Pentaho BioMe App Demo Installation, Access & Usage Instructions

Pentaho BioMe App Demo

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Pentaho BioMe App DemoInstallation, Access & Usage Instructions

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Project SDR Target Pentaho 5.4 Version 1.0 Date Jun 2015

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1. Overview of BioMe App Demo

. Technology and Access Overview

2. Local Installation

. Minimum Requirements

. Local Installation Instructions

3. Usage and Navigation Instructions

. Introduction to Application Usage and Navigation

. Walkthrough Completing and Visualizing a Dataset Request

. Cleaning up Dataset Request

. Viewing of BioMe App Demo in Multiple Devices

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Overview BioMe App Demo


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Splash screen upon the starting of the BioMe App demo

that contains related information.


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Technology and Access Overview

The BioMe App demo is to be accessed in two ways:

. Locally installed and running demo.

. Hosted demo site that is remotely running and requires no local


The BioMe App demo was developed to be a standalone web application

using AngularJS and to not be required to be accessed via the Pentaho User

Console (PUC), as was the Movie Lens and GartnerCensus SDR Samples.

Although, it is still required that the user of this demo to first be logged into

PUC (for local installs), due to the BioMe App demo’s HTML being served up

and authenticated by PUC.

Locally Installed Hosted Demo Site

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The technologies used to build the BioMe App demo were:

Out of the Box

. Pentaho Data Integration

to design and automate the data set request process behind the scenes

and streamline data refinement.

. Pentaho Analyzer

for pivot-style ad hoc analysis and visualization of data.

. Pentaho CTools

for the custom dashboard in the main view as well as the data request form.


. AngularJS

Pentaho components were embedded into a 3rd party application that

leverages AngularJS for dynamic views.

. Pentaho’s JavaScript APIs

were leveraged to embed Analyzer in the 3rd party application and power

pre-populated chart buttons and timeframe controls.

. RequireJS

a JavaScript file and module loader, was leveraged in embedding the CTools

dashboard into this application.

. Bootstrap

The BioMe embedded dashboards were built with Bootstrap, a responsive

front-end development framework.

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The components that make up the SDR are PDI for parameter entry

and an app for refining the data. This app calls to the PDI backend of the BA

server for the main job: refining data through PDI using the new Build Model

job entry, then publishing the data source back to the Business Analytics (BA)

Server through the Publish Model job entry. Once it is published, the refined

data is available for use in viewing the canned Analyzer reports.

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Local InstallationLocal Installation2.

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Minimum Requirements

To complete a local installation, the following are required to be installed:

. Pentaho 5.4 Platform downloadable installation using default settings.

. BioMe App demo downloadable installation using documented


Browser compatibility:

The BioMe App was designed to run on recent versions of browsers

(Firefox, Chrome, Safari), but was not widely tested.

Firefox Chrome Safari

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Default installation method using Postgres: choose

default for installation, and then enter password for

the Postgres password information.

Ensure the use of port 8080 for the BA server.

Default authentication is required.

Install Pentaho Software

Download and install

Pentaho-business-analytics- software for your

environment: Windows (exe), OS X (tar), Unix (bin).

The following are installation defaults that are required:

Log in to PUC,

and verify that it is working properly.






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the contents of the Zip file to this directory:


It should create a BioMe folder in the directory.

Open up

web browser and open up the following URL to start

the BioMe SDR 5.4 Demo app:



Download and Install the Demo


the BioMe App Demo Zip file from the following Box

folder, BioMe App Demo Content.




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Usage & Navigation Instructions


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Introduction to Application Usage & Navigation

After clicking on the splash screen’s Proceed button - FIGURE 1, the BioMe

App Demo will be viewable and will display navigation/selection panel,

dashboards, static and hardcoded Key Performance Indicators (KPI), and

navigation to the Dataset Request form as shown in FIGURE 2. Scroll down

as to see the remainder of the Country Card dashboard values.

1. Static KPIs.

2. Left vertical selection panel: Only analytics is active.

3. Single dashboard with time analysis and country card views (CTools).

4. Navigation to Dataset Request Form.

FIG. 3












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Within dashboard’s Time Analysis view, you can hover the mouse over the

2015 World Avg. line, colored in black, as to see a hotspot value, shown in

FIGURE 3. You can also hover over the top of the per year values, colored in

green, as shown in FIGURE 4 and a hotspot value will be displayed.

You can view the differences between the two values in this manner.



