r I lp 4 ± Trn PENSACOLA JOURNAL nJlJl iJ rJ1dt L7 v ClC Lil UJ 1jiJ Jte ensa ia Journa DAILY WEEKLY SUNDAY PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING EX- CEPT ¬ MONDAY BY HEJOURNALCOM- PANI I L MAVES Pres and Gen Mgr MEMBER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year 55 00 One Month 45 Six Months 2 50 One Week 10 Three Months 1 25 Weekly year 100 Offlcea Joumal Building Corner De Luna and Intendencla Entered as condclass matter at the postofflce at Pensacola Florida under Act of Congress March 3 1879 Phones Editorial Rooms 33 Business Office 1500 FOREIGN ADVERTISING Robert MacQuoid Special Representative Offices New York 404 Tribune Build ¬ ing Ciilcago B F Henrlquez Manager 1543 Marquetto Building SATURDAY OCTOBER 30 1909 BOOST BOOM BUILDTHATS- ALL TIs strange how women tolerate Tats in their hair when a mouse on the floor throws them into convul- sions ¬ Tho Oleander is a swift boat and a good one for a harmonizer who may wish to escape from gubernatorial and congressional discord How many dramatists are now en gaged writing dramas or burlesque operas with the north pole as the cen- ter ¬ of attraction Chipley now has the fair fever one ot the few diseases which cure in- stead ¬ of killing and next fall will help to wake things up in West Florida It has taken Oook a long time to Tarm up but he seems at last to have developrd tome heat under the collar from tho constant irritation of his enemies PEERLESS PENSACOLA THE BEST PORT SOUTH OF PORTS- MOUTH ¬ Eat sauer kraut says Metchnikoff and youll live to be a hundred But think of a century of sauer kraut Would life be worth living when thus circumscribed- With I spot cotton at 14 516 Thurs ¬ day only 227 bales were sold in the Montgomery market which shows that planters are looking up as well as their product Outside of its mayoralty candidate Judge Qaynor Tammany looks for the election of its ticket to the republican machine and if signs do not fall the goods as usual will be delivered- The statute of limitation is a sweet thing for Indicted sugar magnates and the result of their prosecution for one of tho rankest pieces of rascality ever perpetrated in this country may be another miscarriage of justice BOOST BOOM BUILDTHATS ALL I Editor aiapoles of The Milligan- Sun has increased the size of his weekly to eight pageseight interest ¬ ing pages at that and The Journal hopes to se the day when he will give even greater evidence ot suc- cessful ¬ endeavor Since the assassination of Prince Ito the Japs in command at Seoul seem to fear Chorea among the Ko- reans ¬ together with a nervous un advertent discharge of a pistol or two and hence are keeping a sharp look- out ¬ for all suspects Should it be decided as seems prob- able ¬ that the corporation tax is un ¬ constitutional and with expenditures sun beyond receipts the adminlstra ¬ tion will within the noxt year or two meet a condition fully as impossible- to avert as It will be to explain- PEERLESSPENSACOLA THE BEST PORT SOUTH OF PORTS ¬ MOUTH Tampa must be a substantial con fcervative city after all and its boost ¬ ers have a solid foundation to support their brag for the Tigers cant play ball down there because of the ab- sence ¬ of a grand stand a com- modity ¬ whereon is centered the atten ¬ tion of the hot air artists of many American cities BOOST BOOM BUILD THATS ALL Baton Rouge Louisiana perchance Because of its name which means red stick awakened the fear of federal secret service men for those extreme- ly ¬ courteous gentlemen decreed that only fifty of the citizens might shake hands with President Taft Others must view from afar this luminous tar and wonderful mixer for fear ofn fixer There is an amusing side to the in- terest ¬ displayed by heads of sundry great corporations in inducing a broader interest in agriculture and the employment of more people in that excellent pursuit Of Course we all know that when farming stops every- thing ¬ else will stop for the heart of life will cease to beat and even the privileged classesmanufacturers- railroad presidents and the like will have to follow the plow or so out of business altogether Uncle John D Becomes- A Modern St Patrick- Must we always fear the Greeks when they bear gills It seems not It looks as though even their mercenary hearts may at times be softened and attune their throbbing to the divine harmonyrestitut1on In such a way one must regard the million dollar donation of John D Rockefeller toward the work of elimi ¬ nating the hookworm disease which will be undertaken iuthe southern states by resident physicians aided by government doctors There are some doubters in the South regarding the actual existence- of this disease Theto have refused- to admit as possible that a little worm clinging to the inner wall of the small intestines could be responsible for the laziness and apathy which they have so often lamented lambasted- and lascerated when displayed in the home or in business relations Such judgment is but natural It takes a long while to make people understand their environment and we fear a long time in addition to induce them to go to work to improve- It when discovered This is the truth concerning the individualit is the truth concerning the aggregation Anyone however with ordinary ob- servation ¬ who has lived in the coun ¬ try throughout the Souththat is in most of the square miles of its sandy- or aluminal areawill have noticed the dull apathetic pastyfaced chil- dren ¬ who live there to say nothing of their stupid wideeyed elders with aenernic brains and slow coordination- It may be that these sojourners have not known the cause of such a condi- tion ¬ but they must have observed it They should learn once for all it is ankylostomiasis hookworm dis ¬ ease This gift then of the Standard Oil king without a string and apparently without calculation as to what it may produce for his benefit from an educa ¬ tional standpoint may be accepted- and applied to the purpose for which- is said to be giventhe destruction of a great scourge the restoration of many thousand incapable people to a life of usefulness and profit And so I far as this gift is concerned The Journal hopes that its application will fall into the hands of honest executors- and thato every cent of It will be ap ¬ plied to the beneficent purpose for which it has been subscribed BOOST BOOM BUILD THATS ALL Next Tuesday an election for gov- ernor ¬ will be held in Massachusetts Rhode Island South Carolina and Virginia yet although important po litcal results are involved in at least