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Peace Corps Sara Basic Course - Live Lingua · The Sara is followed by English on the subsequent page rather,than face. tb face. The cultural material. contained in the course. is

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Page 1: Peace Corps Sara Basic Course - Live Lingua · The Sara is followed by English on the subsequent page rather,than face. tb face. The cultural material. contained in the course. is

Sara Basic Course

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Page 2: Peace Corps Sara Basic Course - Live Lingua · The Sara is followed by English on the subsequent page rather,than face. tb face. The cultural material. contained in the course. is


-The basic.plan of this course is modeled after

Experimental Course in Hausa, 'FSI 1965". The

Course uses short cycles coneisting hf-Wisicri

lowed by conversations built on the same vocabularya -and syntactit pattern.

The format has been condensed and altered. The

course contains 95 cycles and would require approx-

imately 50 hours tb complete. The Sara is followed

by English on the subsequent page rather,than face

tb face.

The cultural material. contained in the course

is oriented predominantly toward those persons

studing the course in an American,cUlture. The

Table of Contents which follows will show how the

course'is'ariented,toward the introduction of-

American volunteers into a new culture.

Table of ,Contents

Cycles '1-5 Name (qUestion and inquiry)

6-8 Nationality

9-29 Origin and Locality (country, city, reg4on)

30-44 ActivitY (r4lated to a summer Peace Corps .

situation)45-47. Numbers

50 -53 -.Travel

54 -57 Days, Week,, Month'

58-61 Birthplace

62-64- Sthool.

65-70 Biography

Activity ,

84t946 Profession -(training)

91-98 AnticipatedPeace Corps Activity

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Cycle 1


Djimalde Helon__-------, eT Rim ma to Djimalde Helon..--,

DekouboUJulie' Rim-ma to Dekoubou Julie..

Nemekon Rim ma to Nemekon...

Dlenoyo Rim ma to Djenoyo.-, -

M-2 Ri i ban wa ? -


Ri i ban wa ?

A. Ri i ban wa ? B. Rim ma tb-iThomas.

A. Ri i ban wa ? B.. Rim ma to Barbara.

Cycll 2



Thomas Ria yeen ge Thomas.

Nemekon Ria yeen ge Nemekon.

Bar;bara Ria yeen ge Barbara.-

Djenoyo Ria' yeen ge Djenoyo.

Ria yeen -ban. wa, ? Ria yeen ban wa ?

C-2 .,

A. Ria yeen ban wa ?4

A. Ria yeen 'ban "wa ?

rd. 'name:rim 'my name'ria 'hia,her name'


B. Ria yeen ge (Thomas ).

B. Ria yeen ge (Barbara ).

to 'is' wa .'question'

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. Cycle 1

2nd 'Person ,Question

,- .A..Repeat each utterance after the instructors(,

! B. Give the complete sentence that includes the cue word theinstructor will give you.-

Djimalde Helon

Dekoubou Julie


- Djeaoyo

What is your name ?

My name is Djimalde Helon.

my name is Dekoubou Julie.

My name is Nemekon.

My name is D/enoyo.

What is your name',


* Thi instructor will4give you-a question and supply. you with theformula for the answer. Add your own naive to the sentence,.and -give the :answer . .,

'AsjWhht is your (m ac.) name ? B. My name is (Thomas ).

:'at,ieyourAfemA name ? B. My name is (Barbara ).it,,


ask iburana4ar *COT question with the other students in thesing your4owh4 Et-.

p yr Shia activity to a real situation outside of class byaiking -Ads names of other students who are also working onSara.





Use the Times of

Cycle 2

3rd Person Question

Bits name is Thomas.'

His name is Nemekon,

Her name is Barbara.

Her name is Djenoyo.

all the members of the Sara class.

Ma1 Wbaii41is his name ?


What is her name ?


A. What is his name ? B. His name is (Thomas).

A. What is -her name ? B. Her name is (Barbara).


, At the end of this cycle every student should be able to askand answer the questions about his own name and-the names-of all the other members of the class.

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Barbara .




. Cycle 3

Ri i ge Thomas w* Z

Ri i se Nemekon wa

Ri i ge Barbara wa,?

Ri i ge Djenoyo wa ?

Rim ge Thomas's'.

Rim ges Nemekon el.

Rim ge Barbara el.

Rim ge Djenoyo el. A

A..Nemekon le to ri i wa-.T Be Woup ,rim ge Nemekon' el .

A. Djenoyo le to ri i wa -B. Woua,rim ge Djenoyo el.




. . Barbara


Cycle 4

Thomas le to ria yeen wa

Nemekon le to ria yeen wa?

Barbara le to ria yeen wa

Djenoyo le to ria yeei we ?M-2

Thomas Ria yeen ge Thomas el,

'Nemekon Ria yeen go Nemekon el.

Barbara Ria yeen ge Barbara e .

Djenoyo Ria yeen ge Djerloyo el.


Nemekon'1r.- to rie, yednowa ? youa,ria yeen ge Nemekon el

B. Ria yeen to'geDjimalde.

A. Djenoyo le to ria),een.wa ? B. Wotadia yeen Djenoyo el.

B. Ria yeen io ge DeboubOu.

woua .'no' el - 'negative'

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a-- 'Cycle_

2nd Person



_ Barbara



Thomas my name isn't Thomas.

'Nemekon My name iin't Nemekonf

Baebara My name isn't Barbara.

Djenoyo My name isn't Djenoyo.


A. Is your name Nemekon ? B. No,.my name isn't Nemekon.,

A.-Is,your name Djehoyo ? B. No, my name isn't Djenoy.f.:-

H -I




Is your h Thopas ?.

Is your name tinekon-lt

Is your name B- bare .1\

Is your name Dje'Fyo ?









Cycle I(

3rd Person Inquiry

Is his tame Thomas ?.

Is his name-Nemekon ?

Is her name Barbara ?

Is her nab() djenoyo


His name. isn'tfhothas.

His name isn't Nemekon.

Her name isn't Barbara.

Her name isn't Djenoyo.

A. Is his name (Thomas) ? B. nts,bils natZIO iallt (ThOmas ).

B. ...

His name is Nemekon..

_d l

A. Is_har name (Barbara )? B. No, her name isn't,(Barbara). .

B. Her name,is Djenoyo.


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Thomas44'r Nemekon






Cycle 5

Ria ge Thomas, ye see ban 1,

Ria-ge Nemekon, ye see ban ?

,Ria ge Guelmbaye, ya see bap ?

-Rio geDjenoyo, ye see ban ?

ge Denang, ye see ban ?

Woyo, to ge ria ye. Woyo, to ge ria ye. Woyo, to ge ria ye.C-1

A. Riiige Thomas, ya see ban ? it; Woyo, to ge_rie ye.

A. Ria ge arbsara,'Ya see ban ?_ B. Woyo, -to


A. Ria yeen ban ? Bs14a yeen _.ge Nemekon.

A. Nemekon le to ge ria ya we ? 11.-Woyo, to ge rim ye.

A. Ri i le ban wa ? B. Rim to ge Guelmbaye.

A. Ri to-ge Guelmbaye ya wa B. Woyo, 441 to geA. Ri i_le ban we 7. B. Rim to ge Denang.


A. Ri to ge Denang ya wa ? B. Woyo, yeen to ge rim ye.

woyo 'yes'

ban 'what'



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cycle 5

2nd and Yrd Persons






Deming k

Yes, that'A his name. Yes,

A. Hii name is (Thomas) -?

A. Her-name,is (Barbara) ?


-A..Wheit's his name 7-.

Mds' tii#me is Nemekon ?

'C. That a her name /

A. Her name 'is Djenoyo?tit


-- - -,'

- A . What's your (m.) name ` ?,


A.Your 1m. Armale is Robert) ?r. _.

His name is Thomas ?

Aim; name is Nemekon ?

Your (m.) name is Guelmbaye ?

Her .name is Barbara--7--------,

Her name is Dje.oyo

Your (f..) name is Dinang

that's her name. Yes,

A. What'i your (01;.) name.?

A. Your (f name is,(Saiah)




ethit's my name


B.:Xes, that's





His name-Is

Yes, that 's

der name is

Yes, that's

hir name.

her name.


his 'name. -


her' name .

B. My name is (RObert).

B. 'Yes, that's my name.

B. is (Sarah).

Py Y,,$,.tfiat's my name.

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europeen (m.)


americain Sm.)

americaine (f.)I.\

africain (m.)

africaine, (f.)


--Cycle 6

I t o earopeen we ?

I to deentt europeenne we ?

to americain we ?

, .1 to deene americaine wa ?'

I.to africain va ?

I to deene africaine wa ?It

Woyo, ma m'to.euroPeen._ Ma. m'to euro peen el.

Woyo, ma m'to .deene Ilropeenne, Ma m'to deene europeenne el.

Woyo, ma m' to americain. 44Ma m'to smericain

Woyo m'to deene ameicaine. Aa m'to diene americaine el.

Woyo, ma m'to africain. Ma m'to africain el.

Woyo, ma m'to deene africaine . M* mkto deene africaine el.


A. I to ameripain"wa ? Woyo, ma m'to americain.

A. rico dedne europeenne we ? B.Afoyoi ma m'to deene europeenne


C-1 Cycle 7

A. I to africain we ? B. Ma m'to africain 0l.

A. I to deene europeenne we ? B. Woua ma mite, deene europeenne.


A. I to ge europeen we.? B. Woua, ma m'to ge europeen el.

B. Ma m',age americain..

A.'1'to ge-deene africaine we ? liwWoua, ma m'to ge deene *

C -3 .

A. Ri i ban. wa ?

A. I to ge africain'wa ?

1 africatne .

B. Ma m'to ge deene steericaine.

B. Rim ma to ge Thomas. .


B. Woua, ma Wto ge africiin el.

B. Ma m'to ge americain.

A. Rilt ban ? B. Rim ma to ge Mary.'k

A I to ge deene europeenne we? B. Woua, ma m'to ge deeneeuropeenne el.

B. Ma m'to deene americaime..

_ 4

Note: French -e for .feminine


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M-11 -

.European (m.)

'European (f.)


. American (f.)

African (m.)

African Af.)

Yes, I'm a 'European.Yes, I'm a European.

Yes, I'm an American.4'

Yes, I'm an American.

Yes,. I'm an Africa!!:-

Yes, I'm an AfriCan.).

A. Are you (m.) anV(American )? S. Yes, I'm an (AMeican).

A._ Are you (T.) an (Europe'an) ? B. Yes, I'm a (European).




Are you (m.),a European 7

Are you if.) a European ?

Are you (m.) an Americanl.

sAre,you (f.) an American

Are you (m.) an African ?

Are you (fi) an African ?

I'm not a European.I'm not a European.

I'm not an American.

I'm not an American.

I'm not an African.

I'm not an African..

Cycle 7

A. pre you.(m.)an (African) ?

A. Are you (f.) a.(European) ?

A: Are you (m.) & (European) 2

A. Are you (f.) an (African)?

A. What's your (m..). name ?

A. Are it (m.) an African?

A. idatvs your if.) name 7

A., Are you (f...) a Eurtpean)?

B. No, an (African).

B. Not I m not a(European)..

A. No,_ I'm'not a (European).

B. I'm an'American.

B. No, I'm not an(African ).

N, I'm an American.

B. My name is (Thomas):

'B. NO, I'm not an (African

B. I'm an Amerfin.

B. My nape is-Mary.4

13.-Not I'm not a (European).

B. I'm an ` American.

You should now make this device_serve you in a real communicationsituation. You should ask this question not only-among your classmatiiand others studying Sara, but also with the Sara instructor; and --perhaps at times, xith tongue In cheek, ask an American purposely ifhe 1.4 an African, intentionally for the purpose of setting up avariety of answers you kne4, he should be able 'to, produce. Thii willgivilfhim an opportunity to demonstrate his Sara. _

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A! -1

euioPeen (in.)

europeenne (f.) .


americalu fm,)

americaine (f.)

africain (m.)

africaine (f.)


Cycle 8

Yeen to ge europeen wa ?

Yeen to-ge europeenne wa ?

Teen to ge americain wa ?

Yeen to se americaine wa ?

Yeen to gelafricain wa ?

Teen to ge africaine wa ?

Woyo, yeen ,to ge europeen ya Woua, yeen to ge europeen el.._ .

Woyo,,yeen to ge deene europeenne ya. Woua, yeen to ge deene europeenr

Woyo, yeen to ge emericain ya. el.Woua, yeen to ge america&n el..

Woyo, yeeh to ge deene americaineye.- - $-.. .

Woua, yeen to ge deene americaine el....Woyo, yeen to gi africain ye.Woua, yeen to ge africain.

Woyo, yeen to ge deene africaine ya.Woua, yeen to ge deene africaine el.


A. Teen to ge americain way B. Woua,.yeen to ge americain e1.- 8. -Yeen to ge africain.

4._ A. Teen to deene europeenne wa ? B. Woual yeen to ge deeneeuropeenne el..

C-2A. ,Ria. yeen ban wa

B. Yeexi to ge deene africaine.,

- B. Ria yeen to se Naj.mbitye.

A. Yeen to ge americain wa ? -B.-Woua,.yeen to ge americain el..B. Yeen to%ge africain.


'A. Ria yeen ban wa ? B. Ria yeen tege'deene le (Rusk).=1

A. Yeen to ge deene europeenne wa ? 8.1Woua, yeen to'ge deeneeur'openne et.

B. Teen to ge americaine.



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European (m.)

European (f.)-

kmerican (m.).

* .Ame ican (f.)




Yes, he's a,European.

l'es, she's a European.

Yes: he's. an American.

Yes he's, an American.

Yealile,s an African.

Yes she's an African.


A. Is he an ,(American )?

C. He's an (Afrifen).

A. Is she a (European ) ? H No, she isn't,a (European).

C. She's an (African). ')

'C-2 ,

op, His name's Naimbaye.

B. No, he's not an (American).

Cycle 8

Is he a European ?

Is she a European ?

Is he an American ?

Is she an American 2

Is he an African'l-

Is she an Africpn,?

NO, he's'not a &uropean. .

