Payables Approval & Tracking User’s Guide Version 4.X March 2018

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Payables Approval & Tracking

User’s Guide

Version 4.X

March 2018

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EleVia Payables Approval and Tracking User’s Guide v 4.x

Copyright Information

While EleVia Software has attempted to make the information in this document accurate and complete, some typographical or technical errors may exist. EleVia Software is not responsible for any kind of loss resulting from the use of this publication.

This page shows the original publication date. The information contained in this publication is subject to change without notice. Any improvements or changes to the product will be documented in subsequent updates.

This publication contains proprietary information which is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be electronically reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, or translated into another language, without the prior written consent of EleVia Software.

This edition published March 2018.

Copyright© 2018, EleVia Software. All rights reserved. Unpublished-rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States.

Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program or any portion thereof could result in severe civil or criminal penalties.

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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EleVia Payables Approval and Tracking User’s Guide v 4.x

Contents Copyright Information ........................................................................................................................................ 2

Contents ......................................................................................................................................................... 3

Overview ............................................................................................................................................................ 5

Launching Payables Approval and Tracking (PAT) .......................................................................................... 6

Toolbar Options ................................................................................................................................................. 6

Grid Options ................................................................................................................................................... 7

Lookup Project/Vendor .................................................................................................................................. 8

Browse/Pending Mode ................................................................................................................................... 8

Group ............................................................................................................................................................. 8

Vision ............................................................................................................................................................. 8

New ................................................................................................................................................................ 9

Input Columns ................................................................................................................................................ 9

Reset Visible Stages ....................................................................................................................................... 9

Utilities ........................................................................................................................................................... 9

Display Grids ................................................................................................................................................... 10

Standard Grid Columns .................................................................................................................................... 11

User-Defined Columns ..................................................................................................................................... 11

Setup Vendor fields for PAT............................................................................................................................ 12

Entering Contracts ............................................................................................................................................ 13

Create an Individual Invoice Voucher ............................................................................................................. 14

Create an Individual Cash Disbursement ......................................................................................................... 16

Create Recurring Entries .................................................................................................................................. 18

Batch Load Invoices into PAT ......................................................................................................................... 19

Create template to import invoices from emails .......................................................................................... 19

Load Invoices from emails ........................................................................................................................... 21

Create template to load invoices from system folder(s) ................................................................................... 22

Load Invoices from scanned PDFs ............................................................................................................... 23

Enter Invoice Details ........................................................................................................................................ 24

Import Lines from Text File ......................................................................................................................... 24

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Details for Text File Options Window ......................................................................................................... 25

Enter invoice details manually ......................................................................................................................... 28

Taxes and Originating Vendor ......................................................................................................................... 29

Split Invoice ..................................................................................................................................................... 30

Save Records .................................................................................................................................................... 30

Ready invoices for routing and approval ......................................................................................................... 31

Edit Voucher Entry........................................................................................................................................... 31

PDF Edit Invoice .............................................................................................................................................. 31

Import Records into Vision .............................................................................................................................. 31

Employee Delegation ....................................................................................................................................... 32

Creating a Delegation ................................................................................................................................... 32

Routing with Delegation .............................................................................................................................. 33

Optional Features ............................................................................................................................................. 34

Check Requests ............................................................................................................................................ 34

Purchasing Interface ..................................................................................................................................... 37

Interface with Vision’s Purchasing System .................................................................................................. 38

Interface with third party Purchasing System ............................................................................................... 38

Invoice Edit PDF menu .................................................................................................................................... 39

Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................................... 42

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EleVia Software’s Payable Approval and Tracking (PAT) allows for managing, tracking, reviewing and approving invoices in a single streamlined paperless process.

Designed for Architectural and Engineering firms, along with other professional services firms that use Deltek Vision, PAT automates the traditionally complex vendor invoice review process. Use this intuitive software to help shorten the review cycle and control expenses more accurately.

• Save time – PAT automates several steps in the process. It allows Accounting to batch load vendor

invoices from PDFs received by email or scanned into a file folder. It notifies reviewers/approvers when they need to approve invoices and displays the status to Accounting when invoices are approved for payment. All activity happens in one application, allowing you to eliminate time spent combing through records, exchanging marked-up hard copy via email or waiting for overnight packages to arrive.

• Go paperless – Review and approve vendor invoices without exchanging a single piece of paper, fax or e-mail. Vendors can email invoices to a specified email address (e.g. [email protected]). PAT can retrieve the invoices and prepare them for review. Reviewers then electronically mark-up the PDFs and provide comments or approval from any location with Internet access.