three of these battles the press of the country has been almost silent re ¬ garding them Perhaps however the most interesting contest to be decided will be the constitutional amendment- in Maryland for the disfranchisement- of the negro It has been considere- dof sufficient Importance in republican circles to call for the interference of the federal administration for should this amendment be adopted Maryland will be united to the solid South will become as surely democratic in both state and national elections as Ala- bama I or Florida n A Strong Advocate of The Virtue of Pies The Journal is wont to respect the medical profession ajid to bend in subjection to its edicts For years and years we have been told that the intemperate consumption of pastry- was a short route to death tbat the pie in short was pieson without- any reference to simplified spelling Indeed it has been hinted that the breaking up of farm life in New Eng ¬ land was largely duo to the inordinate use of the deep dish apple mince or cherry varieties which mother used- to make death and territorial deser ¬ tion having followed in their wake- It is unnecessary then to declare- our amazement when from Chicago situated in the antipodes or Boston so to speakconies the voice of one Doc- tor Charles McCormick who forgetful- of the frightful lesson taught by New Englands experience launches forth- in the following earnest advice we retain his capitals Attention dyspeptics If you seek relief and long tar the culinary pro- pensities ¬ enjoyed by your epicure neighbor EAT LARGE CHUNKS OF JUICY PIE EAT PIE EAT ALL YOU WANT OF IT AND EAT IT FOR BREAKFAST IF YOU WOULD HAVE A GOOD STOMACH Let the gastric glands begin their days work with a GOOD BIG J9B and you will feel the better Throwaway breakfast foods for they kill more people in one year than does all the alcohol that was ever manufactured- into whisky Those who seek health must get the RIGHT FOOD COMBI- NATION ¬ and in pointing put the com- bination ¬ medical science about 400 years tehind the times I say again EAT PLENTY OF PIE It will cure your dyspepsia Truly this world of ours is turning topsy turvy One doesnt know what- to I believe for who may decide when doctors disagree Must we abandon- the lessons learned in our childhood days Must we apotheosize the pastry cook and partake unflinchingly and to complete repletion of his succulent wares Must we in short fearlessly assume the role of the politician and approach the pie counter with slitter ing eye and fixed resolve to consume every specimen that comes our way It looks like it if this Chicago doc- tor ¬ speaks the truth And possibly a few of the over credulous might be- lieve ¬ he did if he had not given such absolute proof of his crankiness and unreliability in saying that breakfast foods had killed more people than whisky which of course not men- the strongest antiprohibitionist will admit THE TIME DRAWS CLOSE FOR THE TRICOUNTY FAIR AND EX ¬ HIBITORS SHOULD HASTEN TO MAKE THEIR ENTRIES e + + oo 4 4 MORE SEA WALLS 0 1 + FOR GULF CITIES 4 13 + 4 Chattanooga Tradesman 4 6 + ++ + + Recent storms that wrecked prop ¬ erty and destroyed lives along th gulf coast impress the lesson which Galveston learned in the bitter schoo1- of experience Cities exposed to tin severe storms at sea must be pro tected or investmfnts in them are certain bo slow and timid The sea- wall of Galveston costing as it has many small fortunes is a conspicuous success and the city of Galveston is forging to the front ranks as a com- mercial ¬ center The work of restora- tion ¬ in the recently stricken districts will proceed as it always has but we believe that there will be more atten ¬ tion paid to permanency and aesthetic appearance In this connection it is interesting to note the opinions of newspapers in that particular section The Pensacola Journal utters this word of sympathy which contains also an admonition along the line which we have indicated Five hundred residences destroy- ed ¬ churches and factories laid in ruins a hundred craft driven ashore or wrecked on reefs two million dol ¬ lars worth of property lost but for- tunately and wonderfully next to no sacrifice of human lifesuch was the fate of Key West when visited by the hurrican- eIt is reported that at the worst of the storm the wind reached the fright- ful ¬ velocity of a hundred miles an hour as it swept in blind fury over the I Florida Keys And Pensacola ithough protected from the insensate rage of the gulf by its outlying island and in ¬ tervening bay well knows the terrific effect of such a wind for the de- structive ¬ storm of September 1906 will ever remain as a nightmare in the memory of its people Therefore the Deep Water City is particularly filled with sympathy for the misfortune which has overtaken the city of the far south and would I express that sympathy in no measured i terms I UIt is believed however that the citizens of Kay West are possessed- of a dauntless spirit and a civic pride which will urge them to an instant restoration of their island home that this disaster will be but a spur to ambition and that places now waste will be rebuilt along improved lines of strength and architectural I beauty There is aai optimistic tone in the I above utterance which sounds good It reflects the pluck of the whole coast i country and shows that the spirit of doing what is necessary still exists among the people In spite of death and devastation tho southern country forges ahead steadily and the roar of the tidal wave Is soon forgotten in the sound of the hammer and saw The time will speedily come when the exposed places will all be located and properly safeguarded and then only will the possibilities of the southern gulf and sea coast country be fully realized C R Kluger the Jeweler 1060 Vir ¬ ginia Ave Indianapolis Ind writes- I was so weak from kidney trouble that I could hardly walk a hundred feet Four bottles of Foleys Kidney Remedy cleared my complexion cur- ed ¬ I my backache and the irregularities disappeared and I can now attend to I business every day and recommend Foteys Kidney Remedy to all suffer- ers ¬ as it cured me after tho doctors and other remedies had failed- W I A DAlemberte druggist and I apothecary 121 South Palafox street I 4 e > e 0 o 4 00 e C 0 I 4 DENVERS BEAUTY PLANS 4 4 APPEAL TO CITIZENS 4 0 4 4 Denver Col Republican 4 e o o The proposed civic center and other improvements of parks and boulevards carried in the ordinance will appeal- to property owners in two different ways so far as the tax falls on the