CREATIVE THINKING PEOPLE WITH CREATIVE IDEAS N. P. Romanov UDC 669. Metallurgical production at the Vyksunskii Metallurgical- Plant has been developing for more than two hundred years. Steel, rolled sheeting, pipes, forks, skates, bedsteads-these are a few of the items produced by the metallurgists of Vyksa for the national economy. Preparing to greet the fiftieth anniversary of the Soviet regime in a worthy way, the many-thousand-strong collective of the Plant has taken on socialist obligations, which alongside production over and above the pIanned quota, improvement in productivity of labor, and reduction of spoilage, provide for savings of at least 680,000 rubies from the introduction of efficiency experts' suggestions and inventions during the first year of the Five-Year Plan. These obligations are being satisfactorily carried out. To the credit of plant efficiency experts and inventors are the hundreds of proposals that have been put into effect and have greatly influenced the development of equipment, the improvement of technology, and more efficient use of machinery. From the work figures for the first half of 1966 the Oblast' Trade Union Council has awarded one of the leading places to the team of efficiency experts for their active participation in the display. The name of the senior foreman of the first open-hearth shop, S. T. Shekhovtsov, is known far beyond the precincts of the plant. He has contributed more than 200,000 rubies to the seven-year efficiency experts' fund. For his great achievements in this field S. T. Shekhovtsov has been awarded the title of honored efficiency expert of the RSFSR; his name was recently recorded in the book of honor of the VOIR Centrat Council. For the new Five-Year Plan Shekhovtsov has undertaken a fresh obligation-to save at least 50,000 rubies through the introduction of his proposals. Here is one of them. The upper ten rows of the regenerator checkers in the first open-hearth shop used to be lined with forsterite brick, and the next rows below them with alumina brick. After 150-200 melts the upper level (2 or 3 layers) used to swell and crumble due to the frequent temperature cycles, and the action of gases and slag dust, and the furnace used to lose its heat capacity. At the proposal of Comrade Shekhovstov, the top three rows of the checkers were changed to high-alumina brick, the next 7-8 rows to forsterite brick, and the lower part chamotte. Being more heat-resistant, high alumina brick protects the forsterite from swelling and, therefore, keeps the checker cells clean. As a result the open-hearth furnaces have begun operating more stably throughout the cam- paign. The yearly output has gone up by 400 t. A typical example of the beneficial effect of rationalization on the consumption of material resources is the proposal made by the team of efficiency experts on altering the method of lining the false walls and bottom of the slag pit in the open-hearth furnaces, They used to be lined with chamottee brick, which resulted in a high con- sumption of refractories. The efficiency experts suggested ramming the wails and bottom with a mixture of 60% chrome ore, 30% ground magnesite, and 10% clay (the mixture was blended in a solution of sulfide alkali). This has made it possible to cut down the consumption of- refractories by several hundred tons and to save more than 10,000 rubies a year. The practice of rationalizing work has shown that the greatest benefit is produced by proposals worked out by complex teams. It is therefore not by chance that many complex proposals are implemented in creative cooperation. For a long time in the second open-hearth shop the blooming ingots used to be covered with cast-iron lids. This used up abont 70 tons of cast-iron. Efficiency experts G. S. Polektov, I. V. Grishin, A. A. tppolitov, A. P. Martiev- skii, F. N. Sapov, and D. D. Porkhachev developed a method of casting blooming ingots without covering them with lids; they suggested filling the ingot molt to a set level and adding 75% ferrosilicon to the top of the ingot in the proportion of 500-6000 g/t steel. This made it possible to produce a chemically seated ingot and to cut down expenditure by more than 16,000 rubles a year. A large amount of money is spent each year at the Plmt on acquiring and manufacturing spare parts and re- placements for the equipment. The efficiency experts V. A. Alemasov, N. A. Skorodumov, A. g. Chikin, L. P. Senior Engineer of the BRII at the Vyksunskii Metallurgical Plant. Translated from Metallurg, No. 12, p. 20, December, 1986. 687

People with creative ideas

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N. P. R o m a n o v UDC 669.

Meta l lurg ica l production at the Vyksunskii Metal lurgical- Plant has been developing for more than two hundred years. Steel, rolled sheeting, pipes, forks, skates, beds t eads - the se are a few of the i tems produced by the metal lurgists of Vyksa for the nat ional economy.

