I I rj f- i I 4 j- t f f I- J c J C j l T h J r tHE pi 1 Jo ft t Lsff iA M RN LNG t tt 7IT T T I I 4 s 4- t i I c iiir- PC i t MAY 20s tL1 t < > < < = > > < > The Silent Home causes thousands drift into the Useless Life Gossip and Wine Dissatisfac tioii and Discontent the old old story of the Failure of Marriage little help at the right time and the story would have been one ofjoy A woman suffering with the diseases peculiar to women is unhappy and discontented oft en she does why Her nervous system is de pressed and she does not easily overcome the annoy ances hat would not trouble lier perfect health Gerstles Female Panacea Cures all Female diseases ProlapsusPainful MensesLeu other conditions pIt is sold on a Money Back Guarantee Cu j P has thousands of testimonials to proveife valued iG F P is a womans remedy 4 of great curative power having healthful influence the entire nervous system nirig up all theorgans in the body s If your covered our free book MOTHERS MAKE Hip HOMES ATrittaa confidence to the LADIES HEALTH CLUB care Gerstle Medicine Co Chattanooga Tenn SANOZOLLOTI- ON AND SOAP PQSITIVE CURE FOR ALL SKIN DISEASES The wonderful discovery ot toe ifamous specialist in skin diseases A JFultonM D Brooklyn N Y Sanozol treatment is external only s SUFFERERS FROM Eczema Lupus Herpes Ringworm Scrofuloderma Skin Cancer Pediculosis Psoriasis Ecthyma Licb en Sycosis and all other forms of ul- cerative scaly and parasitic skin find Immediate relief and per- manent cure by the use of Sanozol It removes pimples and blackheads and cures sweaty or aching feet Some of the now famous cures by Sanzozol treatment were fully de Bcribed in the New York World of 3Iarch 9 and toe Brooklyn Dally Eagle of March 29 1904 August Newman pf Enfield street rear Graves Place Brooklyn writes that he had been a sufferer from skin eruption for years called various names by different physicians Finally ha was induced in sheer desperation- to try SauoroL He enjoyed his first unbroken sleep after the first bottle of Sonozol His reward for a con- scientious treatment of this remedy for two was a complete curl THE SOAP teas no equal Its daily use without lotion will give your face and hands a perfect skin restoring the defunct respiratory conditions of your skin Its normal health producing the fresh- ness of youth and a glow of health and beauty Try it Those afflicted with itchy and scaly skin diseases suffer most during not weather Xvoid this by the use ol Sanozol Write for testimonials and full par- ticulars ot Sanozol treatment free Treatment requires coa- lin ruse of lotion and soap Sent on receipt of price or at druggists Lotion half pint 100 Soap 25c Cake or jar 3 cakes 65c x Address Sanozol Labratory dept B 14 1QO102 Elton St Brooklyn N Y I PM WILLIAMS CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Office Brosnaham building next to Business College Prompt attention always given- to business Pansacola Fla f t J o not know I ifin G E and ando y caseis HEALTHY dis- eases c to- t r e p r I I Pena la I I I- jp c b- I f r s 1 F b H t I c t 1 J z i 4 4 I A I Z i I It I i rjf iL irJ4 t e Tumors tk k A I over I h fl i 1tt t I S I H r 4 4 i j i q 9 1 I l t c li t 1 4 f I n I I i 11 i i L 1 1 c c I ri I 4 I I c p I d I cI > > < = CONTINUE f 0 BOYCOTT STREET NEGROES 4 Aft i AND BUT FEW ARE PATRONIZING THE CARS ALTHOUGH THE WHITE PATRONAGE IS The boycott of the street cars negroes of the and from indications Jt will be k Ptupfor several months although all concede that the boycott will prove a failure and the ne groes will again begin to ride on the cars as heretofore The boycott is the result of the bill passed legislature compell- ing all street railway companies provide separate accommodations white and colored passengers This after that date the whites and blacks will be separated each being given a I mpartment or separate car in with new law and able for the number of passengers of each race that are handled by the various lines There are some of the negroes of Pensacola who are satisfied with the new law They take the stand that they do not care to mix jip with white people and if the company at fords them equal accommodations that j is dtsire Others however do not take this view and seem to be possessed of the idea that unless they can sit along- side of a white person in a car that tae accommodations are not firstClass yesterday has decreased to a con- siderable extent This fact has been noticeable for same time but it is also- a noticeable fact that the increase white patronage has anj shows that the whites approve of the new measure arid many are riding oa the cars who bad herehofore walked rather than mix up with an undesir- able class A number of negroes been on the cars but In each case when they are seen Jby persons own race they are subjected to taunts and cries of Jim Crow This how ever has no effect upon the more in class of negroes who art satisfied that the company will pro- vide fori them iV i Fish Ple ID Kaglaml In mediaeval England fish pies were a very favorite fflsTi at Christinas time and lamprey ptes ere regarded as a special 4oxurs The cost of Jsuca deli qaclgs was yery in 1314 the sheriff of provided forty four for the royal a cost of 12 5s 8cl n sjuijj nearly equivalent 1 100 the present day Those taken 1 front th espacially noted and t t ecame ajarannual the cltybir Gloucester to send a lam to the Tcing There is rec ord ofsuch conTpUmentary presents being gent to Cromwell and to Len thall thespeaker parlia I ment Owing corpora i- tiou act Gloucesters annual custqm ceased in 1836 but in1893 the mayor revived it and sent a pie to Queen Vic- toria at his ofrfVexpense JHls sue cessors have followed his example Lady and Woman As to the rather subtle question of geatleman lady man and woman there is n difference writes- a correspondent between the sexes A duke must always be a unless he be for the purpose of the conversa tion a gentleman with pbasifj of voiceWithout emphasis every man gentlemans rank is a man always nnd in every social But with women it la en tirely a matter of the adjective With out an adjective a woman is a lady Who ever asked on hearing that a friend was to marry Who is the say that wemet I a woman af dinner who told us so- andsa But introduce the adjective I woman a dressed woman rather a dull woman London Chronicle j- TJ e My t rr of Health Whenever any one Is released from jail or penitentiary after a long sen- tence we read that while he was ln poor or downright bad health when be entered he comes out as hearty as a brick Yet almost without exception jails penitentiaries arc Insanitary sunless places with no facilities for precautions usually taken by wish to get or keep healthy The mys- tery lies in two words regularity and diet The first is perhaps the more important Glocklllje regularity ev- erytbing donq on the second and on the same second every day a tlon of the fact that the body Is a machine as a supplement to this a simple diet plain not too varied enough to eat but not too much Saturday Evening Post t Cure Form