STAGE 2: CATERPILLAR Eggs hatch in 7-21 days, forming a communal tent of silk. Inside their tent they eat the host plant (nettles), growing bigger each day. They don't leave this refuge until all of the food is consumed. They then move onto another leaf creating a new silk tent as they go. Mature caterpillars are black with white speckles and are covered in a black spines that deter predators. STAGE 4: WINGED ADULT The newly emerged adult will rest a while as it pumps blood into the wet and folded wings. Blood pumped into the veins spreads out the wings, resting to dry them in the sun. At this stage they are very vulnerable to attack. Adults don’t survive long afterwards and are gone by June or July, when they die off the new generation are developing and hatching in the same nettles patch. STAGE 1: BUTTERFLY EGGS Females lay eggs in May and will choose nettles in full sunshine, depositing 300-400 eggs on the underside of nettle leaves. Nettles are termed the host plant, which means eggs are layed on this plant and the larvae only feed on this plant. STAGE 3: CHRYSALIS/PUPA Suspended from their silk the pupa hangs from the vegetation, well camouflaged, up to a meter above the ground. The butterfly emerges 2-4 weeks later, breaking free of the chrysalis following its transformation inside. WILD NEPHIN NATIONAL PARK PEACOCK BUTTERFLY LIFECYCLE

PEACOCK BUTTERFLY LIFECYCLE WILD NEPHIN NATIONAL PARK · Mature caterpillars are black with white speckles and are covered in a black spines that deter predators. STAGE 4: WINGED

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Page 1: PEACOCK BUTTERFLY LIFECYCLE WILD NEPHIN NATIONAL PARK · Mature caterpillars are black with white speckles and are covered in a black spines that deter predators. STAGE 4: WINGED


Eggs hatch in 7-21 days, forming a communal tent of silk. Insidetheir tent they eat the host plant (nettles), growing bigger eachday. They don't leave this refuge until all of the food isconsumed. They then move onto another leaf creating a new silktent as they go. Mature caterpillars are black with whitespeckles and are covered in a black spines that deter predators.


The newly emerged adult willrest a while as it pumps bloodinto the wet and folded wings.Blood pumped into the veinsspreads out the wings, restingto dry them in the sun. At thisstage they are very vulnerableto attack. Adults don’t survivelong afterwards and are goneby June or July, when they dieoff the new generation aredeveloping and hatching in thesame nettles patch.

STAGE 1: BUTTERFLY EGGSFemales lay eggs in May and will choose nettles in full sunshine,depositing 300-400 eggs on the underside of nettle leaves.Nettles are termed the host plant, which means eggs are layedon this plant and the larvae only feed on this plant.

STAGE 3:CHRYSALIS/PUPASuspended from their silk thepupa hangs from thevegetation, well camouflaged,up to a meter above theground. The butterfly emerges2-4 weeks later, breaking freeof the chrysalis following itstransformation inside.