, “the Word of God” “the original words (alumni, and associates Bible believers That can mean anything- in Greek and Hebrew, with H.A.C. alumni) The BOOK andNASV, NIV, RV, Etc. some in Aramaic…” say the words in the only the BOOK Greek and Hebrew today above any and are also the word of God. all manuscripts. “T.R.”_____________________________________________________________________________

There is more than enough information and literature available to learn more about the tremendous heritage of the Authorized Version, “the holy scriptures” that God has used throughout the ages and His word being the absolute judge in all matters of faith and practice in HISTORY. Nobody can deny the historical facts of the power of the King James Bible during the Philadelphian church period and its ongoing influence today in the late stages of the Laodicean period of the church age.

IX. The Peril of Ignoring the Principle of True Biblical Separation by Rightly Dividing

One of the teachings of the Fundamentalists is all people were saved the same way in the Old Testament as they are in the New. That is a pretty broad statement. Don’t you realize that there was a period before the Law, the period during the Law, a period during Christ’s ministry, the Church Period, (from the cross, or Pentecost to the Rapture), a period within the Church period of apostolic gifts where Jews were saved by the Holy Spirit but not until they were baptized, a period in the church where people were saved by the Holy Spirit but not until hands were laid on them by apostles, a period where people are saved today without water baptism nor the laying on of hands, the Tribulation period, and the Millennial period. To say that all people were saved the same way in any of the above mentioned periods is simply a denial of truth and a blindness of the eyes. To say that James’ “faith without works is dead” (Jam.2:10) is the same as Paul’s “not of works lest any man should boast” (Eph. 2:9) is to join two things together that God has put asunder. It is a form of ecumenicism, joining things that don’t belong together.


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While they profess to take a strong stand against the liberal crowd, the Neo-evangelicalism, and ecuminicism, they themselves join together what God has put asunder. The Book says, Let Jack Schaap at First Baptist of Hammond say whatever he wants about believing the Book but until he comes clean and says that the Book that he has in his hand (if it is a King James Bible), and not the originals of the Greek and Hebrew languages, is the absolute infallible inspired, preserved word of God, word perfect, every word and without error, and that there are advanced revelations that Hebrew and Greek languages do not have, then his ministry is one of deception (1 Thess. 2:3) a seduction, a form of wizardry and trickery. The wizard of God, spirit continues at First Baptist of Hammond and will continue. And if his excuse or defense is soul winning, or how many members there are in church, and regardless how many “Summits” he holds, or how many missionary translators (Pope’chenko) he rests upon, His ministry is not “THIS ministry” of which Paul talked about (2 Cor.4:1, 2). [See our book “This Ministry” at http://www.harvestukraine.org/books/books.htm]. Therefore seeing we have THIS MINISTRY, as we have received mercy, we faint not; But have RENOUNCED THE HIDDEN THINGS OF DISHONESTY, NOT WALKING IN CRAFTINESS, NOR HANDLING THE WORD OF GOD DECEITFULLY; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God. There are no excuses for such trickery. Of course he could slide his way through an argument or fool his people into thinking that they have no quarrels with anybody. That is the trickery of disarming his people. “Let’s not deal with the issue.” Or “We will deal with the issue” but not really deal with the issue. You know, its kind of like, “We the people, by the people, for the people.” One of them things!

So then, what? Can Bible-believers work together with the Fundamentalists? When the apostles saw one casting out devils in the Lord’s name, the apostles forbad, him, because he followed not with the disciples. Jesus’ answer was to leave him alone. “Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us. Luke 9:49, 50 And John answered and said, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbad him, because he followeth not with us.And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us. Now there are a couple things to notice about this passage.

