PAQE 2 TORRANCE HERALD THURSDAV AFTERNOON CLUB AT SHIELDS HOME Mra. Frank Shield* wa» host- ess when she entertained mem- bers of the Thursday Afternoon club at her home on Gramerey ave., last week. Covers were placed for Mrs. W. H. Stanger. a chib guest and Mmes. H. S. McManus, Fred Knudson, F. C. Wlnklcr, O. W. Hudson, T. H. Kendrick, H. A. Lewis. F. H. Clark, May McKin- ley, J. O. Moore and Ruth Hag- gard. Contract awards were re- ceived by Mmes. Knudson, Hag- gard and Moore. Eastern Stars to Celebrate 20th Birthday Tonight Preceding the regular meeting of Torrance Chapter, No. 380, Order of the Eastern Star, mem hers and their famille^ will gath er this evening at/the banque room in Masonic .Temple to celc brate the 20th anniversary o the chapter's organization. A dinner, prepared by ladle of the Christian church, will b served *t 16:30 o'clock. CARSON MART 1929 Carson Street : : Family- the Bc.t at No Ext Torrance JUMBO SWEET PEAS 17 ounce can. TOMATO JUICE No. 2 Can ................. CORN BEEF 12 oz. Cans .............. Limit 2 Cans CORN BEEF HASH « (ft. No. 2 Cans ... Jl9** W.YANDOTTE-Large OLIVES Quart Size FAME CliJT STRING BEANS No. 2 Cans Challenge Purity ICE CREAM 9C <*<> 16 Pts KING KELLY ORANGE MARMALADE 2 Ib. jar....... CLOROX Half Gallon ....23* GERBER'S BABY FOOD Cans IS* CHUCK'S CRAPE JUICE Pts. Quarts ... FORMAY SHORTENING 3ib.W-.4SC ZEE Fanflly Pack TISSUE/ X White/Orchid Gree ............. NORTHERN TOWELS Rolls 26c DOG FOOD ' 3 Cans / 1SC BORA^O BORAX CHIPS Large , fl r Package .......... Mi A 1" OLD DUTCH CLEANSER Cans Rich in Essential B VITAMINS HEADY TO SERVE... HOT OR COL1> Ca lii* LARGE SIZE . 17' JIMMY'S PRODUCE TELEPHONE 709 NEW CROP Burbank Potatoes 10 lb$. 10C FRESH LOCAL OKRA NO FRESH MEAT LIMA BEANS 4 Ik 15' GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS lb.5< SWEET JUICY Elberta PEACHES, 3lbs.9c SWEET JUICY GRUBB'S MARKET VACATION COOKING .. ... is very simple, those light: lunches and buffet dinners are easy to prepare when you center the meal around cold qut». Jimmie't salad vegetables are extra fine now, and it's only minutes work to make a whopping fine meal out of crisp salad1 and a platter of sliced liverwurst, bologna, minced ham, head ehoo»8, and ^oiidd bo i|rl fJ hum GALA PARTY PLANNED AS OLUB BfcNEFIT Mrt. W. t Laughon ways and (Mans OhairnWn for Torr*n«e Woman's Club, will open h«r home on II Prado next Wednes day afternoon, August 13, for a 1 o'clock dessert bridge. The party will be a benefit for the club and everyone Is cordially Invited. Mrs. Laughon will be assisted by Mmes. Dean L. Sears, J. B. Scotton, W. J. Neclands, H. E. Masslc, A. H. Silllgo and L. Ahrens as co-hostesses. Reservations may be made by calling Mr». Laughon at Tor- ranco 31. Mrs. Laughon was also hostess at an evening party given recently at her home for the club. Prize winners that eve- ning were Mmes. Owens and Sears. f * * METHODIST WOMEN TO MEET AUGUST U The Woman's Society of Christian Service will meet in the church parlors at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, August 14, for their business meeting, with Mrs. Grace Hooper in charge. Lunch will bo served in the patio, fol- lowing a business meeting, with members of Circle 2 as hostess- es, All members arp urged to attend. * * * MRS. SILLIGO AND GUESTS ENJOY DINNER, BRIDGE Mrs. A. H. Silllgo was hostess 'heri she entertained at dinner Monday evening at Wilmlngton Yacht club. Her guests were Mmes. L. C. Burger, W. I. Laughon and L. Ahrens. Bridge furnished diversion for the ladles following dinner. John Garners Hosts At First Family Reunion in Years An enjoyable family reunion, their first In 12 years, was held recently when the John Garner family of 803 Amapola avenue, entertained 20 guests at their home at a barbecue dinner. The party was given- as a courtesy for Mrs. Garner's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McKee and daughter, Elizabeth of Gary, Indiana. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Calkins, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson, all of Redondo Beach; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cal- kins and daughter Dixie; Mrs. Dorothy KanUte, Miss Esther Kanute and Clarence Easter, all of Eagle Rock; Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Lemley of Los Angeles and E. S. Hussey of Rock Island, Illinois. The McKees, accompanied by E. S. Hussey, left this week for Gary. * ¥ + BEEMANS ENTERTAIN AT INFORMAL PARTIES Among those who enjoyed a barbecue supper at tho home of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Bermnn last Wednesday evening were Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Easley, Messrs, and