1110111No she's,agt a European.

go, he's not an American.

No, she's, not. an American.

No, he's not an African.

Nof she's not an African.

B. No'he isnit an (American).

A. What's his same 1

A.-Is he an (American) ?

C. He's an (APrican):

A. What 'er name ?

A. Is sh a (European) ?

C. She's an (American)

B. Her name's (Mrs. Rusk).

B. No, she's not a (European).

/ Singular Independent Pronouns


he, she




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Fort -my




,Bbee ge ra

Bbee ge ra?


Cycle 9t

JMa to ge ITut Baltimore:

("Ma to ge kem :Fort-Lamy.

Ma to.-ge kem Moundou.

Ma to ge kem Abecher.

I in ;bee ge ra .de wit'?

- I in bbee br ra de wa

A. I in bbee ge ra de ye ? 'B. Ma to ge -kem sago- }.,


A. I iri bbie ge ra de wa 74.%




Fort Archambauit

M -2-





ge ra


B. Ma.. to ge kem (Loa Angeles).

Cycle 10

MA m'to le kem California.- --

Ma m'to'ge kem Virginia.

Ma m'tb ge kem Moundou.

Ma auto ge 4,em Fort Archambau; .

S. Prefecture e, ra .

ra S. Prefecture-ge ra

A. I to ge kem prefecture. ge ra de *a ?

B. Ma m'to ge kem KassachusettsJ.

A. I to ge kem,ge ra de we ?

B. Ma m'to ge kem(Colorado.)




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Abeche .

ciral'i 9a

I'm from Baltimore.

I'M from Fort-LaMy.

I'm from Moundou.

I'm from .Abeche: .


, what city ? What city are you (m.) from ?.

'what city ?. What city are you (f.) from ?. ,:-

4. 'The instructor will give you a question and supply you withthe formula'for the answer. Add the name of your own hometownto the sentence and give the answer..






A. What city are you from ?

A. What city are.Yowfrom ?

Ask and answdr thie'questionthe class, using the name of


B. I'm from (Chicago).

B. I'm.from (Los Angeles).

With the other stidents inyour own hometown,

Master this formula by putting it to use outside br




Folt Archambault?


Cycle 10 ALT,-



I'm from California.

I'm from Virginia.

I'm from Youndou.

A. Wiat state are yo from?

A. What state are y -om7


ot.,I,M-frdk Fort Archambault.



B. lit% from (Massachusetts) .

B. I'd% from4(Coloi4do)...

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Bbee ge ra?Bbee' ge ra ?

c -f... . .

'A. Ito ge bbee ge ra de We ? B. Ma m'to ge kern Amerique,.. -.'A. -1 to ge bbee ge ra de wa 7 B. Me lotto ge kale d de .


Cycle ,11

Ma mit° ge kem Amerique.Ma m to ge kem .Tchoid. :


Ma mi ge ken ,Niger:_ tett) ge kem Cameroun.

I to- ge .bbee' ge-ra de. wa ?

I to ge, bbee be ra de we ?


TaharBeurLOkuba le karLo kur mang le kar



-Cycle 12

Ma m'to le taker Prefecture.Ma m'to-ge beur Prefecture.Ma m!to -ge Prefecture lo kuba is

-7" 4

mais0o go Piefecture lo kur sang le4 kar'g.

m'to ge Prefe.cturel dana.-

,I to ge deb Amer que ge 'ra de wa ?

A to ge prefect re g AiPerique -se re de wa ?_

ci 4 -i----- '. 1.. ..c

A. I to ge Ameriqua 40 r de wa 7

'6 Ma dab AmeriqUe ge taler.

A. I to g deb Amerique ge ra` de wa ?B. Ma m o ge deb Ameriq1tte ge lo kuba le karts.


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)4 -2

What country.?What country ?



Cycle 11

I'm from America.I'm from Tchad.I'm from Niger.

ffom Cameroun.

What country are, you from ?Whet country are you from ?

A. What country are you' ram ? B. I'm from(America).

A. What country are you from B. I'm from (Tchad).






-What part

What region:



Cycle 12

I'm from the northern part/ region.

fros tife southern" part/ region,.

I'm from the eastern part/vregion.=.

I'm from the western part/ regio5i.

I'm from the central part/ regfn,

What part of America are you from.?

What region' of America are you from T


.-A. What part of America. are -you from?

B. I'm from the (northern) part.

A. What region of America are you from

B.'I'm from the (eastern) region.

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Lo kuba le kar


A.. I to ge re ma_

A. I to $e prefecture g

A. I to ge ken we

A. I to ge bbee ge ra ge wa ?

I to ge ra .wa ?

Cycle 11

-MA m'to ge kem Baltimore.

Ma m. -''to ge ken Maryland.

Ma m'to ge kelp Amerique.

Ma m'to ge kem lo kuba le- kar'g.

I to ge ra wa ?

- M-1Commdne ge re ?

Reppblique ge ra ?

Prefecture ge ra ?

Bbee ge re ?

Deb lo ge ra ?

Region ge ra ?





lo kuba' le kar r

lo kuba le` car


feen-to ge-ra wa ?


B. Ma m'to ge kem Amerique ge.

B. Ma m'to ge kem deb lo kube lekar'

B4 Ma m'to ge kem Maryland.

B. Ma m'to ge kern Baltimore.C


Teen to ge commune ge ra de we ?

Teen to ge'Republique ge raid. we 9

Teen to ge Prefecture. ge ra de we ?

Teen to ge bbecige ra de we ?

Teen to ge deb lo ge ra de we ?

Teen to ke region ge ra de we ?

Teen to geBaitimore.*

Teen to.ge Maryland.

Teed to ge Amerique.

Teen to ge -lo kuba le kar'g.

Teen to ge lo kuba le kar'g.

A. Teen to ge region ge ra'd we 7

A. Teen to ge ra wa ?

B. Teen to ge Tchad'g.

B. Teen _to ge ra0on ge Taber's.

B. Teen to ge Mis4ouri.

A. Teen to ge commune ge ra'd wa ? B. Teen to ge Immune ge Kansas'

ra 'where'

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Cycle 13


Baltimore I'm from Baltimore.

Maryland I'm from- Maryland.

America I'm from America.

East I'm from the East.

Where are you from ? Where are you from ?

A. Where are from ? B. I'm from (America).

A. What region are you from? Ium from the',East.

A. Where are you froM ? B.. I' from Maryland..

A. What city are from? B. I'm from Baltimore.


Cycle 14

What city What city is he from ?

What state What state is he from ?

What province What province is he from ?

What country What country is he from ?

What part What part is he from ?

What region What region is he from ?




He's from Baltimore.

He's from Maryland.

He's from America.

He's from the East.


- 'A. Where is he from ? B. He's from Tchad.

A. What region is he from B. He's from the (northern) resit

-A. Where is she from ? B. She4A froi (Missouri).

A. What (city) is she from? B. She's from (Kansas City).

i 9

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Cameroun -




#. I to ge'Russie ge

A. I to ge


Cycle 15


I to ge-Angleterre ge wa ?

I-to ge Russia ge wa ?

Ma m'to ge Russia ge el.

Ma m' to ge 'Cameroun ge

Ma m'to ge Tchad ge el.

Ma m'to ge Ghana ge el.


wa ? B. WoUa, ma mqo ge Russia ge el.

1B. MA m'to ge Amerique.

B. Woua, ma m'to ge Tchad ge el.'

B. Ma m'to ge Amorique ge.

Tchad ge wa ?



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Cycle 15

' England __ Are you from England?

Russia Are you from Russia?

/4- 2

Rustiis I'm not from Russia.

Cameroun I'm 'not from Cameroun,

fated I'm not from Tchad.

Gh'ama 'lig -not from Ghana.

C-1 WO°4

A. Are-you from Russia? "'B. No, I'm not from Russia.

. fli trim' America.

A. Are you frCiA Tchad? -8:41No, I'm not films Tchad.


N O.

from America.

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Sir Abubakar

M. Tombelbaye


Hammani DioTi

Sir Abubakar

M. Tombalbaye


A. Bir".Abubakar.:to ge ra wa ?

A. Thomas,to ge ra wa ?


M. Tombalbaye

M. Hadjo

M. Massemba-Debat.

M-2. .

_Monsieur Patton

Mademoiselle Phillips



CyiLle 16.


,Sir- Abubakar to Sit Nigeria se.

M. Tombalbaye to se TchMd go.

/.41asieur Foucha to ge Cameroun se.

Hagman' Diori to Se Niger se..

Sir'%Abubakai to ge ra we'?

M. Tombalba0 to se ra

B. iii----AbUbpkar tg.ge Nigarif ge,

B. Themes to ge Amerigue seA

Cycle _17

M. Tombalbaye to se kem Ghana se el

M. Nadia to ge kem Nigeria se el.

M. Measemba-Dobat to se kem Dahomeyge el.

Monsieur Patton to ge Alaska-go ek.

MedeMoitiellerPhillips to se Alaskagee( el.



A. M. Tombalbaye le to ge kem Nigeria ge wa ?

B. Woua, yeen to-10-kem Nigeria ge el.

B. Teen to ge kern Tchad

A. Yeen to ge/y/chad ge .ba ne wa ?

A: Mademoia4lle Phillips le fr ge kem DithCmey ge wa,

B. Woua, yeen to ge kem.Dahomey ge el.

B. Yeen'to ge-kem AmeriqUe

A. Yeen to ge kem Amerique ge ba ne wa ?

Cycle 18


A.' Ria yeen ban ,wa ? yeen to se M. Tomballmwe. .

A..Yeen to ge Americain wa ? B. Woua, yeen to se Americain el.

144. M. Tombalbaye le to ge ra wa ? B. 1,:ell.th ge Afrioat7..

A. Teen to ge bbee se ra de Ira? ,3. YeeLi to i4 Kourara-Tchad.

A. Yee., to d'vb Tchak. ge ra a-ge wa? 8- Y*411A to web Tchad ge beur g'

CI (-1

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Sir Abubaker

_Mr Tombalbaye

Mr Foneka

bemani Diori'

Sir Abubakfr

'Mr. Tombalbaye

-1Al Where*-is (Sir Abubakaf) from 1 B.


Cycle 16

Sir Abubakar is from Nigeria.

Mr. ToMbalbaye is frpm Tchad.

Mr. Fonchais from Cameroun.

Hammani Dori is from Nigier;

Where is Sir Abubakar from ?

Where is Mr. Tombalbaye from ?

A. Where is (Thomakfrom ?

Mr. Tombalbaye

Mr. Hadjo

Mr. Massemba -Debit

Mr. Patton'

Miss Phillips.


A. Is Mr. Tombalbaye

B. `He's from Tch-ad.


(Sir Abubakar) is from Nigerie

B. (Thomas) is from America. -

Cycle -17

Mr. Tokbalbaye is not from Ghana.

Mr. Hadjo is not from Nigeria. '-

Mr. Massemba-Debat is not from Dahome

?jr. Patton is

Mis "Phillips. e

from Niglikie? B. No,

A. Oh,

Dahomey B. No,

S. Oh,A. IS Miss Phillips from

B. She's from America,



A\ What is his name?

A. Is he American?

44yhere is Tombalbaye

A. Wheit

A. What

Cycle 18


not from Alaska.

is not from Alaska.

he's not from Nigeria:

solute's from-Tchad.

she's not from Dahomey:

she's from America.

B. His name is Tombalbaye.

B. No, he isn't American.

B. He is African.

City is he froar ? . B. He's

region of Tchad is he from ?

B. He's


from Koumra7Tchad.

from the southern regionof Tchad.

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Cycle 19


Atlanta- Atlanta to deb Amerique ge beur.

Chleago Chicago to deb Amerique ge Tahar.

Los Angeles Los Angeles to deb Amerique gekur mang le kar.i,g6

Boston f Bost= to deb Amerique ge lo kuba le kartgo

Kansas City Kansas CiVy:to ngaddan Amerique ge.

M-2 Note change fromtdanai cycle 12

Atlanta to ra wit ? Baltimore ta.ra wa.?- New York to ra wa ?


(Atlanta) to, a-ra wa..? (Atlanta} _to deb- Amerique ge batr. ge.

. C-1 4,1

Cycle 21

Mamishi kem Moundou. I ishi ra bacine wa ?

A. Ishi ra bacine wa ?-

A. fah' ra bacinewa

,B: Bacine ma miahi kem Moundou. -

B. Bacine ma mishi kem'Fort=Lamy.

Cycle 22

Bacine yeen ishi kem Moundou. MOnsieyr Patton ishi ra bacine I

4 Mademoiselle Phillips ishi bacirwa


A. Syrvain ishi ra bacine wa

A. Julie ishi ra hacine wa ?

M -1

B. Bacine yeen ishi kem Moundou,

B. Bacine yeen.ishi 'kern Fort-Lamy.

Cycle 23

Ma miahi kem Fort-Lamy el.

Monsieur- katton ishi kem Fort-Lamy el.

Mademoiselle Phillips ishi kern Fort-Lamy el.



I ishi kem Fort-Lamy wa ?

M. Patton ishi kem Fort-Lamy%wa ?

Mlle. Phillips ishi kem Fort-Lamy wa ?

A. I ishi kern -Accra we? B. Woua,

B. Ma mishi

A. I ishi kem Niger wa ?. ma

B. Masmishi


miahi kem Accra el.

kem Centrafrique.:'

mishi kem Niger el.

dem Centrafrique.Hosted for free on livelingua.com

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wi 4Atlanta Atlanta is in the southern part of America.


Chicago ,Chicago is in the northern part of America.

Los Angeles Los-Angeles is in the western part of America.

Boston ,

, 'Boston is inbtle eastern part of "America./ f _

Kansas City -Kansas City is .in the central part of America.


Where is (Atlattag? 'Where:is:Ail tiMicire?: =Albert:ids-,Me* fOrk.....ica:' .

C-1Where is(Atlanta) ? (Atlanta) is in the (southern) part of America.




I'm living in Moundou.

A. Where are you living

A. Where are you living


He lives in Moundou- now.

