&m •Sere Shall the Press the People's Bights Maintain, Unawed by Influence and TTnbribed by Gain." the Press the Peopl VOL. XX. MAL0NE, N. Y., WEDNESDAY, MABCH, 14, 1900., NO. 11. •7. A persis- tent cough is f at f io* s t a * friend v for.it gives warn- ing of the ap- proach of a deadly ene- my. Heed the warning Wore it is too late, be- fore your .lungs be- come in- flamed, be- f6 r e the doctor says, "Consump- signal lirst appears, help ih pectoral Don't delay until your lungs are sore and your cold settled down deep in your chest. Kill the enemy before the deadly blow kills you. Cure your cough today. One dose brings relief, A few doses make the cure complete. Three sizes: 25c for an ordinary cold; 50c. for the harder colds; $1.00 tbe most economical for older cases? " I. consider vonx Cherry Pectoral tbe best remedy for colds-^and coughs and all throat affections.- I have nsed it for 30 years and it certainly beats them all." Bee." 20,1898. Union, N.Y, Weft* thm Doctor. If TOU ba.Te.any complaint whatever and desire the best medical advice yoa can possibly receive, write the doctor freely. Yon will receive a prompt v&- ply, without cost. Address Dfi. J. C. AYEB* Lowell, Man. IF I ; H A D T H E TIMB. If I had the time tofittfia place And sit me dnwn full face to fgee With my better self, that cannot show In my daily life that rushes so.— It.might be, then, I should see my son! Was stumbling still toward the shining goal, 1 might be nerved by the tho't sublime,— If I liad the time : Tf I had the time to let tny heart Speak out and m my life take a part. To look about and stretch a hand To a comrade quartered in *' no-luck " land— Ah. God ! if 1 might but just sit still And hear the note of the whip-ponr-will. I think that my wish with <}od's wouid rhyme,— If I had the time : If I h»44Jve time to learn from you How much for comfort my word could do; And I told yon then of my sudden wiSl To kiss your feet when I did you ill: tf the tears aback of the coldness feigned Could flow, and the wrong be quite explained,— Brothers, the souls of u$ all would shine. If we had the time : " -RICHARD BURTON. The Latit Moose In the Adirondacks. The last number of the Elizabethtown from IJeorge Last Saturday evlning about sixty of herons of Franklin county sat dpwn tfea mnquet at Delmooieo's, New York city. 'he gathering was the result of a growing lesire among men identified with Frank- in county to meet occasionally for the pro- aotion of fellowship. Hon. Ashbet P. Fitch presided and in a most^ genial and felicitous manner introduced tbe toasts. There sat with him at the table of honor Hon. F. D. Kilburn, Judge Truax, Job E. Hedges, James C, Spencer,Col. James, Fred J. leaver, Francis Lynde Stetson md Col.-yobn B. Van Wormer. A place lad been reserved thereat for Edward L. Stevens, but he was unable to b£ present. Besides those residing in the city there were present Hon. F. D. Kilburn, Leslie C. Wead, Fred J. Seaver, M. E. McClary and Mr. William E. Hall, of Burlington, The superb menu was of a kind to ^ -aettfer »tT JNGS NATURALLY WEAK, iQgs sore or weakened by the grip, or by pneu- .- onia or successive colds, and throats raw or in- aned from colds and coughing, need the balmy : -othing and healing influence of TOLUIA EMULSION, is grand for tbe ehildrea. it is grand for the ^ iiflwn foMt».-'.:It-is Very palatable, aud ast jtt*|m* *s as honey. Abottie of this fltae pireparatioii .. is often saved a child's life by obviating the . -nditions leading to croup and diphtheria, while i r adults it is a great protector against Asthm wjtftes that the last moose killed in jgartof the AdiroTtdacks came to its death through the instrumentality of his broth er Phineas. He could not recollect tbe ex- act date but as Phineas died in the Union ,&rmy during the war, it must have been some time in the early 60's. Pbineas was hunting on Bog River be- low Mud Lake and bad two men by the name of Bullard and Leonard from Ma- lone with him. JEhile jacking one night he paddled Bullard up to a big cow moose. Bollard had a single barrel rifle carrying a ball larger than a man's thumb, but he lost confidence in the gun when the moose walked up to the boat and stuck her head over the jack almost into his face and not till she turned to go away could he mus- ter up courage to shoot. The shot was effective, however, and the moose was se- cured. I have heard the late Harvey Holt of Keene Valley tell the story of how his party killed the cow and calf moose which are among the last if not the very last killed in Essex County. Tbe moose were run with dogs and the cow eventually :rapped by breaking through the snow jver a slash with her lore legs on one side af a fallen tree'and her hind legs the other, near the inlet of Boreas Ponds. The calf was shot tlfe day following on Sand Point, Upper Ausable Lake. There eeeins to be a pretty general be- lief that the moose—and wolves as well— were not exterminated in the Adirondacks ut migrated to Canada. Madison Grant expressed the idea in an article in the "Century" magazine, "The Vanishing Moose," printed several years ago. In Maine and other countries where moose still are found there is evidence to show that migrations of equal magnitude have taken place. It is hard to see, however, just what- route the moose could have taken to reach Canada from Northern New York without being observed and though such a migration may have taken place, it must be admitted that it is not probable It would be interesting to know if any of your readers Jkete information as to hether caribou ever -existed in the Adi- rondacks. This fact apparently has never been settled by the naturalists^ though there are«torieft of caribou horns •--••-••-•- been dug &p~at various; places. Master Jes t the homi e Bachelder lies critically ill of bis parents at Nat! FRANKLIN COUNTY shallenge the appetites of men bred among he northern bills, and the_toasts were •g'-.lggLj SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Miss Sadie Richey is visiting friends in Tatertown. W. C. Short was in New York on bW- ness recently. Mrs. Geo. Wbipple hat been visitiug friends in New York. Mrs. M. H. Barry has been spending a week with relatives in Madrid, N." Y. M. A. Martin spent a few days in Burlington last week. Miss Minnie Currin, of Moira, visited friends in town over Sunday. Stacy Williamson, of the Syracuse Med- ical College, spent last Sunday in Malone. Henry B. Smith, of Chateangay, re- turned last week from his trip to Cali- fornia. Miss Emogene Fadden, of Franklin, N. YM is intown visiting Mrs. Alfred Sher- win and other' frjends. Bannon went to North Creek felicity. MTJJ Kilburn, a free lance in such mattery led off, and in the course of his forays into the affairs and history and relative merits of Franklin, Clinton and St. Lawrence, as well as in his narration of certain a^toriishing experiences in tbe south woods, furnished much good-na- tured provocation for the ready retort of Col. .lames, Judge Truax, Mr. Stetsor and Mr. Hedges. It was diamond cut diamond aud all of it fun for the listeners A pleasant interlude was a mandolin duet