Witchery Rev Joseph Doderldge In his Notes of the Settlement and Indian Wars In Pennsylvania and Virginia in portIon the work treating of Witch craft says The diseases of children were those of dropsy of the brain and fbeTickej9i These were diseases which could neither be accounted for nor cnreti consequently they were ascribed to some supernatural cure ot diseases inflicted by witches the picture of the aupposed witch drawn pn a stump or piece of board and shot at Trtth a bullet containing a little bit of sliver This silver bullet transferred a painful and mortal spell on that part of the witch part o the pic tnre struck by the bullet T t i j INCREAS- ING th jJr ultI- mately J I by the to fO Jaw goes into 1st and ac- cordance th suIt I I th i all The negro patronage it was stated no- ticed ot theI t C labfc t t c eve prey pie ling t rt1I I mon greatem woman do we and the lady Is nt once n pretty v I those who Then that o SuPPOsed tobelntUcted by WitChcra Forth Was s the r I by- e effect on July they n teen have 1Igent I custom for o the t Lonaon cir- cumstance Nor I S i ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ OF CltY TAXES THOUGH THE PENALTY DELINQUENTS CONTINUES TO Taxpayers fax the city are settling up their taxes and unless improvement is noted within a tiosQ who are delinquent till find that the penalties lor nonr payment will cut a considerable figure their accounts when they finally to make a settlement tip to a month since the collections made by Collector Oerting had been very good he having collected over CO000 out of about 72000 assessed and the prospects are that before the end of the month or rather before the swelled to a considerable etent The good collections of previous probably duet to the dis- counts allowed ann penalties imposed When the books first opened a was alowed each person paying taxes and afterwards a penalty lai- opsed This penalty has now reached 3 per cent 1st there will be added three quarters ot one per- cent to this and on June 15th It will be increased another 1Q per cent making the total penalty at that time Pr cent UJIJI M J Tbeat r- la Sauth Wales when the people are plcnsed with the work of aa they have a custom ot shoeing their appre- ciation by singles hymns at the cloSE- r the perfaraiance Ilecry Irring was nee playing STmusca whea be was inrprLse1 to hear tb c audience burst into Lead KindlyWsbt when be ap- peared before curtain in respoasb a At the close of the engage nent the great actor was deeply toqched- by the singinff Qf God Be With You Till We Meet Again rendered In tho most reverent manner Pa sakl Miss Strong I wish you In this evening Mr Tar dey rlll want ta speak to So he IKK really propose at last eh Xo replied the daughter aly ot determination but b will to- filglit Catholic Standard awl Times Had Jfcrr Enough lie hadnt known me ten before he announced that he was going to kiss me Belle Tho Idea You sbonhl have bada hatpin jo stick him with NellOb be aidut need to be purred on Philadelphia Ledger neat and Arrest Depositor Is the cashier In Mana- ger No sir Hes gone away Depoa- itor Ah gone for a rest I presume Manager sadly No Hes gone to avoid arrest individuals live or die but civilization unnbt perish Mazd uL WHENIN CREAM ringup BOSSOS Ice Cream Factory No 1TQ4 Zarragos a and Tarragona S 80390 Cream delivered In any quantity The Business Mans Otfce Work is made with the lit tie devices we have to help keep his bills In f voices and other papers together Buy a 4 Letterbox File i WITH INDEX AND LABELS Three styles 25 35 and 50 cents Clip Boards at J 25 and i25 eats or a Shannon File Board with perforator for 1QO Lots of others her too Book 235 Ph one GOlLfCrJON INCREASE BOWS QW 15th of th1S months were dis- count On June 13 t th t alL lIer tip m uJd stay u 1 wIth JlIl J ell mIn- utes NE D- ICE C IIi i- t ea f i 0 St t i- It LOW UPON de- e June amount will be b actor o Mhtd Ma4 r Nations lIke at I I II I 0 t a- cOrs Store 213 SPa13fl3r 4 4 > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > < < < < r The Beer That Made Milwaukee ramous 16 TH LEWIS PENSACOLA e I w 9 1lONE BEAR COIMAIN ANDPALAFQX i S i M University of FloridaJu- ne 19 SUMMER scHooL July 28 1 BOTH SEXES STUDENTS English Latin Greek French German Mathematics Chemistry Physics Botany Zoology Philosophy education Agriculture Physiology Physical Geography FACULTY OF ELEVEN SPECIALISTS TUITION 1000 BOARD 3 Per Week For further information aidrcaa ANDREW SLEDD President Lake City Florida M a C i y i it tt fI TEA 1 i t J 1 L Y > 3 1 rq I i I R C tt7o I > = > > < < < < The Muilc llastcrs Ruse 5 A very rich lady offered Garcia price if ho wOuld only tqach lien dausir- ter He refused knowing well he could never oltahi serious work from her but as the mother persisted bit uj on a compromise lie asked the ladies to be present a lesson and he undertook It the girl still wished to learn singing after bearing it taught ta teach her The lesson began The pupil who seemed to the isteners an already finished singer had to repeat passage after passageof the most difil cult exercises before tim master was satisfied He insisted upon the ml cutest attention to every detail of exe changed horrified glances and tooted on pityingly The lesson finished the waster bowed the ladies in passing the pupil the young girl to her It would kill tuer Senor Garcia returning from the door said They will not come again ThaoiyQTi mon enfant you sang weH London MalL naturalist has vrlttea prove that birds are Eat singers but whistlers that Is to the notes are pro- duced through a tube to be technical through known as time gbtt not by the of vocal cords But whole distinction Is beside the point Any one who has seen a bird singing will haver seen both the vibrations In his throat nnd the variations the ex- tent to which he opens and closes h- b ak or mandibles and given these ac conipanltueuts together with the of an Inarticulate language whistling and singing become Identical terms suggesting a distinction People are accustomed to the Idea that only a few species of birds such as the part rot and the Jackdaw can be taught but In wild Ufe almost all birds are mimics to some extent and probably more of them than people realize could be taught ta imitate human sounds Pearsons Weekly Brarlanlnc of Clubs The first club of modern England seems to have been the circle at the Mermaid that Sir Walter Raleigh rounded and Shakespeare joined But In the seventeenth century clubs be- gan to spring up like mushrooms There was the Calves Head club whose members met and dined off calves heads to show their contempt- for the decapitated Charles I Then came the KitKnt club which accord- ing to Addison took Its name from a mutton pie One Christopher Kat pastry cook of Shire lane was a dis- tinguished constructor of mutton pies and his productions were called Kit Kats The club meeting In his house and eating his pies acquired the pies name for Its own London Telegraph Trevvei of the Cuckoo A feature in bird travels is the flc- parturo south of the old and young