r T F F Ti I THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL SATURDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 27 c IPF Our Fall and Winter Suits jj have a strong pull with the boys Double breasted with I bloomer pants 5 to 10 fr With straight pants 2 to 750- Russian and sailor suits for small boys Ages 20 to 8 years 350 to 6 Wrights fleece lined underwear 50c the garment Munsing Union Suits in medium weight balbriggan 50c Boys Soft Hats in Col ¬ lege shapes 125 to 2- CapsYacht and Gold shapes50c- GlovesTan dressed kid 100 Holeproof Stockings guaranteed for six months Six pairs to the box 2 Everything men and boy- sThe vr John White StoreT- he Store With the Reputation 20JT207 S Paiafoi St t J Established over quarter cen- turyOldsmobiles J z Oaklands Brush Escambia Motor Car Co East Garden Street HUNTERS RACK WITHOUT GAMEA- LLIE I RIERA AND SAM ROSENAU WHO WENT AFTER DEER WERE LOST IN THE WOODS TWELVE- OR FIFTEEN MILES FROM CAMP WALTON L AlHo Riera and Sam Rosenau two of the Concordia Clubs hunting party reached the city yesterday morning- and related an experience in the woods which they are not anxious to undergo again It is needless to say they returned empty handed but it was not due to the fact that deer in plenty could not be found but to the misfortune of the hunters In getting lost and finally when near deer were too tired to hunt any more With a number of experienced hunters tho two were sure of getting deer and went about twelve or fifteen miles from Camp Walton There they became lost and spent nearly all day In an effort to locate their camp 50 MILLIONc- od fish more or less are caught each year on the coast of Norway- the livers of which are made into Cod Liver Oil The best oil is made from the fish caught at the Lofoten Islands Scott Bowne use only that oil in making their celebrated Scotts Emulsion and when skillfully combined with Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda they produce a medicinal food un ¬ equalled in the world for building up the body TOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Send Ida name ot paper and this md for oar be40tifuJ Sarinsm Bank and Child1 SketchBook Each buk contains a Good Luck Penn SCOTT ft BOWNE 409 Purl SU New Ycefc 44 ffeatbOUL- L 3E SUSPMSED TO SEE BOW YOUNG YOU LOOK WHEN YOUR HAIR IS RESTORED TOt ITS NATURAL COLOR Theres BO excuse for unsightly gray or faded hair It males yea look old when you ro notits tmcghtly and embarrassing Hays Hair Health will Lring Lack the natu ¬ ral color and beauty and make your hair bright luxuriant and full of youthful vitality Stops dandruff and falling out Purely vege- table and haralcs not a dye 1 and Gee BOTTLES AT DRUGGISTS Send 3c for tree book The Care of the Hair PfcUo Hay Spec Co Newark N J U S A WHITE CO OPERA HOUSE One Night Only Monday November 29th Extraordinary Engagement- The Henry Miller Players in THE SERVANT- IN THE HOUSE- By Charles Rann Kennedy Two Years in New York Prices 50c to 150 Seats on sale Friday 9 a m Just One Night Tuesday November 30th Jules Murry Presents the Southlands Favorite I 7 iiiiiT I Just turned em away In Atlanta Literally carried away her audience- In a gale of laughter and songConstl ¬ tutions A highgeared 6cylinder racer that carried a house full of Atlantians away for a big Joy ride last htJournalO- ne of merriest merry musical comedies of the season Georgian Nothing finer ever left New York Prices SOc 75c 100 and 5150 Seat sale Saturday November 27 traveling thirty or forty miles on foot When they finally located their camp they were too exhausted to go further even when told by some of the residents of that section that deer could be found in half an hours walk This they did not believe for they had walked all day without < ecing a trace To prove their assertion the men went out and within fifteen min ¬ utes jumped five Half an hour later half a dozen more were seen I KNIGHTS OF THE SADDLE COMING SOME OF BEST JOCKEYS IN COUNTRY WILL RIDE AT MON CRIEF THIS WINTERJAC- KI UPTON DAVE NICOL AND OTH- ER ¬ GOOD ONES TO BE THERE- All the best jcckeys in America- are coming to Florida for the winter race meets A dispatch from New York says Jockey Jack Upton the promising light weight jockey who has ridden- on the Eastern tracks for the past three years left Monday for Tampa Fla accompanied by his manager William R Booker Jr to ride as a free lance during the coming winter meetings alternating at Jackson- ville ¬ and Tampa where his services will be in strong demand Upton has not signed any written agreement Other jockeys who leave on the same train will be Dave Nicol under contract to the Chelsea stable Jim- my ¬ McIntyre to William Garth Charles Raynor to George Odom Austin Lang free lance Charles Grand to Barney Schrieber P Mc Daniel free lance Guy Burns free lance Clifford Gilbert free lance and O Fain to R F Carman A special train carrying the con ¬ signments of Richard F Carman with 42 old horses and yearlings H E Shaws second division and several other minor owners left this city bound for the coming first meeting- at Jacksonville Rye Grass Seed 25c per pound or 250 bushel at The Crystal Pharmacy C1 PACKARD DIED THURSDAY IN lOUISVlllE WELL KNOWN PUBLISHER OF NORTH AND SOUTH EXPIRED AFTER A LINGERING ILLNESS WILL BE BURIED IN ADRIAN MICH SUNDAY News reached Pensacola yesterday- of the dexttn of Condict C Packard who expired in Louisville Thursday afternoon at 4 oclock after an Illness extending over nearly a year Mr Packard was well known in Pensacola where during the past ten years he had spent a large part of his time and which he claimed as home He was publisher of The North and South a monthly magazine devoted to the development of South- ern ¬ lands and industries and some of his finest work was descriptive of Pensacola and West Florida re ¬ sources He was a newspaper man of long experience and exceptional hkilliancy and he had during his life time owned and edited several daily papers in the north and west The deceased is survived by a daughter Miss Elizabeth Packard of Pittsburg and two sons R C and H J Packard of Pensacola These gentlemen left yesterday to be pres- ent ¬ at the funeral which will occur Sunday in Adrian Mich Mr Pack ¬ ards old home Mrs Louie Hite 428 Outlen St Danville 111 writes October 1st Foleys Kidney Pills started me on the road to health I was treated by four doctors and took other kidney remedies but grew worse and was unable to do my housework and the doctor told me I only could live from two to six months I ana now so much better that I do all of my own work and I shall be very glad to tell anyone afflicted with kidney or blad ¬ der trouble the good results I re ¬ ceived from taking Foleys Kidney Pills Commence today and be well Do not risk having Brights disease- or Diabetes W A DAlemberte druggist and apothecary 121 South Palafox Stre- etVALUABLE PEAT BOGS OF STATE AMERICAN SOCIETY SHOWS IT CAN BE PRODUCED IN FLORIDA FOR 1 PER TONHAS 75 PER CENT THE HEATING QUALITY < OF COAL A Boston dispatch to the Tampa I Times says Peatwhich can be pro- duced ¬ for 1 per ton and which has 75 I per cent of the heating quality of coal can be used in any furnace fire ¬ box or range and has many valuable I TENYERSOFS- CALPERUPTION Tiny Pinhead Pimples Filled and- HurtTremendouslyTried Every ¬ thing in VainHis Daughters Scalp was CrustedBoth Found SIMPLY SURPRISING- CURE IN CUTICURA It is a great pleasure for me and I consider it a duty to inform you what Cuticura has done for me About twelve years ago I contracted an erup- tion of tho scalp consisting of small pimples size of a pinhead which after a few days with pus and which hurt tremendously I tried everything but in vain Finally I washed my bead with sulphur ap¬ plied a carbolic ointment After a few days the pimples disappeared only to This I como in a week suffered for ten years and then I saw an advertisement in the paper of tho wonderful cures by Cutieura I bought- a cake of Cuticura Soap a box of Cuti cufff Ointment and a bottle of Cuticura Pills and after three weeks I had used only half the Soap and Ointment and m head was aa clean as ever before After the first application it was simply surprising how My daughter used Cuticura Soap and Ointment for scales on the scalp and after having used them three times her head was clear and the hair became as soft and fine as siik Since then she uses nothing but Cuticura Soap for shampooing In consequence of my having used Cuticura Soap for shampooing I no ¬ ticed that my al ¬ ways were cracked from handling un ¬ dressed wood lime and stone became white and velvety Formerly I used but one nights treatment with Cuticura Soap and Ointment does more for my hands than a weeks treat- ment with glycerine I hope all suf- fering ¬ people will at least try the Cuti ¬ cura Remedies Herman Becker Fi field Wis November 9 190S U Millions of women throughout the world use Cuticura Soap and Ointment- for eczemas rashes itchlngs irritations inflammations chafings pimples black- heads ¬ dandruff dry falling hair sanative antiseptic cleansing and for the toilet bath and nursery Cntlcnra Ren lle3 are soJd throughout the world Potter Drug << Chem Corp Sole PrnflL 135 Colum- bus Ave Boston Miss ejCuticura Booklet milled tree tes aM you nefC 10 know about th- er111 treatment ot Dtaetaea ol the Skin Scalp G ORDINARY CARE- t LESSENS DANGERA- uthorities are pretty well united In the opinion that care on the part of the Individual greatly lessens the danger of contracting consumption So many cases of this dread disease have their origin In neglect of an ordinary cough or cold that it Is appalling to note the indifference with which so many people regard this common complaint- At the first Indication of a cold steps should be taken to check It at once For this purpose the following simple for- mula ¬ Is highly recommended as being most effective Mix together In a large bottle two ounces of Glycerine a half ounce of Virgin OH of Pine compound- pure and eight ounces of pure whisky Shake well and take a teaspoonful four times a day It is claimed by the Loach Chemical Co of Cincinnati who prepare the genuine Virgin OH of Pine compound- pure that this mixture will break up a cold In twentyfour hours and cure any cough that is curable i j 4- 3i The Public May See How perfectly clean and sanitary is The Empire where linen lasts All on one floor perfectly venti ¬ lated with oceans of clear water and pure soap use- dEmpire p a LaundryWh- ere Linen Lasts W C MACKEY Mgr Phone 322 f a 1 BOWLING ALLEYS I Open from 9 a m till midnight For ladles and gentlemen WEST ROMANA STREET Moyer on the Square Cor Government and Alcaniz Phone 718 Choice Groceries Try our homemade Sausage made in our marKet on our own clean marble slabs The finest meats In BUJJ auo XUE 3BU3ClD 3V VVJ3 311J Phone 718 when you want something nice A McD MOYER byproducts was discussed here at the first session of the American Peat societys third annual meeting This was held in the geological lecture room of engineering ouilding B Mas ¬ sachusetts Institute of Technology Although the number of persons present at the first session was small- it was a representative body of men who came from all parts of the coun- try ¬ even from St Augustine Fla from Reno Xev and from Kalamazoo Mich The society was tormed at the Jamestown exposition three years ago with 27 members It now has 115 and nearlyevery state in the Union and Canada and Great Britain are rep- resented The association was formed for the renaissance of peat which was used so extensively by the colonists- for fuel before coal came into gen- eral ¬ use The first three years was spent in learning the character of a I product which has been allowed to fall into disuse in this country This- is far from the condition in Europe- as the members pointed out for it plays a large part in the industry in Germany Russia and Sweden The Russian Government- The Russian government receives 800000 said one delegate for royal ¬ ties from its peat bogs It lets the state land to private individuals for- th > sole purpose of extracting peat and this figure shows at a glance the size of the industry in that country- It is in general use In other countries- and what this society wants to see done is to have it brought out from comparative local oblivion Much aid has been given the members by the governments geological survey Chas- A Davis of the department and James M Maccoon of the Canadian geological survey gave interesting addresses on their investigations and the future status of peat The Florida Samples Vicepresident Ranson who brought many samples of Florida peat with him said that there are 12000 square I miles of peatproducing lowlands in his state While these lands will make I the very finest of peat they are en- tirely ¬ undeveloped and in the entire state there are only four plants Of these the speaker controls three He also showed some ammonia which is a byproduct of peat and used for a fer ¬ tilizer This byproduct has absorbed tile attention of peat manufacturers almost as much as peat itself It is they claim as good a fertilizer as Chile saltpeter which has to be im ¬ ported and its chepaer What is more the peat makes better fuel when the ammonia is taken out Other by ¬ products of peat said Mr Ranson