2i I 4 L THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL SATURDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 6 1909 SUFFERED THIEE TEAlS WITH CHRONIC CATjtfffl- Mr e Z If Lttuisvilk Gives Perttn the Credit for His Recovery and Recommends it to His Friends I qj t S 3TR JOSEPH F DI8CH 454 W Jef 1VJL fereon St LouisVille Ky writes < r tokegreatpleasureinrecommending- your valuable Peruaa as a catarrh remedy 1 have been suffering for the past three years with catarrh and had used almost every thing in the market until read of your wonderful Pemna rem- edy ¬ After using two bottles of Peru- na I can cheerfully recommend it to any one having the eam diseas- eI was almost compelled to give up my busk ese until I used your remedy and I have never been bothered with catarrh since Hon O Slemp Congressman from Virginia writes 1 can cheettally say that I have used your valuable rem- edy ¬ Feruna with beneficial result and can mh elt Uagly recommend your remedy to say fricad as a ain vig arattsg tealo- aaanent ttte per euro forMtnJl People who bjedi liattidatadkines tan now secire Iferuna Tablets Sold by druggists sad manufactured by The Parana Drug Mfg Co Colamb Okl- oManalin an Idea Laxi- ttveGentlemen Attention A new suit for 75 cents Your suit dry cleaned by the latest French pro- cess ¬ and not scrubbed t For one week only beginning Tues ¬ day Nov 2 v f Goods called for and delivered Pensacola Steam Dye Works W K BISHOP Proprleor 12 West Romana St Phone 125 Ladles Watch our ad noxt week Fresh ImportedG- oods > in Cheeses Pastes Spaghetti Mac ¬ aroni etc and Groceries of every description- new fresh and pure The stock includes Fruit CakesC- andies Nuts Raisins Cranberries and every ¬ thing that your autumn table demands I Marine Grocery Co- V J VIDAL Manager Phone 725 604608 South Palafox St REMOVAL NOTICE- I have moved my jewelry- store and repair shop from 23 South Palafox to NO4 E GARDEN STREETl Special prices en all goods till October 1st J F DAVIS Jeweler- A lot of old newspapers- tied up in neat bundles for sale 6c a bundle at The Jour- nal office Read The Journals Want Ads and profit thereby lARGE NUMBER HOMESEEKERS COMING HERE EXPECTED THAT HUNDREDS WILL BE IN PENSACOLA NEXT WEEK MANY COMING TO SEE THE EXHIBITS AT THE TRI COUNTY FAIR Hundreds of homeseekers from the North and West are expected to be in Pensacola the coming week and it Is possible that quite a number will reach the city this afternoon and to ¬ morrow the regular homeseekers rates being effective during this week- as well as the third week In this month TriCounty Fair officials who have been in corespondence with Immigra- tion ¬ Agent Park ot the L N have been advised by him that the inquiries made at his office have been excep- tionally ¬ large and he judges that the number to come to Pensacola will reach many hundred They will toms almost direct to Pensacola in order to attend the TriCounty Fair and there obtain some idea of the crops that can be grown in this section- To Santa Rosa Another party of homeseekers will arrive here during the latter portion of this month and of this the De Funiak Breeze of recent date con ¬ tained the following President A E Gammage of the Santa Rosa Plantation Co the com ¬ pany that is establishing the colony- at Santa Rosa on the peninsula on the south side of Choctawhatchee bay was hero last Saturday on his way back from Chicago and brought us the news that taking advantage of the homeseekers excursion on the third Tuesday in this month 150 heads of families would come down to make a personal inspection of these lands and probably a great many of them will settle there at that time These will be followed later by another and pos- sibly ¬ larger number many of whom will bring their families with them at onceThis party will como by rail to Pensacola and makethe pleasant hay trip by steamer from there This Is but one item In the rapid progress that the bay country is mak ¬ ing and will make from now on that Its advantages have been brought to the attention of the county a progress that all this section will reap large advantages from in many ways But this Is not all There are ether plans now being worked out which mean even more to us in this section and of which the Breeze will keep you posted Foleys Honey and Tar cures coughs quickly strengthens the lungs and expels colds Get the genuine in a yellow package W A DAlem berte druggist and apothecary 121 South Palafox Street FOR SALE Cottage 624 E Garden Lot runs through block to Chase Now rents 10 per month No expense attached Would be bargain at 1200 For quick sale 900 takes it Easy terms C F Mabson M O Clothing store I ARE YOU COMING PUPILS Will GET CHANCE TO SEETHE FAIRO- RDER FOR SUSPENSION OF SCHOOLS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTY MADE