•• THE EVENING STAR. Washington, D. C. imtSPAT, PECEMBEI TS. IBSS John Accomplice Tells Os Dramatic Escape By HENDRIK BONDE- , HENDRIKSEN Copynjht. 1855. by the Associated Press SOMEWHERE IN WEST GER- MANY. Dec. 15.—1 t was De-i cember 12 In Berlin. The hour was 4:52 p.m. Behind us was 'the Brandenburg gate. I was jjdrivingslowly towards the West HJerlin customs control post. : - At my side in the car sat Dr. i , Otto John, slightly disguised, | with glasses and a pipe. He had ; -fay multicolored scarp tied close- ly around his neck and the hat vjaas deep over his forehead. It was bitterly cold and the, ij freezing customs officers who recognized my car waved me j,; through. No scrutinizing glance was thrown into the car where - i the passenger was courageously t puffing on the pipe. {• ..Close by the victory column ; I stopped. Tears were streaming i * down Dr. John's cheeks. “Nightmare is Over” “How wonderful that this nightmare is over,” he said in « muffled voice. "I couldn't stand; It much longer. If we had been eaught I was just hoping tor a chance to commit suicide.” I asked Dr. John what actually happened on July 20, 1954, the day when he left the West. He told this story: "Could any of my friends be- lieve that I had passed the sec-, tor line voluntarily? Around 8 p.m., I visited Dr. Wohlgemuth, at his Uhlandstrasse clinic. He had promised to obtain a pen- sion for a widow of one of the executed men who had resisted the Nazis. During the war, Wohlgemuth had helped my: brother who was later executed. "I had tea with 'Wowo,' as we called him. Later we were to go, to another apartment he had in; West Berlin. On the way he was to contact a person who should help this widow. Given Injections “What happened after that' time I don’t know. I woke up two days later in KarlshorstJ There was a woman doctor at my bed. And there were Soviet Intelligence agents around. I was given an injection and later another one. My head was not; clear. I think there is a Mexican | plant poison . . . "After the August 11 press conference in East Berlin I did a thing that I had been told I must not do. I went down among the newspapermen and whis- pered to Sefton Delmer of the (London) Daily Express: ‘lt | stinks horribly here.’ "At that time I honestly be-1 lieved that I was free to go back to West Berlin when the press conference was over. But Soviet! agents cordoned me off. I was; softly pushed back and immedi- j ately after the conference I was 1 ¦flown to. Moscow. HENRIK BO&DE- HENDRIKSEN Helped Dr. John Escape —AP Photo. | make a Communist out of me." Dr. John snapped He ordered "a drink served for the agents, waiting in the car down the street. “You have to be decent to people with narrow minds,” he commented. Late last October the Copen- hagen University Students As- sociation asked me to arrange a lecture by Dr. John in Copen- hagen. 1 went over to East Ber- lin. called Dr John’s office and 'arranged a lunch with him. Denmark Visit Barred 1 He was very interested but said he had to ask Russian permis- jsion. Two days later we met at the I East Berlin Press Club. Dr. John brought along a person known to both of us. He told me the Russians had turned down the Copenhagen visit: j "They are afraid that I shall (jump off the wagon in Copen- hagen.” I asked him if he had ever 'thought of doing so, "Um Gottes willen (God will- ing).” he replied, simultaneously : stepping on my foot underneath •!the table. Plans Escape j When the third man went to the mens room Dr. John whispered: “We must talk about how I can get out. I have been work- ing on a plan. Couldn't an "Here I was detained for a j couple of weeks and I was almost questioned to death. I didn't dis- j close any secrets but, naturally. I had to keep talking and telling things. I have never been good at remembering names. Fortu- nately so. Then I was two months on the Crimea. Twelve months ago yesterday I was back in East Berlin and placed under surveillance of the East German security service.” Correction Explained Otto John oegan to tremble all over. He asked if we would reach Tempelhof in time. I told him that two seats were reserved ini the 5:45 plane, one for Dr.; Fischer (Otto John* and another ! for Dr. Vogel (Bonde-Hendrik- sen) and that we would be ini time. Let me disclose ¦ some facts i about my connection with Dr. John. On day I had lunch with Dr. John in the Friedrichstrasse East German Press Club. The sub- jects we discussed were the po- litical situation, the chances of German reunification, etc. I considered his views somewhat out of proportion and deliber- ately avoided anything that had to do with his personal affairs. I had a feeling that something was wrong. I expected that he would let me know when he found the situation r4pe for whatever he had in mind. Allowed to Return At a meeting with State Sec- retary Dr. Strauss, from the Federal Ministry of