SULIT 1 4541/1 [Lihat halaman sebelah 4541/1 © 2010 Hak Cipta Majlis Amanah Rakyat, MARA SULIT CONFIDENTIAL 4541/1 Chemistry Paper 1 September 2010 1 1/4 hour SPM TRIAL EXAMINATION 2010 MAKTAB RENDAH SAINS MARA CHEMISTRY Paper 1 One hour and fifteen minutes DO NOT OPEN THE QUESTION BOOKLET UNTIL BEING TOLD TO DO SO. 1 This question booklet is bilingual Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam dwibahasa 2 Candidates are advised to read INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES on page 28 Calon dikehendaki membaca MAKLUMAT UNTUK PELAJAR di halaman 28 This question booklet has 25 printed pages www.myschoolchildren.com more examination papers at :

UNTIL BEING TOLD TO DO SO. DO NOT OPEN THE … What are the cations present in zinc sulphate solution? ... forsep pembedahan mempunyai komposisi berikut ... hydroxide Ammonium hidroksida

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Paper 1



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Paper 1

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1 Which of the following scientists discovered proton? Antara saintis berikut, yang manakah menemui proton?

A Neils Bohr

B J. J Thomson

C James Chadwick

D Ernest Rutherford

2 Which of the following is the empirical formula of C6H12O6? Antara berikut,yang manakah formula empirik bagi C6H12O6?



C C2H4O2

D C6H12O6

3 Calcium carbonate, CaCO3 is the main component of marble. How many moles of

atom of each element is present in 1 mol of calcium carbonate? Kalsium karbonat, CaCO3 adalah komponen utama dalam marmar. Berapakah bilangan mol

atom setiap unsur dalam 1 mol kalsium karbonat?

Calcium, Ca Kalsium, Ca

Carbon, C Karbon, C

Oxygen, O Oksigen, O

A 1 1 3

B 2 1 3

C 1 2 6

D 2 2 6

4 What is the factor that determines the chemical properties of an element? Apakah faktor yang menentukan sifat kimia sesuatu unsur?

A The number of proton in an atom Bilangan proton dalam satu atom

B The number of neutrons in the nucleus Bilangan neutron di dalam nukleus

C The number of electrons in the outer most shell Bilangan elektron pada petala terluar

D The number of electrons in an atom Bilangan elektron dalam satu atom

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5 Table 1 shows the proton number for four elements in the Periodic Table. Jadual 1 menunjukkan nombor proton bagi empat unsur dalam Jadual Berkala.

Elements Unsur

Proton Number Nombor proton

T 3

U 6

V 11

W 17

Table 1 Jadual 1

Which of the following pairs of elements are placed in the same group in the Periodic

Table? Antara pasangan unsur berikut, yang manakah berada dalam kumpulan sama dalam Jadual


A T and U T dan U

B V and W V dan W

C T and V T dan V

D U and W U dan W

6 During the formation of ionic bonds, the atoms of elements Dalam pembentukkan ikatan ion, atom-atom unsur

A share electrons berkongsi elektron

B accept electrons menerima elektron

C donate electrons menderma elektron

D transfer electrons memindah elektron

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7 Which of the following is an example of electrolyte? Antara berikut, yang manakah adalah contoh elektrolit?

A Sugar solution Larutan gula

B Molten naphthalene Leburan naftalena

C Solid sodium chloride Pepejal natrium klorida

D Molten lead(II) bromide Leburan plumbum(II) bromida

8 What are the cations present in zinc sulphate solution? Apakah kation yang hadir dalam larutan zink sulfat?

A Zn2+

, H+

B Zn2+

, SO42-

C OH-, SO4


D Zn2+

, H+, OH

-, SO4


9 Why ammonia solution is a weak alkali? Mengapakah larutan ammonia sejenis alkali lemah ?

A It has high pH value Ia mempunyai nilai pH yang tinggi

B It dissociates partially in water Ia tercerai separa dalam air

C It contains a lot of ammonium ions Ia mengandungi banyak ion ammonium

D It produces high concentration of hydroxide ions in the water Ia menghasilkan kepekatan ion hidroksida yang tinggi di dalam air

10 Which of the following chemical equations represents the formation of oleum in

Contact Process? Antara persamaan kimia berikut, manakah mewakili penghasilan oleum dalam Proses Sentuh?

A S + O2 → SO2

B 2 SO2 + O2 → 2 SO3

C SO3 + H2SO4 → H2S2O7

D H2S2O7 + H2O → 2 H2SO4

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11 An alloy which is used to make surgical forceps has the following composition: Sejenis aloi yang digunakan untuk membuat forsep pembedahan mempunyai komposisi


Iron Besi

- 74 %

Chromium Kromium

- 18 %

Carbon Karbon

- 8 %

This alloy is strong and does not corrode easily. What is this alloy? Aloi ini kuat dan tidak mudah terkakis. Apakah aloi ini?

A Bronze Gangsa

B Pewter Piuter

C Duralumin Duralumin

D Stainless steel Keluli nirkarat

12 Diagram 1 shows standard representation of chlorine isotopes. Rajah 1 menunjukkan wakilan piawai isotop-isotop bagi klorin.

Diagram 1 Rajah 1

Both isotopes have Kedua-dua isotop mempunyai

A different number of valence electrons bilangan elektron valens yang berbeza

B different chemical properties sifat kimia yang berbeza

C same number of neutrons bilangan neutron yang sama

D same number of protons bilangan proton yang sama



Cl 35



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13 Which of the following is/are weak acid? Antara berikut, yang manakah merupakan asid lemah?





A I only I sahaja

B I and II I dan II

C III and IV III dan IV

D IV only IV sahaja

14 What should be added to latex so that it stays in liquid form? Apakah yang perlu ditambahkan kepada lateks bagi mengekalkannya dalam bentuk cecair?

A Ethanol Etanol

B Ethanoic acid Asid etanoik

C Ammonia solution Larutan ammonia

D Hydrochloric acid Asid hidroklorik

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15 Diagram 2 shows the mixture of liquid Z and water in a test tube. Rajah 2 menunjukkan campuran cecair Z dan air dalam tabung uji.

Diagram 2

Rajah 2

Which of the following is liquid Z? Antara berikut, yang manakah merupakan cecair Z?

A Glucose Glukosa

B Ethanol Etanol

C Ethanoic acid Asid etanoik

D Ethyl ethanoate Etil etanoat

16 Which of the following chemical reactions is a redox reaction? Antara tindak balas kimia berikut, yang manakah merupakan satu tindak balas redoks?

A Displacement Penyesaran

B Neutralisation Peneutralan

C Hydrogenation Penghidrogenan

D Halogenation Penghalogenan

Liquid Z Cecair Z

Water Air

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17 Diagram 3 shows the rusting process of an iron nail when paired with metal X. Rajah 3 menunjukkan proses pengaratan paku besi bila dipasangkan dengan logam X.

Diagram 3

Rajah 3

The rate of rusting is the highest when X is Kadar pengaratan adalah paling tinggi apabila X adalah

A zinc zink

B silver argentum

C lead plumbum

D magnesium magnesium

18 Which of the following pairs of additive in detergent and its function is correct? Antara pasangan berikut, manakah bahan tambah detergen dan fungsinya yang benar?

Additives in detergent

Bahan tambah detergen Function


A Sodium perborate Natrium perborat

To convert stains into colourless substances Menukarkan kotoran kepada bahan tidak berwarna

B Sodium tripoliphosphate Natrium tripolifosfat

To enable detergent to be poured easily Memudahkan detergen dituang dengan mudah

C Sodium silicate Natrium silikat

To remove protein stains Menanggalkan kotoran berprotein

D Sodium sulphate Natrium sulfat

To soften the water Melembutkan air

Metal X Logam X

Wire Wayar

Iron nail Paku besi

Potassium chloride solution Larutan kalium klorida

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19 Diagram 4 shows the application of chemical reactions in daily life. Rajah 4 menunjukkan aplikasi tindak balas kimia dalam kehidupan seharian.

Materials Bahan-bahan

Name Nama

Cold pack Pek sejuk

Hot pack Pek panas

Chemicals used Bahan kimia yang digunakan

M and water M dan air

N and water N dan air

Diagram 4 Rajah 4

What is M and N? Apakah M dan N?

