Penshurst Public School Newsletter Quality Education in a Caring Environment (temporarily based on the grounds of Peakhurst West Public School) (entrance on) Belmore Rd, Peakhurst, NSW 2210 Telephone: 9580 3400 & 9580 7638 Facsimile: 9580 9216 email: [email protected] Issue 9 – Term 2 – Week 7 Friday 12 th June, 2020 Principal’s Message Face-to-Face Learning Guidelines All schools have returned to full-time on-campus learning. With updated health advice and changes to state and national restrictions, schools are able to recommence the majority of school-based activities from either 15 June 2020 or the start of Term 3 (20 July 2020). Some activities are continuing to be considered. As part of this newsletter, I have attached the updated guidelines from the NSW Department of Education where this information can be found, for your reference. P&C meeting Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the P&C will be hosting the next P&C meeting via Zoom on Wednesday 17 th June 2020 at 5pm. If you would like to attend this P&C - Zoom session, please register your interest with the school. Further details can be provided to you following registration. COVID-10 Testing Clinic We are all aware of the importance of COVID-19 testing and its role in containing the virus in our community. I have been recently informed, from a member of our community, that a drive-thru COVID-19 testing clinic is located in the carpark of Kingsgrove Community Aid Centre. As this is a private clinic, a doctor’s referral is required. Opportunity Class Application Applications for opportunity class placement are considered on the results of the Opportunity Class Placement Test. Students who wish to be considered for opportunity class placement will sit the Opportunity Class Placement Test on Wednesday 16 September 2020. If you would like to have your child considered for Year 5 opportunity class entry in 2021, you need to apply between Tuesday 9 June 2020 and Friday 26 June 2020. You will need to access the online application at: https://education.nsw.gov.au/public-schools/selective-high-schools-and-opportunity-classes/year-5 . Parent email addresses are to be used when registering, NOT your child’s email address. School Business Almost As Usual by Pictures

Penshurst Public School Newsletter · All schools have returned to full-time on-campus learning. With updated health advice and changes to state and national restrictions, schools

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Page 1: Penshurst Public School Newsletter · All schools have returned to full-time on-campus learning. With updated health advice and changes to state and national restrictions, schools

Penshurst Public School Newsletter Quality Education in a Caring Environment

(temporarily based on the grounds of Peakhurst West Public School) (entrance on) Belmore Rd, Peakhurst, NSW 2210

Telephone: 9580 3400 & 9580 7638 Facsimile: 9580 9216 email: [email protected]

Issue 9 – Term 2 – Week 7 Friday 12th June, 2020

Principal’s Message Face-to-Face Learning Guidelines All schools have returned to full-time on-campus learning. With updated health advice and changes to state and national restrictions, schools are able to recommence the majority of school-based activities from either 15 June 2020 or the start of Term 3 (20 July 2020). Some activities are continuing to be considered. As part of this newsletter, I have attached the updated guidelines from the NSW Department of Education where this information can be found, for your reference. P&C meeting Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the P&C will be hosting the next P&C meeting via Zoom on Wednesday 17th June 2020 at 5pm. If you would like to attend this P&C - Zoom session, please register your interest with the school. Further details can be provided to you following registration. COVID-10 Testing Clinic We are all aware of the importance of COVID-19 testing and its role in containing the virus in our community. I have been recently informed, from a member of our community, that a drive-thru COVID-19 testing clinic is located in the carpark of Kingsgrove Community Aid Centre. As this is a private clinic, a doctor’s referral is required. Opportunity Class Application Applications for opportunity class placement are considered on the results of the Opportunity Class Placement Test. Students who wish to be considered for opportunity class placement will sit the Opportunity Class Placement Test on Wednesday 16 September 2020. If you would like to have your child considered for Year 5 opportunity class entry in 2021, you need to apply between Tuesday 9 June 2020 and Friday 26 June 2020. You will need to access the online application at: https://education.nsw.gov.au/public-schools/selective-high-schools-and-opportunity-classes/year-5 . Parent email addresses are to be used when registering, NOT your child’s email address. School Business Almost As Usual by Pictures

Page 2: Penshurst Public School Newsletter · All schools have returned to full-time on-campus learning. With updated health advice and changes to state and national restrictions, schools

Issue 9 – Term 2 – Week 7 Friday 12th June, 2020

Mr J. Lie Principal

Student Awards - Term 2 Weeks 1-5 Early Stage 1 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

Aarohi B Abeaha H Alexa C Benjamin B Boix Y Bryan L Bryan N Chloe M Cooper H Eknoor G Elijah R Elvin R Eva F Gordan C Hayley C Ian Y Isaac W Jason L Joanna L