Cycle 21

Where are you living now ?

now? B. I'm 11,yingi in Moundou now..

nOW?: B. I-'m living in' Fort

Cycle -' 22

.Where does Mr.: Pattomilive now?

Where does Miss Phillips live now?

A. Where does Sylvain liVe now?. B. He liyes in Moundou.

A. Where does Julie'live g. She lives in Fort -Lamy

Sr Cycle 23

I don't live in Fort-Lamy,.

- Mr. Patton doesn't live in Fort-Lamy.

Miss Phillips doesn't live in Fort -Lamy.


Do you live in Fort-Lamy?

Does We Patton live in Fort-Lamy ?4 - Does Him .Phillips live in Fort-Lamy?

C -1ti


A. Do you live in *Accra)? B. No, I don't live in (Accra).

Ar Do y4u live in (Nige4)?

B. -1 live in Centrafrique.

4.0 B. No, I don't live in (Niger)*

B. I live in CentrafrirttrHosted for free on livelingua.com

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Cycle 20.

Bar& to kem region ge tahar ge .416Tchad.

Large.au to kem region ge tahar gy/fe Tchad.


Mao to deb to kem nang de le kar ge le,,Tchad.

Biltine to .deb to kuba de le kar ge le Tchad.

Abeche to deb lo kuba de le kar ge le Tchad:

Lac Tchad to deli) le kur narig de le ker ge le Tehad:r41,

Fort-Lamy to'deb to kir ming de le-kar ge le Tchad:



Moo: to kem danw ge le Tchad.

Am Timan to' 10 kdba'g le kar le le Tchad.


bongo to kem beur ge le Tchad.

Mound to kern beur ge le Tchad..

Doba-to kem beur ge le Tchad.

Moisisala_ to kern beu,sge Tchad.

4'Fort.Arctsambajat_ to kem'beur ge le Tchid.

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Cycle 20

(Instructor should point out on the map each city as it ismentioned.)

'Bardai is in the northern region of Tchad.

Largeau is in the northern regioi of Tchad.

Mao is in the western region of Tchad.

_ .

Bilk in the eastern region of Tchad.

Abeche is in the eastern, region of Tchad.

Lac Tchad is in theAestern region of Tchad.

Fort -La!!E s in the western region'of Tchsd.I

Monk is-in the central region of Tchad.

Am Timan is in the eastern region of Tchad.

Bongo is in the southern region of Tchad.

MOUndou is in the southern region of.Tchael.,

. ,4

Doba is in the southern region of Tchad.

Moissala is in the southern region of Tchad:0

0Port-Archambault is 4n the southern region of Tchad.



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, ;Cycle 23 contin.

C -2ik

A. Laoidoye Is ishi kem-Fart-wftny-Tr?

B.Woua, yein ishi kem :Fort-Lamy el.

B. Teen ishi kem Nbundou.

A. Loandole le ishi kem Douala we


B. Woua, ye4n'isibl kem'Douala el.

8..Yeen ishi kem )4bundou'.


A. Joe is ishi kem (Atlanta) B. Woua, Yen to ge kem (Birfeka*b11014-.wa?

B. Nga bacine le yeen ishiukem Birm-in.gham)

A. Teen ishi ra bacine we.? B. Bacine is yeen ishi (Bloomington).

A. Sandy is ishi kem (Santa Barbara) wa'?

A. Teen ishi ra bacine we ?




Fort Archambault




B. Woua;.ie4i to ge km (Son Bernardintel

B. Nga bacine le yeen ishi kem (SanBernardinac

B. Bacine le yeeh irshi'kesr(2114kmdigt

Cycle 24

I to ge .kem Forte -Lamy wa ?

I to pl kem Nbirdiou we ?

I to ge.kem roih Arbhambault Ma ?

I to ge ken Abeche wa ?

A. I to .ge kem Fort-Lamy' wa ? Bs Woyo, ma rn'to se ken Focti-Lamy. .

A. I to ge kem


B. Nga bacine ma mAishi kam Baba's,'

o t ArchalaultBr. Woyo, ma m'to kem Fort Archambault.

?B. Nga bacine yeen ishi,kem BebalelOw.

A. Unmade le to ge kem Abeche B.we?

A. myl6o to ge kem Doba Wan/. Woyo, Nekoyo to ge kem Doba.

B. Nga bacine seen ishi kem Bebalem.

*we, Noumnde to ge kem Abeche ya.

B. Ngiibacine yeen ishi kem Bebalem.

bacine 'now'

4 11

nga 'but'

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,Cycle 23 contin;

C-2 (Use names of members of the,class).

A. Does Laondoye live in FOrt-Lamy? B. No, he' doesn't live Fort -La

4- B. He lives in Moundou.

A. Deis Laohdole live in (Douala)? B. No, she doesn't live

B. She lives in Moundou.,


-A. Does (Joe) live *Ii(Atlania)?: ".B. No, he's from (Birmingham).'

B. But he doesn't live-in- %(Birminghai) now.

A. Where is he living now? B. Now he's living in (Bloomingto

A. Does (Sandi),live in (Santa Barbara)? '0

B. No, she's from (San Bernardino./

B. But she doesn't live in(San Bernardino) nc

B. Now she' living iii 1Bloomingt

in (Doi.

Cycle 24

Fort -Lamy Are you from Fort- y?

Moundou Are rim from Moundou?

Fort Archambault Are youfrOth Fort Archambault?

Abeche,. Are you from Abeche?

(Use Eames and hometowns of members. of-the tlass).

cr4.A. Are you from Fort-Lamy?

lir,A. Are you from Ft. Archaobault?



is ibumnde from AbecheT

A. Is Nekogo from Doba?


B. YIs,I'm froajort-Lamy.

B. But I'm living in Bebalem.

B, Yes, I'aCfrom-Ft. Archambault.

.B. But, now I'm living in Bebales..

B. Yes, Kouande's from Abeche.

B. But now he's "living in Beba).es.

B. Yes, Nekogo'i from Doba.

- B. But now het's:living in Bebalem.



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Njendone deouje



Circle- 25


Benoye- Logone

Njendone deouje

Mound'ou -Tchad

A. Ngaladjele to ge ra wa 7 B. Yeen to ge kem (Bebalem-Logone).

A. Teen ishi kern (Bebalem- B. Woua, bacine yeen ishi kem BebalemLogone) ye bbei wa-'? el.

B. Yeen ishi kem undou-Tohad) bbabacine,

C -2

A. i4ibe le to ge ra

A. Y4in ishi kem(Logone.) yi bbei.wa ?


B. Y


o ge kem (Benoye -Logone) yebbei wa ?

. Woua, bacine yeen ishi kern (Benoye)el.

Teen '-ish -TchadY bbabacine.


Jeen n4toje ge Amexicainje. b. Jeen n'toje ge Africainje' el.

Sein toje, ge Americainje.

Deere to g4 Amerlcatnje.

Jane,din Thomas le to ge,AMericainje.


B. Sein tojeige Africainje el.

B. Deem to ge Africainje

Bf Jane gy Thomas to ge Africiinje el.

A. -(Jana)din ge (Thomas) le Ao Americainje ye we?

B. Woyo, cien to ge Americainje ye.


'A. Sein toje ge Americainje Woy, jeer n'toje Americainje ya.


. A. (Jane) din ge (Thomas)toge Africainje we ? B. Wo-uaCdeen'toge Africainje el.

9'04 Deen, to geaAmiricainje.

C -4

Sein toje ge` Africainje we ?B. Woua, ?Jeen n'ioje ge*Africainje

7je 'plural'

B. Jeen n'toje ge.Americainje.

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Bebalem -Longe



Cycle 25'. -*

C -1,

A. Where is Ngaladje from?

A. Is she in Bebalem-Logone now?


A. Where is Morbe from?

A. Is he in Benoye-Logone now?

WIWe are Americans.

:Yon (plural) are AmeriAns.

They are Americans.

-Jane and Thomas are Americans.


A. Are (Jane) and (Thomas).

72 (Americans)?.C,Az'Are:you (plural) (Americapp)?


A. Are (Jane and (Thomas) , f

A. Are you (plural). Afritans? --' B. No, we aren't (Africans).

B. We're (Americans).





'B. She's from Bebalem-Logone. 0

B. No, she's not in Bebalem-Logonenow.

B. She's in Moundou-Tchad"now.

B. He's fromi-Benoye-Logone._

B. No, he's not in Benoye now.

B. He's in Moundou-Tchad now.

Cycle. 26



We are not Africans.

You (plural) are not Africans.

TheS, are notlAfricans..

Jane and Thomas are not Africans.

Yes, they are (Americans).

B. Yes, we are (Americana).

B. No, they ayen't (Africans).

B. They're (Americans).-

we 'jeen'

you 'sein'

they 'deen'


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-Cycle 27

Jaen n'to ge kem Amerique de .

Sein toije ge kem Ameriquede

Deen to ge kem AmeriqUeAe.

Jane din ge Thomas to ge kemAmerique ge.


A. Stip toi e ge kem Amerique de B. %tor), jeen n'to ge kern Ameriquewe ?

Jeen n'to ge kern Afrique 'de el.

Sein toije ge.kem Afrique de el

Dein to ge kem Afrique de el.

Jane din ge Thomas to ge kemAfrique de el.


A. Sein toije ge kem Tchad de wa?



B. Woua,

B. Jean

. de yi

jeen n'to ge kem Tchad deel.

n'to ge kem Amerique de.

A. Jane din go' Thomas le io ge kem Amerique de ye wa ?

B. Woyo, deen to ge kelp. iluserique:de ya.


Cycle 28


Doumram ge Nembaye le to ge ri sijeen.

Djeramg ge Dokoubou le to ge ri de deen.


Ri si sein ban we ? Ri si dean ban wa- ?


A. Ri uedeen ban wa?


Timbalbaye din je DjIndingrar.ii't6 ge Seem Tchad db.

Sekou Toure din ge Beavogui to ge kem Guinee de .

Hammani,Diori din go Jibbo Bakri le to ge kem Niger de.

B. Ride ge (bang NgarbaronmNcle&mia:

,Cycle 29

Tombalbaye dih ge Djindinger le to ge ra waSekou Tore din ge Beavogui to ge ra waHammani Diori din ge Jibbo Bakri le to go r wa ?

C1A. Sekou din ge Beavogui to ge ra we? B. Deen to ge kem npuinee de.

C-2A. Hammani Diori din n-ge Sekou Toure le to ge ra wa 7

B. Hammani Diori to ge kem Niger, nga Sekou Toure to ge

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Cycle 27


We're from America. We're not from Africa.

You're (plural) from America. You're not from Africa.

They're from America. They're not from Africa.

Jane and Thomasare from America., Jane'and Thomas are not from Afric,.


A. Are you (plural) from America? B. Yes, we're from America.


A. Are you from the Tchad? B. 11.91,, we're not from the Tchad.

B. We're from America.


A. Are (Jane and_ (Thomas) from(America)?


B. Yes, they're from (America).


Our names are Doumram and Nembaye.

Their names are Djeramg:and Dokoubou.

What'are your (pl.) names ? What are their names?


A. What are your ( 1.) names? B. Our names are Doumram and Nemba,


A. What.are their names ? B. Their names are (chief Ngarbaroand Ndeimia).


Tomillbaye and Djidingar are from Tchad.

to ti'ToUie and Beavogui Ire from Guinee.

HaMmani Diori and Jibbo Bakri are from Niger.

Cycle 29


Where are-Tombalbaye and Djidingar from?

Where are Sekou Toure and Beavogui from?

Where are Hammani Diori and Jibbo Bakri from?


A. Where are (Toure) and (Beavogui) from?' B. They're from Guinee.


A. Where are (Hanmiani Diori) and ( Sekou Toure) from?

B (Heimmani, Diori ) is from- (Niger)--

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M -2

Jeen dinje tar;

Jeen dulaje kubu.

Jeen dusaje ne.

Cycle 30

Jeen jaeouje kei ndo ne ge.

Jeen dusaje muru.

Riba sein le raijewa? Riba sein le raije wa?

C-1A. Jeen


dinje tar. B. Riba sein le raije

'A. Jeen dulaje kubu. B. Rib.a sein le raije we?

A. Jeen dusaje ne.

Jeen dusaje muru.

Jeen ndooje ne.

Jeen daouje bbee.

Cycle 31

JeeM.doeaje tudu.

Jeen duonaje rosi.

Jeen daouje t4ra de.

C-1A. Jeen dusaje muru. B. Riba sein le raije we?

A. Jeen ndooje ne. B. Riba sein le raije we?

A. Jeen jad daouje bbee.

Cycle 32

M-1Jeen dinje tar.

Lo ge jean dinje tar nda,da kulaje kubu.

Lo ge jeen dulaje kubu lai ne de kusaje ne ge,AP -,. . -

Lo ge jeen kusaje ne lai nda, da kaoje kei ndo ne ge.

Lo ge jeen da kinje kei ndo ne,da*jeen ja kusaje muru.

M-2Lo ge dinje tar le, ri la jeen raje wa?

Lo.ge dulaje kubu lai le ri ba seln raije wa?

Lo g4 sein inje tar le, ri ba sein raije wa?

Lo ge sein ulaije kubu lai le, ri ba sein raije we?

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M-1We got up.

We got dressed.

We ate breakfast.


Cycle 30

We came to class.

We ate lunch.

Then what did you (pl.) do? Then what did you (p1-.) do?

C-IA. We got up.

A. We got dr=essed.

A. We ate breakfast.

We ate lunch.

We studied.

We went home.-

C-1A. We ate lunch.

B.Then what did you do?.-

B.Then what did you do?

Cycle 31

We ate dinner r-

We relaxed4

We went to bed

B. Then what did you .do?

A. We studied. B. Then what did you do?

A. Then we went home.(At the end of this cycle the students should be able toname in series the principal activities in-their dailyroutine.)

Cycle 32(-;

M-1We gotAfter we got up, we got dressed.

After we,,got messed, we atp braakfasa.

After we ate breakfast, we came to class.

After we came, to class, we ate lunch.


After'we got up, what did we do?

After we got dressed, what did we do?

After you (pl.) got up, what did you do?

After you (pl.) got dressed, what did you do?

35 ar.