Material M

Bahan M

Material N Bahan N

A Ammonium nitrate

Ammonium nitrat

Anhydrous magnesium sulphate Magnesium sulfat kontang

B Ammonium hydroxide Ammonium hidroksida

Calcium chloride Kalsium klorida

C Sodium carbonate Natrium karbonat

Sodium hydroxide Natrium hidroksida

D Sodium acetate Natrium asetat

Sodium bicarbonate Natrium bikarbonat


What type of medicine is streptomycin? Apakah jenis ubat streptomisin?

A Analgesic Analgesik

B Antibiotic Antibiotik

C Antipsychotic Antipsikotik

D Psychotherapeutic Psikoteraputik

A student has a whooping cough.

He went to a clinic and the doctor prescribed streptomycin. Seorang pelajar mengalami batuk kokol.

Dia pergi ke klinik dan doktor memberinya streptomisin.

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21 The following shows a standard representation of potassium atom, K. Berikut adalah wakilan piawai bagi atom kalium K.

Which is the correct electron arrangement for potassium? Susunan elektron manakah yang betul bagi kalium?



C 2.8.1

D 2.8.2

22 Table 2 shows the melting and boiling points of substances V, W, X and Y. Jadual 2 menunjukkan takat lebur dan takat didih bahan V, W, X dan Y.

Table 2 Jadual 2

Which of the following substances is in liquid form at room temperature? Antara bahan berikut, manakah merupakan cecair pada suhu bilik ?

Substances Bahan-bahan

Melting point (oC)

Takat lebur (oC)

Boiling point (oC)

Takat didih (oC)

V – 23 7

W 64 298

X – 256 – 192

Y 12 135






19 K

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23 Why the reactivity of Group 1 elements increases when going down the group? Mengapa kereaktifan unsur Kumpulan 1 meningkat apabila menuruni kumpulan?

A The size of atom decreases Saiz atom semakin berkurang

B The density of element increases Ketumpatan unsur semakin meningkat

C The ability of the atom to donate valence electron increases Keupayaan atom menderma elektron valens semakin meningkat.

D The attraction between nucleus and the valence electron become stronger Daya tarikan antara nukleus dan elektron valens semakin kuat

24 Table 3 shows the electron arrangement of atoms J and L. Jadual 3 menunjukkan susunan elektron bagi atom J dan L.

Atom Electron arrangement

Susunan elektron

J 2.8.2

L 2.8.7

Table 3 Jadual 3

Which of the following is true for the compound formed when J reacts with L? Antara berikut manakah benar bagi sebatian yang terbentuk apabila J bertindak balas dengan


Type of bonding Jenis ikatan

Able to conduct electricity Boleh mengkonduksikan elektrik

A Ionic Ionik

in aqueous and molten state dalam keadaan akueus dan leburan

B Covalent Kovalen

in aqueous and molten state dalam keadaan akueus dan leburan

C Covalent Kovalen

in aqueous state only dalam keadaan akueus sahaja

D Ionic Ionik

in molten state only dalam keadaan leburan sahaja

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25 Diagram 5 shows a chemical cell using magnesium and copper as the electrodes. Rajah 5 menunjukkan sel kimia menggunakan magnesium dan kuprum sebagai elektrod.

Diagram 5

Rajah 5

Which of the following half equations represents the reaction at the copper electrode? Antara persamaan setengah berikut, yang manakah mewakili tindak balas yang berlaku di

elektrod kuprum?

A Cu → Cu2+

+ 2e

B 2H+ + 2e → H2

C Cu2+

+ 2e → Cu

D 2Cl- → Cl2 + 2e

26 The pH of 0.1 mol dm-3

hydrochloric acid, HCl and 0.1 mol dm-3

sulphuric acid,

H2SO4 are not the same because pH asid hidroklorik, HCl 0.1 mol dm-3

dan asid sulfurik, H2SO4 0.1 mol dm-3 berbeza kerana

A HCl does not ionize completely in water HCl tidak mengion lengkap dalam air

B concentration of H+ ions in H2SO4 is higher than HCl

kepekatan ion H+ dalam H2SO4 lebih tinggi dari HCl

C number of ions in H2SO4 is more than HCl bilangan ion dalam H2SO4 lebih banyak dari HCl

D The strength of HCl and H2SO4 are not the same

Kekuatan HCl dan H2SO4 adalah berbeza

Magnesium Magnesium

Copper Kuprum

Sodium chloride solution

Larutan natrium klorida

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27 Diagram 6 shows the reaction of lead(II) nitrate with solution X. Rajah 6 menunjukkan tindak balas antara plumbum(II) nitrat dengan larutan X.

Diagram 6 Rajah 6

What is the solution X? Apakah larutan X?

A Potassium iodide Kalium iodida

B Sodium chromate Natrium kromat

C Sodium chloride Natrium klorida

D Potassium bromide Kalium bromida

28 Pure metals are ductile and malleable. This is because Logam tulen adalah mulur dan boleh ditempa. Ini adalah kerana

A atoms can move freely atom-atom boleh bergerak bebas

B layers of atoms can slide easily lapisan atom-atom boleh menggelongsor dengan mudah

C bonding between atoms are weak ikatan antara atom-atom adalah lemah

D atoms are orderly and closely packed atom-atom tersusun secara teratur dan padat

Lead(II) nitrate solution Larutan plumbum(II) nitrat

White precipitate Mendakan putih

Solution X Larutan X


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29 Diagram 7 shows a graph of the volume of gas produced against time for the reaction

between zinc granules and hydrochloric acid. Rajah 7 menunjukkan graf isipadu gas yang dihasilkan melawan masa bagi tindak balas

antara ketulan zink dan asid hidroklorik.

Diagram 7 Rajah 7

The gradient of the graph decreases with time because Kecerunan graf berkurang dengan masa kerana

A catalyst is not used mangkin tidak digunakan

B volume of mixture decreases isipadu campuran berkurang

C temperature of reaction decreases suhu tindak balas berkurang

D concentration of hydrochloric acid decreases kepekatan asid hidroklorik berkurang

30 Magnesium reacts with acid to produce hydrogen gas, H2.

Which solution would give the highest initial rate of reaction? Magnesium bertindak balas dengan asid untuk menghasilkan gas hidrogen, H2.

Larutan manakah akan memberikan kadar awal tindak balas yang tertinggi?

A 100 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm

-3 of nitric acid, HNO3

100 cm3 asid nitrik, HNO3 1.0 mol dm-3

B 100 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm

-3 of hydrochloric acid, HCl

100 cm3 asid hidroklorik, HCl 1.0 mol dm


C 100 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm

-3 of sulphuric acid, H2SO4

100 cm3 asid sulfurik, H2SO4 1.0 mol dm-3

D 100 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm

-3 of ethanoic acid, CH3COOH

100 cm3 etanoik asid, CH3COOH 1.0 mol dm-3

Volume of gas, cm3

Isipadu gas, cm3

Time, s Masa, s

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31 Both ethane and ethene Kedua-dua etana dan etena

A have the same general formula mempunyai formula am yang sama

B have similar physical properties mempunyai sifat fizik yang sama

C can decolourise brown bromine water boleh menyahwarnakan larutan perang air bromin

D burn completely in air to produce carbon dioxide gas and water terbakar lengkap dalam udara menghasilkan gas karbon dioksida dan air

32 The following equation represents a chemical reaction of ethanol. Persamaan berikut mewakili satu tindak balas kimia bagi etanol.

What can be used to identify substance P? Apakah yang boleh digunakan untuk mengenal pasti bahan P?

A Bromine water Air bromin

B Chlorine water Air klorin

C Hydrogen gas Gas hidrogen

D Phosphoric acid Asid fosforik

33 The following equation shows the reaction between copper(II) oxide and carbon. Persamaan berikut menunjukkan tindak balas antara kuprum(II) oksida dengan karbon.

Which of the following statements is true about the reaction? Antara kenyataan berikut, yang manakah benar mengenai tindak balas itu?

A Carbon is an oxidising agent Karbon ialah agen pengoksidaan

B Copper(II) oxide is a reducing agent Kuprum(II) oksida ialah agen penurunan

C Carbon is reduced to carbon dioxide Karbon diturunkan kepada karbon dioksida

D Copper(II) oxide is reduced to copper. Kuprum(II) oksida diturunkan kepada kuprum

2CuO + C → CO2 + 2Cu


Porcelain chips Serpihan porselin

P + H2O

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34 When 50 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm

-3 nitric acid is mixed with 50 cm

3 of 1.0 mol dm

-3 sodium

hydroxide solution the temperature increases by 6.0 oC .