are wood alcohol creosote several light and heavy oils and paraffine When all these are extracted the result is coke v DONT FORGETt- o get a box of candy free today at the Crystal Pharmacy C CREW NOTICE Neither the Captain Owners nor Consignees of the steam- ship ¬ a Uskmoor will be respon- sible for debts contracted by the crew of said vessel JOHN EVANS GULF STATE LBP Captain Consignees 1 i FAUST IS HELD fOR ASSAULT ON JOHN EPrS HAS INFORMED OFFICERS IT IS CLAIMED THAT HE STRUCK PHARMACIST AFTER LATTER HAD TRIED TO MAKE HIM LEAVE THE STORE Charles Faust at one time a police officer for a few days but a bayman- by occupation was arrested early yesterday by city authorities and re ¬ leased on his own recognance for appearance the following day for as ¬ saulting John Epps Upon the mar ¬ shal reaching the station yesterday morning and learning of tho release of Faust on his own responsibility he- at once prepared to take him in charge again Faust was then at work on a steamshipin the bay and with Sheriff Van Pelt the marshal made a trip to the vessel on which Faust was working and placed him under arrest on a charge of assault with intent to murder Bond was re fused by Justice Xicholsen pending- the probable outcome of the wounds which he is said to have inflicted on Epps- In searching for a clue in the case the marshal yesterday found two men who claim to have been eye- witnesses ¬ to the whole proceeding They were on a telegraph pole near the store of John Sheppard at the time they said and saw the fight from start to finish According to the story they have told the mar ¬ shal there was nothing in the shape- of a fight put up by Epps Their names were taken and they will bA called as witnesses when the case comes up for trial To a deputy sheriff yesterday Epps stated that he saw the man who at ¬ tacked him but that he did not know his name hence his silence in the matter He said that he would know the man if he ever saw him again Faust tells a different story than that of Epps He said that he went into the store on business and that Epps had ordered him out cursing- at him at the same time He ap- plied a name Faust alleges which he was not in the habit of being call- ed ¬ he said and then he struck him with a piece of wood The one blow was all he landed on Epps he told the officers Epps is in a bad state yet and there is a probability lit serious re suIts following the assault This was I told to Justice Xicholsen yesterday- and he decided to give Faust no bond He was locked up at the coun ¬ ty jail last night and will be kept there until a favorable report comes from the attending physician KEY WEST HAS A SUNDAY UD SABBATH DAY GAMBLING TO BE MADE COSTLYSEVERAL AR ¬ RESTS BY SHERIFF AND POLICE OFFICERS START THE BALL ROLLING Chief of Police Gardner has given out the statement that the lid will be locked on and the key thTown overboardwhich means that bolito and other gambling games illicit sale of liquor open saloons on Sunday and other practices are to be broken up says the Key West Citizen As a starter three bolit games I Dont Be Bald Almost Any One May Secure- a Splendid Growth- of Hair You can easily find out for your ¬ self if your hair needs nourishment- if it is thinning getting dry harsh and brittle or splitting at the ends You simply have to pull a hair from the top of your head and closely ex- amine ¬ its root If the bulb is plump and rosy it is all right if it is white and shrunken hair is diseased- and needs nourishmentW- e We have a remedy for hair troubles that cannot be surpassed It has a record of growing hair and curing I baldness in 93 cut of 100 cases where used according to directions for a reasonable length of time It will even grow hair on bald heads if the scalp is not glazed and shiny That may seem like a strong statement- it is and we mean it to be and no one should doubt it until they have put our claims to an actual test We are so sure that Rexall 93 Hair Tonic will completely eradi ¬ cate dandruff prevent baldness stim- ulate ¬ the scalp and hair roots stop falling hair and grow new hair that we personally give our positive guar ¬ antee to refund every penny paid- us for Rexall 93 Hair Tonic in every instance where it does not do as we claim or fails to give entire satisfaction to the user Rexall 93 Hair Tonic is as pleas ¬ ant to use as clear spring water It is perfumed with a pleasant odor and does not grease or gum the hair We have it in two sizes prices 50 cents and 100 We urge you to try Rexall 93 Hair Tonic on our recom ¬ mendation and with our guarantee- back of it You certainly take no risk Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies in Pensacola only at our storeThe Rexall Store The Crystal Pharmacy Brent building t n A SI I W L Douglas is the largest manufacturer and retailer 14s of Mens Fine HandSewed Process Shoes In the world r For comfort style fit and I- Ot long service W L Douglas shoes cannot be equalled They are made upon honor I of the best leathers by the S most skilled workmen In all 1 the latest fashions shoes In 42 I every style and shape to suit I men in all walks of life i FIA flAIlTlflMThegenninehaveWL l r i Douglas name and price stamped on which guarantees 1 full and protects the wearer e against high prices and inferior shoes TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE- FOR S I S I S I I I SALE BY Porters Bazaar Pensacola Fla u BE A HUB DRESSED MAN PALAFOX ST AT GOVERNMENT PENSACOLA FLA BENJ C HEINBERG Proprietor Regal Shoes Cluett Shirts John B Stetson Hats Suits Made to Order The Satisfaction of WellPlanted Home Grounds J You take a wonderful satisfaction in your home when the grounds are well planted But that is not the whole advantage for trees and vines prot oct your I1 ° m storm help to preserve Ks and cover unsightly things that you cannot move and add dollars to the value of your property Glen Saint Mary Nurseries Grow Trees for Southern Homes Hundreds of varieties including Roses our soil and climate are ust fd right and enable us to produce stock that prows as you want it to- sTIMi1OW Everything warranted true to name The practical experience Fof our specialists either Ornamental or Fruit Trees is freely at your service Write and see if we cannot help you with that troublesome planting problem Ye are at your service Our handsomely illustrated Nursery hook Q is now readywell send you a copy you Glen Saint Mary Nurseries Co Glen Saint Mary Florida were raided Officer James Hopkins arrested Pancho Fleitas in Telegraph Alley About the same time Officer Eddie Albury was gathering in Joa quin Hernandez the proprietor of the 4th of July game Officers