THE WASHINGTON SERAIB TBTTBSDAY PEBBTTABY 18 1303 1 T1T MARKET IS LIFELESS Stock Prices Sag Again the Natural Result STATE OF TORPOR Slight Qulekenlnp In Activity To ward Close of Session Is at Expenx of Values London Securities Bar Lower Range Money I Easy Europe and Sentiment Improves New York FjfcT U Ifciayi market lapsed taM A state vf Wei as utter as ay sew Ia e preseat year and perhaps vary awawafly under Mrcumstanees prices stocks coatfime the sagging movement which was bego yesterday Nearly halt of UK entire votame trading was concentrated in the first of business ad the market did awake from torpor that soceee until the loot half how of the exchange aeestoa wile a slight quick ntias ia activity was at the expeBse values Something of a kayaote was given the character of the days dealings a lower range C prices in Londe wber financial sentiment has become women tartly disturbed over app 2i eBste s re- garding bBTdens of taxation that will undoubtedly be laid In England at the new Parttamentarj session just be- gun Otherwise matters in Europe ap- pear to be worktop very favorably for the financial markets the fmroease glut of money at Paris having necessarily rates for the we f raooey there Foreign Money Cheap lower now than in any other market in the world whereas only a little time ago an exact reverse statement could have been mart TIle salient bow remains that all the great European f banks have m the tat few weeks dodd edty nUt up their ream eg and tire n w- in a normally strong condition for the season of the year Here today the market although tend- ing fewer as a whole was at leant ami the last hoar of boeteosc hrtgnmr rather than weak Especial heaviness developed In American Smelting and Refining Amal- gamated Copper arid the entire mr group of stock owing to eonr uncertainties regarding trade conditions Conversely the agricultural stocks or those having most direct relation to the state of affairs m the farming districts of the country were firm and ta some in- stances strong The comparatively heavy buying of the common shares which was so noticeable yesterday Was resumed with a good deal of rigor befog accompanied also by an advance m Great Northern Northern Pad and other stocks of the same ctaee AH these storks later on shared in the gen- eral declinIng tendency of the market Sentiment Unsettled No doubt speculative sentiment in financial district is considerably unset tied at the moment by the varying regarding the existing status and pects as regards the immediate future the iron and steel and metal industries Statements continue to be made m of- ficial quarters suck as notably a flatfoot- ed declaration today in the Iron Age thai large reduction in the steel products are near at least being very seriously discussed It is stated unqualifiedly however by the heads of the great iron and steel during concerns these including all independent companies that no such reductions are bemg contemplated that cuts in prices would disturb the trade more than gtimuhtie It at the present and that they would be most unwise f view of the fmsendteg revision of tariff SEW YORK 3IOXEY- Xw York F with fe futaE MNMC JUt Sixty 4m- L3 5LsM did tSML39S eafcks LSnto- MM a t per eat hfe- M f tile oV faaa- Vercostile paper bvsteess M liefct tuMMt of the lsd Inca Atyt ioiontA bflls TttnVte- focr ta six aniatai nwte MBME sad iti to 5 Mbcn tea well taowa- GOVERSfMEKT BOTOS- N F Y c F U brads dcaed sttwfe 5s revered TBQS MX- u cropsB laoe ma m- Ss KuK bed M9 te rgwtered 25 J 1BH 1255- 4FaMaa 2s Mi KM 2s mistered Kff- lDfcttict rf Cataabt Stts K9- Phflippise 4f M- BMISCELtATSEOBS BONDS America T T ert 4c 7e cst 4s- Ceatnl I atfcer fc 4- ndcago Bed Wwd PKifte xateadia- P BTCT Bio Onto yttwtUms k crt 4 B i- Mfessoari Kinsai Teas refMdhc 4s CURB MARKET QaeUthMM ImnitA hr TV B Hfebs Ce BBa ben Sew Yet Stock Bxofeaa e BRIM Bondtef- 7S FXteMth Mreet BKthTesJ Bid Asked Bay State Gas m i- StaiKiMi OIL 63- Bwton CnasoKStted It Bit cir r- Bn Corilnoa 3 23 CMbftl a 5M- iCdQberUad Ely 8S j GoicKW CdosoaacteL 7S UA Fteace 8 4f- US IJS- VyjLSHECGTOSr CATTLE 31AaKET- fc V S aedioa r t t 1 in stock these 1 of of hear not the stock of to by new brought about a pronounced IR The price of mooey In Parts Is tneed I the Is the stories JIIGS of price of at haM oi are pro the I 1Ir taTe I Lii1IYewr tIiJ1 y low 1 dIMDr at 1 out TIIRe 11M IDaDt IMi si de1- IIIaJI4 K etIIt Itr Qf- Gr JaiBetJ din tQ J fear J- fer m led thL gd w Rates to per eellt tD tit 4 tsr cIIIItre tit UIdI 8M MIl Bid sked- 2s n t 1Il Is 195 yet Feh lit fCf k k It k su JIPl k Erie f 85 Xrt Tnt 9II SlaNt L 3i s W M5- 600dlrnl Ib c 11 iI- DN Padic 1t tines Paciiie cvt 41- lutwl 1IC K 1 MJeA iroJ sad jsr as lIuJ1lttaa tj C ii 4 bah 8 3J6 PI Dar c 516 if iIJr S ed t ed C- n i 3- S1kcc Li l cwt L5liLtO bsteer LOts t Cu a seaL t 1 S- aPric atV 3ma3- alLVE5Prl commca n to otIS a4 dI11ebucn as PREVAILS I t depressloo f- ever tchinon c heu and the tSdIg ds cu 3 2 ve p ussey heoue 1 atN 2 t per s fec utIn sad I I dussad usse < Y Stat d- e gMtend S CO5PIL 4 Faa New LMkcdiieos bouis ckeui 1510115w- 5apLse Psbac- oAtGa Th I- SBJthecvrOinld44 4 sis Cutl Pc- Orgse lihe rsuibgP- e51u3haak Bs2dIn ra1 45 Riwa- TSoien RaII ts4ee Steel Watgdi yefliedis- eTa1 ahet Sip fCit eMrar- Mfe3 vstk s U58 CO a i t f Ic 3 ie1dte Pik Ii Cs- l4irndl i s 3- 5fTSjLttah 3346 itatdu4e 4- x 2 w- Cbvc L rArrLEEzr2 ecen n LSbG5 odIs7 er- Ce oa ir n ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > < < < = NEW YORK STOCK QaoattcRs tanwhcd br W B Bibbs Co otniVtn Xw XMc Eidusge Hbs Bvnd HIONEY SALES BY HOURS 0 3 H 2 1 Si CI 2 Shares to It a za 153SOO Shares to 32 in 207200 Shares to 1 p m 239400 Shares to 2 p ra 275300 Shares to 3 p m 359400 Opes Kb Lwr OH Afcaw T S Fe mm 3mH MEi- AtkMbc DMA Lwe E914 E s CMi 194- Beeflk HapM CuMdka PwMe JH C C C SU L i Cfces Oh jt 6fh Chic t W C WEJ TH Chic MA7 9C I1 m MBi clue X W CM21 KJH- CM S8i SS Site SSJ- sMcr M Kaa CUT Sosta fosu- KWL Chjr So K yU Mow OHL ct- Mfc Has To- X P i S S- MhMsri rscifc- X Y C H K x Y c si L GKB X Y tec West N rfea Wcsfcts Rode fetes fM St Sasa PscMc- i Xy Its Padf- iThM AwMe T SL L W 44 4 4 H Oft H- JSR SK 3 71- S2 S 3 21 4 Oft CPi lit IB Itt as an n 90 91 9K W4 i MRi 1 H 1Mb- OMi HBi Bfflt B94- HW MKj BWi H 31 S4S H- em WH H BH X9ft ISK liM 35 SSli 2 23fi- M 6J 6i 6Sj- 3W 4 j 3 4- Waswh JL IKDT3STBW- IAad dvp r J8H MM 74 T- Aw ret S w cm S S4H 3- Am 0r Fteoi o 5 9 WH 84- Asu Cotton M em 0s i s i 4 A lee s sf fK aft sat SH- AM the cora 86 SRi 55U I martini fUL IBi 11 11 11 AB SMB HL cm ERi K SSH 5H Sdi IK pJa INK Vtft WH hKi- Am Til KS IWi B8 MH- VSL W am 3 ffiH 3 3 i- CnrtnJ L rtWr F L em 4IH 4H 3Hi- Us X Y tt W mH- rrataets Kd cm BH BH tt W- ai metric nm VK VK WK- Nettk n IMS TBa 71 H- atiMi S M Pm 36R 3K4 384 381- 5Nrffcml L U cml S- Xnr Y s Air Brake PMMC4 Sted Or m Wil- Uaway Start S opa 4- 7ftuhar Steel Sp Ml L Sled CWB 3IH K- M4 S L CM K SS Cower 15s Wi- T a lNM f pM lt- r s Sod r s SMC pM m IM cmt KS M6- 4s JN1i K6t IIi M6- X Hilt M MW 1KB4 JL T B smL 4s K B ft Q IBM 44 3SH S5H L M Pie 4 8 Ji SWi 04 SOfi S4P- iNortk fteWe P L 4s WRi MPt Mft Mt- Pla out 3s V 951 SRi S5S S5- SSwtken RiBwxy fe US IKK 112 1194 rate l acttc cwmtt is MSH M6 MR4 MGK- U a Steel 91 JH IM STOCK TVTATIKTT Sewn to IS lower and wr Steers tCOa- CAIA JKR rfKS S Veal acttfa s4- S 10 51 mat Wcbv Dirsxd ah tea t i SOS SHEEP his rtreez sad ahem 430 hit to- PxhBe be w SJMiS fOX t- Uodnes sad fitien i3tei46 can lSfaf9 UfefcR pisa WfcSJt- SH2BPM ceM SluCOO bed narkct 9U pt Mtwe H 3 Western I a3 Mtke Western taste 50 5 BALTIMORE GRAIN MABKET ort P IT Kbsat was earn steady bKer ta pxxi dewuri and flew steady J31iaLlB i X 2 r d- eeisto t3t tasfc s S mtb ra o grade LX aLB COKXSost eoBtnd 7 ri7t x Frtmarr 58Hx- 8WiS8H receIpts O bosbefe Sont zn uaite can JWaTSi Seatfcea yellow con f7Ua- eOATSS D is eierston 30633 bmbelt ehip- swsts f Mt eferaton 7 3 bosfeeis X 2 fasd X X WaS do X 3 S3c- 9RYEStodc is detaters ruts hubris sUp ts rosi titiitsn X 2 7otem ire V at ni rj bag u to uJM- Se91 FLOUR Wister extra tSatSo elMer dear 4JB- 1IS TiBier straigsC 4Sa5ll icister patent t5- Ji OfeiW priss straight SJX- JaiS sschtt mast MO9S Ctty Mflk palest CKy Mflfe kt srads patent 5JI CIty MHU- hi sra e straissc 540 cIty Milk cfesfce fasJBy- SM City M s extra UtttlM wr Ktdisct- ts cbsfee t3 L5L Cera aeal jr 100 fe LSa- US BALTIMORE PRODUCE MARKET me Bsttloore Fntt as4 Predate AsjwSitxni art as Mhms- BDTTERCreaawr fancy j cr 35aM4 kttt Lathe fix Sa24 Maryland ud PennsyfraBfa reHaS- bL store cked Okis ttx ifialT West Thgsin Pomfirasta star priatt M IfelS Eastern Store M 7ltsd sad 1rsma 31 tab M West Vstfsta 38 UVB POULTPYS ti85 ebJckcs wr R K- ik J9i Kte per fe BOS 4ot white Peicisc K per Ik Ilal3 pIgeons 50 patt- oo PMT 23 caiaea aid tack S- ds yesBE Bs fts and cs 30 tarkeji- yosa toes pee KSL aoaS jwang cassias per ML Has JHMlt asd this per Mi Dill eid teaa per U DRESSED POULTRYTwkers dwtaj fat 70035 Iwsf 2U22 uurcd asg a23 old toas KalT poer and thin 23al4 CWcken- sStalpHt SOSBS r r lb 36alT mixed yoaag and old Ji Barb choke fat per Hx al5 G s- esu choice per Hv 32aH 7 HB aDd Tel per Ih 2a23 taafl sad alsed JSa2 per Ife JSal6 aH rf per pair bea irei t- wa d Mftdebeade per pair beatrmj t aCteff- lds rtdhnsf per aair Chesapeake 100aL39 sec- amsmhwffct per pair Gbcnpeake 20Sal58 whole Kal- SEOlSTOESWhMc n rty prime per per ss oaSO Yew York prime per ba SOaS Western rriae per tw feS5 sweets Eastaa Shera- ytHiitj