Performance Reviews 2003-2005

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  • 7/29/2019 Performance Reviews 2003-2005


    PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONOVERVIEW:Performance evaluations and reviews are very important to an effective system of management. Our policy is thatthe performance of each individual be evaluated annually and that the evaluation be discussed with each individual.Our overall objective is that the evaluation/counseling process benefii both the lndividual and the Company. Whilethe evaluation should be positive and focus mostly on the results achieved, the identification of reasons for notachieving desired performance levels is also necessary. The evaluatlon and discussion should provide impodant inputfor an individualized, self-development prograrn to build skills and knowledge necessary to improve performance.NameDepartmentJob TitleJob ClassificationEvaluation Period:

    Torn Dunhamlnformaiion TechnologyWeb Systems Engineer

    From aS 2004 To 05 2005Evaluator's Name lan KirwanEvaluator'sTitle lnformatjonTechnologyDirectorINSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION:

    . ,r?This fJrm is used to record the evaluation of current performance of employees and should be prepared carefully.Ratings and commentJshould be based on your personal observations solely during this evaluation perlod. Theimportance of careful and objective preparation of evaluations cannot be overemphasized; an appropriate low ratingmay benefit the individual more than a lenient rating that hides shortcomings that might be corrected lf called to theindrvidual's attention. The extent of an empioyee's prior experience should be taken into account by rating inaccordance with standards applicable to others of comparable experience In your department.The following should be observed in preparation of this form:+ Evaluation of performance should be made by the person supervising the employee annually, or in any case

    where it is believed the information would be helpful to the individual.+ The form should be reviewed and signed by appropriate members of management. The form should be

    reviewed with and signed by the staff member. Lastly, form shou d be sent to Human Resourcesand placed in the individual's personnel file.

    + In the boxes headed with "Levels" on the following page, the evaluator checks the space that most cleariyexpresses the individual's performance during this period of evaluation.

    Ratings of Ill or lV should be explained in the available space at the end of each section.Rating Description of RatingLeveli Demonstrates a high degree of expertise and mastery in all aspects ol the position in aprofessional manner.Level ll Fully performs the entire range of duties in a professional manner'Level lll Generally performs essential duties satisfactorily.

  • 7/29/2019 Performance Reviews 2003-2005


    Level lV Does not perform essential duties in a satisfactory mannerpage 1SUGGESTIONS:Some supervisors have followed a practice of asking employees to prepare a self-evaluation with this form beforethey meet for a formal evaluation. This self-evaluation is compared to the supervisois evaluatjon and forms thebasis of a dialogue about points of agreement and disagreement. Although this approach ts not mandatory, ithighlights differences in perceptions that are jmportant for effective communication about job performance andexpectations,lf the form does not provide enough space for commentary, feel free to add additional pages.

    Professional skillsTeamworld Interoersonal Relations:Works collaborativeiy within and across departments to achieve identiiled goals.Maintains positive and prcfessional relationships with co-workers and all levels ofmanagement.

    lnitiative:Actively seeks to improve a way of doing the job and seeks new assignmentswhen lhe culrent wo& is completed. Se f motivated, resourcefL-il, and seeksoppodunities for p.ofessional development.

    intema{ c!stomers by understanding and responding promptly and courteous y tocustomer !eeds and expegliions.

    Personal Accountabilitv/ Work PracticeslAdheres to a standard of professional conduct, follows company policies,scheduies time off in advance, ensures work responsibilitjes are covered whenabsent, has the abiliiy to adapt well to change, arrives io meetings on time andIreals orlers wilh 'airness. dign ry, aqd respecl.

    Job KnowledqeiDemonstrates thorough knowledge of job function and responsibilities. Viewedby peers as a source of knowledge and expertise in posiilon and ability to workindeoendentlv.

    Comrnunication:Verbally conveys information in a clear and accurate manner in a variety ofsituatjons. Uses clear and appropriate language in allwritten comrnunication.

    Judornent:Exh bits good judgment and common sense in handling work p.oblems andresponsibilities, makes sound decisions, and respecls confidentiality. Ability tosize problems and addresses them if ine with importance.

    Level I Level ll Level lll Level lV N/A



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    T E



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    E n

  • 7/29/2019 Performance Reviews 2003-2005


    Page 2

    Ana{vtical Sk llsrRecoqnizes what inioamation is criiical; plans and conducts research andanalyses in a deliberate and cornprehensive mannea, presents results in clearand concise manner

    Technical Skills;Proflcient !se of work-related eq!ipment, iools, and technology.