cuckoos at a different time The old cuckoos set out first leaving the bIrdS of the year to follow The adult might put it by stretch of imagination so much dislike the fuss and anxiety of traveling en fainllle that they take care to go on first and by themselves Whether the old cuckoos ever know their progeny by sight cannot be said for certain probably not although an oldcuckoo is constantly to be heard and seen In the coppice or hedgerow or about the garden where a young one Is being reared by a hedge sparrow pipit or wagtail London Opinion- A One Xlnate tare Leaning painfully on a heavy stict and groaning in intolerable anguish tho blinding tears forcing themselves from hla eyes a Whltecbapel defend ant according to the London Globe limped up to the county court iudfic anti explained that owing to being hopelessly crippled by rheumatism he could not pay a debt But I saw you enter the court with that stick tmder your wmr sxclaraed tine Judge sL shillings a month until the debt is paid Then the pain racked invalid threw the stick lightly over his shoul- der thanked the bench and tr pe l gayly into the street again It was a c1 eutlon and ou d whis- pered contentedly rlo Slug the pro- duction a cuckOOsone OIlC m1nlrttrc II S an Mother daughter cx mua the slit yon I I S > ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ LEGAL IDVERITSEIIEMTS NOTICE Nptdce Is hereby given that the City Council at its meeting herd on May 16th 190o selected the following and Clerks of election to serve at the election to be held in the City of Pensaeola June 6th 1905 Precinct 12 Inspectors A C Bink ley F F Blngbam R Pope Reese Clerk j W Coons Precinct 13 InspectorsJ E Wolf R P Wliarton A A Fisher Clerk rank Maura Precinct Inspectors W J Ben j Joe Reed Precinct 15 Inspectors D Goss Geo P Wentworth Tom Nee Clerk John llassey That the following polling places have been selected towIt Precct 12 Corner Alcaciz and In tendencla street Precinct IS Corner Garden and Palafox streets Precinct 1 Ctiraer Palafox and Ro mana streets Precinct 15 Corner DeVHlier and streets C L SHINE 19may City Clerk SALE By virtue ot an execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of Escambla Coun ty State of Florida wherein N C McMillan Is plaintiff and R W Brooks is defendant I have levied upon and will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash on 5th day of June A D IMS duriug tae legal hours of sale in front of tha dcxxr of the county court house in and for County Florida the following described property towit Lathe 1 Engine and Boiler 1 CrossCut Saw 1 Tool Chest contents 1 Boat 1 axe 2 Squares 1 Hand Saw 3 Circu lar Saws Belting and Pulleys 1 Lot Timber 1 Pevy and other stuff the interest ofR W Brooks J a VAN PELT raay5caw4w Sheriff NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT Notice is hereby given M Fraseur and E A Fraseur that a suit has been begun against them by at- tachment by the Armour Packing Company a corporation in Circuit Court of Escambia County Florida and they and all other persons inter- ested are required to appear to the said suit on Rule Day In July next and make such defense as they may have to the action Gee C Douvjlle Attorney for Plaintiff SHERIFFS SALE virtue of ar execution issued out of the Court Escambla County State o Florida wherein F M Woo is plaintiff and Robert Fillingim Is defendant I have levied upon and outcry to the high- est bidder for cssh on the 5th day of A D 1905 during time legal sale front of the County Florida the following described propery towit The north quarter of Section ten 10 towu ship two 2 scuta of range thirty two 32 West containing one hua dred and sixty 160 acres and being In Escambia County State of Florida J C VAN PELT may5oaw4w Sheriff Notice Is hereby given to all whom it may concern that we the shall apply to the Honorable- C B Parkhlll Judge of the Ffrst Judi- cial Circuit of Florida on Monday the 29th day of May A D 1S05 at 1ft a m or as soon thereafter aswo may be heard for a charter not for incorporation of religious society to be Incorporated under the name of First Church of Christ Scientist fn Pensacola Florida The general object of said corporation is to establish ard a Christian Science Church at Pensacola Florida for ourselves and all others who aiay become members thereof In the man- ner prescribed by the Charter and the ByLaws to be enacted thereunder Tie membership of said Church to be composed of those who accept tie ABJble and Science of with Key to the Scriptures Rev Mary BaEer GT Eddy with other works of Its author as their only text books The charter is now on file loathe pRIce 6f the Clerk of the Circuit Escambla Cpuntr Florida reference thereto being hereby had Slymedotr P aacola flerida In- spectors H Wolf L Clerk th Turning and toE llmchoawU Cir uit Jr hours Qf In door Q the and tar Es cambia under- sIgned f r Court of mat e f I na B Gladden i tendnc1a 1 < June Couflty court bole In qpoed + ¬ ¬ ¬ 28th day of April Mlllvle Fla John W Bagdad Fla april29oaw4W- I Notice is hereby given Wg cation will to the GoTernpr of the state of Florida for letters pat- ent for charter of a whereof isBerewitS and hereoa der published P C BRENT C M COVINGTON c w LAMAR- J A CHAFFIN J C AVERY We FC Brent C M Covlngton C W Lamar J A Chaffin and J C Avery hereby make application for yetters patent us a laws of the State of Florida under the following charters 1 The name of the corporation shall be Pensacola and Northeastern Railroad Company and its place of business Pensacola Florida 2 The general nature of the busi ness shall be to build own and oper- ate a railroad wharves warehouses lines The railroad cperate is to constructed main- tained and operated through and from the City of Pensacola in Escambla county Florida In a northerly direc- tion 4o the Alabama State line and to be about fortyfive 45 miles In length and pass through the said county of Escambla 3 The amount of capital stock shall be Twentyfive Hundred Dollars 2GOOOO divided into twentyfive 25 shares of One Hundred Dollars S10QOO each payable in lawful taoa Kate of FlaJoh K opsniItk or F cola Fla es- acoI Fl AuSta H Morrill of nvfewFa George A Morr1l10 SladonZ of that day 5th day June 1905 in accordance with the and which it Is to build own and be eyo the United flU McCqid Smith JaraeL ParSOnSO o the of made stanshIP f > ¬ ¬ 4 The said corporation shall for ninetynine 99 years 5 The business of the company Is to beconducted President a Vice PreslQent and a Secretary and Treas- urer antI a Board of five 5 directors The directors shall be elecled annu- ally at a meeting of the stockholders- on the last in June and the directors so elected shall elect on the same day a President VicePresident- and a Secretary and Treasurer Until the first election F C Brent shall be President CM VicePres W Lamar Secretary and with J A Chamn C C The highest amount of or liability to which the cor- poration can at any time subject itself Js Fifty Thousand Dollsrs 50OOOQ- Ou The names and residences of the subscribers and the amount of stock