PDF SJU Chapter Plan 2013-2014.pdf

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  • 8/14/2019 PDF SJU Chapter Plan 2013-2014.pdf


    Discover Your Potential.

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  • 8/14/2019 PDF SJU Chapter Plan 2013-2014.pdf


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    Table of Contents

    Chapter Overview .................................................................................Professional Development ....................................................................

    Community Service ...............................................................................Fundraising ............................................................................................Membership...........................................................................................Internal & External Communications ...................................................Chapter Operations ............................................................................... Calendar of Events ............................................................................... Budget ..................................................................................................

  • 8/14/2019 PDF SJU Chapter Plan 2013-2014.pdf


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    The American Marketing Association (AMA) is a professional association for individuals and organizations leading the practi

    eaching and development of marketing knowledge worldwide. Our principle role is to serve as a form to connect like-mindedndividuals and foster knowledge sharing, provide resources, tools and training support marketing practice and thought leaders

    round the globe.


    The AMA chapter of the Saint Josephs University is devoted to helping its members, student body, and community make gre

    trides in teaching, communicating, and connecting with plethora of marketing resources. These resources include alumni,

    aculty, career services, and experts in various business fields. It is the greatest hope of this chapter that its members will enter

    he business world with the wisdom, resources, confidence, and ethical values for a successful future.

    Executive Board:

    Maura Daddario President

    Giuliana Carella VP Fundraising & Programming

    Tehetna Gabreamanuel VP Membership & FinanceCorey Carter VP Community ServiceKatie McMahon VP Communications & Advertising

    The Executive board works together to establish resources and plan events for Saint Josephs University student body. They

    mplement chapter plans throughout the academic year and also hold committee meetings for students. Committees are made uJU AMA members who are looking for a more hands on level of involvement within the chapter.



    Active and dedicated board

    Strong connections with professionals in the industry Perceived as a credible student organization on campus Provides diverse resources through relationship with marketing faculty


    Costs associated with becoming a member Hold most meetings/events at conflicting times with other student clubs and organizations; decreasing attendance Need to target communications to appeal to juniors and seniors


    Co-sponsor events with other HSB student organizations Co-sponsor events with other AMA chapters at local universities Increase marketing department involvement to work with executive board to spread awareness Increase alumni involvement

    Threats Students time; students are involved with many campus organizations and internships Perception of resume filler

    Goals and Objectives:We stress the importance of being the only nationally recognized organization on campus and the valu

    ring to students. We want our chapter to be an integral part of students college experience, weighing the significance ofontinuing their involvement with the AMA after college through the Professional Chapter. Our mission statement expresses th

    alues we hold and our dedication of providing a credible resource for students within the Saint Josephs University communit

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    Student Marketer of the Semester


    Increase member involvement Recognize members dedication and commitment Members strive to reach their potential

    trategies: Work closely with members Establish more personal relationships between members and executive board Provide resume/ LinkedIn recommendations for achievement

    Student Blogs


    Let our members be heard Provide blogging experience to members


    Have each member will write one blog throughout the 2013-2014 academic yearProject Managers


    Increase relationship between members and executive board Increase member responsibility with larger events/ fundraisers


    Choose project manager based on attendance to AMA events Provide resume/ LinkedIn recommendations for involvement

    Northwestern Mutual Partnership


    Establish stronger relationship with our new sponsor Collaborate on chapter strategy and plans Mentorship from working professionals

    trategy: Spend time with our Northwestern Mutual sponsorship representatives through lunch dates and speaker sessions for students



    Create connection between AMA and other Haub School of Business (HSB) student organizations and clubs Increase event and speaker attendance by 50% appealing to students interest in various marketing industries


    Team up with the other HSB organizations to hold speaker sessions, workshops and events that targets a larger audience1stAnnual Regional Conference


    Attract SJU AMA members as well as other local AMA chapters Have an attendance of 300+ students Have speakers who can provide knowledge to students about the transition from College to Career


    Create promotional needs to place around campus and send to local chapters Create an online registration program for students Find the correct speakers to address our conference theme ("From College to Career) Promote conference through our chapters and personal social media sites Collaborate with Northwestern Mutual


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    Alumni Industry Shadow Program


    Provide students with a day to tour a SJU alumni working in the marketing industrytrategies:

    Must be a active AMA member Must have posted one blog on the SJU AMA websiteAnnual Case Competition


    Evaluate students reports and select one that can be presented at the National Colligate Conference Surpass all previous SJU cases


    Stimulate students interest in Case Competition topic and purpose Collect data and apply classroom knowledge



    Provide marketing services to both student and off-campus organizations on campustrategies:

    E-mail blast of our services Place SJU AMA logo on promotional materials for other organizations Ask other organizations to recognize our services

    AMA National Intercollegiate Conference


    Network with chapters Gain knowledge and skills to bring back to members Place in Outstanding Marketing Week, Website and Membership Competition


    Work diligently together as an executive board Provide outstanding events that are both informational and enjoyable for students and faculty

    Career Services Workshops


    Provide students with necessary information to succeed in interviews and jobstrategy:

    Plan events and panels with Career ServicesMarketing Week


    Hold co-sponsored events with other HSB organizations to highlight the various marketing industries Learn about the experiences of our professors through a panel Have at least 10 AMA members at each event Have an overall attendance of 30+ students at each event Increase awareness of AMA on campus and increase membership


    Connect with other HSB organization Seek professors involvement Promote our events through traditional and social media Kick off Marketing Week with a Barbeque!