    Level I Level ll

    unLevel lV N/A

    nnLevel lll



    You provide feedback and updates to others and me as needed in a very clear and concise rnanner.SelectQuote relies on your judgment to make the correct decision regarding web requirements. You arefaultiess in your ability to analyze a siiuation and discover where and what action is required or if furtheranaly**needed. You have a large selection of technical skills that you bring to the forefront with all web

    You continue to demonstrate that you can effectively work within the requirements of being part of ?n ad-hocengineering team, While your work mostly depends on yourself, when you need to you get the appropriatepeople involved to help resolve the problern, you do so. E.g. you work well with Tjm C. and Alex lvl. whenneeded to work on some technical issue or such. lnitiative is the name of the game with your res pon s ibilities.With both Tammy and Dylan gone, you have effectively taken on the full responsibility of ihe web deparimentand have lmpressively provided for all stages of development including specification design, development,testing and production releases. You always have the end-user in mind as you work with marketing to providefor a complete SelectQuote experience. Your work practjces meets and exceeds what ls required. Playingthe role of three people successfully demonstrates that good work practice. You have an excellentunderstanding of the skills required to perform your job function effectively. I often find that you have creativeand interestino solutions to all our web needs. You communicate

    Level I Level ll Level lll Level lV N/AProduction MeasurementsAccumcviProduces accurate work product following established rules and proced!res.

    Volume:Completes expected volume of wo& based on established expectations.

    melLness:o"ti*[ ,t proor"t in a t]mely fashion.Self-1\rafaqement:N4anages varying work demands efficiently. Sets goals and obiectives for oneself,establish priorlties, and utilizes available resources.












    SalgS- please see attached agent scorecard with manager's comments

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    Page 3

    Level I Level ll Level lll Level lV N/ALeadershipLeadino Others:Prioritizing and plannlng work activities of others to meet depadment prjoritiesand timelines, efflciently motivates others iowards common goais, integrateschanges, demonstrates ability to coach, mentor, iraif, and develop others.

    Resource i\laraoenelt:l\,4anaging assets lnc{udiog technology equipmeni, budget, and space wheleapplicab e.

    Cornments:y6u:ae'well versed in managing within the resource constraints we have. Even though you have only minorbackup resources avaiiable if needed, you are still able to effect large and complex changes to our web site

    web infrastructur6. You ability to lead our web technology foMard is demonstrated by its continuedsuccess.

    Goals and ObjectivesSuperuisor discusses employee's performance improvement needs and aciion plan, lraining recommendations, and future goals andexpectations for employee's iob performance.

    1-Co;trlue b slrnplfy and refine our web development process. 2. Simplify our web lnfrastructure. 3. Worktoincreaseour"organic'searchposition.4.Workwithnewvendorse.g.Proficientandagency.comtoenhance the service offerings of our web site. 5. Continue to develop new skllls and develop methods thathelp ou'web development efforts.






    n ft

    Comments:Your work has to be accurate by iis nature. The volume of work you produce is second to none. As the soleweb developer, you both react to production related issues and st ll drive forurard longterm and often complexprojects. AII of your work occurs on time and wlthin budget. You are a self-starter with excellent self-managing capabilities. I have also been very impressed with you ability to work with and coordinate theresulting work of some of out outside vendors e.g. You train and provide excellentdocumentation to bring the vendor up to speed as fast as possible allowing them to become an effective partof our development process. You provide your expertise to plan for and mitigate the risk associated withreleaSing their work. You are also starting to work with Proficient, which could be a significant addition to ourweb tool set. You do all this while contiruinq to to routine and non-routene marketinq reqests and

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    Page 4

    ManagemenU Supervisory Skills (if applicable)DeleqatinqlUtilizing capabiliiies of people and resources, dlskiblting work and regulaiing

    Development of SubordinateslRate aspects s!ch as providing career development resources and offetingguidance, communlcaiing priorities, goals, and objecfives giving cJear taskinstructions, and completing pedormance evaluatjons for staff.

    Manaoinq:l\4anages varying business priorities, sets goals and objectives, achieves results,and produces the best end product tesult using avajlable resources.

    Level I Level ll Level lll Level lV N/A





    Code of Conduct:At SelectQuote we pride ourselves on several things: teamwork, professionalism, superior service andvalue, and above all, respect for our employees and clients.Please indicaie how well this employee has been exhibiting ihe values and code of conduct that Selecteuote stands by.Provide both examples and comments.

    Comments:You are a professional, team player that operates with respect toward your work colleagues, Your "can-do"attitude is noted with everyone and you are a pleasure to work with. Your skills and your ability to deploy yourmany skills to the benefit SelectQuote is commendable.







  • 7/29/2019 Performance Reviews 2003-2005


    Page 5Overall Assessmentln consideration of and consistent with this evaluatjon, this individuals performance canbest be described as:Level I trLevel ll llLevel lll nLevel lV n

    Evaluator's Sign Off


    Evaluated By: Date:

    Employee's Acknowledgment of Evaluation

    Was this evaluation given to you in person? ffi" nruo.*/

    Do you agree witn the evalLarions and/or comments? S"at n ruoThis evaluation has been discussed with me and I understand that my signature does not necessarilyindicate ag ree.nent.