pocketbook There is first to be con ¬ sidered the individual who owns his home then the investment owner and speculator in unimproved lots Since it is understood that ninety per cent of the homes of Denver are owned by those who occupy them to these it becomes a simple proposition- Is not the owner satisfied for the sake of having so much added to the value- of his property and to the beauty of the ctiy in which he lives to stand the small tax which the improvements will entail for ten years To such a man it is not so much a question of whether the improvements will add to the selling value of his property- he is satisfied with his home and means to retain it no matter whether- its price goes up or down on the mar- ket He likes Denver wants to con- tinue ¬ to live here and naturall is interested in seeing it made prettier- as a city in which to live just as he is only a little less directly Interested in improving his own home building- a new porch putting on a fresh coat of paint or keeping his lawn trimmed Such a man will look upon the pro- posed ¬ improvements as adding to his comfort or pleasure in only a little less degree than would an improve- ment ¬ on his own home The civic im- provements ¬ actuaaiy stand to him in the same relation and when he fig ¬ ures that he gets an infinitely finer city in which to live for not more than it would cost him to add a new coat of paint to his own home he finds that it is a tax he can well af- ford and is well satisfied to have levied In a more remote way hr i a LAME BACKS FEEL FINE OUTOFORDER KIDNEYS ARE REGULATED AND BLADDER MIS ¬ ERY ENDS AFTER A FEW DOSES The most effective and harinIcs way to cure backache and regulate kidneys or end bladder trouble is to take several doses of Papas Diuretic You will distinctly feel that your kidneys and urinary organ are being cleaned healed and vitalized and all the miserable symptoms such ao backache headache nervousness rheumatism and darting pains in- flamed or swollen eyelids irritabilIty aleepksn fcfa or suppressed painful or frequent urination especially at I night and other distress leaving af er taking the first few doses The moment you suspect any kid- ney or urinary disorder or rhesnua- cism begin taking this harmless prep- aration as directed with the knowl- edge ¬ that there is no other medieim at any price made anywhere <> Ise in the world which will pff < ct so thor- ough ¬ and prompt a < im as a fifty cent treatment of Papes Diuretic which any druggist can supply Your physician pharmacist banker- or any mercantile agency will tell you that Pape Thompson Pape of Cin- cinnati ¬ is a large and responsible medicine concern thoroughly worthy- of your confidence Dont be miserable or worried an ether moment with a lame back or clogged inactive kidneys or bladder I misery saiL this goes after you start I taking Papos Diuretic and in a few- days you feel and know that your kid ¬ neys liver arid urinary system are I healthy rican and normal and all danger passed Accept only Papes Diureticfifty- cent treatmentfrom any drug store anywhere in the world THE GREATEST SUR ¬ PRISE OFTHE AGE- Two lots on Cervantes Street be ¬ tween Spring and Baylen 62x125 feet 1600 In the heart of the North Hill J district The only lots to be had in this immediate vicinity- A BARGAIN 1600 JUST THINK- OF IT where lots are selling for 1000 and more L E Bogan or C L Vet ter American National Bank Building Phone 608 feels hat if the time ever comes when ho should want to sell his house it would brins because of the general improvements at least as much more as lit ould add to its cost through- the levy To the speculator the proposition becomes this Will the beauty plans add sufficiently to the city as a whole make it a sUfficiently more attractive city for homes and business draw to it a sufficiently larger population to add to the value of his holdings more than he will have to pay as tax In this case the owner is one who ex- pects ¬ to sell he has more ground than he can use himself and is hold ¬ ing for a raise to make money on the increase in value If IK stops to fig- ure ¬ that be has a certain number of lots scattered here and there and that the aggregate of taxes on them means that he must pay toward the improvemens as much as he might build a house for on ona of them he- may be inclined to think ii would be more profitable to him to build that house and have it as au added tan- gible ¬ asset than to submit to the tax and hac nothing more tangible than- a constructively added value to each lot to show for his outlay Yet to him the proposition in the large is clearly one whither the city as a whole is going to grow enough under the impetus of the civic improvements to permit him to sell bis property at a sufficient advance to cover the taxes Unlike the individual owner of the home who is content to contribute the price of a new coat of paint Tor his home m order to enham tho general attractiveness of the city in which In i lives this other man confronts pure ¬ ly the business proposition of wheth- er ¬ it is going to pay him None who has watched the of cities can for a minute doubt but that the improvements are going to make Denver so much more attractive that it will draw here thousands more of that desirable class of home mak- ers ¬ who find Denver their ideal and locate here indifferent to its business openings The certainty that this will follow as the natural result of the improvements resolves the whole proposition to the one of the man who sets out to give his house a fresh coat of paint knowing well that its added attractiveness is going not only to make his house worth more than the paint costs but a prettier place to live in so long as he prefers to make it his own home- ALABAMIANS 4 ci 4 9 e + + e o LIKE 0 4 < CAPT T E WELLES 4 4 Athens Democrat 4 0 + + 4 80i 0 40 Over a hundred ladies and gentle- men ¬ gathered at the court house at S oclock Saturday night to witness the presentation to Capt T E Welles of a handsome silver loving cup which had been purchased by the vol ¬ untary cortributions of a rurobtr of too business men of Athena who d sired to express to the distinguished Pensacolian their appreciation of his unstinted efforts in behalf of the fair held last week Capt Weltes was completely taken by surprise as he had no inkling of what was to take place when he was phoned and asked to come to the court house to attend a business meeting of some of the fair associa ¬ tions stockholders After he had ben seated Hon T M Hobos made the following preseatatfcHt speech