Justice, I asked him what would happen if Dr. John reappeared in West Germany. Well aware that I often saw John. Dr. Strauss said: “Tell him that he can return without risk. He will probably not be arrested but, naturally, we shall have questions to ask.”: I passed the message on to Dr. John It was about that time that I found out that Dr. John was being shadowed by Communist agents. One night, when we had met for a quick drink before! a party to which we both were; invited, I asked him if I could' give him a lift in my car. “Are you crazy 9” he said. "We will have to ask the permission of my bodyguard Dr. John took me over to a black automobile. I asked the two agents t.iere if he could drive with me. They said: “By all means. We will follow close behind That was early this autumn, j I asked Dr. John if the two agents were always near. "I live with them,” he replied “The mother-in-law of one of them is keeping house for us. 1 have requested that the agents never follow me at restaurants or at private parties. I want to talk to whomever I want to talk to without being spied upon.” At the party Dr John openly attacked the East German Com- munist Party boss, Walter Ul- bricht, and asked a Russian dip- lomat how the Kremlin could think of "picking a first violin playing horribly dissonant notes.” The Russian smiled and said: "An interesting point, my cap- italist friend. An interesting point.” "Don't think you will ever k ( Hendrik Bonde-Hendriksen, 35, Berlin correspondent for Berlingjke Tidende, Denmark's largest newspaper, served as the contact and turnished the means tor Dr. Otto John to return to West Germany from the Soviet zone. Dr. John, former West German in chief, bolted to East Ger- many July 20, 1954. He returned to West Germany Monday ond is now I being grilled by officials of Chancellor Kpnrad Adenauer's government. Bonde Hendrikscn here tells the story of the return and the events preceding it. allied car pick me up at the opera one night?" I told him this involved dan- ( ;er of a political conflict. The : third man returned and we agreed to meet again the next week. We met in a restaurant and made a lot of noise with the knives and forks to prevent our whispering from reaching any concealed microphones. 1 "I have to get out quickly."! Dr. John said. “I can’t stand it any longer. If my wife had not encouraged me between the lines in her letters from Eng- land I would have committed suicide long ago. Could yoiOhelp! me? They know your car at the, Brandenburg gate. I think If have a plan that will work.” j Picks Day of Fair Dr. John told me he had picked December 12 because it was the day after the big Christmas fair had been opened on Marx-Engels: square. The merry-go-rounders and roller coasters were certain to draw a lot of attention and increase traffic actors the sector; line. j Dr. John said he planned to ask the agents to drive him to Humbolt University and leave him alone for talks with acer-i tain professor. He planned to ask the agents to buy a bottle of brandy for the joint house- hold at the Christmas market, He planned to walk through the university and out near a park- ing lot. , On December 7, Dr. John told me at a lunch at the Newa Res- -1 taurant that he had tried the plan out "with the agents. It worked. He obtained proof that only the agents in the car were assigned to shadow him. , “We dare not stay one night in West Berlin,” Dr. John said. “They will go all out to find me iand kill me. We have to get out !of Berlin before my bodyguard ¦ can sound the alarm.” i : Arrangements Made , j John said the Communists . would not expect him to flee i December 12 because he had We Saved for a Home! Right after we were married, we decided to start our =aving» account for the home we would one day own! It doesn’t eeein possible that in the few years that have gone by we have saved enough to make that dream a reality. We never really missed the amount we put in our account regularly—yet today we've enough to buy a home of our own! Oriental Building Association Washington's Oldest Savings and Loan Association 600 F St. N.W. Established 1861 NA. 8-7300 \i . - ' —-¦’ HECHT CO. AUTO SHORE SERVIC ENTER PARKINOTON. ARUNOTON Open Friday, Early & Late-—lO a.m. to 9:30 p.m . j 7[hoxTs ~1P.?0 i 14.9 A 22.p1. UjjTPS * 00x1 ft 13.95 ' 23.95 I 17 0^ No Taxi No Trade-in! Tiret mounted tree. l Winter Tires List Price 14.93 Size 6.00x16 9‘ 9S •No tax •No trade-in needed! Mounted Free Fully Retreaded . . . not just recapped ' Guaranteed Against Road Hazards for 1 year. I «, (speeches scheduled December 13 and 14. I was to make all arrsfcge- ment in West Berlin. Last Satur- day we met casually in the press club and I managed to whisper: "Monday at 4.50 P.M. Pan- American to Cologne-Wahn 5:45 P.M. Tempelhof (airfield) 5:20 at the latest.” At 3:30 Monday I pocketed my ;shaver and toothbrush. On the !auto seat beside me were glasses, a pipe and a scarf. I arrived at the parking lot in time, and in the rear-view mirror saw John walk out of the university. I switched the headlights on and started the motor. Then he wa„ sitting there. With trembling hands he lit the pipe and whis- pered: f "Get moving, for Heaven’s sake." Signaled to Stop We drove on, slowly. There is a 25-mile speed limit in East Berlin. When we passed Wil- hem strasse, a Communist po- liceman flashed his red torch- light, signaling us to stop. I jeame to halt right at his feet, put down the window and said: ! “Good evening, officer; every- thing is all right.” He noticed the Danish flag on the car and the press sticker, glanced in the back and waved us on.