    I am aware that I can make my disagreement, if any, know by a written communication to rny immediatesupervisor, with a copy provided to the Human Resources department.

    Employee'sa'nn"rrr.M [ ]-r\\5Managefs Signature

    Director's Signature




    Human Resources Date:

    C( -2? -Lws

  • 7/29/2019 Performance Reviews 2003-2005


    PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONOVERVIEW:Performance evaluations and reviews are very jmportant to an effeciive system of management. Our policy is thatthe performance of each indiv dual be evaluated annually and that the evaluation be discussed with each individual.Our overall objective is that the eva uation/counseling process benefit both the individual and the Company. Whilethe evaluation should be positive and focus mostly on the results achieved, the identification of reasons for notachieving desired performance ievels is also necessary. The evaluation and discussion should provide lmporiant inputfor an indtvidualized, self-development program to build skills and knowledge necessary to improve performance.Name Tom DunhamDepartrnent nformation TechnologyJob Titre So'hvare Eng ree"JobClassification ExemptEvaluation Period: From June 2003 To May,2004Evaluator's Name Pa!lette SiatteryEvaluator's Title Director of ITINSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION:This form js used to record the evaluation of current performance of employees and should be prepared carefullyRatings and comments should be based on your personai observations solely during this evaluation perlod. TheimporlSnee of careful and objective preparation of evaluations cannot be overemphasized; an appropriate low ratingmay benefit the individupl more than a enient ratjng that hides shoftcomings that might be corrected if called to theindividual's attention...'lhe extent of an employee's prior experience should be taken into account by rating rnaccordance with standards applicable to others of comparab e experience ln your department.The following should be observed in preparation of this formt* Eva uation of performance should be made by the person supervlsing the employee annually, or in any casewhere it is believed the nformation would be helpful to the indiv dual.

    * The form should be reviewed and signed by appropriate members of management. The form should berevjewed with and signed by the stafi rnember. Lasily, form should be seni to Human Resourcesand piaced in ihe lndividual's personnel file.* ln the boxes headed with "Levels" on the following page, the evaluator checks the space that most clearlyexpresses the individual's performance during this period of eva uation.

    Ratings of Ill or lV should be explained in the available space at the end of each section.Rating Description of RatingLevel I Demonstrates a high degree of expertlse and mastery in all aspects of the position in aprofessional manner.Level ll Fully performs the entire rangi of duties in a professional manner.Level lll GeneralLy performs essential duiies satisfactorily.Level lV Does not perform essential dutes in a satisfactory manner

    Page 1

  • 7/29/2019 Performance Reviews 2003-2005


    SUGGESTIONS:Some supervisors have foilowed a practjce of asking employees to prepare a self-evaluation with this form beforethey meet for a formal evaluation. This self-evaluation is compared to the supervisor's evaluation and forms thebasis of a dialogue about points of agreement and disagreement. Although this approach is not mandatory, ithighlights differences in perceptions that are important for effective communication about job performance andexpectations.lf the form does not provide enough space for comrnentary, feel free to add additional pages.

    Professional Skills Level I Level ll Level lll Level lV N/ATearnwork/ lnieroersona Relations:W"rrc ""llrb*"f,*[, -tfil.-"d *ross departments to achieve identified goa]s.Maintains posltive and professional relationships with co-worters and all teveis of n tr n n trmanagement.

    lnitlative:Actively seeks to irnprove a way of doing the job and seeks new asslgnmentswhen the current work is completed. Self motivated, resourceful, and seeks ! tr D ! noppodunities for professional development.

    Customer SetuicelDeve ops and maintaifs good working relat onships wllh both external andinterna cuslomers by understanding and respond ng promptly and courteously to ! Z n n !customer needs and expectations

    --tPersona Accountab Iitv/ Work,Practices:

    - 49]lere9 tq a standard of prrfdssional conduct, follows company policies,s;F;dulds time off in advairce, ensures work.esponsibjlities are covered when U n n n nabsent, has the ability io adapt well to change, arrives to meet ngs on time andireais others with fairness, dignity, and Iespect.Job Knowledqe:Demonstrates thorough knowledge ofjob function and responsibilit es. Viewed by _peers as a source of knowledge and expertise in position and ability to work ! A n tr nindeoendeni v.

