I 0 I THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL SATURDAY MORNING DECEMBER 18 1909 3 II OF THE MOMENT 1 What shall I buy him for Xmas You can settle it right here and easily too if youll look over the many appropriate thingsfor men were showing Bath Robes Hats Trousers Fancy Suspenders- Socks Suits TravelingBags Caps Overcoats Hand ¬ kerchiefs Vests Shirts Neckties Jewelry Collars Our special Christmas presents for men have at ¬ tracted many lady buyers who know values when they- see them They all recommend The Standard for practical gifts for men 20 per cent off on Suits Overcoats and Trous- ers ¬ Ask to see the ScratchUp Hats at 200 Be a Standard Dressed Man The Standard Clothing Co ii GASOLINEi Per V Full supply always on handF- REE I AIR FOR YOUR TIRES GULF MOTOR CO Buick AgentsPh- one 251 1921 W ROMAIfA AT ALL- HAZARDS 7 I We want to keep the lead we have If any other laun ¬ dry is doing any better work- S than ours please inform us of- itSTAR LAUNDRY For White People Exclusively Save your washing for us Well save your cloths for you Phone JJ4 For Chills Fever and Mm- lorim Colds and La Grippe take Planks Chill Tonic- Its cutTsnteed to cure Sound bottle 25c ounce bottle Wc A k the 4ru- zNew gfet and Relay Rails- We make a specialty of both and are prepared- to supply your require ¬ ments promptly Metzger Brothers MOBILE ALA r TERSELY TOLD o J 500 REWARDT- he Journal will pay 500 reward for evidence sufficient to convIct any boy or person found stealing subscribers papers after delivery of same by carrier Twentyone cases were on the po- lice court docket yesterday Fines- and costs amounted to 61 One case was continued two defendants were bound over to the county authorities three vagrants were given thirty days each on the streets S Margaret Evans colored an aged woman was picked up and lodged in the county Jail yesterday by the sher- iff ¬ for sate keeping She is held for lunacy and a commission will be named to make an examination as to her mental condition- C H Simpson of Arcadia was in the city yesterday shaking hands with his numerous friends S Deputy United States Marshal Wolfe returned yesterday from Talla baaec Judge Sheppard and Clerk a Fred W Marsh remained in Tallahas- see ¬ to enjoy a hunt but will return home today S S S T B Young of Youngstown 0 is among the business visitoTs to the city who are registered at the Mer- chants ¬ a c Mrs L F Martin of Miflin Ala registered at the Escambia yester- day ¬ S S S A libel was filed in the United States court yesterday by B Dotson against the steamer Belle The amount of the claim which is for re- pairs to the vessel is 5391 S Rachel White and Bertha Owens were placed in the county jail yes ¬ terday for larceny the complainant being Nettle Wilson who alleges the two girls had stolen some clothing- and dishes from her home were arrested by Policeman Milford S S S The home of Police Officer Rice on East Jackson street near Davis caught fire yesterday shortly after 3 oclock and was damaged heavily Two alarms were sent in for the de- partment ¬ one by telephone and the other from box IS S S S Supt N B Cook yesterday brought- to The Journal office a cotton stalk grown in the yard of E H Sellers- at 21 East LaRua street which is the second growth for tho present year The cotton was first planted- In May That matured and the seed from it was planted Aug IS From this seed a fine large stalk of cotton grew and the bolls would if given about three weeks more be ready to open a S- At the First Baptist church Sunday morning Mr J H Sherrill by invita- tion ¬ of the pastor will speak on a subject which will be helpful to all who are interested in Christian work among boys and young men Mr Bradford will sing the offertory At the close of the regular service there QiU ha held a short conference or DIRECTORY I DR L CURTIS PHILLIPS i Special attention given to diseases of children In connection with general prac ¬ tise Office 309 Blount Building Hours 9 to 11 a m 1 to 5 p ra Phone 65 i TJ WELCH Dentist Old OfficeP- hone 1078 Fisher Building I JOHN S BEARD ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Offices 301 and 301z Thiesen Building Practice In all Courts State and Federal REMOVAL NOTICE 1 I have moved my jewelry store and repair shop from 23 South Palafox to No 4 East Garden Street Special prices will be made on all goods- till December 1st J F DAVIS Jeweler MISS A CARLEN Naturopath Freckle and Wrinkles re ¬ moved Massage a specialty Suite 388 390 Brent Building Phone 333 DR J B TILLER DENTIST 310 Blount Building Office Phone roo Residence Phone 41 DR L H D PIERCE Room 30002 Building Phone S3 Practice limited to diseases or Eye Ear Nose and Throat Hours 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m T G YATES M D Optician 410 Blount Building Twenty years experience as an Eye Specialist Examination free GEO T MORGAN ATTORNEY AT LAW Room 100- 0Telephone 354 SOUTHERN BRICK CO Manufacturers of BUILDING AND FIRE BRICK Office 412 Thlessn Building Phone 1t69 Pensaccla ris SECRET SOCIETIES F A M Stated communication of Escam bla o A M c Monday December Oth at 7HO oclock Annual election of off- icers ¬ Visiting brothers frater ¬ nally invited iiAnar W GIBBS E J QUIGLEY W M Secretary ORDER EASTERN STAR Regular meeting of Florida Chapter No 9 Order Eastern Star Tuesday Decem ¬ ber 21 at 8 oclock Installation of off- icers ¬ Visiting members cordially Invited MIlS at E FOWLER MRS F M SMiTH W M Secretary I Junior Order United American Mechanics