Fellow CIUZfHIK of tile Belt Town j in the WOrhLAs you kaow we Ma PRESIDENT TAFT AND FLEET THAT TAKES HIM TO CONVENTION AT NEW ORLEANS t r a I n 1 c I e j j f- I r 4 U q I President Taft will address the lakes to the gulf deep waterway contention on its opening day Oct 30 at New Orleans It will be the largest gathering ever held in the mrrest of the ship canal from C3iicaRo to New Orleans To fully acquaint the ttrebidenl with the posbioihtu of the canal the promoters of tan I convention arranged his trip don the Mississippi St Louis The president could have reached Ne Orleans by a much shorter way but he had never experienced a steamboat ride on the Father of Waters- so he chose the river route The steamboat Mississippi is the flagship of the fleet and is oeoorted by the torpedo boat Wilkes and the deeroyer MooDonough The boat which takes other distinguished delegates j including the governors and congressmen is the Alton The fleet left St Louis at 5 oclock In tin evening- of Oct 25 Stops will be made at Cape Girardeau Cairo Helena Memphis Vickiburs and Natch I l the name of another city which 2500 years ago was the best of the world tbe center ot letters of learning and civilization It was a custom in that to each year present a laurel wreath to that one of its citizens who had beat served his city and his peo I pie We are here tonight to imitate our ancient namesake as nearly as wo may counting the change of time and manners Indeed I might say w wish to show that modern Athens has improved on the ancienrt city siuct our action here will nullify a proverb of ancient Greece that no prophet is without honor save in his own coun- try and we are fortunate that we have SUCk an opportunity We have- in I our midst a fellow citizen who has served his and our city faithfully and well His place of business is in Pensaeola but his home u> here Our citizens have concluded to give to this citizen an evidence of their ap ¬ preciation that he may carry with him to show how he is regarded at hem0 and have commissioned your hnmhlf orator to ipies a for them thir sen tnuent1 hich have betn engraven on this loving cup Vkhith I will read m TO AILING WOMEN- A Little Sound Advice Will Help I Many a Sufferer in Pensacola I Xo woman can be healthy and well if the kidneys are sick Poisons that i pass off in the secretions when the j kidneys arc well are retained in the body when the kidneys are sick Kid- neys j and bladder become inflamed- and I swollen and worse troubles quick- ly follow This is often the true cause of bearing down pains lame ¬ ness backache sideache etc Uric poisoning also causes headaches dizzy I spells languor nervousness and I rheumatic vain When suffering so try Doans Kid ¬ ney Pills a remedy that cures sick kidneys You will get better as the j kidneys get better and health will re- turn i when the kidneys are well Let i a Pensacola woman tell You about i DOlls Kidney Pills i Mrs E Forum 527 W Garden St i Pensacola Fla says It would be difficult to describe all the misery I endured from kidney complaint I be- lieve ¬ I had all the symptoms that ac company this trouble and as my con j dition was growing worse all the t time I was worried My back ached Hmoit constantly I was weak and had difficn1 in breathing The kid I pre ions were also irregular In passage and bothered me a great deal I Whew a friend recommended Doans j Kidney Pills I procured a box at the Crystal Pcarmacy and began their use They acted just as representedI giving prompt relief and no symptom of kidney trouble what- ever ¬ For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents FosterMilburn Co Buffalo NeW York sole agents for the United States Remember the name DORMS and take no other S nr N I Is alcohol a tonic No Al I Does it make the blood pure No o COO Does it strengthen the nerves No 13 Ayers Sarsaparilla a tonic Yes I Ask your doctor if a family medicine like Does it make the blood pure Yes I dyers Sarsaparilla Is not vastly teller with- out ¬ Does it strengthen the nerves Yes I alcohol than with it ioC feidC = Is entirely free from alcohol Yes I I 6 r 11k T na = rVW i a or You Should Trade Where You Can Better Yourself By So DoingO- ur mammoth store room with its two double floors loaded with the newest and most artistic furniture carpets rugs mattings and other Items v for the Home is thrown open to you Not a store in West Florida can make a better deal with you Our Buy Now Pay Later Terms are bound to be satisfactory and oven if > you dont buy you can come in and talk the mat ¬ ter over We will do our best to please you You are welcome and every courtesy is yo- ursMARSTON QUINA 108110 S Palafox St Pensacola I ro4 Pl r 1 UTo Capt T E Welles from hs fellow citizens of Athens Ala mi token of their love and respect and in acknowledgment of his valued sfi vices to his city October 21 lOD I Capt Welles in the name of our t citizens and your friends I present you this loving cup It is brimful and overflowing with their best love and wishes thast you will enjoy a long life of health and a green old age of t> atit faction After the applause subsided Capt Welles responded in most teelirg words to the happy presrntat speech of Mr Hobbs assuring the audience that ever since he first came to Athens some fifteen years ago he bad always been srted to get back to her confines He expressed hi > deep gratitude to the warm hearted gen- erous ¬ people of Aithens who had s pii fit to thus honor him and express their aiTectiou for him and their ap prcciation of his efforts in behalf of tbn recent county fair tapt Vell ma > visibly affected by the tei moniai of his fellow citizens and his speech was therefore all the more im- pressive ¬ At its conclusion h was kept quite busy for some while in shaking hands with his friends FOREST FIRE RAGING El Paso Texas Oct ZA lores fire is raging in the Huachuca forest reservation and troops from Fort Huachuca nave been ordered out to fight the flames Much valuable tim- ber ¬ has been destroyed It is bo lieved the lire was started oy sheey herders In revenge for having the flocks driven from tne range by gov- ernment ¬ rangers I SUBSCRIBE FOR ThEJOURNAL- a nt t Put Your Feet in a Pair of Handsome New Boston Shoes- A sure cure for the blues The perfect fit and freedom of foot motion will give genuine satisfaction The dura ¬ bility too will keep you smiling all through the long winter months QUALITY counts in Boston Shoe Store Shoes For Ladies 2 to 5 For Men 250 to 650 For Children 150 to 3 BOSTON SHOE STORE Quality Shoes I SUBSCRIBE FOR THE JOURNAL