per bbL Sa2t5 do North CiroHaa y- 159K2M ydlD 3 per tesket Vi- rfhst ver bbl LSaLS- CPSBK FRUITS AND VEGETABLESAppiw Western Maiytaad ad PccasilTanfa bbL puked iSte4 5r sot New assorted per 30QatS York State per too 350023100 do sew FlorMa crate 80OC9 celery CaHomis per cateL- 59atCO 4a Dome grown per booth 3 baries Cape Cod per bbl 1309olJ00 per box i53a LOt cssHcben Flsnda per basket iOGaSK erg plats Fteida per crete iSCaiCO grape theft Ftorids per ISfelOO kale satire vet bar 23a25 lettace Fteida per tjasket LSa2- ostoBS Xew York ad WestErn per bo 75sS- ecMtgcs Fterid per box as to size iCOi23- pampJars satire per K L5CaZ30 spines satire- s box 33a3a xtnvbeniei Florida per QHar- ty grew Fkdda per basket 2 Ctl 5 bsans Fteriia pr basket SJOaiTO tocatoes FInis per carrier LKalOO While you think of It telephone your Want Ad to The Washington Herald and will be sent you at 1 cent a word MARKET Stock III is uifterath llint seztbc3t CALl z 34 u I It- T s JIlL I 1IIta k OWe JI Nii Transit i om 1Pi Uh j3 a J rv i1 ii14 6 is n k lmi Jim < 6 Ji9 Ji3 k sIL CfC i6 DeL HtMieeL 1t6 Ii- WD Kit usa DeL n 0IHIe JII HIlt 3t JI BIte III 4ff- iQ m I- CfttraL ptii MF4 In- IIrr IetN L 16 Meta C o S t Won iM 2 m IS k I 5 k tm rn Psode R cou K 24 L S F 311 INJJ5Sa- IdL lHiiir 1M IIS 11m Iii sdarnI ky 34 4 n k 49 Facile l 1St Ja IS II I a l u 25 5- Aa Can pIL W4 Dr Ii- I as- A 4 k A TeL Am Wshe 11I n Slit JA rI 11C- eI8IM8 3t1- C J IK WIt Mat I Vac ed iI1 i4 35 w4 M S 54 b u 35 JC I l3ss fIl W i 1m2 mt Ii It 1- Cs t 44 E 1M Ic H UI nail fI M- I TaM c CIQ- WMwa M n JDK Me SA SPa iI Mhes n k 0 IlL tIL 14 84 tI- c gg OS Rod CJaL kk 1tl Pac IP- SrMItnp ifl2 5 JIM IN LIVE X Tnt Fa 1IcAlTLERfcei 14 dow aMI- taL at 35 w UItIS 8liUt heed cast Wor City rNIIII wdI isiS H I ncL AraI t 15 outs Wk HOGS U1 Ska- Qhie Fth lrot 1tt- a4c UWS tM M Teas uwH09S LOOt aaht Iw MUM rt Jim rye WRLtTSpG WeMma 11t l Lit tcouer XC red re XMd WatM mhN White do a I I hIs I dear i NIt Rye JWtiIMIe Pik u r Ia 18d aid raouyhuuia 35 WWII UaK I IlL lit one I lit b t aid CAME Ds Westera and Pesy1rects Jime do toss per WIt 5lbii fiDei per bill ram NIL Florida per tuodi ZaJ per era box bat roe beaM wax bill Money 4 tsdi Bzhe u 1 17 71 e 33 Ot 3663 166k Ossede 4t3 4 46 i t id 4ji 4 Nntbera k43 ai4 WI 44 43 4 46 4 4 4O 4f rtbei Peka led 64 OPt eus 110 ostbet pM 3 41 41 4- tsn 16- 3WabobM 35 4 49- Wiminoda Cod 43 I- SAcou 6 3 34 I- Awi Cser 41 4 IPt 44 ma WI 3- 5Cts1 Lestkr 35t 351 G he c 7 72 64 0- 4Podle 31- resIes 132 0 41 17 4 1 24 7- 5Tince 4 Mc 11 4P 43 4 4 41 ruis- sWt e 52 51- Amer 1ou W- Ar Yekous Ic 31 4 OSi 4 sad 35 bulls se 35 w cts L nss oua13 deeaed cud LAM35cpecau hsd Sbee- ahecat t hdisr a cau pc E63Kece4ta heW aedlus sad 3S toad Lit M635 hasty Mat borer sad sets maxs L9L53 Febcwzy L11aL1Oj March S 1J1aLW W 71s70 Msy fla714 b7a Na 6335 do Ni 334a51 sine 3515 and casdtt4ec ado lAS 17QaO4s1IOI esta4ehe4 d I 146083iWlisnd an sesr ess- I 35 eask aid ata67 bees beatpweijbt per geese g- old pos clIp In- do MaThDt e3 Delawars blOt York bets new csbbtge New i > < < < = = < < < ¼ LOCAL FINANCIAL GOSSIP Traai s on t Washington Stock yesterday was very lively and the session developed several things of more than ordinary interest which were generally taKced about during the after The principal happeninff judged by the comment after the meeting was the fall or Gas stock It lisa beta the few rather than the many who have seen good rea- sons for the continued advance of this security iron about S3 to a fraction of SO Yesterday the price was shown to be tophearr and on sales of loss than 100 shares the price declined nearly two points to 7itbe dosing bid being pouted at It l i No reason was assigned for the decline among brokers except the apparent one that recent dealings in Gas have carried It higher than its in- trinsic worth in the judgment of most buyers of the stock There was the usual talk yesterday of manipulation of the stock and letting down the price for the purpose of frightening holders to sell but that is the talk of those not well In- formed as to the real workings of the local stock exchange The other happening was the jump of Mergenthaler to 291 after selling at the top yesterday at 214 The rise in the stock is due to recent showing made by the directors to the shareholders and the speculative price of the stock in Boston TIle bulk of the trading yesterday was upon the railroad shares without much change In the current prices list of soles was longer than usual and th volume of trading among the big days for the present year WASHINGTON STOGZ liBSKET- Ssiesn g fer caL 12 Vcteck- WMktegtOB BaBwtr sad Electric Is JUOO Setf- SM09 at SSH SUM at 4 UW at 8SH 5009 86 SUM at SSU Capital TractisB 5 a 1S J 3 at W 3 at t5 5 WH 9 at IWO 31 at IMS- WMhtetsft Rsflcnr and Bfcctiic esrasoa M at CS Ki M at 3 31 at a 99 t A- WMOhtfss Rai74f EkcUic pRfcrroL at Wtiu II at SDH at 91 S st SOU 3t U 90 5 at WtWo sB Raflwar sad Blectitc wfnred 5 at SL 1 st N- Wwhtajtss Gat 5 at 19 S at t3 S at 7325 at I- Mccsesthtler 1 t K H at S M at 23- 8Lasstss MO at Bli W M ISi 100 Bit MO at Hit GrccseCasssea m at 1 39 at S- 3S 21 It at M After OaXCasHsl Tntctfas 2 at IM weft WMfch tw Stscfc Bsc t j- UAS BONDS not Asked us 115 CM U US MS 82 IK RAILROAD BOKD3 ii im- AsHNtia asd Fstsznic 5s M- ldtr sod Sstates 5s MH- Cefeabfo is M3H UK- Cghmbia fit MMm Ill IIS- MefcspoNtea 5 11- 1Ksshississ hOnor and Kkctifcr Ss ffiS fa- MISCELLANKODB BONDS- P aae Efectric fa IK JOSS M aeaU sad Piiiaiac Tefc afte 3 MX X6- SaefM Steam PM i IS VtjW stn Mattrt 5s M J l WaiMagian Market 5s ff KC IW- FCBLIO UTILITY STOCKS Capital Traction W- WuWwitc Kaihmy Ekctrie CM Ofe- Wjetwgton KaflMoy sad Etettfe eft 90- TOuk Alex Mt Ver XarfeR aM Walsto Steu 4t 30 S- W W taa Gs n- l orsewwa Gas X 65- Befl Teliafciat f rnMntiinta JWi J02J TYPE MACHINE bTOCK- SXcfjmdulrr LbMtype 3 26- Laaaftm M MtireM JSi 3 MINING STOCKS Capital Ofcr let I seisin- Rtss TRUST COMPANY STOCKS AiMdeu Secatiqr set Taut sa 35- X iMuI Sa fae sad Tract M 193 300 Tenet m B i- WasMaz a Lout set Trast MO as 1 State Trait X KCi SAVINGS BANK STOCK McMhaats sad M ca ks SiTfcjs 1 Saris 23 FIRE INSURANCE STOCKS Ct ii rfil 5- Fktaess i 13 1- 3Nsoesal Ustw eft TITLE INSURANCE STOOKS- CsflBlfct Ettato St- WaiUastsn MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS Eaersaa Steam PsEap If- MtR asu Transfer ud Stsnse 106- S 3Eitj Steas ISO WaaJ stoc Markst B GRAIN A2TO PROVISIONS QscUttosa fsrsied br W B Hibbt Co aan hers s the chicago Beard ef Trade Hitta BuIld sag 725 Fifteenth strict nertliwcst- Usscsc 17 Vheat ratter weak in the earfy tiadis todar a feg ts dent reaozia- Vr local teags ipticw dccHate abant ttc below reiesdayB these Later the market studied cai- rrniinlTtifn kseae bvjisz sad JKXB adraacsd and aeadr at the hfcfe mil sf jesterfaj top ossudssa- Oca Sm asd dslL- QMS were areog tad sedentdr actttc- rrowwss were stesdr Sid dolL Opec H Low OkeeI- JTOft LWtt 1COS PORK M Jah LAUD May lOX LOt 1SJ2 1892 1705 KM HOO SIBS M y 890 RJ 5J7 81- 7Jslj 9t SJT S 3C5 New Test Feb WHEATStreaj ckecHss Ne 1 Nsttsers Dstoth t arrire 121 Ne Z red f a k L3B Ne 2 sard New York Lab L2Ea Ns 1 isaoreal L 2 t s s 1 Northern Mssnsbm L s k 12tH Ne 2 MaaHeba f o b- LJS CORN Scarce Ne 2 denier to anire 73 No 2 f eb spot H Ne 2 ts ariire 71 f a b- N 2 yen f s few 71 Nx 2 irtiite L b Bcntea- LRTBSte X x2 SJS t b- Jnadmty and suisvcess trere the oain domestic sduat ssavktiB itsaf At tie general terafencx was sXcbttj uPWard cnriuj- t better caalic sat afieraarf Ute tepforemeBt test Yet WHBAT OKH Hlsi Low Glees doer Mar US US Urn LlFi UTS- Jsly L Bi lOSH MHi LKH L07i CORN Bfptesber COTTON MAiBiKETQ- BeUtfcos hcaWwd by w B HIbbs Jc Co aenbtfl of the New York Stock Exdus e HIbbs- Bsftdfeg t FVt estk stmt nortferest New Feb KlCettca peDro unchassed to tkree points bister on cmeiiag by aborts and com jaimioc been sapyoit of the nerr crop Taaee trsa aided VT ooDtlnsed dry weather in Texas Cables were hardly as good as and Mischestrr accoonta were cooflictir Trading tras quiet dsrirg Ute early aeasien and prices eased off to a net detiiao cf three to foar points with the near ismths eatj Receipts at the ports wero 2000 bales against 2S03 list reek sad 2Z43C last year for the Treefc- EOOOT bales Xnlsst aiSl last week and 1 1S5 last year Receipts at New Orleans were 8653 bales against 48 last year sad at Roast 3 TO bales ajiinst 3 17 last year SJ3 S 3 JS3 353 ay 5 5 955 3 0 9 2 noon Tit oen- at at at JJL 35 it i 5 at Ui Ii at DG I at UtK at at IiI at nwt 8 n 131 it 13It- PeeiIIHa II L 50 tIC 3t Ii at 3- ia are Ute bid trlcts cc tItrr Ose k Mae is ca 36 ill Pthnac ketile 116- LIght Norfolk Wasld8Eta SMsmHt 163 53 JJA k k f6 ill Mascas Canines BAYE STOOX 3n a m s JIIh Ja- Parwers J lAIIeI- IaIcCIlua 4 II Ifs a l He sa so S 2S 4seeran a u e- oGsmaAJ1nica sl- y 35 Jib 35- Jhiiw 2 9 4 S 100 iS > 12 I k Feb MId BEAT Map Llt lM UtM CORN JwIr If t OATS SJ 5Iti SSi 51- f I9fr 411I1 4Sh W LOS 9S SJt U5 6- 4IJ ur 05 trade N res- in Ute 17 3t 3i 3i i3 JolT i5 7i i2 York The ad due lar Jtr ass gp P51 October S5 942 9jos c Ex- change 35 i sad 0 3- 0t 35 lausasce at Piltowlag sad asked Witos Waehus est liactisu < 435ns 351 4 La end po 35 II- MIsacfl 3ttokig h NATIONAL loubh- Osnoudil 33- UI 54- 3Siesad WasIsgten Laias Sathes 15- 3Cci Aen 3- 5Fouk Pstc Rest 35 was was t 135 134- J 3h1 35 W 65 65 31 kJ 95 LII 963 a Ii e 0 outset was 63l 72 75 63 63 oss LiT ¬ ¬ ¬ > = STOCK MARKET B U5swrr Feb FMfcwrtss are tfco