by John A. LaBarge and S. Sumner Shears which was exquisitely rendered. A constitution and by-laws were all ready and adopted in short order. The follow- ing officers were elected: President, Ash- bel P. Fitch; viee-president, Daniel P. Morse; secretary, Frederick L. Allen- treasurer, W. C. Breed; members of the •xecutive committee, Edwin E. Dickinsoa, leorge Barry Mallon and Dr. A. M. Pbelps. During the progress of the evening the company was honored with a brief visit by Gav. Roosevelt. It was announced that the governor bad snatched a few momenta from another banquet then in progress and had dropped in on the Frank- lin feast largely out of personal compli- ment to Mr. Kilburn. Without making any allusion to thQ attacks made by a certain New Yorkpaper, he stated that he had come in with the purpose of saying to-Franklin county men that in the duties :hat devolved on himself as chief execu- tive of this commonwealth there bad been no man who rendered him more efficient service, or in whom be had rtposed fuller confidence than Mr. Kilburn, and that in every instance the latter had d&ore .than met his expectations. Tbis was said in but few words but with a warmth - and deep sincerity tbat excited tbe company to a high pitch of enthusiasm and the governor's remarks were received with spontaneous outburst of applause. It was, a magnificent and well-deserved tribute of which Mr. Kilburn and his friends may well be proud. It was in the wee sma' hours wbeu the gathering broke up. Franklin's sons may go far from ter bat they do not forget her. OF LOCAL INTEREST. Si" ^Seymour has again signed as pitcher with the New York "ball team. There are at present 30 prisoners, con- fined in the county jail inCaidweli, War- ren county. At the Republican village caucus held in Canton last week L. W. Eldredge was nominated for president. Carlos Seymour, of Cherubusco, was re- cently granted an iocrease of pension, which gives him $10 a menth. Miss Grace J. Oaks, of Watertown,~a* young lady 21 years of age, comtmtteo 1 suicide last week, the weapon bemg a shot gun. Michael Leonard, an old resident of Ogdensborg, was fouDd dead in bed one morning last wetk. heart affection. He was subject to B. O. Jackson, of Boonvillr. has a herd of thoroughbred and grade Ayr^bires which during the year 1896 gave 338,631 pnjtTyu, OBITUARY. !Hri. E. Shepard. Millie Atwell Saepard, wife of Matthew E. Shepard, <<tt«4 at her home, Webster St^Malpne, N. Y., March 8th., 1900, aged years. -Death was due to internal rious illness of her brother. Miss Bessie Tulley, daughter of J. J. Tnlley,who has been ill with-dipbtheria in Burlington, is now reported out of danger. Miss Minnie C. Ross goes this week to Albany, N. Y., and Springfield, Mass., to spend a few weeks visiting relatives. William Hanna, former resident of Westville, and now living in Boston, Mass., is visiting at his old home in Westville. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Cbannell have been visiting a few days at Atlantic "City, N. J,,, where Mrs. Channell's* sisters are pending the winter. This week Loyal P. Eldredge, of Can- ton, graduates from the Albany School of Pharrriacy. He bas a fine position await- ing him with a drag house in Syracuse. Mrs. C. W. Breed went to New York last week to spend a short vacation at the home of her son. Her little grandchild, who has been staying in Malone for some time, accompanied her. Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Eldredge and Mr. and Mrs. F. P; Wilson went to Montreal on Friday last for a short visit and to see Henry Irving, the actor, in one f his famous roles. Miss Julia Lenney has accepted a posi- tion as teacher at Mountain View, Frank- lin county> and Miss Mary Lenney at Owl's Head. Both young ladies leave tbis week ior their positions.—Potsdam Herald. Mrs. L. S. Lehr and Mrs. Brayton Clark, of Dexter, N; Y., have been in town a few d*ys visiting their husbands, who are connected with the Malone Paper Company. Both gentlemen are boarding at tbe Howard House. Mrs. K. M. Lightly was tendered a sur- prise on Monday eVening, about 60 coupte gathering at her home. A' delightful evening was spent. Tbe guests left with Mrs, Kigfatly a handsome set of dishes, indicative of their esteem. Ed. Hogle and Sam Howard returned last week from their trip to Summerside, P. E. I., where they went to see Mr. Hogle's brother, Julian, who is sick with pneumonia and erysipelas. Tbey tyid him taken to a hospital where he is now Last week Cyrus Baesefct of Canton, a large man. physica died from exertion brought on by shov- elling snow, according to the statement of his physician. ©eorge Bush, proprietor ofTb~e~Maple^ wood Inn, at Massena, gave an "old men's" supper recently. Francis Bennett, who will next month celebrate his 110th birthday, was present and graced the head of the table. He entertained the company with some old French songs. John Shields, Carthage, was struck by a passenger train at a crossing in that village last week, and is believed to be fatally injured, his skull being crushed besides other serious injuries. A freight ra^n was approaching on another track he noise of which made it impossible for Mr. Shields to hear the other. Several hundred bales of bops are re- ported sold on the Cooperstown market last week at prices ranging from 7 to lOjc. At CobleskiH the top price last week for choice hops was 10c:, and several small lota were sold at that price. W. E. Smallman sold the balance of his '99 crop Saturday at 10 cents. There are but two or three small lots left unsold in the county of Franklin. The bou?e of Cfaas. L'Huillter, a resi dent of Jefferson county, was barned last reek, and the family of four barely es- caped. Mr. L'Huillier and his wife slept on the first floor, and their two children were on the second floor. He went up stairs to rescue them, and received some severe burns on his face. On9" of the children he threw out of the window,' and the other was carried out. His wife's hair was burned off while trying to get out of the building. A mortgage for $1,000,000 was filed March 7th with the collector of customs of the Port of Oswegatehie, at Ogdeos burg, by Louis Hasbrouck of the Rutland Transit company.. The mortgage is given to, a Boston Trust company to secure the bonds of the Rutland Transit company's fleet of eight freight steamers plying be- tween Ogdensbarg, Chicago and Dnlutii, and purchased wharfs and other property of the company in these cities. The mortgage bears a $500 revenue stamp. A rural daily mail service, covering Plattsbu/gb jail now has twenty five inmates. ^ Canadian cheese buyers haveoffefed to contract with factories in St. Lawrence county for the entire season at 12c. "* Henry Tafel,. of Beaver Fails, ^0f thrown from a load of hay one day last week and so seriously injured tbat he died in a few hoars. The seven-year-old daughter of C. Wil- cox, at Indian Lake, Hamilton county^ was burned to death last week. The girl's dress caught fire froth the stove. She had been playing with kerosene^ oil. Heibert G. Geer, of Baltimore, an electrical engineer, and formerly a resi dent of