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Cycle 32 contin.



An dinje tar. B. Lo ge dinje tar le, '71 ba jeen.raja wa?

A. Lo ge dinje tar le, jeen B. Lo ge jeen 'dulaje kubu lai le,

dulaje kubu. ri ba jeen we?

C-2 1


A. Jeen dinje tjr. B. Lo ge sekn inje tar le, ri ba,sein raije wa?

A. Lo ge jeen dinje lai le, jest B. Lo ge sein ulaije,kubu lei le,dtibije kubu. ri ba sein raije wa?_ x

(Maji kar ri turaije C-I ge-C-2 No 30 ge No 31,- ge,kula raci-raci

Cycle 33


Tagene jeen dinje tar de h ge ndo.

Tagene jeen dusaje ne de 8h ge ndo.

Tagene jeen daouje kei ndo ne ge, de-9h ge ndo.

Tagene jeen dusaje muru de 12h.

M-2Tagene ge ndo le, i in tar ge kar ge kanda wa?

Jagene ge ndc le, i usa ne ge kar ge kanda we?

Tagene kumatage le, i usa muru ge kar ge kanda wa?P.


A. Tagene sein 44ije tar ge kar ge kailda we?

B. Jeen dinje tar ge kar ge.8E-Xede n4o.

Cytle 34

- AP "*. s7-

Tagene jeen ndoje-46e.ge kar ge Thrge kumatage.


Tagene jeen ' daouje bbee de Iv.r. ge 4h ge kumatage.

Jeen duaje muru ge kar ge 6h ge dunda de.

Jeen daou toje twa de ge 11h ge dunda de.

?Ler:kends bba sein ndoije ge ne tagene-kumatage wa?

Kar kanda bba sein ao0e ge bbee tagene_kumatage we?36 Hosted for free on livelingua.com

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C-1A. We got up. ,

A.. After we got"up,;we gotdressed

C -2

,44:.We got up.

Cycle 32 contin.

B. .After we got up, what did we do?Alb

.8. After we gbt dressed,what didwe do?

B. After you (pl.) 'got 4p, whatdid you do?

A. After we got up, we got B. After you (pl.) got dregiled,dressed. what did you ,do?

(Continue C-1 and C-2 so as to include an the activities-listedin cycles 30 and 31.)

Cycle 33

M-1We got up at 7 o'clock in the morning, yesterday.

We ate' breakfast at 8 otcIock in the tiiorninrAbsterday.

We came to class at.9o'clock yeatekday.imorning.

We ate lunch. at 12 noon.74sterday..

M-2What time did you get upyesterday morning?

What time did_Srou eat breakfast. yesterday morning?

IOW time did you come to crass yesterday morning?.

What `time did you eat lunch afternoon?.

C-1VhaL time did you= (get up) yesterday?

B. li- e (got ,up) at (8) o'clockyesterday mornings

Cycle' 34

V1-1;Ve studied at 1:00 yasteiday afternoon.

-144 4116

We went home at 4:00 yesterday afternoonii

We ate dinner at 6:00 last night.


We went to bed at 11:00 last night.J

What time did you (pl.) study yesterday afternoon?

ilhat time did-you (pl.) go home yesterday afternoon?sh




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M-2 contin.

Cycle 34,contin.


Kar kanda bba mein usije ge. guru tagene lo ndul ge wa?

Kar landa.bba mein ao taije ge twa tagene lo ndul ge wa?

C-1.A. Tagene kumatme le kar kandel B. J4en ndoje no ge lh ge kumatage.

bba stain nftlje ge ne wa?

Cycle 35

M-11-,kara, 2-jo, 3-munta, _4-so, 5-mi, 6 -miss, 7 -sirs, 8-jinaijo.

9-jinaikar, 1Q-dog, 11-dog kire res 12-dog kire jo.

M-2Tagene kumatage de kar ge kara 4e ra ri wa?


A. Tagine kumatage de kar ge so B. Jeen daouje bbee ge kar so.le sein ao raije ri wa?---

C-2.A. Tagene lo ndttl ge le .sein Soje B. Jeen dao toje*two de, ge kar

. kei-de kar ge kande wa? dog gire-)s40a ge dunda'g.

Bacine kar (2h)

C-1NiKar kanda wa? B. Kar munda (3h) bacine.

A. TAgene kumatage ds kar munda . B. Tagene ge kar gemunda le,sein ao raije ri wa?le jeen daoje kei ndo Esige.

Cycle 36

Kar kanda wa?


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Cycle 34 col:Ain.

M-2 eenti4.-..What time did you (pl.) eat dinner yesterday evening?

ve_ ti

What time did you (pl.) go to bed las night?'


B. We (studied) at (one) O'clockyesterday afternoon.

A. What time did you (pl.)study yesterday afternoon?



1-one, 2-two, 3- three, 4-four, 5-five, 6-six, 7-seven, 8-eight,

9-nine, 1()-:ten, 11- eleven,, 12,tweleve.

M-2What did you (p1.) do at (four) o'clock yesterday afternoon?

C-IA. What did-yOU (pl.) do at (four)8. We (went home) at (four) o'clock

o'clock yesterday afternoon?

C-2A. What time did yoti

(go to bed) last night?

Ws 2 o'clock now.

C-1A. What time is it?

B. We (went to_bed) at (11) o'cloc"last night. -


Cycle 36

A. What did you do at (three)o'clock Yesterday(afternoonl?,

What time is it?

B. It's (three) o'clock now.

B. Me (came to class) at (3) o'clot:yeiliterday (afternoon).

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Jeep aueaje ne ge ndo el*

Jee4.db.saje'miumu kumatag


e el ya

°Jeendaoje kei ge ndo Jo1 ya,,as4ebs


as ndo munda.

ndo jinaikaia.

Jeen'toje tan le dux3a el ye; as ndo. jinai jo.



Tagene ge-kai ge dog,.ge ndo bba sitn usaije c-ol"ne wa?-c 11

- Tow kumata e ie,kar ge *uncle bba nein aoje ge bbee wa?

C-1A. S

. .

in usaije muru tagene kumatage B. Voila, Seen dusaje muru tagenekar ge.munda bba setn'aoje kumatage ge kar *Undo el.bbee wa? u"-. -, ,



-:_ . . ,. ,a

kan4# bba sein usaije tm4ttu-B..,Tagene jeen dusaje muru se karZZ tagene wa? ge dog kire jo.


40. .

A. Tagene ge ndo le s ein aoje bbee 8. Woua, jeenge kar ge jinaikara-we -' jinaikar

r r.

e bbed ge karwil

B. Tagene jeen daoje bbee kumatige..A.Sdin aoje bbe. tagene asena ge. ige kar ge so. ka4 ge so ya ta?

.8CYile 39

M713een daoje kei ndo ne ge kir 8,15.

Jeen dai3e kapee gd kar,10,30.

Neen dusaje muru ge kar 12.

been daoje lecole de ge kar 4:30- -2-

Joan re je 410bee ge kar ge 4,45.

- Tagene itAp.Oils*

Tagene loanWoua,

Jiesk dUsaje"' Woua,


daoje kei ndo ne ge kar,ge 8-1104?jeen daoje kenege kar gt(8-el.

de.je kapee ge kar ge 10,15 wa?Jeen daije ge kar ge 10,15 el.

muru tagen4 ge *Air go-11,4'5 ya wa?jeenAusaje muru ge kar ge 11,45011.

41{8Jejecolege tagene ge kar ge 4,15 ka we?Woua , jeen dinje kene gekar ge 4,15 el:,

"1". Or

Twumkjeen-rejt bbee ge .kar 4,30 ya.wa?'Woui jeen raja bbee ge kkr4;30Hosted for free on livelingua.com

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Cyclie 37

W1We didnt. eat breakfast at 10 yesterday morning.


We-didn't eat.lunCh-at 3 yesterday afternoon.

We didn't go home at 9 yesterday

WI didn't to bed at `8 last-night.


Did you (plirA eet breakfast at 10 AM yesterday?41

Did you (pl.) go home at 3 PM yesterday?

C-1A.-Did you (p1:) (eat lunch B. Nc;,%we didn't (it lunch) at (3)

' at (3) o'clock yesterday' o'clock yesterday afternoon.afternoon?

A. What time did you (pl.) (eat - B. We (ate lunch l-at (12) PMlunch) yeaterdAy afternoon. yesterday.

.11 411A. ipid we (go home) at (9)I

we didn't (go1 home) at (9)o'clock yesterday (morning)? 6'clock yesterday (morning).

B. V4'4 (went homehat (4) A. So, you (pl.) (went home) at (4)

o'clock yesterday (morning). o'clock yesterdays hi?

41Cycle 39


We cie to class it 8:15.

Odrink coffee at 10:304

We ate lunchwat 12.

We left school at 4:30.

We arrived home at 4:454

M-2Did we come to class at 8 yesterday?

No, we didn't cometo class at 8.

Did we,dripk coffee at 10:15 yerday?No, we didhlt drink coffee at 10:15.

Did_ We eat lunch at 11:45-yesterday?No, weir didn't eat lunch at 11:450

A ;

Did we leave school at 4:15 yesterday?No, we didn't leave school. at 4:15.

Did we arrive home at 4,00 yesterday?,No4- we didn't arrive home at 4:30,


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M-1MA Min tar

Ma muse ne

Ma min kei

Cycle AO

begone ge kar 6,30.

bOgene kar 7,30.

bogene ge kar 8,15.

mao kei ndo ne ge bogene ge kar 8,45.

M -2

Bogene i in tar ge kar ge kanda wa?

Bligene i use ne ge-kar ge kanda

Bogene iin kei ge kar ge kanda

Bogene i ao kei ndo ne'g ge kar





C-1A.' Bogene i

i in lar ge kar ge kanda



ge kanda- wa?___


i usa ne ge kar ge kanda *a?

i in kei ge Idtr ge kanda wa?

i ao kei ndo ne'g ge kar ge kanda wa?

A. Bogene i


in tar ge-_-kar gekanda wa?

in kei ge-kar gekanda *a?

Bogene M. Patton in tar ge

B. Ma min tar ge,kar 6,30.

B. Ma min kei ge kar ge 8,15.

Cycle -41

kar ge kanda wa?

M. Patton usa no ge kar' ge kanda wa?

Bogene M.,Patton in kei ge kar ge kanda wa?

Hogene-Mile Phillips in tar ge kar ge kanda wa?

Dogeile'Mlle Phillips usa ne ge kar ge kanda wa?

Bogene Mlle Phillips in kei ge kar ge kanda wa?

M-2Ma m'ger kar g,M.Patton_in de tar bogene el,

Ma °Ozer kar ge M. Patton use ge ne bogene

Ma ui'ger ge M. Patton in de kei el.

C-1A. gar ge kanda bba Sam ao ge

bbee bogene wa?



miser kar -go Sam-ao ge-ibbeer-bOgene el.Hosted for free on livelingua.com

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Cycle 40

I got(tap at 6:30 today.

I ate breakfast at 7:30 today.

left the Niue, at 8:13' today:"

I arrived at class at 8:45 today.

What time did you get up today?

What,time did you eat breakfast today?

What' time did you leave the house today?

Whattime did you get to class today?

What, tine did you get u4, today?

that time did you eat breakfast today?

What' tifee di, you leave the houie today?

Whit: time did you arrive, at class today?'

C-I +t-

A. What time did you (get up) (got up) at -6436 today.

today? 0

A. What time did you (leave the B. I (left\the.hdUge) at 8:13.

house) today?

Cycle 41.

What time did Mr. Patton, get up today?.


What time did W. PattpA:eat breakfast?,

What/tile did Mt. Patton leave the hoUse today? .

What time did Miss Phillips gitt up,t0day?

kilt time did Miss Phillips eat 14.eakfast today ?.,.

. iii .

What time did Miss Phillips leave the house today?


./o= $

IdOn't gnow what time '!fr. Patron gat-up today?,

I doet know what time Mr. Patton-ate breakfast.

I don't know what time Mr. Patton left home.


A. Whit time did (Sam ) (go hdme)-B) I don't know what time (Sam)

today?. 4 ,'(wet home) today.Hosted for free on livelingua.com

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Cycle 42

M-1-Deji.M. Patton se yeen'in, tar bogene ge kar ge ban wa?

Deji M. Patton se yedn usa, no. bogene gc,kar go' ban wa?


Diji-M. Pat.ton'se yeen.ln-kei ge kar,g ban wa?

M-2Nga Mile Phillips?

A. M. Patton in tar bogene ge ka r B. Ma m'ger kar ge M.Patton in ga[::ge kanda-wa? tar bogene el.

A. DejiMlle Phillips se yeen -in B. .Mlle.-Phillips i in tar bogene getar bogone`ge kir ge ban wa? kar ge kanda wa ?-

C. Ma min tar go kar ge 7h.

Nga-Mme Patterson?

,A. Nga M. Patton?

M-1Ma m'ger kar su, ne lea yeen el.

Ma m'ger b\ee ge yeen toje kene el.

R. Ala miger kar ge M. Patton inge tar bogene el. 4

Cycle 43.

. reef to de- Aaiericain' kar i ma m 'ger el.

_-41h- Patton 'usa muru ge kar ge kinda-wa?

M. Patton to geA)bee ge ra de wa?-

M, Patton to 'ge Americain wa?

,C-1A. I in tar bogene ge kar ge

. --kande wa?


A. Ng a Mlle Phillips?

'B. Ma min tar bogene de kar Sh..- go -ndo.

A. Yeen.in.tar ge kar[ge ban wa? B. Ma m'ger bbee go yeen fie'ae-. tar .1.

, . C.2 .1/

A. kmbdise wyo le t6 ge ra we .\B..Mi wovger blase ge yeen to ge.


Ilk 7,,

kene's el.

A. Amboise limey° le to de B.'Yeen to-de Africain kara maAfridtin wa? Alger el. ,--

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Cycle 42

Ask Mr. Patton what time he got up today.;

Ask M;.. Patton what time he ate breakfast today.

As) Mr,. Piittoyhat.time he left home.

And what about Miss Phillips? And what About Miss Phillips?o

C-1A. What time did (Mr. Patton) B. I don't know what time (Mr: Patt.