• Regain control – PAT creates a consolidated overview of every invoice that is out for review. Users can easily see outstanding invoices, and which approvers/reviewers have not completed their tasks. With PAT, firms don’t lose time by manually routing invoices.

• Historical Data – PAT allows users to easily browse through historical data with sorting capability by project, vendor, or advanced options. User-defined columns allow users to review any information vital to your invoice approval process as long as it is available in the firm’s Vision database.

The user-friendly Payables Approval and Tracking module integrates directly into Vision. Accounting teams can easily ready invoices for review, grouping them to match the way you do business.

Approvers can also track invoices against consultant contracts (SOWs, change orders, etc.) on projects. PAT can also match consultant invoices to the client invoice upon which it was billed and display the client’s payment amount.

In this document, EleVia refers to WBS1 as Project, WBS2 as Phase, and WBS3 as Task. However, PAT follows the naming convention used within the Vision database.

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Launching Payables Approval and Tracking (PAT)

Under Accounting on the main navigation menu, click on the Payables Approval and Tracking link. Now click on the underlined hyperlink on the launch page. The first time you enter PAT, and after any update, a download will occur. The download will only take a few minutes. Agree to the terms by clicking the appropriate box.

Toolbar Options

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Grid Options

All Grid options are available in Pending and Browse views.

• Print – send image to a printer • Export PDF – Allows creation of the Audit Report. The audit report produces an invoice image with all

the markups along with the detailed project/phase/task number and name, GL account and amount. You can choose to have that report created for the current invoice or for all visible invoices.

• Export to Excel – Exports the current grid view to an Excel spreadsheet • Enable Grouping – Creates a grouping box at the top of the PAT grid. Users can drag a column header

into that box and the grid view will group by that field

• Enable Fixed Headers – Will add the pushpins to the columns, like above. Click on the pushpin to fix

the column so that it won’t scroll off the page when moving your cursor to the right • Enable Summaries – All numeric columns will have the function symbol added to them. When you

click on it, you will see the selection of summaries you can choose. Each column can have a different value

• Align columns – Will align the custom columns that appear on all levels of the invoice breakdown • Grid State - Save selected grid options for future PAT sessions or clear existing saved grid options

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Lookup Project/Vendor

Use to look up transactions with different queries when using the browse feature • By Vendor name or number • By Project name or number • Range for invoice dates: last 3 months, last 6 months, YTD, last 1 through 5 years, and ALL records.

Feature also available in pending mode • Advanced Query, similar to Vision Advanced queries, which users can save for future use

Browse/Pending Mode The two main grid views of PAT. Refer to the Grid section above for information on how to search and group the voucher records. • Browse – Allows users to query both historical and pending entries using different options • Pending – Users can enter/import transactions for tracking, approval, and exporting to Vision

Group Dropdown menu of defined groups that allow selective viewing of data. PAT defaults to My Records.

The standard options are All, My Records, and Created By. Firms can add other user-defined groupings such as the Org grouping seen below

Vision • Available only for Accounting users • Creates Vision invoice vouchers or cash disbursement transactions files for export into Vision

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New • Available only for Accounting users. Selections to add new contract, single invoice, create a cash

disbursement records, load a batch of invoices or check requests from email or file folder, or create recurring invoice entries (e.g. rent)

Input Columns Controls user defined columns that have input values. Firms determine the actions to include here.

Reset Visible Stages • Usually available only for Accounting users • Firms can grant permission to non-accounting users • Changes the stage of all “visible” invoices to the specified stage • Visible invoices are determined by the grid filters


Not all users will have access to the various utility options • Refresh – Refreshes the entire invoice grid. Ctrl-F5 accomplishes the same action ( moved to main

grid in 4.1) • Delegation – Allow user to access the delegation option • Key Convert Project – If project is key converted in Vision, use this option to key convert it in


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• Delete Current grid row- Ability to delete a specific row in the PAT grid • Enable Emails – Used to temporarily disable PAT emails and then re-enable • Configuration – Access to PAT’s Configuration screen. See the PAT Configuration Guide for

more information • About PAT – Displays the PAT version, copyright information and access to the license

agreement. Also displays the current user’s TEMP folder location, used for log file storage

Display Grids • Main grid – displays each invoice in the selected group including all of the user-defined columns. It

also controls the opening of the sub-grid menu. Click the ‘+’ sign at the beginning of the row to open the sub-grid. From this grid, users can edit the voucher by either clicking on the “pencil” icon or by double clicking on the row.