1. Jesus did NOT say “Go and join him.” 2. He did NOT say for him to come and join them.

Another example where there was a division between two different groups is located in Philippians chapter one. When Paul was jailed there arose a group of believers who preached of envy, strife, and contention (Phil 1:14-16). Paul’s answer to that was, “What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.” (Phil. 1:18, 19). That is grace. Let them preach. Amen! I am very thankful for that fact that preachers preach the Bible. They are fighting a battle for the Lord’s sake, but that does NOT justify their sins. Nor was Paul silent when it came to exposing heresies or false practice regardless whap people PROFESSED. Remember some of the church “fathers” who sowed seeds that eventually led to the superstructure of the Roman Catholic Church which brought in the Dark Ages. Notice some things Paul did not say -

1. Paul did not say, I’ll go work with them.” 2. He did not say “Let them work with us.”

In the first case there is nothing mentioned about what kind of doctrine the man preached who was casting out devils. In light of other scriptures if a man refuses to repent of his heresies,


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you find just the opposite, you’re to deal with that man about his heresy two times. If he doesn’t straighten out you’re to “REJECT HIM,” according to who? According to the Holy Spirit Who inspired Paul to speak Titus 3:10, “A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition REJECT;” But the fact of the matter is concerning the late Fundamentalist movement it is a family matter, where people in the family of God should be told the truth. If they reject it, he is still your brother. You’re told to love one another. But you never find in the Book that you are to compromise truth just to get along with your “friends.” Jesus said, “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth” (John 17:17). It is often the case they are your friends just as long as you don’t cross their doctrine. In circles of pastoral authority churches, once you hit the nail on the head concerning a false teaching you are either put down so that to fear men, or you are ridiculed as a heretic, or you are considered not a soul winner, but a “deeper lifer.” That was Jack Hyles’ phrase, to keep his audience in subjection to his heresy concerning dispensations to the neglect of words in the Holy Scriptures. If the two “camps,” (and those two camps are defined by their fellowships and not by their professions) are ever going to get together, there is going to have to be a repentance of false doctrine and practice on the part of Fundamentalists which is very unlikely will happen. The Bible-believers will have to compromise their stand for the whole lump to be leavened (Matt. 13). Unfortunately, Lucifer’s job is to “[weaken] the nations” (Isa. 14:12-14). It will be Bible believers who will in spirit, approach, faith and in practice compromise while professing to believe the King James Bible so as to “get along” with the brethren. Good words and fair speeches (Rom. 16:18) are out to disarm Bible believers. The churches end in apostasy. Very few Fundamentalists finally understand what’s going on concerning the Book being first place (Psa. 138:2), making the proper divisions (2 Timothy 2:15), exegeting soundly the verses dealing with dispensations or any other verses for that matter. Yes, few come through clean, but for the most part, it is the other way around. For worldly reasons, Bible believers will compromise truth to get into the pulpits of Fundamental churches. Their business to sell books or their desires to become more popular or their ministry will get the upper hand. Most of your Fundamental churches have more money $$$ where less truth is preached. The majority of Fundamentalism, as it was during Christ’s time was blinded. That is history, undeniable history. They didn’t have the guts to come clean with Jesus Christ. They murdered Him because of envy!

X. The Peril of Mutilating the Body of Truth

Let’s make it clear. A true, Biblical, Bible believer ought to seek to win souls to the Lord. His marching orders are clear, “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise” (Prov. 11:30). “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). “Now then we are ambassadors for Christ” (2 Cor. 5:20). “…for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel” (1 Cor. 4:15) “…I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some” (1 Cor. 9:22) etc. But never is a ministry, soul-winning, church attendance, standards, pastoral authority to be above the Book. That creates a spirit of idolatry. No, just as any and all subjects in the word of God, they are simply parts of the whole of the living words of the Living God. You’ve got a Bible in your hand. It is a BODY of revealed truth called “the faith.” Any one subject in the Bible is not an end in and of itself. It is a part of the whole. To take one portion of scripture, a verse on soul-winning and make the whole body subject to that one verse is the cause of a mutilation of Bible exegesis, a destruction of a balanced approach (Prov. 11:1) to the Bible, and the reason for a lack of Biblical understanding. For it is God Himself that has raised His words to the highest standard for all to learn Psalm 138:2 “I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.” What the Charismatics do is they take the word “tongues” and twist the meaning of that word so that the whole of a believer’s life is to be subject to their perverted understanding of the


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word. If you don’t have the gift of tongues then something is wrong with you. That is how they judge you. If you were to profess faith in Jesus Christ before a Pentecostal but denied the baptism of the HOLYGhost, then you couldn’t be saved. That is how they judge you although they may not outright say that once you’ve called their hand but that’s how it is. So likewise with the Fundamentalists, if your end is not soul-winning, then something is wrong with you. Period!