    Professional Speakers/General Meetings


    Increase attendance of both members and potential memberstrategy:

    Advertise meetings and speakers effectively through traditional and social media


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    Hand in Hand


    Help promote annual SJU event Establish relationship with one the largest community service events on campus Encourage students to participate day of event

    trategies: Traditional and social media advertisements Executive board will volunteer day of event Announce event details at general meetings

    Community Day


    Encourage members to participate in one of the largest community service events on campustrategy:

    Traditional and social media advertisements and announcements at general meetingsPhilabundance


    Organize at least 4 trips to Philabundance over the 2013-2014 academic year Co-sponsor event with Hawks Against Hunger (HAH), a SJU student Community Service organizationtrategy:

    Encourage members to partake in volunteer days Connect with HAH and establish volunteer dates

    Donate Life Sigma Pi Fraternity Philanthropy


    Raise awareness about organ donationtrategy:

    Sell unused AMA Donate Life promotional materials to Sigma Pi Fraternity Help Sigma Pi Fraternity to promote their philanthropy

    Cals Cupcake Challenge The Calliope Joy FoundationGoals:

    Raise awareness about childrens neurological disease Help fellow SJU professor spread awareness about her foundation, in particular the 1stCals Cupcake Challenge event held Septem

    21, 2013

    Raise money and gather donationstrategies:

    Donation from Wawa Inc. (500 !pint juice boxes) Executive board to volunteer day of event Raise money through bake sale Promote event through traditional and social media Speak to students about event at AMA information session held the first week of the fall semester

    Alexs Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) Marketers of the YearGoal:

    Donate portion of t-shirt sales back to ALSFtrategy:

    Place ALSF logo on our marketing week t-shirts

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    Landmark Americana

    Goal: Raise $300trategies: Promote event via traditional and social media. Raise awareness about event at meetings

    Final Exam Care Packages

    Goal: Raise $2,000trategies: Send letters home to all freshman SJU families. Promote Final Care Packages through e-mails, letters, and social


    Halloween Goodie Bags

    Goal: Raise $100

    trategies: Pass out flyers and promote through social media. Raise awareness at meetings and via e-mail blasts.

    Valentines Day Goodie Bags

    Goal: Raise $100

    trategies: Pass out flyers and promote through social media. Raise awareness at meetings and via e-mail blasts.

    Sigma Pi Donate Life T-Shirts

    Goal: Raise $100trategy: Sell extra donate life t-shirts and bands to Sigma Pi Fraternity

    Eagles Ticket Raffles

    Goal: Raise $200trategies: Raffle tickets to student body. Promote raffle via traditional and social media. Have MKT professors make class


    Flyers Ticket Raffles

    Goal: Raise $200

    trategies: Raffle tickets to student body. Promote raffle via traditional and social media. Have MKT professors make classnnouncement.

    Honey Grow

    Goal: Raise $100trategies: Promote event via traditional and social media. Raise awareness about event at meetings

    Oopps Frozen Yogurt

    Goal: Raise $100

    trategies: Promote event via traditional and social media. Raise awareness about event at meetings

    California Pizza Kitchen

    Goal: Raise $100trategies: Promote event via traditional and social media. Raise awareness about event at meetings

    St. Pattys Day Glasses

    Goal: Raise $100

    trategies: Promote via traditional and social media. Raise awareness about event at meetings


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    Project Managers


    Increase member responsibility with larger events/ fundraiserstrategy:

    Must attend 3 professional development events to obtain PM statusAlumni Industry Shadow Program


    Provide members with a day with an SJU alumni working in the marketing industrytrategy:

    Must be a active AMA member Must have posted one blog on the SJU AMA website

    Retention and Recruitment Fall 2013/Spring 2014


    Increase membership from 75-100 members 30% member renewal Committee involvement 20% increase Dismiss the image that AMA is only for marketing majors Increase attendance at speaker meetings and marketing week to 35 people


    Meet and Greet Info Session Discussion of benefits Attend fall/spring activities fair Attend Admitted Students Day Discuss Executive Board positions Seek membership of non-marketing majors Plan entertaining and informational events

    Membership Database/Membership Participation


    Keep database updated Have 60% of members attend at least 4 professional development and 3 committee meetings


    Record contact information, record of dues and payments, major, academic status Update database regularly Have sign in sheet at meetings Plan events to target various marketing industries that appeal to a larger range of students

    Total Goals


    Fall/Spring: Have 100 dues paid, increase from 75 members (2012-2013 academic year)trategies:

    Utilize all current and new member retention and recruitment strategies Give members exclusive benefits (t-shirts, car magnets, networking opportunities, blog post on website)


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    Social Media


    Update and maintain social media accounts Implement Instagram Provide entertaining and informational content