Ogdensbarg, died on Friday last. He was a graduate of the Potsdam Nor mal and well known in St. Lawrence county. Assistant Chief Forester W. C. Worts, who has been in town for tbe past week, is doing some good work, he having ound several trespassers in the towns of Sorth Elba, Franklin and Harrietstowu? ~" >JHIV T » ' -MA .dirondack Enterprise. Among the thousand or more bills be- fore the "legislature is one that provides -that a farm laborer working - for a tenant farmer amy have a lien on the crops own ed by th£ tenant till bis wages are paid >y th£ ten* ilingja proper notice with the town "-' ' b i l l has passed the assembly. The educators of St. Lawrence county lave organized a teachers' association and ixpect to hold their first meeting at'Can *•* ton March 24. The name proposed for~ the society is "The St. Lawrence School Masters' Club," a name which appears ntiquated and out of date in an up-to date county. attention of local fishermen is di- rected" to the fact tbat it is unlawfnl to catch or have in possession pike or pick erel caught in any of the waters of tbis state during tbe months, of March and April. The penalty for the violation of bis is a fine of $25, and $10 additional for every fish so caught or had in possess km. Orlando Blood, one of the oldest settlers of Saranac Lake, who for years owned the old hotel known as /Blood's on tbe site where tbe Rwerside Inn now stands, to- gether with a|l tbe land back of tbe school building tbroagb whfeb several streets of the village now pass, died at his residence fn that place last Thursday morning, aged 80 years. The reports tbat are yearly circulated through tbe daily newspapers that deer ape dying in large numbers in the~Adi rondacks have again-apade their appear- ance, the deep 8co«^^king it impossible for deer to feed being given as a reason. A^eport sent oat from LowviHe says that three deer have been found in the Adiron- dacks completely exhausted, and others have died. Fred Sinitb, of LowvftlB, w « g instantly killed while out fox hunting-last jyeek. He bad driven one under a pile of wood, and in trying to ncare him out, be used the batt of bis gun to pry up the wood. _ In tbis manner tbe gun was discharged,., and tbe charge of shot passed through Smith's heart,killing him almost instant ly. ,His clothing took fire and his body was terribly burned. Two village tickets were nominated in Fort Covington last week. Tbe Repob lieans put in Domination for president, Walter M. Herricfc;trustee, two years, E. ; here tlie latter diseases are euronic T€»L131A - M U LSION will give more of relief and com- ; rt than any other remedy. It is guaranteed to -.-• sre benefit or your money is returned for the ; king. W. IT. Y. DRUG STORE FOR built for himself 'a pair of Norwegian skees. a$73h\was sliding upon these on a large hill.near, his hqme. la some way he lost one of the skees from ,bis foot white going down tbe hi$l-*8t a high rate-of i.peed and was thrown from his feet and alighteek upon the sjtaee... receiving ver serious-injuries. Were is but littl< etara6e 6f"his Tfeeovering. Tiie boy is a bright little fellow and.is eleven years old. MIHE DRUG'STORE &ATELY. OKKMLK¥ - u James Houston is offered for sale, includ ;• 4 the entire atock and fixtures. Apply to the. derslgned. WM. P. LYNCH. Trustee in Bankruptcy. Malone. March 6th. 1900. lOtf _j WILLIAM L. ALLEN* 1 * ATTORNEY AND GOUSSELLOE AT r i With M. B. McClary, MaIon*><Kt T. A Card to the I would respectfully announce that I have purchased the Millinery Business forr merly conducted by E. M. MAHER, ,nd shall endeavor to keep it up to it: high standard of excellence, and by courteous attention and UP-TO-DATE GOODS, merit a share of the patronage of the ladies of Malone and vicinity. , MRS. S. A. KEABNS. rankfort, N. Y., July Tttf, 1863. She married Mr. Saepard4tti4Qt« years ago,and for three years thereafter they resided GloversviUe. They came to Malone six years ago-, "Mr. Shepard assuming the management of the Northern New York Telephone . Co. While Mra*,..;3bepard s s heaith has never been rugged, few were aware of her serious condition, and her death was a shock alike to relatives and friends. Toe f uneral' wa&iield. Saturday Ak&cwmii^B&y^JEL- JL W«ug& ofiSeiafeing, The noraT offerings were beautiful and ijpljeda partttmlarry fine piece f. employes of the telephone company,. The interment was at Frankfort, N. Y.~ Mrs. Sbepard was an active member of the Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church of this place, also of the Y. P. S. C. E. and other local organizations. She was a lady of genuine sympathy and to the extent of her strength and ability did much good. Besides her husband, she is survived by her mother, Mrs. M. A. At well, of Utica, her brother, Mr. C. J. At- well,also of Utica, and a sister, Mrs. F. L. Wright, and nephew, Arthur J. Wright, of Albany. ] Quality and } 3 found in every sack of FLOUR I nght here. We are certain both are fOur Pillsbnry Flour is an excellent jrlcle. Made from the finest Western beat and absolutely pure. Ipur second grade floor is better than Uny brands sold as best. ;JWe alBo, have a full line of Feed, Meal, f 'ports, Bran, Midlings, &c. j LAWRENCE k TAYWR, East Main Street. Grip Should Not Be Neglected fMtoJIek Queen Quality " shoes for ladies. G«o. Keith'a " Walkover " fihoee for gentle- SHUFELT & DONALDSON. It depresses and weakens its vic- tims—makes it easy for other diseases to attack them. Hales Honey of Horehound and Tar cures grip. But it should be taken at once. 25*, 50*, $1.06 per bottle; th largest size cheapest At all druggists. Refuse substitutes, me's Toothache DropTcure In One Minute. Among tl»e Quarterly meeting services will be held in Centenary M. E. church next Sunday morning.^ Supper at the Baptist church this week Thursday evening from 5:30. Price 25c. All invited. The ladies of St. Mark's church will give their annual Easter supper and sale on Thursday, April 19th. —Tfagiuulur tKKiietyntrf the Congregational church will hold a social in the church parlors Friday, March 16th. from 5:80 until 8:00 to which the public are cor- dially Invited. Admission, 5c. Don't fail to attend the "Shamrock and Rose " entertainment at the Opeja, House on Saturday evening. It is for the benefit of St. Joseph's church. Tickets are on sale at Stlckney's. Tbe Rev, Cbas. G. Bollit, of St. James Apostle Chnrcb, 'Montreal, will be tbe special preacher at tbe Wednesday even- ing service this week at St. Mark'schurcb. Hour of service 7:30 P. M. Th* ladies of J, W. Paugborn Relief Corps will serve a supper Friday, March 16th, at 5:30, at their hall in the Knapp Block. The public are cordially invited. The proceeds are for tbe worthy but un- fortunate poor in our village, cents. >- Mrs. S. A. Kearns has moved to Ma- lone from Norwood and taken possession of the millinery store recently purchased of E. M. Maher. She was accompanied here by Tier two daughters and tbe family will reside in a suite of rooms in the block. Mr^ Keanw •«on,djiQ.ta teMjg establish men*- in Norwood, but hopes to arrange business so. tbst he may id with his family in