What is the temperature change if the experiment is repeated using 50 cm3 of

2.0 mol dm-3

nitric acid with 50 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm

-3 sodium hydroxide?

Apabila 50 cm3 asid nitrik 1.0 mol dm

-3 dicampurkan dengan 50 cm

3 natrium hidroksida

1.0 mol dm-3, suhu bertambah sebanyak 6.0 oC.

Berapakah perubahan suhu jika eksperimen diulangi menggunakan 50 cm3 asid nitrik

2.0 mol dm-3

dengan 50 cm3 natrium hidroksida 1.0 mol dm


A 3.0 oC

B 6.0 oC

C 9.0 oC

D 12.0 oC

35 A student carries out an experiment to determine the heat of combustion of propanol.

Which of the following information does he need in order to calculate the heat of

combustion? Seorang pelajar menjalankan eksperimen untuk menentukan haba pembakaran bagi propanol.

Antara maklumat berikut, yang manakah diperlukan untuk menentukan haba pembakaran


I Mass of water Jisim air

II Volume of propanol Isipadu propanol

III Initial temperature of propanol Bacaan suhu awal propanol

IV Highest temperature of water Bacaan suhu tertinggi air

A I and II I dan II

B I and IV I dan IV

C II and III II dan III

D III and IV III dan IV

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36 Table 5 shows four elements and their proton numbers. Jadual 5 menunjukkan empat unsur dan bilangan proton.

Element Unsur

Proton number Nombor proton

P 8

Q 11

R 17

S 16

Table 5 Jadual 5

Given the proton number of flourine is 9, which of the following elements has similar

chemical properties to it? Jika nombor proton bagi florin ialah 9, manakah antara unsur berikut mempunyai sifat kimia

yang sama dengannya?





37 Table 6 shows the electron arrangement and nucleon number for atoms E and G. Jadual 6 menunjukkan susunan elektron dan nombor nukleon bagi atom E dan G.

Atom E Atom G

Electron arrangement Susunan elektron 2.8.3 2.8.7

Nucleon number Nombor nukleon 27 35

Table 6 Jadual 6

Based on Table 6, what is the relative molecular mass for compound formed when E

reacts with G? Berdasarkan Jadual 6, apakah jisim molekul relatif bagi sebatian yang terbentuk apabila atom

E bertindak balas dengan atom G?

A 62

B 64

C 97

D 132

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38 An element J forms compound JCl3 with chlorine and JSO4 with sulphate ion.

Which of the following is true for this element? Unsur J membentuk sebatian JCl3 dengan klorin dan JSO4 dengan ion sulfat.

Antara berikut yang manakah benar tentang unsur ini?

A J is a transition metal J adalah logam peralihan

B J is an alkali metal J adalah logam alkali

C J is a Group 2 element J adalah unsur Kumpulan 2

D J is halogen J adalah halogen.

39 R reacts with S to form ionic compound with a formula of R2S3.

Which of the following electron arrangements are true for R and S atoms? R bertindak balas dengan S membentuk sebatian ion dengan formula R2S3.

Antara susunan elektron berikut yang manakah benar bagi atom R dan S?

Electron arrangement of R atom Susunan elektron atom R

Electron arrangement of S atom Susunan elektron atom S

A 2.1 2.7

B 2.2 2.8.5

C 2.8.3 2.6

D 2.8.6

40 Table 7 shows the potential differences for three simple cells. Jadual 7 menunjukkan beza upaya bagi tiga sel ringkas.

Pair of metals Pasangan logam

Potential difference (V) Beza upaya (V)

Negative terminal Kutub negatif

K and copper K dan kuprum 0.4 K

L and copper L dan kuprum 1.3 L

M and copper M dan kuprum 0.6 Cu

Table 7 Jadual 7

Based on the potential values given, what is the arrangement of all metals K, L, M and

copper in ascending order of electropositivity? Berdasarkan kepada beza upaya yang diberikan, manakah susunan kesemua logam K, L, M

dan kuprum mengikut urutan keelektropositifan menaik?

A L, K, Cu, M

B K, L, M, Cu

C M, Cu, K, L

D Cu, K, L, M

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41 Diagram 8 shows the set-up of apparatus for the titration of sodium hydroxide solution

with hydrochloric acid. Rajah 8 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi pentitratan larutan natrium hidroksida dengan asid


Diagram 8

Rajah 8

What is the total volume of the mixture in the conical flask at end point? Berapakah jumlah isipadu campuran larutan di dalam kelalang kon pada takat akhir


A 40 cm3

B 30 cm3

C 20 cm3

D 10 cm3


The following equation represents the reaction between magnesium oxide and nitric

acid. Persamaan berikut mewakili tindak balas antara magnesium oksida dengan asid nitrik.

MgO + 2HNO3 → Mg(NO3)2 + H2O

Excess magnesium oxide is reacted with 50 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm

-3 nitric acid.

What is the maximum mass of magnesium nitrate salt formed?

[Relative atomic mass: N = 14, O = 16, Mg = 24] Magnesium oksida yang berlebihan bertindak balas dengan 50 cm3

asid nitrik 2.0 mol dm-3.

Apakah jisim maksimum garam magnesium nitrat yang terbentuk?

[Jisim atom relatif: N = 14, O = 16, Mg = 24]

A 1.48 g

B 3.70 g

C 4.30 g

D 7.40 g

2.0 mol dm-3

hydrochloric acid Asid hidroklorik 2.0 mol dm-3

20 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm

-3 sodium hydroxide solution

and phenolphthalein 20 cm

3 larutan natrium hidroksida 1.0 mol dm


dan fenolftalein

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43 Diagram 9 shows the layout of water pipe system in a house. Rajah 9 menunjukkan pelan kedudukan sistem saluran air bagi sebuah rumah.

Diagram 9

Rajah 9

What are the best materials that can be used as pipes for the above purposes? Bahan terbaik manakah boleh digunakan sebagai paip bagi tujuan di atas?

House hold water

supply Air kegunaan isi rumah

Waste water Air buangan

Rain water Air hujan

A Polypropene Polipropena

Ceramics Seramik



B Lead Plumbum

Copper Kuprum

Polyvinylchloride Polivinilklorida

C Fibre glass Gentian kaca

Steel Keluli

Perspex Perpeks

D Polythene


Cast iron Besi

Concrete Konkrit

44 The following chemical equation represents the complete combustion of propane. Persamaan kimia berikut mewakili pembakaran lengkap propana.

C3H8 + 5O2 → 3CO2 + 4H2O

What is the volume of oxygen gas used if 5.5 g of propane is completely burnt in air?

[Relative atomic mass: H = 1, C = 12, O = 16;

Molar volume of gas = 24 dm3 mol

-1 at room conditions]

Berapakah isipadu gas oksigen yang digunakan jika 5.5 g propana terbakar lengkap dalam


[Jisim atom relatif: H = 1, C = 12, O = 16; Isipadu molar gas = 24 dm3 mol

-1 pada keadaan


A 30.0 dm3

B 15.0 dm3

C 9.0 dm3

D 3.0 dm3

Water supply for house-hold use Air kegunaan isi rumah

Waste water Air buangan

Rain water Air hujan

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45 Diagram 10 shows the set-up of apparatus of an electrolysis process. Rajah 10 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi satu proses elektrolisis.

Diagram 10

Rajah 10

Which of the following electrolytes produces oxygen gas at electrode U? Antara elektrolit berikut, yang manakah menghasilkan gas oksigen di elektrod U?

A 1.0 mol dm-3 sodium chloride solution Larutan natrium klorida 1.0 mol dm


B 1.0 mol dm-3

hydrochloric acid solution Larutan asid hidroklorik 1.0 mol dm-3

C 1.0 mol dm-3

potassium nitrate solution Larutan kalium nitrat 1.0 mol dm


D 1.0 mol dm-3

potassium bromide solution Larutan kalium bromida 1.0 mol dm-3

46 The following statements describe the particles of a substance at room temperature. Pernyataan-pernyataan berikut menerangkan tentang zarah-zarah suatu bahan pada suhu


• The particles are far apart from each other. Zarah-zarah adalah berjauhan antara satu sama lain.