sxibscribed for by each are as follows F C Brent Pensacola Florida fivjp shares Ci M Pensacola Florida five shares C W Lamar Pensacola Florida five shares- J A Qhaffln Pensacola Florida five shares- J CAtfoiT Pcasacola Floriaa five shares F C BRENT CL W LAMAR- C M COVINGTON J A CHAFFIN JNO C AVERY State of Florida County of Escambia Persbnajdy before the undersigned j1 appeared Brent C M Covington Avery whom acknowledged signature to the foregoing andthat the same is his act and deed In testimony whereof I have anff official seal this 4th day ofMay A D 1905 E R BURGOYNE Seal Notary Public My commission expires Oct 171908 In Escambla County Circuit Court State of Florida In Chancery A V Cam et vs Company ierrlrt Tate Administrator and heir at law of the estate of Walter Tate dedeased W Davidson Wm E Anderson Kr W Knowles lieir at law of Peter Knowle R T ilaiaes W A BOoth C H Booth W R Tomllnson W A Shaw E C Maxwell John Maxwell and Wal ter Maxwell heirs t law qf A E C C Ypnge and W K Hyer Sir On Monday the 7tU of August A D 1903 the defendants N Thurs ton W A Boot tL Jl Booth W R Tomllnson Wi w and SterrJtt Tate admlnistraror and lieir at law the estate bf Walter Tate deceased V i against them Thts order to tje published once each week for eight consecutive weeks ThjBPensao2laJjx cnaU a news county A M McMillan Clerk CI Court ByL GAymard D Pensacola FIn May 1 J906- OinayoawSw In Escambla County Circuit Court Stale oi FJorjda In Chancery John fit Croc C Keyser Tberessa E Kersey born and E 5 orn Caro vs W A Booth Pensaqqla P0n pany W H Davd SterjSR Adminis trator and ijelr at law of WalterxTate W 1H Kno lQ3 heir at law of Peter tonls Louisville and Nashville RkUrpa successors of the PensacpJar Railroad Company a cor- poration V Parkhill ThQS C Wateon 5V S Anderson Alex Stoddiuf K iFannle E ine C W Terry Van BangA Living ston Sooth On Monday the 7th day of August A D 1965 Tate administrator and heir at law of Walter deceased W A Booth N Annie E Halnes Elec ra B Richards Josephine C W Ter- ry Van Baugh Livingston and Booth and Alex toddart are require to apJwr tQi tlrif WlI filed against Thia f iprfler tn published once The Journal a newspaper published sid county M McMillaa Clerk Circuit By L Q Aymard J XX mmgetb iffrgK East Gregory f TKs t a v a t U bya Mon y Ccv1n ton t andC and tOgether an tT Avery hall con tItute the Board of Direc- tors indebt- edness Covi Qn I i I c Luqazt iT and J C I each ot Instru- ment here- unto n also I ur 9n H Maxwell A ot are r appear bill flied I In t paper published In said cult o J r Tnt C1 c r f t B TAt them w t eaCh wemfor eIght coxsecutive weeks eusacO Escatn A Y uUIU6 mar w j f l T l i exISI der reasurer those persons T A Chzth Cit IL ntd to the here in Escathb Louisa iy Kuowls A B Richards Stern Lit Abli J I Cow Pensaco k S ¬ ¬ < > < < < > ± > > CENTRAL TRADES COUNCIL There will be a meeting of this body on the flrsfc and third Wednea days of each at 730 p m delegates are requested to be pre ent Z W ROBERTS- W L DELAY President Secretary Peosacoia Lodge Jio 3 K QJ p meets every at 800- oclock at t r CUt Hall Bloun Watson building corner aad Gardea streets Visiting brethren cor dtelly welcomed H JC VON WERDER C a HORSLER K ol R S RaOibone Lodge NQ 30 K of P meets everj Thursday evening at 800 oclock In their Castle Aall third floor Blooat Watson building soati went corner Palafoz ad Garden etreets Vtsitin knights era cordially welcomed R B CERUTI C C C J Levy K ot B Knights of Columbus k Meetings of the Knights of Colombo No S West Intended cia street on Monday t 730 An Titation Is extended to visiting Knights JOHN B EDM FOx Grand Knight Recorder Pensacola tcdge No 4 I o o F Pensacola Lodge No 4 L 0 O p meets every Thursday t 73 at tho new halt on West street VIsitlnga brethren cordial invited N A NEILSON N Q B R WITKOVSra Secretary REBEKAH SISTERS Naomi lodge No 10 jj ters neeta every Monday night a oQfcC In L O 0 F HaUL Vie sisters cordially Invited to va present MISSNEITA M MISS FREEMAN Secreta wow Live Oak camp No if W O v In Pythian Hall 1st and 3tn Wednesdays io each month Vlaitln sovereigns Invited F A BOGHICH a C LESLIE E BROORs Clerk f Encampment I o o F j Excelsior Encampment No 4 meets L a Garden Etzeet Visiting patriarch T O STINSON JOHN WJLLOCK Lodge No 6 1 0 O F joppa Lodge No 6 L O 0 p meets Tuesday evening at 72J oclock at Rafford Hall West Gardea Oak Grove Lodge No 4 WoodrniFa frclev meets every at 3 n Visiting sovereign cordially inrt LILLIE BRANUM Guardian Clerk Mi E B A No 81 meets first ant third Wednesday r at 730 p m Rafford Ran No 10 West Intea- denc4a Street A G FELL Pres J L SWZENEY DAILY SQH QULi For Steam Division PENSACOLA ELECTRIC TERMINAL RAILWAY CO Trains leave Pejisacala fQr the Little Bayou BaYQu Warrington Navy Yard and Fort Barrancas at 715am ar Barrancas 735aa- S50am ar Ft Barraucas 1030am ar Ft Barrancas l30poi 350pm ar Ft Barrancas 430pai 615pm ar Ft Barrancas 700pn 810pm ar Ft S50pn Saturdays only Trains leave Fort Barrancas for Pensacola at SrOOiai ar Pensacola 340pn- i1100am ar Pensacola ii40aia 200pm ar Pensacola 240pra 515pm ar Pensacola 553pai 700pm ar Pensacola 745pa 900pm ar Pensacola 845pai SUNDAY SCHEDULE Electric car will leave Pensacoa every hour from 6 a m to 10 p aa Inclusive and Saturday night only at 11 p m and Bib Bayou for Pensacola every hour at 730 8S and so on until 1030 p m with tia exception the first car leaving Pan sacola at 6 a m which will on re turning leave Bayou at 620 a m and the 2 p ta car will leare Big Bayou at 240 p in The day schedule which will begs Friday April 15 Electric car will leave Pensacola at 1250150 250 350 450 550 650 8 9 and 10 p m running througa 3 the Big Bayou and Immediately re turning from Big Bayou Palmeto Beach wIIK await arrival of steam train from and will then run to Pensacola ahead of the ira i from Fort Barrancas i The steam trains wilt run as at preseit but will observe this electro car schedule and wll work in tion with it icili Andrews and Co FIRSTCLASS PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE Between PENSACOLA MOBILE CARRA8EULE ST MILLVILLE SCHEDULE And all on Bay Carrabslle and Paf chicola Leave Sunday 830 y- m for Mobile Ala Leave Pensacola Tuesday S31 m for St Andiews MiUville A lacnlcola Carrabe le intenne i3 points i For additional Information t 7 R SAUNDERS fr Gwt Frt andiEass Agf mont AIl t J fL are held at their evening l1r arci I QTT meets dinlIy lto and fourth t on West ChIef street in- vited K J1fuD VINE N G OL Swnt rn5 d NRS ln See Ft Barr cas the JIg 7 8 850 950 1050 1150 a rn PenS 01a connc STEAMER ThkPoJ APALACHI- COLA AN- DREWS Pensa L 1 1 5 i 1 a i e Y Monday hai tin onecOnd F hall Patriarch Visiting brethren cordIaIi 1 week atlI t ito st Gulf and app Pensa11a < < a Watc EO 8 vernal 730 t Rev preach morrw The maklnj every age make Rev of the churci a t thit Mr Vi MrS J St returt day ta he ha I tendaui there ness ii house The i the ag home c night noon j ther 3 service resides and p c the las Many f family hands seated for ma i I I no i I 1 i H j a 0 the C T Th wa 1- v