(-cet up) today? (got up) today.

A. Ask Cass Phillips) what time B..(Misi-Phillips) what time did(-she)(got up) today. you'( get up) today?

c C. I (got up) at 47) o'clock.

A. And what ab t(Mr. Patton). B. Idon't know what time (Mr.

7 , , Patton) (got up) today.


Cycle 43I

1;,.. I don't know when he'ate lunch.:

I on't know what country he's from.(Me

don't know if he's as American. (or-not) .



What time di,Mr. Patton sat lunch?

abatcountry is Mr. Patton from?

Is Mr. Patton an American?

A. What time did you (get up) B. I (got u0) at (8) o'clock this_today? .morning.

A. And what about (Miss Phillips).

A. When did she (get up)?


B. I don't know when (she) (got up)

A. What country i 'Amboise Kurayo B. I don't know what country he'sfrom? . from.

A. Is Amboise Kurayo an African? 8. I don't know if he's an African(or not).

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/ r

M -1


Ma min._ tar ge

Ma muss ne ge

kar 7 ya ge

kar 8 ye, ge

Ma muss muru ge kar 12 yi

Cycle 44



ge ndom-ndom.

MA muse' muru ge' lo ndul ge de, kar -ge 6 ya

Ma test() two'g de kar°11 ya_ge ndom-ndam.

Tagene i in tar



Tagene i

Tagene i

ge kar ge kanda we?

usa ne gi kar ge kanda wa?


two twa'g ge kar

ge ndom-ndom.

muru lo ndul'g de khr ge kanda we?

C-1A. Tagene "i usa ne ge kar ge

kanda wa?

A. I usa ire ge 7,30 ya gendoi-ndoi we?

C-2A. Tagene i


aotwo twa'g ge karge kandawa?

A. I two twa'g ge kar 11hya ge ndoi-ndoi

C-2.-A. usa muru tagene ge kar

ge kanda wa?

A. Nga M, Patton, yeen usa muruge kar ge ban we?

kanda we?

B. Tagene

B. Woyo,

B. Tagene


ma muse ne se 7,30ya ndom-ndom.

ma muss asne ge 7,30ye ndom-ndom.

ma mao n'to twa'g gekar ge 11h.

B. Woua, wa mao n'two twa'g gege kar ge 12 ya ge ndom-ndom,nga tagene le ma m-two twa'gge kar ge

B. Tagene ma muss muru ge kar ge I

B. Ma miser kar kusa muru lea el.

A. Deji M. Patton, kar ge kandabba yeen use ge muru tagene we?



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Cycle 44

W.1I usually get .up --at 7.

I usually eat breakfast at 8.

I Usually eat dinner at 6.

I usually-go to bed at 11.

N-2What time did you get up yesterday?

What time did you eat breakfast yesterday?

What time did you eat dinner yesterday?

'that timewdid you go 'bed yesterday?

C-1A. What time did you (eat B. Yesterday I (ate breakfast) at

breakfast) yesterday? (700)."


A. Do you usually (eat breakfast) B. Yes, I usually (eat breakfast)at. (7:30). at-(7:30).

C -2

A. What time did you (go to bed) B. Yesterday I'(went to bed) atyesterday? (11) o'clOck. 6

A. Do you usually (go to bed) B. No, I usually (go to.bed)at (11) o'clock. at (1A) o'clock,

but yesterday I (went to bed)at (ii) o'clock.''

C-3What time did you (eat lunch) B. Yestei_day. I (ate, lunch)

yesterday? at (ii) o'clock.

A And what:ibout (kr.- Patton) B. I don't know what,Iime (he)what time did he (eat lunch)? (ate lunch).

A. Ask (Nk., Patton what time(ha) (ate lunch) yesterday?


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M -1


C-1Nje ndo ne nganje

Cycle 45



A. (20)

Ngan nje ndo neje B._ (30)

C-2A. (5o)

C-3Ngon nje ndo ne a tura

M-110-dog11-dog gire kdra12-dog gire jo13-dog gire munda"14-dog gire so15 -dog .gire mi16-dog gire mica17 -dog gire sirs18 -dog giri jinaijo19-dog gire jinaikara20-rojo

C-1ngon nje ndo neje da

M-1100-tol2Q0 tol jo300'tol munda400 tol so,500 .

600 tol mica700 tol sirs800 tol jinaijo900 tol jinaikara

a. (70),.i la mare keneg rojo.

ge lea mbata kwit

Cycle 46

20-rojo21-rojo gire22-rojo gire23 -rojo gire24-rojo gire25-rojo, gire26-iojc!. gire27-rojo,sire28-rojo gire29-rojo gire30- munda



tura go nje ndode-nelg.

Cycle 47

1000 -sag kara / tol dog

150 -ge due roMi

250 -tol jo ge due roMi

370 -tol munda ge dua rosiri,

375 -tot munda


ge dua rosiri gire n.

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C-1(teacher or.student)

(student)C -2

A. 50


70-seventy --


100- one hundred

A. (20) Any of the numbers in M-1.B. (7° Ten mote than A.

B. (70) Twenty more than A.Any number in M-1.

C-3,Dictate these numbers: students should write figures. At theend of this cycle students should be able to take dictation.



_ 18- eighteen19-nineteen-20-twenty 1

Cycle 46

20-twenty21-twenty-one22-twenty-two,23-twenty-three24-twenty-four25-twenty-five26-twenty-six27- twenty -seven281twenty-eight.e,29-twenty-nine30-thirty



C-1The students repeat after the teacher.


100 -one hundred200-two hundred300-three hundred400-four hundred500-five hundred600-six hundred700 - seven hundred.$0344ight hundred'

/900-aine hundred

Cycle 47

1000-one th:Pland150-one him red and fifty

250-two hundred and fifty

370-three hundr'ed and seventy

375- three, hundred and seventy-five


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Ma mire nin ge car.

Ma m're nin ge

Ma m're ini ge lapala.

Cycle 50 .

Ma m're nin ge whodoro.

Ma ge bard.


I re nin ge ri wa ?


A. I,re kei Moundou ne ge ri wa ? B.,Ma m're ne ge lapala (carltra.6A. I in kem ra wa 2_ B. Ma Ain kem New York.

Cycle, 51

Ma min kem NewYork'g de lapala ge kar ge 6 ge kumatage,

Ma min kem NewYork'g de train ge kar ge 6 ge kumatage.

Ma min kem NewYork'g de-car ge kar 6,ge kumatage.

Ma min kem NewYork'g de whodoro ge kar 6 ge kumatage,

Ma min kem NewYork'g de bato ge kar 6 ge kumatage.


I in kern New York'g de kar ge ban wa ?


A. I in kein New York'g de karge ban wa?

B. Ma min ken New York'g de kar gege 11,45 ge ndo. g


I in item ra wa ? B. Ma min kem New York de..

A. I re'ge bato (lapala, car, whodoro) wa?

B. Woyov ma me re ge (bato) -

eseB. Woua, ma m're ge(batb)01,

Ma m're ge(lapala)

(nje ge rang)

A. I in kem New York'g de kar ge ban?

B. Ma min kem New York'g de kar11h.

A. I re kem Moundou ge kai ge ban wa ?

B. Ma M're.ge kar ge (3,40)-

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f cape here by bus.

I came here by train,

X came here by plane..

I camCbere -by _car.

I came here by boat.


Cycle 50

A. glow did you get to Moundou? B. I came here, by. (plane).

A. Where did you come from? B. I-. -came from (New York).

-Cycle 51

I left NewYork by plane at 6. P.M.

I left NewYork by train at 6. P.M.

I left NewYork by bus at 6. P.M.

I left NewYork by car at 6. P.M.

/ I left Newyork by boat at 6. P.M.


What time did you leave Nei/ York?

A. What time did you leave (New York)? B. I left.(New York) at


A. Where did you come from?

A, Did you come by (boat)?

.A.-What time did you leave(New York)?



B. I came from (New York).

B. Yes, I came by (boat).or

B. No, I didn't come by (boat).

I came' by (plane)(other mode of transportation

B. I left(New York) at (1100).


A. What time did you arrive B. ; arrived here at (3:40).A here in (Moundou)?

5 i

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Bogene to ndo kula kara.

,Bogene to ndo kula

Bogene to ndo kula munda.

Bogene to ndo kula so.


Bogene to ndo kula mi.

Bogene to ndo bale.

Bogene to ndo dumassin.

To ndo ri bogene wa ? To ndo ri bogene ?


A. To ndo ri bogene we ? B. -To ndo (kula (kara). ).

Cycle 55


'Titiewe to nd'kula munda, Tagene to ndo la mi.

Tagene to ndo r wa?Tagene to ndo kula so.

M-2 -

4Bed a o ndo bale.

Bele a 0 ndo ,dumassin. _ Bele a, to ndo ri wa ?


A. BoOle to ( ndo bale.)

0. A. Bele a to ndo ri wa? B. Bele a tondo dumassin.)C-2

A. Bogene to( ndo kula do).

A* To lido ri bba tagene wa ? B. Tagene to( ndo kula kara).

Cycle 56

Bele a to ndo kula kara.


Tagene to ndo kula munda el. Tagene to lido kula sid el.

Tigene to ndo kula so el. Tagene to ado bale el,


Bele a to ndo dumassi el. Bale a to ndo kula kara el.-.


A. Bogene to( ndo kula mi.

h. Bele a to( ndo dummassi) wa? 4bele a to ndo dumassi). el.

B. Bele, a to(ndo bale.)


. C72 . .v

A. Bogene to ndo( kula munda.)

A. Tagene .le toindo kula kara ) B. Woua, tagene to( ndio kula karatwa?-

B. 'tagene le to Oft kula

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What day

is Monday.is Tuesday.is Wednesday.is Thursday.

is today?

C-1 ---

A. What day is, today?



Yesterday was Wednesday.

Yesterday was Thursday.,

Tomorrow is

Tomorrow is



Cycle 54


C71.A. Today ka Saturday).

(any day. of the week.)

A. What's tomorrow?


A. Today is (Tuesday).

What was yesterday?

Today, is Friday.Today is Saturday.Today i.Wgunday.

What day is today?

Today is jelatelth_

Yesterday was Friday.

What day was yesterday?

Tomorrow is Monday.

What 'day is it tomorrow?


B. Tomorrow is (Sunday). ,

(day after the day mentioned is

B. Yeettrday (Monday).

Cycle 56

Yestperday wasn't Wednesday. Yesterday wasn't Friday.

Yes4er4ay wasn't Thursday. Yesterday wasn't Saturday.


Tomorrow isn't Sunday. Tomorrow isn't Monday..


A. Today-is :(Friday).

A. Is tomorrow (Sunday)?(wrong 'day)


A. Today is (Wednesday)...

B. No,'tomorrow isn't (Sunday)

B. Tomorrow is (Saturday).


A. Was yesterday (Monda )? B. Nar,, yesterday wasn't (Monday)

(wrong day B. Yesterday was (Tuesday).

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M-1411h *

Dujim kem- BOston..

Dujim kem Chicago.ti



Duji i kem ria we?


eNji i kem ra we ?

A. Daji i kem ra wa?AIF 4 A;



Dujim kem Loa Angeles:

Duji i kem ra 1(a?

B. -Dujim kem (Chicago). '

B. Dujim kem (LosAngeles).

Cycle 59

Duje. yeen em ,Atlasta.' g

Duje yeen kem Tchad'g,.

Dujer Yeen kem ra Iva?


Duje yeen ,kem


Duje yeen kem Denver'g.

Duje yeen kern New York'g.

Duje yeen ken ra we?

ra wa?, B.

\At Duje.'ren kem ra B.

Cycle 60



yeen kern San Diego)


M. Dokoubou le duje kem Kakian. Dr. Baroum le duje kem Lai.-.-

M. tjeTang le duje kem Bebalem. M. TOmbalbaye

M-2t- ...


M. Dokoubou le- duje kem lo ge ra";a waT

pt. Ba'itium lei duje kem lo ge ra'd wa?

11A. Tombalbaye le duje kein. B. Mr.. Tomball)


Dujim ,ge Leb ge 1942.

g.i- *c.6 I

i leb,ge ra'd wa?



`A Duje



Duji i leb-ge-ra'd wa?

yeerf lebo ra'd wa?


1e-chije lumsKounirtar

a '

le duje kem,Koumrc.


Duje yeen ge leb ge 1943.

DujO yeen-leb ge ra'dA

B. Dujim ge leb

B . Duji yeen ge



ge (1942).

le ge (- 1945).

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SriCycle 58

I was born in Boston. I was born in Los Angeles.

was born in Chicago..

Otero were you born? Where were you born?

- -

A. Where were you born? B. I. leas borzrth (Chicago).

A.Nihre were you born? B. I was born in (Los 'Angeles).,

Cycle 59


He was born in Atlanta.,

He was born in Tchad.

..Where was he 'born?


A. 'Where was he born?A. Where was she borax?

He was born in Denver.

He was born. in Itew York.

Where' was she born?

B, He was born in (San Diego).

B. She was born 411 (Eansas City).

Cycle 60

M-1 \....

Mr. Dokouberu-Vvas" born in' Kaman. Dr. Baroum was born- in Lai,.

- M. Djerang was born in-Bebe:leo". - M. Tombalbaye was born initouna


Where waspr. Dokoubou,-hor

Where was Dr. Baroum bo -C-1 -4-

_Where was' Mr. Tombalbaye born? B. Mr: Tombalbaye was born in Ko.



"I was born i'1942.t)

He was born in 1943.

When were you bii-tv When was he born?


A. en .were ybu born? B. I was born in (19421.

.A. Whe WASS he born? ,B. He was born in (1945).

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-Cycle 62

Ma mao ndo kem Michigan.

Teen ao ndo ne kern Howard Univereite.

Ma mao kern l'ecole ge kem U.C.L.A.'g.

Teen ao kem Florideg.

M-2 .

', ao aco le kem_ ge_ra '_d_ we?

-teen ao ra kern to ge raid tut?

eu.1'\. .