• Forces of attraction between particles are weak. Daya tarikan antara zarah adalah lemah.

• The particles have high kinetic energy and move randomly. Zarah-zarah mempunyai tenaga kinetik yang tinggi dan bergerak rawak..

Which of the following substance match the criteria? Antara bahan berikut, yang manakah memenuhi kriteria di atas?

Substance Bahan

Melting point (ºC) Takat lebur

Boiling point (ºC) Takat didih

A R 114 443

B S -11 44

C T -65 -8

D U 20 98

Electrolyte Elektrolit

Carbon electrodes Elektrod karbon

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47 Diagram 11 shows the preparation of standard solution of potassium hydroxide, KOH

by dissolving 5.6 g of potassium hydroxide in distilled water and making the volume

up to 100 cm3.

Rajah 11 menunjukkan penyediaan larutan piawai kalium hidroksida, KOH dengan

melarutkan 5.6 g kalium hidroksida di dalam air suling dan menjadikan isipadu sehingga 100


Diagram 11 Rajah 11

What is the volume of the standard solution prepared above that should be used if a

student wants to prepare 50 cm3 of 0.5 mol dm

-3 potassium hydroxide solution?

[Relative formula mass: KOH = 56] Berapakah isipadu larutan piawai yang disediakan di atas perlu digunakan jika seorang

pelajar ingin menyediakan 50 cm3 larutan kalium hidroksida 0.5 mol dm-3?

[Jisim formula relatif: KOH = 56]

A 12.5 cm3

B 25.0 cm3

C 37.5 cm3

D 50.0 cm3

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48 Table 9 shows the experiments carried out to study the rate of reaction between zinc

carbonate and nitric acid. Jadual 9 menunjukkan eksperimen yang dijalankan bagi mengkaji tindak balas antara zink

karbonat dengan asid nitrik.

Table 9 Jadual 9

Which of the following graph represents the two experiments? Antara graf berikut yang manakah mewakili kedua-dua eksperimen itu?

Experiment Eksperimen

Zinc carbonate, ZnCO3

Zink karbonat

Nitric acid, HNO3

Asid nitrik

Mass (g) Jisim

State Keadaan




(mol dm-3

) Kepekatan

I 5 Granule Ketulan

50 0.1

II 5 Powder Serbuk

25 0.2





Volume of CO2/cm3

Isipadu CO2/cm3





Volume of CO2/cm3

Isipadu CO2/cm3





Volume of CO2/cm3

Isipadu CO2/cm3

Volume of CO2/cm3

Isipadu CO2/cm3








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49 The following equations represent the displacement reaction of metals. Persamaan-persamaan berikut mewakili tindak balas penyesaran beberapa logam.

Reaction I : E + G2+

→ E2+

+ G Tindak balas I

Reaction II : L + E2+

→ L2+

+ E Tindak balas II

Which of the following statement is true? Antara pernyataan berikut yang manakah benar?

A E and G are oxidised E dan G teroksida

B E is more electropositive than L. E adalah lebih elektropositif dari L

C G is lower than L in the Electrochemical Series. G adalah di bawah L dalam Siri Elektrokimia.

D G can displace E from its salt solution. G boleh menyesarkan E daripada larutan garamnya

50 Diagram 12 shows an energy level diagram for the reaction between acid and alkali. Rajah 12 menunjukkan rajah aras tenaga bagi tindak balas antara asid dan alkali.

Diagram 12 Rajah 12

Calculate the amount of heat released when 50 cm3 of 2 mol dm

-3 ethanoic acid reacts

with 50 cm3

of 2 mol dm-3

potassium hydroxide solution. Hitung jumlah haba yang dibebaskan apabila 50 cm3

asid etanoik 2 mol dm-3 bertindak balas

dengan 50 cm3 larutan kalium hidroksida 2 mol dm


A 540 J

B 5400 J

C 27000 J

D 54000 J

Energy Tenaga


∆H = - 54 kJ mol-1


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1. This question paper consists of 50 questions.

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 50 soalan.

2. Answer all questions. Jawab semua soalan

3. Each question is followed by four alternative answers A, B, C and D. For each

question, choose one answer only. Blacken your answer on the objective answer sheet

provided. Tiap-tiap soalan di ikuti oleh empat pilihan jawapan, iaitu A, B, C dan D. Bagi setiap soalan,

pilih satu jawapan sahaja. Hitamkan jawapan anda pada kertas jawapan objektif yang


4. If you wish to change your answer, erase the blackened mark that you have made.

Then blacken the new answer. Sekiranya anda hendak menukar jawapan, padamkan tanda yang telah dibuat. Kemudian

hitamkan jawapan yang baru.

5. The diagrams in the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless stated. Rajah yang mengiringi soalan tidak dilukiskan mengikut skala kecuali dinyatakan.

6. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator. Anda dibenarkan menggunakan kalkulator saintifik yang tidak boleh diprogram.

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Index Number: …......…………………….






Paper 2

Two hours and thirty minutes



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space provided. Tuliskan nama dan angka giliran anda pada

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2. The question booklet is bilingual. Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam dwibahasa.

3. Candidate is required to read the information

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Kod Pemeriksa

Section Question Full

mark Marks


1 9

2 9

3 10

4 10

5 11

6 11


7 20

8 20


9 20

10 20


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Section A Bahagian A

[60 marks] [60 markah]

Answer all questions in this section. Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini.

1 (a) Diagram 1.1 shows the step involved in an industrial process to produce

ammonia. Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan langkah yang terlibat dalam industri untuk menyediakan


Diagram 1.1 Rajah 1.1

(i) Name the process in the production of ammonia. Namakan proses dalam penghasilan ammonia.


[1 mark] [1 markah]

(ii) Name gas T. Namakan gas T.


[1 mark] [1 markah]

(iii) Write the chemical equation for the reaction between hydrogen and

gas T to produce ammonia. Tuliskan persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas antara hidrogen dan gas T

untuk menghasilkan ammonia.


[1 mark] [1 markah]







Hydrogen gas Gas Hidrogen

Gas T Gas T

Ammonia Ammonia

Combine to




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(b) Table 1 shows two types of food additives used in food industry. Jadual 1 menunjukkan dua jenis bahan tambah makanan yang digunakan dalam

industri makanan.

Types of food

additives Jenis bahan

tambah makanan

Example Contoh

Uses Kegunaan

U Sodium benzoate Natrium benzoat

Food can last longer Makanan tahan lebih lama

Antioxidants Anti pengoksida


Neutralises free radicals

and reduce risk of cancer Meneutralkan radikal bebas dan

mengurangkan risiko kanser

Table 1 Jadual 1

(i) State the type of food additive U. Nyatakan jenis bahan tambah makanan U.


[1 mark] [1 markah]

(ii) State the example of antioxidant that is represented by V. Nyatakan contoh anti pengoksida yang diwakili oleh V.


[1 mark] [1 markah]






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(c) Diagram 1.2 shows an equation representing the reaction between coconut

oil (gliseryl tristearate) and concentrated sodium hydroxide. Rajah 1.2 menunjukkan satu persamaan yang mewakili tindak balas antara

minyak kelapa (gliseril tristearat) dan natrium hidroksida pekat.

Gliseryl tristearate Glyserol Soap Gliseril tristearat Gliserol Sabun

Diagram 1.2 Rajah 1.2

Based on Diagram 1.2, answer the following questions: Berdasarkan Rajah 1.2, jawab soalan - soalan berikut:

(i) Name the soap molecules produced. Namakan molekul sabun yang terhasil.


[1 mark] [1 markah]

(ii) Name the process represented by the equation. Namakan proses yang diwakili oleh persamaan tersebut.


[1 mark] [1 markah]

(iii) Why are the soap molecules not effective in hard water? Mengapakah molekul sabun tidak berkesan dalam air liat?



[2 marks] [2 markah]







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2 (a) Table 2 shows the proton number and nucleon number of atoms P, Q and

R. Jadual 2 menunjukkan nombor proton dan nombor nukleon bagi atom P, Q dan


Atom of element Atom unsur

Proton number Nombor proton

Nucleon number Nombor nukleon

P 8 16

Q 9 19

R 8 17

Table 2 Jadual 2

Answer the following question based on Table 2, Jawab soalan berikut berdasarkan Jadual 2,

(i) Which pair of atoms are isotopes? Pasangan atom manakah merupakan isotop?