Pensacola Journal. (Pensacola, Florida) 1905-05-20 [p 2].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87062268/1905-05-20/ed-1/seq-2.… · I irj I 4 f-I t j- f f J I- c J C j l T h J r tHE

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Page 1: Pensacola Journal. (Pensacola, Florida) 1905-05-20 [p 2].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87062268/1905-05-20/ed-1/seq-2.… · I irj I 4 f-I t j- f f J I- c J C j l T h J r tHE

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T h J r tHE pi 1 Jo ft t Lsff iA M RN LNG ttt




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PCi t MAY 20s tL1 t

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The Silent Homecauses thousands drift intothe

Useless LifeGossip and Wine Dissatisfactioii and Discontent the oldold story of the Failure ofMarriage

little help at the righttime and the story would havebeen one ofjoy

A woman suffering with thediseases peculiar to women isunhappy and discontented often she does whyHer nervous system is depressed and she does noteasily overcome the annoyances hat would not troublelier perfect health

Gerstles Female Panacea

Cures all Female diseasesProlapsusPainful MensesLeu

otherconditionspIt is sold on a Money BackGuarantee Cu j P hasthousands of testimonials toproveife valued

iG F P is awomans remedy4 of great curative power havinghealthful influence theentire nervous systemnirig up all theorgans in thebody s

If your covered ourfree book MOTHERS MAKEHip HOMES ATrittaa confidence tothe LADIES HEALTH CLUB care GerstleMedicine Co Chattanooga Tenn



The wonderful discovery ot toeifamous specialist in skin diseases AJFultonM D Brooklyn N Y

Sanozol treatment is external onlys SUFFERERS FROM

Eczema Lupus Herpes RingwormScrofuloderma Skin Cancer

Pediculosis Psoriasis Ecthyma Licben Sycosis and all other forms of ul-

cerative scaly and parasitic skinfind Immediate relief and per-

manent cure by the use of Sanozol Itremoves pimples and blackheads andcures sweaty or aching feet

Some of the now famous cures bySanzozol treatment were fully deBcribed in the New York World of3Iarch 9 and toe Brooklyn Dally Eagleof March 29 1904

August Newman pf Enfield streetrear Graves Place Brooklyn writesthat he had been a sufferer from skineruption for years called variousnames by different physicians Finallyha was induced in sheer desperation-to try SauoroL He enjoyed his firstunbroken sleep after the first bottleof Sonozol His reward for a con-scientious treatment of this remedyfor two was a complete curl

THE SOAPteas no equal Its daily use withoutlotion will give your face and hands aperfect skin restoring the defunctrespiratory conditions of your skinIts normal health producing the fresh-ness of youth and a glow of healthand beauty Try it

Those afflicted with itchy and scalyskin diseases suffer most during notweather Xvoid this by the use olSanozol

Write for testimonials and full par-ticulars ot Sanozol treatment free

Treatment requires coa-lin ruse of lotion and soap Senton receipt of price or at druggists

Lotion half pint 100 Soap 25cCake or jar 3 cakes 65c x

Address Sanozol Labratory dept B14 1QO102 Elton St Brooklyn N Y


Office Brosnaham building nextto Business College

Prompt attention always given-to business Pansacola Fla





not know









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The boycott of the street carsnegroes of the and

from indications Jt will bek Ptupfor several months althoughall concede that the boycott will

prove a failure and the negroes will again begin to ride on thecars as heretofore

The boycott is the result of thebill passed legislature compell-ing all street railway companiesprovide separate accommodationswhite and colored passengers This

after that date the whites and blackswill be separated each being given a I

mpartment or separate car inwith new law and

able for the number of passengersof each race that are handled by thevarious lines

There are some of the negroes ofPensacola who are satisfied with thenew law They take the stand thatthey do not care to mix jip withwhite people and if the company atfords them equal accommodations that jis dtsire

Others however do not take thisview and seem to be possessed ofthe idea that unless they can sit along-side of a white person in a car thattae accommodations are not firstClass

yesterday has decreased to a con-siderable extent This fact has beennoticeable for same time but it is also-a noticeable fact that the increase

white patronage has anjshows that the whites approve of thenew measure arid many are riding oathe cars who bad herehofore walkedrather than mix up with an undesir-able class

A number of negroes beenon the cars but In each case

when they are seen Jby personsown race they are subjected to tauntsand cries of Jim Crow This however has no effect upon the more in

class of negroes who artsatisfied that the company will pro-vide forithem


Fish Ple ID KaglamlIn mediaeval England fish pies were

a very favorite fflsTi at Christinas timeand lamprey ptes ere regarded as aspecial 4oxurs The cost of Jsuca deliqaclgs was yery in 1314 thesheriff of provided fortyfour for the royal a cost of

12 5s 8cl n sjuijj nearly equivalent 1

100 the present day Those taken 1

front th espacially notedand t t ecame ajarannualthe cltybir Gloucester to send a lam

to the Tcing There is record ofsuch conTpUmentary presentsbeing gent to Cromwell and to Lenthall thespeaker parlia I

ment Owing corpora i-

tiou act Gloucesters annual custqmceased in 1836 but in1893 the mayorrevived it and sent a pie to Queen Vic-

toria at his ofrfVexpense JHls suecessors have followed his example

Lady and WomanAs to the rather subtle question

of geatleman lady man andwoman there is n difference writes-

a correspondent between the sexesA duke must always be a unlesshe be for the purpose of the conversation a gentleman withpbasifj of voiceWithout emphasisevery man gentlemans rank is aman always nnd in every social