Kirschen baum and Albury arrested Felo Colon- in Gatoville Fleitas and Colon were fined 50 each or thirty days in police court and the case of Hernandez was con ¬ tinued Sheriff Jaycorks was also active and arrested two gambling houses The proprietors Alfredo Rodriguez and Angel Cabat were each fined 100 and costs in the criminal court No 9007 Report of the Condition of The Peoples National Bank- AT PENSACOLA INTHE STATE OP FLORIDA AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS NOV 16 1909 RESOURCES- Loans and Discounts 31405176 Overdrafts secured and unse secured 2002021 U S Bonds to secure circula ¬ tion 8500000 Premiums on U S Bonds 277813 Bonds Securities etc 1927900 Banking house Furniture and Fixtures 225000 Due from National Banks not reserve agents 933201 Duo from State and Private Banks and Bankers Trust Companies and Savings Banks 3212991 Duo from approved Reserve agents 2997407 Checks and other Cash Items E8506 Notes of other National Banks 278000 Fractional Paper Currency Nick- els and Cents 3754 Lawful Money Reserve In Bank viz Specie 1460805 Legraltender notes 398000S 1858805 Redemption fund with V S Treasurer 5 per cent of cir- culation ¬ 425000 Total 54135574 LIABILITIES Capital stock pAid In 10000000 Surplus fund 2000000 Undivided Profits less Expenses and TaxIs vM 2446418 National Bank Notes outstnd log 8440000 Due to other National Banks 816592 Due t > State and Private Banks and Bankers 1640729 Due to approved Reserve Agents 370005- Individual Deposits subject to heck 18595268 I Demand certificates of deposit 1868000 rvrtlfled rneeks 305 Notes and bills rediscounted 2300000 Ems payable Including Certifi- cates ¬ of Deposit for money I borrowed 5490000 Reserved for taxes 168257 Total 54135574 State of Florida County of Escambia SB- jf J V Dorr Cashier of the above named bank de solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief J w DORR Cashier CorrectAttest T E WELLES J S REESE AV A DALEMBERTE Directors Subscribe and sworn to before me this 26th day of Nov lW JOHN MASSEY Notary Public CREW NOTICE Neither the Captain Owners- nor Consignees of the British a steamship Eskmoor will be responsible for debts contract- ed ¬ by the crew of said vessel JOHN EVANS I H BAARS CO Captain Consignees I I Legal Advertisements NOTICE I Notice is hereby given that upon the expiration of ten days from date hereof or as soon thereafter as practicable the undersigned will apply to The Honorable Board of Pardons for the State of Florida for a pardon from a conviction of robbery at the January term A D 1008 of the Criminal Court of Record for Escambia County Florida CHARLES McDUFFEE November 17th 1909 ISnovlOt In Escamhla County Judges Court State of orldllAbe Goldbach vs O Af Johnson notice Is hereby given of Institution of this suit by Abe Goldbaeh against O A Johnson and of the service of a writ of garnishment on t ie Lewis 1 Bear Drug Ca a corporation ol Pensa ¬ cola Florida and tho said defendant and all other persons Interested are required- to appear to the action on the 6th day of December 1909 H P REESE nov20oaw4w Attorney for Plaintiff In Escambia County Circuit Cqurt State of Florida In Chancery M Muldon and J Knowles Flyer for himself Individually and as Trustee for n B Simpson vs John McCreo and Henry Toland and against all parties claiming- an interest In the East Eighty feet of Arpent Lot Fiftyseven Old City of Pensa ¬ cola Florida The defendants are required to appear to the bill filed against them In the above entitled Court on the 7th day of January A D 1910 This order to be published once a week for twelve conse- cutive ¬ weeks In The Pensacola Journal a newspaper published in Escambia County Florida Jas Macglbbon Clerk oct6oaw2w In Escambia County Circuit Court State of Florida In Chancery Lula Burch vs Prince Burch On Monday the 3rd day of January A D 1910 the defendqnt Prince Burch Is required to appear to the bill filed against him herein This order to be published once each week for eight S consecutive weeks In The Pen ¬ sacola Journal a newspaper published- in said Escambia County JAS MACGIBBON- Clerk Circuit Court Pensacola Fla Oct 16th 1909 oct23oaw8w- In the Circuit Court of Eacambla Coun- ty ¬ Florida In Chancery Mildred F Thornton vs Jonathan L ThorntonDI- vorce ¬ On Monday the 6th day of De- cember ¬ 1909 the defendant Jonathan L l Thornton is required to appear to the bill filed against him herein This order to be published once a week for tour con swutive weeks In The Dally Journal a newspaper published In the City of Pen r sacola Escambla County Florida Wit- ness ¬ my hand and the seal of said court this 5th day of November 19W Jae- Macgihbon Clerk of the Circuit Court of Escambia County Florida By Thos A Johnson Depufy Clerk nov6oaw5w SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of an execution Issued out of the County Judges Court of Escambla County Florida in the case of Swift ompany a corporation vs Preston Gor ¬ don I have levied upon and wiN sell at public outcry to the highest bidder fer cash during the legal hours of sale on Monday the sixth of December A D 1909 before the County Court House door- In the City of Pensacola Florida the following described real estate situated lying and being In the City of Pensacola Escamhia County Florida towIt Lot 13 in Block 33 and the Vest 15 feet of Lot 30 and all of Lot 31 In Block 124 All of the above described real estate ly ¬ ing In the East King Tract East of Tar ¬ ragona Street and being described ac ¬ cording to the map of City of Pensacoia copy sighted by Thoe C Watson Deed- at cost of purchaserJ C VanPELT Sheriff of Escambla County Florida novSoawiw MASTERS SALE By virtue ot a decree rendered on the 30th day of October A D 109 by the Honorable J Emmet Wolfe Judge of the Circuit Court of the First Judicial Circuit of Florida in and for Escambia County in chancery sitting In a cause therein pending wherein John W Slayton Is com- plainant ¬ and George C Scud I1ore Wil- liam ¬ E Mathls the Pensacola Bank Trust Company a corporation and John- B Jones Guardian ad lltem are defen- dants ¬ I will expose for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash at J the county court house door In the of Pensarola In said County of Escarnj Wa on Monday the 3th day of Decem her A D 109 during the legal hours- of sale the following described property towit ten 10 shares of the capital stock in the corporaUon of Bass Com- pany ¬ evidenced by certificate No H- and ten 18 shares or the capital stock- in the corporation of Bass Company evidenced by No 15 Bill- of sale at cost of purchaser 1IALCOTT ANDKUSON- aovCoawlw Special Master