riles asd Quotations on the mwt acdie securities listed oa Uia Baliiaiore Stock Escsaaje SALES 6000 Seaboard t fc 9 United lU hraj lastfss 5s 78- J2COO United U jrar 4s 86- UOJI UnUM Ilaawais 4s 86H 11000 Seaboard Ss S 11500 4 200 Muyfasd Tdfysssc Ss 95- S5WO Baltimore Electric 5s 4ajsp9 Ws a DINk 5s- JLOCOCWtOH 5 W- SOMC U i Disk fe 2003 CotteR Dock 5s U- la C Uen Deck 5s TOi- R900 C C A h Ml- nWO Detwit U JLO Dftreft U 4 is 81 1000 Detroit V 4 ftJ- UOOO Detnit U 81 5000 r H L I 4Ha W 2000 CenwJ 15000 AnaetstU sad retnsaeti d m 3000 Aoacestfe and Potease fc MtK- FAOuQ Seaboard Myear fa- A C L R R sew 4 tctW ST- 5LOOOTe t Virginia Central fc H2S 13000 Baltimore Kkctric l tosjfed 82Ja 6000 West H ia a Cestol w MS Dock 5 US 200 United Rauva fsastac fc a Atlanta Con St Ry rt 54 4009 Slantend Tdefftose fc 3- 00a Seabcetd 3yw Ss- 51C03 City and Sobsrbin 5s MSJ 1083 S boari 19yesr 5J S6H 25 stares BreJwcge Bask 50 Ebarn Fidelity set DefwIC 36 shares FUdttf asd DeftMit 33 share American sBssise 6- IS shares Northern Central X- HHskana Coo O D sN 21 200 shares Seabwwd Ca esra 0 C OSM Tm t 2- 5Bsteres A C L af Csss 3W- W share Cttixasn Bask 3- IS shores Is4eraati sal Trust 133 33 shares Mechanics sk 23 shares Oatiaeatal Trait 18 HOI CHI 54 27 shares ABacrieaa Dasslsg O E8 4 abates Georgea Oetk C asd 634- K abases FMeWy set D t t QUOTATIONS BALTIMORE CITY STOCKS RBG4- BftL A iedi- s 1916 MWS- 4s B3 WsMsn Maiyksd X R MS- 4s 8Si Anssx 1- i MB Ps 33 Bffi Istsnal feant 3HH- 3Hs 39 Eahasse C 34 W35 Fssdhtff Wft PsMfc GAS AND BtBcrniiaB- aKiasre Eiectrie fa btasund S Weenie a S Gu 1st 6ft MM- OawoMdated Gas O C M K U R L P ht CL X 4s M3 K 95 BANKS AND TRUST COMPARES Ametkas Reader S- ConUsestal TrstC K9- Mius Mer N ttsal 4t- FMdfty D l- Iat s tiss l Trast Mf- tMMantne Treat Desx 91 MentasU NstiscsL- Natkoal Jihhuin Ifl Nttfead BicUsjs WJ National Hswani MX M Sal Msefcassts M National Ustos 1W- Ustw Toil 59 Weston N tfsstL H- RttlUKUD STOCKS Aaasttc C L Csss M Ga Ssoab FV M Scat Co Western MaryJaad- STRBBT RAILWAYS Dotted Rf ttaat atfe1- KA1UKUD IKKvDS- AUaaitc C IL a te Mt- CaraRaa Central fet Fiarida BoMKni- Oa Car Xar lat I- ReoTTte Atebsm eoa I- M4 Pa 1st Ml- Nartacna CeaCaJ fc teri t Ai- KardMra CM al J twdw MS- Seasoud A L 1st 4 B- SMkMfd A U sVyt fc MO- SeahosKd A 1 eat Syr K ML Seaboard Rosso MM- Thxfakv MMIssd Kk St MM Western Mwylssd to MK W Va Cast ht is MU- UU OIl 6 MM- a WcMss jssU K Mi- VsteA B s sx fa- Btltfcssro jCay i1 K a c RT e HL cs MM- Cfcj CsbutUs tat 9s MB- Chy SshaW WX1 lit fc IMS- J n WWfc D Cny- MaotMd Efeetrte RaAssy is MmssttUas fo B- Nstfsfc haRvey tat In- Wted R B 4s BM MI3CMLLANBOCK- AOastfc C I R R i- QMS Cst Dsek ass Oss L chits Dsek sM- CMISS 5- Fiiraost Coal Cs 5- sGB Bteir let 4a MM- Gesrjts Crest C L M- on Marftosd Sttel 1st 53 K5L MBS- iMaiyiasd THasfcSs is K- Refeterstsw TSissacc S NEW YORK PRODUCE Frti 17StTCAlt Tiw iHikci for sir was aim Tfc Leaden mu tort s jar WM mrti iri NAVAL CTORESSffafcs tatperthw rk tdr nt M it Savannah T- ra at 44L R te KO sacks te rift VU XiaitiA ml- RS3 city bn ta Wk afcW W e r red anire S66 winter wheat bean te MMk SE1 ML K 2 whiLe EHU5 StSOaOT siean 4J5a4J wiser sKiirf- iMoS S d dears ISOaU RUMS straights 5WJ44 RYE FLODK Mol at8 dra fi 44JO4- ried fcr esport i roars to baft L- 1J3 BUCKWHEAT FLOGRM rt t iet steady HAYReoeipts 1099 toss tttSf fair in drj- Preao tfewtky W Nc 1 SOS 4 No 2 sam No 3 G5df9 STRAW Rctipfts W stroos scaH wprfy Leer LWdil t Jy e U FuaSIy 15J- KOO MJOa a- PORKSlndr trade Mess K25s- IJJO fmHf 1S53UIO- OTALLOWFUt sad Waken BUTTER Rtcelpto 5K9 pac agw staMiT Cream tIT erfia 25aSH Sects 2TaS State tubs poor to fair 20a3- ifiGG5Recdpi 6551 cas fca Xwrb S3 fresh flntte 3L LOCAL PRODUCE EAEKETi Fries are wholesale BUTTER CrMdtiT Xa3Ki Western trite 29a3l secoads 2Sa2T process 23Ha26 fair good 2a2J dairy choIce ISalS rood IS store packed fresh IS CHEESE Xtw York State fancy Uis IHi do snail 5 EGGSNearr cr VirgInIa Iota off S West Virginia Soathwest Vfrjiaia 2 Iteaes LIVE POULTRYCWekew ISaS bras 13 rocatcrs S duds Jam KaM d smaH IteU geese 7 9 d K Jtal2 bar eys 19 do 3 teeters two K keats Mali DRESSED POULTRY Twkejs choice undrawn 22a23 do anne mdrava 28 22 do thin 12 ali diickew 183 caixwss Tlfc 22a23 small 15a20 hens Malt roosters docks JJalS gcesc 1U13 DRESSED ilEATSCalres Ml dressed U heath off U bcz dress cahes 10 Lisas couiata- Engar eared ISali Jsc s mull and cwt 800 do ccdten TOOaI50 da heary 550 tea GA eQufi fiBCT J iaiSO da ssall tfiOa 50 sgnirrels sack LaS opossums each SCa- HTEGETABLES Prtatoss baaesrewa per bus GaW per LoaTW Eastern Sheet per bbl U5a2GO sweet jotatocs per bBL ICthiSO JTUSS per bbL LSGitOO carrots per bbL J aLSO cacan hers per has L03tL39 ewnmber pickles per cabbage per bbS 19eaL3 camUfloirer pe bId tOCaiOfl celtqr per do stalks sos onions per bus TGaS Maryland and Virginia per bbL 1 LSO Ohio pa bbL LTSalOOr pumpkins pa bbL BQan s oaab per bbL T5 L2 lettacti Flos per bbL LMaLSl GREEN FRUITSOraacei per boa lOOaS09 pipe fruit per box 3OOaiOO apples Klaj per CbL S00aia York InperiaL packed 103aL3 Ben Daris WIsed 3SOtLZ Will a ST5aL50 Albeaarle Pippta tOOaiOJ good to prime tOCaiCO poor to fair LSOalOO openiead barrels common to good LOOaLSO table licit i 50350 cranberrIes Cao Cod p bbL 70iaS3 da ittHS n caste 10QtL3 plae apples Florida per crete IfiOaLOQ DRIED FRUITSApples illcdL fascy i BALTIMORE 1 tOO Tear 4 pQ con wt i 5i Gas 18 J Cellos LOCO 1I6ft S Mares L 161 JI8II 3 s- at pit ted 4 un e II 111 16 It 1Im 15 a k a un Butt DIM I 31 RP U el S- Ga sdL k Fk lit OL st1I F1a ti IlL E 1 51 U De C 9 C u k H k k IN < Dai IIIIi- Sa F C 1M IL K M e A 5 11I5 STXBDT iIi IIiiIIIl lit II R k WI KJ Cs JII 11 IIi1i Sf UI 1m2 k R B let Eft tar U C L el Cem AiIbtk C L el 0IeL u ct fii i x Dade te pM a 4 350 I rev for of at New y and SIb to steady set Tar quiet act at II YILL PKBDSu 35eht S9ria do to W 3 4 Xv- JBtnod watRI MIll ea a5FLOUJSt t- eats In CORN usderatt RID meal 2305536 BEEF packet den LARDStft set IulL delay white act to see E1 lance toms hens hens e- do Sal do neat Pet bbL bu- r Ida i packed per 33 LBS Deck 4 4 Pie Ga be 3C30 50 40 35 shares 356 311 IllS Ins i 0 a I 34 = 15 11 ou 35 91 44 15 4 155 It Writers iLI 45 96 96 151 4 3 151 4 asa 155 RAItWtS- Ansouth Petonse Os 104 OIL 135 155 usi 3- 5Lexlsgtoc 15 15 35 161- YuSed 5 Is 1544 U 2355 3594 45 5 4ede0 1034 ss 5 6 9355 3 3I- loisan was 351 0 Beaus 6 New York tat 4 markct Wa ebaed us engad 433fer hoards saccaly bran sacks e white 5354a1635 N bite I6a34 I cilseed sblle tetch cekIsr ietsen S sadie MEALSteady Inehess toe rye nat noted faa fan fan and 25 NOrth CamlIsa s arara fancy 4s < > = > < > < < < sheet mIght JH cbenits 12 bhckberries 1- wborUeberries 10 raspberries 12 GRAIN Wbeat Soutksra en grade LOO LI are K S3 tern shelled est da yeftnr 6all new ear ITSatOO oats Western whltr Ho 2- S5a53 old mixed Eaffi RAT AND STRAWHar Western No 1 Il 3a- ItW No 5 IlOOattSB mixed 1LVJHOM Straw ft bundle ItOOaltSO rye cuchroe thrashed l8aI- 8JO tOtaLED cat straw per 9002531 WOOL AND HIDESWooJ wished free rf hors per lb 2Sa30 do nztwauea free bars per lOaD do dry per Jb Ualfi Aecp skips green ch J3aLW do dry sack Saft call gases each LSaL Meekest each 2a tkwk each black L5a2S mink each LCOsE rabbIt klns tack 1 opauvm each 2 necoos each SHLG3 fox red L03 S d gray each fiaieSL MORSE BACK IN WALL STREET Convicted Banker Gets Permit Leave Tombs Prison Transacts in Financial Dis- trict and Returns to His Cell May Make Trip Daily New York Feb lCharles W Morse who was sentenced on November S last to serve fifteen years in the Federal prison in Atlanta Ga fur violation of the banking laws and who since then has been kept locked up in the Tombs pending his appeal left the prison ht Center street today for the heat time since his Improsonment and drove di- rectly to Wall street There he trans acted business with his former associates j and after an hour returned to the Tombs The permission by which ladays little excursion into the financial district was awed continues indefinitely and he win make the trip often if not every day He expects to go down to the street again tomorrow As today he wilt always be accompanied by a United States marshal On Tuesday Martin w Littleton counsel for Morse obtained aa order from the United States Circuit Court of Ap peals permitting these bosiaese Junkets United States Attorney Sthnson j not consider the permission granted to Mr Morse to go down to his former ofltees as much of a privilege tarty as the haprisonnaeat In the Tombs no matter of bow long duration it will not count on the original sen- tence of fifteen years all of which must be spent in the Federal prison It was a noticeable feature of th aft- ernoon that not SB untoward incident marred Mr Morses trip at no p wee there a demonstration of any the former lee kings entry into Wall street and Ins exit from the same preciact was as quiet and unnoticed as if he had been a former clerk in the office of curb broker STEEL TRUST RIVAL SCORES icknrvnnna Company Alilc to Lower Flfirnrcs i Pittahtn Pa Feb 17MaWng claim that the Lnekawanna Steel Corn j pony other terse faea coaceme at Buffalo and along the Lakes are enabled to undersell It because of cheaper fuel the United States Steel Corporation is imderstd here to have demanded of the Pennsylvania Railroad sad other Lake shipping flues that an Increase fat coal freight rates be placed ia effect bRIne ThK htforamttoo comes from coal ship- pers of the Pittabwrg