[1 mark] [1 markah]

(ii) Give the reason for your answer in (a)(i). Berikan sebab bagi jawapan anda di (a)(i).


[1 mark] [1 markah]

(iii) Draw the electron arrangement for atom Q. Lukis gambar rajah susunan elektron bagi atom Q.

[1 mark] [1 markah]







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(b) When metals of Group 1 react with water, bubbles of colourless gas are


Diagram 2 shows the reaction of the first three alkali metals with water in

three different beakers labeled as W, X and Y.

Apabila logam-logam Kumpulan 1 bertindak balas dengan air, gelembung-

gelembung gas tanpa warna dibebaskan.

Rajah 2 menunjukkan tindak balas bagi tiga logam alkali yang pertama dengan

air di dalam tiga bikar berlabel W, X dan Y.

Diagram 2 Rajah 2

(i) In which beaker shows the reaction of potassium with water? Bikar manakah menunjukkan tindak balas kalium dengan air?


[1 mark] [1 markah]

(ii) Based on Diagram 2, name the gas evolved when metals of

Group1 react with water. Berdasarkan Rajah 2, namakan gas yang terbebas apabila logam

Kumpulan 1 bertindak balas dengan air.


[1 mark] [1 markah]

(iii) State one observation when a few drops of phenolphthalein

indicator is added into the solution formed in W, X and Y.

Explain your answer.

Nyatakan satu pemerhatian apabila beberapa titik penunjuk fenolftalein

dimasukkan ke dalam larutan yang terhasil di W, X dan Y.

Terangkan jawapan anda.



[2 marks] [2 markah]





Flame Nyalaan




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(iv) Complete the following chemical equation: Lengkapkan persamaan kimia berikut:

…… Na + …… H2O → ………..… + …………..

[1 mark] [1 markah]

(v) Based on Diagram 2, what can you infer about the density of

Group 1 metals compared to water? Berdasarkan Rajah 2, apakah yang dapat disimpulkan mengenai

ketumpatan logam-logam Kumpulan 1 berbanding air?


[1 mark] [1 markah]






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3 Diagram 3.1 and 3.2 shows the set-up of apparatus to investigate the electrolysis

of molten lead(II) oxide and silver nitrate solution.

Rajah 3.1 dan Rajah 3.2 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk mengkaji elektrolisis leburan

plumbum(II) oksida dan larutan argentum nitrat.

(a) What is meant by electrolyte? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan elektrolit?


[1 mark] [1 markah]

(b) Based on Diagram 3.1, Berdasarkan Rajah 3.1,

(i) Name the product formed at electrode G. Namakan hasil yang terbentuk di elektrod G.


[1 mark] [1 markah]

(ii) Write the half equation for the reaction that occurs at electrode F. Tuliskan persamaan separa bagi tindak balas yang berlaku di elektrod F.


[1 mark] [1 markah]

Diagram 3.1 Rajah 3.1

Diagram 3.2 Rajah 3.2



Carbon F

Carbon G

Heat Panaskan

Molten lead(II)

oxide Leburan



Carbon L

Carbon M

Silver nitrate



argentum nitrat





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(c ) Based on Diagram 3.2, Berdasarkan Rajah 3.2,

(i) State the ions present in silver nitrate solution. Nyatakan ion - ion yang hadir dalam larutan argentum nitrat.


[1 mark]

[1 markah]

(ii) What would you observe at carbon electrode M? Apakah yang anda perhatikan di elektrod karbon M?


[1 mark] [1 markah]

(iii) Explain your answer in (c)(ii). Terangkan jawapan anda di (c)(ii).



[2 marks] [2 markah]

(iv) Describe how you can verify the product formed at carbon

electrode L. Huraikan bagaimana anda boleh mengesahkan hasil yang terbentuk di

elektrod karbon L?



[2 marks] [2 markah]

(d) State one application of electrolysis in industries. Nyatakan satu kegunaan elektrolisis dalam industri.


[1 mark] [1 markah]









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4 (a) Table 4 shows example of strong acid and weak acid with the

concentration of 0.1 mol dm-3

. Jadual 4 menunjukkan contoh asid kuat dan asid lemah dengan kepekatan 0.1

mol dm-3


Type of acid Jenis asid

Example Contoh


Strong acid Asid kuat

Hydrochloric acid Asid hidroklorik


Weak acid Asid lemah

Oxalic acid Asid oksalik


Table 4 Jadual 4

Based on the information shown in Table 4, answer the following

questions: Berdasarkan maklumat di dalam Jadual 4, jawab soalan-soalan berikut:

(i) What is meant by a weak acid? Apakah dimaksudkan dengan asid lemah?



[1 mark] [1 markah]

(ii) Why is the pH value of hydrochloric acid lower than the pH value

of oxalic acid? Mengapakah nilai pH asid hidroklorik lebih rendah dari nilai pH asid




[2 marks] [2 markah]






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(b) Diagram 4.1 shows the apparatus set-up for a titration between sodium

hydroxide solution and dilute hydrochloric acid. Rajah 4.1 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi pentitratan antara larutan natrium

hidroksida dan asid hidroklorik cair.

Diagram 4.1 Rajah 4.1

(i) Write a chemical equation to represent the reaction. Tulis persamaan kimia mewakili tindak balas ini.


[1 mark] [1 markah]

(ii) 25 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm

-3 sodium hydroxide solution is required to

react completely with 12.50 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid.

Calculate the molarity of the dilute hydrochloric acid used.

25 cm3 larutan natrium hidroksida 0.1 mol dm

-3 diperlukan untuk

bertindak balas lengkap dengan 12.50 cm3 asid hidroklorik cair.

Hitungkan kemolaran asid hidroklorik cair yang digunakan.

[3 marks]

[3 markah]



Hydrochloric acid Asid hidroklorik

25 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm

-3 sodium hydroxide

25 cm3 natrium hidroksida 0.1 mol dm





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(c) Diagram 4.2 shows a series of reaction to prepare zinc carbonate. Rajah 4.2 menunjukkan satu siri tindak balas untuk menyediakan zink karbonat.

Diagram 4.2 Rajah 4.2

(i) Name the following solutions: Namakan larutan- larutan berikut:

N: ……………………..………

S: ..……………………………

[2 marks] [2 markah]

(ii) State the type of reaction in Step 2. Nyatakan jenis tindak balas bagi Langkah 2.


[1 mark] [1 markah]






Zinc oxide Zink oksida

+ HCl

Step 1 Langkah 1

Solution N Larutan N

Zinc carbonate Zink karbonat

Sodium chloride Natrium klorida


Step 2 Langkah 2

+ S

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5 (a) Diagram 5.1 shows a reaction between lithium and chlorine gas. Rajah 5.1 menunjukkan satu tindak balas antara litium dan gas klorin.

Diagram 5.1 Rajah 5.1

(i) Write a chemical equation for the reaction. Tulis persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas ini.


[1 mark] [1 markah]

(ii) State the changes in oxidation number for chlorine. Nyatakan perubahan nombor pengoksidaan bagi klorin.


[1 mark] [1 markah]

(iii) Explain why lithium acts as the reducing agent in terms of electron

transfer. Terangkan mengapa litium bertindak sebagai agen penurunan dari segi

pemindahan elektron.



[1 mark] [1 markah]







Burning lithium Litium yang terbakar

Chlorine gas Gas klorin

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(b) Diagram 5.2 shows the addition of bromine water into a test tube

containing potassium iodide solution until in excess.

Rajah 5.2 menunjukkan penambahan air bromin ke dalam tabung uji

mengandungi larutan kalium iodida sehingga berlebihan.

Diagram 5.2 Rajah 5.2

(i) A small amount of 1,1,1-trichloroethane liquid is added to the

product in the test tube and the mixture is shaken.

What is the colour of 1,1,1-trichloroethane layer?

Sedikit cecair 1,1,1-trikloroetana ditambah kepada hasil di dalam tabung

uji dan campuran digoncang.

Apakah warna lapisan 1,1,1-trikloroetana?


[1 mark] [1 markah]

(ii) Write the ionic equation for the reaction between bromine and

potassium iodide solution. Tulis persamaan ion bagi tindak balas antara bromin dengan larutan

kalium iodida.


[1 mark] [1 markah]

(iii) What is the role of bromine water in this reaction? Apakah peranan air bromin dalam tindak balas ini?