YESTERDAY BY COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION School children throughout city and county will get a chance to spend one whole day at the TriCounty Fair next week for an order came from the of ¬ fice of Superintendent Cook yester ¬ day making public the authority to all teachers to close schools in the city next Friday for the entire day for the purpose of allowing hundreds of school children to view at close range what will prove the most In- structive ¬ show given In many days in Pensacola or Escambla county Fri- day ¬ will be the last day of the fair and will be perhaps the most interest Ing Besides the opportunity of see Ing what Escambia and the two other counties are capable of producing there will be a parade ot all prize HAIR SOFT AS SILK New Scientific Treatment Kills Dan ¬ druff Germs and Makes Hair Soft It Is an accepted fact a proven fact that dandruff is a germ disease and it is also a demonstrated tact that New bros Herpiclde kills the dandruff germ Without dandruff falling hair would stop and thin hair will thicken Herpiclde not only kills the dandruff germ but it also makes hair as soft- as silk It is the most delightful hair dressing made It cleanses the scalp from dandruff and keeps It clean and healthy Itching and Irritation are in ¬ stantly relieved and permanently- cured Theres nothing just as good Take no substitute Ask for Herpi cide Sold by leading druggists Send lOc in stamps for sample to The Herplcide Co Detroit Mich One dollar bottles guaranteed W A DAlemberte druggist and apothe- cary ¬ 121 S Palafox street 4 MADAM YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANTED ONE Just And Here is Your Chance r 350 at Last Down You have seen the HOOSIER KITCHEN CABINET in our windows I M and and in the homes of your friends and you have read all about it in your favor- ite ¬ c r weekly or monthly magazine We dont have to tell you that it is the Just greatest Saver Soother and Systematizer ever put into the householdthat 100 cuts out miles of steps every month stops grocery leaks the hidden as l- it well as the open kinds actually enlarges your kitchen by its concentration of ° a working spacejust like adding another room to the house as a bright lit ¬ 11 Week tle woman said a minute agoand turns drudgery into pleasing stimulating pastime Puts l 1Jw the You know all that and your womans instinct has revealed to you more possibilities in the HOOSIER than we can suggest But Hoosier perhaps you have been Thinking of it as Out of Your Reach in couldnt see how to pay all of the purchase price at one time That i your Isnt So Now if it was ever soOur Club Plan which you will read f about below has knocked that difficulty squarely in the head You00 = Home can pay for the HOOSIER leisurely and pay for it from what it to stay saves you on the grocery bill 0 EN C R You Are Invited to Be One of the TwentyFive W me v in Our First Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet Club Which Will Be Formed Next Week Beginning Bright and Early Monday Morning- A cash payment of 350 and an agreement to pay 1 weekly- on the purchase price makes you a fullfledged member and gives you immediate possession of the Cabinet Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet Clubs are sweeping over the land like wildfire they are the most popular propositions laid before the world of women in this new centuryand theres a big ad ¬ vantage in joining this initial club of oursYou Save Three Dol ¬ lars and a Half as the regular Club price of the Cabinet 3100 all over the countrywill be reduced to 2750 For The Week Only n S PEARL FURNITURE COMPANY Paiafox j l winning livestoclr following the Judg ing of roadsters saddlers and combi- nation ¬ work horses Then as the announced program tells it three will be something doing on the board- walk all the time This school year a special addition- to the curriculum has been made of standard studies Much interest in this study is already mani ¬ fest and the exhibit at Magnolia Bluff will be seen by hun ¬ dreds of school children through eyes of interested critics rather than those- of casual observers Only One BROMO QUININE That Is LAXATIVE BROMO QUI- NINE ¬ Loot for the signature of K AV GROVE Used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day 25c ARE YOU COMING BAND RETURNS TO BARRANCASHA- S BEEN IN NEW ORLEANS FOR THE PAST WEEK FURNISHING MUSIC THERE DURING THE VISIT OF PRESIDENT TAFT The Eighth artillery band whlcn is stationed at Fort Barrancas re ¬ turned there yesterday morning from New Orleans where the members went a week or ten days ago furn ¬ ishing music during the visit to the Crescent City of President Taft The band it is stated will short ¬ ly prepare for the concerts at the post which were so popular last win ¬ ter there and it is probable