Mallory Council No 12 Junior Order of I United American Mechanics meets every J first and third Friday nights at 730 i oclock at K of P hall West Garden street Visiting members Invited- F C MEYER A L POIDEVANT Councillor Secretary Pensacola Lodge No4 I O O F rcn cola Lodge No 4 I O O F meets every Thursday night at 780 at their hall corner Baylen and Belmont i streets Visitors cordially Invited- P 1C NIELSEN G LAMBRECHT Secretary X G I VOLUNTEER VETERAN FIREMEN Volunteer Veteran Firemens Associa- tion ¬ meets at Knights of Columbus Hall the first Friday in each month at 800 p m J N ANDREWS- DAN MTJRPHY President Secret- aryH3McLEOD I A CO SAl LMAKERSM- anufacturers of Hammocks Cots Awn- ings ¬ Tents Tarpaulins and Canvas Hose MACHINEMADE SAILS A SPECIALTY- If Its Made of Canvas We Can Do It No 708 S Palafox Phone 1176 the church Services as usual at night All are cordially invited to at ¬ tend BLUE RIBBON THE WINNER Blue Ribbon Vanilla outsells all others because of Its absolute puri- ty ¬ great strength and delicious flay¬ or THE YOUNG MAN who last Christmas discovered that his girl had received six boxes of candy- all Whitmans but his has ordered- a 5pound box laid aside at the Crjs tal Pharmacy FIRM A L WOOLLEN SON TO CONTINUE BUSINESS We wish our patrons and the gen ¬ eral public to know that our Horse Shoeing Shop will be continued All work will be under the personal su- pervision ¬ of Frank Carroll expert Farrier Thanking you for past pa trqnage and respectfully soliciting a continuance of same we are Very truly yours- A L WOOLLEN SOX 2r West Intendencia Street decl6lw XMAS CARDS We have the best assort- ment ¬ in the city Royal Ci ¬ gar Store Lobby Thiesen Building NOTICE TO PUBLIC- I have purchased the Palace Press- ing ¬ Club conducted on DeLuna street and will continue the business In the j present stand I guarantee satisfac- tion and will be pleased to have the customers remain as my long expe- rience t in the tailoring business fits me to handle all work satisfactorily All bills due the Palace Pressing Club are payable to me i M SELIX I A lot of old newspapers tied up in neat sale 5c a bundle at The JourI nal oifice c The Shoe and Stocking Store Extends I Christmas Greetings to All I OUR VERY BEST WISHES- TO ALL FOR A MOST JOYOUS I CHRISTMAS MEYER SHOE GO Feet Furnishers For Folks 102 S Palafox TLLAFiASSEE- NEWSNOTES I ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST- AND PERSONAL MENTION GATH ERED AT THE STATE CAPITAL Special to the Journal Tallahassee Dec 17 Folowing are the more important cases sentenced- by Judge Malone at the recent term- of the circuit court These with a number of minor cases made a busy two weeks session Arnette Kershaw was tried for mur- der convicted and sentenced to hard labor for life Tom Graham murder in first degree- was recommended to mercy of court and sentenced to life imprisonment John H Moore forgery two charges found gum and sentenced to hard la- bor ¬ one year In each case John Nims Jr and Joe Nuns assault with intent to kill granted new trial Personal Mertion Gov GJlclirist and State Treasurer- W V Knott who have been on a ten days trip to the Everglades returned last night Judge Sheppard and the other off- icials ¬ of the federal court arrived in Tallahassee Sunday to open court the foliowins day TJrcrtr erevory Ieta cases to come up for trial Judge W H Hocker and bride ar- rived in Tallahassee yesterday Hon H C Crawford is absent for a few days on business connected with the order of Knights of Pythias of which ho is grand chancellor Hon T S Clark of Monticello made a professional visit to Tallahas- see ¬ yesterday Mrs L A Perkins after a protract- ed ¬ visit of two months to relatives in Texas returned home Monday Harry L Bethel state agent for Our Home Insurance Co will leave tomor ¬ row on his tlrst tour of the state The company will be establish handsome offices here in the Ames building- Dr H E Palmer who has spent the past two months in New York city in postgraduate work is expect- ed home in a day or two- T S Trantham will leave Saturday- for a Christmas visit to his home in Camden S C Mrs Brooks and daughters of Bos- ton ¬ Ga mother and sisters of Mrs- R A Shine Jr are visiting the latter- at her homo on Calhoun street William Blount Myers is expected home from Lawrenceville N J on tie 23d to spend his Christmas holjday wilh his parents Hon and Mrs Fred T Myers I Mrs Frisbie Chittenden and cWl dren of Pensacola are guests of r- and Mrs S D Chittenden on Park avenue Mrs D1 Iowry has returned from Pensacola where she went to atUnu the marriage of her sister Miss Eurfce Rawls Miss Gertrude Chittenden is hone again from a protracted visit to rda tives in New York Miss Eugenia Van Brunt left Mm day for Jacksonville to attend the marriage of a friend Miss Clar Bowen will spend tile holidays with friends in Jackrorrrife Hermann Roege L A Pr kins R W Shackleford Foster Dwis and William Robertson University ot j Florida boys will come homE ir 11 few days to stay through the lioliixs I Crowell and Clinton Dawkins II former from Michigan the latter fjoir Atlanta Ga will spend Chnstnns with their mother and other relatr A lot of eld newspaprs tied up in neat bundles for sale 5c a bundle at The Jour- nal office Catarrh Cannot be Curd with LOCAL APPLICATIONS athy t cannot reach the seat or the disease Ca tarrh is a blood or eoniitutlonal d r s- and In order to cure it you must tze in ternal remedies Halls Catarrh Ort Is taken internally and acts