Pensacola Journal. (Pensacola, Florida) 1909-11-27 [p 8].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00363/0488.pdf · r T F F Ti I THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL SATURDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 27

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Page 1: Pensacola Journal. (Pensacola, Florida) 1909-11-27 [p 8].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00363/0488.pdf · r T F F Ti I THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL SATURDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 27

r T


c IPFOur Fall and Winter Suits

jj have a strong pull with theboys

Double breasted withI bloomer pants

5 to 10fr With straight pants

2 to 750-

Russian and sailor suits forsmall boys

Ages 20 to 8 years350 to 6

Wrights fleece linedunderwear 50c the garment

Munsing Union Suits inmedium weight balbriggan


Boys Soft Hats in Col¬

lege shapes125 to 2-

CapsYacht and Goldshapes50c-

GlovesTan dressed kid100Holeproof Stockings

guaranteed for six monthsSix pairs to the box 2

Everything men and boy-


vrJohn White StoreT-

he Store With the Reputation20JT207 S Paiafoi Stt

J Established over quarter cen-



z Oaklands

BrushEscambia Motor

Car CoEast Garden Street









AlHo Riera and Sam Rosenau twoof the Concordia Clubs hunting partyreached the city yesterday morning-and related an experience in thewoods which they are not anxious toundergo again It is needless to saythey returned empty handed but itwas not due to the fact that deer inplenty could not be found but to themisfortune of the hunters In getting

lost and finally when near deer weretoo tired to hunt any more

With a number of experiencedhunters tho two were sure of gettingdeer and went about twelve or fifteenmiles from Camp Walton There theybecame lost and spent nearly all dayIn an effort to locate their camp

50 MILLIONc-od fish more or less are caughteach year on the coast of Norway-the livers of which are made intoCod Liver Oil

The best oil is made from the fishcaught at the Lofoten Islands

Scott Bowne use only that oilin making their celebrated

Scotts Emulsionand when skillfully combined withHypophosphites of Lime and Sodathey produce a medicinal food un ¬

equalled in the world for buildingup the body


Send Ida name ot paper and this md for oarbe40tifuJ Sarinsm Bank and Child1 SketchBookEach buk contains a Good Luck PennSCOTT ft BOWNE 409 Purl SU New Ycefc





Theres BO excuse for unsightly gray orfaded hair It males yea look old whenyou ro notits tmcghtly and embarrassing

Hays Hair Health will Lring Lack the natu¬

ral color and beauty and make your hairbright luxuriant and full of youthful vitality

Stops dandruff and falling out Purely vege-

table and haralcs not a dye1 and Gee BOTTLES AT DRUGGISTS

Send 3c for tree book The Care of the HairPfcUo Hay Spec Co Newark N J U S A



Monday November 29thExtraordinary Engagement-

The Henry Miller Players in



By Charles Rann KennedyTwo Years in New York

Prices 50c to 150Seats on sale Friday 9 a m

Just One Night

Tuesday November 30thJules Murry Presents the Southlands


7 iiiiiT I

Just turned em away In AtlantaLiterally carried away her audience-

In a gale of laughter and songConstl ¬

tutionsA highgeared 6cylinder racer that

carried a house full of Atlantians awayfor a big Joy ride last htJournalO-ne of merriest merry musicalcomedies of the season Georgian

Nothing finer ever left New YorkPrices SOc 75c 100 and 5150 Seat

sale Saturday November 27

traveling thirty or forty miles on footWhen they finally located their

camp they were too exhausted to gofurther even when told by some ofthe residents of that section that deercould be found in half an hours walkThis they did not believe for theyhad walked all day without < ecing atrace To prove their assertion themen went out and within fifteen min ¬

utes jumped five Half an hour laterhalf a dozen more were seen









All the best jcckeys in America-are coming to Florida for the winterrace meets A dispatch from NewYork says

Jockey Jack Upton the promisinglight weight jockey who has ridden-on the Eastern tracks for the pastthree years left Monday for TampaFla accompanied by his managerWilliam R Booker Jr to ride as afree lance during the coming wintermeetings alternating at Jackson-ville


and Tampa where his serviceswill be in strong demand Upton hasnot signed any written agreement

Other jockeys who leave on thesame train will be Dave Nicol undercontract to the Chelsea stable Jim-my


McIntyre to William GarthCharles Raynor to George OdomAustin Lang free lance CharlesGrand to Barney Schrieber P McDaniel free lance Guy Burns freelance Clifford Gilbert free lanceand O Fain to R F Carman

A special train carrying the con ¬

signments of Richard F Carman with42 old horses and yearlings H EShaws second division and severalother minor owners left this citybound for the coming first meeting-at Jacksonville

Rye Grass Seed 25c perpound or 250 bushel atThe Crystal Pharmacy









News reached Pensacola yesterday-of the dexttn of Condict C Packardwho expired in Louisville Thursdayafternoon at 4 oclock after an Illnessextending over nearly a year

Mr Packard was well known inPensacola where during the past tenyears he had spent a large part ofhis time and which he claimed ashome He was publisher of TheNorth and South a monthly magazinedevoted to the development of South-ern


lands and industries and someof his finest work was descriptive ofPensacola and West Florida re¬

sources He was a newspaper manof long experience and exceptionalhkilliancy and he had during hislife time owned and edited severaldaily papers in the north and west