that they will be given three times a week dur- ing ¬ I the coming winter months in ¬ stead of twice each month as was the case last year For goodness sake eat Mothers Bread Hugheys 133 West Intendencia Phone 855 SHERIFFS MEN FOUND 22 WITH- NOLICENSES SPECIAL DEPUTIES EFFECTED ARRESTS OF NUMBER OF PEO PLE WHO WERE DOING BUSI NESS WITHOUT REQUIRED CERTIFICATE Special deputies from the office of Sheriff Van Pelt yesterday went Ju search of people doing business with ¬ out having first paid for and obtain ¬ ing the necessary license and by dark twentytwo persons had been arrested for doing business wit- houtOldsmobileSI Oaklands- Brush Escambia Motor- Car Co East Garden Street The Hoosier Manufacturing Company is contributing gener- ously ¬ to the prestige and success of the HOOSIER WEEK They have sent us one of their finest Cabinets with instructions to Giv- eIt Awayand that means no price consideration whatever no re ¬ striction at the close of the week We shall of course make the gift with absolute impartiality and some woman who visits our store next week will certainly receive it Ask us about it as you come in 5 There will be continuous demonstrations of the Hoosier Cab- inet ¬ I- I in this store from Monday morning until closing time Satur ¬ day night and the women of Pensacola are cordially solicited to attend them 105 105 Palafox S agricultural agricultural having the state and county li ¬ cense Only three parties were jailed One of these was B M Hat ton a negro lawyer who made strong protest against being locked up in the county jail He retrained for some hours in that institution feeing released In the late afternoon Wil- lie ¬ Johnson and King Williams were the other recalcitrants jailed The arrests of all three were credited on the jail iblotter to Deputies Nichols and Jones To Continue Search Deputies will continue their work for possible nolicense business houses today and through several days of next week Any house call- ing ¬ or any line of business whatever found to be without licenses will have warrants made against the pro ¬ prietors In addition to state and county licenses business proprietors- had better see to it that city licenses- are also procured since Marshal Sanders has representatives out visit ¬ ing each house where business lines subjected to a license tax are con- ducted ¬ Board Ordered It More than a month ago a resolu- tion ¬ by the county commissioners was passed which called attention to the fact that In the past many Bus- inesses ¬ had been conducted through- out ¬ Escambia county without li- censes ¬ and attention Df the sheriff was directed to the fact that it was his duty to make arrests in case no license had been secured The sher- iff ¬ said he would do his duty in the premises and he has detailed men to visit each place not only in the city but in country districts as well The Penalty- A small fine of perhaps 5 and costs of court is the usual procedure- of the criminal court In the cases ot persons arrested for failing to have licenses Of course that carries with- it the injunction that licenses must be procured in short order To in- sist ¬ on such condition it is estimated that several thousand dollars wit this year find their way into the county treasury Only One BROMO QUININE That is LAXATIVE BRO 10 QUI- NINE ¬ Look for the signature of E W GROVE Used the World over to i Cure a Cold In One Day 25c ARTILLERY COMPANIES- TO LEAVE KEY WEST General orders have been received j 4i IJV Pitkins Five Year Guarantee Paints Barrels and halfbarrels 75c per gallon 5gallon- cans r 85c Single gallon 90c Slate 5c gal higher WM JOHNSON SON I r TO THE FARMERS L Until further notice our in will start up every Thursday We have added a first clan grist mill to our plant and with gin and grist mill In charge of an experienced man we guarantee entire satisfaction Wp buy cotton cotton seed and corn JOS o McVOY CO B Cantonment Fla General Merchandise Cotton Fertilizers all kinds of farm supplies B H FAIRCHILD CO Make Best Shades EVERYONE GUARANTEED 31 West Garden St Phone 485 at Fort Barrancas which tell of the transfer of the 121t and 1oJnd com ¬ panies of coast artillery from Key West due to the barracks there being destroyed by the hurricane of last month The 12Ist company goes to Fort Screens Ga while the 152nd ilt transferred to Ft Dade Fla Discontinuance sale of suits now going on The Hub opposite Postoffice ARE YOU COMINGN- EW SUIT FILED The following new suit was filed y stcrday in the offi e of the clerk of the circuit court Av ry Hardware Supply Co ti N S Harris and W B Soles dam- ages lO Jno C Avery attorney I for plaintiff SAW MILL FOR SALE 80H P Boiler 35H P Engine No 2 Mill twin en ¬ gine feed fully equipped lo ¬ cated Washington County Fla Will sell at a bargain for cash Address Box 106 Dawson Ga f