dimtiy h tii t blood and mucous surfaces HalJ Ca- tarrh ¬ Cure is not a quark medic It was prescribed by one of the bestlbvsi C clans in this country for years arf Is a 1 rp ular prescription It jc oomptfil of the best tonics known combined iIi the best blood puritlrs a < tang dir d> on 1 the mucous surfaces The perfeetoom- bination of the tW rgrodhnts products such wonderful results cur- ing Catarrh Send for testimonialfrve P J CHEXEY CO Props Tof o O Sold by Druggists prio 73o Take Halls Family Piiis for colpa J I J I 1M G BONIFAY SUCCUMBS TO A- SUDDENATTACK WELL KNOWN PENSACOLIAN ILL- A SHORT TIME DIES AT HOME AFTER VISITING OFFICE OF HIS ATTENDING PHYSICIAN > L G Bonifay 53 years of age I died rather suddenly yesterday at 815 a ra at his home No 412 W Gregory His death was caused by- a hemorrhage but was preceded by an attack of Brights disease which caused him to take to his bed some eight or ten days ago rust before his death an hour or two he visited the office of his physician and wa reported to have had a sinking spell Taken home lIt did not recover his strength and died shortly afterward His funeral will be held on Sunday morning the interment to be made at St Michaels cemetery Friends in large numbers who have known the deceased a lifetime will be present- Mr Bonifays illnss manifested it ¬ self while he was on duty in the gov ¬ ernment service Ho was one of the several inspectors of customs in this port and for upward of sixteen years had been in this position He entered the service under the collectorship- of D G Brent and was always de ¬ voted to an honest performance ol his duty His many years in the service together with other lines which he followed during his long ¬ time residence here made him known throughout the county More famil- iarly ¬ he was known along the water front and in shipping circles Some ten dajs ago he was taken sick and secured a leave of absence for such a period Some of the time he spent- in bed but most of the vacation he remained at home resting He lived with his sister Mrs Mercedes Har gis on VEst Gregory street His comrades in the barge office were expecting him to shortly report for duty and when the fact of his death was telephoned to the office yester- day ¬ at 820 oclock in the forenoon- it was almost unbelievable Soon the sad message spread over the shipping section and various business houses hoisted the United States flag at hair mast in respect to his memory At the pilots office this mark of respect- was noticeable all day Mr Bonifay had never married and always while in the city resided with his sister to whom he was devoted lIe had a brilliant education was well read was one oT the best thea ¬ trical critics and judged many of the old actors anti their work He was in good company when he found a per ¬ son whir could and mnild discuss the actors of the old line who had play- ed ¬ here and elsewhere Never a pub- lic ¬ man hut always resigned to his work he lived a life most reserved This Is Worth Remembering Whenever you have a cough or cold just remember that Foleys Honey and Tar will cure it Remem- ber ¬ the name Foleys Honey and Tar and refuse substitutes V A DAI emberte druggist and apothecary 121- S Palafox street THE YOUNG MAN who last Christmas discovered that his girl had received six boxes of candy all Whitmans but his has ordered a 5pound box laid aside at the Crystal Pharmacy NOTED EUROPEAN SURGEON HERE IN AID OF SCIENCE IDRTXQS iojwpscoj Dr lioiaas Jonnesco tt eminent urgeon ot thoTiiversitv cf BUharest s in this country and Las I n giving ome remarkalIe rnonstraticms of idinless surgery beforv various clinics n New York His isit is purely for he purpose of demonstrating to ioiPTitists of the western world his nethod of applying anaesthetics to the pinal cord to deaden the pain incident o surgical operations It has been eported that Dr Jonnesco is the dir over of this form of painless surgery mt this is resented by American sur eons who credit the discovery to Dr Leonard Corning Read The Journals Want olumns for bargains Subscribe for The Journal 1 1pllj1uwu The only Badng Powder made from Royal Grape Cream oX Tar trhWillt Insures the most delicious and healthful food F41 t akiW owr I ABSOLUTEX UE- I bRi1thTs AGAINST NAVA- LSTORESFIRMS WHILE COMPANIES WERE INNO CENT PURCHASERS THEY ARE NEVERTHELESS HELD RESPON SIBLE BY THE GOVERNMENT- AND SUITS ARE ENTERED- In the United States court yester- day suits were filed by Assistant Dis- trict ¬ Attorney Wilson representing- the government against the Consoli ¬ dated Naval Stores company and the Williams Naval Stores company the former in the sum of 2000 and the later 6000 The suits are the result of the firms purchasing rosin And turpentine from parties who had taken it from trees- on homestead lands where the home ¬ stead entry had not been completed- In the case of the Consolidated com- pany ¬ spirits and rosin to the value Of 2OOO were purchased from a par ¬ ty who had chipchopped trees on his homestead The parties were before the courts and were fihed 50 for the offense There are three suits against the Williams Naval Stores company two in the sum of 2500 and the other for 1500 All of these the govern ¬ ment claims represent the amount or spirits and rosin purchased from the firm of Cameron and Cofbettof San ¬ ta Rosa county who leased from three homesteaders the turpentine privil- eges on the lands they had hom6 steaded but had not completed the entry Under the new act or rather one passed a