Book Review Style Guide •Inquiries. Please contact Book Review Editor Alexander Huang ([email protected]) regarding any books you would like to review. Include the author, title, publisher, pub date, and ISBN. •Submitting. Email your review to Alex Huang ([email protected]) as an MS Word file. Length. Reviews should be 350–400 words, with a 500-word maximum. Not all reviews received can be published, and overlong reviews will be returned for revision or edited for space. Format. Headings must appear as shown below. All information is required. Yan Lianke. Elegy and Academe. Fiction. Nanjing. Jiangsu People's Press. 2008. ix + 330 pages. 29 RMB. ISBN 978721405569 Foreign Literature. Echoes of a Century: Series Three. 10 volumes. Li Ziyun, Zhao Changtian, and Chen Sihe, eds. Nonfiction. Nanchang. Jiangxi Academic Publishing House. 2009. 290 RMB. ISBN 978781132574 1. Heading information required: Author. Title (in bold). Editor/translator/compiler/illustrator. Type (fiction or nonfiction). Place of publication (city and state if in the US, or city and country, as appropriate). Publisher (and distributor, as appropriate). Year. Number of pages. Price. ISBN. Use a period after each item except the ISBN. 2. Double-space the entire document. 3. Page numbers should refer only to the text; do not include advertisements by the publisher or author. Indicate if the book is illustrated, and note the plate count by the page count. The page count can be omitted entirely for a series comprised of multiple volumes. 4. Quotations may be used, but keep them brief and use no more than three. Reviewer's name. Add at the end of the review along with university affiliation. Translator's name. If there is one, add "Translated by" and list the name and university affiliation underneath the author's. Style. CLT follows the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, 2010 (www.chicagomanualofstyle.org), and the 11th edition of Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (www.merriam-webster.com). Titles and Names. Though CLT publishes reviews in English, these may be given in Chinese to avoid confusion. Always give the pinyin title first, then the title in Chinese characters, then a parenthetical English translation, such as: Tan xiang xing 檀香刑 (Sandalwood Death). Personal names should be presented in pinyin first, followed by the Chinese characters, such as: Mo Yan 莫言. Please use the most well known version of a scholar's or author's name, such as: C. T. Hsia or Eileen Chang. Tearsheets. Upon publication of your review(s) in CLT, you will receive a clipping or tearsheet of the review several weeks following release of the issue. Unfortunately, we cannot send galley proofs of reviews or complimentary copies of complete issues to reviewers. Change of address. Please keep in touch even when traveling, and let us know of all changes of address of one month or longer. Thank you for your help and collaboration. Chinese Literature Today University of Oklahoma 108 Fourth Street, Bass Hall C33 Norman, OK 73019 USA Telephone: 405 325 2383 Fax: 405 325 0725 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.chineseliteraturetoday.com Revised December 2011

Book Review Style Guide Dec2011 - The University of … Review Style Guide •Inquiries. Please contact Book Review Editor Alexander Huang ([email protected]) regarding any books

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Page 1: Book Review Style Guide Dec2011 - The University of … Review Style Guide •Inquiries. Please contact Book Review Editor Alexander Huang (acyhuang05@gmail.com) regarding any books

Book Review Style Guide

•Inquiries. Please contact Book Review Editor Alexander Huang ([email protected]) regarding any books you would like to review. Include the author, title, publisher, pub date, and ISBN.

•Submitting. Email your review to Alex Huang ([email protected]) as an MS Word file.

•Length. Reviews should be 350–400 words, with a 500-word maximum. Not all reviews received can be published, and overlong reviews will be returned for revision or edited for space.

•Format. Headings must appear as shown below. All information is required.

Yan Lianke. Elegy and Academe. Fiction. Nanjing. Jiangsu People's Press. 2008. ix + 330 pages. 29 RMB. ISBN 978721405569

Foreign Literature. Echoes of a Century: Series Three. 10 volumes. Li Ziyun, Zhao Changtian, and Chen Sihe, eds. Nonfiction. Nanchang. Jiangxi Academic Publishing House. 2009. 290 RMB. ISBN 978781132574

1. Heading information required: Author. Title (in bold). Editor/translator/compiler/illustrator. Type (fiction or nonfiction). Place of publication (city and state if in the US, or city and country, as appropriate). Publisher (and distributor, as appropriate). Year. Number of pages. Price. ISBN. Use a period after each item except the ISBN.

2. Double-space the entire document.

3. Page numbers should refer only to the text; do not include advertisements by the publisher or author. Indicate if the book is illustrated, and note the plate count by the page count. The page count can be omitted entirely for a series comprised of multiple volumes.

4. Quotations may be used, but keep them brief and use no more than three. •Reviewer's name. Add at the end of the review along with university affiliation. •Translator's name. If there is one, add "Translated by" and list the name and university affiliation underneath the author's. •Style. CLT follows the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, 2010 (www.chicagomanualofstyle.org), and the 11th edition of Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (www.merriam-webster.com). •Titles and Names. Though CLT publishes reviews in English, these may be given in Chinese to avoid confusion. Always give the pinyin title first, then the title in Chinese characters, then a parenthetical English translation, such as: Tan xiang xing 檀香刑 (Sandalwood Death). Personal names should be presented in pinyin first, followed by the Chinese characters, such as: Mo Yan 莫言. Please use the most well known version of a scholar's or author's name, such as: C. T. Hsia or Eileen Chang. •Tearsheets. Upon publication of your review(s) in CLT, you will receive a clipping or tearsheet of the review several weeks following release of the issue. Unfortunately, we cannot send galley proofs of reviews or complimentary copies of complete issues to reviewers. •Change of address. Please keep in touch even when traveling, and let us know of all changes of address of one month or longer. Thank you for your help and collaboration.

Chinese Literature Today

University of Oklahoma 108 Fourth Street, Bass Hall C33

Norman, OK 73019 USA

Telephone: 405 325 2383 Fax: 405 325 0725

E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.chineseliteraturetoday.com

Revised December 2011