Pensacola Journal. (Pensacola, Florida) 1909-11-06 [p 2].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00345/0305.pdf · andies Nuts Raisins Cranberries and every¬ thing that your autumn

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Page 1: Pensacola Journal. (Pensacola, Florida) 1909-11-06 [p 2].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00345/0305.pdf · andies Nuts Raisins Cranberries and every¬ thing that your autumn






Z IfLttuisvilk Gives Perttnthe Creditfor His Recovery and

Recommends it to His Friends

I qj t


1VJL fereon St LouisVille Ky writes< r tokegreatpleasureinrecommending-your valuable Peruaa as a catarrhremedy

1 have been suffering for the pastthree years with catarrh and had usedalmost every thing in the market untilread of your wonderful Pemna rem-edy


After using two bottles of Peru-na I can cheerfully recommend it toany one having the eam diseas-

eI was almost compelled to give upmy busk ese until I used your remedyand I have never been bothered withcatarrh since

Hon O Slemp Congressman fromVirginia writes 1 can cheettallysay that I have used your valuable rem-edy


Feruna with beneficial resultand can mh elt Uagly recommendyour remedy to say fricad as aainvigarattsg tealo-aaanent

ttte pereuro forMtnJl

People who bjedi liattidatadkinestan now secire Iferuna Tablets Soldby druggists sad manufactured by TheParana Drug Mfg Co Colamb Okl-

oManalin an Idea Laxi-


AttentionA new suit for 75 cents Your suit

dry cleaned by the latest French pro-cess


and not scrubbedt For one week only beginning Tues ¬day Nov 2 v

fGoods called for and delivered

Pensacola Steam DyeWorks

W K BISHOP Proprleor12 West Romana St

Phone 125Ladles Watch our ad noxt week

Fresh ImportedG-


in CheesesPastes Spaghetti Mac¬

aroni etc and

Groceriesof every description-new fresh and pureThe stock includes

Fruit CakesC-

andies Nuts RaisinsCranberries and every ¬

thing that your autumntable demands


Marine Grocery Co-

V J VIDAL Manager

Phone 725 604608 South Palafox St

REMOVAL NOTICE-I have moved my jewelry-

store and repair shop from23 South Palafox to

NO4 E GARDEN STREETlSpecial prices

en all goods till October 1stJ F DAVIS


A lot of old newspapers-tied up in neat bundles forsale 6c a bundle at The Jour-nal office

Read The Journals WantAds and profit thereby









Hundreds of homeseekers from theNorth and West are expected to be inPensacola the coming week and it Ispossible that quite a number willreach the city this afternoon and to¬

morrow the regular homeseekersrates being effective during this week-as well as the third week In thismonth

TriCounty Fair officials who havebeen in corespondence with Immigra-tion


Agent Park ot the L N havebeen advised by him that the inquiriesmade at his office have been excep-tionally


large and he judges that thenumber to come to Pensacola willreach many hundred They will tomsalmost direct to Pensacola in order toattend the TriCounty Fair and thereobtain some idea of the crops that canbe grown in this section-

To Santa RosaAnother party of homeseekers will

arrive here during the latter portionof this month and of this the DeFuniak Breeze of recent date con ¬

tained the followingPresident A E Gammage of the

Santa Rosa Plantation Co the com ¬

pany that is establishing the colony-at Santa Rosa on the peninsula on thesouth side of Choctawhatchee baywas hero last Saturday on his wayback from Chicago and brought us thenews that taking advantage of thehomeseekers excursion on the thirdTuesday in this month 150 heads offamilies would come down to make apersonal inspection of these lands andprobably a great many of them willsettle there at that time These willbe followed later by another and pos-sibly


larger number many of whomwill bring their families with them atonceThis party will como by rail toPensacola and makethe pleasant haytrip by steamer from there