few years ago prohibiting chipchopping trees for turpentine purposes the buyer of the goods is held responsible though an innocent purchaser from wilful trespossers After exposure and when you feel- a cold coming on take Foleys Honey and Tar tho great throat and lung remedy It stops the cough r6- ieves the congestion and expels the cold from your system Is mildly laxative W A JDAJemberte 121 S Palafox street OLIVES- pecial to the Journal Olive Dec 17Author McCann of Mississippi Is visiting a few days with friends and relatives of this place- A W Majors of Cantonment spent Thursday with home folks Mr and Mrs Herman Poterscn of this place spent Wedhesday very pleasantly in Pensacola Mrs R 0 Connell and Mrs Hat tip Majors spent Thursday night with Mrs A W Majors- Mr and Mrs D M Merritt oT LEADERS OF TEMPERANCE CONCLAVE I HELD AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL E T WI1BU cRIaFrsI1 Washington Dec 16The lirst joint conference of national temperance or- ganizations ¬ convened here Dec 12 to 17 The president the secretary or war and secretary of the navy have been invited to participate in tho in snguration of this movement which Is to be confined to the persona question of abstinence with no reference to prohibition or the canteen Another probable outcome of the conference is the revival of the Con gressional Temperance society Scores of the most famous temperance advocates in the United States attended Olive spent Sunday afternoon with his sister of this place Mr and Mrs John Majors who have Seen spending a few days with his parents have returned home to Lake View Miss Robertson of Ferry Passspent Thursday night with Mr and Mrs E O Crelghton The infant of Mr and Mrs Henry Majors has been real sick this week Mrs Emma Johnson spent Thurs ¬ day shopping in Pensacola- Mr and Mrs J T Majors of Lake View spent Saturday night and Sun ¬ day with his parents The little child of Mr Frankie Jer nigan has been sick for a few weeks Mr and Mrs A Yo Majors went shopping in Pensacola Thursday 0 o + 4 RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT 4 4 0 4 OOO Castle Hall of Rathbone Ledge No 30 Knights of Pythias Ponsacola Florida December 16 1909 Whereas Tho Supreme Chancellor of the Universe in tho exercise of his unerring wisdom has seen fit to call to the Celestial Lodge above our friend and Brother Knight- A L WOOLLEN And Whereas this transition is to this Lodge and to us individually an Irremediable loss therefore It Resolved By Rathbone Lodge No 30 Knights of Pythias that in tho death of Brother A L Woollen TTP have lost a true and honorable friend and a loyal Knight and the Order- at large has lost one whose life was an exponent of the pure and kind and those lofty ideals of Pythianslm Be It further resolved That we tender to tho family of our deceased Brother in this their hour of afflic- tion ¬ our sincere sympathy and in their day of sorrow can only commend them to the God of the Fatherless To Hlia who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb Be it further resolved That a pago of the minutes of this lodge suitably inscribed be dedicated to the memory of our deceased brother and that a copy of these resolutions suitably en- grossed ¬ be delivered to the family of our departed brother Fraternally submitted- J D Goas Chairman ELMER MAY M F lUCKS Committee Bliss SheDo you remember the night you proposed to mo and we sat an hour without saying a word He Yes that was the happit hour of my life CHRISTMAS GIFTS a h Tea Sets k u 1arJ SJo Timely Gift Sugoestions upward 1- 15IJqr Gold ia0 Upward Ladlee Watch DIamonds WHAT TO GIVE A WOMAN WHAT TO GIVE A MAN Chains SOlraIrcand t Dia Diamond rewelr 1 upward I Ash Trays SO upward 250 tiard- mond JewelIj f Sh BafPJ trO Cloth Hrubes 1 from Vs to s 6 Band pIntM r f > Xeck CharInS 100 Cuff I inks F0 Signet Rings Lockets 100 VIt Chains ° UPWSX SI to 25 Solid Gold Fobs 7 Fobs 75 Lookets and Chains Back Combs 5 Cillrarette Cases 154 II 1> 0 upward Bracelets ShIrt Waist Sets 7r I Manicuring ArUcles Sft If Mesh Seas The Usfaetory Yell Pins l 8 Nail CiIn Silver 50 S35 45t 4 up kind GH flUff CAses WB Crown Bottle Openers 75 imrd S10 urwarn Gold Link Buttons i6 TIaIr Brutches Lfs Fobs t to Brooches 58 Nj1itiry Sets silver 4M0 FO man or Wrrn Cuff Links Collar Fins 58 Lokrts 1O an rlbbnn j- With f thn Scarf Pins fie Charm 58 Ward Gold 1 rignet Belt Pins It Signet Rings O- OGl4 OPS or th lae Real n Hat Pins LM Shaving Cups and upwwuod- n flllPi Slpet Hat PiB8 rufOh 1 Cut Gta- upv d Solid Rings Ti Claftl Iie ifc to goM io upward Bed Room Clodts ieo Shaving cake Boxell 3O Oftette Ssty Cloth Brushes Brushes and COb5 15 If Shavirg tHick Boxes 319 R5Z- OStriing sIlvr fl Mirrors L Iorket Knives ioe 12 ca upward Coin Purses ZJi8 Scarf P4ns 50 JJiad gtving fT Searl Pins BraCflet5 143S Vhiak BroDfIIII 150 5 to lit cl lH Belt Pins 7 Clear Cuttere Th llhaves i Gold fUJ 5c up Don non DShe lie 8rJkfng Sets I ward Solid gold I Bon Bon SpOOI 1O rllio 4 Umbrellas upward Book Narle 75 Ctrk Serpu 1e co Th nv stTe NapkIn Rings Hat Pin Holders o4 Giliett Sarty Razor > dtAchablo hand 50 to iiO Jewel Cas hop Horns 7 co to l- Lornptte Chains M Jek Fnrnihinp = O CIocs Men s Vest Chains Sign < t Rings 12 TIP M1UTC5 10 Gold and Ptlvr Plated 7ic to io Stone Rings 150 Bm Yol ° t plated 1Z5 up Gold filled 230 SeillONI Napkin hings 50 ward Others frrm upward Belt Buckles 7 ltiii ao 11 to 51- OPEN EVENINGS The Palace Jewelry Co 109 S PALAFOX ST TILL CHRISTMAS JOHNSONS BOOK STORE