• Sub grid – The sub-grid shows each project/phase/task in the selected invoice and any of the user defined columns defined for this grid.

• PDF Tool Bar – PDF Markup tool options and ability to view prior invoices stored in the vendor folder.

• PDF panel – The PDF panel displays the invoice PDF and the associated contract (if one exists). To show more rows in the project grid, users can hide this panel by clicking the “-“in the upper-right corner of the PDF panel. Unhide it by clicking the “+“at the bottom right of the remaining grid.

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Standard Grid Columns The following columns are standard between all installations • Type – Transaction type: invoice, contract or disbursement. If the firm uses Check Requests or

Purchase Orders, those type would also appear here • Contract Number – If the transaction type is an invoice, this is the contract linked to it • Invoice Number – Alphanumeric field • Date – Transaction date • Amount – Invoice or Contact Amount • Stage – Invoice stage. Firms define the stages for their installation • Trans File – The status of the voucher file that will export to Vision – pending or ready • Vendor – Vendor name • Voucher – Vision voucher number • Project – Project number. If the invoice is allocated to multiple projects <MULT> appears in the field • Contract # - In the case of a Contract Type, this will display the contract number. • Contract $ – In the case of a Contract type, it is the amount of the contract itself. Otherwise, it’s the

amount of contract linked to the invoice • Edit Icon – Click on the pencil to edit the invoice details • Routing – Routing details. Click on the button icon to see the history of the routing process

Other displayed columns are user-defined columns (detailed below) that firms can place in any order desired on the grid.

User-Defined Columns User-defined columns (UDCs) are unique per firm and require SQL knowledge to create1. User-defined columns can show many types of data. The user type (accounting versus non-accounting) can restrict access to UDCs. Firms can limit UDCs to the project level or to the project level and phase level. PAT has three types of UDCs: • Display columns – Display columns are read-only. They display any data that can be derived from

the Vision database. • Drilldown columns – Drilldown columns may or may not display unique data per row, but when

clicked, will display a user-defined web window showing additional information. For instance, a drilldown column JTD Billed display all invoices along with invoice date, amount and breakout by invoice section.

• Input columns – Input columns are read-write. If not modified, they display the current data stored in Vision. Once a user enters data into the field, the column displays the new data for all users. The new data can be written through into Vision. Both display columns and input columns require SQL knowledge in order to create them.

1 Contact EleVia if you need assistance with creating UDCs

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Setup Vendor fields for PAT

A Vision user-defined field called Payables Folder exists on the Accounting Tab in the Vision Vendor Info Center. This field must contain the path where PAT will store the PDFs of the imported invoices. Only use a named path and not a mapped path. Optionally, we can set a “Secure” folder and checkbox for those vendors not all users should access. Some firms create a Vision workflow to automatically populate this field upon creation of a vendor record.

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Entering Contracts After opening PAT, click on the menu item - New. A dropdown will appear, click on Contract

Enter the following fields:

a. Vendor – Use the drop down for a list of vendors. Begin typing the vendor’s name to narrow the list b. Contract Date – Click on the large down arrow for a calendar c. Contract number – Alphanumeric field d. Routing – Select routing if your company routes contracts for approval e. Document Location – Link to the contract PDF. Click on the f. Payment terms – Defaults to value on the Vendor Info Center. Users can change it here for this

specific contract. Any invoices linked to this contract will have these terms g. A/P liab – Defaults to liability code on the Vendor Info Center. Users can change it here for this

specific contract. Any invoices linked to this contract will use this liability code h. Bank account – Defaults to bank account on the Vendor Info Center. Users can change it here for this

specific contract. Any invoices linked to this contract will have this account i. Address – Users can change from the Vendor default address j. Import Lines – Accounting can import lines from a text file, copy lines into or delete lines from the grid


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k. Enter the Contract Project/Phase/Task breakdown – similar to entry of a voucher but using the contract terms

l. Control Amount – When used, it requires that any detail line changes made by the reviewer/approver remain in balance with the original invoice total

m. Save, Cancel or Save and (manually) – Add Invoice against this contract

After saving the contract information, begin the routing process (if used) by setting the stage to Contract Review. PAT will send an email through the assigned route to the reviewer/approver for their actions. If not using the routing feature, set the stage to Contract Approved. The contract is ready for use when applying vouchers.

Create an Individual Invoice Voucher Click on the menu item - New. A dropdown will appear, click Invoice.