Malone. Mrs. S. A. Kearns accompanied by her trimmer, Miss Kate, Haw-ley,.leay£s tor. Kew York, about the 18th to look up the styles and purchase a stock of spring millinery. JFrenfclln Academy Notes. A meeting was held last we«k at which it was decided to consolidate the different athletic iu- terests inMfbne association. As now constituted, foot ball, basket ball, base ball and tennis are encouraged and directed under entirely separate management. Thase with track athletics and perhaps hand ball will be incorporated under one association. ' , The junior class has chosen white and 3S,fk red as its colors. : ~"" The March examinatioDS occur March 28-80 in- clusive. The training class has chosen white and yellow as its colors. -^ The academy basket ball team defeated Co. E X the armory last week. The lerame was hotly contested, the score being 9 and ?. The last two points for the academy were won by Gray, who threw a goal in tbe last-quarter minute of play. The game was frequently marred by fouls, one- half of the point* being made goals from these, A new rule has been adopted in reference to regents' examinations. Any student who aver- ages "Gr" in any subject during tueterni may try the regents' examination in that subject without any test examination. Rhetorieals are to be resumed, begimiing March 19th. The senior and preparatory students are exempt from these. JUN'IORO. The following subscribers have been added to the exchange of the Franklin County Telephone Company since their last directory was issued: Breed's Drug Store.' 28-2 M. NrFell, Store 78-2 8. A. Howard, Residence 53-3 J. H. King, Store 1 7 Maion«Club 31 C. P. Ricbey, Residence 16-3 Sapper ten* examine C. H. Turner's steam saw mill south or Mountain View was burned on Tuesday ot last week. There was an insnrauce on the mill of f2,40O. Ooly'a small part oi the stock was destroyed. L. F. Gwyott took ten or a dozen pic- tures about town following the big storm and finds it difficult to keep up with hii orders for them. It is an interesting collection. Sugar Maker*, Attention,.* Now4s the time to leave your orders for Sap Buckets, Spout* and Pans. Call and my goods before ordering. * M. N. FELL, Malone, N. Y. ill be put in operation Jvjml 2. The carrier will have a fail Ripply of staraps, postal cards, stamped envelopes etc.. and also application blanks for money orders which can be filled out by the purchaser who can send the letter opt-n to the office f&qe&the order will be issued and enclos- ed or he can wait- until the next day ben the carrier will bring it to him. The carrier will also deliver and receive registered" letters. Farmers will then be deprived of that excuse which took so many to . town on pleasant days: '*1 came down to get the maiL' ; Hon. J. M. Foss, a well-known rail road man in Northern New York, died at bis residence in St. Aibanson Friday last, aged 81 years. He began as an apprentice in a R. R. machine shop at Concotd when only 17, and advanced steadily year by year in bis chosen profession. In 1873 he was made superintendent of the motive j e e r and machinery of the Central Ver- mout system. During this time 50 engines were turned out ander tbe super- vision of Mr. Fogs, for at that time the company constructed its own locomotives. In 1879 he was promoted to the position of assistant general superintendent, which was followed by a further advance- ment in 1885 to the office of general superintendent. In 18S2 be resigned this position on account of his impaired health but was indsced to accept the position of assistant to the president of the road. Frank A. T5rowir, a brakeman on the R. W. & O. was instantly killed las' week by being thrown from his train which had broken, apart. The train was equipped with air brakes which set in Btantly and the shock threw Brown from the top of the car to a snow pile on tbe side and before he could recover him- self te hnd rolled under t&TWheels. He was dragged about 40 feet and the bones in the left side of bis body crashed. As quickly a&poesible the wheels were mov- ed from his body, but be was dead. A veiy pathetic scene was witnessed Wednee day at Mr. Brown's home in Watertowo. It bad been the desire of the deceased that his only child, a little daughter ©f three years, should* be baptised by Rev. Mr. Waken, o£ Madrid, who officiated at his marriage with the child's mother four years ago in Moira- Rer. Mr. Walton had been summoned to officiate-atJth* funeral, and just before commencing th fun«r«l rites he took the little girl in hi arms, and, standing beside tbe cp#n and in tbe presence of theassenabled mourn era, he sprinkled the water apori her eurly head and administered the rite ol baptism. the above were in the field a Citizens" ticket was nominated made up as follow*. President, Walter M. Herrick; trustee; two years, L. P.'Lynch: ^treasurer, G. W. French, collector, J a rues Moore. It is intended within the eonrse of the next few weeks to call a meeting of base ball players, at'which every player in the city who desires, to £ry for a position oc the team is expected to be present. The &ageaaseBt will ^ndeasor Juxia.xt repre- sented in this year's team tbe best talent available in the city, and the proposed meeting will be the first step in that direction. Tbis action will he uppSaaded by all interested in the team.—Ogd. Journal. Deputy Sheriff >Hyland, of CantoiiTimit: quite an experience last week with Charles Wait, who w4th two other* was being taken to Danaemora prison. Hyland was compelled to stay over night in Nor wjxxl and he placed bis charges in the vil- lage jail remaining with them himself Wait and a fefiow. prisoner were hand- cuffed together and occupied a tw-jHwate cell. Duringirfhe night Wait complained of feeling ill; and the deputy sheriff en- tered bis cell with sotue water, u&locking Wait's handcuffs to permit bicu to drink. As Hyland turned to leav-p the etil Wait pounced^upon him and throwing him up on the floor made a desperate effort to ob- tain his revolver. Wait called upon Mar- tin to asgist him, but the latter refused to lend a'band in overpowering the dep- uty sheriff. Wait was finally overpower ed and choked into submission. President Clement in his management of the Ogdensburg Transit Co/s line of steamers, between Chicago and Ogdens- ft is having trouble with the labor agitators of Chiwwto, where as extensive dock and storehouse are being built under contract. The builder seem* to have in curred tfie displeasure of the trade union* who threaten to gink tbe sbip^and wipe tbe road off tbe earth. Tbey say iu pan We are going to .find out by wbat right President Clenjent, » resident of Vermonffa\arejs to interfere betwrfa work- men and- their employers id Chicago Tbrcagh the Seamen's* and EDSUIWHTS* Ufik>D8 we will c*U a *trike OH 1 *be whoie grain fleet of the Ogd««t#bnr« line. We may even tie up the Rutland railroad of Vermont, a corporation of \*hich Cteoaeut also is president, A uew railroad to b* buift by pjement this summer in Ver- mont, also may have nil ec»o«xruction work blocked because of tbe action of ftia nautical company in Chicago." r 1 -

pectoralnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031968/1900-03-14/ed... · 2005-02-10 · And hear the not of whip-ponr-will. I think that my wish with

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Page 1: pectoralnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031968/1900-03-14/ed... · 2005-02-10 · And hear the not of whip-ponr-will. I think that my wish with


•Sere Shall the Press the People's Bights Maintain, Unawed by Influence and TTnbribed by Gain."the Press the Peopl

VOL. XX. MAL0NE, N. Y., WEDNESDAY, MABCH, 14, 1900., NO. 11.

•7.A persis-

tent cough isf at f io* s t a* friendvfor.itgives warn-ing of the ap-proach of adeadly ene-my. Heedthe warningWore it istoo late, be-fore y o u r

. l u n g s be-c o m e in-flamed, be-f6 r e t h e

doctor says, "Consump-

signal lirst appears, helpi h

pectoralDon't delay until your

lungs are sore and yourcold settled down deepin your chest. Kill theenemy before the deadlyblow kills you. Cureyour cough today.

One dose brings relief,A few doses make thecure complete.

Three sizes: 25c for an ordinary cold;50c. for the harder colds; $1.00 tbe mosteconomical for older cases?

" I. consider vonx Cherry Pectoraltbe best remedy for colds-^andcoughs and all throat affections.-I have nsed it for 30 years and itcertainly beats them all."

Bee." 20,1898. Union, N.Y,

Weft* thm Doctor.If TOU ba.Te.any complaint whatever

and desire the best medical advice yoacan possibly receive, write the doctorfreely. Yon will receive a prompt v&-ply, without cost. Address

Dfi. J. C. AYEB* Lowell, Man.

I F I; H A D T H E T I M B .

If I had the time to fittfi a placeAnd sit me dnwn full face to fgeeWith my better self, that cannot showIn my daily life that rushes so.—It.might be, then, I should see my son!Was stumbling still toward the shining goal,1 might be nerved by the tho't sublime,—

If I liad the time :

Tf I had the time to let tny heartSpeak out and m my life take a part.To look about and stretch a handTo a comrade quartered in *' no-luck " land—Ah. God ! if 1 might but just sit stillAnd hear the note of the whip-ponr-will.I think that my wish with <}od's wouid rhyme,—

If I had the time :

If I h»44Jve time to learn from youHow much for comfort my word could do;And I told yon then of my sudden wiSlTo kiss your feet when I did you ill:tf the tears aback of the coldness feignedCould flow, and the wrong be quite explained,—Brothers, the souls of u$ all would shine.

If we had the time :" -RICHARD BURTON.

The Latit Moose In the Adirondacks.The last number of the Elizabethtown

from IJeorge

Last Saturday evlning about sixty ofherons of Franklin county sat dpwn tfeamnquet at Delmooieo's, New York city.'he gathering was the result of a growinglesire among men identified with Frank-in county to meet occasionally for the pro-aotion of fellowship. Hon. Ashbet P.Fitch presided and in a most^ genial andfelicitous manner introduced tbe toasts.There sat with him at the table of honorHon. F. D. Kilburn, Judge Truax, JobE. Hedges, James C, Spencer,Col. James,Fred J. leaver, Francis Lynde Stetsonmd Col.-yobn B. Van Wormer. A placelad been reserved thereat for Edward L.Stevens, but he was unable to b£ present.Besides those residing in the city therewere present Hon. F. D. Kilburn, LeslieC. Wead, Fred J. Seaver, M. E. McClaryand Mr. William E. Hall, of Burlington,

The superb menu was of a kind to

^ -aettfer »tT


iQgs sore or weakened by the grip, or by pneu-.- onia or successive colds, and throats raw or in-

aned from colds and coughing, need the balmy: -othing and healing influence of

TOLUIA EMULSION,is grand for tbe ehildrea. it is grand for the

^ iiflwn foMt».-'.:It-is Very palatable, aud ast jtt*|m**s as honey. Abottie of this fltae pireparatioii

.. is often saved a child's life by obviating the

. -nditions leading to croup and diphtheria, whilei r adults it is a great protector against Asthm

wjtftes that the last moose killed injgartof the AdiroTtdacks came to its deaththrough the instrumentality of his brother Phineas. He could not recollect tbe ex-act date but as Phineas died in the Union,&rmy during the war, it must have beensome time in the early 60's.

Pbineas was hunting on Bog River be-low Mud Lake and bad two men by thename of Bullard and Leonard from Ma-lone with him. JEhile jacking one nighthe paddled Bullard up to a big cow moose.Bollard had a single barrel rifle carryinga ball larger than a man's thumb, but helost confidence in the gun when the moosewalked up to the boat and stuck her headover the jack almost into his face and nottill she turned to go away could he mus-ter up courage to shoot. The shot waseffective, however, and the moose was se-cured.

I have heard the late Harvey Holt ofKeene Valley tell the story of how hisparty killed the cow and calf moose whichare among the last if not the very lastkilled in Essex County. Tbe moose wererun with dogs and the cow eventually:rapped by breaking through the snowjver a slash with her lore legs on one sideaf a fallen tree'and her hind legs theother, near the inlet of Boreas Ponds.The calf was shot tlfe day following onSand Point, Upper Ausable Lake.

There eeeins to be a pretty general be-lief that the moose—and wolves as well—were not exterminated in the Adirondacksut migrated to Canada. Madison Grant

expressed the idea in an article in the"Century" magazine, "The VanishingMoose," printed several years ago. InMaine and other countries where moosestill are found there is evidence to showthat migrations of equal magnitude havetaken place. It is hard to see, however,just what- route the moose could havetaken to reach Canada from NorthernNew York without being observed andthough such a migration may have takenplace, it must be admitted that it is notprobable

It would be interesting to know if anyof your readers Jkete information as to

hether caribou ever -existed in the Adi-rondacks. This fact apparently has neverbeen settled by the naturalists^ thoughthere are«torieft of caribou horns •--••-••-•-been dug &p~at various; places.

Master Jest the homi

e Bachelder lies critically illof bis parents at Nat!


shallenge the appetites of men bred amonghe northern bills, and the_toasts were •g'-.lggLj


Miss Sadie Richey is visiting friends inTatertown.

W. C. Short was in New York on bW-ness recently.

Mrs. Geo. Wbipple hat been visitiugfriends in New York.

Mrs. M. H. Barry has been spending aweek with relatives in Madrid, N." Y.

M. A. Martin spent a few days inBurlington last week.

Miss Minnie Currin, of Moira, visitedfriends in town over Sunday.

Stacy Williamson, of the Syracuse Med-ical College, spent last Sunday in Malone.

Henry B. Smith, of Chateangay, re-turned last week from his trip to Cali-fornia.

Miss Emogene Fadden, of Franklin, N.YM is intown visiting Mrs. Alfred Sher-win and other' frjends.

Bannon went to North Creek

felicity. MTJJ Kilburn, a free lance insuch mattery led off, and in the course ofhis forays into the affairs and history andrelative merits of Franklin, Clinton andSt. Lawrence, as well as in his narrationof certain a^toriishing experiences in tbesouth woods, furnished much good-na-tured provocation for the ready retort ofCol. .lames, Judge Truax, Mr. Stetsorand Mr. Hedges. It was diamond cutdiamond aud all of it fun for the listeners

A pleasant interlude was a mandolinduet by John A. LaBarge and S. SumnerShears which was exquisitely rendered.A constitution and by-laws were all readyand adopted in short order. The follow-ing officers were elected: President, Ash-bel P. Fitch; viee-president, Daniel P.Morse; secretary, Frederick L. Allen-treasurer, W. C. Breed; members of the•xecutive committee, Edwin E. Dickinsoa,leorge Barry Mallon and Dr. A. M.

