Tawusi Melek: Peacock Angel

Peacock Angel

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Page 1: Peacock Angel

Tawusi Melek:

Peacock Angel

Page 2: Peacock Angel

In the beginning…The Invisible One brought forth from its own precious soul a white

pearl. And It created a bird upon whose back It placed the pearl, and there He dwelt for forty

thousand years…

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Then on the first day, Sunday, It created an angel called Izrael. He is Archangel over all

the Angels, he who is Melek Taus, the Peacock Angel. He is the first to be, and to know that

He is; for the One can know nothing.

Each of the other Days of the week the One brought

forth Angels to serve Melek Taus.

After this, the Invisible One retreated into Itself, and

acted no more; but Melek Taus was left to act.

Seeing the barrenness of the ether,

He created the form of the seven heavens, the earth,

sun and moon.

He created mankind, animals, birds and beasts in the

pockets of his cloak.

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Each of the other Days of the week

The One brought forth Angels to serve Melek Taus.

Melek Darda el Melek Israfel Melek Miha el Melek AzraelMelek S emna el Melek Nurael

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Then Melek Taus brought

two pieces of the

white pearl.

He placed one below the

earth and the other He

placed at the door of


Then he placed in both

of them the sun and the

moon. He made water flow from its inside, and that water

became the sea.

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His temple remains to this day…

After that He created a ship in which He rode thirty

thousand years.

After which Melek Taus came and lived among men

in the city of Lâlish.

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And so goes the creation story of a race and culture that has been around for thousands of

years…but Tawusi Melek is not who you may think him to be.

In the creation story of the Yezidi, there are parallels to Abrahamic texts.

In the Yezidi Creation Myth: The Peacock Angel creates the earth and man.

In the Abrahamic Creation Myth: God creates the Universe and Man are descendants of Adam

and Eve. Eve is created from Adam‟s rib while the Yezidi believe she came from his armpit.

While the traditions of the Abrahamic religious traditions state that all of man are descendants of

Adam and Eve, the Yezidi believe that they are only descendants of Adam alone not of Adam and

Eve. Could they be the children of Adam and Lilith?..

One extremely interesting difference in their origin of sin is to note that in the Yezidi tradition,

Adam is the one who engages in sin by eating wheat, as opposed to Eve partaking of the forbidden


The Yezidi People of what is now Northern Iraq claim that they are the first humans on this earth

and that their creator Melek Taus, the Peacock Angel is the father of mankind. Melek Taus can be

seen as a liminal deity in the fact that he tricks Adam to eat the wheat, is an adversary to the

Invisible One and the creator of the Yezidi peoples.

The Yezidi belief system has some very strong parallels to Sufism and Gnosticism, a belief in the

search for knowledge of Self or truth while rejecting physical realities as being imperfect.

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Roots of the Tradition & its Connection

to Others• The most ancient human ritual sites

discovered thus far, Gobekli Tepi and

Catal Huyuk in southern Turkey have

been linked to Yezidi through bird-man


• The Epic of Gilgamesh may chronicle a

primordial Mesopotamian tradition. It

describes a group of bird-men that

were cast out or fallen from heaven as

gods that preceded Anu, Enlil, and

others in worship.

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Similarity to Indian God Kartikeya

• Mark Amaru Pinkham (a Prior of a Gnostic Knights Templar order) claims Yezidi mythos origins in „Garden of Eden‟ to be in Sri Lanka where there used to be a land-bridge between it and Southern India. Supposedly so do other Gnostic-like people in Iraq such as the Mandeans.

• Authentic Yezidi leader Mirza Ismail claims Eden was actually in Lalish, northern Iraq or Mesopotamia. (example of ethnographer‟s influence here –Pinkham‟s own agenda?)