district and appears authentic For some time there baa been trouble between the corporation and the healthy young rival the Lackawaaa at Bwttate A shorter haul for limestone with what th corporations appears to think is to small freight rate on Its real Jaw permitted the Lackawanna and ether LafclF plants to submit ftgurae on much lower than the corpora- tion has seen nt to make SUGAR TRUST ACCUSED Witnesses Testify that Employe Government of Duties wYork Feb 17 When the trial f the government against the Amer lean Sogar Reftntng Company to recover penalties for the alleged false weighing of EtlgBr resumed ta the United States District Coort today the lest wit ness called was C L Pattengtll at peas eat a Inspector ef customs He for the enlightenment of the jury how the scales were manipulated Other witnesses called were George Van an assistant government weigher Robert Gascoigne a former weigher and James CookM who has been employed by the government as a weigher for fourteen years Gascoigne and Cession both openly accused the companys checker Kehoe ef tampering with the scales on which they were weighing sugar Both men said they had caught him in the act and that he had begged them not to report R Gaseoign said he did report the matter bat that he never hoard anything from It HARRIMAN BUILDS HOME Sew Residence In XCTT York Will Cost 5OOO00- 0illddleWn X Y 17 E H Ear rimaa who is erecting a magnificent resi deuce on what is known as the East Mountain at Aden Orange Cooaty which is estimated will cost OOOgCOX to be completed in another year has de- cided to add another large wing to his house Before leaving OB his Southern trip Mr Harriman instructed his nimbi to make plans for an additional wing of SO feet The structure is at present 3M by 61 feet ART WORKS TO BE SOLD Collection of Henry W Poor Cot Injr 1000000 Goes at Auction New York FOb became kacwa today that the Interesting sad vi assemblage of works of art in the house of Henry W Poor ia Gramercy Park Is to Come presently under the anctteoeers hammer productions of departed artists and artisans that fill the big house from top to bottom are said to haTe cost Mr Poor JlCOOOOOi Most of them were pro- cured by the late Stanford White who when Mr Poor bought the two houses at the corner of Twentyfirst street aad Lexington avenue and threw them into one remodeled tbe Interior for him and decorated and furnished It with the taste for which he was noted The Poor home is so fitted with objects of art that in places it presents the as- pect of a museum Legion Gives a Rcqcption On Monday evening last the Legion Loyal Women gave a reception and social to a nofnber of young people who had assisted last Memorial Day in decorating the graves in Arlington Cemetery The idea of the legion is to Interest tbe young people in patriotism and loyalty to the country Those present were Misses Jane and Lillian Angell Wilma Perham RUth Ashley Dorothy Gunion Ruth SJadatr Lillian and Estella Wolfe Louise Myers Delia White Frances Evarts Katherine Denny Helen Holcomb Mildred DarraJt Mary Gibson Elizabeth Walton Theresa Matthews Marguerite Poynton Messrs R W Edmonds Cyrus Gunlon Lloyd Ginder John Brooks James Mitts George Johnson Stewart Bowden WillIam Smith James Walters Nixon Smith Beverly Harris d Wynne Holcbnib Tile president Sirs V McCuHoosh greeted the guests i I wheat toe of lb- 3Jat do borer per lb lidS green lIS lb each to J I I i may- be Sf t- ad I a Quote the I 4II81e1y JL ts I De- frauded Dozen I sugar Feb it i lIt Th of I e L hits bides Business does particu and suit was demon- strated toot an I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ fiNANCIAL FIHAN01AL Capital and Surplus 6500000 f Accounts of Every Size and Character Invited that we have a very large capital and surplus and represent ex ceptionally large interests does not prevent us from giving small as well as large depositors every consideration We will appreciate your business or personal account Interest paid on checking accounts and a Mgner rate on money deposited for fixed periods j International Corporation 1414 F Street Uptown Branch 1136 Conn Ave Downtown Branch Center Market The Delay of a Day- S In making your will or a suitabletrust provi- sion may throw the care of your estate prop- S city or business into the hands 1 enced persons jj This Company invites consultation with its your will or trust provision COT 9th arid F Sts THE WASHINGTON LOAN j TRUST COMPANY Capital and Surplus 1750000 JOHN JOY EDSOH President n I Bank I t Thefact I i Banking I II I I- t oft nexperl 1 officers at any reference tOtmaking i i l I j- C iIw time witit t- I w Established Oct 13 lOOt Capital 350000000 Surplus and Undivided Profits 23018857 This Bank Continues To GrowBe- cause it continues to give the best service that a bank can render Are YOU getting such serv- ice If not start a business or personal account here We assure you of every courtesy Commercial National Bank Cor 14th and G Sts OFFICERS Frederick C Sfeveas Pres K H Shea Vice Pres A G Pres John Poole Cashier Capital 0000001 Sorites 51S00006 National BANK Issues drafts direct available throughout the world Issues letters of credit Buys and exchange Transmits money by canto Makes Investments foe customers Makes c Decttons for customers Buys and sells stocks anti bends iSSPSCIAL DEPT FOR LADIBS Pa Ave opoitte U S Treaiar REAL ESTATE LOANS W H WALKER 729 15th nw MONEY AT 5 PZB CENT LOANED OX D a REAL ESTATE HEISKELL McLEBAJT ENGINEMEN BEGIN YOUNG PennRjlvnnin Railroad Ii ues Sta- tistics of Ages nnd Work PhiladelphIa Feb 17 Indicating the morale and experience of locomotive statistics complied by the Railroad Company as of Jaa vary 1 W show that the average age of Ute 1JSK engtaemen of this cempeays lines is fortyflwir years and of the average length of service twentyone years That this class of employee Of the company start in its sendee as young men and move through a course of rare Tnl training preparatory to becoming en- ginomen is evidenced by the fact that 3ibe average age at which were ap- pointed englnemen was thirtyowe years willie the age at which they entered the service was twentythree years Included in the figures gIven above U4 enginernea who have been retired from active service and are now receiving pensions granted thorn by the company Their average age is seventytwo years Up to the time they were retired these uses tad served the company an average of fwtytbrw years thirtysix of which bad bean spent as oug Their retired pay amounts to 48 per cent of the average wages for ten years pre- ceding retirement I I I I I i i I I i Clapham Vice III Riggs Jtnde nt LowCttt of st Ii eelSti l111 H ST are enl IL elI Rules Interest en- gineers Penn- sylvania they pres- ent ¬ ¬ ¬ Household Accounts Ladies are cftrdiafly invited to make this bank their depository W furnish check books tree and aid In every way possible those who are inexperienced in business forms We have many lady depositors who through economical of household affairs a checking accoaat ponasts have opened a savings account with the surplus Special window and room for ladles 7th St and Mass Ave Branches- th and H Sts NE 436 7th St S W Union Savings Bank UNDER CONTROL The Oldest SafJsgs But ia THIS BANK YOUR DEPOSITORY If you have an idle hundred or fifty or any other amount which you desire to lay aside for safe- keeping bring it to this bank for deposit One dollar opens aa ac- count We pay 3 cent Interast com- pounded semiannually 710 14th St H W The Safest Investment- sAre of tic money or siufceti First f cf trust notes LSt cssrtsssEB weB saeared- a real estate In the District cC Colazbia COD itittiti gflttdse iSTtstsieots do sat depeaa upon the fiaiadal isspoasaaHty ef Sod i ridnalj or ccrporaticns for their stabSty and are extmpt faro tuatieB as personal preperty We can supply such initstasnU ia amounts from 00 upward foe booklet Xo2cer2251 Loans and IcrestsenU Swartzell Rheem O Hensey Co- x 15TH STREET XORTHWESi MONEY WANTED AND TO LOAN MONEY tO LOAN- ON District of Columbia Real Estate at lowest rates of ALL TRANSACTIONS CLOSED PKOMFTLT Thos Co Inc 133 FIFTEENTH STREET MONET TO LOAN W hare PJOOO at 4 per cent on D a ml esuta hare W50CO at S per cest ta D G real estate We hire at 5H per cent on D C real We hue 4tt per cent foe 1 year oa D CL real estate Erny possible consideration shown borra er THE HARRISON REALTY OX- 3135tf Ca lith t BK I HAVE A SPECIAL FUND TO LOIN ON 5 per cent no delay leant opcasc It E F PRINCE m Bond BMc ja3 5W MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED PBOPERIY in the District of Coteabfe at Sew rites of feter I E SHOEMAKER e k st BIT feTtf IOOOOO TO LOAN- On Washington real estate easy terms Apply to DISTRICT REALTY CO Inc H T aa agar loan and rectal O 313 BOND BLDO err itch and New York are air Ja3tf MONET TO LOAN ON APPROVED CITY REAr estate at lowest caxreat ntes et Interest speckl- rriTilfscs with respect payments TYLER RUTHERFORD il W Btk SL ax mnjtr MONEY TO B8 MAKE YOUR NEW totst All traoacosnj ccodocted with cctaxrnfcal- cansidcratioa tar butixmcu WH 11 SAUNDERS CO 1 T F st ST MK 1 j manage- mEnt i t I Home Savings Bank N W i i rod r s Treasury GOY UEHT Was WE NVITE YOU TO MAKE i I J t i t II Are those that do not tuate during They Bend interest J We est soot D c rI m mma Itm to Jm at est Law to prier LOA LET leans C replace old outs at tate of iJI 0 i re- served Supervision 4gto I dIsbea stock deed I I Fish sstt ef dert tnt lowest ¬ ¬ = =

Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1909-02-18 [p …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1909-02-18/ed-1/seq-11.pdfthe iron and steel and metal industries ... tn edi C-3-S1kcc

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Page 1: Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1909-02-18 [p …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1909-02-18/ed-1/seq-11.pdfthe iron and steel and metal industries ... tn edi C-3-S1kcc



Stock Prices Sag Againthe Natural Result


Slight Qulekenlnp In Activity To

ward Close of Session Is at Expenxof Values London Securities BarLower Range Money I EasyEurope and Sentiment Improves

New York FjfcT U Ifciayimarket lapsed taM A state vf Weias utter as ay sew Ia e preseat yearand perhaps vary awawafly underMrcumstanees prices stocks coatfimethe sagging movement which was begoyesterday

Nearly halt of UK entire votametrading was concentrated in the firstof business ad the market didawake from torpor that soceeeuntil the loot half how of theexchange aeestoa wile a slight quickntias ia activity was at the expeBsevalues

Something of a kayaote was giventhe character of the days dealingsa lower range C prices in Londe wberfinancial sentiment has become womentartly disturbed over app 2i eBste s re-

garding bBTdens of taxation thatwill undoubtedly be laid In England atthe new Parttamentarj session just be-

gun Otherwise matters in Europe ap-

pear to be worktop very favorably forthe financial markets the fmroease glutof money at Paris having necessarily

rates for the we f raooey thereForeign Money Cheap

lower now than in any other market inthe world whereas only a little timeago an exact reverse statement couldhave been mart TIle salient bow

remains that all the great Europeanf banks have m the tat few weeks dodd

edty nUt up their ream eg and tire n w-

in a normally strong condition for theseason of the year

Here today the market although tend-ing fewer as a whole was at leant amithe last hoar of boeteosc hrtgnmr ratherthan weak Especial heaviness developedIn American Smelting and Refining Amal-gamated Copper arid the entire mrgroup of stock owing to eonruncertainties regarding trade conditions

Conversely the agricultural stocks orthose having most direct relation to thestate of affairs m the farming districtsof the country were firm and ta some in-

stances strong The comparatively heavybuying of the common shareswhich was so noticeable yesterday Wasresumed with a good deal of rigor befogaccompanied also by an advance m GreatNorthern Northern Pad and otherstocks of the same ctaee AH thesestorks later on shared in the gen-

eral declinIng tendency of the marketSentiment Unsettled

No doubt speculative sentiment infinancial district is considerably unsettied at the moment by the varyingregarding the existing status andpects as regards the immediate futurethe iron and steel and metal industriesStatements continue to be made m of-

ficial quarters suck as notably a flatfoot-ed declaration today in the Iron Age thailarge reduction in thesteel products are nearat least being very seriously discussed

It is stated unqualifiedly however bythe heads of the great iron and steelduring concerns these including allindependent companies that no such

reductions are bemg contemplated thatcuts in prices would disturb the trademore than gtimuhtie It at the presentand that they would be most unwise f

view of the fmsendteg revision oftariff


Xw York Fwith fe futaE MNMC JUt Sixty 4m-L3 5LsM did tSML39S eafcks LSnto-

MM a t per eat hfe-M f tile oV faaa-

Vercostile paperbvsteess M liefct tuMMt of the lsdIncaAtyt ioiontA bflls TttnVte-focr ta six aniatai nwte MBME sad iti to 5Mbcn tea well taowa-


N F Y c F Ubrads dcaed sttwfe

5s revered TBQS MX-u cropsB laoe ma m-Ss KuK bed M9

te rgwtered 25 J 1BH 1255-

4FaMaa 2s Mi KM2s mistered Kff-

lDfcttict rf Cataabt Stts K9-

Phflippise 4f M-


America T T ert 4c

7e cst 4s-

Ceatnl I atfcer fc 4-ndcago Bed Wwd PKifte xateadia-P BTCT Bio Onto yttwtUms k

crt 4 B i-

Mfessoari Kinsai Teas refMdhc 4s


QaeUthMM ImnitA hr TV B Hfebs Ce BBaben Sew Yet Stock Bxofeaa e BRIM Bondtef-7S FXteMth Mreet BKthTesJ

Bid AskedBay State Gas m i-

StaiKiMi OIL 63-

Bwton CnasoKStted ItBit cir r-

Bn Corilnoa 3 23CMbftl a 5M-

iCdQberUad Ely 8Sj

GoicKW CdosoaacteL 7SUA Fteace




fc V S aedioa r t





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QaoattcRs tanwhcd br W B Bibbs CootniVtn X w XMc Eidusge Hbs Bvnd


Shares to It a za 153SOOShares to 32 in 207200Shares to 1 p m 239400Shares to 2 p ra 275300Shares to 3 p m 359400

Opes Kb Lwr OHAfcaw T S Fe mm 3mH MEi-

AtkMbc DMA Lwe E914 E s CMi 194-

Beeflk HapMCuMdka PwMe JHC C C SU L i

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S8i SS Site SSJ-

sMcr MKaa CUT Sosta fosu-KWL Chjr So K yUMow OHL ct-

Mfc Has To-X P i S S-

MhMsri rscifc-X Y C H Kx Y c si L GKBX Y tec WestN rfea Wcsfcts

Rode fetes fMSt

Sasa PscMc-

i Xy

Its Padf-iThM AwMeT SL L W

44 4 4

H Oft H-

JSR SK 3 71-

S2 S 3 21

4 Oft CPi

lit IB Ittas an n

90 91 9K W4

i MRi 1 H 1Mb-

OMi HBi Bfflt B94-HW MKj BWi H31 S4S H-

em WH H

BH X9ft ISK liM35 SSli 2 23fi-

M 6J 6i 6Sj-

3W 4 j 3 4-


IAad dvp r J8H MM 74 T-

Aw ret S w cm S S4H 3-

Am 0r Fteoi o 5 9 WH 84-Asu Cotton M em 0s i s i 4

A lee s sf fK aft sat SH-AM the cora 86 SRi 55U

I martini fUL IBi 11 11 11


Sdi IK pJa INK Vtft WH hKi-Am Til KS IWi B8 MH-VSL W am 3 ffiH 3 3 i-

CnrtnJ L rtWr

F L em 4IH 4H 3Hi-

Us X Y tt W mH-rrataets Kd cm BH BH tt W-

ai metric nm VK VK WK-

Nettk n IMS TBa 71 H-

atiMi S M Pm 36R 3K4 384 381-

5Nrffcml L U cml S-

Xnr Y s Air Brake

PMMC4 Sted Or m Wil-

Uaway Start S opa 4-7ftuhar Steel Sp Ml

L Sled CWB 3IH K-


Cower 15s Wi-T a lNM f pM lt-r s Sodr s SMC pM m IM


KS M6-

4s JN1i K6t IIi M6-

X Hilt M MW 1KB4

JL T B smL 4s KB ft Q IBM 44 3SH S5H

L M Pie 4 8 Ji SWi 04 SOfiS4P-

iNortk fteWe P L 4s WRi MPt Mft Mt-

Pla out 3s V 951 SRi S5S S5-SSwtken RiBwxy fe US IKK 112 1194

rate l acttc cwmtt is MSH M6 MR4 MGK-

U a Steel 91 JH IM


Sewn to IS lower andwr Steers tCOa-

CAIA JKR rfKS S Veal acttfa s4-

S 10 51 mat Wcbv Dirsxd ah tea t iSOS

SHEEPhis rtreez sad

ahem 430 hit to-

PxhBe be w SJMiS fOX t-

Uodnes sad fitien i3tei46can lSfaf9

UfefcR pisa WfcSJt-SH2BPM ceM SluCOO bed narkct

9U pt Mtwe H 3 Western I a3 MtkeWestern taste 50 5


ort P IT Kbsat was earn steadybKer ta pxxi dewuri and flew steady

J31iaLlB i X 2 r d-

eeisto t3t tasfc s S mtb ra o grade LX aLBCOKXSost eoBtnd 7 ri7t x Frtmarr 58Hx-

8WiS8H receIpts O bosbefe Sont zn uaitecan JWaTSi Seatfcea yellow con f7Ua-

eOATSS D is eierston 30633 bmbelt ehip-

swsts f Mt eferaton 7 3 bosfeeis X 2

fasd X X WaS do X 3 S3c-9RYEStodc is detaters ruts hubris sUp

ts rosi titiitsn X 2 7otem ireV at ni rj bag u to uJM-

Se91FLOUR Wister extra tSatSo elMer dear 4JB-

1IS TiBier straigsC 4Sa5ll icister patent t5-Ji OfeiW priss straight SJX-JaiS sschtt mast MO9S Ctty Mflk palest