Pensacola Journal. (Pensacola, Florida) 1909-10-30 [p 4].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00339/0251.pdf · 2009. 5. 15. · I r lp 4 ± Trn PENSACOLA JOURNAL nJlJl iJ rJ1dt

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Page 1: Pensacola Journal. (Pensacola, Florida) 1909-10-30 [p 4].ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00339/0251.pdf · 2009. 5. 15. · I r lp 4 ± Trn PENSACOLA JOURNAL nJlJl iJ rJ1dt



4 ± Trn PENSACOLA JOURNAL nJlJl iJ rJ1dt L7 vClC Lil UJ 1jiJ






L MAVES Pres and Gen Mgr


SUBSCRIPTION RATESOne Year 55 00 One Month 45Six Months 2 50 One Week 10Three Months 1 25 Weekly year 100

Offlcea Joumal Building Corner DeLuna and Intendencla

Entered as condclass matter at thepostofflce at Pensacola Florida under Actof Congress March 3 1879

Phones Editorial Rooms 33 BusinessOffice 1500

FOREIGN ADVERTISINGRobert MacQuoid Special Representative

Offices New York 404 Tribune Build ¬

ing Ciilcago B F Henrlquez Manager1543 Marquetto Building



TIs strange how women tolerateTats in their hair when a mouse onthe floor throws them into convul-sions


Tho Oleander is a swift boat and agood one for a harmonizer who maywish to escape from gubernatorial andcongressional discord

How many dramatists are now engaged writing dramas or burlesqueoperas with the north pole as the cen-


of attractionChipley now has the fair fever one

ot the few diseases which cure in-


of killing and next fall willhelp to wake things up in WestFlorida

It has taken Oook a long time toTarm up but he seems at last to havedeveloprd tome heat under the collarfrom tho constant irritation of hisenemies



Eat sauer kraut says Metchnikoffand youll live to be a hundred Butthink of a century of sauer krautWould life be worth living when thuscircumscribed-


spot cotton at 14 516 Thurs ¬

day only 227 bales were sold in theMontgomery market which showsthat planters are looking up as wellas their product

Outside of its mayoralty candidateJudge Qaynor Tammany looks for theelection of its ticket to the republicanmachine and if signs do not fall the

goods as usual will be delivered-

The statute of limitation is a sweetthing for Indicted sugar magnates andthe result of their prosecution for oneof tho rankest pieces of rascality everperpetrated in this country may beanother miscarriage of justice



Editor aiapoles of The Milligan-

Sun has increased the size of hisweekly to eight pageseight interest¬

ing pages at that and The Journalhopes to se the day when he willgive even greater evidence ot suc-




Since the assassination of PrinceIto the Japs in command at Seoulseem to fear Chorea among the Ko-



together with a nervous unadvertent discharge of a pistol or two

and hence are keeping a sharp look-



for all suspects

Should it be decided as seems prob-



that the corporation tax is un ¬

constitutional and with expendituressun beyond receipts the adminlstra ¬

tion will within the noxt year or two

meet a condition fully as impossible-

to avert as It will be to explain-



Tampa must be a substantial con

fcervative city after all and its boost ¬

ers have a solid foundation to supporttheir brag for the Tigers cant play

ball down there because of the ab-



of a grand stand a com-



whereon is centered the atten ¬

tion of the hot air artists of manyAmerican cities


Baton Rouge Louisiana perchanceBecause of its name which means redstick awakened the fear of federalsecret service men for those extreme-



courteous gentlemen decreed thatonly fifty of the citizens might shakehands with President Taft Othersmust view from afar this luminoustar and wonderful mixer for fearofn fixer

There is an amusing side to the in-


displayed by heads of sundrygreat corporations in inducing abroader interest in agriculture and theemployment of more people in thatexcellent pursuit Of Course we allknow that when farming stops every-thing


else will stop for the heart oflife will cease to beat and eventhe privileged classesmanufacturers-railroad presidents and the like willhave to follow the plow or so out ofbusiness altogether

Uncle John D Becomes-A Modern St Patrick-

Must we always fear the Greekswhen they bear gills It seems not Itlooks as though even their mercenaryhearts may at times be softened andattune their throbbing to the divineharmonyrestitut1on

In such a way one must regard themillion dollar donation of John DRockefeller toward the work of elimi ¬

nating the hookworm disease whichwill be undertaken iuthe southernstates by resident physicians aided bygovernment doctors

There are some doubters in theSouth regarding the actual existence-of this disease Theto have refused-to admit as possible that a little wormclinging to the inner wall of the smallintestines could be responsible forthe laziness and apathy which theyhave so often lamented lambasted-and lascerated when displayed in thehome or in business relations

Such judgment is but natural Ittakes a long while to make peopleunderstand their environment andwe fear a long time in addition toinduce them to go to work to improve-It when discovered This is thetruth concerning the individualit isthe truth concerning the aggregation

Anyone however with ordinary ob-


who has lived in the coun ¬

try throughout the Souththat is inmost of the square miles of its sandy-or aluminal areawill have noticedthe dull apathetic pastyfaced chil-dren


who live there to say nothing oftheir stupid wideeyed elders withaenernic brains and slow coordination-It may be that these sojourners havenot known the cause of such a condi-tion


but they must have observed itThey should learn once for all it isankylostomiasis hookworm dis ¬

easeThis gift then of the Standard Oil

king without a string and apparentlywithout calculation as to what it mayproduce for his benefit from an educa¬

tional standpoint may be accepted-and applied to the purpose for which-is said to be giventhe destructionof a great scourge the restoration ofmany thousand incapable people to alife of usefulness and profit And so


far as this gift is concerned TheJournal hopes that its application willfall into the hands of honest executors-and thato every cent of It will be ap ¬

plied to the beneficent purpose forwhich it has been subscribed


Next Tuesday an election for gov-ernor


will be held in MassachusettsRhode Island South Carolina andVirginia yet although important politcal results are involved in at leastthree of these battles the press of thecountry has been almost silent re ¬

garding them Perhaps however themost interesting contest to be decidedwill be the constitutional amendment-in Maryland for the disfranchisement-of the negro It has been considere-

dof sufficient Importance in republicancircles to call for the interference ofthe federal administration for shouldthis amendment be adopted Marylandwill be united to the solid South willbecome as surely democratic in bothstate and national elections as Ala-bama


or Floridan

A Strong Advocate ofThe Virtue of Pies

The Journal is wont to respect themedical profession ajid to bend insubjection to its edicts For yearsand years we have been told that theintemperate consumption of pastry-was a short route to death tbat thepie in short was pieson without-any reference to simplified spelling