A'. I so ra l'ecola kem lo ge B. Ma mao ra l'ecole kern univsrsi., - ied we? ' ge Chigago'd

A. teen do ra l'e ale kem lo nB. Tee ao ra l'ecole kem .



- Arisonati:


Cycle 63

Gel ne ndo len un ge leb- ge,%1565.v

Gel ne ndo lea urF se leb ge 1961.


Gel nepdo leiGel ne ndo lea

. C-1


.141,b go red,w0,,

leb ,ge d Zia?2

ge N B.


A. Gel ne ndo 1 i a kun lebra'd we?

A. Gel. ne ndo lea a kun lebse ra'd wa?,



NA miefil

Na 'ndo

Cyale 64

kem.fiohad'g. teens,

kem Franceg. Yeen, ;


MA may mbaa kem'Europeg: 'teen41, ,

M-2, ..-


I ao mbea kes to ge ra', d we?, .


*bap to ge red wa?.. .

B. Ma mao mbackem(Europple.


At' te&ip no ne kern lo-gera'd we? B. Yeen ndo ne k.rancegl

GeZ.ne ad& aknrt ge lob'.0: (1965).

Gel ne Ado led` alnin .ge lob'$4 (1063),

isht-kem Londre'ge to Ghana's:

Ado ne kern Amerique'd.

ao mbaa kem Amerigue!d.---

Yeen ao mbaa kem lo ge ra'd we?

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Cycle 62.

I went to (literally'studied at) Michigah.

He wept to Howard University. .

I went to(did sihool'atl U.C.L.A.

He went to Florida.


Where did you go to school ( literally, 'where did you study'?)?

Where did he go to school?-

A, Where did you go to school? B. I Vent a (Chicago University)

A. Where did she go to school? B. She went to,(Arizona Slate).


Cycle 63

I finished my education in 1965.

He finished his education in 1961,_

When did you finish your education?

When did he finish his_ education?


A. When did you finish youi

A. When did he fiRinaifr?.education?


'Via lived in Vehadv,'

T-studied ititFrance,

-I've traveled in Europe.


B. I finished my education in W.

. He finished illiveducation in (

Cycle 64

0. He's lived

He studied in

He's traveled

in London and Ghana


in America.

Where have'you traveled? Where has he traveled?3

, C-1 (Students ' answer giving their own travel experiences andthose of others in the -class.)

A. Where have you-traveled? B. I've traveled in (Europe).

A. Where has she studied? B. She studied in (France).-


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Cycle 64 contin. -

e12Ri i ban we?Rim ge

Duji leb ge red wa ?Dujim ge leb

Duji i ge ra'd wa ?Dujim kem

I ao l'ecoleig lo _se wa?

Ma moa 1' ecole d ge kem

I ao mbaa la ge ra'd wa.Ma mo%mbaa kern



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Cycle 64 contin.

C- (The instructor will ask these questions of the class atrandom. Students should have no difficulty answeringimmediately.)

What is your name?

W name is


I was born in

Where'were you born?

I was bOrn at

Where did you go tii-ocboor7-

I 'tenet* 40140.-

Wlith did you'fiaibryour 'education?

at vn in

I've trartelo4V-iii


. sM441e1

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. M-1Teen to ge ngambai.Teen to ge banana.Teen to ge kotoko.



Cycle .65

Teen ngambai.. Teen to ge banana.-'Teen to se kotoko.

Teen lapare douje'g ra we ? -

A. Teen to lapare deouje ge ra wa? B. Teen to se(ngambei4 tetc)_,_


Cycle 66

Ria yeen ge Tombalbaye.

puje ken moyen=ohari ge leb 1919 region get beur'g.

Teen to ge eara.

Ween ra l'ecole kem Fort Archambault.

Geeig le yeen ra l'ecole kem Brazzaville.


yeen ban wa ?

.AFDuje yeen kern fa wa?

*11u4e leb ge ra:d wa?,


Lapare yee to ri.waf .

Teen ra l'ecole ra we?

Teen aomb a, re we?

Cycle 67'

Ria yeen ge Dr. Baroum.

_Duje kem Lai,region ge beur'g.

Teen t6. ge Kabbai. .ftr

Teen ao-l'ecole'd Bongo to, Fiance tcli.

Leb ge 1946 le yeen ndo ne kim Franceig.

Teen ishi kem Franceig ta(TchadTg to.


Ria ban we? Teen ao ge raid wa?

Teen to lapare deouje ge ra we? Leb ge 1946 le yeen ndo ne lo gora'd we?

Duje yeen leb ge ra'd we?

Duje lo ge ra'd wa?


Yeen ao mbaa lo gored we?

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NI-1 1_111)!:s a Ngaphiif.


111e's:a. Kotok9..._

14-2 . .

Cycle 65

Alit tribe 4oes.-he;

.(Use;photograph o

A. What tribe. does he




He's a Ngambai.

.- Hia-re a Banana. .1

He's a Kotoko.'-

beloh:c to?

f Nindingar, Tombalbaye, Naimbaye)

belong to? B. He's a (Ngambai) etc.

Cycle 66

His ,name is M. Tombalbaye.

He was born in Akyen -chari in the southern region in 1918:

He is a Sara.

He went to school in Fort Archambiult.

Later he studied in Brazzaville.


(Students should be able to answer these questions quicklyand correctly, first with the above information availableto them bind then without it)

What trite does he come from?Where did he go toWhere did he travel?

What is his name?Where was he born?When was lie barn?

Cycle °67

His name is Dr. Baroum.

He was born at Lai ub th6 southern region.

He went to school in Bongo and France.

In 1946 he studied in Franca.

He has lived in France and Tchad.

What is his name?What tribe is he from?When was he bornl

. Where was he born?

Where did he go to school?Where did he study in (1949?-Where has he traveled?


'4, 4

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NI-1 ,

'Ria yeenige Waimbaye.-

Diije yeei kem Tilo region

Teen ,to. ge ngambai.

Teen ao l'ecole kem tort-Lamy to Bamako'g to.

CYOle 68

ge beurld 0).940._

' Gel ne ndo-lea un ge


leb 1960.

Ria yeen ban wa? Lo ge ra bba yeen ao l'ecole, kene04 ice".

Duje leb ge ra44 we?Duji-lo'Se redwa? Goso le yeen ndo ne lo ge ra'=,Yeen to lapare 4eouje ge l ge ' Gel ne ndo lea un leb"-trald

Cycle 69

Ria yeen ge Djidinsar._

Duje kem Donomansa region ge.beur'g.

Teen ao l'ecole de gekem.Lai.

Teen ndo ne kem Noundou.t.

Teen to Sara-Goulai.

. C-1 .

Ria yeen ban wa?

Duje leb ge raid wa?Duje lo ge raid we?Teen to ,lapare deouje ge

_raid wa



Lo ge ra bba yeep ao eco e's kene'gwe?

Gogole, yeen n4o ne lo e raid-mi?ndo lei un leb e raid we?

Cycle 70

Ria yeen` ge Dr. Outel Bono.

Duje kem Fort,Archamtault region ge beur'g.

Teen to ge Tounia.

Teen ao,l'ecole k-em Tamil to Frances--Ca.

C -1,Ries yeen ballwa? .

Duji leb ge raid wa?

Duje 10 ge ra'd wa?

Yeen to lapare depuje se lo-sera'd we?

Lo ge,ra bba yeen ao l'ecolekene'g we?

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Cycle 68

s name is Naimbaye.

He watt born at Tilo in the southern region in 1940.

He is a Sara-Ngembai..

He went to school in Fort-Lamy and Bamako.

He finished his edUcation in 1960.,'

-What is his name? Where *did he go to school?When "was he born? La!er where did hs study?-Where was he born? When did he finish his education?What tribe does he:'come thorn?

His name is Djindingar.

'; Se was born in the southern region of Tchad.-.

He went to school at'Lei.

He studied in Noundou.

,He if-a Sara- Goulal.

What is hisname? Where did he go to school?When was he born? When did he study in. London?

Where was he born? What tribe does he belong to?


Cycle 70

His name Br. Bdtel Bono.

He -was.born in Fort Archambault in the southern region!

He' is a Tmania.

He went to school in Tchad and France.


What £a his40

his name? What tribe*is he from?

When wok he born? .

Where Was he born?, %Where did he go to school?


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mao cinema'g.mao bbee.mao 10, ndo

ao-ge ra wa?


A. I so ge ra *a?


Cycle in

Ma mao ken kei ndogo' nesi-.N6 mao ken) kei saitg.

I do ge ra wa?

B. Ma mao ge cinema}',.

Cycle 72

Ma mao;cinema'd se kar ge"8 ge dunder.

Ma mao-bbee ge kar

lo ndo ne'd ge"kar ge S ge ndo.

MA mao-kai ndogo ne'g ge kar ge 6,30.

o kei sai'g ge, kar ge-12.


I a kao cinema'g de kar ge kanda

I a kao bbee se kar ge'kanda wa?

I a kao ,kei ndo ne' g de kar ge kanda wa?

Is kaokei ndo go ne'g de kar ge kande ia?

Ioa'kaO kei sai'g de kar ge kanda wa?


A. I a kao pinema'g de kar gekanda wa?



Ma lio:cinema'g'delcar ge8 go ..dunda'g.

Cycle 73

Bele ma kin tar ge kar ge 7 ge ndo.

Sell .ma kao lo ndo ne'g,de kar ge 9 ge Ado

Bele ma two twa'g de kar ge 11 ge lo


Bele ge ndo le i a kin tar ge kar ge kaAda wa?

Bele ge Ado le i a kad lo ndo ne'g-de kar se kanda we?

Bele lo ndul'g le i a two twa'g de kar ge.kanda we?

IC-1-., -

A. Bele_Se ndo le i a kin tar ge B. Bele le ma-kin tar ge kar'gkar ge kanda wa?

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I an going to the movies.I-am going'home.

Cytle 71

I'm going to the store.I'm going to the dining room.

.Where-are you going? . Where are you going?

Cab -;


.A. Where are you going B.-I'm'going to (the movies).;-,.-

v _M1

Cycle 72ti

I'm going to the movies at 8 tonight.

going -tionre--at--4-:30-:

goingtO class at 8 A.M. "

Iib going to the store at 6:30.

Ii going to the dining room at 124


When are you going to the movies? .

When are you going home?

When, are yolOgoing-to class?

When are you going to the) store?

When are you going to the dining hall?

A. When are you going to the B. going to the (movies) at (8).(movies)?

Cy le 73


I'm going to get up at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning.

I'm going to come to class at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.

I'm going to goto bed at 11:00 tomorrow night.


When are you going to get up tomorrow ?

When are you going to come to class tomorrow morning?

When are you going to go to bed tomorrow night?-'

A. When are you going to (get up) B. I'm going to(4et up) at (7)tomorrow? o'clock.

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Cycle 74

Ma'kpo kale cinema'g el. Ma kao kem kei n46 ne'g el.

Ma -kao kern bbee el. Ma kao kem kei sails,e1.

Maokso keys kei ndo ne!g-el.M -2

I a kao ken cinema's-wa? I a kao 'kem kei ndogo ne'g' wa?

I a kao kem bbee wa/-- --- I kao kem -kei sai's vat

I a kao kem kei ndoene's we?

ClA. I a-kao .kem (cinema's) we?


B. Woua, ma kao kem (cinema-4g) el.

B. Ma kao kem (kei'ndogo ne'g).

Cycle 75/-.


sow ne bacine di. MU kao bbee bacine el.

Ma kao kem kei ndo ne'g Ma kao eoa muru bacine el.

Me kao soa muru Whit Si. "Ma kaowo Bacine,al.

M-2I a kao kei bacine we?

I a kao soa mum bacine wa?


I a kao soa ne bacine wa?

I a kao kei ado ne'g bacine-wa?

I a,kao soa muru bacine wa?


A. I a kao (soa he) bacinews?


I a kao two twa'g bacine nga

B. Woua, ma kal(soa ne) bacine el.

B. Ma mao ge kern (lo ndo ne'g).

Cycle 76

Ma kao ge kar ge 7,30.

Mirka° two Awes- de-kar ge 11,30.'A

-Ma m'ndo ne dunda'ge nein.

M-24* I a kao kemrcinema's de kar ge 8,00 wa?

''I a kao bbee ge kar ge 9,00

I a kb° ndo ne kumatage ne wa?


A. I a kao cinema'g de kar &e 8,00-wa? B. Woua, ma, kao ge kavtge7,30.

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M-2Are you going to the movies? thrstore?

Are you going home? g ing' b-Ahe dining hap?

Are you going to class?

A.'Ari you, going to (the (movies)? B. No, I'm not going to (the movie!,

B. I'm going" to (the store').

Its not going to the movies.I' not going home.I. not going to class.

Cycle 74

I'm not going- to-the store.I'm ndt going tom lhe diniiag hall.

*)- 'Are youAfe you


'I'm not going to

I'm not gOing to



--v Are




not goingsto

you going to

you4oing to

you going to

A.'Are you going to.breakfas


I'm going_ to go at 7: 30.

I'M-going to go'to bed at 11:30.

I'm going to go study tonight.

. M-2

' -Are you,going.to.the movie's at 8:00?

Are you going to gb home 4t :00?

Are you going to study this a ernoon ?-

Cycle 75

eat breakfast I'm not going to home (now.

go, to crib,` I'nenot going to. Oat dinner now.now.

eat'lunch .I'm not going to- io to bed now.

now. -

eat breakfast Are you going hole how?now?

crass now? Are you going to.eat dinner now?

eat lunch Are you goi4 to bed now?nfti<


(eat B. No, I'm not going to (eat

t) now? breskfast) now.

4. g. I'm going to (go to eaes).

Cycle 764


A. Are you going tit the -movies-i B.at 8:00?

m going at 7:3Q.


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. :. / '' cycle. 77

. ,.. ;

-,. N. *4 .`t-4'.-. 1


4, '---Z4 .`:' 8 , . . i ;

4 esge.n o ae, leen je lab kei Ado ne'g de, kar ge 9,00., .

4-1- -.' 'Joon ja kao cinema ge kar ge 8,00 ge ktUtatage.1,1!..

Jeen jä kao soa muruire,,kar ge 5130.