CKy Mflfe kt srads patent 5JI CIty MHU-hi sra e straissc 540 cIty Milk cfesfce fasJBy-

SM City M s extra UtttlM wr Ktdisct-ts cbsfee t3 L5L Cera aeal j r 100 fe LSa-US


me Bsttloore Fntt as4 Predate AsjwSitxni artas Mhms-

BDTTERCreaawr fancy j cr 35aM4 ktttLathe fix Sa24 Maryland ud PennsyfraBfa reHaS-

bL store cked Okis ttx ifialT WestThgsin Pomfirasta star priatt M IfelS

Eastern Store M 7ltsd sad 1rsma 31

tab M West Vstfsta 38UVB POULTPYS ti85 ebJckcs wr R K-

ik J9i Kte per fe BOS 4ot white PeiciscK per Ik Ilal3 pIgeons 50 patt-

oo PMT 23 caiaea aid tack S-ds yesBE Bs fts and cs 30 tarkeji-yosa toes pee KSL aoaS jwang cassias per ML

Has JHMlt asd this per Mi Dill eid teaaper U

DRESSED POULTRYTwkers dwtaj fat 70035Iwsf 2U22 uurcd asg a23 oldtoas KalT poer and thin 23al4 CWcken-sStalpHt SOSBS r r lb 36alT mixed yoaag andold Ji Barb choke fat per Hx al5 G s-esu choice per Hv 32aH 7 HB aDdTel per Ih 2a23 taafl sad alsed JSa2per Ife JSal6

aH rf per pair bea irei t-

wa d Mftdebeade per pair beatrmj t aCteff-

lds rtdhnsf per aair Chesapeake 100aL39 sec-

amsmhwffct per pair Gbcnpeake 20Sal58 wholeKal-

SEOlSTOESWhMc n rty prime per

per ss oaSO Yew York prime per ba SOaSWestern rriae per tw feS5 sweets Eastaa Shera-ytHiitj per bbL Sa2t5 do North CiroHaa y-

159K2M ydlD 3 per tesket Vi-rfhst ver bbl LSaLS-

CPSBK FRUITS AND VEGETABLESAppiwWestern Maiytaad ad PccasilTanfa bbL pukediSte4 5r sot New assorted per 30QatS

York State per too 350023100 do sew FlorMacrate 80OC9 celery CaHomis per cateL-

59atCO 4a Dome grown per booth 3baries Cape Cod per bbl 1309olJ00 per box i53aLOt cssHcben Flsnda per basket iOGaSK ergplats Fteida per crete iSCaiCO grape theftFtorids per ISfelOO kale satire vetbar 23a25 lettace Fteida per tjasket LSa2-ostoBS Xew York ad WestErn per bo 75sS-

ecMtgcs Fterid per box as to size iCOi23-pampJars satire per K L5CaZ30 spines satire-

s box 33a3a xtnvbeniei Florida per QHar-ty grew Fkdda per basket 2 Ctl 5

bsans Fteriia pr basket SJOaiTO tocatoesFInis per carrier LKalOO

While you think of It telephone yourWant Ad to The Washington Heraldand will be sent you at 1 cent a word


StockIII is uifterath llint seztbc3t

CALlz 34



It-T s JIlL I 1IIta

k OWe JI NiiTransit i om 1Pi

Uhj3 a J rv

i1 ii146 is n

k lmi Jim <6 Ji9 Ji3k sIL CfC i6

DeL HtMieeL 1t6 Ii-WD Kit usaDeL n 0IHIe JIIHIlt 3t JIBIte III 4ff-iQ m I-

CfttraL ptii MF4 In-

IIrr IetN L 16


oS t WoniM

2 m ISk I 5

k tm rnPsode

R cou K 24

L S F 311 INJJ5Sa-IdL lHiiir 1M IIS 11m

IiisdarnI ky


4 nk 49

Facile l 1St JaIS II I

a lu25

5-Aa Can pIL W4 Dr


as-A 4



Am Wshe 11I nSlit JA

rI 11C-

eI8IM8 3t1-C J IKWIt

MatIVac ed iI1 i4

35 w4 MS 54

b u 35 JC Il3ss fIl W i 1m2

mtIi It


Cs t 44

E 1M


nail fI M-

I TaM c CIQ-WMwa M n


iIMhes nk 0 IlL tIL

14 84 tI-

c gg OS

RodCJaL kk 1tl Pac IP-SrMItnp ifl2



X Tnt Fa 1IcAlTLERfcei 14dow aMI-

taL at 35 wUItIS 8liUt


Wor City rNIIII wdI isiS

HI ncL AraI

t 15 outs WkHOGS U1 Ska-Qhie Fth lrot 1tt-

a4c UWStM M TeasuwH09S LOOt aaht Iw




WRLtTSpGWeMma11t l Lit tcouer XC red re

XMd WatM mhN

Whitedo a I

I hIsI

deari NIt


JWtiIMIe Pik u rIa







litb t aid


Westera and Pesy1rects Jimedo

toss per WIt 5lbii fiDei per billram

NILFlorida per tuodi ZaJ


box bat




Money 4


Bzhe u1 17



Ot3663 166k

Ossede 4t3 4 46

i tid 4ji 4

Nntbera k43ai4

WI44 43

4 46

4 4

4O 4f


led64 OPt

eus 110

ostbet pM3

41 414-

tsn 16-

3WabobM35 4 49-

Wiminoda Cod 43

I-SAcou 6 3



Awi Cser 41 4 IPt 44

ma WI 3-

5Cts1 Lestkr 35t 351


c 7 72

64 0-4Podle 31-resIes 132

0 4117

4 124




4P 43

4 4 41ruis-

sWt e 52 51-

Amer 1ou W-

Ar Yekous


4 OSi 4

sad 35 bullsse 35 w cts

L nss

oua13 deeaed

cud LAM35cpecau hsd Sbee-

ahecat t hdisra caupc


aedlussad 3S

toad LitM635 hasty Mat




L9L53 Febcwzy L11aL1Oj MarchS 1J1aLW

W 71s70 Msy fla714

b7a Na 6335 do Ni 334a51

sine3515and casdtt4ec


17QaO4s1IOI esta4ehe4


I 146083iWlisnd an sesr ess-I

35 eask aid ata67 bees beatpweijbt per

geese g-



In-do MaThDt



Yorkbets new csbbtge New





< =







Traai s on t Washington Stockyesterday was very lively and

the session developed several things ofmore than ordinary interest which weregenerally taKced about during the after

The principal happeninff judged by thecomment after the meeting was the fallor Gas stock It lisa beta the few ratherthan the many who have seen good rea-

sons for the continued advance of thissecurity iron about S3 to a fraction of SO

Yesterday the price was shown to betophearr and on sales of loss than 100

shares the price declined nearly twopoints to 7itbe dosing bid being poutedat It l i No reason was assigned forthe decline among brokers except theapparent one that recent dealings inGas have carried It higher than its in-

trinsic worth in the judgment of mostbuyers of the stock There was the usualtalk yesterday of manipulation of thestock and letting down the price for thepurpose of frightening holders to sellbut that is the talk of those not well In-

formed as to the real workings of thelocal stock exchange

The other happening was the jump ofMergenthaler to 291 after selling at thetop yesterday at 214 The rise in thestock is due to recent showing made bythe directors to the shareholders and thespeculative price of the stock in Boston

TIle bulk of the trading yesterday wasupon the railroad shares without muchchange In the current prices

list of soles was longer than usualand th volume of trading among the bigdays for the present year


Ssiesn g fer caL 12 Vcteck-WMktegtOB BaBwtr sad Electric Is JUOO Setf-

SM09 at SSH SUM at 4 UW at 8SH 5009

86 SUM at SSUCapital TractisB 5 a 1S J 3 at W 3 at t5 5

WH 9 at IWO 31 at IMS-

WMhtetsft Rsflcnr and Bfcctiic esrasoa M atCS Ki M at 3 31 at a 99 t A-

WMOhtfss Rai74f EkcUic pRfcrroL atWtiu II at SDH at 91 S st SOU 3t U 90 5

atWtWo sB Raflwar sad Blectitc wfnred 5 at

SL 1 st N-

Wwhtajtss Gat 5 at 19 S at t3 S at 7325at I-

Mccsesthtler 1 t K H at S M at 23-

8Lasstss MO at Bli W M ISi 100 Bit MO atHit

GrccseCasssea m at 1 39 at S-

3S 21 It at M

After OaXCasHsl Tntctfas 2 at IM

weft WMfch tw Stscfc Bsc t j-

UAS BONDSnot Askedus 115



ii im-AsHNtia asd Fstsznic 5s M-ldtr sod Sstates 5s MH-Cefeabfo is M3H UK-

Cghmbia fit MMm Ill IIS-

MefcspoNtea 5 11-

1Ksshississ hOnor and Kkctifcr Ss ffiSfa-


M aeaU sad Piiiaiac Tefc afte 3 MX X6-

SaefM Steam PM i ISVtjW stn Mattrt 5s M J l

WaiMagian Market 5s ff KC IW-


WuWwitc Kaihmy Ekctrie CM Ofe-Wjetwgton KaflMoy sad Etettfe eft 90-

TOuk Alex Mt VerXarfeR aM Walsto Steu 4t 30 S-

W W taa Gs n-l orsewwa Gas X 65-

Befl Teliafciat f rnMntiinta JWi J02JTYPE MACHINE bTOCK-

SXcfjmdulrr LbMtype 3 26-Laaaftm M MtireM JSi 3



let I seisin-


TRUST COMPANY STOCKSAiMdeu Secatiqr set Taut sa 35-X iMuI Sa fae sad Tract M 193 300

Tenet m B i-

WasMaz a Lout set Trast MO as1 State Trait X KCi


McMhaats sad M ca ks SiTfcjs 1


C t ii rfil 5-

Fktaess i 13

1-3Nsoesal Ustw eft


Ettato St-


Eaersaa Steam PsEap If-

MtR asu Transfer ud Stsnse 106-

S 3Eitj Steas ISO

WaaJ stoc Markst B


QscUttosa fsrsied br W B Hibbt Co aanhers s the chicago Beard ef Trade Hitta BuIldsag 725 Fifteenth strict nertliwcst-

Usscsc 17 Vheat ratter weak in theearfy tiadis todar a feg ts dent reaozia-Vr local teags ipticw dccHate abant ttc belowreiesdayB these Later the market studied cai-

rrniinlTtifn kseae bvjisz sad JKXB adraacsd andaeadr at the hfcfe mil sf jesterfaj top

ossudssa-Oca Sm asd dslL-QMS were areog tad sedentdr actttc-rrowwss were stesdr Sid dolL