Pbelps.During the progress of the evening the

company was honored with a brief visitby Gav. Roosevelt. • It was announcedthat the governor bad snatched a fewmomenta from another banquet then inprogress and had dropped in on the Frank-lin feast largely out of personal compli-ment to Mr. Kilburn. Without makingany allusion to thQ attacks made by acertain New Yorkpaper, he stated that hehad come in with the purpose of sayingto-Franklin county men that in the duties:hat devolved on himself as chief execu-tive of this commonwealth there bad beenno man who rendered him more efficientservice, or in whom be had rtposed fullerconfidence than Mr. Kilburn, and that inevery instance the latter had d&ore .thanmet his expectations. Tbis was said inbut few words but with a warmth - anddeep sincerity tbat excited tbe companyto a high pitch of enthusiasm and thegovernor's remarks were received withspontaneous outburst of applause. Itwas, a magnificent and well-deservedtribute of which Mr. Kilburn and hisfriends may well be proud. It was in thewee sma' hours wbeu the gathering brokeup. Franklin's sons may go far fromter bat they do not forget her.


Si" ^Seymour has again signed aspitcher with the New York "ball team.

There are at present 30 prisoners, con-fined in the county jail inCaidweli, War-ren county.

At the Republican village caucus heldin Canton last week L. W. Eldredge wasnominated for president.

Carlos Seymour, of Cherubusco, was re-cently granted an iocrease of pension,which gives him $10 a menth.

Miss Grace J. Oaks, of Watertown,~a*young lady 21 years of age, comtmtteo1

suicide last week, the weapon bemg ashot gun.

Michael Leonard, an old resident ofOgdensborg, was fouDd dead in bed onemorning last wetk.heart affection.

He was subject to

B. O. Jackson, of Boonvillr. has a herdof thoroughbred and grade Ayr^bireswhich during the year 1896 gave 338,631



!Hri. E. Shepard.Millie Atwell Saepard, wife of Matthew

E. Shepard, <<tt«4 at her home, WebsterSt^Malpne, N. Y., March 8th., 1900, aged

years. -Death was due to internal

rious illness of her brother.

Miss Bessie Tulley, daughter of J. J.Tnlley,who has been ill with-dipbtheria inBurlington, is now reported out of danger.

Miss Minnie C. Ross goes this week toAlbany, N. Y., and Springfield, Mass., tospend a few weeks visiting relatives.

William Hanna, \» former resident ofWestville, and now living in Boston,Mass., is visiting at his old home inWestville.

Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Cbannell have beenvisiting a few days at Atlantic "City,N. J,,, where Mrs. Channell's* sisters arepending the winter.

This week Loyal P. Eldredge, of Can-ton, graduates from the Albany School ofPharrriacy. He bas a fine position await-ing him with a drag house in Syracuse.

Mrs. C. W. Breed went to New Yorklast week to spend a short vacation at thehome of her son. Her little grandchild,who has been staying in Malone for sometime, accompanied her.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Eldredge andMr. and Mrs. F. P; Wilson went toMontreal on Friday last for a short visitand to see Henry Irving, the actor, in onef his famous roles. •

Miss Julia Lenney has accepted a posi-tion as teacher at Mountain View, Frank-lin county> and Miss Mary Lenney atOwl's Head. Both young ladies leavetbis week ior their positions.—PotsdamHerald.

Mrs. L. S. Lehr and Mrs. BraytonClark, of Dexter, N; Y., have been intown a few d*ys visiting their husbands,who are connected with the Malone PaperCompany. Both gentlemen are boardingat tbe Howard House.

Mrs. K. M. Lightly was tendered a sur-prise on Monday eVening, about 60 couptegathering at her home. A' delightfulevening was spent. Tbe guests left withMrs, Kigfatly a handsome set of dishes,indicative of their esteem.

Ed. Hogle and Sam Howard returnedlast week from their trip to Summerside,P. E. I., where they went to see Mr.Hogle's brother, Julian, who is sick withpneumonia and erysipelas. Tbey tyidhim taken to a hospital where he is now

Last week Cyrus Baesefct of Canton, alarge man. physicaddied from exertion brought on by shov-elling snow, according to the statementof his physician.

©eorge Bush, proprietor ofTb~e~Maple^wood Inn, at Massena, gave an "oldmen's" supper recently. Francis Bennett,who will next month celebrate his 110thbirthday, was present and graced thehead of the table. He entertained thecompany with some old French songs.

John Shields, o£ Carthage, was struckby a passenger train at a crossing in thatvillage last week, and is believed to befatally injured, his skull being crushedbesides other serious injuries. A freightra^n was approaching on another trackhe noise of which made it impossible for

Mr. Shields to hear the other.

Several hundred bales of bops are re-ported sold on the Cooperstown marketlast week at prices ranging from 7 to lOjc.At CobleskiH the top price last week forchoice hops was 10c:, and several smalllota were sold at that price. W. E.Smallman sold the balance of his '99crop Saturday at 10 cents. There are buttwo or three small lots left unsold in thecounty of Franklin.

The bou?e of Cfaas. L'Huillter, a resident of Jefferson county, was barned lastreek, and the family of four barely es-

caped. Mr. L'Huillier and his wife slepton the first floor, and their two childrenwere on the second floor. He went upstairs to rescue them, and received somesevere burns on his face. On9" of thechildren he threw out of the window,' andthe other was carried out. His wife'shair was burned off while trying to getout of the building.

A mortgage for $1,000,000 was filedMarch 7th with the collector of customsof the Port of Oswegatehie, at Ogdeosburg, by Louis Hasbrouck of the RutlandTransit company.. The mortgage is givento, a Boston Trust company to secure thebonds of the Rutland Transit company'sfleet of eight freight steamers plying be-tween Ogdensbarg, Chicago and Dnlutii,and purchased wharfs and other propertyof the company in these cities. Themortgage bears a $500 revenue stamp.

A rural daily mail service, covering

Plattsbu/gb jail now has twenty fiveinmates. ^

Canadian cheese buyers haveoffefed tocontract with factories in St. Lawrencecounty for the entire season at 12c. "*

Henry Tafel,. of Beaver Fails, ^0fthrown from a load of hay one day lastweek and so seriously injured tbat hedied in a few hoars.

The seven-year-old daughter of C. Wil-cox, at Indian Lake, Hamilton county^was burned to death last week. Thegirl's dress caught fire froth the stove.She had been playing with kerosene^ oil.

Heibert G. Geer, of Baltimore, anelectrical engineer, and formerly a resident of Ogdensbarg, died on Friday last.He was a graduate of the Potsdam Normal and well known in St. Lawrencecounty.