• Long-standing Indian tradition of veneration of gods that ride atop peacocks - Kartikeya and Murugan, androgynous son of Shiva and Shakti

• Yezidi use sacred oil lamps called sanjaks in rituals that resemble South Indian lamps

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• After Alexander the Great conquered northwest India there was a Greek expedition to Sri Lanka. The men that went there saw a statue of Kartikeya and claimed it was Dionysus (Bacchus)

• Dionysus and Kartikeya both carry a spear with a pine cone at the tip, respectively called a thyrsus and a vel

• Pinkham believes pine cone spear and serpent symbols are of kundalini or life force, the spear being the spinal cord & pine cone representing the pineal gland. In China dragons represent vitality (xing) also.

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Adversaries and their Creators• Some Yezidi claim their

Peacock Angel is Lucifer (Azazel)

• Similar also in some ways to Enki, Pazuzu, Sanat Kumara, Prometheus, al-Khadir “the Green Man”, Pan, Lycaeon, Ahriman, Tezcatlipoca and other trickster characters

• Adversarial figures to their (often merciless to humans) creator or father counterparts Yahweh/God, Enlil, Zeus, Jupiter, Demiurgos, Ahura Mazda, and so on

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Archangels, Elohim and the Gnostics• The Biblical and Sumerian traditions,

Zoroastrianism, certain sects of Hinduism and Mandeans all have things in common such as archangels and fallen angels, also to a lesser degree so do Sufis. The Yezidi tradition has Gnostic elements to it in its creation myth.

• „Lucifer‟ was not associated or identified with Satan till the Bible was edited in the form of the New Testament. It only appears once.

•Elohim is PLURAL, just as Nephelim, Seraphim and Cherubim are plural. „God‟ in singular form is „El‟. Any Hebrew-speaking Jew can tell you this.

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Rituals and Stars of Various Cultures• The ancient Egyptians, Taoist Chinese and Sumerians all had rites

that invoked the energies of the Big Dipper or Ursa Major (ursa meaning „bear‟), a 7-star constellation that points to the Pole Star

• Kartikeya comes from the word „Kritika‟, Sanksrit for the Pleiades, a constellation with several stars, 7 of which are visible to the naked eye. The Mayans were also very interested in this constellation.

• Babylonian priests re-enacted the journey of mother goddess Inanna/Ishtar by ascending 7-tiered ziggurats or stepped pyramids, which represented her passing through the 7 gates of the underworld and her confrontation with queen of the underworld, Ereshkigal. Each gate had a planet and star.

• Egyptians had a sacred ritual tool called the Adze which mimicked Ursa Major

• Taoists have vitality exercises that channel energy from these stars through the body in a loop called the „microcosmic orbit‟


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Ancients and the Number 7• The Gnostics had 7 rays for each of the 7 archangels

• They had many initiatory rituals and practices. Some of these involved lucid dreaming and astral projection to have conversations with angels to learn how to avoid the influence of the archons (planetary spirits with malintent towards humans) .They were also attempting to trancend the influence of the zodiac to become free.

• 7 main spectrums in light, 7 major tones within the musical octave, 7 stages of alchemy, 7 days of the week, 7 known planets to ancient world, 7 major chakras, 7 deadly sins.

• All are believed to be manifestations or emanations of the one thing and are archetypes within us waiting to be consciously utilized. We can effect change in our reality by understanding these concepts and putting them into action, some call this magic, but really it's our natural state of being, according to them.


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Yezidi People, Sacred

Sites, Customs, Holidays

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• Yezidi (or Ezdi as they call themselves) are primarily located in northern Iraq, Syria, Georgia, Turkey. They are in diaspora in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Russia, USA and Germany but also covertly in Algeria, Morocco and Sudan and other countries. Interesting tidbit: Another Indo-European people that relocated from India - the Roma (aka gypsies)

• Yezidi people have a xenophobic, homogenous society because they have been victim to genocide for millennia and generally do not accept outsiders

• They claim to have the most ancient religion in the world. Again, Some of them claim TawusiMelek is Lucifer and that the outcome of his authentic story is omitted from the Abrahamictraditions.