- “This is the end of the demo- cratic sector,” says a big sign at the Brandenburg Gate. i ' “We Are Through” J When we passed that we cried out in unison: "We are through.” At Tempelhof the plane was delayed 15 minutes. But finally , we were aloft, and when it was announced that we were over West Germany we ordered two double brandies. i At the Cologne-Wahn Airport we stayed in the plane until other passengers left. John was jthe first to speak. He said: j “Come to think of it, I have not seen Dr. Wohlgemuth since July 20, 1954. but I have heard I that he is in China.” German security officials were I waiting for us. There were quick ; handshakes and then we were on the road to Bonn. Dr. John Is Shifted j To Wiesbaden for j More Questioning WIESBADEN, Germany, Dec. i 15 UP).—Otto John, turncoat for-! mer West German Intelligence ¦ chief, was reported transferred > today from Bonn to the Federal , Criminal Police headquarters in ; Wiesbaden for further question-; i ing. i Hermann Dullien, head of the 1 [ criminal police, refused to con- I firm or deny the report. . Dr. John. 46. deserted to Com- : munist East Germany July 20. 1 1954, and returned to West Ger- many Monday. i Since then, he has been ques- tioned intensively in Bonn by Federal Supreme Court investi- gators. 1 Dr. Johi. has been held incom- : municado since his return, a’ . government spokesman in Bonn said yesterday Dr. John knew be- fore he fled West that he would ¦ have to face accusations of 1 treason. Success Seen ! For Satellite l i tbe Astocleted Press ! One of the directing preparations says* he is confident ( the United States will launch a man-made earth satellite suc- cessfully before the end of 1958. , The prediction came from Dr. Richard Porter, chairman of the technical panel on the earth sa- tellite program and former (president of the American Rocket Society. He addressed >ithe society last night and talked with newsmen later. 1 The United States Is seeking to launch such a satellite in con- : J nection with observance of the 1 international geophysical year, > a cooperative effort by various countries including ljussia toi : push scientific knowledge ahead. ¦ Dr. Porter said It may be; l necessary to launch several! satellites before one is success- : fully kept aloft. But he added ; he is “confident that before the i end of the geophysical year we) will have achieved our goal.” "At Beech-Nut I discovered how tempting an apple edn be* -- Say» Connie Clausen on the DR. SPOCK TV Program praE , y Watching Beech-Nut prepare p « BeeClh'lvUT .rjlfWfr- ( fruits for babies is wonderful at H (SySES] el! their goodness—cooks applei g ,;, h skins on That way, vita- See Or. SPOCK on TV presented by BEECH-NUT BABY FOODS } * y ' --rM $ * r. «• t < >1 , . . . ' V ' t ; Vi does she want a new REFRIGERATOR? . ... does she want a work-saving FREEZER? GIVE BOTH IN A SINGLE SPACE-SAVING UNIT... L < .. Top •• 0 it Full-Size f'’ Refrigerator " yftth Famous Sfor-Mor Door % M ' * h * | Butter, Egg, Cheese Keepers Fruit, Vegetebie Dispensers Automatic Food Dispensers llPlji Polaramic Temperature Control I j|p| Automatic Defrosting in Both Trade and Save! Liberal Trade-In This ar azing new genuine freezer-refrigerator com- bination requires no more floor space than an ordinary ott Your Old Refrigerator refrigerate:’. Yet gives you ade luxe feature, automatic - w defrost refrigerator . . , plus a lull size Amana Food .. .. . , . . ..... Freezer! Yes, if there’s room in the kitchen for a * 14-cu.-ft. Amana Freezer Amana Freezer-Plus-Refrigerator! P. S. The Hecht 18-cu.-ft Amana Freezer Refrigerator 749.50 Co Amana Food Plan is available with the new Amana ! i«¦ trau in Freezer-P.r’rigerator. 1 Writ* or Phono NA. 8-5100, Ixt. 5315 Amana. 4th FI., Washington, Silver Spring and FARKington or NA. 8-2786 [ THE HECHT CO., 7th ot F Strooti I j Washington 4, D. C. j j Pleas* send me additional information on the Hecht I :v . j Co Amana Freezer-Food Plan. I . - I | THE HECHT CO. . Telephone Number | > | Address I Washington, Silver Spring, FARKington I City Zone State ! I B-12-15-S5 I I J NO DOWN PAYMENT ON APPLIANCES on Approved credit! F ) < f * B-10