The deceased is survived by adaughter Miss Elizabeth Packard ofPittsburg and two sons R C and HJ Packard of Pensacola Thesegentlemen left yesterday to be pres-ent


at the funeral which will occurSunday in Adrian Mich Mr Pack ¬

ards old home

Mrs Louie Hite 428 Outlen StDanville 111 writes October 1stFoleys Kidney Pills started me on

the road to health I was treated byfour doctors and took other kidneyremedies but grew worse and wasunable to do my housework and thedoctor told me I only could live fromtwo to six months I ana now somuch better that I do all of my ownwork and I shall be very glad to tellanyone afflicted with kidney or blad ¬

der trouble the good results I re¬

ceived from taking Foleys KidneyPills Commence today and be wellDo not risk having Brights disease-or Diabetes W A DAlembertedruggist and apothecary 121 SouthPalafox Stre-








A Boston dispatch to the TampaI Times says Peatwhich can be pro-duced


for 1 per ton and which has 75I per cent of the heating quality ofcoal can be used in any furnace fire¬

box or range and has many valuableI



Tiny Pinhead Pimples Filled and-

HurtTremendouslyTried Every ¬

thing in VainHis DaughtersScalp was CrustedBoth Found


It is a great pleasure for me and Iconsider it a duty to inform you whatCuticura has done for me Abouttwelve years ago I contracted an erup-tion of tho scalp consisting of smallpimples size of a pinheadwhich after a few days with pusand which hurt tremendously I triedeverything but in vain Finally Iwashed my bead with sulphur ap¬

plied a carbolic ointment After a fewdays the pimples disappeared only to

This Icomo in a weeksuffered for ten years and then I sawan advertisement in the paper of thowonderful cures by Cutieura I bought-a cake of Cuticura Soap a box of Cuticufff Ointment and a bottle of CuticuraPills and after three weeks I had usedonly half the Soap and Ointment andm head was aa clean as ever beforeAfter the first application it was simplysurprising how

My daughter used Cuticura Soapand Ointment for scales on the scalp andafter having used them three times herhead was clear and the hair became assoft and fine as siik Since then sheuses nothing but Cuticura Soap forshampooing

In consequence of my having usedCuticura Soap for shampooing I no¬

ticed that my al¬

ways were cracked from handling un¬

dressed wood lime and stone becamewhite and velvety Formerly I used

but one nights treatmentwith Cuticura Soap and Ointment doesmore for my hands than a weeks treat-ment with glycerine I hope all suf-fering


people will at least try the Cuti ¬

cura Remedies Herman Becker Fifield Wis November 9 190S


Millions of women throughout theworld use Cuticura Soap and Ointment-for eczemas rashes itchlngs irritationsinflammations chafings pimples black-heads


dandruff dry fallinghair sanative antiseptic cleansing andfor the toilet bath and nursery

Cntlcnra Ren lle3 are soJd throughout the worldPotter Drug << Chem Corp Sole PrnflL 135 Colum-bus Ave Boston Miss ejCuticura Bookletmilled tree tes aM you nefC 10 know about th-

er111 treatment ot Dtaetaea ol the Skin Scalp



uthorities are pretty well united Inthe opinion that care on thepart of the Individual greatly lessens thedanger of contracting consumption Somany cases of this dread disease havetheir origin In neglect of an ordinarycough or cold that it Is appalling tonote the indifference with which so manypeople regard this common complaint-

At the first Indication of a cold stepsshould be taken to check It at once Forthis purpose the following simple for-mula


Is highly recommended as beingmost effective Mix together In a largebottle two ounces of Glycerine a halfounce of Virgin OH of Pine compound-pure and eight ounces of pure whiskyShake well and take a teaspoonful fourtimes a day It is claimed by the LoachChemical Co of Cincinnati who preparethe genuine Virgin OH of Pine compound-pure that this mixture will break up acold In twentyfour hours and cure anycough that is curable

i j 4-3i

The PublicMay See

How perfectly clean andsanitary is The Empirewhere linen lasts All onone floor perfectly venti¬

lated with oceans ofclear water and puresoap use-



LaundryWh-ere Linen Lasts

W C MACKEY MgrPhone 322

f a1

BOWLING ALLEYSI Open from 9 a m till midnight

For ladles and gentlemenWEST ROMANA STREET

Moyer on the SquareCor Government and Alcaniz

Phone 718Choice Groceries Try our homemadeSausage made in our marKet on our own

clean marble slabs The finest meats InBUJJ auo XUE 3BU3ClD 3V VVJ3 311JPhone 718 when you want something nice


byproducts was discussed here atthe first session of the American Peatsocietys third annual meeting Thiswas held in the geological lectureroom of engineering ouilding B Mas ¬

sachusetts Institute of TechnologyAlthough the number of persons

present at the first session was small-it was a representative body of menwho came from all parts of the coun-try


even from St Augustine Flafrom Reno Xev and from KalamazooMich The society was tormed at theJamestown exposition three years agowith 27 members It now has 115and nearlyevery state in the Unionand Canada and Great Britain are rep-resented The association was formedfor the renaissance of peat which wasused so extensively by the colonists-for fuel before coal came into gen-eral


use The first three years wasspent in learning the character of a

I product which has been allowed tofall into disuse in this country This-is far from the condition in Europe-as the members pointed out for itplays a large part in the industry inGermany Russia and Sweden

The Russian Government-The Russian government receives

800000 said one delegate for royal ¬

ties from its peat bogs It lets thestate land to private individuals for-th > sole purpose of extracting peatand this figure shows at a glance thesize of the industry in that country-It is in general use In other countries-and what this society wants to seedone is to have it brought out fromcomparative local oblivion Much aidhas been given the members by thegovernments geological survey Chas-A Davis of the department and JamesM Maccoon of the Canadian geologicalsurvey gave interesting addresses ontheir investigations and the futurestatus of peat

The Florida SamplesVicepresident Ranson who brought

many samples of Florida peat withhim said that there are 12000 square

I miles of peatproducing lowlands in hisstate While these lands will make

I the very finest of peat they are en-tirely


undeveloped and in the entirestate there are only four plants Ofthese the speaker controls three Healso showed some ammonia which is abyproduct of peat and used for a fer ¬

tilizer This byproduct has absorbedtile attention of peat manufacturersalmost as much as peat itself It isthey claim as good a fertilizer asChile saltpeter which has to be im ¬

ported and its chepaer What is morethe peat makes better fuel when theammonia is taken out Other by¬

products of peat said Mr Ranson arewood alcohol creosote several lightand heavy oils and paraffine Whenall these are extracted the result iscoke v