But with women it la entirely a matter of the adjective Without an adjective a woman is a ladyWho ever asked on hearing that afriend was to marry Who is the

say that wemet I

a woman af dinner who told us so-

andsa But introduce the adjective I

woman a dressed woman rathera dull woman London Chronicle j-

TJ e My t rr of HealthWhenever any one Is released from

jail or penitentiary after a long sen-tence we read that while he was lnpoor or downright bad health when beentered he comes out as hearty as abrick Yet almost without exceptionjails penitentiaries arc Insanitarysunless places with no facilities forprecautions usually taken bywish to get or keep healthy The mys-tery lies in two words regularity anddiet The first is perhaps the moreimportant Glocklllje regularity ev-erytbing donq on the second and onthe same second every day atlon of the fact that the body Is amachine as a supplement tothis a simple diet plain not too varied

enough to eat but not too muchSaturday Evening Post t

Cure Form WitcheryRev Joseph Doderldge In his Notes

of the Settlement and Indian Wars InPennsylvania and Virginia inportIon the work treating of Witchcraft says The diseases of children

were those of dropsy of the brain andfbeTickej9i These were diseases whichcould neither be accounted for norcnreti consequently they were ascribedto some supernaturalcure ot diseases inflicted by witchesthe picture of the aupposed witchdrawn pn a stump or piece of boardand shot at Trtth a bullet containinga little bit of sliver This silver bullettransferred a painful andmortal spell on that part of the witch

part o the pictnre struck by the bullet

T t








Iby theto


Jaw goes into 1st and

ac-cordance th suIt





The negro patronage it was stated


ot theI



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prey pie






woman do we

and the lady Is nt once n prettyv


those who



SuPPOsed tobelntUcted by WitChcra




r I



effect on July


n teen




custom for

o the


















Taxpayers fax the city aresettling up their taxes and unlessimprovement is noted within a

tiosQ who are delinquenttill find that the penalties lor nonrpayment will cut a considerable figure

their accounts when they finallyto make a settlement

tip to a month since the collectionsmade by Collector Oerting had beenvery good he having collected over

CO000 out of about 72000 assessedand the prospects are that before theend of the month or rather before the

swelled to a considerable etentThe good collections of previous

probably duet to the dis-counts allowed ann penalties imposedWhen the books first opened a

was alowed each person payingtaxes and afterwards a penalty lai-opsed This penalty has now reached3 per cent 1st there willbe added three quarters ot one per-cent to this and on June 15th It willbe increased another 1Q per centmaking the total penalty at that time

Pr cent

UJIJI M J Tbeat r-

la Sauth Wales when the people areplcnsed with the work of aa theyhave a custom ot shoeing their appre-ciation by singles hymns at the cloSE-r the perfaraiance Ilecry Irring wasnee playing STmusca whea be was

inrprLse1 to hear tbc audience burstinto Lead KindlyWsbt when be ap-peared before curtain in respoasb

a At the close of the engagenent the great actor was deeply toqched-by the singinff Qf God Be With YouTill We Meet Again rendered In thomost reverent manner

Pa sakl Miss Strong I wish youIn this evening Mr Tar

dey rlll want ta speak toSo he IKK really propose at last

ehXo replied the daughter

aly ot determination but b will to-filglit Catholic Standard awl Times

Had Jfcrr Enoughlie hadnt known me ten

before he announced that he wasgoing to kiss me Belle Tho Idea Yousbonhl have bada hatpin jo stick himwith NellOb be aidut need to bepurred on Philadelphia Ledger

neat and ArrestDepositor Is the cashier In Mana-

ger No sir Hes gone away Depoa-itor Ah gone for a rest I presumeManager sadly No Hes gone toavoid arrest

individuals live or diebut civilization unnbt perish MazduL



BOSSOSIce Cream Factory

No 1TQ4Zarragos a and Tarragona

S 80390Cream delivered In any quantity

The Business

Mans OtfceWork

is made with the littie devices we have tohelp keep his bills In

f voices and other paperstogether Buy a 4

Letterbox File i


Three styles 25 35 and50 cents Clip Boards at J

25 and i25 eats or aShannon File Board withperforator for 1QO Lotsof others her too

Book235 Phone




15th of th1S

months were


On June



tht alL

lIer tipmuJd stay


1 wIth JlIl


ell mIn-utes










Stt i-






June amount will be




Mhtd Ma4


Nations lIke







213 SPa13fl3r
















The BeerThat Made Milwaukee ramous



w 9


i S i M

University of FloridaJu-ne 19 SUMMER scHooL July 28 1

BOTH SEXES STUDENTSEnglishLatinGreekFrenchGerman


PhilosophyeducationAgriculturePhysiologyPhysical Geography


For further information aidrcaaANDREW SLEDD President

Lake City Florida

M a C i y i it

tt fI




t J 1 L Y > 31 rq I iI R C tt7o



= > >< < < <

The Muilc llastcrs Ruse 5

A very rich lady offered Garciaprice if ho wOuld only tqach lien dausir-ter He refused knowing well he couldnever oltahi serious work from herbut as the mother persisted bit ujon a compromise lie asked the ladiesto be present a lesson and heundertook It the girl still wished tolearn singing after bearing it taughtta teach her The lesson began Thepupil who seemed to the isteners analready finished singer had to repeatpassage after passageof the most difilcult exercises before tim master wassatisfied He insisted upon the mlcutest attention to every detail of exe

changed horrified glances and tootedon pityingly The lesson finished thewaster bowed the ladies inpassing the pupil the young girl

to her It would kill tuer SenorGarcia returning from the door said

They will not comeagain ThaoiyQTi mon enfant yousang weH London MalL

naturalist has vrlttea prove thatbirds are Eat singers but whistlersthat Is to the notes are pro-duced through a tube to be technicalthrough known as time gbttnot by the of vocal cords Butwhole distinction Is beside the pointAny one who has seen a bird singingwill haver seen both the vibrations Inhis throat nnd the variations the ex-tent to which he opens and closes h-

b ak or mandibles and given these acconipanltueuts together with the

of an Inarticulate languagewhistling and singing become Identicalterms suggesting a distinction Peopleare accustomed to the Idea that only afew species of birds such as the partrot and the Jackdaw can be taughtbut In wild Ufe almost all birds aremimics to some extent and probablymore of them than people realize couldbe taught ta imitate human soundsPearsons Weekly

Brarlanlnc of ClubsThe first club of modern England

seems to have been the circle at theMermaid that Sir Walter Raleighrounded and Shakespeare joined ButIn the seventeenth century clubs be-gan to spring up like mushroomsThere was the Calves Head clubwhose members met and dined offcalves heads to show their contempt-for the decapitated Charles I Thencame the KitKnt club which accord-ing to Addison took Its name from amutton pie One Christopher Katpastry cook of Shire lane was a dis-tinguished constructor of mutton piesand his productions were called KitKats The club meeting In his houseand eating his pies acquired the piesname for Its own London Telegraph

Trevvei of the CuckooA feature in bird travels is the flc-

parturo south of the old and youngcuckoos at a different time The oldcuckoos set out first leaving thebIrdS of the year to follow The adult

might put it by stretchof imagination so much dislike thefuss and anxiety of traveling enfainllle that they take care to go onfirst and by themselves Whether theold cuckoos ever know their progenyby sight cannot be said for certainprobably not although an oldcuckoois constantly to be heard and seen Inthe coppice or hedgerow or about thegarden where a young one Is beingreared by a hedge sparrow pipit orwagtail London Opinion-