: --`.- '_ Ear sr dangers do, nda ja kad kei Adogo'neig .

. . 4

Jel0 ja kao kem Royce Hall'g de kar.11,00.ge de ndo.


. Bele -rein 'a,kaoje lo Ado he ge wa?

--,'ftin a,kaoje cinemaig duniptig ne, we? Nen a kScije soa muru dunda'd ne we?

, San a kaoje kei ndogo ne'd kumatage nein wa?. ,

Ge ndo'nee sein a kaoje, kem Royde all'g we?,


6, .

A. Bele ge Ado le sein. a kaoje B. oyo, bele We jeep ja kad keys

kem kei facto ne'g wa?. (kei ndo ne'g ) ye..

. .

A. Bele le sein a kaoje ge kar B. Jeen ja (kaoje) ge kar ge, Ile ban wa? (9,00) ge de ndo.


Arsi dusaje muru nande.- 'to

Arsi Oaoje bbee nande.

-ICycle 78

Arai daoje cinema'g nande.

_Arai daoje-kei ndogo ne'd nande

Arai ndoje ne nande.

W2A kao} soa' muru bacine nga we?

_A kao bbee cine nga

A likes cinema'g dunda'gnein we?

A ,kao kem kei pdogo ne'g kumatage neip wa ?

no dunda'd we?-


6. A-katoiSoa.muru) bacine we? B. Wo7o, ma kao (soa ne) bacine.

f" Arsi'(dusaje ne), nande.


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,cyile 77


We are going, to class at 9 tomorrow morning.

We' aria goincto the movies at 8:00 P.M.

We are going to eat dinner at 5:30.

We are 'going to the store at noon. A,

We ere going to Royce Hall at 11A.M.

M-2 . 1

An you (p6.1.) goirg to class tomorrow?

Aire you'(p1/4 going to the MOvies tonight?

e you 191) going to eat dinner tonight?

Are ydu (p1) going to the.store this afternoon?

Aii you(pl.) going to Royce Hall this morning?


4.-Ara (p1.1 you-going. to come-- to class tomorrow?


-A.'What time tomorrow ire you(coming)?


B. Yes, we are (coming to class- tomorrow).

B. We're (coming) at (9A.M.)

Cycle 78

ikLet's eat dinner together.

Lot's go home together.

Let's go to the movies toget :

Let's go to .the store - together.

Let's study togethe.


Y7 /Art yoli,gAIng to eat dfnner now?

Ars you going home now?

Are you going to the movie's tonight?

going to the store this afternoon?

Are -you going to study tonight? .

(A. Aire you goin. to (eat.dinner) B. Yost I'm going to(eat) now.

A. Let's (eat) itognow ?,



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Ma m'ndigi kao bbee.

Ma m'ndigi kao3anemald.


I ndigi kao bbee we?

Cycle 79

Ma m' ndigi kao ndogo no's.

Mar. m'nligi 'Imo. Royce _Hall's..

rndigi kao kem cineMeg wa?

r I ndigi kao soa muru'waZ%

C-1 '

A. I nclilikao

A. Daoji nande.,




Ma m'ndigi

I ndigi 1Cio kei ndogo we ?.

, .

I ndigi kai kem Boyce//111'g wa/-

B. Woyoi ma m'ndigi kaci bbee..

Cycle 80

kiin cinema's el.B. Ma m'ndigi kao Mpi ndogo nelg

Ma m'ndigi soa ne bacine al.

Ma m'ndigi kao bbee el.'

Woyo, ao kei,ndogo neig la.

ao kao sop ne bbe la.

Woyo , ao bdoo, ne la.

A. I A (kio

B. Ma m'ndigi ndiO ne el._





ao kern cinema g ,

ao kem bbe 'la.

a kAo ndoo na.bbe la.t.

kem cinema' g) we?. B. Woua, ma mindpLgi

B. Ma m'ndigi (kaoAW

A.-Woyo, (deoje kem kei ndogo ne'd) mandei)


A. I ndigi (kao ndoo

- A. Woyo.

ne) bacinewe?

B. `Woua, ma

B. Tian (a

. 70

(kao keelcinemalg)el.

kern kei ndogo , _


mindigi (ndoo) bacine

ndoo) bbi.

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Cycle 79


I want to go home. I want to go to the store.

I want to go to the movies, I want to go to Royce Hall.f ,

./ want to eat dinner.


!Do you want to gohome? Do you want to go to the 'store?7e

DO you want to go to the movies?

Do you want to eat dinner? A)10 you want to go to Royce Hall?


A. Do ydu want to go home)? B. Yes, I want to go ibome).

A. Let's go together.


I don't want to go to themovies.


go home.

b-- I don't want to

I don' tt. want ,to


O. K.- let's go

O.K. let's eat'

Cys141.e 80

I don't want to go to the store.

I don't want to Study.

to the store. O.K. let's go to the movies..

later O.K. let's go home.

.p.X. let's study.

A. `Do you want to (go to themovies)?


O.K. let's----study later

B. No, I don't want to (i6----to themovies).

B. I want to (go to the store).

A.O.K. let's (go-to the store) together.


A. Do you want to (study) now?. B. No, I don't'want to (study) now.

B. -Let's (study) -later.

A. O.K.


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Cycle 81


Ma kaologe rang de kumatage nein el.

'Ma-ra ne ge rang kumatage nein el.


Olumatage nein i a kat,. lo ge ra'd wa?

Kumatage mein i a kao ra ri wa?

,Kumatage nein i a kao lo ge ra'd wa?

Kumatage nein i a kao ra ri we?

C-1A. KuMatage nein i a.-kao lo ge

0.a'd war' _

A . lumatage nein i a kao rari pa?


Kiamatage nein

Kumatage nein

Ma ml ger , lo

W2Kumatag* nein

lumatige nein

Kumatage nein

lumatage neln


B. Kumatage nein ma ka0-lo geran's de,e1;

B. Kumatage nein ma kao ra netsrang el.

Cycle 82

ma m'ndigi kao,lo ge rang de el.

ma 'ndigi ra ne kara el.

ge i ndigi kao keme'g el.

i ndigi kao lo ge ra'd wa?

i ndigi- kao lo ge red wa.?

i ndigi ra ri wa?

i ndigi ra ri we?


A. Kumatage nein r ndigi kao lo geB.' Ma m'ndigi kao le de kara el.ra'd we?

A. Kumatage nein i ndigi ra ri wa?

C -2

'A. Kumatagegaboin i ndigi. kao 16 B. Ma a'gerge ra'd we?

B. Ma m'ndigi ra ne kara el.V

A. Ma mendigekao kern cinemed


A. SUmatage nein i a kao ra ri we?

Daoje kern isinema g .

A. Woual ma ncligi kio ge kar se'8,30 el.

B. Woyo, daoje nande.

B. Ma- m'ser-cel, i ndigi kao loge ra'd wa?

B. WoyO, is kaoje ge kar800.

kaojewge kar ge1Q, 00:



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I to not4bihs to-4o any*hera- zivenirkg.V

S 1 110 t g01114 anything t i, JV

, Nt

Wherseare you goingN

'41,at are you gi#ng

Where are you goisg

What are you going,

to go this evening?

to do this evening?',

to go this-evening?

to do this evening?

A. Were are you going to gothisevening?

A. What, are you going. to do this





not going to go -4nywhere. this evening. .

B. I'm not going .to,do anythingthis evening.

Cy-cle 82

I don't want to go anywhere this evening.

I don'tAvant to do anything this evening.40

I don't' ow. Where do you want to go?

Where do you want to go this evening?

Who're do' you04ant to go this evening?

What do-rmi want to do this evening?

What do you want to do this evening?


A. Where do you want to gothis evening?

A. what' do you want to do .

this evening?C-2

A. Where do, you want to gothis evening?


A. What are you going to do,this evening?

A. Let's go to the movies.

A. Mop I' don't want to go at 8:30.

B.-1,,-.4on't want to go anywhere!

B. I don't want to do anything.

B. I don't know. Where do you

want to go?

B. e'e,don't knosi'm r do you wanto go?

B. O.K. let's g* at

B. O.K. well" go at

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Cycle 83


Mi bbee m're nein se nain soa aian lob ge 1966:

Ma kin nein kao afrique de nain kul ge lob ge 1966.

"Ne ndoo nobs unda kude ge naia atm sian de lob Se 1968%

No ndoo nele a goto nain kull'g de 4.eb ge 1966.. 's

I in bbee re.nein ndo ge ra'd wa?

A kin nein kao afrique de ndo ge red wa?

-Ne.ndoo be a kunda kude ndoge ra'd wa?

Ne ndoo be a goto ndo ge ra'd,wa?


A. I in bbee re-noid'ude ge --Mi bbee mre nain ge nailsofi

raid wa? sian'd ge leb ge 1966. ';

Cycle 84

Ma m'to

Ma m'to -je ndoa ne nganje.

Ma m'to je ngem lo..

Ma.msto je kunda kei.

I ao ra kula ri wa?

Sein ao raije kula ri we?


A. I ao ra kula ri wa?

A. I to ge apermin ye wa?

Jaen n'toje aperminjal..

Ji4A-Wtol*-jes ndoo,ina nganje. ,

.1.--.10141Vzil*pje jee ngen

Jeentn"toje Jere kunda keije.


I ao ra kola ri wa?

Sein ao:raije kula ri we?


' D. Ma m'to apermin.

Cycle 85


Teen to ge Njengmio. noon to se ngan ji ndoo neje.

Yein to ge junta k4i. een to ge je -ndoo ne nganje.

r, C Yeen to ge njendoo ne:nsanje.,


Saila ge ban bba yeen "ea ra wa? Kula Se ban bbardelete dad wa?

..i bpay. yeen ao ra wa? --4 Ri bba to kula ra de wa?

4 C -i -4--A. Kula -se ban bba yeen ra we? B. .iieen to nje 'tido° ne nganje.


,A. -Then ao ra- kula ri wa? B. Yeen to se apermin ge dune.

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Cycle 83


I left' home to come here in (mai soa sian) ( September) 1966.

I'll leave here to go to Africa in (nai.ku/)(December) 1966.

This'coarse began in (mai soa Bien) (September) 4L0,616.

This course will end in (nai kul) ( December)(1966.

When did you leave home to come-here?

When,will you leave here to go to Africa?

When did this course begin?

When will this course end?

A. When did you leave home to come I left home to come here inhere? mai soa sian:(September).

cycle 34


I as a nurse. We are nurses.

I'm a teacher. We are teachers.

I'm a surveyor. We are surveyors.

builder. We are beildera.

What do you do? What work do you (pl.) do?

A. What work do yOu do? B. I'm a (nurse).

A. rou'ie a (nurse)' are you?



He's a surveyor. They are students.

He's a builder. They are teachers.

He's a teacher.


that kind of work does he do? What kind of work do they do?

Whist is his occupation? Wharis their occupation?


A. What kind of work p 13Oes-he do? -'. He is' (teachery.

A. Whikt-


,is her occupation? B. She is a (nurse).

4_ry/ 5 .

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Na meta je ndoo -ne nganje, Yeen to setkJo

ndoo ne ngenje.-

*Jeen toje se je ndoo ne nganje. Me 'to ge_ngen ge J. ndoo no*

Teen to si ngon ge je ndoo ne:J Jeen toje ge ngon Jo ado* neje.


Na to ge je -ndoo ne nganje, nga bacine is ma 'to se neon nje smik

'lain to se je rfdoo ne nganje, lase batine le yeen to ge ngon nje ndoone.

Joon toje ge nje ndoo ne nganje,,nsa bacine is jegn toje is ngau njtndoo neje.

. Ma t° ge apermin, nga bacine el m'to ge ngon nje ndoo he.


Kuler ri bba i ao ra wa? Kula ri bba stein ao raije wa?


A. Kula ri4bba i ao ra wa?:


B. Ma m'to ge.nje kuvde kei, ngabacine le ma m'to ge ngon njendoo -

Cycle 88

Nje kunda keije ra keije;

Aperminje lea ge nje meije.

Aperm$nje ye bba ger kwa nje

Nje kundakeije ye bba ger kor derngeljs.

Nje kuida keije dor'derngelje.


A. D4eradouba a ger kwa nje meije B. Woua, yeen a ger kwa nje ma je Iya wa?

B. Djpradouba to ge nje kunda kei.

3: #je kuncia kei a ger kwa njemeije el.


A. Neabaye a ger kwa nje. meijeya .wa?

B. Woyo, yeen a. ger kale nje eljeye.

-B. Nembaye to ge apermin g deene.

B. Apermin ge deene ya bba ger kwa


A. Mlle Behidi, i ger kor deingelje ya wa?,

B. Woyo, ma ger kor derrselje ya.

A. I to ge nje kunda kei , B. Woua, ma m'to ge nje kunda kei76 . - el, ma m' ger kor derngelje gab.-



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Cycle 86


I am a to her. He is a teacher.

We are teache . I am a student.

He is a student.' We are students:

W2'I am (usually) a teacheill"but'right.now I'm a student.

He us (usually) a teacher,- but .right now he is a student.

We're (usually) teachers, but right now we're students.

I am (usually) a-nurse, but right now I'm,a student.

What is your occupation?

C1A. What is your occupation?

What is your occupation?

B. I'auSually a (builder), but

right now I'm a.stddent.

Cycle 88,

Builders build houses\ Buildsxs make=britka.

Nurses help sick people.

' N-2


Nurees knowhow to care of--sick people very well.

Builders know how to make bricks very well.

A.- Does Djeradouba knowlhOw to B. Yes she knows how to (take care(take care of sick people)? of pick people) very well,

B. -Dleradoutiais a (builder).

B. (Builders) don't blow how to

(takeocare of sick people).


A. Jibes Nembaye know how to B. Yes, she knows how to (take(take care of sick people)T 'care of sick Nople) very well. '

B. Nembaye is a (nurse)s

B. (Nurselq know how to (take careof sick), people) very well

C -3

A. Miss Behidi, do you know how B. Yeas I know how, to (make bricks

to (make bricks)?

A. Ar:eyou a (builder)? file No, I'm not aqbuilder), but

I know how to (make bricks).