PECEMBEI IBSS John To More Os · 2020. 8. 26. · IBSS John Accomplice Tells Os Dramatic Escape By HENDRIK BONDE-, HENDRIKSEN Copynjht. 1855. by the Associated Press SOMEWHERE IN

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    John Accomplice TellsOs Dramatic Escape


    Copynjht. 1855. by the Associated Press

    SOMEWHERE IN WEST GER-MANY. Dec. 15.—1 t was De-icember 12 In Berlin. The hourwas 4:52 p.m. Behind us was

    'the Brandenburg gate. I wasjjdrivingslowly towards the WestHJerlin customs control post.

    : - At my side in the car sat Dr. i, Otto John, slightly disguised,

    | with glasses and a pipe. He had; -fay multicolored scarp tied close-

    ly around his neck and the hatvjaas deep over his forehead.

    It was bitterly cold and the,ij freezing customs officers who

    recognized my car waved mej,; through. No scrutinizing glance

    was thrown into the car where -i the passenger was courageouslyt puffing on the pipe.{• ..Close by the victory column ;Istopped. Tears were streaming i

    * down Dr. John's cheeks.“Nightmare is Over”

    “How wonderful that thisnightmare is over,” he said in« muffled voice. "Icouldn't stand;It much longer. If we had beeneaught I was just hoping tor achance to commit suicide.”

    I asked Dr. John what actuallyhappened on July 20, 1954, theday when he left the West. Hetold this story:

    "Could any of my friends be-lieve that I had passed the sec-,tor line voluntarily? Around 8p.m., I visited Dr. Wohlgemuth,at his Uhlandstrasse clinic. Hehad promised to obtain a pen-sion for a widow of one of theexecuted men who had resistedthe Nazis. During the war,Wohlgemuth had helped my:brother who was later executed.

    "I had tea with 'Wowo,' as wecalled him. Later we were to go,to another apartment he had in;West Berlin. On the way hewas to contact a person whoshould help this widow.

    Given Injections“What happened after that'

    time I don’t know. I woke uptwo days later in KarlshorstJThere was a woman doctor atmy bed. And there were SovietIntelligence agents around. Iwas given an injection and lateranother one. My head was not;clear. Ithink there is a Mexican |plant poison . . .

    "After the August 11 pressconference in East Berlin I dida thing that I had been told Imust not do. Iwent down amongthe newspapermen and whis-pered to Sefton Delmer of the(London) Daily Express: ‘lt|stinks horribly here.’

    "At that time I honestly be-1lieved that I was free to go backto West Berlin when the pressconference was over. But Soviet!agents cordoned me off. I was;softly pushed back and immedi- jately after the conference I was 1

    ¦flown to. Moscow.