• Lalish, Iraq and Chermera near Syrian border

• Chermera means “Burial of 40 Men”

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Sheihk Adi

• Sufi mystic

• saved them from

genocide by making

trappings of their

religion appear more


• They have adopted

certain Sufi or Islamic


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• They have dietary restrictions concerning

lettuce and other vegetables and meats. they

wear similar dress to Kurdish Christians and

Muslims and can have multiple wives like


• They are not Semitic like their Arab neighbors

but are an Indo-european Kurdish people. Their

tradition is likely the original Kurdish

religion (most Kurds are now Muslim however).

Kurdistan is an ethnic nation across

northern Iraq, Iran and Turkey, syria and

armenia trying to create sovereignty. They

also are possibly descendants of the Mitanni


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Yezidi Holidays and Festivals

Yezidi religious year includes four

holy festivals:

• The New Year

• The Feast of Sacrifice

• The Feast of Seven Days, Sept 23-30

• The first Friday of December feast

following three days of fasting.

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The Yezidi New Year

• The Yezidi New Year, known as Sere Sal, meaning

"Head of the Year", is celebrated on a particular

Wednesday of April, known as Red Wednesday.

This day commemorates the Wednesday that

Tawusi Melek first came to Earth millions of

years ago in order to calm the planet’s quaking

and spread his peacock colors throughout the


• Part of the New Year celebration is the

coloring of eggs, which collectively represent

Tawusi Melek’s rainbow colors that he blessed

the world with and displays in his form of the

Peacock Angel. The eggs are principally colored

red, blue, green and yellow. Women also place

blood-red flowers and shells of the colored

eggs above the doors of the Yezidis so that Tawsi

Melek can recognize their abodes.


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The Order of the

Peacock Angel is a

Yezidi-influenced secret

society which is

described by a

pseudonymous author

Arkon Daraul in a 1961

book called Secret

Societies Yesterday and

Today. Daraul writes

about meeting members

of the organization in

the suburbs of London

and also attending their


The group believes in a

power governing human

affairs symbolized by a

Peacock. Newcomers

are put through a series

of mental and physical

exercises to place the

experience of emotion

under the control of the


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Peacock Angel is the

translation of Melek Taus.

According to Daraul the

English version of the cult

came to Britain in 1913 by a

Syrian whose is only know by


Daraul talks about a ceremony where

robed members engage in an ecstatic

circular dance in the presence of a large

statue of a peacock

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Ever since the 1960‟s, NBC has adopted the

Peacock logo (interestingly a year after

Daraul‟s book saw publication) and it is still

used today. The logo was created by John J.

Graham to indicate richness in color. The

Peacock was created due to increase in color


It is unknown whether the Yezidi

people or the related

Westernized secret society had

any say or influence in the

creation of this symbol, but there

is good food for thought here as

the 6 rays can be thought of as

the other 6 subordinate angels.

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Pazuzu appears as a statue and

demon in the movie Exorcist:The

Beginning in a secret Catholic Church

that the Vatican would not admit the

existence of and buried underground.

The Peacock

Angel also

appears in a

comic book



and in the DC

universe as

King Peacock

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In 2007 a group of radical Muslims

set off a car bomb that killed over

500 Yezidis. It was aimed at killing

their priests or fakirs, who have the

most knowledge about their culture.

Millions of Yezidis have died over

millennia from genocide.

These people are in a diaspora across

the globe, including Europe and other

parts of the Middle East.

If the US leaves Iraq next year, the Yezidis‟

plight will become much more dire.

Muslims and Christian Kurds will continue

to try to wipe them out, as they believe

they are worshipping Satan.

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Their tradition provides an alternate understanding of the adversary than

the Judeo-Christian mythos. Rather than dualistic demon opposed to an

angelic figure, the Peacock Angel is the androgynous Planetary Logos

and Oversoul of Earth, King of the World, creator and destroyer.

Yezidism could be the oldest religion in history and presents some

inconvenient religious truths that are worth examining...

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The myth of the

Yezidi People has



Their future

however is yet

to be decided.

Is it warranted

or sustainable

to continue to

engage each

other in


conflict and


differences or

is it more

valuable to

embrace our


by S


and f