Pensacola Journal. (Pensacola, Florida) 1909-12-18 [p 3].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu › UF › 00 › 07 › 59 › 11 › 00381 › 0643.pdf · Atlanta Ga will spend Chnstnns with

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Page 1: Pensacola Journal. (Pensacola, Florida) 1909-12-18 [p 3].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu › UF › 00 › 07 › 59 › 11 › 00381 › 0643.pdf · Atlanta Ga will spend Chnstnns with




OF THE MOMENT1 What shall I buy him for Xmas

You can settle it right here and easily too ifyoull look over the many appropriate thingsfor menwere showing

Bath Robes Hats Trousers Fancy Suspenders-Socks Suits TravelingBags Caps Overcoats Hand¬

kerchiefs Vests Shirts Neckties Jewelry CollarsOur special Christmas presents for men have at¬

tracted many lady buyers who know values when they-see them They all recommend The Standard forpractical gifts for men

20 per cent off on Suits Overcoats and Trous-ers


Ask to see the ScratchUp Hats at 200Be a Standard Dressed Man

The Standard Clothing Coii



Full supply always on handF-REE



GULF MOTOR COBuick AgentsPh-

one 251 1921 W ROMAIfA



IWe want to keep the lead

we have If any other laun ¬

dry is doing any better work-S than ours please inform us


itSTAR LAUNDRYFor White People Exclusively

Save your washing for us Well save your cloths for you

Phone JJ4For Chills Fever and Mm-

lorim Colds and La Grippetake

Planks Chill Tonic-

Its cutTsnteed to cureSound bottle 25c ouncebottle Wc A k the 4ru-



and Relay Rails-We make a specialty ofboth and are prepared-to supply your require ¬

ments promptlyMetzger Brothers




he Journal will pay 500 reward forevidence sufficient to convIct any boy orperson found stealing subscribers papersafter delivery of same by carrier

Twentyone cases were on the po-

lice court docket yesterday Fines-and costs amounted to 61 One casewas continued two defendants werebound over to the county authoritiesthree vagrants were given thirty dayseach on the streets


Margaret Evans colored an agedwoman was picked up and lodged inthe county Jail yesterday by the sher-iff


for sate keeping She is held forlunacy and a commission will benamed to make an examination as toher mental condition-

C H Simpson of Arcadia was inthe city yesterday shaking hands withhis numerous friends


Deputy United States MarshalWolfe returned yesterday from Tallabaaec Judge Sheppard and Clerk


Fred W Marsh remained in Tallahas-see


to enjoy a hunt but will returnhome today


T B Young of Youngstown 0 isamong the business visitoTs to thecity who are registered at the Mer-chants


a cMrs L F Martin of Miflin Ala

registered at the Escambia yester-day



A libel was filed in the UnitedStates court yesterday by B Dotsonagainst the steamer Belle Theamount of the claim which is for re-pairs to the vessel is 5391


Rachel White and Bertha Owenswere placed in the county jail yes ¬

terday for larceny the complainantbeing Nettle Wilson who alleges thetwo girls had stolen some clothing-and dishes from her homewere arrested by Policeman Milford


The home of Police Officer Rice onEast Jackson street near Daviscaught fire yesterday shortly after 3oclock and was damaged heavilyTwo alarms were sent in for the de-partment


one by telephone and theother from box IS


Supt N B Cook yesterday brought-to The Journal office a cotton stalkgrown in the yard of E H Sellers-at 21 East LaRua street which isthe second growth for tho presentyear The cotton was first planted-In May That matured and the seedfrom it was planted Aug IS Fromthis seed a fine large stalk of cottongrew and the bolls would if givenabout three weeks more be ready toopen

a S-

At the First Baptist church Sundaymorning Mr J H Sherrill by invita-tion


of the pastor will speak on asubject which will be helpful to allwho are interested in Christian workamong boys and young men MrBradford will sing the offertory Atthe close of the regular service thereQiU ha held a short conference or