Indeed it has been hinted that thebreaking up of farm life in New Eng ¬

land was largely duo to the inordinateuse of the deep dish apple mince orcherry varieties which mother used-to make death and territorial deser¬

tion having followed in their wake-It is unnecessary then to declare-

our amazement when from Chicagosituated in the antipodes or Boston soto speakconies the voice of one Doc-tor Charles McCormick who forgetful-of the frightful lesson taught by NewEnglands experience launches forth-in the following earnest advice weretain his capitals

Attention dyspeptics If you seekrelief and long tar the culinary pro-pensities


enjoyed by your epicureneighbor EAT LARGE CHUNKS OFJUICY PIE EAT PIE EAT ALLYOU WANT OF IT AND EAT ITFOR BREAKFAST IF YOU WOULDHAVE A GOOD STOMACH Let thegastric glands begin their days workwith a GOOD BIG J9B and you willfeel the better Throwawaybreakfast foods for they kill morepeople in one year than does all thealcohol that was ever manufactured-into whisky Those who seek healthmust get the RIGHT FOOD COMBI-NATION


and in pointing put the com-bination


medical science about 400years tehind the times I say againEAT PLENTY OF PIE It will cureyour dyspepsia

Truly this world of ours is turningtopsy turvy One doesnt know what-to


believe for who may decide whendoctors disagree Must we abandon-the lessons learned in our childhooddays Must we apotheosize the pastrycook and partake unflinchingly and tocomplete repletion of his succulentwares Must we in short fearlesslyassume the role of the politician andapproach the pie counter with slitter

ing eye and fixed resolve to consumeevery specimen that comes our way

It looks like it if this Chicago doc-tor


speaks the truth And possibly afew of the over credulous might be-lieve


he did if he had not given suchabsolute proof of his crankiness andunreliability in saying that breakfastfoods had killed more people thanwhisky which of course not men-the strongest antiprohibitionist willadmit



e + + oo 44

MORE SEA WALLS 01 + FOR GULF CITIES 413 +4 Chattanooga Tradesman 46 +

+ + + +Recent storms that wrecked prop¬

erty and destroyed lives along thgulf coast impress the lesson whichGalveston learned in the bitter schoo1-of experience Cities exposed to tinsevere storms at sea must be protected or investmfnts in them arecertain bo slow and timid The sea-wall of Galveston costing as it hasmany small fortunes is a conspicuoussuccess and the city of Galveston isforging to the front ranks as a com-mercial


center The work of restora-tion


in the recently stricken districtswill proceed as it always has but webelieve that there will be more atten¬

tion paid to permanency and aestheticappearance In this connection it isinteresting to note the opinions ofnewspapers in that particular sectionThe Pensacola Journal utters thisword of sympathy which containsalso an admonition along the linewhich we have indicated

Five hundred residences destroy-ed


churches and factories laid inruins a hundred craft driven ashoreor wrecked on reefs two million dol ¬

lars worth of property lost but for-tunately and wonderfully next to nosacrifice of human lifesuch was thefate of Key West when visited by thehurrican-

eIt is reported that at the worst ofthe storm the wind reached the fright-ful


velocity of a hundred miles anhour as it swept in blind fury over the I

Florida Keys And Pensacola ithoughprotected from the insensate rage ofthe gulf by its outlying island and in¬

tervening bay well knows the terrificeffect of such a wind for the de-


storm of September 1906 willever remain as a nightmare in thememory of its people

Therefore the Deep Water City isparticularly filled with sympathy forthe misfortune which has overtakenthe city of the far south and would I

express that sympathy in no measured i

terms I

UIt is believed however that thecitizens of Kay West are possessed-of a dauntless spirit and a civic pridewhich will urge them to an instantrestoration of their island homethat this disaster will be but a spurto ambition and that places nowwaste will be rebuilt along improvedlines of strength and architectural I

beautyThere is aai optimistic tone in the I

above utterance which sounds good Itreflects the pluck of the whole coast i

country and shows that the spirit ofdoing what is necessary still existsamong the people In spite of deathand devastation tho southern countryforges ahead steadily and the roar ofthe tidal wave Is soon forgotten inthe sound of the hammer and sawThe time will speedily come when theexposed places will all be located andproperly safeguarded and then onlywill the possibilities of the southerngulf and sea coast country be fullyrealized

C R Kluger the Jeweler 1060 Vir¬

ginia Ave Indianapolis Ind writes-I was so weak from kidney trouble

that I could hardly walk a hundredfeet Four bottles of Foleys KidneyRemedy cleared my complexion cur-ed


I my backache and the irregularitiesdisappeared and I can now attend to

I business every day and recommendFoteys Kidney Remedy to all suffer-ers


as it cured me after tho doctorsand other remedies had failed-


A DAlemberte druggist andI apothecary 121 South Palafox street I

4 e > e 0 o 4 00 e C

0I 4 DENVERS BEAUTY PLANS 44 APPEAL TO CITIZENS 40 44 Denver Col Republican 4e

o o

The proposed civic center and otherimprovements of parks and boulevardscarried in the ordinance will appeal-to property owners in two differentways so far as the tax falls on thepocketbook There is first to be con ¬

sidered the individual who owns hishome then the investment owner andspeculator in unimproved lots

