Universidad Iberoamericana UNIBE Mission: To promote academic excellence, research, and the development of highly qualified professionals with the required leadership, creativity, and ethical values to succeed in today’s ever-changing local and global environments. Values: Meaningful Learning, Self-regulated Learning, and Cooperative Learning. Academic Pillars: Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Creativity, Innovation, Competency-based Instruction, Values-based Instruction, and Community Service. I. GENERAL INFORMATION PROGRAM : BBA UNIBE-FIU COURSE : CAREER DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP SECTION : 01 & 02 CODE : AI1-390 PREREQUISITES : HAVE EARNED: 90 CREDITS CREDITS : 2 THEORY HOURS : 1 1 SYLLABUS – CAREER DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP

PD Syllabus September 2013

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PD Syllabus September

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Page 1: PD Syllabus September 2013

Universidad Iberoamericana


Mission: To promote academic excellence, research, and the development of highly

qualified professionals with the required leadership, creativity, and ethical values to succeed

in today’s ever-changing local and global environments.

Values: Meaningful Learning, Self-regulated Learning, and Cooperative Learning.

Academic Pillars: Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Creativity, Innovation, Competency-

based Instruction, Values-based Instruction, and Community Service.




SECTION : 01 & 02

CODE : AI1-390





SCHEDULE : Section 01: Tuesdays form 03.00 PM to 06.00 PM

Section 02: Wednesday form 03.00 PM to 06.00PM

INSTRUCTOR : Manuel J. Batlle

EMAIL ADDRESS : [email protected]



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This unique course prepares the students for an adult professional life. It will give them the tools to get to know who they are and what they want from life. They will learn how to find their strength and weakness and used them in their advantage; defined their goals in life and in the professional field and show them how to focus on the road to success. After the course they will be able to:

Determine who they are and what do they want from their personal and work life. Develop a professional image/attitude base on their values and ethics. Communicate clearly and collaborate effectively. The student will successfully

speak in public: interviews, co-workers, supervisors, staff meetings, customers, conferences.

Learn to write a convincing presentation letter, curriculum and a personal strategic sales plan to position themselves in the market place.

Use correctly the office protocol, work etiquette and global relations. Develop teamwork and leadership skills. Learn to negotiate a good compensation plan (salary and benefits). Have knowledge of the work culture -mission, vision-, work values and ethics. Be able to sale themselves as a professional that will add value to the company. Learn how to behave and what to learn the first three months of work life.


Strategize to improve self-confidence, professional image and positive attitude. Works on goal setting Examines the art of personal selling in relationship to career enhancement and

positioning on the marketplace. Manage change, communication and leadership skills. Adequate use of protocol and business etiquette to enhance work relations.


Become aware of their own interests, values, strengths, and weaknesses, Identify career goals and achieve actions plans to achieve them. Learn how to get information about job opportunity and how to get advantage of them. Create their career identity by their personal value. Assume and accept change as part of life. In general it includes self-assessment, goal setting and action planning to help the student develop for life and work. They will be ready to confront positively the wonderful path of getting the right job and moving ahead in their career.


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Part 1: It’s All About You Self-Esteem Self Development Attitude Image

Part 2: It’s All About Communicating Communication Essentials Getting your Message Across Communicating with Coworkers and Supervisors Managing Conflict Meeting Essentials

Part 3: It’s All Working With Others Applying Critical Work Skills Developing Customer Focus Valuing Diversity Acting Ethically

Part 4: It’s All About Workplace Success Developing Leadership Skills and Managing Change Getting the Job Taking Charge of Your Career


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Vi . Course Calendar

Week # Week of Topic Assignment

Part 1: It's All about You

1 Sept. 01Class Introductions, Review Syllabus, Discuss Final Project.

Career Development Video

Explanation of the content of the general career project: "Strategic Plan To Position

Yourself in the Marketplace"

2 Sept. 08About you: Self esteem, self development, professional attitude and image. Required reading Wallace Part 1

(Chapters 1-4)

Required reading: Wallace CH 1 to 4.Textbook Cases: 1.1, 1.2, 2.2, 4.3. Post your ideas on bublle chart in Padlet

Part 2: It's All About Communicating

3 On Line Sept. 15

It's all About Communicating. Communication Essentials, Getting Your Message Across, Communicating with

Coworkers and Supervisors; Managing Conflict and Meeting Essential.Required reading: Wallace, Chapters 5-6-7-8-9

On line assignment: reading log and forum participation. Due in Strategic Plan Exercise

1 Bubble Chart

4 Sept. 22 It's all about Communicating (Cont.). Quiz Chapters 1-9In Class Case discussion. Case: 5.2, 6.2, 7.2, Case 8.2, & 9.2. Post your ideas on

your mission, vision in Padlet

Part 3: It's All About Working with Others

5 On Line Sept. 25Applying Critical Work Skills, Developing Customer Focus, Valuing Diversity. Required reading: Wallace CH. 10-11-12. On line Quiz

On line assignment: Due In: Strategic Plan Exercises 2 & 3, Mission, Vision and vision statement on Padlet.