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Cycle 89


Nje kunda kei ordernselje to undo keije to.

.Apermin to kumanje to laa ge nje rneije to.


.Nje Wanda keije dew ra ri.*

AperminjO dao ra ri we?

- C-1

A. Mje kunda keije dao ra ro war, B. Nje kunda keije dor-derlisaljeto dunda keije to. -

Cycle 90

Na m'ndoo kunda keije kem colleseig4

Na m'ndoo kunda keije kem lo kula'g.

Na alndoo kunda keije leou


Lo ge ra bba i ndoo kunda keije kene'g wa' -_

I ndoo kunda keije ndo ge ra'd wa?-

Lo go ra bba i ndoo yeen kene'g wa?

Ndo ge ra bbp i ndoo yeen kene'g we?

Lo ge ra bba i ndoo'd wi?

Ndo ge ra bba i n#6o'd we?


A. I ger (laa ge nje meije) wa? B. Woyo, ma minger.geo.

A. Lo_ge re'd bba i ndoo laa ge B. Na m'ndoo yeen (lo kulalg).

nje meije keno's wa?

A. I ndo2 ndo ge re'd we? B. Na m'ndoo' (leou

A. Nembaye ger re kuaaje ya B. Woyo, yeen ger ye.;e

A. Tenn ndoo lo ge rald we? B. Teen ndoo (kem college's).

A. Yeenndoo nlo ge ra'd wa? B. Teen ndoo leb ge= 1965.



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Builders make bricks and

Nurses prepare medicines

M-2 .

_-What do builders do?

Wfiat do nurses.do?


A. What do builders do?


build houses.

and take care of sick people.

B., Builders make bricks andbuild houses.

(Continue C-1 , using the different skills which members of the

class must have for their occupations. The instructor will

supply the Aare, expression.)

Cycle 90


-I learned to build houses in College.

'I learned to build houses on the job'.

I learned to build hOuses a long time ago.


Where did-you learn to build houses?

When did you learn to build houses?

Where did you learn -it?

When did you learn it?

Where did, you learn?

When did 4u'learn?'




A. Do you ligliTA_how to ( uild houses)? B. Yes, I do. (]).terally,"I know") '


,A. Where, did you, ..earn) to (build houees3?


A. When did yoix lOrn? -

CA-2 .'.

A. Does (Nembaye) know how to (prepare medicine)? *.B. Yes, ehe'doe

.-..4. Whert.did she le rn it? B. She learned in (incoliege).

B. She learned it (in 1965.

B:.1 learned- it(on the job).

B. I learned a long time ago

Al did she leer t?


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Cycle 91


NM aro ndoo sara-ngambai. Ma- mao ndoo yeen.

'Teen awndoo sara-ngambai. Teen ao ndoo yeen.


r ndoo ra-dgambai we Yeen ndoo sara-ngambai wa?


A. I ndoo sara-ngambai wa? B. Woyo, ma m'ndoo sara-ngambai.


A. I ndoo sara- ngambai we? B. Woyo, ma ndoo yeen ye..

A. Nga (Mary)? B. Woyb, yeen ndoo ya 'to.

Cycle 92


Maletndoo tar ngambai l. . Ma m'ndoo yeen el.

Teen ndOotar arabe el. Yeen.ndoo yeen el.

Teen ndoo tar sara el.


I.ndo6 tar ngambai wa? Yeen ndoo tar ngambai wa?

I ndoO,tar arabe wa ? Yeen ndot tar arabe wa?

I ndoo tar ngambai ira? B. Woua, ma m'ndoo.tar ngambai,e1,.

B. Ma-m'ndoo tar arabe.


.A. I ndOStar sara wa? B. Woua,'ma m'.ndoo yeen el.

B. Ma m'ndoo tar arabe.J.


A, MaIko le ndoo tar bgambai wa? B. Woua, yeen ndoo tar.ngambai f_

A. Nga Koumde?

,A. Teen ndoo tar arabe wa?


B. Teen ndoo tar arabe.

"B. Woua, yeen ndoo tar sara.

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-wCycle 91


I'm learning Sara-Ngambaye.-ti

Hes learning Sara-Ngambaye.

M -2

I'm learning it.

He's.learning it.

Are you,learning Sara-Ngambaye? Is he learning Sii-a-Ngambaye? .


A. Are you learning Sara - Ngambaye? B. Yes,I'm learning Sara-NgaMbay.

A.-And Ost about, .(Nary)?

A. Is shelearnfng Sara-Ngambaye? B. Yes, she's learning 11.

Cycle 92 -1


I'm not learning Ngambaye;

He's not learning Arabi:C.

She's not learning Sara.

M - -2

Are you,learning Ngambaye?

Are yoU learning_ Arabic?


A. Are you learning Ngambaye?


A Are you learning Arabic?

C -3

A. Is Anne learning Ngambaye?

A. And what about Koumde?

A.-Is he learning Arl.bic?.

I'm not learning it.

He's rot learning it.

Is he learning Ngambaye?

Is he learning Arabic?

B. No, Irm_not learning Ngambaye.

B. I'm learning Aravic.

B. No, t'm not learning it.-

B. I'mlblearning Sara.

B. No, Anne isn't learning Ngambay

B. She's learning Arabic.

B. No, he's learning Sara.


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-4 , oCycle 93

Yeah a goo kmitda_tei ndoo ne ,kem afrique ge china's.*

-Yeen a kao rakula kem-kei afrique gi dana'g

Teen a-kiP toji ne kem afrique ge dana'g.

W.2 .


,. ..

Ri- Mut yeap ka ra kem. afrique ge dance' g we?

Ri b6a yeen a kap ra kem-atrique ge 'dana'g va?-\


I -C-1A. Ri bba yeen a kao 1:6-kem B. Yeeix a kao ra kula'kem kei.

afrique ge delbalg :fa? mg, ,

mei's afrique ge dana..C-2 F

' A. Ri bba i a kao ra kem B'. Malmo toji. 47bba kem afrique'

ofriqqe geodana'g we? ge dana'. 4. .

k.A.,Nga Koumde? Yeen i kao-ra ri B. Koumde a kao kunda kei ndoo neto wa?


i kemefrique go dan4g. -,-

--"--N ..

Cycle 94


,pa kao',Icor derngelje kernm-arrique ge dafia's.).

-' Ablkwo ra wodorpje kem afrique-ge dane0g-el..

uMa k at ra kula kern

....0i mel.'g afrique ge dana'g el.


44-2 , ) ,,. ..

16 kao.kOr dernselie kem afAqUe,ge dana'g.wa?

L'a kapra-wo rqjelcem afrique ge dana'g'ita?'' .

411I a'kao ra kb a kem keli melig afrique ge dana'gwaT-"C:i.4 A

A. I a kao (r6modoroje eAl B. Woua, ma ka a wodoroje) el... q - , .

afrique ge dana' a? B.- Ma kapL,KtOj e...



A.; Nembayo IA (korgderngelje)icem 'attic; o go dana'g we?



. 4



8. qNje ioji- ne a ger 1 (rawodorO) el.



oua, yen to (a0Orminige.diant,

l'en a 'kao lace ge nje meije.

Bbo'yeen a kap (kor derngerje),_r

%ti , sr

% . 1.11AV.;:,82 /




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Cycle 93

Mn.1:He it going to build schools in central Africa.

die is gging to work in a hospital in central Africa.

He is going to*teach in central Africa,.

M-2,-. .

goingWhat is he going to do, in central rika?- .-.

What is she going to do in central Africa?,


A. What is hi going to do in B. le is going to (work in acentral Africa? hospital) in central Africa.


C-2* ' :_-: -

A. Whit are you going to do . in B. I'm going to (teach). incentral 'Utica? -' central Africa.

A:.And.wbat ablt.Koumde? A .* B. Koumde is goihg to (build

'What is he going to do? -5

Cycle 94


schools) in central.Africa.

I'M not going to make bricks in central Africa..

I'm not going to repair 'cars in central Africa.

I'm not going to work in a hodpital !n central Africa.


Are you going to make bri3cks in central Africa?

Are you going to repair cars in central Afkica?

Are you going to wokk in a hospital'in central Africa?, .

cA. Are you going to (repair cars

'-in central Africa? -


A. Is'Nemblay going to (make brick0in central Africa?



I 4 .



.. '' .


B. No,' I'm not going grepaie .v

cer4) ,.




B. I'm a ,(tedcher).

B. (teachers) don't know how to(repair care).

shes a (nurse)./

. ....,

I 4M.'She's goipg to (take care of

(!dick- peoble4).

4' : Shilqi not -gang to (!sake bricks



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Cycle 94 contin.

Ae gamma& a kao (kunda, keije) kern B. La ge ra bba,1 ndo (kunda`

afrique ge dana'g.

A. At enji to ge yeen'ndpo (kundakal-ja)(kem to kula,g).

A.'Ma menji to

A: Ma menji to



keije) kene'g *a?,

yeen ndoo yeen kem (lo kula' g):

ye n ndoo (lo kuldeg.)

. -

Cycle 95 .

Ma kao kAnda leije ge mbata ndoo ne kem afrire ge dana'g.

Na\kao.ra kula kem kei' afrique ge

Ma'.kao toji ne kem afrique ge dana'g. 644

Ma kao tojl, anglaia kem afrique ge daha'g

Ma kao toji geographic ham afrique g dana'g.

Ma kao toji science kern afrique ge dana'g.

Ma kam toji mathematique:kem afrique ge damit'g.

M-2 1r

Ritba i a kao ra kem atrique ge dens's way

filbba i a kao,ra kem afrique ge danisg wa? .


A. El bba i a kao ra kem afrique B. Ma kao (toji science).ge #ana'g wer?'

Af:-111,1pba i a kao ra kem afrique' B. Ma kao (toji geographic),g* dana' g wa? 0





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Cycle 94 contin.

j.bunde going to (build B. mere did he learn Ato (build4 houses) in central AfrAca. houses)? ,

A. I think he learned to (build houses) (on the job).it i

tbink-,he learned it (on the job).Ih.ints 14arned (on the job)

'I41 .Cycle 95

Via going to build sohools ,in central Africa.I'm going to work in a hospital. in central Africa.1.:!!160PiAMg



:Vai going

to Alachto'tesiolltosach.to-teach

in central Africa.English- in central Africa.geography in central Afric( i,science in central Africa. 1

I'm going to teach- mithematics-in centrel Africa.k

What are you going , to" do!iiir;casn'tral Africa?-What are'yoU going to do in central Africa?


A. What are you going to.-''central.Africa?


A. What are yoa going tocentral. Africa?





40 in B. I'm going toiteach science).

do in B. I'm going

4 85


o (teach geography)



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Cycle 96

eta kao toji dooje ge tog ne. Ma kao toji nganje he.

, . i

. "'-

I-a kao toji dooji ge tog ne wa? I a kao toji nganje ne wa?--

'c -C....1


A. Ri. bba i a kao ra Tc640.g wet? B. Mk kao toji mathematiquils kem

- .Tchad'g.

A.. fa kao toji nganje bba se wa? B. Woyo, ma'kao toji nganje ne...


A. Ri bba iea kao ra kem Tchad'g wa?i 1 aphieB. Ma kao tojicgeogr .

) ,

A. I a kao tod. (dooje ge tog)wa? B. Woyp, ma kao to., (dooje gig .b4).

Cycle 97


Na kao toji ge tog anglais. Ma kao toji dooje ge tog.

Ma kao toji nganje.scince.* Ma kao toji-nganje.

I a kso toji dooje ge tog anglais-wa?

La kao toji dooje ge tog wa?.


A. Ri bba i a kao ra kem Tchad'g wa? B. Ma kao toji (science).

A. I a kao toji science dooje ge tog wa? B. Woyo, ma kao toji doojse tog.

. .'''''

A. Ri bba ia'kao ra kem Tchad'g wa? B. Ma kao toji (mathematiques

A. I 4 kao toji (nganje) ova ?. . - B. Woyo, Isla kao toji (nganje)

4 Cycle 98

24-440 a

--= ,


.A. Ri a ilia kem Tchad'g wa ?. B. MA kao toji (science).


A. I a kao toj oje ge tog (seience) A? . I

B. Woua, ma krno Ioji nganje.41


A. Ri blip i O Milo ra kem Tchad'g lea? B. Ma kao toji (glographie)..


. %4

A, I a ka4; tpji dooje ge tog wa? 'a


B. Vbua, ma ()Imo tpji nganje.,,


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Page 87: Peace Corps Sara Basic Course - Live Lingua · The Sara is followed by English on the subsequent page rather,than face. tb face. The cultural material. contained in the course. is

Cycle 96

411-1-_( =

. I'm going to teach adults. I' going to teach children'.



Are\ you going to tee011idults? are you going to teach children?

C,4___ _

A., What are you 'going to Ed-- -137--14-sr-going -to- teach_ -Jae emetic*.


.." .......--1 in shad.

A. Are you going to teach B. Yes, I'm going to teach

-children? (children).


A. What are you going to cid in, B. I'm going to teach (geography)


B. Yes, I'm going to teach (adult.-A.-Are you 'going to teach

. (adults)?

M41I going to teach adults English. I'm going to teach it to adult/

I'm going to teach children science. I'm going '6 teach it tochildren.

,Cycle 97


Are you ;Otrns to teach adults English?

Are you going to teach it to adults?

°C-1 /JOCi CO) (A. What,are'you going to do in Tthad? B. I going t teach


A. Are you going tch;teach it to adultsn. Yesr,,I'm going teachit to adults.

C.2-A.'What are you goipg to do in Tchad? B. I'm g to teach ,--

i. (mathematicm)..,

A. Are going to teach (children)?,you gong eac B.-Tes, I'm

igoing to teach

Cycle 98



A. What are you going to do in Tchad? B. I'm,goihvto teac,h* /

. (science).

it to (chilAran).


A. Areirou-going to teach (science) B. No,V

I'm going to teacti it

to adults? to'children.

C-2 .


A. What are you going, to do in:Tchad?, B. /'m going to teach(geography).

87A. Ire,(youlgoippg to telch it to adult, B. 4o.


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