A One Xlnate tareLeaning painfully on a heavy stict

and groaning in intolerable anguishtho blinding tears forcing themselvesfrom hla eyes a Whltecbapel defendant according to the London Globelimped up to the county court iudficanti explained that owing to beinghopelessly crippled by rheumatism hecould not pay a debt But I saw youenter the court with that stick tmderyour wmr sxclaraed tine Judge sLshillings a month until the debt ispaid Then the pain racked invalidthrew the stick lightly over his shoul-

der thanked the bench and tr pe l

gayly into the street again It was a


eutlon and

ou dwhis-



rlo Slug





OIlC m1nlrttrc




Mother daughter cx


the slit













NOTICENptdce Is hereby given that the City

Council at its meeting herd on May16th 190o selected the following

and Clerks of election toserve at the election to be held in theCity of Pensaeola June 6th 1905

Precinct 12 Inspectors A C Binkley F F Blngbam R Pope ReeseClerk j W Coons

Precinct 13 InspectorsJ E WolfR P Wliarton A A Fisher Clerk

rank MauraPrecinct Inspectors W J Ben

jJoe Reed

Precinct 15 Inspectors D GossGeo P Wentworth Tom Nee ClerkJohn llassey

That the following polling placeshave been selected towIt

Precct 12 Corner Alcaciz and Intendencla street

Precinct IS Corner Garden andPalafox streets

Precinct 1 Ctiraer Palafox and Romana streets

Precinct 15 Corner DeVHlier andstreets

C L SHINE19may City Clerk

SALEBy virtue ot an execution Issued out

of the Circuit Court of Escambla County State of Florida wherein N CMcMillan Is plaintiff and R WBrooks is defendant I have leviedupon and will sell at public outcryto the highest bidder for cash on5th day of June A D IMS duriugtae legal hours of sale in front of thadcxxr of the county court house in andfor County Florida thefollowing described property towit

Lathe 1 Engine andBoiler 1 CrossCut Saw 1 ToolChest contents 1 Boat 1 axe

2 Squares 1 Hand Saw 3 Circular Saws Belting and Pulleys 1Lot Timber 1 Pevy and otherstuff the interest ofR W Brooks

J a VAN PELTraay5caw4w Sheriff

NOTICE OF ATTACHMENTNotice is hereby given M

Fraseur and E A Fraseur that a suithas been begun against them by at-tachment by the Armour PackingCompany a corporation in CircuitCourt of Escambia County Floridaand they and all other persons inter-ested are required to appear to thesaid suit on Rule Day In July nextand make such defense as they mayhave to the action Gee C DouvjlleAttorney for Plaintiff

SHERIFFS SALEvirtue of ar execution issued out

of the Court Escambla CountyState o Florida wherein F M Woois plaintiff and Robert FillingimIs defendant I have levied upon and

outcry to the high-est bidder for cssh on the 5th day of

A D 1905 during time legalsale front of the

County Florida the followingdescribed propery towit The north

quarter of Section ten 10 towuship two 2 scuta of range thirtytwo 32 West containing one huadred and sixty 160 acres and beingIn Escambia County State of Florida

J C VAN PELTmay5oaw4w Sheriff

Notice Is hereby given to all whomit may concern that we the

shall apply to the Honorable-C B Parkhlll Judge of the Ffrst Judi-cial Circuit of Florida on Mondaythe 29th day of May A D 1S05 at1ft a m or as soon thereafter aswomay be heard for a charter not for

incorporation of religioussociety to be Incorporated under thename of First Church of ChristScientist fn Pensacola Florida Thegeneral object of said corporation isto establish ard a ChristianScience Church at Pensacola Floridafor ourselves and all others who aiaybecome members thereof In the man-ner prescribed by the Charter and theByLaws to be enacted thereunderTie membership of said Church to becomposed of those who accept tieABJble and Science of withKey to the Scriptures Rev MaryBaEer GT Eddy with other works ofIts author as their only text booksThe charter is now on fileloathe pRIce 6f the Clerk of the Circuit

Escambla Cpuntr Floridareference thereto being hereby had

Slymedotr P aacola flerida


H Wolf L Clerk






Cir uit


hours Qf In door Q

the and tar Escambia




Court of

mat e




B Gladden






Couflty court bole In






28th day of April

Mlllvle Fla John WBagdad Fla april29oaw4W-

I Notice is hereby given Wgcation will to the GoTernprof the state of Florida for letters pat-

ent for charter of awhereof isBerewitS and hereoa


We FC Brent C M Covlngton C

W Lamar J A Chaffin and J CAvery hereby make application foryetters patent us a

laws of the State of Florida under thefollowing charters

1 The name of the corporationshall be Pensacola and NortheasternRailroad Company and its place ofbusiness Pensacola Florida

2 The general nature of the business shall be to build own and oper-

ate a railroad wharves warehouseslines The railroad

cperate is to constructed main-tained and operated through and fromthe City of Pensacola in Escamblacounty Florida In a northerly direc-

tion 4o the Alabama State line and tobe about fortyfive 45 miles Inlength and pass through the saidcounty of Escambla

3 The amount of capital stockshall be Twentyfive Hundred Dollars

2GOOOO divided into twentyfive25 shares of One Hundred DollarsS10QOO each payable in lawful taoa

Kate ofFlaJoh K opsniItk or Fcola Fla es-

acoI Fl AuSta H Morrill of

nvfewFa George A Morr1l10SladonZ of

thatday 5th day June 1905

in accordance with the

andwhich it Is to build own and


eyo the United

flUMcCqid Smith

JaraeL ParSOnSO

othe of







4 The said corporation shallfor ninetynine 99 years

5 The business of the company Isto beconducted President a VicePreslQent and a Secretary and Treas-urer antI a Board of five 5 directorsThe directors shall be elecled annu-ally at a meeting of the stockholders-on the last in June and thedirectors so elected shall elect on thesame day a President VicePresident-and a Secretary and Treasurer Untilthe first election F C Brent shall bePresident CM VicePres

W Lamar Secretary and

with J A Chamn C

C The highest amount ofor liability to which the cor-

poration can at any time subject itselfJs Fifty Thousand Dollsrs 50OOOQ-

Ou The names and residences of thesubscribers and the amount of stocksxibscribed for by each are as follows