    Helped Dr. John Escape—AP Photo. |

    make a Communist out of me."Dr. John snapped He ordered"a drink served for the agents,waiting in the car down thestreet.

    “You have to be decent topeople with narrow minds,” hecommented.

    Late last October the Copen-hagen University Students As-sociation asked me to arrangea lecture by Dr. John in Copen-hagen. 1 went over to East Ber-lin. called Dr John’s office and

    'arranged a lunch with him.Denmark Visit Barred

    1 He was very interested but saidhe had to ask Russian permis-jsion.

    Two days later we met at theI East Berlin Press Club. Dr.John brought along a personknown to both of us. He toldme the Russians had turneddown the Copenhagen visit:

    j "They are afraid that I shall(jump off the wagon in Copen-hagen.”

    I asked him if he had ever'thought of doing so,

    "Um Gottes willen (God will-ing).” he replied, simultaneously

    : stepping on my foot underneath•!the table.

    Plans Escapej When the third man wentto the mens room Dr. Johnwhispered:

    “We must talk about how Ican get out. I have been work-ing on a plan. Couldn't an

    "Here I was detained for a jcouple of weeks and I was almostquestioned to death. I didn't dis- jclose any secrets but, naturally.I had to keep talking and tellingthings. I have never been goodat remembering names. Fortu-nately so. Then I was twomonths on the Crimea. Twelvemonths ago yesterday I was backin East Berlin and placed undersurveillance of the East Germansecurity service.”

    Correction ExplainedOtto John oegan to tremble all

    over. He asked if we would reachTempelhof in time. I told himthat two seats were reserved inithe 5:45 plane, one for Dr.;Fischer (Otto John* and another !for Dr. Vogel (Bonde-Hendrik-sen) and that we would be initime.

    Let me disclose ¦ some facts iabout my connection with Dr.John.

    On day I had lunch with Dr.John in the Friedrichstrasse EastGerman Press Club. The sub-jects we discussed were the po-litical situation, the chances ofGerman reunification, etc. Iconsidered his views somewhatout of proportion and deliber-ately avoided anything that hadto do with his personal affairs.

    I had a feeling that somethingwas wrong. I expected that hewould let me know when hefound the situation r4pe forwhatever he had in mind.

    Allowed to ReturnAt a meeting with State Sec-

    retary Dr. Strauss, from theFederal Ministry of Justice, Iasked him what would happen ifDr. John reappeared in WestGermany. Well aware that Ioften saw John. Dr. Strausssaid:

    “Tell him that he can returnwithout risk. He will probablynot be arrested but, naturally,we shall have questions to ask.”:

    I passed the message on toDr. John

    It was about that time thatI found out that Dr. John wasbeing shadowed by Communistagents. One night, when wehad met for a quick drink before!a party to which we both were;invited, I asked him if I could'give him a lift in my car.

    “Are you crazy 9” he said. "Wewill have to ask the permissionof my bodyguard

    Dr. John took me over to ablack automobile. I asked thetwo agents t.iere if he coulddrive with me. They said: “Byall means. We will follow closebehind

    That was early this autumn, jI asked Dr. John if the two

    agents were always near."I live with them,” he replied

    “The mother-in-law of one ofthem is keeping house for us.1 have requested that the agentsnever follow me at restaurantsor at private parties. I want totalk to whomever Iwant to talkto without being spied upon.”

    At the party Dr John openlyattacked the East German Com-munist Party boss, Walter Ul-bricht, and asked a Russian dip-lomat how the Kremlin couldthink of "picking a first violinplaying horribly dissonant notes.”The Russian smiled and said:

    "An interesting point, my cap-italist friend. An interestingpoint.”

    "Don't think you will ever

    k (

    Hendrik Bonde-Hendriksen, 35, Berlincorrespondent for Berlingjke Tidende,Denmark's largest newspaper, servedas the contact and turnished themeans tor Dr. Otto John to return toWest Germany from the Soviet zone.Dr. John, former West German in

    chief, bolted to East Ger-many July 20, 1954. He returned toWest Germany Monday ond is now

    I being grilled by officials of ChancellorKpnrad Adenauer's government. BondeHendrikscn here tells the story of thereturn and the events preceding it.

    allied car pick me up at theopera one night?"