Mmos. Harvel Gut- tenfeldcr, John Melville, J. Hugh Sherfey, Jr. On Sunday they entertained Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Earl of Oakland, Mrs. Jack Earl and daughter Betty of Leimert Park and Mrs. and Mrs. J. A. Rodifer of Los Angeles. Miss Betty Earl remained this week as their house guest. INTEND TO WED Phillips M. Brookr, 33, of 132 Portola ave., and Jean W. Smith 20, of -2004' Carson, st. ' Louis Aguilnr, 24, of 101 Milton St., and Rebecca Jan Booth, 29, of 20414 Florence av« Jerry Harris Spellman, 21, o Wllmington, and Lauretta Heston, 20, of 439 East 213rc street. * * * NEWS OF WOMEN OF THE MOOSE Torrance Chapter, N,o, 4' Women of the Moose, held regular meeting at Social Ha Friday evening with all office in their chairs. Visitors fron Compton were introduced am it was announced that a larg group will attend a card part at Compton tomorrow evenlnl The next district conference wl be held at Compton Wednesday August 20. The next regular meeting o Torrance chapter will be he] Friday evening, August 15, ao cording to Lela Heglln, publlclt chairman. * * * A. L. A. MEETING NEXT TUESDAY EVENING The regular American Leglo Auxiliary meeting will be hel at Legion clubhouse next Tucs day evening, August 12. Ollva Lee, first vice-president, preside in the absence of th president, Alice Thompson, wh attending the convention a Sacramento. EVERY WEEK FROM AUG. 3 TO SEPT. 13 l..%000 BILL &25..$100 BILLS EACH WEEK FOR 6 WEEKS Storiti, McpmdMKi, FrMdmi fron Momy Worries the means to enjoy life as you've dreamed of it. J30.OO every week, n "pay check" for the rest of your life, beginning October 15, 1941, guaranteed by The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany of Milwaukee. Or you may choose $2 5,000.00 in one lump sum. Open to all over 18 years of age. No letter to write! Just write a last line for the jingle below, and you may win. Uts « lig M«w)f Print Every * * for 6 Wteki. Besides the grand prize of $30.OO a week for life, there arc 26 other big cash prizes each week: A crisp $ 1,000 bill and 25 one hundred dollar bills, awarded eteiy inert Jar 6 u-edti! You can see the more entries you scad, the more opportunities you have to win one of the weekly ceib prices. Al the end of the contest, one of the weekly cash prize winners gets the grand prize. N* Utter to Writtt So easy to eater! All you do Is supply a last line for the ilngle below, and scad it with an Oxydol box-top and a Camay wrapper (or facsimiles) to Camay-Oxydol, Dept. 2, Box 25, Cincinnati, Ohio. You can get complete rules and handy entry blanks at your dealer's. If you wish, you can use a plain sheet of paper. Ctt in on This Recent CxMteit. Think what it will mean to win such a big, valuable grand prize made possible only because two great soaps join forces. So try for that lifetime income of $30.00 every week. It means security, luxuries, independence and you may be the winner. Your last line may be (bout Oxydol or Camay, or both, or neither. A trial of Onydol and Camay, as thtlt maps are improved today may suggest many last lines. That is one reason for the contest to induce you to try these better soaps. In your washer, Oxydol's the soap that gets clothes snowy white with maximum speed. In tub, washer or dishpan, gives up to 3 times the suds of many soaps, cup for ciip, and is kinder to hands than a whole group of well-known washday soaps, tested repeatedly. Amazingly "sneeze- proof," too with no loss of sudsing speed, washing performance or mildness, Today's Camay with its greater mildness it an important help to every woman who warns her skin to be lovely. For Camay it mildet by actual re> corded test in tests against tea Older popular beauty soapt, Camay was milder than any of them. So let this milder Camay help you to a lovelier akin. ' Get the handy entry blank from your dealer or use a plain sheet of paper. FREE Entry Blanks and Rules at your Dealer's T O H R A N C ! : CAKftONftlART IDEAL KANCII MARKET IlIMMKL'H MARKET QUALITY MAIIKKT MactUAOKKN'S .MARKET UAY'S FRIENDLY MARKET SAl'EM'AV A & I' LOMITA ,- CENTRAL MARKET M & K MABKBT (I A » » O B C 1 T V ,VOK>U>OU .HAJlKEi ISAAC'S I Jean Smith Feted At Pre-Nuptial Party Affairs One of the most feted brides elect is Miss Jean Smith, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard R Smith whose wedding to M Phillips Brooks, son of Mr. an Mrs. WIIlls M. Brooks, will tak place Sunday, August 17. One o the lovely parties given for he was a breakfast bridge Sunda morning when Mrs. N. F. Jamle son entertained at Palos Verde Golf Club. Colorful glamellas were use for the table decorations and a so served as the guests' corsag es. Covers were arranged for th bride-elect and her mother ar Mmes. Ella Levy Harris, Mar> Peckham Cowan, Helen Watrou Dorothy Jones, Dorothy McMI lan Edward?, Joan Kllnk Mltch ell and the Misses Gcraldin Dennison of Camden, N. J., Nor ma Rappaport and Emma Relm mer of Los Angeles, Laurel Lancaster and Patty Post. Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs G. T. Edwards entertained fo Miss Smith and her fiance at buffet supper- asd shower a their home, 1324 Cota ave. Othi guests were Messrs, and Mmes H. H. Cowan, W. M. Watrou: D. C. Mltchell, and I. H. Harrii Bridge furnished diversion unt a late hour. Still other recent parties wcr the miscellaneous shower wit Mmes. D. C. Mltchell and H. H Cowari as hostesses and th beautifully appointed c r y s-1 a shower at the home of Mis Norma Rappaport at Los Ange when she and Mrs. Edna Nel of San Bernardlno enter tained. ** * * ST. CECKLIA GUILD HJ& PARTY Members of St. Cecelia's Gull' of St. Andrew's Episcopal church nd their guests enjoyed a des- ert bridge at Parish hall las Wednesday afternoon. Hoste.sse for the party, attended by mon than 40, were Mmes. J. W. Posl Harvcl G u 11 e n f e 1 oVe r, Frank Paour, Jr., and H. E. Appenzel ar. Prizes for high score contract wore presented to Ml L. Lewellun and Dean Sears. * * * MRS. OLCA DAVIS BIRTHDAY HONOREE Mr«. Olca Davis was the sur iriscd honorco at a family in and picnic supper ar ?<:d at Torrance city parl Friday evening on the occaHioi of her birthday anniversary. Shi presented with many lovely gifts from the group at the t'i fathering of the family in years. Those present were Messr." and Mmes. B. F. Wayt, Si:, B F. Wayt, Jr., and son Jerry, al of Los Angeles, Newell Wayt o L,ong Beach, Bert Mott of Hoi ywood, Gene Sevier, James' W .Vayt, Weir Atwood and daugh ters, Arlcne and Janet, and W M. Bone, all of Torrance. * * * Paul Mltchell and Billy Me U»od are attending Boy Scou camp a( Big Pines while Caro yn Mltchell Is visiting friends and relatives In Sacramento and Oakland. TRAVEL by LAND ; Greyhound Union Pacific Torrance Municipal Bus by SEA Catalina Island by AIR T W A United Air American Air Western Air Pan American PHONE 180 Information Reservations Gramaroy and Cabrillo Torrance of WfiKKLY COMMUNITY EVENTS . TONIGHT, AUGUST T 8:80 p. m. Rotary Club at Logtofl Hall. 7:80 p. m. 80-30 Club' at Daniels Cafe. Order of the Eastern Star 7:48 p. m. Knights of Py thlas Lodge, Redondo Bench. 8:00 p. m. 'Modem Wood- men, Catholic Ladles' card par ty. FRIDAY, AUGUST § 11:00 a. m. Women of the Moose, luncheon meeting. 7:30 p. m. I. O. O. F. No 196, Redondo Beach. Townsend Club, Men's Bi- ble Class Bldg. 8:00 p. m. Masonic meeting Technocracy, 1915 Carson St. SUNDAY, AUGUST 10 Services In all churches. MONDAY, AUGUST 11 6:30 p. m. Klwenis Club at Daniels Cafe. 7:30 p. m. Sons of the Le- gion. Junior Chamber of Com- merce, C. of C. bldg. TUESDAY, AUGUST 12 7:45 p. m. Royal Neighbors, American Legion Auxili- ary. City Council. . 8:00 p. m. W. B. A. Lodge meeting at McDonald hall. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13 7:45 p. m. -- Trio Rebckah Lodtfr No. 240, Lomita. 8:00 p. m. A. O. U. W. THURSDAY, AUGUST II 10:30 a. m. Methodist Wom- an's Day. * -f * BKWY ROSS OLUB AT LUNCHEON, TOUK More than 35 members of Bet sy Ro«s Star Chapter and the! guests enjoyed a picnic lunch on at Silverado Park in Lonfc Beach, last week and a tour o the Procter and Gamble plan there. * * * O. E. S. MATRONS ATTEND LUNCHEON Mrs. B. F. Dye vtas cnteitalnci at luncheon at the home of Mr.' Ralph Wise in Lomita las Thursday afternoon. Guests wcr a group of ladies who served i O. E. 3. matrons for 53rd dl: trict in 1936. People what they're doinj Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Page an family returned Sunday from a short vacation at Snowcrest nea Camp Baldy. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bodley spent Sunday'at Headleo Cam] in the San Gabriel mountains. Jimmy Burchntt returned Sun day from a two weeks' vacation at the home of his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. William Burchet of Delano. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crumrlni Joined Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Ham tusse at Hollywood Bowl 01 Thursday, evening. J. F. Cook U recovering from an operation which he underwcn ast week at a San Pedro hos pltal. Miss Dorothy Jenvcn returned this week from a vacation spen with friends and relatives a !lon and Bryce canyons and a: Hsh Lake, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hudson and his mother, Mra. Lillian Hudson, returned Sunday from 'acatlon at Pine Crest and Big Bear. Mrs. Velda Carpenter, ownei if Vcl-Art Beauty Shop, left his week for a week's vacation at San Francisco and other points of Interest In Northern California. Mr. and Mr*. Robert S. Sleeth, ccompanled by their son, New. on and Jim Post, left thus week or a vacation at Yosemtte Na lonai Park. News of the death of her loqe, Miss Irene May Turner of Mew Albany. Indiana, was re- ived thin week by Mr». Lena \nfn of 2031 Andreo ave. M. N. Fulker left Friday for Washington, D. C. on a business ip. Heiiry T. Llntolt visited his lends and relatives in Torranct lit) week. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. uu and i'lilldi-cn art vLslting «t nvei, Colorado. Mi*. Nell McCotitojue »»') her olhtl, Air.,. CllUks. Golilim-cr cut Tu/ttday at Catallna. Youngsters Enjoy ' Birthday Festivities At Beeman Home '-\ Tho J. W. Beeman home on El Prado provided the sotting for a delightful children's party last Thursday afternoon on .the oc- casion of the birthday annlver- sarlec of Mary flue and Cynthia Easley and Janel Bpemnn. Games were enjoyed with gifts for everyone and a beautifully decorated birthday cake, bear- Ing the names of the three girls was cut. Those present were Bil- ly Schell, Dal Dcrouln, Richard Chance, Betty Ann Drake, Mar- tha and Glenn Frailer, Sharon Felkcr, Judy Rhone, Jerry and Linda Lee Harder, George Mooro, Linda Yourtggrcn, Grct- chen Hlnrlchs, Don Mltchell, Patsy and George Purriue, Laurle and Mary Elizabeth Ash- ley, Joan Smiley, Dlane Medll- cott, Victoria Hlnshaw, Tommy Quaggln. Michael Rogers, Ann Marie Bishop, Jimmy Gene and Billy Pat Murphy, Ann and Mary Kathertne Marshall, Marcla Less- Ing, George King and Jackie Beeman and Mesdamcs Pal Marie Anderson, D. A. Murphy, R. F. Bishop, L. Medlicott, R. J. Ashley, Pat Purdue, Gordon Hlnrlchs, Wlnston Younggnm, G. M. Moore, Fred Harder, Edwa*| Rhone, M. N.. Felker, F. Frazler, William Schell and G. J. Derouin. * * * BON VOYAGE LUNCHEON AT HARDER HOME " ' f Honoring Mrs. George W. Lynch of Hollywood Riviera who will sail next Thursday to join her husband at Panama, i. Fred Harder entertainod at luncheon last Friday at her home on Greenwood ave. Yellow and white flowers were used for the centerpiece and cowrs were placed for the honor guest and Mines. William P. Hume and John W. Barker of Redondo Beach. Mra. Lynch was pre- sented with n hon voyage gift. * * * CLUB BENEFIT IS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR Members and friends of Tor- ance Woman's club were en- tertained at w .enjoyable party Friday evening at the home of :. L. C. Burger on Cedar st. Five tables of bridge were in play with Mmes. A. H. Silllgo and C. B. Mltchell as high score holders. Refreshments were rved. The affair was arranged ; a benefit for the program fund of the club. * * * I CONTRACT AND AUCTION AT CATHOLIC PARTY < Hostosses for the Catholic Ladies' card party at Nativity hall this evening, Mmo;. Sulli- van, Paullny, J. S. Miller, Cross- mcyer, Hussey and Benstnad, an- nounce that tables of contract and auction will be in play. Ev- eryone is cordially invited. There will be a door prize In addition to regular prizes and refresh- ments will be served. * * * P. T. A. LADIES ATTEND LUNCHEON Mrs. V. E. Hopklns, parllamen- :arlan of Lomlta-San Podro P. T. A. council, entertained at a unchnon at her San Pedro home Mmes. William Jolley and John 3arner, presidents of Torranca ilgh school and Fern Avenue Iff T. A.; Mrs. W. H. Tolson, high school P. T. A. secretary, and Mrs. Irene Davls, Fern Avenue welfare chairman. 'j * * * NEWS OF ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA Averill Park at San Pedro was the setting for an enjoyable party Monday when past oracles of Royal Q[elghbors of America met for a pichic luncheon. Those >om Torrance were Mmes. Mary Baker, L. Benzol, Mary Schrocd- T, Elsie Smith, Louise Walker, Adeline Smith. Loula Doane and Mary Conner. Initiation will be held at the regular business meeting of Tor- e Camp No. H908 Ht Social lall on Torrance blvd., on next Tuesday evening, August 12th. 'hall-men for August will be lines. Benzol, Conner and Walk- r. * * * Mr. and Mrs. BU«H!P Sldobot- mm are spending their vacation 'ishlng In the Mammoth lake district. Torrance Herald Published Every Thursday Graver C. Why to Editor-Publisher 1336 El Prado. Phono 444 Torrance, Calif. Entered as second class mat- er January SO, 1814, at post- fflce, Torrance, Calif., under lot of March 3, 1897. Ofl'tciul Newspaper of M City of Torrance -«| Subscription Rates jiywhere in Los Angeles County , $2.00 per year ,. luteidc Los Angeles County* $3.00 per year Adjudicated a Legal Newspaper! By Superior Court, Lo* County.