Preparing to greet the f if t ieth anniversary of the Soviet reg ime in a worthy way, the many- thousand-s t rong

co l l ec t ive of the Plant has taken on social is t obligations, which alongside production over and above the pIanned quota, improvement in productivi ty of labor, and reduction of spoilage, provide for savings of at least 680,000 rubies from the introduction of eff ic iency experts ' suggestions and inventions during the first year of the F ive-Year Plan. These obligations are being sat isfactori ly carr ied out. To the credi t of plant eff iciency experts and inventors are the hundreds of proposals that have been put into effect and have greatly influenced the deve lopment of equipment, the improvement of technology, and more eff ic ient use of machinery. From the work figures for the first half of 1966 the Oblast ' Trade Union Counci l has awarded one of the leading places to the team of eff ic iency experts for their ac t ive par t ic ipat ion in the display.

The name of the senior foreman of the first open-hear th shop, S. T. Shekhovtsov, is known far beyond the precincts of the plant. He has contributed more than 200,000 rubies to the seven-year eff iciency experts' fund.

For his great achievements in this f ield S. T. Shekhovtsov has been awarded the t i t le of honored eff ic iency expert of the RSFSR; his name was recent ly recorded in the book of honor of the VOIR Centrat Council .

For the new F ive-Year Plan Shekhovtsov has undertaken a fresh o b l i g a t i o n - t o save at least 50,000 rubies through the introduction of his proposals. Here is one of them.

The upper ten rows of the regenerator checkers in the first open-hear th shop used to be lined with forsterite

brick, and the next rows below them with a lumina brick. After 150-200 mel ts the upper l eve l (2 or 3 layers) used to swell and crumble due to the frequent temperature cycles, and the act ion of gases and slag dust, and the furnace

used to lose its heat capac i ty . At the proposal of Comrade Shekhovstov, the top three rows of the checkers were changed to h igh-a lumina brick, the next 7-8 rows to forsterite brick, and the lower part chamot te .

Being more heat-res is tant , high alumina brick protects the forsterite from swell ing and, therefore, keeps the checker cel ls clean. As a result the open-hear th furnaces have begun operat ing more stably throughout the c a m - paign. The year ly output has gone up by 400 t.

A typ ica l example of the benef ic ia l effect of ra t iona l iza t ion on the consumption of ma te r i a l resources is the proposal made by the team of eff ic iency experts on a l ter ing the method of lining the false walls and bot tom of the

slag pit in the open-hear th furnaces, They used to be l ined with chamot tee brick, which resulted in a high con- sumption of refractories. The eff ic iency experts suggested ramming the wails and bot tom with a mixture of 60% chrome ore, 30% ground magnesite, and 10% clay (the mixture was blended in a solution of sulfide alkal i ) . This has made it possible to cut down the consumption of- refractories by several hundred tons and to save more than 10,000 rubies a year.

The prac t ice of ra t ional iz ing work has shown that the greatest benef i t is produced by proposals worked out by complex teams. It is therefore not by chance that many complex proposals are implemen ted in creat ive cooperat ion. For a long t ime in the second open-hear th shop the b looming ingots used to be covered with cas t - i ron lids. This used up abont 70 tons of cast- i ron. Efficiency experts G. S. Polektov, I. V. Grishin, A. A. tppoli tov, A. P. Mart iev- skii, F. N. Sapov, and D. D. Porkhachev developed a method of casting blooming ingots without covering them with lids; they suggested f i l l ing the ingot mol t to a set level and adding 75% ferrosil icon to the top of the ingot in the proportion of 500-6000 g / t s teel . This made i t possible to produce a chemica l ly seated ingot and to cut down expenditure by more than 16,000 rubles a year .

A large amount of money is spent each year at the Plmt on acquiring and manufacturing spare parts and re- p lacements for the equipment. The eff ic iency experts V. A. Alemasov, N. A. Skorodumov, A. g. Chikin, L. P.

Senior Engineer of the BRII at the Vyksunskii Metallurgical Plant. Translated from Metallurg, No. 12, p. 20, December, 1986.


Page 2: People with creative ideas

Lebedev, and M. P. Sharabanov worked for some t ime on reducing the expenditure. At their suggestion there was

made a welding machine of an a r c - type design, on which in t r ica te ly shaped parts can be repaired. The introduction

of this mach ine has resulted in a reduction in the consumption of me ta l and a saving of tens of thousands of rubles.

At the in i t i a t ive of ef f ic iency experts I. Sh. Zarkhin, V. A. Bol'shev, and A. R. Fle iman, a new design has been developed in pipe shop No. 1 for funnels for welding l a rge -d iame te r pipes, making i t possible to improve the quali ty of the seam considerably.

The eff ic iency experts and inventors of the plant continue to look for fresh reserves in their work as they prepare to mee t the great hol iday of the Soviet people with mer i t .