    I told him this involved dan- (;er of a political conflict. The

    : third man returned and weagreed to meet again the nextweek.

    We met in a restaurant andmade a lot of noise with theknives and forks to prevent ourwhispering from reaching anyconcealed microphones.

    1 "I have to get out quickly."!Dr. John said. “I can’t standit any longer. If my wife hadnot encouraged me between thelines in her letters from Eng-

    land I would have committedsuicide long ago. Could yoiOhelp!me? They know your car at the,Brandenburg gate. I think Ifhave a plan that will work.” j

    Picks Day of FairDr. John told me he had picked

    December 12 because it was theday after the big Christmas fairhad been opened on Marx-Engels:square. The merry-go-roundersand roller coasters were certainto draw a lot of attention andincrease traffic actors the sector;line.j Dr. John said he planned toask the agents to drive him toHumbolt University and leavehim alone for talks with acer-itain professor. He planned toask the agents to buy a bottleof brandy for the joint house-hold at the Christmas market,

    • He planned to walk through theuniversity and out near a park-ing lot. ,

    On December 7, Dr. John toldme at a lunch at the Newa Res-

    -1 taurant that he had tried theplan out "with the agents. Itworked. He obtained proof thatonly the agents in the car wereassigned to shadow him.

    , “We dare not stay one nightin West Berlin,” Dr. John said.“They will go all out to find meiand kill me. We have to get out!of Berlin before my bodyguard¦ can sound the alarm.”

    i : Arrangements Made, j John said the Communists

    . would not expect him to fleei December 12 because he had

    We Saved for a Home!Right after we were married, we decided tostart our =aving» account for the home we wouldone day own! It doesn’t eeein possible that inthe few years that have gone by we have savedenough to make that dream a reality. We neverreally missed the amount we put in our accountregularly—yet today we've enough to buy a homeof our own!

    Oriental Building AssociationWashington's Oldest Savings and Loan Association

    600 F St. N.W. • Established 1861 • NA. 8-7300\i .


    ' —-¦’ •HECHT CO.


    Open Friday, Early & Late-—lO a.m. to 9:30 p.m .

    j 7[hoxTs ~1P.?0 i 14.9 A 22.p1. UjjTPS* 00x1 ft 13.95 ' 23.95 I 17 0^No Taxi No Trade-in! Tiret mountedtree. l

    Winter TiresList Price 14.93

    Size 6.00x16 9‘9S•No tax •No trade-in needed! •• Mounted Free• Fully Retreaded . . . not just recapped

    ' • Guaranteed Against Road Hazards for1 year.

    I «,

    (speeches scheduled December13 and 14.I was to make all arrsfcge-

    ment in West Berlin. Last Satur-day we met casually in the pressclub and I managed to whisper:

    "Monday at 4.50 P.M. Pan-American to Cologne-Wahn 5:45P.M. Tempelhof (airfield) 5:20at the latest.”

    At 3:30 Monday Ipocketed my;shaver and toothbrush. On the!auto seat beside me were glasses,a pipe and a scarf. I arrived atthe parking lot in time, and inthe rear-view mirror saw Johnwalk out of the university. Iswitched the headlights on andstarted the motor. Then he wa„sitting there. With tremblinghands he lit the pipe and whis-pered:

    f "Get moving, for Heaven’ssake."

    Signaled to Stop

    We drove on, slowly. There isa 25-mile speed limit in EastBerlin. When we passed Wil-hem strasse, a Communist po-liceman flashed his red torch-light, signaling us to stop. Ijeame to halt right at his feet,put down the window and said:

    ! “Good evening, officer; every-thing is all right.”

    He noticed the Danish flag onthe car and the press sticker,glanced in the back and wavedus on.-

    “This is the end of the demo-cratic sector,” says a big signat the Brandenburg Gate.i ' “We Are Through”J When we passed that wecried out in unison:

    "We are through.”