DIRECTORYI DR L CURTIS PHILLIPSi Special attention given to diseases ofchildren In connection with general prac ¬

tise Office 309 Blount Building Hours9 to 11 a m 1 to 5 p ra Phone 65


T J WELCH DentistOld OfficeP-

hone 1078 Fisher Building


Offices 301 and 301z Thiesen BuildingPractice In all Courts State and Federal

REMOVAL NOTICE1 I have moved my jewelry store andrepair shop from 23 South Palafox toNo 4 East Garden StreetSpecial prices will be made on all goods-

till December 1st


Naturopath Freckle and Wrinkles re ¬

moved Massage a specialty Suite 388390 Brent Building Phone 333


310 Blount BuildingOffice Phone roo Residence Phone 41

DR L H D PIERCERoom 30002 Building Phone

S3 Practice limited to diseases or EyeEar Nose and Throat Hours 9 to 12 am 2 to 4 p m

T G YATES M DOptician

410 Blount BuildingTwenty years experience as an Eye

Specialist Examination free


Room 100-0Telephone 354

SOUTHERN BRICK COManufacturers of

BUILDING AND FIRE BRICKOffice 412 Thlessn Building

Phone 1t69 Pensaccla ris


Stated communication of Escambla o A M

c Monday December Oth at 7HOoclock Annual election of off-icers


Visiting brothers frater ¬nally invited



Regular meeting of Florida Chapter No9 Order Eastern Star Tuesday Decem ¬

ber 21 at 8 oclock Installation of off-icers

¬Visiting members cordially Invited


Junior Order United American MechanicsMallory Council No 12 Junior Order of


United American Mechanics meets every J

first and third Friday nights at 730 ioclock at K of P hall West Gardenstreet Visiting members Invited-F C MEYER

A L POIDEVANT CouncillorSecretary

Pensacola Lodge No4 I O O Frcn cola Lodge No 4 I O O Fmeets every Thursday night at 780 attheir hall corner Baylen and Belmont istreets Visitors cordially Invited-


Secretary X G I

VOLUNTEER VETERAN FIREMENVolunteer Veteran Firemens Associa-


meets at Knights of Columbus Hallthe first Friday in each month at 800p m






anufacturers of Hammocks Cots Awn-ings


Tents Tarpaulins andCanvas Hose


If Its Made of Canvas We Can Do ItNo 708 S Palafox Phone 1176

the church Services as usual atnight All are cordially invited to at¬


BLUE RIBBON THE WINNERBlue Ribbon Vanilla outsells all

others because of Its absolute puri-ty


great strength and delicious flay¬


THE YOUNG MANwho last Christmas discovered that hisgirl had received six boxes of candy-all Whitmans but his has ordered-a 5pound box laid aside at the Crjstal Pharmacy


We wish our patrons and the gen ¬

eral public to know that our HorseShoeing Shop will be continued Allwork will be under the personal su-pervision


of Frank Carroll expertFarrier Thanking you for past patrqnage and respectfully soliciting acontinuance of same we are

Very truly yours-A L WOOLLEN SOX

2r West Intendencia Streetdecl6lw

XMAS CARDSWe have the best assort-


in the city Royal Ci ¬

gar Store Lobby ThiesenBuilding

NOTICE TO PUBLIC-I have purchased the Palace Press-


Club conducted on DeLuna streetand will continue the business In the j

present stand I guarantee satisfac-tion and will be pleased to have thecustomers remain as my long expe-rience


in the tailoring business fits meto handle all work satisfactorily Allbills due the Palace Pressing Club arepayable to me


A lot of old newspaperstied up in neatsale 5c a bundle at The JourInal oifice


The Shoe and Stocking Store ExtendsI

Christmas Greetings to All








Feet Furnishers For Folks102 S Palafox






Special to the JournalTallahassee Dec 17 Folowing are

the more important cases sentenced-by Judge Malone at the recent term-of the circuit court These with anumber of minor cases made a busytwo weeks session

Arnette Kershaw was tried for mur-der convicted and sentenced to hardlabor for life

Tom Graham murder in first degree-was recommended to mercy of courtand sentenced to life imprisonment

John H Moore forgery two chargesfound gum and sentenced to hard la-


one year In each caseJohn Nims Jr and Joe Nuns assault

with intent to kill granted new trialPersonal Mertion

Gov GJlclirist and State Treasurer-W V Knott who have been on a tendays trip to the Everglades returnedlast night

Judge Sheppard and the other off-icials


of the federal court arrived inTallahassee Sunday to open court thefoliowins day TJrcrtr erevory Ietacases to come up for trial

Judge W H Hocker and bride ar-rived in Tallahassee yesterday

Hon H C Crawford is absent for afew days on business connected withthe order of Knights of Pythias ofwhich ho is grand chancellor

Hon T S Clark of Monticellomade a professional visit to Tallahas-see


yesterdayMrs L A Perkins after a protract-


visit of two months to relatives inTexas returned home Monday

Harry L Bethel state agent for OurHome Insurance Co will leave tomor¬

row on his tlrst tour of the state Thecompany will be establish handsomeoffices here in the Ames building-

Dr H E Palmer who has spentthe past two months in New Yorkcity in postgraduate work is expect-ed home in a day or two-

T S Trantham will leave Saturday-for a Christmas visit to his home inCamden S C

Mrs Brooks and daughters of Bos-ton


Ga mother and sisters of Mrs-R A Shine Jr are visiting the latter-at her homo on Calhoun street

William Blount Myers is expectedhome from Lawrenceville N J on tie23d to spend his Christmas holjday wilhhis parents Hon and Mrs Fred TMyers I