[1 mark] [1 markah]







Bromine water Air bromin

Potassium iodide solution Larutan kalium iodida

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(c) Diagram 5.3 shows the set-up of apparatus for an experiment to compare

the reactivity of reactions between metal oxides and hydrogen gas.

Rajah 5.3 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi satu eksperimen untuk

membandingkan kereaktifan tindak balas antara oksida logam dan gas hidrogen.

Diagram 5.3 Rajah 5.3

Table 5 shows the result of the experiment: Jadual 5 menunjukkan keputusan eksperimen:

Experiment Eksperimen

Result Keputusan

Hydrogen + oxide of metal J Hidrogen + oksida logam J

Metal oxide powder glows brightly.

Black powder turned brown. Serbuk oksida logam berbara dengan terang.

Serbuk hitam menjadi perang.

Hydrogen + oxide of metal T Hidrogen + oksida logam T

No reaction.

Powder turns yellow when hot and white

when cold. Tiada tindak balas.

Serbuk bertukar kuning apabila panas dan

putih apabila sejuk.

Hydrogen + magnesium oxide Hidrogen + magnesium oksida

No reaction.

White powder remained. Tiada tindak balas.

Serbuk putih kekal.

Table 5 Jadual 5




Dry hydrogen gas Gas hidrogen kering

Heat Panaskan

Metal oxide powder

Serbuk oksida logam

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(i) Suggest a name for metal T. Cadangkan nama bagi logam T.


[1 mark] [1 markah]

(ii) Arrange the reactivity of J, T, Magnesium and Hydrogen in

ascending order. Susun kereaktifan J, T, Magnesium dan Hidrogen dalam susunan menaik.


[1 mark] [1 markah]

(iii) Based on the observations, explain how you obtain the arrangement

in (c)(ii). Berdasarkan pemerhatian, terangkan bagaimana susunan dalam (c) (ii)







[3 marks] [3 markah]







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6 Diagram 6 shows the structural formula of two organic compounds K and L. Rajah 6 menunjukkan formula struktur bagi dua sebatian organik K dan L.

Compound K Compound L

Sebatian K Sebatian L

Diagram 6 Rajah 6

Compound K and L belong to two different homologous series. Sebatian K dan L tergolong dalam dua siri homolog yang berbeza.

(a) Write the general formula for the homologous series of compound K. Tulis formula am bagi siri homolog untuk sebatian K.


[1 mark] [1 markah]

(b) Name compound L. Namakan sebatian L.


[1 mark] [1 markah]

(c) Compare two physical properties of compounds K and L by completing

the following table: Bandingkan dua sifat fizik bagi sebatian K dan L dengan melengkapkan jadual


Physical property Sifat fizik

Compound K Sebatian K

Compound L Sebatian L

Odour Bau

Solubility Keterlarutan

[ 2 marks] [2 markah]







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(d) Compound L can be produced from K in the laboratory. Sebatian L boleh dihasilkan dari K di dalam makmal.

(i) Describe briefly how this process can be carried out. Huraikan secara ringkas bagaimana proses ini dapat dijalankan.






[3 marks] [3 markah]

(ii) Write the equation for the reaction Tulis persamaan bagi tindak balas ini.


[2 marks] [2 markah]

(iii) Compound K is produced from the oxidation of propanol.

Draw all possible isomers for propanol. Sebatian K dihasilkan dari pengoksidaan propanol.

Lukis semua isomer yang mungkin bagi propanol.

[2 marks] [2 markah]







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Section B Bahagian B

[20 marks] [20 markah]

Answer any one question from this section. Jawab mana-mana satu soalan daripada bahagian ini.

7 (a) Diagram 7 shows a graph of volume of gas against time for the reaction

between excess magnesium carbonate and hydrochloric acid.

Rajah 7 menunjukkan graf isipadu gas melawan masa bagi tindak balas antara

magnesium karbonat berlebihan dan asid hidroklorik.

Diagram 7 Rajah 7

Compare the rate of reaction at t1 and t2.

Based on the graph, explain your answer.

Bandingkan kadar tindak balas pada t1 dan t2.

Berdasarkan graf, terangkan jawapan anda.

[3 marks] [3 markah]

(b) The following chemical equation shows the reaction between calcium

carbonate and hydrochloric acid. Persamaan kimia berikut menunjukkan tindak balas antara kalsium karbonat

dengan asid hidroklorik.

Determine the mass of calcium carbonate needed in the reaction if 480 cm3

of gas is released at room condition.

(The molar volume of gas at room condition: 24 dm3



Relative atomic mass: C = 12 g, O= 16 g, Ca = 40 g)

Tentukan jisim kalsium karbonat yang diperlukan dalam tindak balas jika

480 cm3 gas dibebaskan pada keadaan bilik.

(Isipadu molar gas pada keadaan bilik: 24 dm3 mol-1,

Jisim atom relatif: C=12 g, O= 16 g, Ca= 40 g )

[3 marks] [3 markah]

2HCl + CaCO3 CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O









u g


t1 t2 Time,s Masa

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(c) Two experiments are carried out to study the effect of the size of calcium

carbonate on the rate of reaction.

Dua eksperimen dijalankan untuk mengkaji kesan saiz kalsium karbonat ke atas

kadar tindak balas.

Experiment I : 1 g of calcium carbonate chips react with 20.0 cm3 of

0.2 mol dm-3

hydrochloric acid.

Eksperimen I : 1 g ketulan kalsium karbonat bertindak balas dengan 20.0

cm3 asid hidroklorik 0.2 mol dm-3


Experiment II : 1 g of calcium carbonate powder react with 20.0 cm3

of 0.2 mol dm-3

hydrochloric acid.

Eksperimen II : 1 g serbuk kalsium karbonat bertindak balas dengan 20.0

cm3 asid hidroklorik 0.2 mol dm


The volume of gas released is recorded in Table 7.1 Isipadu gas yang terhasil direkodkan dalam Jadual 7.1

Time / s

Masa/ s 0 60 120 180 240 300 360


of gas / cm3


gas / cm3


I 0.00 25.90 33.00 37.00 40.50 42.00 42.00


II 0.00 28.00 36.50 41.00 42.00 42.00 42.00

Table 7.1 Jadual 7.1

(i) Plot a graph of volume of gas against time for both experiments in

the graph paper provided on page 28.

Plot graf isipadu gas melawan masa bagi kedua-dua eksperimen pada

kertas graf yang disediakan di muka surat 28.

[5 marks] [5 markah]

(ii) Based on the graph, determine the rate of reaction at 90 sec for

Experiment I. Berdasarkan graf, tentukan kadar tindak balas pada 90 saat bagi

Eksperimen I.

[2 marks] [2 markah]

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(d) Another set of experiment was carried out to study the effect of

temperature on the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate solution

and sulphuric acid as shown in Table 7.2

Satu set eksperimen lain dijalankan untuk mengkaji kesan suhu ke atas kadar

tindak balas antara larutan natrium tiosulfat dan asid sulfurik seperti

ditunjukkan dalam Jadual 7.2

Experiment Eksperimen


Temperature of sodium

thiosulphate / oC

Suhu natrium tiosulfat

40 50

Table 7.2 Jadual 7.2

(i) Write the ionic equation for the reaction. Tulis persamaan ion bagi tindak balas ini.

[2 marks] [2 markah]

(ii) Compare the rate of reaction between Experiment I and II by using

Collision Theory. Bandingkan kadar tindak balas antara Eksperimen I dan II

menggunakan Teori Perlanggaran. [5 marks]

[5 markah]

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8 (a)

Based on the statement, explain the meaning of empirical formula and

molecular formula. Berdasarkan kenyataan tersebut, terangkan maksud formula empirik dan formula


[4 marks] [4 markah]

(b) The decomposition of copper(II) nitrate is shown in the following equation: Penguraian kuprum(II) nitrat ditunjukkan dalam persamaan berikut:

(Relative atomic mass: N=14, O=16, Cu=64,

molar volume of gas at room condition; 24 dm3



(Jisim atom relatif: N=14, O=16, Cu=64,

isipadu molar gas pada keadaan bilik; 24 dm3 mol


(i) Determine the percentage composition by mass of oxygen in

copper(II) nitrate.

Tentukan peratus mengikut jisim bagi oksigen dalam kuprum(II) nitrat.