DONT FORGETt-o get a box of candy free today atthe Crystal Pharmacy


CREW NOTICENeither the Captain Ownersnor Consignees of the steam-ship

¬a Uskmoor will be respon-sible for debts contracted bythe crew of said vessel



1 i








Charles Faust at one time a policeofficer for a few days but a bayman-by occupation was arrested earlyyesterday by city authorities and re¬

leased on his own recognance forappearance the following day for as ¬

saulting John Epps Upon the mar ¬

shal reaching the station yesterdaymorning and learning of tho releaseof Faust on his own responsibility he-at once prepared to take him incharge again Faust was then atwork on a steamshipin the bay andwith Sheriff Van Pelt the marshalmade a trip to the vessel on whichFaust was working and placed himunder arrest on a charge of assaultwith intent to murder Bond was refused by Justice Xicholsen pending-the probable outcome of the woundswhich he is said to have inflictedon Epps-

In searching for a clue in the casethe marshal yesterday found twomen who claim to have been eye-witnesses


to the whole proceedingThey were on a telegraph pole nearthe store of John Sheppard at thetime they said and saw the fightfrom start to finish According tothe story they have told the mar ¬

shal there was nothing in the shape-of a fight put up by Epps Theirnames were taken and they will bAcalled as witnesses when the casecomes up for trial

To a deputy sheriff yesterday Eppsstated that he saw the man who at ¬

tacked him but that he did not knowhis name hence his silence in thematter He said that he would knowthe man if he ever saw him again

Faust tells a different story thanthat of Epps He said that he wentinto the store on business and thatEpps had ordered him out cursing-at him at the same time He ap-plied a name Faust alleges whichhe was not in the habit of being call-ed


he said and then he struck himwith a piece of wood The one blowwas all he landed on Epps he toldthe officers

Epps is in a bad state yet andthere is a probability lit serious resuIts following the assault This was

I told to Justice Xicholsen yesterday-and he decided to give Faust nobond He was locked up at the coun ¬

ty jail last night and will be keptthere until a favorable report comesfrom the attending physician








Chief of Police Gardner has givenout the statement that the lid willbe locked on and the key thTownoverboardwhich means that bolitoand other gambling games illicit saleof liquor open saloons on Sunday andother practices are to be broken upsays the Key West Citizen

As a starter three bolit games I

Dont Be BaldAlmost Any One May Secure-

a Splendid Growth-of Hair

You can easily find out for your ¬

self if your hair needs nourishment-if it is thinning getting dry harshand brittle or splitting at the endsYou simply have to pull a hair fromthe top of your head and closely ex-


its root If the bulb is plumpand rosy it is all right if it is whiteand shrunken hair is diseased-and needs nourishmentW-

e We have a remedy for hair troublesthat cannot be surpassed It has arecord of growing hair and curing I

baldness in 93 cut of 100 cases whereused according to directions for areasonable length of time It willeven grow hair on bald heads if thescalp is not glazed and shiny Thatmay seem like a strong statement-it is and we mean it to be and noone should doubt it until they haveput our claims to an actual test

We are so sure that Rexall 93Hair Tonic will completely eradi ¬

cate dandruff prevent baldness stim-ulate


the scalp and hair roots stopfalling hair and grow new hair thatwe personally give our positive guar¬

antee to refund every penny paid-us for Rexall 93 Hair Tonic inevery instance where it does not doas we claim or fails to give entiresatisfaction to the user

Rexall 93 Hair Tonic is as pleas ¬

ant to use as clear spring water Itis perfumed with a pleasant odorand does not grease or gum the hairWe have it in two sizes prices 50cents and 100 We urge you to tryRexall 93 Hair Tonic on our recom ¬

mendation and with our guarantee-back of it You certainly take norisk Remember you can obtainRexall Remedies in Pensacola only atour storeThe Rexall Store TheCrystal Pharmacy Brent building


n A

SII W L Douglas is the largestmanufacturer and retailer14s of Mens Fine HandSewedProcess Shoes In the worldr For comfort style fit and I-

Ot long service W L Douglasshoes cannot be equalled

They are made upon honorI of the best leathers by the S

most skilled workmen In all1 the latest fashions shoes In42 I every style and shape to suit

I men in all walks of life iFIA flAIlTlflMThegenninehaveWL l

r i Douglas name and pricestamped on which guarantees

1 full and protects the wearere against high prices and inferior shoesTAKE NO SUBSTITUTE-





Porters Bazaar Pensacola Flau




Regal Shoes Cluett ShirtsJohn B Stetson Hats Suits Made to Order

The Satisfaction of WellPlanted Home Grounds JYou take a wonderful satisfaction in your home when the grounds are well

planted But that is not the whole advantage for trees and vines prot oct yourI1 ° m storm help to preserve Ks and cover unsightly thingsthat you cannot move and add dollars to the value of your property

Glen Saint Mary Nurseries GrowTrees for Southern Homes

Hundreds of varieties including Roses our soil and climate are ustfd right and enable us to produce stock that prows as you want it to-

sTIMi1OW Everything warranted true to name The practical experienceFof our specialists either Ornamental or Fruit Trees isfreely at your serviceWrite and see if we cannot help you with that troublesome plantingproblem Ye are at your service Our handsomely illustrated Nurseryhook Q is now readywell send you a copy youGlen Saint Mary Nurseries Co Glen Saint Mary Florida

were raided Officer James Hopkinsarrested Pancho Fleitas in TelegraphAlley About the same time OfficerEddie Albury was gathering in Joaquin Hernandez the proprietor of the4th of July game Officers Kirschenbaum and Albury arrested Felo Colon-in Gatoville

Fleitas and Colon were fined 50each or thirty days in police courtand the case of Hernandez was con ¬

tinuedSheriff Jaycorks was also active and

arrested two gambling houses Theproprietors Alfredo Rodriguez andAngel Cabat were each fined 100 andcosts in the criminal court

