Penyembuhan Luka

Penyembuhan Luka

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Page 1: Penyembuhan Luka

Penyembuhan Luka

Page 2: Penyembuhan Luka

Stadium Penyembuhan Luka

Page 3: Penyembuhan Luka

dan Remodeling

Page 4: Penyembuhan Luka

1. Fase Inflamasi

- Hemostasis segera,platelet pembekuan darah

- Inflamasi hari ke-1, makrofag proses peradangan (tanda radang )

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Page 6: Penyembuhan Luka

Time course of the appearance of different cells in the wound during healing. Macrophages and neutrophils are predominant during the inflammatory phase (peak at days 3 and 2, respectively). Lymphocytes appear later and peak at day 7. Fibroblasts are the predominant cells during the proliferative phase

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Page 8: Penyembuhan Luka

hari 2-3. fibroblas -> angiogenesis, sel epitel -> deposit kolagen (tipe 3) ->


2. Fase Proliferasi

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Wound matrix deposition over time. Fibronectin and type III collagen constitute the early matrix. Type I collagen accumulates later and corresponds to the increase in wound-breaking strength

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3. Fase Maturasi

hari 7-21penyusunan serat kolagen remodeling

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