Since it is understood that ninetyper cent of the homes of Denver areowned by those who occupy them tothese it becomes a simple proposition-Is not the owner satisfied for the sakeof having so much added to the value-of his property and to the beauty ofthe ctiy in which he lives to stand thesmall tax which the improvementswill entail for ten years To such aman it is not so much a question ofwhether the improvements will addto the selling value of his property-he is satisfied with his home andmeans to retain it no matter whether-its price goes up or down on the mar-ket He likes Denver wants to con-tinue


to live here and naturall isinterested in seeing it made prettier-as a city in which to live just as heis only a little less directly Interestedin improving his own home building-a new porch putting on a fresh coatof paint or keeping his lawn trimmed

Such a man will look upon the pro-posed


improvements as adding to hiscomfort or pleasure in only a littleless degree than would an improve-ment


on his own home The civic im-provements


actuaaiy stand to him inthe same relation and when he fig¬

ures that he gets an infinitely finercity in which to live for not morethan it would cost him to add a newcoat of paint to his own home hefinds that it is a tax he can well af-ford and is well satisfied to havelevied In a more remote way hr







The most effective and harinIcsway to cure backache and regulate

kidneys or end bladdertrouble is to take several doses ofPapas Diuretic

You will distinctly feel that yourkidneys and urinary organ are beingcleaned healed and vitalized and allthe miserable symptoms such aobackache headache nervousnessrheumatism and darting pains in-flamed or swollen eyelids irritabilItyaleepksn fcfa or suppressed painfulor frequent urination especially at

I night and other distress leaving afer taking the first few dosesThe moment you suspect any kid-

ney or urinary disorder or rhesnua-cism begin taking this harmless prep-aration as directed with the knowl-edge


that there is no other medieimat any price made anywhere <>Ise inthe world which will pff < ct so thor-ough


and prompt a < im as a fiftycent treatment of Papes Diureticwhich any druggist can supply

Your physician pharmacist banker-or any mercantile agency will tell youthat Pape Thompson Pape of Cin-cinnati


is a large and responsiblemedicine concern thoroughly worthy-of your confidence

Dont be miserable or worried anether moment with a lame back orclogged inactive kidneys or bladder I

misery saiL this goes after you start I

taking Papos Diuretic and in a few-days you feel and know that your kid ¬

neys liver arid urinary system are I

healthy rican and normal and alldanger passed

Accept only Papes Diureticfifty-cent treatmentfrom any drug store

anywhere in the world


PRISE OFTHE AGE-Two lots on Cervantes Street be ¬

tween Spring and Baylen 62x125 feet1600 In the heart of the North Hill J

district The only lots to be had inthis immediate vicinity-

A BARGAIN 1600 JUST THINK-OF IT where lots are selling for 1000and more L E Bogan or C L Vetter American National Bank BuildingPhone 608

feels hat if the time ever comeswhen ho should want to sell his houseit would brins because of the generalimprovements at least as much moreas lit ould add to its cost through-the levy

To the speculator the propositionbecomes this Will the beauty plansadd sufficiently to the city as a wholemake it a sUfficiently more attractivecity for homes and business draw toit a sufficiently larger population toadd to the value of his holdings morethan he will have to pay as tax Inthis case the owner is one who ex-pects


to sell he has more groundthan he can use himself and is hold ¬

ing for a raise to make money on theincrease in value If IK stops to fig-ure


that be has a certain number oflots scattered here and there andthat the aggregate of taxes on themmeans that he must pay toward theimprovemens as much as he mightbuild a house for on ona of them he-may be inclined to think ii would bemore profitable to him to build thathouse and have it as au added tan-gible


asset than to submit to the taxand hac nothing more tangible than-a constructively added value to eachlot to show for his outlay Yet tohim the proposition in the large isclearly one whither the city as awhole is going to grow enough underthe impetus of the civic improvementsto permit him to sell bis property ata sufficient advance to cover the taxesUnlike the individual owner of thehome who is content to contribute theprice of a new coat of paint Tor hishome m order to enham tho generalattractiveness of the city in which In i

lives this other man confronts pure ¬

ly the business proposition of wheth-er¬

it is going to pay himNone who has watched the

of cities can for a minute doubt butthat the improvements are going tomake Denver so much more attractivethat it will draw here thousands moreof that desirable class of home mak-ers


who find Denver their ideal andlocate here indifferent to its businessopenings The certainty that thiswill follow as the natural result of theimprovements resolves the wholeproposition to the one of the manwho sets out to give his house a freshcoat of paint knowing well that itsadded attractiveness is going not onlyto make his house worth more thanthe paint costs but a prettier placeto live in so long as he prefers tomake it his own home-


4 ci 4 9 e + + eo LIKE


4 Athens Democrat 40+ + 4 80i 0 40

Over a hundred ladies and gentle-men


gathered at the court house atS oclock Saturday night to witnessthe presentation to Capt T E Wellesof a handsome silver loving cupwhich had been purchased by the vol ¬

untary cortributions of a rurobtr oftoo business men of Athena who dsired to express to the distinguishedPensacolian their appreciation of hisunstinted efforts in behalf of the fairheld last week

Capt Weltes was completely takenby surprise as he had no inkling ofwhat was to take place when he wasphoned and asked to come to thecourt house to attend a businessmeeting of some of the fair associa ¬

tions stockholders After he hadben seated Hon T M Hobos madethe following preseatatfcHt speech