    At Tempelhof the plane wasdelayed 15 minutes. But finally

    , we were aloft, and when it wasannounced that we were overWest Germany we ordered twodouble brandies.

    i At the Cologne-Wahn Airportwe stayed in the plane untilother passengers left. John wasjthe first to speak. He said:j “Come to think of it, I havenot seen Dr. Wohlgemuth sinceJuly 20, 1954. but I have heard

    I that he is in China.”German security officials were

    I waiting for us. There were quick; handshakes and then we were on• the road to Bonn.

    Dr. John Is Shifted jTo Wiesbaden for jMore Questioning

    WIESBADEN, Germany, Dec.i 15 UP).—Otto John, turncoat for-!mer West German Intelligence¦ chief, was reported transferred

    > today from Bonn to the Federal, Criminal Police headquarters in

    ; Wiesbaden for further question-;i ing.i Hermann Dullien, head of the 1

    [ criminal police, refused to con-I firm or deny the report.

    . Dr. John. 46. deserted to Com-: munist East Germany July 20. 1

    1954, and returned to West Ger-many Monday.

    i Since then, he has been ques-tioned intensively in Bonn byFederal Supreme Court investi-gators.

    1 Dr. Johi. has been held incom-: municado since his return, a’. government spokesman in Bonn

    said yesterday Dr. John knew be-fore he fled West that he would¦ have to face accusations of

    1 treason.

    Success Seen! For Satellitel i tbe Astocleted Press

    ! One of the directingpreparations says* he is confident

    ( the United States will launch aman-made earth satellite suc-

    cessfully before the end of 1958., The prediction came from Dr.Richard Porter, chairman of thetechnical panel on the earth sa-tellite program and former

    (president of the AmericanRocket Society. He addressed

    >ithe society last night and talked’ with newsmen later.

    1 The United States Is seekingto launch such a satellite in con-

    : Jnection with observance of the1 international geophysical year,

    > a cooperative effort by variouscountries including ljussia toi

    : push scientific knowledge ahead.¦ Dr. Porter said It may be;l necessary to launch several!satellites before one is success-

    : fully kept aloft. But he added; he is “confident that before the

    i end of the geophysical year we)will have achieved our goal.”

    "At Beech-Nut I discoveredhow tempting an apple edn be*

    -- Say» Connie Clausen on the DR. SPOCK TV Program

    praE , y Watching Beech-Nut preparep « BeeClh'lvUT .rjlfWfr- ( fruits for babies is wonderful at

    H (SySES] el! their goodness—cooks appleig ,;,h skins on That way, vita-

    See Or. SPOCK on TV presented by BEECH-NUT BABY FOODS} * y

    ' --rM • $* r.

    «• t • <>1 , . . . ' V ' t ; Vi

    does she want a new REFRIGERATOR? • . •

    ... does she want a work-saving FREEZER?


    L < • ..

    Top •• 0 it Full-Size

    f'’ Refrigerator"

    • yftth Famous Sfor-Mor Door% M ' * h * | • Butter, Egg, Cheese Keepers

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    llPlji • Polaramic Temperature ControlI j|p| • Automatic Defrosting in Both

    Trade and Save! Liberal Trade-In This ar azing new genuine freezer-refrigerator com-bination requires no more floor space than an ordinary

    ott Your Old Refrigerator refrigerate:’. Yet gives you ade luxe feature, automatic -w defrost refrigerator . . , plus a lull size Amana Food.. .. . „ , . . ..... Freezer! Yes, if there’s room in the kitchen for a *14-cu.-ft. Amana Freezer

    Amana Freezer-Plus-Refrigerator! P. S. The Hecht18-cu.-ft Amana Freezer Refrigerator 749.50 Co Amana Food Plan is available with the new Amana

    ! i«¦ trau in Freezer-P.r’rigerator. 1

    Writ* or Phono NA. 8-5100, Ixt. 5315 Amana. 4th FI., Washington, Silver Spring and FARKingtonor NA. 8-2786

    [ THE HECHT CO., 7th ot F Strooti Ij Washington 4, D. C. jj Pleas* send me additional information on the Hecht I :v .j Co Amana Freezer-Food Plan. I . -

    I | THE HECHT CO.. Telephone Number | >| Address I Washington, Silver Spring, FARKingtonI City Zone State !I B-12-15-S5 II J

    NO DOWN PAYMENT ON APPLIANCES on Approved credit!

    F ) < f *