    Comrnunication:Verbally conveys jnformation in a clear and accLrrate manner in a variety ofsituat ons. Uses clear and appropriate language in all w ttef communication U tr n n DJLrdament:Exhibits good judgment and common sense in handling work problerns andresponsibllities makes sound decisions, and respects confidentiality. Abillty io tr tr S ! nsize problems and addresses them in line with irnportance

    Page 2

  • 7/29/2019 Performance Reviews 2003-2005


    Level I Level ll Level lll Level lV N/AAnalvtical Sk lls:Recognizes what informaiion is critical; plans and cond!cts research andanalyses in a delberate and comprehensive manner, presents results ln clear andconcise rn an ner

    Technica SkillslProficient use of work-related equipment, tools, and iechnology.


    Produelion MeasurementsAccuracvProduces accurate work product following established rules and procedures

    VolLrme:Compietes expected volume of work based on estab ished expectations

    Timeliness:Delivers work product in a tlmely fashion.

    SEMaoescoc!!lManages varying work demands efficiently. Sets goals and objectives for oneself,eslablish priorities and utilizes available resources.



    Level ll Level lll Level lV N/A










    a n fl






    Level I





    Sa leS- please see attached agent scorecard with manager's comments

    Comments:Tom has increased his knowledge of new web iechnology such as Ton'rcat 5 0 in order to handle applicationfailover. Tom figured out how to handle the mixed lsage of Tomcat 5.0 and Jbuilder X Tom figured out thebest way to mix the usage of Tomcat 4.x, Jbuilder9 and Tomcat 5, Jbuilderx to overcome problems of Tomcat5.0 and Jbuilderx. Tom figured oui how to use the J2K connector for the failover between the web server andapplication server. Tom worked with Dylan to implement Separation of Concern concept in our new websitewell as to desiqn the model portion of the web application architecture. Torn used the new I\ilVC (model, view,controller) in development for the new website. Tom performed research to make sure the new webslieapplicatlon could handle the clustered database for the Migration to SQL2000 project. Tom set up theLiveBridge 82B application seryer Tom researched the SQITI applicaiion and cloned SQITI to Livebridge real-tlme process using Java.. Tom also set up a unit testing environment using Linux. Tom exercised thejnitiative to expand his knowledge of Loadrunner to perform stress tests, wrote test scripts and performed

    Page 3

  • 7/29/2019 Performance Reviews 2003-2005


    Comments:Tom's strengths are in the web system's infrastructure. Tom's areas for improvement are in softwaredevelopmeni. Tom has needed asslstance wiih writing records to ihe database and fixing bugs found duringQA testing. Tom needs to learn to ask for assistance in resolving problems earlier in the process.

    Level I Level ll Level lll Level lVLeadershipLqadinq OthersiPrloriiizlng and planning work acti;ities of others to rneet department priorities andtimelines efflciently motivates otheE iowards common goals, iniegrates changes, n ! tr ndernonstrates ability to coach, mentor, train, and develop others




    Managing assets including technology, equipment, budget, and space whereapplicable.



    Goals and Objecf ivesSupetuisor discusses empLoyee's performance improvement needs and action plan, tlaining recommendations, and future goals andexpectations for er..ployee's job periormance.


  • 7/29/2019 Performance Reviews 2003-2005


    lVlanagement/ Supervisory Skills (if applicable)Deleqatinq:Utjlizing capabil ties of people and teso!Ices, distr buting work and regulatingwork flow.

    Deve!apa9!La1&bslsr?lecRate aspects such as providing career development resources and offeringguidance communicatjng priorlties, goals, and objectives' glv ng clear iaskinstructions, and completing perfornrance evaluations for staff

    n ntr

    l,4anaqinqiti,,tan-rg". uurylng frsiness priorlties' seis goals and objectives, achieves tesuits,and produces the best end product resu t using available resources


    n D

    Code of Conduct:AtSelectQuoteweprideourselvesonseveralthings:teamwork,professionalism'suPeriorserviceandvalue, and above all, respect for our employees and clients'PleaseindicatehowWelltl]isemployeehasbeenexhibilingtheVaIuesandcodeofcondUctthatse|ectQuotestandsbyProvide both examples and comments.


    Level I Level ll Level lll Level IV N/A







  • 7/29/2019 Performance Reviews 2003-2005


    Overall Assessmentln consideration of andbest be described as:Level ILevel llLevel lllLevel lV

    Director's Signature

    HUman Resources

    consisient with this evaluation, this individuals performance cannE!!

    Evaluator's Sign OffEvaluated By:

    Employee's Acknowledgment of Evaluation

    Was this evaluation given to you in person?

    Do you agree with the evaluaiions and/or comments?.,.'


    l1i YEs



    d This evaluation has been discussed with me and I understand that my signature does not necessalilyjndicate agreement.' awarb that I can make my disagreement, if any, know by a written communication to my imrnediatesupervisor,,,ovitn a copy provided to the Human Resources department

    Employee's Signature Date: 6 - [[':oarManagefs Signature Daie:

    Page 6