This Is but one item In the rapidprogress that the bay country is mak¬

ing and will make from now on thatIts advantages have been brought tothe attention of the county a progressthat all this section will reap largeadvantages from in many ways

But this Is not all There are etherplans now being worked out whichmean even more to us in this sectionand of which the Breeze will keepyou posted

Foleys Honey and Tar curescoughs quickly strengthens the lungsand expels colds Get the genuine ina yellow package W A DAlemberte druggist and apothecary 121South Palafox Street


Cottage 624 E Garden Lot runsthrough block to Chase Now rents

10 per month No expense attachedWould be bargain at 1200 Forquick sale 900 takes it Easy termsC F Mabson M O Clothing store







School children throughout city andcounty will get a chance to spend onewhole day at the TriCounty Fair nextweek for an order came from the of¬

fice of Superintendent Cook yester ¬

day making public the authority toall teachers to close schools in thecity next Friday for the entire dayfor the purpose of allowing hundredsof school children to view at closerange what will prove the most In-structive


show given In many days inPensacola or Escambla county Fri-day


will be the last day of the fairand will be perhaps the most interestIng Besides the opportunity of seeIng what Escambia and the two othercounties are capable of producingthere will be a parade ot all prize


New Scientific Treatment Kills Dan ¬

druff Germs and Makes Hair SoftIt Is an accepted fact a proven fact

that dandruff is a germ disease and itis also a demonstrated tact that Newbros Herpiclde kills the dandruffgerm Without dandruff falling hairwould stop and thin hair will thickenHerpiclde not only kills the dandruffgerm but it also makes hair as soft-as silk It is the most delightful hairdressing made It cleanses the scalpfrom dandruff and keeps It clean andhealthy Itching and Irritation are in ¬

stantly relieved and permanently-cured Theres nothing just as goodTake no substitute Ask for Herpicide Sold by leading druggistsSend lOc in stamps for sample to TheHerplcide Co Detroit Mich

One dollar bottles guaranteed WA DAlemberte druggist and apothe-cary


121 S Palafox street



Just And Here is Your Chance r

350 at LastDown You have seen the HOOSIER KITCHEN CABINET in our windows I Mand and in the homes of your friends and you have read all about it in your favor-

ite¬ c r

weekly or monthly magazine We dont have to tell you that it is theJust greatest Saver Soother and Systematizer ever put into the householdthat100 cuts out miles of steps every month stops grocery leaks the hidden as

l-itwell as the open kinds actually enlarges your kitchen by its concentration of


a working spacejust like adding another room to the house as a bright lit¬ 11

Week tle woman said a minute agoand turns drudgery into pleasing stimulatingpastime

Putsl 1Jw

the You know all that and your womans instinct has revealed toyou more possibilities in the HOOSIER than we can suggest ButHoosierperhaps you have been Thinking of it as Out of Your Reach

in couldnt see how to pay all of the purchase price at one time That i

your Isnt So Now if it was ever soOur Club Plan which you will readf

about below has knocked that difficulty squarely in the head You00 =Homecan pay for the HOOSIER leisurely and pay for it from what it

to stay saves you on the grocery bill0 EN CR

You Are Invited to Be One of the TwentyFive W me v

in Our First Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet ClubWhich Will Be Formed Next Week Beginning

Bright and Early Monday Morning-

A cash payment of 350 and an agreement to pay 1 weekly-

on the purchase price makes you a fullfledged member and gives

you immediate possession of the Cabinet

Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet Clubs are sweeping over the landlike wildfire they are the most popular propositions laid before

the world of women in this new centuryand theres a big ad¬

vantage in joining this initial club of oursYou Save Three Dol¬

lars and a Half as the regular Club price of the Cabinet 3100

all over the countrywill be reduced to 2750 For The WeekOnly



lwinning livestoclr following the Judging of roadsters saddlers and combi-nation


work horses Then as theannounced program tells it three willbe something doing on the board-walk all the time

This school year a special addition-to the curriculum has been made ofstandard studies Muchinterest in this study is already mani ¬

fest and the exhibit atMagnolia Bluff will be seen by hun ¬

dreds of school children through eyesof interested critics rather than those-of casual observers



Loot for the signature of KAV GROVE Used the World over toCure a Cold in One Day 25c