No 9007Report of the Condition of

The Peoples National Bank-AT PENSACOLA



Loans and Discounts 31405176Overdrafts secured and unse

secured 2002021U S Bonds to secure circula ¬

tion 8500000Premiums on U S Bonds 277813Bonds Securities etc 1927900Banking house Furniture and

Fixtures 225000Due from National Banks not

reserve agents 933201Duo from State and Private

Banks and Bankers TrustCompanies and Savings Banks 3212991

Duo from approved Reserveagents 2997407

Checks and other Cash Items E8506Notes of other National Banks 278000Fractional Paper Currency Nick-

els and Cents 3754Lawful Money Reserve In Bank

vizSpecie 1460805Legraltender notes 398000S 1858805Redemption fund with V S

Treasurer 5 per cent of cir-culation



Total 54135574LIABILITIES

Capital stock pAid In 10000000Surplus fund 2000000Undivided Profits less Expenses

and TaxIs vM 2446418National Bank Notes outstnd

log 8440000Due to other National Banks 816592Due t > State and Private Banks

and Bankers 1640729Due to approved Reserve

Agents 370005-Individual Deposits subject to

heck 18595268 I

Demand certificates of deposit 1868000rvrtlfled rneeks 305Notes and bills rediscounted 2300000Ems payable Including Certifi-


of Deposit for money I

borrowed 5490000Reserved for taxes 168257

Total 54135574State of Florida County of Escambia SB-

jf J V Dorr Cashier of the abovenamed bank de solemnly swear that theabove statement is true to the best of myknowledge and belief

J w DORRCashier


DirectorsSubscribe and sworn to before me this

26th day of Nov lWJOHN MASSEYNotary Public

CREW NOTICENeither the Captain Owners-nor Consignees of the Britisha steamship Eskmoor will beresponsible for debts contract-ed


by the crew of said vesselJOHN EVANS I

H BAARS CO CaptainConsignees I


Legal AdvertisementsNOTICE I

Notice is hereby given that upon theexpiration of ten days from date hereof

or as soon thereafter as practicable theundersigned will apply to The HonorableBoard of Pardons for the State of Floridafor a pardon from a conviction of robberyat the January term A D 1008 of theCriminal Court of Record for EscambiaCounty Florida

CHARLES McDUFFEENovember 17th 1909 ISnovlOt

In Escamhla County Judges CourtState of orldllAbe Goldbach vs O AfJohnson notice Is hereby given ofInstitution of this suit by Abe Goldbaehagainst O A Johnson and of the serviceof a writ of garnishment on t ie Lewis 1Bear Drug Ca a corporation ol Pensa ¬

cola Florida and tho said defendant andall other persons Interested are required-to appear to the action on the 6th day ofDecember 1909 H P REESEnov20oaw4w Attorney for Plaintiff

In Escambia County Circuit CqurtState of Florida In Chancery MMuldon and J Knowles Flyer for himselfIndividually and as Trustee for n BSimpson vs John McCreo and HenryToland and against all parties claiming-an interest In the East Eighty feet ofArpent Lot Fiftyseven Old City of Pensa¬

cola Florida The defendants are requiredto appear to the bill filed against them Inthe above entitled Court on the 7th dayof January A D 1910 This order to bepublished once a week for twelve conse-cutive


weeks In The Pensacola Journal anewspaper published in Escambia CountyFlorida Jas Macglbbon Clerk

oct6oaw2wIn Escambia County Circuit Court State

of Florida In Chancery Lula Burch vsPrince Burch On Monday the 3rd dayof January A D 1910 the defendqntPrince Burch Is required to appear tothe bill filed against him herein Thisorder to be published once each week foreight S consecutive weeks In The Pen ¬

sacola Journal a newspaper published-in said Escambia County

JAS MACGIBBON-Clerk Circuit Court

Pensacola Fla Oct 16th 1909oct23oaw8w-

In the Circuit Court of Eacambla Coun-ty


Florida In Chancery Mildred FThornton vs Jonathan L ThorntonDI-vorce


On Monday the 6th day of De-cember


1909 the defendant Jonathan L lThornton is required to appear to thebill filed against him herein This orderto be published once a week for tour conswutive weeks In The Dally Journal anewspaper published In the City of Pen rsacola Escambla County Florida Wit-ness


my hand and the seal of said courtthis 5th day of November 19W Jae-Macgihbon Clerk of the Circuit Court ofEscambia County Florida By Thos AJohnson Depufy Clerk nov6oaw5w

SHERIFFS SALEBy virtue of an execution Issued out of

the County Judges Court of EscamblaCounty Florida in the case of Swiftompany a corporation vs Preston Gor ¬

don I have levied upon and wiN sell atpublic outcry to the highest bidder fercash during the legal hours of sale onMonday the sixth of December A D1909 before the County Court House door-In the City of Pensacola Florida thefollowing described real estate situatedlying and being In the City of PensacolaEscamhia County Florida towIt Lot13 in Block 33 and the Vest 15 feet ofLot 30 and all of Lot 31 In Block 124All of the above described real estate ly ¬

ing In the East King Tract East of Tar ¬

ragona Street and being described ac ¬

cording to the map of City of Pensacoiacopy sighted by Thoe C Watson Deed-at cost of purchaserJ C VanPELT

Sheriff of Escambla County FloridanovSoawiw

MASTERS SALEBy virtue ot a decree rendered on the

30th day of October A D 109 by theHonorable J Emmet Wolfe Judge of theCircuit Court of the First Judicial Circuitof Florida in and for Escambia Countyin chancery sitting In a cause thereinpending wherein John W Slayton Is com-plainant

¬and George C Scud I1ore Wil-


E Mathls the Pensacola BankTrust Company a corporation and John-B Jones Guardian ad lltem are defen-dants


I will expose for sale at publicoutcry to the highest bidder for cash at Jthe county court house door In theof Pensarola In said County of EscarnjWa on Monday the 3th day of Decemher A D 109 during the legal hours-of sale the following described propertytowit ten 10 shares of the capitalstock in the corporaUon of Bass Com-pany

¬evidenced by certificate No H-

and ten 18 shares or the capital stock-in the corporation of Bass Companyevidenced by No 15 Bill-of sale at cost of purchaser

1IALCOTT ANDKUSON-aovCoawlw Special Master