© 2017 3'4 Signature S\stePs Inc. All rights reserved. PDQ VISION a fully customizable EYidHnFH 0anaJHPHnt +D &aPHUa SystHP /earn Pore | 3'4YisioncoP &oPSany A %OD<-:ORN &A0ERAS &oPSany : 5ecord streaP XnliPited +D -deJree Iield oI Yiew :i-Ii inteJrated *P6 location trackinJ VIDEO STORA*E Alert wKen deYice is connected witK no Yideo Alert wKen no connection in a pre-deterPined aPoXnt oI tiPe AXtoPated PXlti-tiered storaJe EVIDEN&E 0ANA*E0ENT CoPSaUH oXU &USTO0 SUodXFts and sHUYiFHs )eatures PDQ SiJnatXUH SystHPs a locally based award-winninJ ,7 proYider and inteJrator Kas been deYelopinJ innoYatiYe tecKnoloJy solXtions Ior oYer years :itK e[tensiYe e[perience in tKe coPple[ities oI larJe scale iPplePentations PDQ KiJKly skilled in-KoXse deYelopPent teaP proYides cost-eIIectiYe Iast-cycle cXstoPi]ed solXtions based on tKe XniTXe diYerse needs oI tKe cXstoPer PDQs second-to-none sXSSoUt staII is aYailablH [[ witKoXt e[ception 7rXst yoXr Yideo eYidence to PDQ tKe one coPpany tKat doHs it all ü ,nnoYatiYe +ARD:ARE RE)RES+ PRO*RA0 ensXres newXpdated eTXipPent on a pre-deterPined basis ü 6ecXre on-dePand )I/E &OURIER SERVI&E wKeneYer bandwidtK is an issXe ü )le[ible cXstoP PO/I&<-%ASED RE&ORDIN* RETENTION based on statelocaldepartPent reTXirePents ü PDQ S<N& to aXtoPatically Xpload Yideos and cKarJe wKile docked ü PDQ SE&URE Ior coPpliant database arcKiYe ü 5eal-tiPe AUDIT TRAI/ ü ProJraP AUDITIN* to assess perIorPance Joals and ensXre Pa[iPXP Xsability PDQ SiJnatXUH SystHPs a Pennsylvania-based, award-winning technology solutions company, SUoYidHs statH-oI-tKH-aUt SUodXFts and sHUYiFHs a [[ liYH doPHstiF &all &HntHU and on-sitH sXSSoUt Metadata waterParkinJ inclXdinJ inYisible waterParks Alert wKen PissinJ correlation oI &AD or 5M6 eYents &loXd-based sKarinJ witK bXilt-in aXditinJ and e[piration Sensitive video tagging and granular access control PDQ Vision &ateJory-based retention rXles )Xlly &-,6 coPpliant ,ntelliJent Yideo and aXdio redaction )EATURIN* LIVE, DOMESTIC SUPPORT 24x7x365 ON-SITE SUPPORT * options &oPplete caPera cXstoPi]ation +ardware 5eIresK AssXrance proJraP )le[ible cXstoP policy-based recordinJ and retention &XstoP retention policies Mobile-accessible Non-proprietary playback Ability to download


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© 2017 Signature S ste s Inc. All rights reserved.

PDQ VISIONa fully customizable E id n ana nt D a a Syst

earn ore | ision co

o any A


o any

ecord strea nli ited D -de ree ield o iew

i- i inte rated

P location trackin


Alert w en de ice is connected wit no ideoAlert w en no connection in a pre-deter ined a o nt o ti e

A to ated lti-tiered stora e


Co a o USTO od ts and s i s


PDQ Si nat Syst s a locally based award-winnin pro ider and inte rator as been de elopin inno ati e tec nolo y sol tions or o er years it e tensi e e perience in t e co ple ities o lar e scale i ple entations PDQ i ly skilled in- o se de elop ent teapro ides cost-e ecti e ast-cycle c sto i ed sol tions based on t e ni e di erse needs o t e c sto er PDQ s second-to-nones o t sta is a ailabl wit o t e ception r st yo r ideo e idence to PDQ t e one co pany t at do s it all

ü nno ati e ARD ARE RE RES PRO RA ens res new pdated e ip ent on a pre-deter ined basisü ec re on-de and I E OURIER SERVI E w ene er bandwidt is an iss eü le ible c sto PO I - ASED RE ORDIN RETENTION based on state local depart ent re ire entsü PDQ S N to a to atically pload ideos and c ar e w ile dockedü PDQ SE URE or co pliant database arc i eü eal-ti e AUDIT TRAIü Pro ra AUDITIN to assess per or ance oals and ens re a i sability

PDQ Si nat Syst sa Pennsylvania-based, award-winning technology solutions company,

o id s stat -o -t -a t od ts and s i s a li do sti all nt and on-sit s o t

Metadata water arkin incl din in isible water arks Alert w en issin correlation o AD or M e ents

lo d-based s arin wit b ilt-in a ditin and e piration

Sensitive video tagging and granular access control

PDQ Vision

ate ory-based retention r les

lly co pliant

ntelli ent ideo and a dio redaction




o plete ca era c sto i ation ardware e res Ass rance pro ra le ible c sto policy-based recordin and retention

sto retention policies


Non-proprietary playback

Ability to download

PDQ VISIONa fully customizable