6 Oct. 06

Guest Speaker: Ms. Patricia Baez. President of PBH Consultores.Areas of expertise: Team Building Activities, Head Hunter,Desarrollo Organizational, Outplacement. She will be speaking on Conflict Resolution

Due in Strategic Plan exercises 4 & 5, Linking goals and objectives into your career plan and Swot Analysis. Conference Summary

7 Oct.13 MidtermExam. Post in Padlet your ideas on the

Critical factor chart

On Line 8 Oct. 20Fairness in the Workplace, Acting Ethically, Right and Wrong

in the Workplace. Required reading: Wallace CH 12.3, CH 13. On line quiz

On line assignment: Due in: Strategic Plan Exercise #6 Critical Success Factors Chart . Essay (Ed Cnavas) on Dr. Jach Shaeen Video

Part 4: Its all About Workplace Success

9 Oct. 27 Guest Speaker:Study Wallace Chapter 15, before the guest speaker presentation

On Line10

Nov. 03Developing Leadership Skills and Managing Change, Getting

the Job. Required reading: Wallace: CH 14-15

Video. Dr. John Peliza. Forum on Change/EdCancas. Upload Conference summary

11 Nov. 10Taking Charge of Your Career. Getting Off to a Great Star,

Planning Your Career, Networking. Required reading; Wallace CH 16

Forum:On identifying the elements esssntial for keeping a job

On Line 12

Nov. 17 Elevator Pitch. Kathy McAffe Video on Elevator PitchOn line assignment: Draft Submission of

your strategic plan> Upload your own pitch

13 Nov. 24Case Study warm-up and Explanations. Ethic & Conflict of

InterestRead Material on Case Study available at Prit Shp under Prof. Manuel J. Batlle name

14 Dec. 01Case Study: Trouble in Paradise: Stakeholder Conflict in The Paseo Caribe Project

Due in: The Strategic Plan for your Career

15 Dec. 08 Final Exam Case Report. Exam


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. This course will be taught in the blended modality, also a wide variety of applications, including but not limited to, lectures, interactive assignments, group projects, written assignments, quizzes, and hands-on events will be used.

UNIBE ON-LINE: Syllabus and class information. Reading materials. Schedules. Rules about assignments. Other rules. Forums. Practices. Cases studies.


Computer with Internet Access.


a. Institutional Policies: If you miss more than 20% of the class (including first week), you will lose rights

for final test and final project.  Specifically you cannot miss more than 2 classes in this semester for this course.

Be on time to all classes.  Each Late attendance will be accounted for as half missed-class.

Leaving class after roster will be accounted as a complete non-attendance. Cell phones, Tablets, PDA’s must be off, unless authorized by professor.  Not in

vibration.  Not in silence.  Class Discipline and non-disruptive behavior is expected and encourage.  Maturity

and respect for others is required inside and outside of classroom. Cleanness and organization is expected from all students.  Chairs and desk must

be organized before leaving classroom. Appropriate and careful use of classroom furniture is required at all times.  Eating, drinking, or smoking is not permitted in classroom. Late assignments will NOT be accepted.  In case of provable own-personal

emergency, it will be accepted at 50% of original grading value. No make-up quizzes, or projects or assignments are allowed, as per UNIBE’s

policies. To exonerate students is not permitted as per UNIBE’s policies.


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Cheating, plagiarism and any other dishonest behavior will be penalized including being expelled from the University, as per UNIBE’s policies.  Also, Professors will assigned Zero value to any work, test, assignment, homework, research, quiz, in which any type, shape or form of dishonest behavior is involved.

b) Course Policies Class starts promptly at designated hour Late attendance: 15 minutes after classes have started. Three (3) late

attendances equal one absence. No walk outs area allowed Cells/Smartphones must be in the mute/Vibrating mode. Tablets, Computers and cell/smartphones must be placed off de working areas. Cell phones and tablets will be placed on a designated area on exam day All emails have to be sent from your UNIBE account and to my institutional

account, otherwise they are meaningless Students who promote excessive talking and disruptions will be deducted one

point from their final grade for every incident caused. For additional information about other course policies and assignment policies,

please access UNIBE’s E-Learning website.

X WRITING ACROSS THE CURRICULUM The Writing Across the Curriculum program (WAC) is a way to help our students

to develop their critical thinking, and writing skills professionally as well as academically. We also want to introduce them to the APA style which will help them improve those skills within the 3 years they spend at UNIBE. Students will be required to visit the Writing Center at least THREE (3) times throughout the semester. Failure to attend the Writing Center will result in losing 5% or 5 points towards your final grade . The Writing Center hours are held with Professor Stephanie Rivera and the times are as follows: Tuesday 4pm - 6pm, Wednesday 6pm - 8pm and Friday 6pm - 8pm. 


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Course Requirements WeightsExams, quizzes, WAC and others 40%Practices, assignments, homework 30%Research Projects and papers 30%Total 100%



Personal Development for Life and Work, ISBN:-13:978-0-538-45023-2Masters and Wallace; South-Western Cengage Learning; 10th edition; USA, 2011.

Books to be use as references:

Career Flow, ISBN 978-0-13-224190-8 Spencer G. Niles, Norman E. Amundson, Roberta A. Neault; Person Education; 1st edition, USA, 2011.

The Workplace, The professional Development, Series,ISBN 978-0-07-860570-3 Dr. Joe Pace; McGraw-Hill Higher Education; USA; 2006

Business Class: Etiquette Essentials for Success at Work, ISBN: 0-312-33809-0 Jacqueline Whitmore; St. Martin’s Press; 2005 edition.

Strengths Finder 2.0, ISBN: 1-595-62015-X Tom Rath; Gallup Pressup; 2007 edition.

High Five!, ISBN: 0-688-17036-6 Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles; Harper Collins; 2001 edition.




Letter Grade Range

A 90-100B 80-89C 70-79D 60-69F 0-59