[3 marks] [3 markah]

(ii) If 3.2 g of copper(II) oxide is produced during the heating process,

calculate the volume of oxygen gas evolved at room condition.

Jika 3.2 g kuprum(II) oksida dihasilkan semasa proses pemanasan,

hitung isipadu gas oksigen yang terbebas pada keadaan bilik.

[3 marks] [3 markah]

The molecular formula of butane is C4H10

and its empirical formula is C2H5.

Formula molekul bagi butana ialah C4H10

dan formula empiriknya ialah C2H5

2 Cu(NO3)2 2 CuO + 4 NO2 + O2

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(c) A student carried out two experiments to determine the empirical formulae

for magnesium oxide and copper(II) oxide.

Diagram 8 shows the apparatus set-up for both experiments.

Seorang pelajar menjalankan dua eksperimen untuk menentukan formula empirik

bagi magnesium oksida dan kuprum(II) oksida.

Rajah 8 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi kedua-dua eksperimen.

Experiment I Eksperimen I

Experiment II Eksperimen II

Diagram 8 Rajah 8

Explain the differences in the method used for the determination of the

empirical formulae for both oxides.

Terangkan perbezaan kaedah untuk menentukan formula empirik bagi

kedua-dua oksida itu.

[4 marks] [4 markah]

(d) The following equations show two redox reactions involving iron(II) ion,



Persamaan berikut menunjukkan dua tindak balas redoks yang melibatkan ion

ferum(II), Fe2+.

Compare the role of Fe2+

ion in both reactions.

Explain your answer.

Bandingkan peranan ion Fe2+

dalam kedua-dua tindak balas.

Terangkan jawapan anda.

[6 marks] [6 markah]

I 2 Fe2+

+ Br2 → 2 Fe3+

+ 2 Br-

II Fe2+

+ Zn → Fe + Zn2+

Heat Panaskan

Magnesium coil Pita magnesium

Heat Panaskan

Copper(II) oxide Kuprum(II) oksida

Dry hydrogen

Hidrogen kering

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Section C Bahagian C

[20 marks] [20 markah]

Answer any one question from this section. Jawab mana-mana satu soalan daripada bahagian ini.

9 (a) The reaction between sodium and chlorine forms a compound with a high

melting point.

Determine the mass of the compound formed when 2.3 g sodium reacts

with excess chlorine.

[Relative atomic mass Na= 23, Cl= 35.5]

Tindak balas antara natrium dengan klorin menghasilkan satu sebatian yang

mempunyai takat lebur yang tinggi.

Tentukan jisim sebatian yang terbentuk apabila 2.3 g natrium bertindak balas

dengan klorin berlebihan.

[Jisim atom relatif Na= 23, Cl= 35.5 ]

[4 marks] [4 markah]

(b) Table 9 shows the observation when iron reacts with chlorine and bromine

gases. Jadual 9 menunjukkan pemerhatian apabila ferum bertindak balas dengan gas

klorin dan gas bromin.

Reaction Tindak balas

Reactants Bahan Tindak balas

Observation Pemerhatian


Iron + Chlorine gas Ferum + Gas klorin

The hot iron wool ignites rapidly

with a bright flame.

A brown solid is formed. Wul besi panas menyala dengan cepat

dan terang.

Pepejal perang terhasil.


Iron + Bromine gas Ferum + Gas bromin

The hot iron wool glows moderately

bright and moderately fast.

A brown solid is formed. Wul besi panas berbara sederhana

terang dan sederhana cepat.

Pepejal perang terhasil.

Table 9 Jadual 9

Based on Table 9, Berdasarkan Jadual 9,

(i) Write the chemical equation for either of the reactions. Tulis persamaan kimia bagi salah satu tindak balas.

[2 marks] [2 markah]

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(ii) Compare the reactivity of both reactions.

Explain your answer.

[The proton number of Cl =17, Br = 35] Bandingkan kereaktifan kedua-dua tindak balas.

Terangkan jawapan anda.

[Nombor proton: Cl =17, Br = 35]

[4 marks] [4 markah]

(c) Diagram 9 shows the standard representation for the atoms of three

elements; Li, C and Cl. Rajah 9 menunjukkan wakilan piawai bagi atom tiga unsur; Li, C dan Cl.

Diagram 9 Rajah 9

Using the given information, describe the formation of two compounds

with different types of bonding. Menggunakan maklumat yang diberikan, huraikan pembentukan dua sebatian

dengan jenis ikatan berbeza.

[10 marks] [10 markah]

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10 (a) Diagram 10 shows an energy level diagram. Rajah 10 menunjukkan gambar rajah aras tenaga.

Diagram 10.1 Rajah 10.1

Determine the temperature change when 50 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm

-3 of

hydrochloric acid reacts with excess magnesium.

[Specific heat capacity of solution: 4.2 J g-1




density of solution: 1 g cm-3


Tentukan perubahan suhu apabila 50 cm3 asid hidroklorik 1.0 mol dm


bertindak balas dengan magnesium berlebihan.

[Muatan haba tentu larutan: 4.2 J g-1 oC-1, ketumpatan larutan: 1 g cm-3]

[4 marks] [4 markah]

Energy Tenaga

Mg + 2 HCl

Mg Cl2 + H2

∆H = -50.4 kJ mol -1

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(b) Table 10 shows the molecular formula and the heat of combustion for

propanol and butanol. Jadual 10 menunjukkan formula molekul dan haba pembakaran bagi propanol

dan butanol.

Alcohol Alkohol

Molecular Formula Formula molekul

Heat of combustion/ kJ mol-1

Haba pembakaran

Propanol C3H7OH -2100

Butanol C4H9OH -2877

Table 10 Jadual 10

Based on the information in Table 10, Berdasarkan maklumat dalam Jadual 10,

(i) Write the equation for the complete combustion of either one of the

alcohol. Tulis persamaan bagi tindak balas pembakaran lengkap bagi salah satu


[2 marks] [2 markah]

(iii) Compare the heat of combustion between propanol and butanol.

Explain your answer. Bandingkan haba pembakaran di antara propanol dan butanol.

Terangkan jawapan anda.

[4 marks] [4 markah]

(c) Describe a laboratory experiment to determine the heat of combustion of a

named alcohol.

Your answer should include:

• a labeled diagram

• procedure

Huraikan satu eksperimen makmal untuk menentukan haba pembakaran bagi

satu alkohol yang dinamakan.

Huraian anda perlu disertakan dengan:

• gambar rajah berlabel.

• prosedur

[10 marks] [10 markah]


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1. This question paper consists of three sections: Section A, B and C. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi tiga bahagian: Bahagian A, B dan C.

2. Answer all questions in Section A. Write your answers for Section A in the

spaces provided in the question paper. Jawab semua soalan dalam Bahagian A. Tuliskan jawapan bagi Bahagian A dalam

ruang yang disediakan dalam kertas soalan.

3. Answer one question from Section B and one question from Section C. Write

your answers for Section B and C on the lined pages at the end of the question

paper. Answer questions in Section B and C in detail. You may use equations,

diagrams, tables, graphs and other suitable methods to explain your answer.

Jawab satu soalan daripada Bahagian B dan satu soalan daripada Bahagian C.

Tuliskan jawapan bagi Bahagian B dan C pada halaman bergaris di bahagian akhir

kertas soalan ini. Jawab Bahagian B dan C dengan terperinci. Anda boleh

menggunakan persamaan, gambar rajah, jadual, graf dan cara lain yang sesuai untuk

menjelaskan jawapan anda.

4. Show your working, it may help you to get marks. Tunjukkan kerja mengira, ini membantu anda mendapatkan markah.

5. If you wish to cancel any answer, neatly cross out the answer. Sekiranya anda hendak membatalkan sesuatu jawapan, buat garisan di atas jawapan itu.

6. The diagrams in the questions are not drawn to scale unless stated. Rajah yang mengiringi soalan tidak dilukiskan mengikut skala kecuali dinyatakan.

7. Marks allocated for each question or part question are shown in brackets. Markah yang diperuntukkan bagi setiap soalan atau ceraian soalan ditunjukkan dalam


8. The time suggested to complete Section A is 90 minutes, Section B is 30 minutes

and Section C is 30 minutes Masa yang dicadangkan untuk menjawab Bahagian A ialah 90 minit, Bahagian B ialah

30 minit dan Bahagian C ialah 30 minit.