Assistant Chief Forester W. C. Worts,who has been in town for tbe past week,is doing some good work, he havingound several trespassers in the towns ofSorth Elba, Franklin and Harrietstowu?~" >JHIVT » ' -MA.dirondack Enterprise.Among the thousand or more bills be-

fore the "legislature is one that provides-that a farm laborer working - for a tenantfarmer amy have a lien on the crops owned by th£ tenant till bis wages are paid>y th£ ten*

ilingja proper notice with the town"-' ' b i l l has passed the assembly.

The educators of St. Lawrence countylave organized a teachers' association andixpect to hold their first meeting at'Can *•*ton March 24. The name proposed for~the society is "The St. Lawrence SchoolMasters' Club," a name which appears

ntiquated and out of date in an up-todate county.

attention of local fishermen is di-rected" to the fact tbat it is unlawfnl tocatch or have in possession pike or pickerel caught in any of the waters of tbisstate during tbe months, of March andApril. The penalty for the violation ofbis is a fine of $25, and $10 additional for

every fish so caught or had in possess km.

Orlando Blood, one of the oldest settlersof Saranac Lake, who for years owned theold hotel known as /Blood's on tbe sitewhere tbe Rwerside Inn now stands, to-gether with a|l tbe land back of tbe schoolbuilding tbroagb whfeb several streets ofthe village now pass, died at his residencefn that place last Thursday morning,aged 80 years.

The reports tbat are yearly circulatedthrough tbe daily newspapers that deerape dying in large numbers in the~Adirondacks have again-apade their appear-ance, the deep 8co«^^king it impossiblefor deer to feed being given as a reason.A^eport sent oat from LowviHe says thatthree deer have been found in the Adiron-dacks completely exhausted, and othershave died.

Fred Sinitb, of LowvftlB, w«g instantlykilled while out fox hunting-last jyeek.He bad driven one under a pile of wood,and in trying to ncare him out, be usedthe batt of bis gun to pry up the wood. _In tbis manner tbe gun was discharged,.,and tbe charge of shot passed throughSmith's heart,killing him almost instantly. ,His clothing took fire and his bodywas terribly burned.

Two village tickets were nominated inFort Covington last week. Tbe Repoblieans put in Domination for president,Walter M. Herricfc;trustee, two years, E.

; here tlie latter diseases are euronic T€»L131A- M U LSION will give more of relief and com-; rt than any other remedy. It is guaranteed to-.-• sre benefit or your money is returned for the; king.

W.IT. Y.


built for himself 'a pair of Norwegianskees. a$73h\was sliding upon these on alarge hill.near, his hqme. l a some way helost one of the skees from ,bis foot whitegoing down tbe hi$l-*8t a high rate-ofi.peed and was thrown from his feet andalighteek upon the sjtaee... receiving verserious-injuries. Were is but littl<etara6e 6f"his Tfeeovering. Tiie boy is abright little fellow and.is eleven yearsold.

MIHE DRUG'STORE &ATELY. OKKMLK¥- u James Houston is offered for sale, includ;• 4 the entire atock and fixtures. Apply to the.

derslgned. WM. P. LYNCH.Trustee in Bankruptcy.

Malone. March 6th. 1900. lOtf


A Card to the

I would respectfully announcethat I have purchased the

Millinery Business forr

merly conducted byE. M. MAHER,

,nd shall endeavor to keep it up to it:high standard of excellence, and

by courteous attention andUP-TO-DATE GOODS,

merit a share of the patronageof the ladies of Malone

and vicinity., MRS. S. A. KEABNS.

rankfort, N. Y., July Tttf, 1863. Shemarried Mr. Saepard4tti4Qt« years ago,andfor three years thereafter they residedGloversviUe. They came to Malone sixyears ago-, "Mr. Shepard assuming themanagement of the Northern New YorkTelephone . Co. While Mra*,..;3bepardssheaith has never been rugged, few wereaware of her serious condition, and herdeath was a shock alike to relatives andfriends. Toe f uneral' wa&iield. SaturdayAk&cwmii^B&y^JEL- JL W«ug& ofiSeiafeing,The noraT offerings were beautiful andi j p l j e d a partttmlarry fine piece f .employes of the telephone company,. Theinterment was at Frankfort, N. Y.~ Mrs.Sbepard was an active member of theCentenary Methodist Episcopal Churchof this place, also of the Y. P. S. C. E.and other local organizations. She wasa lady of genuine sympathy and to theextent of her strength and ability didmuch good. Besides her husband, she issurvived by her mother, Mrs. M. A. Atwell, of Utica, her brother, Mr. C. J. At-well,also of Utica, and a sister, Mrs. F. L.Wright, and nephew, Arthur J. Wright,of Albany.

] Quality and} 3 found in every sack of

FLOURI nght here. We are certain both are

fOur Pillsbnry Flour is an excellentjrlcle. Made from the finest Westernbeat and absolutely pure.

Ipur second grade floor is better thanUny brands sold as best.

;JWe alBo, have a full line of Feed, Meal,f 'ports, Bran, Midlings, &c.

j LAWRENCE k TAYWR,East Main Street.

Grip Should Not Be NeglectedfMtoJIek

Queen Quality " shoes for ladies. G«o.Keith'a " Walkover " fihoee for gentle-


It depresses and weakens its vic-tims—makes it easy for other diseasesto attack them.

HalesHoney of

Horehoundand Tar

cures grip. But it should be taken atonce. 25*, 50*, $1.06 per bottle; thlargest size cheapest At all druggists.Refuse substitutes,

m e ' s Toothache DropTcure In One Minute.

Among tl»e €Quarterly meeting services will be held

in Centenary M. E. church next Sundaymorning.^

Supper at the Baptist church this weekThursday evening from 5:30. Price 25c.All invited.

The ladies of St. Mark's church willgive their annual Easter supper and saleon Thursday, April 19th.

—Tfagiuulur tKKiietyntrf the Congregationalchurch will hold a social in the churchparlors Friday, March 16th. from 5:80until 8:00 to which the public are cor-dially Invited. Admission, 5c.

Don't fail to attend the "Shamrockand Rose " entertainment at the Opeja,House on Saturday evening. It is for thebenefit of St. Joseph's church. Ticketsare on sale at Stlckney's.

Tbe Rev, Cbas. G. Bollit, of St. JamesApostle Chnrcb, 'Montreal, will be tbespecial preacher at tbe Wednesday even-ing service this week at St. Mark'schurcb.Hour of service 7:30 P. M.

Th* ladies of J, W. Paugborn ReliefCorps will serve a supper Friday, March16th, at 5:30, at their hall in the KnappBlock. The public are cordially invited.The proceeds are for tbe worthy but un-fortunate poor in our village,cents. > -

Mrs. S. A. Kearns has moved to Ma-lone from Norwood and taken possessionof the millinery store recently purchasedof E. M. Maher. She was accompaniedhere by Tier two daughters and tbe familywill reside in a suite of rooms in the

block. Mr^ Keanw •«on,djiQ.tateMjg establish men*- in Norwood, but

hopes to arrange business so. tbs t he mayid with his family in Malone. Mrs.