Kayden A Konan L Kristy S Laibah M Lucia L May H Mia W Myra B Nia L Nivan D Olivia R Oroni G Patrick W Sirisha B Swara K Vincent X William W Zakaria A Zuhairah H

Aanya P Aaranyaa S Aariana P Aaron L Aaryahi D Aaryav P Aavash A Ahmad H Alleyah L Amber S Archris P Argen L Arpan A Arshia P Arthur Y Arya M Ashley L Ava M Axell C Brooklyn Z Bruce T Claire Y Daveena R Dia P Diego S Dylan Z

Elena S Ella A Emily W Erica S Eshana S Ethan H Eva B Filbert L Flynn M Grace R Hanzhong Z Hope C Inara R Inaya B Irisha S Ivy K Jason D Jayden L Jayden P Jenny L Joanna L Josh N Joshua D

Karina W Kenneth W Kristy L Lara N Leo G Lisa T Lydia Z Malachi K Maram H Martin P Milly T Miya M Muhammad A Muhammad H Muhammad R Nathaniel C Nelson R Nicson W Nimsha G Noor F Nyasha Z Peter CK Petulisa A

Reginald L Ricardo Q Riley B Rishabh K Romisha N Saahil B Sahaj B Saumya S Skylar-Ann O Smaran K Srijan S Tarren Y Teresa Z Tiana P Tina W Tom C Tyler T Vanesha L Wendy L Winni X Yino C

Aakash N Adam H Anabia H Antony L Ashley L Ayden B Batoul G Bonnie J Christian K Emily H Emma Z Eric S Hunter L Ivan S Jack S Justin Z Kavya K Kiian K Maahi B Mingwah W

Nara P Noah H Patrick P Rita L Rochelle G Sarah D Sidney S Subrat B William C William H Zain S Zayne A Yusuf L

Adian L Isabella S Aya H

Bronze Silver Gold Medallion

Aarohi B KM Abeaha H KM Aliya A 1M Alleyah L 2H Arshia P 2H Ashley L 1L Daveena R 1L David C 5/6G Dia P 1M Ella A 1M Gordon C KM Irisha S 1L Isaac W KM Ivy K 1L Jaclyn S 2H Jayden P 1M Josh N 1L Kadeeja H K-3G

Kayden A KM Kenneth W 1M Kris S KCE Kristy S KM Martin P 1L Mia W KM Milly T 2KE Nicson W 1L Ricardo Q 2H Saumya S 1M Smaran K 2H Tyler T 1L Zainab A K-3G Zainab B 1L

David C 5/6G Romisha 2KE Rishabh 2KE Alleyah L 2H Aaryav P 2H Ava M 2H Cassandra L 1M Dia P 1M Maram H 1O

David C 5/6G Lisa T 2KE Aaron L 1L Alleyah L 2H Dylan Z 2H Skylar-Ann O 1M Saumya S 1M

Page 3: Penshurst Public School Newsletter · All schools have returned to full-time on-campus learning. With updated health advice and changes to state and national restrictions, schools

Issue 9 – Term 2 – Week 7 Friday 12th June, 2020

Page 4: Penshurst Public School Newsletter · All schools have returned to full-time on-campus learning. With updated health advice and changes to state and national restrictions, schools

This guide is for parents and carersA guide to NSW school students returning to face-to-face learningInformation has been updated as at 11 June 2020, until further notice.

NSW Department of Education


Page 5: Penshurst Public School Newsletter · All schools have returned to full-time on-campus learning. With updated health advice and changes to state and national restrictions, schools

In line with health advice, schools are operating full time, and many additional activities are now able to recommence All schools have returned to full-time on-campus learning. With updated health advice and changes to state and national restrictions, schools are able to recommence the majority of school-based activities from either 15 June 2020 or the start of Term 3 (20 July 2020). Some activities are continuing to be considered.

The following principles underpin these guidelines:

• schools continue to be safe and operations are in line with Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) and NSW Health guidelines

• existing infection control protocols at schools, and new health and safety measures put in place will help maintain the health and safety of students and staff

• all activities permitted at school are safe and appropriate in a living with COVID-19 environment.

School students do not need to follow strict adult physical distancing guidelines, but should follow good hygiene practices like:

• regularly washing hands• avoiding sharing drinks or food• coughing or sneezing into your elbow, or a

tissue which should be discarded immediately• filling water bottles from bubblers rather than

using the bubbler directly.

