YOUR NAME :Ching Kao (ID:008896925) MGMT 425 Summer 2015 Group Member Peer Evaluation NAMES OF GROUP MEMBERS (including yourself) % of group work done (should add up to 100% for total in column) Comments Score (full points is 10) 1.Ching Kao 25% His attitude towards the group was very positive. Attended every meeting and gave his due diligence in all his assigned work. Contributed equally to both paper and presentation, while giving maximum effort. 10 2.Jonah Elisha 25% With both knowledge in the field through theory and practical knowledge, he actively led the group in all works and help give a sense of direction on where to take the project. He was very positive and was present in every meeting. 10 3.Michael Adkins 25% Was present at every meeting and help give knowledge that aided in the completion of the project. Completed every task given to him on time while his continuous positive attitude helped us in terms of group morale. 10

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YOURNAME :Ching Kao (ID:008896925)MGMT 425 !""#$ 20%5G$o!& M#"'#$ (##$ E)a*!a+ionNAMES OF GROUPMEMBERS(including yourself)% of groupwor done(s!ould "ddup #o $%%%for #o#"l incolu&n)'o&&en#sScore (full poin#sis $%)1.Ching Kao25%His attitude towards the group was very positive. Attended every meeting and gave his due diligence in all his assigned work. Contributed eually to both paper and presentation! while giving ma"imum e##ort.1$2.%onah &lisha25%'ith both knowledge in the #ield through theory and practical knowledge! he actively led the group in all works and help give a sense o# direction on where to take the pro(ect. He wasvery positive and was present in every meeting.1$).*ichael Adkins25%'as present at every meeting and help give knowledge that aided in the completion o# the pro(ect. Completed every task given to him on time while his continuous positive attitude helped us in terms o# group morale. 1$+.,illy -ran25%His technical knowledge in terms o# setting up virtual meeting sites was a great help in helping us complete the pro(ect. He was present at every meeting and worked hard while at the said meetings. 1$2