The Eighth artillery band whlcnis stationed at Fort Barrancas re ¬

turned there yesterday morning fromNew Orleans where the memberswent a week or ten days ago furn ¬

ishing music during the visit to theCrescent City of President Taft

The band it is stated will short ¬

ly prepare for the concerts at thepost which were so popular last win ¬

ter there and it is probable that theywill be given three times a week dur-ing

¬ I

the coming winter months in ¬

stead of twice each month as wasthe case last year

For goodness sake eatMothers Bread Hugheys133 West Intendencia Phone855








Special deputies from the office ofSheriff Van Pelt yesterday went Jusearch of people doing business with ¬

out having first paid for and obtain ¬

ing the necessary license and bydark twentytwo persons had beenarrested for doing business wit-



BrushEscambia Motor-

Car CoEast Garden Street

The Hoosier Manufacturing Company is contributing gener-


to the prestige and success of the HOOSIER WEEK Theyhave sent us one of their finest Cabinets with instructions to Giv-eIt Awayand that means no price consideration whatever no re¬

striction at the close of the week We shall of course make thegift with absolute impartiality and some woman who visits ourstore next week will certainly receive it Ask us about it as youcome in


There will be continuous demonstrations of the Hoosier Cab-




in this store from Monday morning until closing time Satur¬

day night and the women of Pensacola are cordially solicited toattend them

105 105Palafox S



having the state and county li ¬

cense Only three parties werejailed One of these was B M Hatton a negro lawyer who made strongprotest against being locked up inthe county jail He retrained forsome hours in that institution feeingreleased In the late afternoon Wil-lie


Johnson and King Williams werethe other recalcitrants jailed Thearrests of all three were credited onthe jail iblotter to Deputies Nicholsand Jones

To Continue SearchDeputies will continue their work

for possible nolicense businesshouses today and through severaldays of next week Any house call-ing


or any line of business whateverfound to be without licenses willhave warrants made against the pro¬

prietors In addition to state andcounty licenses business proprietors-had better see to it that city licenses-are also procured since MarshalSanders has representatives out visit¬

ing each house where business linessubjected to a license tax are con-ducted


Board Ordered ItMore than a month ago a resolu-


by the county commissioners waspassed which called attention to thefact that In the past many Bus-inesses


had been conducted through-out


Escambia county without li-


and attention Df the sheriffwas directed to the fact that it washis duty to make arrests in case nolicense had been secured The sher-iff


said he would do his duty in thepremises and he has detailed mento visit each place not only in thecity but in country districts aswell

The Penalty-A small fine of perhaps 5 and

costs of court is the usual procedure-of the criminal court In the cases otpersons arrested for failing to havelicenses Of course that carries with-it the injunction that licenses mustbe procured in short order To in-sist


on such condition it is estimatedthat several thousand dollars witthis year find their way into thecounty treasury



Look for the signature of EW GROVE Used the World over to i

Cure a Cold In One Day 25c


General orders have been received

j4i IJV

Pitkins Five Year Guarantee PaintsBarrels and halfbarrels 75c per gallon 5gallon-

cans r85c Single gallon 90c Slate 5c gal higher




Until further notice our in will start up every Thursday We haveadded a first clan grist mill to our plant and with gin and grist mill Incharge of an experienced man we guarantee entire satisfaction Wp buycotton cotton seed and corn


Cantonment FlaGeneral Merchandise Cotton Fertilizers all kinds of farm supplies

B H FAIRCHILD COMake Best Shades

EVERYONE GUARANTEED31 West Garden St Phone 485

at Fort Barrancas which tell of thetransfer of the 121t and 1oJnd com ¬

panies of coast artillery from KeyWest due to the barracks there beingdestroyed by the hurricane of lastmonth

The 12Ist company goes to FortScreens Ga while the 152nd ilttransferred to Ft Dade Fla

Discontinuance sale ofsuits now going on TheHub opposite Postoffice


EW SUIT FILEDThe following new suit was filed

y stcrday in the offi e of the clerk ofthe circuit court

Av ry Hardware Supply Co tiN S Harris and W B Soles dam-ages lO Jno C Avery attorney Ifor plaintiff


Engine No 2 Mill twin en ¬

gine feed fully equipped lo¬

cated Washington CountyFla Will sell at a bargainfor cash Address Box 106Dawson Ga