Opec H Low OkeeI-




lOX LOt 1SJ2 18921705 KM HOO

SIBSM y 890 RJ 5J7 81-7Jslj 9t SJT S 3C5New Test Feb WHEATStreaj ckecHss

Ne 1 Nsttsers Dstoth t arrire 121 NeZ red f a k L3B Ne 2 sard New York LabL2Ea Ns 1 isaoreal L 2 t s s 1 NorthernMssnsbm L s k 12tH Ne 2 MaaHeba f o b-

LJSCORN Scarce Ne 2 denier to anire 73

No 2 f e b spot H Ne 2 ts ariire 71 f a b-

N 2 yen f s few 71 N x 2 irtiite L bBcntea-

LRTBSte X x 2 SJS t b-

Jnadmty and suisvcess trere the oaindomestic sduat ssavktiB itsaf At

tie general terafencx was sXcbttj uPWard cnriuj-t better caalic sat afieraarf Ute tepforemeBt


WHBAT OKH Hlsi Low Glees doerMar US US Urn LlFi UTS-Jsly L Bi lOSH MHi LKH L07i




BeUtfcos hcaWwd by w B HIbbs Jc Co

aenbtfl of the New York Stock Exdus e HIbbs-

Bsftdfeg t FVt estk stmt nortferestNew Feb KlCettca peDro unchassed to

tkree points bister on cmeiiag by aborts and comjaimioc been sapyoit of the nerr cropTaaee trsa aided VT ooDtlnsed dry weather inTexas Cables were hardly as good as andMischestrr accoonta were cooflictir Trading trasquiet dsrirg Ute early aeasien and prices eased offto a net detiiao cf three to foar points with thenear ismths eatj

Receipts at the ports wero 2000 bales against2S03 list reek sad 2Z43C last year for the Treefc-EOOOT bales Xnlsst aiSl last week and 1 1S5last year Receipts at New Orleans were 8653 balesagainst 48 last year sad at Roast 3 TO balesajiinst 3 17 last year

SJ3 S 3 JS3 353ay 5 5 955 3 0 9 2





at JJL 35 it i 5 at Ui Ii at DG I at UtKat



nwt 8 n 131 it 13It-PeeiIIHa II L 50 tIC 3t Ii at 3-ia

are Ute bid trlcts cc tItrr

Ose kMae is

ca 36


Pthnac ketile 116-

LIghtNorfolk Wasld8Eta SMsmHt 163



kk f6


Mascas Canines


Parwers JlAIIeI-IaIcCIlua 4 II

Ifs a

lHe sa


S 2S

4seeran au e-

oGsmaAJ1nica sl-y 35

Jib 35-

Jhiiw 2 9

4 S100







BEATMap Llt lM



SJ 5Iti SSi 51-f I9fr 411I1 4Sh W


9S SJt U5 6-4IJ ur





in Ute

17 3t 3i 3i i3JolT i5 7i



The ad


larJtr ass gp P51October S5 942 9jos




35 isad


3-0t 35

lausasce at

Piltowlag sad asked

WitosWaehus est



435ns 351



end po

35 II-

MIsacfl 3ttokig hNATIONAL













t135 134-


3h1 35 W 65 6531


95 LII 963

a Ii





63l72 75 63









B U5swrr Feb FMfcwrtss are tfco riles asdQuotations on the mwt acdie securities listed oaUia Baliiaiore Stock Escsaaje

SALES6000 Seaboard t fc

9 United lU hraj lastfss 5s 78-

J2COO United U jrar 4s 86-

UOJI UnUM Ilaawais 4s 86H

11000 Seaboard Ss S11500 4

200 Muyfasd Tdfysssc Ss 95-

S5WO Baltimore Electric 5s 4ajsp9 Wsa DINk 5s-


SOMC U i Disk fe2003 CotteR Dock 5s U-

la C Uen Deck 5s TOi-

R900 C C A h Ml-

nWO Detwit UJLO Dftreft U 4 is 81

1000 Detroit V 4 ftJ-

UOOO Detnit U 81

5000 r H L I 4Ha W2000 CenwJ

15000 AnaetstU sad retnsaeti d m3000 Aoacestfe and Potease fc MtK-

FAOuQ Seaboard Myear fa-

A C L R R sew 4 tctW ST-

5LOOOTe t Virginia Central fc H2S13000 Baltimore Kkctric ltosjfed 82Ja

6000 West H ia a Cestol w MSDock 5 US

200 United Rauva fsastac fc aAtlanta Con St Ry rt 54

4009 Slantend Tdefftose fc 3-

00a Seabcetd 3yw Ss-

51C03 City and Sobsrbin 5s MSJ1083 S boari 19yesr 5J S6H

25 stares BreJwcge Bask50 Ebarn Fidelity set DefwIC36 shares FUdttf asd DeftMit33 share American sBssise 6-

IS shares Northern Central X-HHskana Coo O D sN 21

200 shares Seabwwd Ca esra 0C OSM Tm t 2-

5Bsteres A C L af Csss 3W-

W share Cttixasn Bask 3-

IS shores Is4eraati sal Trust 133

33 shares Mechanics sk 23shares Oatiaeatal Trait 18

HOI CHI 5427 shares ABacrieaa Dasslsg O E8

4 abates Georgea Oetk C asd 634-

K abases FMeWy set D t tQUOTATIONS


s 1916 MWS-

4s B3 WsMsn Maiyksd X R MS-

4s 8Si Anssx 1-

i MB Ps33 Bffi Istsnal feant 3HH-

3Hs 39 Eahasse C

3 4 W35 Fssdhtff WftPsMfc

GAS AND BtBcrniiaB-aKiasre Eiectrie fa btasund S

Weenie a SGu 1st 6ft MM-

OawoMdated Gas O C M KU R L P ht CL X 4s M3 K 95

BANKS AND TRUST COMPARESAmetkas Reader S-ConUsestal TrstC K9-

Mius Mer N ttsal 4t-

FMdfty D l-

Iat s tiss l Trast Mf-

tMMantne Treat Desx 91MentasU NstiscsL-Natkoal Jihhuin IflNttfead BicUsjs WJNational Hswani MX M

Sal Msefcassts MNational Ustos 1W-

Ustw Toil 59

Weston N tfsstL H-

RttlUKUD STOCKSAaasttc C L Csss M

Ga Ssoab FV M

Scat CoWestern MaryJaad-


Dotted Rf ttaat atfe1-KA1UKUD IKKvDS-

AUaaitc C IL a te Mt-CaraRaa Central fetFiarida BoMKni-Oa Car Xar lat I-

ReoTTte Atebsm eoa I-

M4 Pa 1st Ml-Nartacna CeaCaJ fc teri t Ai-

KardMra C M al J twdw MS-

Seasoud A L 1st 4 B-

SMkMfd A U sVyt fc MO-

SeahosKd A 1 eat Syr K MLSeaboard Rosso MM-

Thxfakv MMIssd Kk St MM

Western Mwylssd to MKW Va Cast ht is MU-

UU OIl 6 MM-

a WcMss jssU K Mi-VsteA B s sx fa-

Btltfcssro jCay i1 Ka c RT e HL cs MM-

Cfcj CsbutUs tat 9s MB-

Chy SshaW WX1 lit fc IMS-

J n WWfc D Cny-

MaotMd Efeetrte RaAssy isMmssttUas fo B-

Nstfsfc haRvey tat In-


AOastfc C I R R i-

QMS Cst Dsek assOss L chits Dsek sM-


Fiiraost Coal Cs 5-sGB Bteir let 4a MM-

Gesrjts Crest C L M-

onMarftosd Sttel 1st 53 K5L MBS-

iMaiyiasd THasfcSs is K-

Refeterstsw TSissacc S


Frti 17StTCAlt Tiw iHikci forsir was aim Tfc Leaden mu

tort s jar WM mrti iriNAVAL CTORESSffafcs tatperthwrk tdr nt M it Savannah T-

ra at 44L R

te KO sacks te rift VU XiaitiA ml-RS3 city bn ta Wk afcW W e r redanire S66 winter wheat bean te MMkSE1

ML K 2 whiLe EHU5

StSOaOT siean 4J5a4J wiser sKiirf-iMoS S d dears ISOaU RUMS straights

5WJ44RYE FLODK Mol at8 dra fi 44JO4-

ried fcr esport i roars to baft L-

1J3BUCKWHEAT FLOGRM rt t iet steady

HAYReoeipts 1099 toss tttSf fair in drj-Preao tfewtky W Nc 1 SOS 4 No 2 sam No3 G5df9

STRAW Rctipfts W stroos scaH wprfyLeer LWdil t

Jy e U FuaSIy 15J-


PORKSlndr trade Mess K25s-

IJJO fmHf 1S53UIO-OTALLOWFUt sad Waken

BUTTER Rtcelpto 5K9 pac agw staMiT Cream

tIT erfia 25aSH Sects 2TaS State tubspoor to fair 20a3-

ifiGG5Recdpi 6551 cas fca XwrbS3 fresh flntte 3L


Fries are wholesaleBUTTER CrMdtiT Xa3Ki Western trite

29a3l secoads 2Sa2T process 23Ha26 fairgood 2a2J dairy choIce ISalS rood IS storepacked fresh IS

CHEESE Xtw York State fancy Uis IHi dosnail 5

EGGSNearr cr VirgInIa Iota off SWest Virginia Soathwest Vfrjiaia 2 Iteaes


rocatcrs S duds Jam KaM d smaH IteUgeese 7 9 d K Jtal2 bar eys 19

do 3 teeters two K keats MaliDRESSED POULTRY Twkejs choice undrawn

22a23 do anne mdrava 28 22 do thin12 ali diickew 183 caixwss Tlfc 22a23

small 15a20 hens Malt roosters docksJJalS gcesc 1U13

DRESSED ilEATSCalres Ml dressed Uheath off U bcz dress cahes 10 Lisas couiata-Engar eared ISali Jsc s mull andcwt 800 do ccdten TOOaI50 da heary 550tea

GA eQufi fiBCT J iaiSO da ssall tfiOa50 sgnirrels sack LaS opossums each SCa-HTEGETABLES Prtatoss baaesrewa per bus

GaW per LoaTW Eastern Sheet per bblU5a2GO sweet jotatocs per bBL ICthiSO JTUSSper bbL LSGitOO carrots per bbL J aLSO cacanhers per has L03tL39 ewnmber pickles per

cabbage per bbS 19eaL3 camUfloirer pebId tOCaiOfl celtqr per do stalks sos onionsper bus TGaS Maryland and Virginia per bbL1 LSO Ohio pa bbL LTSalOOr pumpkins pabbL BQan s oaab per bbL T5 L2 lettacti Flos

per bbL LMaLSlGREEN FRUITSOraacei per boa lOOaS09

pipe fruit per box 3OOaiOO apples Klaj perCbL S00aia York InperiaL packed 103aL3Ben Daris WIsed 3SOtLZ Will aST5aL50 Albeaarle Pippta tOOaiOJ good toprime tOCaiCO poor to fair LSOalOO openieadbarrels common to good LOOaLSO tablelicit i50350 cranberrIes Cao Cod p bbL70iaS3 da ittHS n caste 10QtL3 plaeapples Florida per crete IfiOaLOQ