School attendance

All students should be at school unless:

• they have a medical certificate which states that they are unable to return to school due to an ongoing medical condition and the expected timeframe

• they are currently unwell.

School activities/school site usage

The majority of school-based activities can recommence, as long as the following measures are observed:

• all visitors and external to school providers must adhere to relevant hygiene, distancing and safety protocols

• principals may continue to restrict, limit or prohibit activities if they are seen as contrary to the current health advice

• external providers and visitors are required to demonstrate compliance with health and safety requirements including adhering to strict guidelines and completing relevant forms

• non-essential adults are still not permitted on school grounds or at school events – this includes parents/carers unless specifically approved by the principal.

Physical distancing

Physical distancing of children in schools is not required under the Australian HPPC guidelines. Research has shown limited transmission risk associated with school children in the school environment.

All adults must maintain physical distance from each other (1.5m) including teachers and support staff, and parents.Schools should ensure school pick up and drop off arrangements enable parents to physically distance from one another and from staff.

School cleaning and hygiene supplies

Your school will continue to receive additional cleaning in line with the AHPPC guidelines and advice from NSW Health. Target areas include high-touch areas and other hard surfaces, door handles, lockers, light switches and handrails in stairways and movement areas. There will also be additional cleaning of toilets and bubblers and topping up of supplies like soap.Your school has received supplies of soap, hand sanitiser, toilet paper, paper towels, disinfectant wipes and personal protective equipment. The school is able to order more as needed.

School activities return and timeline

Activities/site usage that can already take place:• Use the school library• Engage in non-contact sporting activities• Canteens and uniform shops can open at

principal’s discretion• Year 11 and 12 students only may attend

classes/activities relating to subjects only available on other campuses is allowed

• VET work placement for Year 12 students is able to proceed from 1 June 2020. School based apprenticeships and traineeships can recommence once the relevant workplaces are back in operation

• Trade Training Centres can operate on school sites.

Activities/site usage that can take place from Monday 15 June 2020• School assemblies (limited to 15 minutes and

no external visitors)• Choirs and performing arts at school, with

safety protocols in place • Students may attend other schools for

essential curriculum related reasons or placements (e.g. auditions or placement tests)

• Hydrotherapy pools can be used• Incursions/external providers can provide

activities that support delivery of curriculum (e.g. music tutors, sport skills development programs, science demonstrations, drama tutors, Healthy Harold).

• Community use activities used by students such as dance classes, and student sport skills development, outside of school hours with limited adult attendance)

• Day field trips to outdoor locations with no physical distancing requirements can take place

• Face to face TAFE attendance (see TAFE website for further information)

• School photos • Department of Community and Justice

services and programs.

Activities/site usage that can take place from beginning of Term 3• All school sport and activities including

competitions aligned with current health advice (including those activities run by external organisations)

education.nsw.gov.au 32 education.nsw.gov.au 3A guide to NSW school students returning to face-to- face learning – Guidelines for parents and carers

Page 6: Penshurst Public School Newsletter · All schools have returned to full-time on-campus learning. With updated health advice and changes to state and national restrictions, schools

• Inter-school student events and competitions (choirs, sport , debating, public speaking, performing arts, Selective Sports High School trials etc)

• SRE/SEE lessons• Work experience for students• VET work placements can proceed subject to

the availability of placement and appropriate risk assessments. For any that can’t proceed, please see the NESA website

• School based apprenticeships and traineeships can recommence once the relevant workplaces are back in operation

• P&C meetings – with a strong preference for on-line where possible

• Parent/teacher meetings – where these need to take place – strong preference for on-line where possible unless involving serious matters that require face to face discussion

• Community use activities involving general adult attendance (such as community markets).

Activities under consideration from Term 3The following events will be reconsidered in Term 3. For now these events must remain on hold.

• School camps• Excursions (other than field trips explained

above)• Parent attendance at assemblies and other

school events (e.g. graduation ceremonies or student speech events)

• Parent volunteers – e.g. parent reading helpers (note: canteen and uniform shop volunteers are permitted)

• Interstate excursions• School based activities that involve large

gathering of adults are not permitted at this time. These include parent/community gatherings such as parent functions, working bees, fundraisers, school BBQs, large parent information evenings, and large on-site cultural events. These large gatherings and the following activities will continue to be reviewed and assessed based on AHPPC and NSW Health advice and may be permitted at a later date.

Activities that are cancelled, delayed or not permittedCertain large arts and sports events are cancelled or delayed because they require feeder activities and have long-lead time organisational arrangements. Please speak to your schools if you would like to know more.International excursions are cancelled until further notice.