Mrs Frisbie Chittenden and cWldren of Pensacola are guests of r-

and Mrs S D Chittenden on Parkavenue

Mrs D1 Iowry has returned fromPensacola where she went to atUnuthe marriage of her sister Miss EurfceRawls

Miss Gertrude Chittenden is honeagain from a protracted visit to rdatives in New York

Miss Eugenia Van Brunt left Mmday for Jacksonville to attend themarriage of a friend

Miss Clar Bowen will spend tileholidays with friends in Jackrorrrife

Hermann Roege L A Prkins R W Shackleford Foster Dwisand William Robertson University ot j

Florida boys will come homE ir 11

few days to stay through the lioliixs I

Crowell and Clinton Dawkins IIformer from Michigan the latter fjoirAtlanta Ga will spend Chnstnnswith their mother and other relatr

A lot of eld newspaprstied up in neat bundles forsale 5c a bundle at The Jour-nal office

Catarrh Cannot be Curdwith LOCAL APPLICATIONS athy tcannot reach the seat or the disease Catarrh is a blood or eoniitutlonal d r s-

and In order to cure it you must tze internal remedies Halls Catarrh Ort Istaken internally and acts dimtiy h tii tblood and mucous surfaces HalJ Ca-


Cure is not a quark medic Itwas prescribed by one of the bestlbvsi C

clans in this country for years arf Is a 1rp ular prescription It jc oomptfil ofthe best tonics known combined iIi thebest blood puritlrs a < tang dir d> on 1

the mucous surfaces The perfeetoom-bination of the tW rgrodhntsproducts such wonderful results cur-ing Catarrh Send for testimonialfrveP J CHEXEY CO Props Tof o O

Sold by Druggists prio 73oTake Halls Family Piiis for colpa J










>L G Bonifay 53 years of ageI died rather suddenly yesterday at815 a ra at his home No 412 WGregory His death was caused by-

a hemorrhage but was preceded byan attack of Brights disease whichcaused him to take to his bed someeight or ten days ago rust beforehis death an hour or two he visitedthe office of his physician and wareported to have had a sinking spellTaken home lIt did not recover hisstrength and died shortly afterward

His funeral will be held on Sundaymorning the interment to be made atSt Michaels cemetery Friends inlarge numbers who have known thedeceased a lifetime will be present-

Mr Bonifays illnss manifested it¬

self while he was on duty in the gov ¬

ernment service Ho was one of theseveral inspectors of customs in thisport and for upward of sixteen yearshad been in this position He enteredthe service under the collectorship-of D G Brent and was always de¬

voted to an honest performance olhis duty His many years in theservice together with other lineswhich he followed during his long¬

time residence here made him knownthroughout the county More famil-iarly


he was known along the waterfront and in shipping circles Someten dajs ago he was taken sick andsecured a leave of absence for sucha period Some of the time he spent-in bed but most of the vacation heremained at home resting He livedwith his sister Mrs Mercedes Hargis on VEst Gregory street Hiscomrades in the barge office wereexpecting him to shortly report forduty and when the fact of his deathwas telephoned to the office yester-day


at 820 oclock in the forenoon-it was almost unbelievable Soon thesad message spread over the shippingsection and various business houseshoisted the United States flag at hairmast in respect to his memory Atthe pilots office this mark of respect-was noticeable all day

Mr Bonifay had never married andalways while in the city resided withhis sister to whom he was devotedlIe had a brilliant education waswell read was one oT the best thea ¬

trical critics and judged many of theold actors anti their work He was ingood company when he found a per¬

son whir could and mnild discuss theactors of the old line who had play-ed


here and elsewhere Never a pub-lic


man hut always resigned to hiswork he lived a life most reserved

This Is Worth RememberingWhenever you have a cough or

cold just remember that FoleysHoney and Tar will cure it Remem-ber


the name Foleys Honey and Tarand refuse substitutes V A DAIemberte druggist and apothecary 121-S Palafox street

THE YOUNG MANwho last Christmas discovered that hisgirl had received six boxes of candyall Whitmans but his has ordered a5pound box laid aside at the CrystalPharmacy



IDRTXQS iojwpscojDr lioiaas Jonnesco tt eminent

urgeon ot thoTiiversitv cf BUharests in this country and Las I n givingome remarkalIe rnonstraticms ofidinless surgery beforv various clinicsn New York His isit is purely forhe purpose of demonstrating toioiPTitists of the western world hisnethod of applying anaesthetics to thepinal cord to deaden the pain incidento surgical operations It has beeneported that Dr Jonnesco is the dirover of this form of painless surgerymt this is resented by American sureons who credit the discovery to Dr

Leonard Corning

Read The Journals Wantolumns for bargains

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The only Badng Powdermade from Royal Grape Cream oX TartrhWillt

Insures the mostdelicious and healthful food

F41 t










In the United States court yester-day suits were filed by Assistant Dis-trict


Attorney Wilson representing-the government against the Consoli¬

dated Naval Stores company and theWilliams Naval Stores company theformer in the sum of 2000 and thelater 6000

The suits are the result of the firmspurchasing rosin And turpentine fromparties who had taken it from trees-on homestead lands where the home ¬

stead entry had not been completed-In the case of the Consolidated com-pany


spirits and rosin to the valueOf 2OOO were purchased from a par¬

ty who had chipchopped trees on hishomestead The parties were beforethe courts and were fihed 50 for theoffense