S. A. Kearns accompanied by her trimmer,Miss Kate, Haw-ley,.leay£s tor. Kew York,about the 18th to look up the styles andpurchase a stock of spring millinery.

JFrenfclln Academy Notes.A meeting was held last we«k at which it was

decided to consolidate the different athletic iu-terests inMfbne association. As now constituted,foot ball, basket ball, base ball and tennis areencouraged and directed under entirely separatemanagement. Thase with track athletics andperhaps hand ball will be incorporated under oneassociation. ' ,

The junior class has chosen white and 3S,fkred as its colors.:~""

The March examinatioDS occur March 28-80 in-clusive.

The training class has chosen white and yellowas its colors. -^

The academy basket ball team defeated Co. EX the armory last week. The lerame was hotlycontested, the score being 9 and ?. The last twopoints for the academy were won by Gray, whothrew a goal in tbe last-quarter minute of play.The game was frequently marred by fouls, one-half of the point* being made goals from these,

A new rule has been adopted in reference toregents' examinations. Any student who aver-ages "Gr" in any subject during tueterni may trythe regents' examination in that subject withoutany test examination.

Rhetorieals are to be resumed, begimiingMarch 19th. The senior and preparatory studentsare exempt from these. JUN'IORO.

The following subscribers have beenadded to the exchange of the FranklinCounty Telephone Company since theirlast directory was issued:

Breed's Drug Store.' 28-2M. NrFell, Store 78-28. A. Howard, Residence 53-3J. H. King, Store 17Maion«Club 31C. P. Ricbey, Residence 16-3

Sapper ten* examine

C. H. Turner's steam saw mill south orMountain View was burned on Tuesdayot last week. There was an insnrauce onthe mill of f2,40O. Ooly'a small part oithe stock was destroyed.

L. F. Gwyott took ten or a dozen pic-tures about town following the big stormand finds it difficult to keep up with hiiorders for them. It is an interestingcollection.

Sugar Maker*, Attention,.*Now4s the time to leave your orders for

Sap Buckets, Spout* and Pans. Call andmy goods before ordering.

* M. N. FELL, Malone, N. Y.

ill be put in operation Jvjml • 2. Thecarrier will have a fail Ripply of staraps,postal cards, stamped envelopes etc.. andalso application blanks for money orderswhich can be filled out by the purchaserwho can send the letter opt-n to the officef&qe&the order will be issued and enclos-ed or he can wait- until the next day

ben the carrier will bring it to him.The carrier will also deliver and receiveregistered" letters. Farmers will then bedeprived of that excuse which took somany to . town on pleasant days: '*1came down to get the maiL';

Hon. J. M. Foss, a well-known railroad man in Northern New York, died atbis residence in St. Aibanson Friday last,aged 81 years. He began as an apprenticein a R. R. machine shop at Concotd whenonly 17, and advanced steadily year byyear in bis chosen profession. In 1873 hewas made superintendent of the motivej e e r and machinery of the Central Ver-mout system. During this time 50engines were turned out ander tbe super-vision of Mr. Fogs, for at that time thecompany constructed its own locomotives.In 1879 he was promoted to the positionof assistant general superintendent,which was followed by a further advance-ment in 1885 to the office of generalsuperintendent. In 18S2 be resigned thisposition on account of his impaired healthbut was indsced to accept the position ofassistant to the president of the road.

Frank A. T5rowir, a brakeman on theR. W. & O. was instantly killed las'week by being thrown from his trainwhich had broken, apart. The train wasequipped with air brakes which set inBtantly and the shock threw Brown fromthe top of the car to a snow pile on tbeside and before he could recover him-self te hnd rolled under t&TWheels. Hewas dragged about 40 feet and the bonesin the left side of bis body crashed. Asquickly a&poesible the wheels were mov-ed from his body, but be was dead. Aveiy pathetic scene was witnessed Wedneeday at Mr. Brown's home in Watertowo.It bad been the desire of the deceasedthat his only child, a little daughter ©fthree years, should* be baptised by Rev.Mr. Waken, o£ Madrid, who officiated athis marriage with the child's mother fouryears ago in Moira- Rer. Mr. Waltonhad been summoned to officiate-atJth*funeral, and just before commencing thfun«r«l rites he took the little girl in hiarms, and, standing beside tbe cp#n andin tbe presence of theassenabled mournera, he sprinkled the water apori her eurlyhead and administered the rite ol baptism.

the above were in the field a Citizens"ticket was nominated made up as follow*.President, Walter M. Herrick; trustee;two years, L. P.'Lynch: ^treasurer, G. W.French, collector, J a rues Moore.

It is intended within the eonrse of thenext few weeks to call a meeting of baseball players, at'which every player in thecity who desires, to £ry for a position octhe team is expected to be present. The

&ageaaseBt will ^ndeasor Juxia.xt repre-sented in this year's team tbe best talentavailable in the city, and the proposedmeeting will be the first step in thatdirection. Tbis action will he uppSaadedby all interested in the team.—Ogd.Journal.

Deputy Sheriff >Hyland, of CantoiiTimit:quite an experience last week with CharlesWait, who w4th two other* was beingtaken to Danaemora prison. Hylandwas compelled to stay over night in Norwjxxl and he placed bis charges in the vil-lage jail remaining with them himselfWait and a fefiow. prisoner were hand-cuffed together and occupied a tw-jHwatecell. Duringirfhe night Wait complainedof feeling ill; and the deputy sheriff en-tered bis cell with sotue water, u&lockingWait's handcuffs to permit bicu to drink.As Hyland turned to leav-p the etil Waitpounced^upon him and throwing him upon the floor made a desperate effort to ob-tain his revolver. Wait called upon Mar-tin to asgist him, but the latter refusedto lend a'band in overpowering the dep-uty sheriff. Wait was finally overpowered and choked into submission.

President Clement in his managementof the Ogdensburg Transit Co/s line ofsteamers, between Chicago and Ogdens-

ft is having trouble with the laboragitators of Chiwwto, where as extensivedock and storehouse are being built undercontract. The builder seem* to have incurred tfie displeasure of the trade union*who threaten to gink tbe sbip^and wipetbe road off tbe earth. Tbey say iu pan

We are going to .find out by wbatright President Clenjent, » resident ofVermonffa\arejs to interfere betwrfa work-men and- their employers id ChicagoTbrcagh the Seamen's* and EDSUIWHTS*Ufik>D8 we will c*U a *trike OH1*be whoiegrain fleet of the Ogd««t#bnr« line. Wemay even tie up the Rutland railroad ofVermont, a corporation of \*hich Cteoaeutalso is president, A uew railroad to b*buift by pjement this summer in Ver-mont, also may have nil ec»o«xructionwork blocked because of tbe action of ftianautical company in Chicago."


1 • -