Fellow CIUZfHIK of tile Belt Town jin the WOrhLAs you kaow we Ma



r a I n1

c I e jj f-I r 4 U q


President Taft will address the lakes to the gulf deep waterway contention on its opening day Oct 30 atNew Orleans It will be the largest gathering ever held in the mrrest of the ship canal from C3iicaRo toNew Orleans To fully acquaint the ttrebidenl with the posbioihtu of the canal the promoters of tan Iconvention arranged his trip don the Mississippi St Louis The president could have reached NeOrleans by a much shorter way but he had never experienced a steamboat ride on the Father of Waters-so he chose the river route The steamboat Mississippi is the flagship of the fleet and is oeoorted by thetorpedo boat Wilkes and the deeroyer MooDonough The boat which takes other distinguished delegates jincluding the governors and congressmen is the Alton The fleet left St Louis at 5 oclock In tin evening-of Oct 25 Stops will be made at Cape Girardeau Cairo Helena Memphis Vickiburs and Natch I l

the name of another city which 2500years ago was the best of the worldtbe center ot letters of learning andcivilization It was a custom in that

to each year present a laurelwreath to that one of its citizens whohad beat served his city and his peo

I pie We are here tonight to imitateour ancient namesake as nearly as womay counting the change of time andmanners Indeed I might say wwish to show that modern Athens hasimproved on the ancienrt city siuctour action here will nullify a proverbof ancient Greece that no prophet iswithout honor save in his own coun-try and we are fortunate that wehave SUCk an opportunity We have-inI our midst a fellow citizen whohas served his and our city faithfullyand well His place of business is inPensaeola but his home u> here Ourcitizens have concluded to give tothis citizen an evidence of their ap ¬

preciation that he may carry with himto show how he is regarded at hem0and have commissioned your hnmhlforator to ipies a for them thir sentnuent1 hich have betn engraven onthis loving cup Vkhith I will read



A Little Sound Advice Will Help I

Many a Sufferer in Pensacola I

Xo woman can be healthy and wellif the kidneys are sick Poisons that i

pass off in the secretions when the j

kidneys arc well are retained in thebody when the kidneys are sick Kid-neys


and bladder become inflamed-and


swollen and worse troubles quick-ly follow This is often the truecause of bearing down pains lame ¬

ness backache sideache etc Uricpoisoning also causes headaches dizzy I

spells languor nervousness and I

rheumatic vainWhen suffering so try Doans Kid ¬

ney Pills a remedy that cures sickkidneys You will get better as the j

kidneys get better and health will re-turn


when the kidneys are well Let ia Pensacola woman tell You about i

DOlls Kidney Pills i

Mrs E Forum 527 W Garden St i

Pensacola Fla says It would bedifficult to describe all the misery Iendured from kidney complaint I be-lieve

¬I had all the symptoms that ac

company this trouble and as my con j

dition was growing worse all the t

time I was worried My back achedHmoit constantly I was weak andhad difficn1 in breathing The kid I

pre ions were also irregular Inpassage and bothered me a great deal I

Whew a friend recommended Doans j

Kidney Pills I procured a box at theCrystal Pcarmacy and began theiruse They acted just as representedIgiving prompt relief andno symptom of kidney trouble what-ever


For sale by all dealers Price 50cents FosterMilburn Co BuffaloNeW York sole agents for the UnitedStates

Remember the name DORMS andtake no other


nrN I Is alcohol a tonic NoAl I Does it make the blood pure Noo COO Does it strengthen the nerves No13 Ayers Sarsaparilla a tonic Yes I

Ask your doctor if a family medicine like Does it make the blood pure Yes Idyers Sarsaparilla Is not vastly teller with-out

¬ Does it strengthen the nerves Yes Ialcohol than with it ioC feidC = Is entirely free from alcohol Yes I


6 r 11k T na =rVW i a or

You Should Trade Where You CanBetter Yourself By So DoingO-

ur mammoth store room with its two double floors loaded with thenewest and most artistic furniture carpets rugs mattings and other Items vfor the Home is thrown open to you Not a store in West Florida can makea better deal with you Our Buy Now Pay Later Terms are bound to besatisfactory and oven if >you dont buy you can come in and talk the mat¬

ter over We will do our best to please you You are welcome andevery courtesy is yo-

ursMARSTON QUINA108110 S Palafox St Pensacola


ro4 Pl r 1

UTo Capt T E Welles from hsfellow citizens of Athens Ala mitoken of their love and respect and inacknowledgment of his valued sfivices to his city October 21 lOD I

Capt Welles in the name of our t

citizens and your friends I presentyou this loving cup It is brimful andoverflowing with their best love andwishes thast you will enjoy a long lifeof health and a green old age of t>atitfaction

After the applause subsided CaptWelles responded in most teelirgwords to the happy presrntatspeech of Mr Hobbs assuring theaudience that ever since he first cameto Athens some fifteen years ago hebad always been srted to get back toher confines He expressed hi> deepgratitude to the warm hearted gen-erous


people of Aithens who had s piifit to thus honor him and expresstheir aiTectiou for him and their apprcciation of his efforts in behalf oftbn recent county fair tapt Vellma > visibly affected by the teimoniai of his fellow citizens and hisspeech was therefore all the more im-pressive


At its conclusion h waskept quite busy for some while inshaking hands with his friends

FOREST FIRE RAGINGEl Paso Texas Oct ZA lores

fire is raging in the Huachuca forestreservation and troops from FortHuachuca nave been ordered out tofight the flames Much valuable tim-ber


has been destroyed It is bolieved the lire was started oy sheeyherders In revenge for having theflocks driven from tne range by gov-ernment




a nt


Put Your Feet in a

Pair of Handsome

New Boston Shoes-

A sure cure for theblues The perfect fitand freedom of footmotion will give genuinesatisfaction The dura¬

bility too will keep yousmiling all through thelong winter months

QUALITY counts inBoston Shoe Store Shoes

For Ladies 2 to 5For Men 250 to 650For Children 150 to 3


Quality Shoes