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The dataset request form has the following components, FIGURE 5, to help

complete and utilize dataset requests:

1. Request List that stores dataset requests by data source name and allows

for viewing status, duration, and to be selected (by clicking on one that has

completed its processing) to be viewed in analyzer reports.

2. Filters to reduce narrow the search and result set.

3. Data Source Name that will annotate the data request for processing

status and reuse in the Request list.

4. Analyze button to be clicked after filters have completed and data source

name has been entered, which will then run the SDR.






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Walkthrough Completing & Visualizing a Dataset Request

Now let’s walk through completing a Dataset Request. In the Country filter,

select 10 countries (Austria, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama,

Poland, Portugal, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and United States of

America) and then in the Years filer, select the values of 2005-2010 as shown

in FIGURE 6. Enter a data source name of “Country Year Filter” and then click

on the Analyze button and one of the windows in FIGURE 7 will be displayed

(due to duration of processing dataset request) that will allow you to go to

Analyzer or back to form and await completion of the dataset request.



Note: No ability to clear one/all filters or to select/deselect all values in a single filter is available at this time.

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Clicking on the Go to analyzer button will take to FIGURE 9.

Clicking on the Close or Notify when ready buttons, will take you back the

application’s main screen where you will have to click on the Show Dataset

Request link on the bottom middle part of the window to be taken back to

the Dataset request form shown in FIGURE 8.

Redirected to Analyzer

Click on the Latest Requests list and then click on Country Year Filter request and you will be redirected to FIGURE 10


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The embedded analyzer, shown in FIGURE 10 has the following


1. Navigation Back to form bottom that will take to back to the Dataset

Request form.

2. Canned Report Selector to choose between three canned reports of a

chart, column bar and scatter plot.

3. Analyzer Menu Bar to view (Edit Mode) or hide (View Mode) panes,

view/add filters, and perform other actions.

4. Report Type Selector to change the report type visible within the

embedded analyzer.

3 4

1 2



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The default canned report that will be loaded is a chart report within an

embedded analyzer in view mode. Select on Column chart (middle

selection of canned report selector) and FIGURE 10 will display a column chart

within the embedded analyzer view mode. Time Frame Slider is available as

to filter data.



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Can change from a column to bar report view within the embedded

analyzer with the Report Type selector shown in FIGURE 11.



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Select on Scatter Plot report in the Canned Report selection area and

FIGURE 12 will be shown, which has a Year of Analysis Slider to filter data.

Plotted data can then be selected using the mouse and creating a box over

the scatter plots of concern, as shown in FIGURE 12. In this example, we have

select the bulk of the scatter plots, and have left out 2 outlier to the left and

3 outliers to the right.


Use mouse to create box over scatter pointsFIGURE 12

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After you release the mouse button, Keep Only/Discard/Clear selections will

appear as shown in FIGURE 13 that will allow for further analysis.

Select Keep Only. A refreshed Scatter Plot will be displayed and further

analysis can be performed by this view, changing it to a grid view, etc. using

the Report Type Selector.



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Click on the left selection of the Canned Report Selector, as to view the

canned grid report. The embedded analyzer canned grid report can be

customized by making visible the fields and layout panes via the analyzer

menu bar shown in FIGURE 14. This will place the embedded analyzer in the

Edit Mode and allow for changing of Row, Column and Measure selections,

shown in FIGURE 15.


FIGURES 14 / 15

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FIGURE 16 shows a revised grid chart using different column, row and

measure selections. This was accomplished by removing the pre-existing

selections in the Layout pane and then dragging and dropping the new

selections from the Field pane in their according column, row and

measure layout pane areas.


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Cleaning up Dataset Requests

The ability to delete Dataset Requests completed via the Dataset Request

form is available, shown in FIGURE 17. Click on the Request List on the

Dataset Request form. Once the list is displayed, click on the Edit and then

FIGURE 18 will be displayed. Click the checkbox next to the Country Years

Filter Dataset Request and then click Delete. FIGURE 19 will be displayed

and you will have the choice to continue, by clicking OK button, or cancel

the delete request.

Request List

Click to see drop-down list of requests.

Click edit button to delete a request.



Delete Request

Click checkbox then, click Delete.


A popup will be displayed and you will have the choice to continue,

by clicking OK button, or cancel the delete request.

FIGURES 17 / 18

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Viewing of BioMe App Demo in Multiple Devices

The BioMe App Demo can be viewed across multiple devices, laptops, tablets

and phones. This was achieved through the use of Bootstrap and standard

HTML5 + CSS3 features.


Tablet PhonesLaptops

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