There are three suits against theWilliams Naval Stores company twoin the sum of 2500 and the otherfor 1500 All of these the govern ¬

ment claims represent the amount orspirits and rosin purchased from thefirm of Cameron and Cofbettof San ¬

ta Rosa county who leased from threehomesteaders the turpentine privil-eges on the lands they had hom6steaded but had not completed theentry

Under the new act or rather onepassed a few years ago prohibitingchipchopping trees for turpentinepurposes the buyer of the goods isheld responsible though an innocentpurchaser from wilful trespossers

After exposure and when you feel-a cold coming on take FoleysHoney and Tar tho great throat andlung remedy It stops the cough r6-ieves the congestion and expels the

cold from your system Is mildlylaxative W A JDAJemberte 121 SPalafox street

OLIVES-pecial to the Journal

Olive Dec 17Author McCann ofMississippi Is visiting a few dayswith friends and relatives of thisplace-

A W Majors of Cantonment spentThursday with home folks

Mr and Mrs Herman Poterscn ofthis place spent Wedhesday verypleasantly in Pensacola

Mrs R 0 Connell and Mrs Hattip Majors spent Thursday night withMrs A W Majors-

Mr and Mrs D M Merritt oT



WI1BU cRIaFrsI1Washington Dec 16The lirst joint conference of national temperance or-


convened here Dec 12 to 17 The president the secretary orwar and secretary of the navy have been invited to participate in tho insnguration of this movement which Is to be confined to the personaquestion of abstinence with no reference to prohibition or the canteenAnother probable outcome of the conference is the revival of the Congressional Temperance society Scores of the most famous temperanceadvocates in the United States attended

Olive spent Sunday afternoon withhis sister of this place

Mr and Mrs John Majors whohave Seen spending a few days withhis parents have returned home toLake View

Miss Robertson of Ferry PassspentThursday night with Mr and Mrs EO Crelghton

The infant of Mr and Mrs HenryMajors has been real sick this week

Mrs Emma Johnson spent Thurs ¬

day shopping in Pensacola-Mr and Mrs J T Majors of Lake

View spent Saturday night and Sun ¬

day with his parentsThe little child of Mr Frankie Jer

nigan has been sick for a few weeksMr and Mrs A Yo Majors went

shopping in Pensacola Thursday0 o + 4


4 OOOCastle Hall of Rathbone Ledge No

30 Knights of Pythias PonsacolaFlorida December 16 1909

Whereas Tho Supreme Chancellorof the Universe in tho exercise of hisunerring wisdom has seen fit to callto the Celestial Lodge above ourfriend and Brother Knight-

A L WOOLLENAnd Whereas this transition is to

this Lodge and to us individually anIrremediable loss therefore It

Resolved By Rathbone Lodge No30 Knights of Pythias that in thodeath of Brother A L Woollen TTP

have lost a true and honorable friendand a loyal Knight and the Order-at large has lost one whose life wasan exponent of the pure and kindand those lofty ideals of Pythianslm

Be It further resolved That wetender to tho family of our deceasedBrother in this their hour of afflic-tion


our sincere sympathy and in theirday of sorrow can only commend themto the God of the Fatherless To Hliawho tempers the wind to the shornlamb

Be it further resolved That a pagoof the minutes of this lodge suitablyinscribed be dedicated to the memoryof our deceased brother and that acopy of these resolutions suitably en-


be delivered to the family ofour departed brother

Fraternally submitted-J D Goas ChairmanELMER MAYM F lUCKS


SheDo you remember the nightyou proposed to mo and we sat anhour without saying a word

He Yes that was the happithour of my life


ku 1arJ

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Gold ia0 Upward Ladlee WatchDIamonds WHAT TO GIVE A WOMAN WHAT TO GIVE A MAN Chains

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thn Scarf Pins fie Charm 58 Ward Gold 1rignet Belt Pins It Signet Rings O-OGl4

OPS or th lae Real n Hat Pins LM Shaving Cups and upwwuod-n flllPi Slpet Hat PiB8 rufOh 1 Cut Gta-upv d Solid Rings Ti Claftl Iie ifc togoM io upward Bed Room Clodts ieo Shaving cake Boxell 3O Oftette SstyCloth Brushes Brushes and COb5 15 If Shavirg tHick Boxes 319 R5Z-

OStriing sIlvr fl Mirrors L Iorket Knives ioe 12 caupward Coin Purses ZJi8 Scarf P4ns 50 JJiad gtving fTSearl Pins BraCflet5 143S Vhiak BroDfIIII 150 5 to lit cl lHBelt Pins 7 Clear Cuttere Th llhaves iGold fUJ 5c up Don non DShe lie 8rJkfng Sets I

ward Solid gold I Bon Bon SpOOI 1O rllio 4 Umbrellasupward Book Narle 75 Ctrk Serpu 1e co Th nv stTe

NapkIn Rings Hat Pin Holders o4 Giliett Sarty Razor > dtAchablo hand50 to iiO Jewel Cas hop Horns 7 co to l-

Lornptte Chains M Jek Fnrnihinp = O CIocsMen s Vest Chains Sign< t Rings 12 TIP M1UTC5 10 Gold and PtlvrPlated 7ic to io Stone Rings 150 Bm Yol ° t plated 1Z5 upGold filled 230 SeillONI Napkin hings 50 ward Others frrmupward Belt Buckles 7 ltiii ao 11 to 51-