Pe New Zealand

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  • 8/11/2019 Pe New Zealand


    Children miss out on PE

    school sports

    Government fgures place Greenwich as the worst per orming London Boroughor reaching physical exercise targets in schools

    A f th o all school children in London are not doing enough physical exercise atschool, but it's in Greenwich where pupils seem to be doing the least.

    chools across the country are ordered to provide a minimum o two hours awee! sport or exercise as part o the curriculum. "he Government as!s localauthorities to ensure #$% o children are given such opportunities, but inLondon there seems to be problems in meeting the target.

    "he national average is #&% o children, slightly above Government targets.But $ London boroughs, including Greenwich ail to obtain the two hours awee! benchmar!(.Greenwich achieves the lowest fgure, with only )#% o children educatedwithin the Borough being given allocated time to ta!e part in sports or *+ whilstat school.

    n -ewham, % o pupils too! part in physical exercise or at least two hours awee! ma!ing it the best per orming borough in the capital.ince ), the Government has spent /0.1 billion( in promoting *+ and sports

    in schools, and intends to invest a urther / 22 million over the next 0months.

    "he main rationale or ordering sports lessons at schools is to reduce levels ochildhood obesity and poor health in adulthood.

    "he 3hildren's 4inister 5evin Brennan said it wasn't air to categorise individualboroughs in a league table, or to compare li!e or li!e( as some schools onlyreceived ring6 enced unding( a year ago, whilst other have received unding

    previously.A spo!esperson or the 7epartment or 3hildren, chools and amilies said8 9:eare providing targeted support to help those schools most in need.9






  • 8/11/2019 Pe New Zealand


    "he Government is also planning to raise the number o hours o exercisere;uested to at least fve a wee!.

    (A benchmar! 8 une r< 1. ?ow many hours o physical education are there is the school

    curriculum >@. :hat's the proportion o pupils who have this ;uota in +ngland > n

    London >$. Among the 10 London boroughs, how many don't respect the

    curriculum >&. :hy are school ran!ing un air>). :hat is the government's ob ective in the short term>#. :hat is the government's next ob ective>

    ill in the blan!s with the words in the box8

    li etimeC motivationC acilitiesC outsideC moreoverC are decreasingC howeverCbi!ingC *hysical +ducationC inclinationC !eep ftC chooseC don't li!eC increase CsedentaryC health

    n the document we listened to last wee!, there were two people tal!ing about

    DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD in -ew Eealand.

    "he girl said that, li!e the *rime 4inister, it's no use to DDDDDDDDD the number o*+ lessons at school. or her, it will not increase the DDDDDDDDDD o pupils who

    DDDDDDDDDDD doing sports. he thin!s it would be better to encourage the

    children to DDDDDDDDDDD a club DDDDDDDDDD school to do a sport they li!e so that it

    could become a DDDDDDDDDDD sport. t would help them to DDDDDDDD.

    "he counterargument is that only those who have an DDDDDDDDDDDDD or sports

    will oin a club.

    DDDDDDDDDDDDD, it costs money and people who live in the country don't have asmany sportDDDDDDDDDD as in town.

  • 8/11/2019 Pe New Zealand


    t's important to do physical activities because people are becoming more and

    mores DDDDDDDDDD.

    DDDDDDDDDDDD, in many American state schools, they DDDDDDDDDDDDDD the number

    o *+ lessons because they don't have the budget.

    DDDDDDDDD specialists recommend children and teens should do at least one houro physical activities every day.

    "he easiest activities are wal!ing or DDDDDD. Fou don't need sports acilities, ust

    space and a bi!e.