    Increase followers by 40%


    Stimulate members to share/post content Update social media sites on a day-to-day basis



    Implement blog section for members Update content regularly Provide resource for students Update content from events/speakers

    Included interactive registration link for events


    Have each member write one blog Work the university web design team for innovate ways to update website VP of Communications & Advertising will be responsible for updating site regularly and researching new ways to appeal to stude



    Release weekly emails to both students and professors, even to non-business majorstrategies:

    VP of Communications & Advertising and their committee will send out emails regarding events, speaker sessions, and internshipopportunities

    Public Relations


    Create and distribute press releases via traditional and social media about events, achievements and co-sponsorshipstrategies:

    Have Communications and Advertising committee design press releases Utilize Saint Josephs University resources, Marketing and PR Department and alumni contacts to connect with local news papers

    TV news stations

    Alumni Networking


    Work with SJU Career Services and utilize LinkedIn to reach out to SJU alumni for shadow program and speaker sessions Create a database of alumni working in marketing industry and reach out to them about opportunities to work with the AMA


    Meet with SJU Career Services Reach out to alumni


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    Chapter Plan


    Create chapter plan as a guide to events and plans for the year. Make chapter plan goals obtainable


    Make sure that each executive board member has read and understands chapter report and the overall vision of the year Allow chapter plan to be accessible on website so members are aware of the chapters goals

    Annual Report


    Ensure that 95% of the chapter plans goals are successfully achievedtrategies:

    Use chapter plan as reference guideline Ensure events are carefully planned and promoted

    Executive Board Meetings


    Have weekly mandatory meeting for all executive board members Make sure each executive board member is up to date


    Weekly meetings Find a time and location that is best for board members to meet at

    Spring Shadowing


    Allow elected board members to shadow the person previously in board position Provide any easy transition from general member to executive board member

    trategy: Elected board member will shadow former board member for the entire spring semester

    SBAC Meetings


    Connect with all university affiliated club presidents Learn the universities budget objectives for student clubs and organizations Learn mechanism of financing and chapter operations from the Director of Student Leadership & Activities


    Attend SBAC monthly meetingsGeneral Meetings


    Have a minimum of 10 general meetingstrategy:

    Arrange for meetings to be on days that do not conflict with other organizations meetings

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    AUGUST 13

    Executive Board Meeting

    9 SJU Activities Fair


    Camden Riversharks Fundraiser, 11, 25 Executive Board Meetings Meet and Great Info Session

    SBAC Meeting

    9 Speaker: Ryan Draving

    9- Bake Sale

    1 Cals Cupcake ChallengeOCTOBER 13

    , 16, 23 Executive Board Meeting

    Marketing Week BBQ Kickoff!

    Conversations with the Chairs

    AMA/FMA Co-Sponsored Event

    - Landmark Fundraiser

    AMA/PILOT Co-Sponsored Event Chapter Report Due

    0 Marketers of the Year, Liz and Jay Scott

    1 AMA/ SMC Co-Sponsored Breakfast

    4 AMA/DSP Co-Sponsored MeetingNOVEMBER 13

    -5 Executive Board Interviews

    AMA/Northwestern Mutual Lunch Date

    Speaker: Evil Genius Brewery

    , 13, 20 Executive Board Meeting

    - 1stAnnual Regional Conference

    Philabundance Volunteer Day-17 Final Exam Care Packages/ Host Study Break

    4 Speaker: Seer Interactive

    1 Speaker: 7 Regent LaneDECEMBER 13

    Executive Board Meeting Speaker: Northwestern Mutual

    ANUARY 14

    3 Speaker:

    February 14

    0 Speaker:

    MARCH 14

    4- Annual Report Due0 Speaker: Northwestern Mutual

    APRIL 14

    0-12 International Colligate Conference New Orleans

    4 Hand in Hand3 AMA/ Northwestern Mutual Lunch Date

    4 Speaker:

    6 Community Day

    MAY 14

    -15 Final Exam Care Packages/ Host Study Break


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    Professional Development Professional Development

    Regional Conference Registration $3,750 Marketing Week 2

    Northwestern Mutual Sponsorship $1,500 Regional Conference $1

    Professional Speakers

    Community Service

    Cal's Cupcake Challenge $110 Community Service

    igma Pi Donate Life T-Shirts / Wrist Bands $100 Cal's Cupcake Challenge Dona



    Landmark $315 Memberhip

    inals Packages $2,000 T-Shirts

    Halloween Goodie Bags $100 Pens

    Eagles Tickets Raffle $200 Car Magnets

    Honey Grow $100 Coffee Mugs

    Oopps Frozen Yogurt $100 Plaque

    California Pizza Kitchen $100

    Valentines Goodie Bags $100 Fundraising

    t. Patty's Day Glasses $100 Bake Sales

    Concert Ticket Raffle $100 Halloween Goodie Bags

    Additional Fundraising $300 Valentines Goodie Bags

    lyers Tickets Raffle $200

    NOLA Conference

    University Travel/Accommodations $6

    BAC Grant $10,000

    Total Expenses $13


    Chapter Dues $1,980

    Total Revenues $21,155

    Expected Profit Gain $7