The King James profession at First Baptist of Hammond before Brother Schaap was voted in to be pastor was only to facilitate. IT NEVER MEANT ANYTHING TO START WITH. There was never any wrecking crew. NONE! “See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.” (Jer.1:10) The trash was never cleaned out during Bro. Hyles’ days of profession of the King James Bible. Hyles eventually spoke for the Book later on; nonetheless rotten seeds were already deeply sown many years ago. Bro. Schaap just took what was planted and now is watering it. The fruit (Matt. 7:20) from the tree that was previously planted is now quite obvious. There is only one remedy – “And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: every tree therefore which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire” (Luke 3:9). A double-edged axe (Heb. 4:12) the King James Bible, is what a good hewer needs to get the job done. If any man would differ from what has been stated above in this work let this author make it clear in conclusion. We’re dealing with “[proving] all things;” and “[holding] fast that which is good” (1 Thess. 5:21). But some saint might say, “Look what he’s done for God. What have you done for the Lord? You’re a nobody.” That should not deny the right to every believer to search “the scriptures daily” and see “whether those things were so” (Acts 17:11). The Bible says, “Be not deceived;” (Gal. 6:7). “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good” (1 Thess. 5:21). That is done by comparing what others say with the Bible; and if they do not agree with it, we’re to side with the Book; if they do, receive and believe them. Hearers of the gospel are bound to inquire, examine, and judge whether what they hear is or is not according to the Bible; and any man or body of men that denies them this right, or hinders them from exercising it, is violating the revealed will of God. Although all doctrines and opinions must be tried: yet, only that which is sound, must be held fast. The apostle Paul said, “Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord” (Eph. 5:10). That means just because men accept it does not mean that God accepts it. Many of the men at HAC with whom I went to school, studied with, went soul wining with, preached with, prayed with, and even studied under are sincere men and no doubt love the Lord. But that does not always mean they are true men in some cases. The word “sincere” in the three forms that it is written, “sincerely,” “sincerity” shows up 12 times by the Holy Spirit. Six times it has to do either with the word of God or truth (Josh. 24:14; Judg. 9:16, 19; 1 Cor. 5:8; 2 Cor. 2:17; 1 Pet. 2:2). “[G]odly sincerity” has to do “NOT with fleshly wisdom...” (2 Cor. 1:12). As mentioned at the start, Polycarp used the phrase “the son of the church” which has nothing to do with scripture. Ignatius was the first among professing Christianity to use the word “catholic” which is not scriptural. Papias and Origen, both of whom are highly praised by church historians throughout the church age were rank Mariolaters, (idolatry) which the Bible condemns. Many more of these church ‘fathers’ (cf. Matt. 23:9) were responsible for sowing seeds of apostasy that would eventually be the cause of the church sliding into the Dark Ages. That is HISTORY. “What goes around comes around.” History repeats itself (Ecc. 1:9). Then why should a true Bible believer take any other position than the BIBLICAL POSITION and its stand concerning its analysis of the church age (Rev. 2, 3; 2 Tim. 3:1-7) and the perilous times of


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which it speaks? There is no justification for any other position, that is, if you believe in “STANDARDS” or the ABSOLUTE STANDARD and an absolute AUTHORITY! Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou? (Ecc. 8:4) What men learn from history is they never learn from history. But, to know history is to be forewarned. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. God is looking for a few good men that will stand AGAINST the wiles of the devil even if it means those wiles are coming from “sincere” Hyper-fundamentalists. Will the real, true-blue, King James Bible believer please STAND UP!