Reporting and assessment

You will receive your child’s semester 1 report before the end of August (Week 6, Term 3).This will be a simplified version of the report you normally receive. Schools are encouraged to discuss your child’s progress with you before the written report is issued.

Responding to COVID-19 cases

There is a clear plan in place for schools to respond to any suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 in our schools. We are working closely with NSW Health and will communicate with parents if a situation arises. Find out more at the response protocols page.

TransportFor travel advice to and from school refer to the NSW public transport service.

4 Term 2 2020 – Guidelines for schools education.nsw.gov.au 5

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Page 8: Penshurst Public School Newsletter · All schools have returned to full-time on-campus learning. With updated health advice and changes to state and national restrictions, schools


NSW Department of Education

Changes to the opportunity class placement process for Year 5 entry in 2021 Information for parents/carers and students

The department is committed to the continued education of all students across NSW, including advanced learning programs for high potential and gifted students.

The 2021 Year 5 opportunity class placement process was put on hold in April 2020 due to the COVID-19 situation.

We have now rescheduled and streamlined the application process. Please note the details of the changes below and assist parents and carers to understand these changes.

Why have changes been made to the 2020 opportunity class placement process? Due to the shorter time frame available for the OC placement process, changes have been made to the process for this year. The department is committed to supporting the continuity of learning and transitions for each child, and the revised application and placement process will ensure students are placed in 2021 Year 5 opportunity classes as soon as possible.

What changes have been made? The 2020 opportunity class placement process has been revised to accommodate the shorter timeline due to the postponement of the test.

To ensure the fair and consistent assessment of students across all schools and regions of NSW, this year students will be placed on test results only. Taking this approach reduces the effect of the disrupted start to the school year, which could compromise school assessment scores, and ensures that all students are placed using the same test performed under the same conditions. The test is created by an independent educational assessment provider and measures academic ability, not achievement, giving a reliable method for identifying highly gifted applicants which is not subject to the variable classroom conditions experienced this year.

Page 9: Penshurst Public School Newsletter · All schools have returned to full-time on-campus learning. With updated health advice and changes to state and national restrictions, schools


Action Date

Applications open 9 June 2020

Applications close 26 June 2020

Opportunity Class Placement Test date

16 September 2020

Parents and schools advised of placement outcome information

From 1 December 2020

Parents accept or decline first round placement

By 15 December 2020

Principals arrange orientation day for successful candidates

December 2020

Reserve places offered From mid-December 2020

Authority to attend an opportunity class letter sent to parents

Late January 2021

Successful candidates enrol in Year 5 at a school with an opportunity class

Late January 2021

Contact For further information or assistance contact: High Performing Students Team [email protected] 1300 880 367

Follow us on Facebook for updates on the current and opportunity class placement process.

Opportunity class placement

What are the key dates I should be aware of? The revised dates are listed below. Parents are advised to review the new dates carefully and ensure an application is submitted by the closing date for their child to be eligible to sit the placement test as, owing to the shorter timeline, late applications will not be accepted.

A visual timeline showing the key dates is printed on the next page.

Further information Visit the department’s website Opportunity classes – Year 5 updates available on the website at https://education.nsw.gov. au/ public-schools/selective-high-schools-and- opportunity-classes/updates

Opportunity classes – key dates on the website at https://education.nsw.gov.au/public-schools/ selective-high-schools-and-opportunity-classes/ general-information

Parents are encouraged to speak to the principal of their child’s primary school for further information about the changes made to the opportunity class placement process this year.

Page 10: Penshurst Public School Newsletter · All schools have returned to full-time on-campus learning. With updated health advice and changes to state and national restrictions, schools


2020 Opportunity class placement process - key dates

Application window 9-26 June 2020

16 September 2020 Opportunity Class Placement Test

Notification of placement outcome 1 December 2020

By 15 December 2020

Parents accept or decline first round placement

Reserve places offered From mid-December 2020

Late January 2021 Authority to attend notice sent to parents of successful candidates

Students enrol in opportunity classes Day 1, Term 1 2021

Page 11: Penshurst Public School Newsletter · All schools have returned to full-time on-campus learning. With updated health advice and changes to state and national restrictions, schools

Dear Parent’s/Carer’s, I am writing to advise you that we have had incidents of nits/head lice at the school. Please check your child’s hair for nits/lice tonight using the methods recommended in information from NSW Health (http://www.health.nsw.gov.au/environment/headlice/Pages/treatment.aspx) If you find any eggs or lice please commence treatment as recommended. Further information on head lice is available on the NSW Health website (details above) or through the Department’s website at http://www.schools.nsw.edu.au/studentsupport/studenthealth/conditions/headlice/index.php. I appreciate your assistance in this regard. Yours sincerely Mr J. Lie 12.06.2020