9. You may use a non – programmable scientific calculator. Anda dibenarkan menggunakan kalkulator saintifik yang tidak boleh diprogramkan.

10. Hand in all your answer sheets at the end of the examination. Serahkan semua kertas jawapan anda di akhir peperiksaan.

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Paper 3


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Paper 3

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For Examiner’s Use

Question Full

Mark Mark

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2 17

Total 50

This question booklet contains 12 printed pages including the front page.

1. Write down your name and class in

the space provided

Tuliskan nama dan kelas anda

pada ruang yang disediakan.

2. The question booklet is bilingual.

Buku soalan ini adalah dalam


3. Candidates are required to answer

all questions.

Calon dikehendaki menjawab

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1 An experiment was carried out to construct an ionic equation for the

precipitation of silver chloride according to the following steps: Satu eksperimen telah dijalankan untuk membina persamaan ion bagi pemendakan argentum

klorida mengikut langkah berikut:

Step I : 5.00 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm

-3 potassium chloride solution was poured into 7

test tubes labelled P, Q, R, S, T, U, and V. Langkah I : 5.00 cm

3 larutan kalium klorida 1.0 mol dm

-3 dimasukkan ke dalam 7 tabung uji

berlabel P, Q, R, S, T, U dan V.

Step II : 1.00 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm

-3 silver nitrate solution was added to test tube P

from a burette. Langkah II : 1.00 cm

3 larutan argentum nitrat 1.0 mol dm

-3 ditambah ke dalam tabung uji P

menggunakan buret.

Step III : Step II was repeated for test tubes Q, R, S, T, U, and V using

different volumes of silver nitrate solution. Diagram 1 shows the

initial and final burette readings. Langkah III : Langkah II diulangi bagi tabung uji Q, R, S, T, U dan V menggunakan isipadu

larutan argentum nitrat yang berlainan. Rajah 1 menunjukkan bacaan awal dan

akhir buret.

Step IV : All the test tubes were put in the rack to allow silver chloride

precipitate to settle.

Height of precipitate formed is recorded in Table 1. Langkah IV : Semua tabung uji diletakkan di atas rak supaya argentum klorida termendak.

Ketinggian mendakan dicatat dalam Jadual 1.

Test tubes Tabung uji



reading Bacaan awal

................ cm3

................ cm3

................ cm3

................ cm3


reading Bacaan


................ cm3

................ cm3

................ cm3

................ cm3

Diagram 1 Rajah 1

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Test tube Tabung uji


Volume of silver nitrate/ cm3

Isipadu argentum nitrat / cm3 1.00 2.00 6.00

Height of precipitate/ cm Ketinggian mendakan / cm

1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0

Table 1 Jadual 1

(a) Record the burette readings in the spaces provided in Diagram 1. Rekodkan bacaan buret pada ruang yang disediakan dalam Rajah 1.

[3 marks] [3 markah]

(b) Complete Table 1. Lengkapkan Jadual 1.

[3marks] [3 markah]

(c) (i) State the variables involved in this experiment. Nyatakan pembolehubah yang terlibat dalam eksperimen ini.

Manipulated variable Pembolehubah dimanipulasikan:


Responding variable Pembolehubah bergerak balas:


Constant variable Pembolehubah dimalarkan:


[3marks] [3markah]

(ii) State the hypothesis for the experiment. Nyatakan hipotesis untuk eksperimen ini.




[3marks] [3 markah]








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(d) Based on Table 1, plot a graph of height of precipitate against volume of

silver nitrate solution on the graph paper provided on page 5. Berdasarkan Jadual 1, plotkan graf ketinggian mendakan melawan isipadu larutan

argentum nitrat yang digunakan pada kertas graf di muka surat 5.

[3marks] [3 markah]

(e) State what is observed regarding the height of the precipitate. Nyatakan apa yang diperhatikan tentang ketinggian mendakan.




[3marks] [3 markah]

(f) (i) On the graph in (d), mark and write the minimum volume of silver

nitrate solution needed for complete reaction with 5.00 cm3 of

1.0 mol dm-3

potassium chloride solution. Pada graf di (d), tanda dan tuliskan isipadu larutan argentum nitrat yang

diperlukan untuk bertindak balas lengkap dengan 5.00 cm3 larutan kalium klorida

1.0 mol dm-3

[3marks] [3 markah]

(ii) Using the volume obtained in (f)(i), calculate the number of moles

of silver ions and chloride ions used.

Then calculate the number of moles of chloride ions that will react

with 1.0 mole of silver ions. Menggunakan isipadu di (f)(i), hitung bilangan mol ion argentum dan ion klorida

yang digunakan.

Kemudian, hitungkan bilangan mol ion klorida yang akan bertindak balas

dengan 1.0 mol ion argentum.

[3marks] [3 markah]








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Graph of height of the precipitate against volume of silver nitrate Graf ketinggian mendakan melawan isipadu larutan

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(iii) Write the ionic equation for the precipitation of silver chloride. Tuliskan persamaan ion untuk pemendakan argentum klorida.


[3marks] [3 markah]

(g) Give the operational definition for double decomposition reaction. Berikan definisi secara operasi bagi tindak balas penguraian gandadua.



[3marks] [3 markah]

(h) Classify the ions found in silver nitrate solution and potassium chloride

solution into anions and cations. Kelaskan ion-ion yang terdapat dalam larutan argentum nitrat dan kalium klorida kepada

anion dan kation.

[3marks] [3 markah]







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2 Diagram 2 shows a galvanised zinc roof which is made from iron coated by zinc

layer and a food can made from iron coated by tin layer. Both galvanised zinc roof

and food can are not easily corroded. Rajah 2 menunjukkan atap zink galvani diperbuat daripada besi yang disadurkan dengan lapisan

zink dan tin makanan yang disadurkan dengan lapisan timah. Kedua-dua atap zink galvani dan tin

makanan tidak mudah berkarat.

Galvanised zinc roof Atap zink galvani

Food can Tin makanan

Diagram 2 Rajah 2

Referring to the above example, plan a laboratory experiment to investigate the

effect of other metals on the rusting of iron.

You are given iron nails, magnesium ribbon, zinc strip, copper strip and tin strip. Merujuk kepada contoh di atas, rancang satu eksperimen dalam makmal untuk mengkaji kesan

logam lain terhadap pengaratan besi.

Anda dibekalkan dengan paku besi, pita magnesium, kerajang zink, kerajang kuprum dan kerajang


Your planning should include the following: Perancangan anda haruslah mengandungi perkara-perkara berikut :

(a) Statement of problem Pernyataan masalah

(b) All the variables Semua pembolehubah

(c) Statement of hypothesis Pernyataan hipotesis

(d) List of substances and apparatus Senarai bahan dan alat radas

(e) Procedure of the experiment Prosedur eksperimen

(f) Tabulation of data Penjadualan data

[17 marks] [17 markah]



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1. This question paper consists of two questions. Answer all questions. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi dua soalan. Jawab semua soalan

2. Write your answers for Question 1 in the spaces provided in the question paper. Tuliskan jawapan bagi Soalan 1 dalam ruang yang disediakan dalam kertas soalan

3. Write your answers for Question 2 on the lined pages at the end of the question

paper in detail. Tuliskan jawapan bagi Soalan 2 pada halaman bergaris di bahagian akhir kertas soalan ini

dengan terperinci.

4. Show your working, it may help you to get marks. Tunjukkan cara mengira kerana ia boleh membantu anda mendapatkan markah.

5. If you wish to cancel any answer, neatly cross out the answer. Sekiranya anda hendak membatalkan sesuatu jawapan, buat garisan di atas jawapan itu.

6. The diagrams in the questions are not drawn to scale unless stated. Rajah yang terdapat dalam soalan tidak dilukis mengikut skala kecuali dinyatakan sebaliknya.

7. Marks allocated for each question or part of the question are shown in brackets. Markah yang diperuntukkan bagi setiap soalan atau ceraian soalan ditunjukkan dalam kurungan.

8. The time suggested to complete Question 1 is 45 minutes and Question 2 is 45

minutes. Masa yang dicadangkan untuk menjawab Soalan 1 ialah 45 minit dan Soalan 2 ialah 45 minit.

9. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator. Anda dibenarkan menggunakan kalkulator saintifik yang tidak diprogramkan.

10. Hand in all your answer sheets at the end of the examination. Serahkan semua kertas jawapan anda di akhir peperiksaan.

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