DRIED FRUITSApples illcdL fascy i




Tear 4pQ con wt



Gas 18










s-at pitted 4 un

e II111 16


1Im 15 ak a un

Butt DIM I31



Ga sdL k Fk litOL st1I F1a ti IlL E

151 U

De C 9


k Hk k IN



Sa F C 1M



5 11I5


iIi IIiiIIIl

litII R


KJ Cs JII 11 IIi1i

SfUI 1m2

kR B let Eft


U C L el CemAiIbtk C L el 0IeL u ct fii


tepM a 4




forof at New

y andSIb to steady

set Tar quiet act atII

YILL PKBDSu 35eht S9ria

do to

W3 4 Xv-

JBtnod watRI MIll eaa5FLOUJSt t-


CORN usderatt RIDmeal



denLARDStft set IulL




see E1

lance tomshens


do Sal


neat Pet




i packed














IllS Ins i



I 34


ou 35

91 4415


ItWriters iLI

4596 96

151 43

151 4asa 155

RAItWtS-Ansouth Petonse Os 104

OIL 135



5Lexlsgtoc 15



YuSed 5 Is 1544 U 2355

3594 45

5 4ede0 1034


6 9355

3 3I-

loisan was 351 0



New Yorktat


markct Wa

ebaed us engad 433ferhoards

saccaly bran


e white 5354a1635 N bite I6a34I cilseed sblle tetch

cekIsr ietsen S


MEALSteady Inehess






25 NOrth CamlIsa




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sheet mIght JH cbenits 12 bhckberries 1-

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Convicted Banker Gets PermitLeave Tombs Prison

Transacts in Financial Dis-

trict and Returns to His CellMay Make Trip Daily

New York Feb lCharles W Morsewho was sentenced on November S lastto serve fifteen years in the Federalprison in Atlanta Ga fur violation ofthe banking laws and who since thenhas been kept locked up in the Tombspending his appeal left the prison htCenter street today for the heat timesince his Improsonment and drove di-

rectly to Wall street There he transacted business with his former associates j

and after an hour returned to the TombsThe permission by which ladays little

excursion into the financial district was

awed continues indefinitely and hewin make the trip often if not everyday He expects to go down to thestreet again tomorrow As today hewilt always be accompanied by a UnitedStates marshal

On Tuesday Martin w Littletoncounsel for Morse obtained aa order fromthe United States Circuit Court of Appeals permitting these bosiaese Junkets

United States Attorney Sthnson j

not consider the permission granted toMr Morse to go down to his formerofltees as much of a privilegetarty as the haprisonnaeat In the Tombsno matter of bow long duration it

will not count on the original sen-

tence of fifteen years all of which mustbe spent in the Federal prison

It was a noticeable feature of th aft-ernoon that not SB untoward incidentmarred Mr Morses trip at no pwee there a demonstration of any

the former lee kings entry intoWall street and Ins exit from the samepreciact was as quiet and unnoticed as ifhe had been a former clerk in the officeof curb broker


icknrvnnna Company Alilc toLower Flfirnrcs i

Pittahtn Pa Feb 17MaWngclaim that the Lnekawanna Steel Corn j

pony other terse faea coaceme atBuffalo and along the Lakes are enabledto undersell It because of cheaper fuelthe United States Steel Corporation isimderstd here to have demanded of thePennsylvania Railroad sad other Lakeshipping flues that an Increase fat coalfreight rates be placed ia effect bRIne

ThK htforamttoo comes from coal ship-pers of the Pittabwrg district and appearsauthentic For some time there baa beentrouble between the corporation and thehealthy young rival the Lackawaaa atBwttate A shorter haul for limestonewith what th corporations appears tothink is to small freight rate on Itsreal Jaw permitted the Lackawanna andether LafclF plants to submit ftgurae on

much lower than the corpora-tion has seen nt to make


Witnesses Testify that EmployeGovernment of Duties

wYork Feb 17 When the trial fthe government against the Amerlean Sogar Reftntng Company to recoverpenalties for the alleged false weighingof EtlgBr resumed ta the UnitedStates District Coort today the lest witness called was C L Pattengtll at peaseat a Inspector ef customs He

for the enlightenment of the juryhow the scales were manipulated

Other witnesses called were George Vanan assistant government weigher

Robert Gascoigne a former weigher andJames CookM who has been employed bythe government as a weigher for fourteenyears Gascoigne and Cession both openlyaccused the companys checkerKehoe ef tampering with the scales onwhich they were weighing sugar Bothmen said they had caught him in the actand that he had begged them not toreport R Gaseoign said he did reportthe matter bat that he never hoardanything from It


Sew Residence In XCTT York WillCost 5OOO00-

0illddleWn X Y 17 E H Earrimaa who is erecting a magnificent resideuce on what is known as the EastMountain at Aden Orange Cooatywhich is estimated will cost OOOgCOX

to be completed in another year has de-

cided to add another large wing to hishouse Before leaving OB his Southerntrip Mr Harriman instructed his nimbi

to make plans for an additional wingof SO feet The structure is at present3M by 61 feet


Collection of Henry W Poor CotInjr 1000000 Goes at Auction

New York FOb became kacwatoday that the Interesting sad viassemblage of works of art in the houseof Henry W Poor ia Gramercy Park Isto Come presently under the anctteoeershammer

productions of departed artists andartisans that fill the big house from topto bottom are said to haTe cost MrPoor JlCOOOOOi Most of them were pro-cured by the late Stanford White whowhen Mr Poor bought the two houses atthe corner of Twentyfirst street aadLexington avenue and threw them intoone remodeled tbe Interior for him anddecorated and furnished It with thetaste for which he was noted

The Poor home is so fitted with objectsof art that in places it presents the as-

pect of a museum

Legion Gives a RcqcptionOn Monday evening last the Legion

Loyal Women gave a reception and socialto a nofnber of young people who hadassisted last Memorial Day in decoratingthe graves in Arlington Cemetery Theidea of the legion is to Interest tbe youngpeople in patriotism and loyalty to thecountry Those present were Misses Janeand Lillian Angell Wilma Perham RUthAshley Dorothy Gunion Ruth SJadatrLillian and Estella Wolfe Louise MyersDelia White Frances Evarts KatherineDenny Helen Holcomb Mildred DarraJtMary Gibson Elizabeth Walton TheresaMatthews Marguerite Poynton MessrsR W Edmonds Cyrus Gunlon LloydGinder John Brooks James Mitts GeorgeJohnson Stewart Bowden WillIamSmith James Walters Nixon SmithBeverly Harris dWynne Holcbnib Tile president SirsV McCuHoosh greeted the guests



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of lb-3Jat do borer per lb lidS green lIS lb









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Capital and Surplus 6500000f

Accountsof Every Size andCharacter Invited

that we have a very largecapital and surplus and represent ex

ceptionally large interests does notprevent us from giving small as wellas large depositors every consideration

We will appreciate your business

or personal account

Interest paid on checking accounts and a Mgner rate on

money deposited for fixed periods j

InternationalCorporation 1414 F Street

Uptown Branch 1136 Conn AveDowntown Branch Center Market

The Delay of a Day-

S In making your will or a suitabletrust provi-

sion may throw the care of your estate prop-S city or business into the hands1 enced personsjj This Company invites consultation with its

your will or trust provision

COT 9th arid F Sts


COMPANYCapital and Surplus 1750000














oft nexperl


officers at any reference tOtmaking


l I



iIwtime witit




Established Oct 13 lOOt

Capital 350000000Surplus and UndividedProfits 23018857

This BankContinuesTo GrowBe-

cause it continues to givethe best service that a bankcan render

Are YOU getting such serv-

ice If not start a businessor personal account here Weassure you of every courtesy

CommercialNational Bank

Cor 14th and G Sts

OFFICERSFrederick C Sfeveas PresK H Shea Vice PresA G PresJohn Poole Cashier

Capital 0000001 Sorites 51S00006


Issues drafts direct availablethroughout the world

Issues letters of creditBuys and exchangeTransmits money by cantoMakes Investments foe customersMakes c Decttons for customersBuys and sells stocks anti bends


Pa Ave opoitte U S Treaiar


W H WALKER 729 15th nw




PennRjlvnnin Railroad Ii ues Sta-

tistics of Ages nnd WorkPhiladelphIa Feb 17 Indicating the

morale and experience of locomotivestatistics complied by theRailroad Company as of Jaa

vary 1 W show that the average age

of Ute 1JSK engtaemen of this cempeayslines is fortyflwir years and of theaverage length of service twentyoneyears That this class of employee Of

the company start in its sendee as youngmen and move through a course of rareTnl training preparatory to becoming en-

ginomen is evidenced by the fact that3ibe average age at which were ap-

pointed englnemen was thirtyowe yearswillie the age at which they entered theservice was twentythree years

Included in the figures gIven aboveU4 enginernea who have been retired fromactive service and are now receivingpensions granted thorn by the companyTheir average age is seventytwo yearsUp to the time they were retired theseuses tad served the company an averageof fwtytbrw years thirtysix of whichbad bean spent as oug Their

retired pay amounts to 48 per centof the average wages for ten years pre-ceding retirement











Clapham Vice



Jtnde nt LowCttt ofst

IieelSti l111 H ST




Rules Interest

en-gineers Penn-







Household AccountsLadies are cftrdiafly invited to

make this bank their depositoryW furnish check books tree andaid In every way possible thosewho are inexperienced in businessforms

We have many lady depositorswho through economical

of household affairs achecking accoaat ponasts haveopened a savings account with thesurplus

Special window and roomfor ladles

7th St and Mass Ave

Branches-th and H Sts NE436 7th St S W

Union Savings BankUNDER CONTROL

The Oldest SafJsgs But ia



If you have an idle hundred orfifty or any other amount whichyou desire to lay aside for safe-keeping bring it to this bank fordeposit One dollar opens aa ac-count

We pay 3 cent Interast com-pounded semiannually

710 14th St H W

The Safest Investment-sAre of tic money or siufceti First f

cf trust notes LSt cssrtsssEB weB saeared-a real estate In the District cC Colazbia COD

itittiti gflttdse iSTtstsieots do satdepeaa upon the fiaiadal isspoasaaHty ef Sod i

ridnalj or ccrporaticns for their stabSty andare extmpt faro tuatieB as personal prepertyWe can supply such initstasnU ia amountsfrom 00 upward foe booklet Xo2cer2251Loans and IcrestsenU

Swartzell Rheem OHensey Co-




District of Columbia Real Estate atlowest rates of



MONET TO LOANW hare PJOOO at 4 per cent on D a ml esuta

hare W50CO at S per cest ta D G real estateWe hire at 5H per cent on D C realWe hue 4tt per cent foe 1 year oa D CL

real estateErny possible consideration shown borra er


3135tf Ca lith t BK


5 per cent no delay leant opcasc It E FPRINCE m Bond BMc ja3 5W

MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED PBOPERIYin the District of Coteabfe at Sew rites of feter

I E SHOEMAKER e k st BIT feTtf

IOOOOO TO LOAN-On Washington real estate easy terms Apply toDISTRICT REALTY CO Inc H T aaagar loan and rectal O 313 BONDBLDO err itch and New York are air Ja3tf

MONET TO LOAN ON APPROVED CITY REArestate at lowest caxreat ntes et Interest speckl-

rriTilfscs with respect payments TYLERRUTHERFORD il W Btk SL ax mnjtr


totst All traoacosnj ccodocted with cctaxrnfcal-cansidcratioa tar butixmcu WH 11 SAUNDERS

CO 1 T F st ST MK







Home Savings BankN W i


rod r s Treasury










Are those that do not tuate during







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