Page 12: Penshurst Public School Newsletter · All schools have returned to full-time on-campus learning. With updated health advice and changes to state and national restrictions, schools

Provided as a part of our school’s Parenting Ideas membership parentingideas.com.au


Conquering kids’ techno-tantrums

Many of us have witnessed our kids or teens emotionally combust when asked to switch o� their gaming console or put theirphone away. I colloquially call these ‘techno-tantrums’. Many of us fret that this signals that they’re ‘addicted’ to technology andfind ourselves worrying about why they behave in such intense ways.

So, what makes technology so psychologically appealing for kids and how can we help them to unplug so that screen-timedoesn’t end in scream time?

Technology is so appealing

Technology has been intentionally designed to cater for our kids’ most basic psychological drivers. As humans, our three mostbasic psychological needs are the need for connection, competence and control.

Technology caters for these needs in very clever ways. For example, our need for relational connection explains why many of ourboys are obsessed with multi-player video games and girls are infatuated with social media. These online tools have also beendesigned to help young people experience competency- gamers see tangible measures of their performance by their levels ofattainment, or battles won. Scrolling through YouTube and ‘selecting’ which video they’ll watch next also enables young peopleto experience a sense of control and agency over their lives – something they biologically crave.

Here’s what technology does to their brains and bodies

Digital technology impacts on children and young people in the following ways:

‘It feels good’

When our kids use a screen it’s usually a pleasurable experience for them. Their brains secrete the neurotransmitter dopamine,which makes them feel good. This means, when you demand that they turn the device o�, you’re terminating their production ofdopamine (pleasure response).  It’s better to provide a choice of more appealing transition activities when you want them tomove away from a screen. For example, suggest that they ride their bike, or walk the dog a�er they’ve switched o� the device.

‘I want more’

The online world has no stopping cues, so our kids and teen never feel ‘complete’ or ‘done’. They can always refresh social media;continue to play to attain another level in a game; or watch another YouTube clip. This is also referred to as the state ofinsu�iciency.One parenting tips that works is to give your children and teens hard end points. Rather than giving them a quantity of time (forexample, you can watch an hour of TV today), give them the finish time (for example, I’d like you to switch o� the TV at 4:30pm).

Page 13: Penshurst Public School Newsletter · All schools have returned to full-time on-campus learning. With updated health advice and changes to state and national restrictions, schools

Provided as a part of our school’s Parenting Ideas membership parentingideas.com.au

‘It’s so novel’

Our brains are wired to seek out new and interesting stimulus. The online world is always instantly gratifying, fast-paced andrequires minimal cognitive e�ort. In comparison the o�line, real world doesn’t always o�er novelty. The real world is a lotslower-paced, and it’s not always instantly rewarding and interesting like our kids’ digital world.

Ensure your kids and teens have ample time to experience boredom. Our brains were never designed to be switched on andprocessing information as they are in the digital world. Opportunities for boredom allow the brain time to reset and help ourkids become accustomed to not always being ‘switched on’.

Related webinar

Our school has a membership with Parenting Ideas. As part of this membership, you can attend the upcoming webinar‘Understanding techno tantrums’ at no cost.


In this webinar Dr Kristy Goodwin helps parents and carers understand why children and teens emotionally combust when theydigitally-disconnect, and how to establish new, healthy technology habits.


17 June 2020 8:00pm AEST

To redeem1. Click this link: https://www.parentingideas.com.au/parent-resources/parent-webinars/webinar-understanding-techno-tantrums2. Click ‘Add to cart’3. Click ‘View cart’4. Enter the voucher code TECHNO and click ‘Apply Coupon’ Your discount of $37 will be applied.5. Click ‘Proceed to checkout’6. Fill in your account details. These details are used to login to your account and access your parenting material7. Click ‘Place Order’The voucher is valid until 17 September 2020.

Dr Kristy GoodwinDr Kristy Goodwin is a digital wellbeing and performance speaker, author and researcher (and mumwho also deals with her kids’ techno-tantrums!). She’s the author of Raising Your Child in a DigitalWorld, and a media commentator who doesn’t suggest that we ban the iPhone, or unplug the gamingconsole (digital abstinence isn’t the solution). Kristy worked as an educator for fourteen years beforebecoming an academic and speaker who’s on a mission to help children, teens and adults tame theirtechnology habits so they’re not a slave to the screen. For further details visitwww.drkristygoodwin.com.