F C Brent Pensacola Florida fivjpshares

Ci M Pensacola Floridafive shares

C W Lamar Pensacola Floridafive shares-

J A Qhaffln Pensacola Floridafive shares-J CAtfoiT Pcasacola Floriaa fiveshares


State of Florida County of EscambiaPersbnajdy before the undersigned

j1 appeared Brent C M Covington

Avery whom acknowledgedsignature to the foregoing

andthat the same is his act anddeed

In testimony whereof I haveanff official seal this

4th day ofMay A D 1905E R BURGOYNE

Seal Notary PublicMy commission expires Oct 171908

In Escambla County Circuit CourtState of Florida In ChanceryA V Cam et vs

Company ierrlrt Tate Administratorand heir at law of the estate of WalterTate dedeased W Davidson WmE Anderson Kr WKnowles lieir at law of Peter KnowleR T ilaiaes W A BOoth C HBooth W R Tomllnson W A ShawE C Maxwell John Maxwell and Walter Maxwell heirs t law qf A E

C C Ypnge and W KHyer SirOn Monday the 7tU of August

A D 1903 the defendants N Thurston W A Boot tL Jl Booth W RTomllnson Wi w and SterrJttTate admlnistraror and lieir at law

the estate bf Walter Tate deceasedV i

against themThts order to tje published once

each week for eight consecutive weeksThjBPensao2laJjx cnaU a news

county A M McMillan Clerk CICourt ByL GAymard D

Pensacola FIn May 1 J906-OinayoawSw

In Escambla County Circuit CourtStale oi FJorjda In ChanceryJohn fit Croc C Keyser

Tberessa E Kersey born andE 5 orn Caro vs W A

Booth Pensaqqla P0n pany WH Davd SterjSR Administrator and ijelr at law of WalterxTateW 1H Kno lQ3 heir at law of Peter

tonls Louisville andNashville RkUrpa successors of thePensacpJar Railroad Company a cor-poration V ParkhillThQS C Wateon 5V S AndersonAlex Stoddiuf K iFannle Eine C W Terry Van BangA Livingston Sooth

On Monday the 7th day of AugustA D 1965Tate administrator and heir at law ofWalter deceased W A BoothN Annie E Halnes Elecra B Richards Josephine C W Ter-ry Van Baugh Livingston andBooth and Alex toddart are requireto apJwr tQi tlrif WlI filed against

Thia f iprfler tn published once

The Journal a newspaperpublished sid county

M McMillaa Clerk CircuitBy L Q Aymard J XX

mmgetb iffrgK East Gregory

f TKs






Mon y

Ccv1ntont andC

and tOgetheran tT Avery

hall con tItute the Board of Direc-tors


Covi Qn




cLuqazt iT and J C

I each otInstru-


here-unto n



ur 9n H



otare r appear bill flied


tpaper published In said

cult o


r Tnt

C1 cr ft B


them w

teaCh wemfor eIght coxsecutive weeks



Y uUIU6 mar wjf





derreasurer those persons


A Chzth




to thehere in






Stern Lit

















CENTRAL TRADES COUNCILThere will be a meeting of this

body on the flrsfc and third Wedneadays of each at 730 p mdelegates are requested to be preent Z W ROBERTS-W L DELAY President


Peosacoia Lodge Jio 3 K QJ pmeets every at 800-oclock at t r CUt Hall BlounWatson building corner aadGardea streets Visiting brethren cordtelly welcomed


RaOibone Lodge NQ30 K of P meets everjThursday evening at 800oclock In their CastleAall third floor BlooatWatson building soatiwent corner Palafoz ad

Garden etreets Vtsitin knights eracordially welcomed


Knights of Columbusk Meetings of the

Knights of Colombo

No S West Intendedcia street onMonday t730 AnTitation Is extended

to visiting KnightsJOHN B

EDM FOx Grand KnightRecorder

Pensacola tcdge No 4 I o o FPensacola Lodge No 4 L 0 O p

meets every Thursday t 73at tho new halt on Weststreet VIsitlnga brethren cordialinvited N A NEILSON N Q


Naomi lodge No 10 jjters neeta every Monday night a

oQfcC In L O 0 F HaUL Viesisters cordially Invited to va


wowLive Oak camp No if W O v

In Pythian Hall 1st and 3tnWednesdays io each month Vlaitlnsovereigns Invited


f Encampment I o o Fj Excelsior Encampment No 4 meets

L a GardenEtzeet Visiting patriarch


Lodge No 6 1 0 O Fjoppa Lodge No 6 L O 0 p

meets Tuesday evening at 72Joclock at Rafford Hall West Gardea

Oak Grove Lodge No 4 WoodrniFafrclev meets every at 3 n

Visiting sovereign cordially inrt


Mi E B A No 81 meets first antthird Wednesday r at 730 pm Rafford Ran No 10 West Intea-denc4a Street


DAILY SQH QULiFor Steam Division


Trains leave Pejisacala fQr the LittleBayou BaYQu Warrington

Navy Yard and FortBarrancas at

715am ar Barrancas 735aa-S50am ar Ft Barraucas 1030am

ar Ft Barrancas l30poi350pm ar Ft Barrancas 430pai615pm ar Ft Barrancas 700pn810pm ar Ft S50pn

Saturdays onlyTrains leave Fort Barrancas for

Pensacola atSrOOiai ar Pensacola 340pn-

i1100am ar Pensacola ii40aia200pm ar Pensacola 240pra515pm ar Pensacola 553pai700pm ar Pensacola 745pa900pm ar Pensacola 845pai

SUNDAY SCHEDULEElectric car will leave Pensacoa

every hour from 6 a m to 10 p aaInclusive and Saturday night only at11 p m and Bib Bayou forPensacola every hour at 730 8Sand so on until 1030 p m with tiaexception the first car leaving Pansacola at 6 a m which will on returning leave Bayou at 620a m and the 2 p ta car will leareBig Bayou at 240 p in

The day schedulewhich will begs Friday April 15

Electric car will leave Pensacola at

1250150 250 350 450 550 6508 9 and 10 p m running througa 3the Big Bayou and Immediately returning from Big Bayou PalmetoBeach wIIK await arrival of steamtrain from and will thenrun to Pensacola ahead of the ira ifrom Fort Barrancas

i The steam trains wilt run as atpreseit but will observe this electrocar schedule and wll work intion with it

icili Andrews and





SCHEDULEAnd all on Bay

Carrabslle and Paf chicolaLeave Sunday 830 y-

m for Mobile AlaLeave Pensacola Tuesday S31

m for St Andiews MiUville Alacnlcola Carrabe le intenne i3points i

For additional Information t7 R SAUNDERS

frGwt Frt andiEass Agf

mont AIl




are held at their






ltoand fourth ton West


street in-

vited K J1fuD VINE N G

OL Swnt






Barr cas

the JIg

7 8 850 950 1050 1150 a rn

PenS 01a







1 1










onecOndF hall


Visiting brethren cordIaIi














EO 8

vernal730 t




Revof thechurcia t thitMr ViMrS J

Streturtday tahe ha Itendauithereness iihouse

The i

the aghome c

nightnoon jther 3serviceresidesand p c

the lasMany ffamilyhandsseatedfor ma

