People · 1 o'clock dessert bridge. The party will be a benefit for the club and everyone Is cordially Invited. Mrs. Laughon will be assisted by Mmes. Dean L. Sears, J. B. Scotton,

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Page 1: People · 1 o'clock dessert bridge. The party will be a benefit for the club and everyone Is cordially Invited. Mrs. Laughon will be assisted by Mmes. Dean L. Sears, J. B. Scotton,



Mra. Frank Shield* wa» host­ ess when she entertained mem­ bers of the Thursday Afternoon club at her home on Gramerey ave., last week.

Covers were placed for Mrs. W. H. Stanger. a chib guest and Mmes. H. S. McManus, Fred Knudson, F. C. Wlnklcr, O. W. Hudson, T. H. Kendrick, H. A. Lewis. F. H. Clark, May McKin- ley, J. O. Moore and Ruth Hag­ gard. Contract awards were re­ ceived by Mmes. Knudson, Hag­ gard and Moore.

Eastern Stars to Celebrate 20th Birthday Tonight

Preceding the regular meeting of Torrance Chapter, No. 380, Order of the Eastern Star, mem hers and their famille^ will gath er this evening at/the banque room in Masonic .Temple to celc brate the 20th anniversary o the chapter's organization.

A dinner, prepared by ladle of the Christian church, will b served *t 16:30 o'clock.


1929 Carson Street : :

Family-the Bc.t

at No Ext


JUMBO SWEETPEAS17 ounce can.

TOMATO JUICE No. 2Can .................

CORN BEEF12 oz.Cans ..............Limit 2 Cans

CORN BEEFHASH « (ft.No. 2 Cans ... Jl9**


Challenge Purity ICE CREAM

9C <*<> 16Pts


2 Ib. jar.......


Half Gallon ....23*




Quarts ...



ZEE Fanflly Pack TISSUE/ X White/Orchid Gree .............


Rolls 26cDOG FOOD '

3 Cans / 1SC


BORAX CHIPSLarge, <» fl rPackage .......... Mi A 1"




Ca lii*




Burbank Potatoes 10 lb$. 10CFRESH LOCAL






VACATION COOKING ..... is very simple, those light: lunches and

buffet dinners are easy to prepare when you center the meal around cold qut». Jimmie't salad vegetables are extra fine now, and it's only minutes work to make a whopping fine meal out of crisp salad1 and a platter of sliced liverwurst, bologna, minced ham, head ehoo»8, and ^oiidd bo i|rl fJ hum


Mrt. W. t Laughon ways and (Mans OhairnWn for Torr*n«e Woman's Club, will open h«r home on II Prado next Wednes day afternoon, August 13, for a 1 o'clock dessert bridge. The party will be a benefit for the club and everyone Is cordially Invited. Mrs. Laughon will be assisted by Mmes. Dean L. Sears, J. B. Scotton, W. J. Neclands, H. E. Masslc, A. H. Silllgo and L. Ahrens as co-hostesses.

Reservations may be made by calling Mr». Laughon at Tor- ranco 31. Mrs. Laughon was also hostess at an evening party given recently at her home for the club. Prize winners that eve­ ning were Mmes. Owens and Sears.


The Woman's Society of Christian Service will meet in the church parlors at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, August 14, for their business meeting, with Mrs. Grace Hooper in charge. Lunch will bo served in the patio, fol­ lowing a business meeting, with members of Circle 2 as hostess­ es, All members arp urged to attend.


Mrs. A. H. Silllgo was hostess 'heri she entertained at dinner

Monday evening at Wilmlngton Yacht club. Her guests were Mmes. L. C. Burger, W. I. Laughon and L. Ahrens. Bridge furnished diversion for the ladles following dinner.

John Garners Hosts At First Family Reunion in Years

An enjoyable family reunion, their first In 12 years, was held recently when the John Garner family of 803 Amapola avenue, entertained 20 guests at their home at a barbecue dinner. The party was given- as a courtesy for Mrs. Garner's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McKee and daughter, Elizabeth of Gary, Indiana.

Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Calkins, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson, all of Redondo Beach; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cal­ kins and daughter Dixie; Mrs. Dorothy KanUte, Miss Esther Kanute and Clarence Easter, all of Eagle Rock; Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Lemley of Los Angeles and E. S. Hussey of Rock Island, Illinois.

The McKees, accompanied by E. S. Hussey, left this week for Gary.

* •¥ +


Among those who enjoyed a barbecue supper at tho home of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Bermnn last Wednesday evening were Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Easley, Messrs, and Mmos. Harvel Gut- tenfeldcr, John Melville, J. Hugh Sherfey, Jr.

On Sunday they entertained Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Earl of Oakland, Mrs. Jack Earl and daughter Betty of Leimert Park and Mrs. and Mrs. J. A. Rodifer of Los Angeles. Miss Betty Earl remained this week as their house guest.


Phillips M. Brookr, 33, of 132 Portola ave., and Jean W. Smith 20, of -2004' Carson, st. '

Louis Aguilnr, 24, of 101 Milton St., and Rebecca Jan Booth, 29, of 20414 Florence av«

Jerry Harris Spellman, 21, o Wllmington, and Lauretta Heston, 20, of 439 East 213rc street.


Torrance Chapter, N,o, 4' Women of the Moose, held regular meeting at Social Ha Friday evening with all office in their chairs. Visitors fron Compton were introduced am it was announced that a larg group will attend a card part at Compton tomorrow evenlnl The next district conference wl be held at Compton Wednesday August 20.

The next regular meeting o Torrance chapter will be he] Friday evening, August 15, ao cording to Lela Heglln, publlclt chairman.


The regular American Leglo Auxiliary meeting will be hel at Legion clubhouse next Tucs day evening, August 12. Ollva Lee, first vice-president, preside in the absence of th president, Alice Thompson, wh

attending the convention a Sacramento.



Storiti, McpmdMKi, FrMdmi fron Momy Worries the means to enjoy life as you've dreamed of it. J30.OO every week, n "pay check" for the rest of your life, beginning October 15, 1941, guaranteed by The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Com­ pany of Milwaukee. Or you may choose $2 5,000.00 in one lump sum. Open to all over 18 years of age. No letter to write! Just write a last line for the jingle below, and you may win.

Uts « lig M«w)f Print Every * * for 6 Wteki. Besides the grand prize of $30.OO a week for life, there arc 26 other big cash prizes each week: A crisp $ 1,000 bill and 25 one hundred dollar bills, awarded eteiy inert Jar 6 u-edti! You can see the more entries you scad, the more opportunities you have to win one of the weekly ceib prices. Al the end of the contest, one of the weekly cash prize winners gets the grand prize.

N* Utter to Writtt So easy to eater! All you do Is supply a last line for the ilngle below, and scad it with an Oxydol box-top and a Camay wrapper (or facsimiles) to Camay-Oxydol, Dept. 2, Box 25, Cincinnati, Ohio. You can get complete rules and handy entry blanks at your dealer's. If you wish, you can use a plain sheet of paper.

Ctt in on This Recent CxMteit. Think what it will mean to win such a big, valuable grand prize made possible only because two great soaps join forces. So try for that lifetime income of $30.00 every week. It means security, luxuries, independence and you may be the winner.

Your last line may be (bout Oxydol or Camay, or both, or neither.

A trial of Onydol and Camay, as thtlt maps are improved today may suggest many last lines. That is one reason for the contest to induce you to try these better soaps.

In your washer, Oxydol's the soap that gets clothes snowy white with maximum speed.

In tub, washer or dishpan, gives up to 3 times the suds of many soaps, cup for ciip, and is kinder to hands than a whole group of well-known washday soaps, tested repeatedly. Amazingly "sneeze- proof," too with no loss of sudsing speed, washing performance or mildness,

Today's Camay with its greater mildness it an important help to every woman who warns her skin to be lovely.

For Camay it mildet by actual re> corded test in tests against tea Older popular beauty soapt, Camay was milder than any of them. So let this milder Camay help you to a lovelier akin. '

Get the handy entry blank from your dealer or use a plain sheet of paper.

FREE Entry Blanks and Rules at your Dealer'sT O H R A N C ! :




Jean Smith Feted At Pre-Nuptial Party Affairs

One of the most feted brides elect is Miss Jean Smith, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard R Smith whose wedding to M Phillips Brooks, son of Mr. an Mrs. WIIlls M. Brooks, will tak place Sunday, August 17. One o the lovely parties given for he was a breakfast bridge Sunda morning when Mrs. N. F. Jamle son entertained at Palos Verde Golf Club.

Colorful glamellas were use for the table decorations and a so served as the guests' corsag es. Covers were arranged for th bride-elect and her mother ar Mmes. Ella Levy Harris, Mar> Peckham Cowan, Helen Watrou Dorothy Jones, Dorothy McMI lan Edward?, Joan Kllnk Mltch ell and the Misses Gcraldin Dennison of Camden, N. J., Nor ma Rappaport and Emma Relm mer of Los Angeles, Laurel Lancaster and Patty Post.

Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs G. T. Edwards entertained fo Miss Smith and her fiance at buffet supper- asd shower a their home, 1324 Cota ave. Othi guests were Messrs, and Mmes H. H. Cowan, W. M. Watrou: D. C. Mltchell, and I. H. Harrii Bridge furnished diversion unt a late hour.

Still other recent parties wcr the miscellaneous shower wit Mmes. D. C. Mltchell and H. H Cowari as hostesses and th beautifully appointed c r y s-1 a shower at the home of Mis Norma Rappaport at Los Ange

when she and Mrs. Edna Nel of San Bernardlno enter

tained.** * *


Members of St. Cecelia's Gull' of St. Andrew's Episcopal church

nd their guests enjoyed a des­ ert bridge at Parish hall las

Wednesday afternoon. Hoste.sse for the party, attended by mon than 40, were Mmes. J. W. Posl Harvcl G u 11 e n f e 1 oVe r, Frank Paour, Jr., and H. E. Appenzel ar. Prizes for high score

contract wore presented to Ml L. Lewellun and Dean

Sears.* * *


Mr«. Olca Davis was the sur iriscd honorco at a family

in and picnic supper ar ?<:d at Torrance city parl

Friday evening on the occaHioi of her birthday anniversary. Shi

presented with many lovely gifts from the group at the t'i fathering of the family in years.

Those present were Messr." and Mmes. B. F. Wayt, Si:, B F. Wayt, Jr., and son Jerry, al of Los Angeles, Newell Wayt o L,ong Beach, Bert Mott of Hoi ywood, Gene Sevier, James' W .Vayt, Weir Atwood and daugh ters, Arlcne and Janet, and W M. Bone, all of Torrance.

* * *Paul Mltchell and Billy Me

U»od are attending Boy Scou camp a( Big Pines while Caro yn Mltchell Is visiting friends

and relatives In Sacramento and Oakland.


; Greyhound Union Pacific Torrance Municipal Bus

by SEACatalina Island

by AIRT W A United Air American Air Western Air

Pan American

PHONE 180Information Reservations

Gramaroy and Cabrillo Torrance


TONIGHT, AUGUST T8:80 p. m. Rotary Club at

Logtofl Hall.7:80 p. m. 80-30 Club' at

Daniels Cafe. Order of the Eastern Star 7:48 p. m. Knights of Py

thlas Lodge, Redondo Bench. 8:00 p. m. 'Modem Wood­

men, Catholic Ladles' card par


FRIDAY, AUGUST § 11:00 a. m. Women of the

Moose, luncheon meeting.7:30 p. m. I. O. O. F. No

196, Redondo Beach. Townsend Club, Men's Bi­

ble Class Bldg. 8:00 p. m. Masonic meeting Technocracy, 1915 Carson


SUNDAY, AUGUST 10Services In all churches.

MONDAY, AUGUST 116:30 p. m. Klwenis Club at

Daniels Cafe.7:30 p. m. Sons of the Le­

gion. Junior Chamber of Com­

merce, C. of C. bldg.

TUESDAY, AUGUST 127:45 p. m. Royal Neighbors, American Legion Auxili­

ary. City Council. . 8:00 p. m. W. B. A. Lodge

meeting at McDonald hall.

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 137:45 p. m. -- Trio Rebckah

Lodtfr No. 240, Lomita. 8:00 p. m. A. O. U. W.

THURSDAY, AUGUST II10:30 a. m. Methodist Wom­

an's Day.* -f *


More than 35 members of Bet sy Ro«s Star Chapter and the! guests enjoyed a picnic lunch on at Silverado Park in Lonfc

Beach, last week and a tour o the Procter and Gamble plan there.


Mrs. B. F. Dye vtas cnteitalnci at luncheon at the home of Mr.' Ralph Wise in Lomita las Thursday afternoon. Guests wcr a group of ladies who served i O. E. 3. matrons for 53rd dl: trict in 1936.

Peoplewhat they're doinj

Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Page anfamily returned Sunday from a short vacation at Snowcrest nea Camp Baldy.

Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bodley spent Sunday'at Headleo Cam] in the San Gabriel mountains.

Jimmy Burchntt returned Sun day from a two weeks' vacation at the home of his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. William Burchet of Delano.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crumrlni Joined Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Ham

tusse at Hollywood Bowl 01 Thursday, evening.

J. F. Cook U recovering from an operation which he underwcn ast week at a San Pedro hos pltal.

Miss Dorothy Jenvcn returned this week from a vacation spen with friends and relatives a!lon and Bryce canyons and a:Hsh Lake, Utah.

Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hudson and his mother, Mra. Lillian Hudson, returned Sunday from

'acatlon at Pine Crest and Big Bear.

Mrs. Velda Carpenter, ownei if Vcl-Art Beauty Shop, left his week for a week's vacation

at San Francisco and other points of Interest In Northern California.

Mr. and Mr*. Robert S. Sleeth, ccompanled by their son, New. on and Jim Post, left thus week or a vacation at Yosemtte Na lonai Park.

News of the death of her loqe, Miss Irene May Turner of

Mew Albany. Indiana, was re­ ived thin week by Mr». Lena \nfn of 2031 Andreo ave.

M. N. Fulker left Friday for Washington, D. C. on a business


Heiiry T. Llntolt visited his lends and relatives in Torranct

lit) week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. M.uu and i'lilldi-cn art vLslting «t

nvei, Colorado.

Mi*. Nell McCotitojue »»') her olhtl, Air.,. CllUks. Golilim-cr cut Tu/ttday at Catallna.

Youngsters Enjoy ' Birthday Festivities At Beeman Home '-\

Tho J. W. Beeman home on El Prado provided the sotting for a delightful children's party last Thursday afternoon on .the oc­ casion of the birthday annlver- sarlec of Mary flue and Cynthia Easley and Janel Bpemnn.

Games were enjoyed with gifts for everyone and a beautifully decorated birthday cake, bear- Ing the names of the three girls was cut. Those present were Bil­ ly Schell, Dal Dcrouln, Richard Chance, Betty Ann Drake, Mar­ tha and Glenn Frailer, Sharon Felkcr, Judy Rhone, Jerry and Linda Lee Harder, George Mooro, Linda Yourtggrcn, Grct- chen Hlnrlchs, Don Mltchell, Patsy and George Purriue, Laurle and Mary Elizabeth Ash- ley, Joan Smiley, Dlane Medll- cott, Victoria Hlnshaw, Tommy Quaggln. Michael Rogers, Ann Marie Bishop, Jimmy Gene and Billy Pat Murphy, Ann and Mary Kathertne Marshall, Marcla Less- Ing, George King and Jackie Beeman and Mesdamcs Pal Marie Anderson, D. A. Murphy, R. F. Bishop, L. Medlicott, R. J. Ashley, Pat Purdue, Gordon Hlnrlchs, Wlnston Younggnm, G. M. Moore, Fred Harder, Edwa*| Rhone, M. N.. Felker, F. Frazler, William Schell and G. J. Derouin.


Honoring Mrs. George W. Lynch of Hollywood Riviera who will sail next Thursday to join her husband at Panama,

i. Fred Harder entertainod at luncheon last Friday at her home on Greenwood ave. Yellow and white flowers were used for the centerpiece and cowrs were placed for the honor guest and Mines. William P. Hume and John W. Barker of Redondo Beach. Mra. Lynch was pre­ sented with n hon voyage gift.


Members and friends of Tor- ance Woman's club were en­ tertained at w .enjoyable party Friday evening at the home of

:. L. C. Burger on Cedar st. Five tables of bridge were in play with Mmes. A. H. Silllgo and C. B. Mltchell as high score holders. Refreshments were

rved. The affair was arranged ; a benefit for the program

fund of the club.* * * I


Hostosses for the Catholic Ladies' card party at Nativity hall this evening, Mmo;. Sulli­ van, Paullny, J. S. Miller, Cross- mcyer, Hussey and Benstnad, an­ nounce that tables of contract and auction will be in play. Ev­ eryone is cordially invited. There will be a door prize In addition to regular prizes and refresh­ ments will be served.


Mrs. V. E. Hopklns, parllamen- :arlan of Lomlta-San Podro P. T. A. council, entertained at a unchnon at her San Pedro home Mmes. William Jolley and John 3arner, presidents of Torranca ilgh school and Fern Avenue Iff T. A.; Mrs. W. H. Tolson, high school P. T. A. secretary, and Mrs. Irene Davls, Fern Avenue welfare chairman. 'j


Averill Park at San Pedro was the setting for an enjoyable party Monday when past oracles of Royal Q[elghbors of America met for a pichic luncheon. Those >om Torrance were Mmes. Mary Baker, L. Benzol, Mary Schrocd-T, Elsie Smith, Louise Walker,

Adeline Smith. Loula Doane and Mary Conner.

Initiation will be held at the regular business meeting of Tor-

e Camp No. H908 Ht Social lall on Torrance blvd., on next Tuesday evening, August 12th.'hall-men for August will belines. Benzol, Conner and Walk-r.

* * *Mr. and Mrs. BU«H!P Sldobot-

mm are spending their vacation 'ishlng In the Mammoth lake district.

Torrance HeraldPublished Every Thursday

Graver C. Why to Editor-Publisher

1336 El Prado. Phono 444 Torrance, Calif.

Entered as second class mat­ er January SO, 1814, at post- fflce, Torrance, Calif., under lot of March 3, 1897.

Ofl'tciul Newspaper of M City of Torrance -«|

Subscription Rates jiywhere in Los Angeles County ,

$2.00 per year ,. luteidc Los Angeles County*

$3.00 per year

Adjudicated a Legal Newspaper! By Superior Court, Lo*