A window will appear that is similar to the entry screen for Vision vouchers. Enter the following information:

a. Vendor – Click on the down arrow for a list of vendors. Begin typing the vendor’s name to narrow the

list b. Invoice Date – Click on the large down arrow for a calendar c. Invoice Number – Alphanumeric field d. Contract – Click on the down arrow to see all contracts in PAT for this vendor. Select the contract to

link to the invoice, if applicable. Otherwise, leave it blank e. Route - Routing for Approval f. Document Location – Location of invoice PDF g. Payment terms – Defaults to the value on either a contract linked to the invoice. If no contract, then

the terms on the Vendor Info Center record. Users can change it for this specific invoice

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h. A/P liability code – Defaults to the value on either a contract linked to the invoice. If no contract, then the code on the Vendor Info Center record. Users can change it for this specific invoice

i. Bank code – Defaults to the value on either a contract linked to the invoice. If no contract, then the code on the Vendor Info Center record. Users can change it for this specific invoice

j. Address – Users can change from the Vendor’s default address k. Import Lines – Accounting can import lines from a text file, copy lines into or delete lines from the grid

below l. Enter the voucher line information as in Vision m. Save Record, Cancel, or Save and add a new record n. Control amount – Click this box to maintain the voucher total throughout any modifications. Non-

accounting users can change line item amounts, but the voucher total can’t change Vision multi-company databases - Company field is now required to save on the single edit form (no change in batch load), and moved to an earlier position in the tab order.

After clicking Save, this window appears

a. Source Location – Current location of invoice PDF b. Identify if you want to move or copy invoice from original location c. Rename – PAT automatically renames the PDF using the format defined in the configuration d. Archive Location – Location of Archived PDF. Firms can store invoices by vendor, project or leave

them in the current folder. The location path is defined on the project or vendor record.

Click OK, to enter voucher into PAT.

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Create an Individual Cash Disbursement Click on the menu item - New. A dropdown will appear, click Disbursement.

A window similar to Vision’s disbursements screen appears. Enter the following information:

a. Vendor – Click on the down arrow for a list of vendors. Begin typing the vendor’s name to narrow the

list b. Invoice Date – Click on the large down arrow for a calendar c. Invoice Number – Alphanumeric field d. Contract – Click on the down arrow to see all contracts in PAT for this Vendor. Select the Contract to

link to invoice, if applicable e. Route – Routing for Approval f. Location of the invoice PDF file. Click the button on the right to selection the file g. Check number h. Transaction Date – Click on the large down arrow for a calendar i. Bank code – Defaults to the value on either a contract linked to the invoice. If no contract, then the

terms on the Vendor Info Center record. Users can change it here for this specific disbursement j. Remittance Address – Users can change from the Vendor default address k. Import Lines – Accounting can import lines from a text file, copy lines into or delete lines from the grid

below l. Enter the voucher line information as in Vision m. Save Record, Cancel, or Save and add next record n. Control amount – Click this box to maintain the voucher total throughout any modifications. Non-

accounting users can change line item amounts, but the voucher total can’t change.

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After clicking Save, this window appears

a. Source Location – Current location of invoice PDF b. Select whether you want to move or copy invoice from original location c. Rename – PAT automatically renames the PDF and will use the format defined in the configuration d. Archive Location – Location of Archived PDF. Firms can store invoices by vendor, project or leave

them in the current folder. The location path is defined on the project or vendor record.

Click OK, to enter disbursement into PAT.

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Create Recurring Entries PAT allows you to create recurring entries and process them through the approval and tracking process.

a. Click Insert and the bottom of the first screen will “light up”. You can enter your recurring

information. b. Enter the description for the recurring entry c. Choose your Vendor d. Choose your Frequency

I. Monthly II. Weekly

III. Daily IV. Yearly

e. Enter the number of time per Frequency f. Click if Active g. Click if the amount doesn’t change

This creates the entry to choose for processing. When you are ready to process the recurring entry you can do it as a voucher or a cash disbursement.

1. Click on the Invoice column for the line item you want to process and you will see the voucher entry screen. It will populate with the defaults you have chosen.

2. Click on the Disbursement column for the line item you want to process and you will see the Cash Disbursement screen. It will populate with the defaults you have chosen.

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Batch Load Invoices into PAT Create template to import invoices from emails Users can create templates to load invoices from emails or scanned batches. Click on the menu item - New. A dropdown will appear, click on Batch Load.

The default batch load screen appears. Once the user selects Exchange Email for type (i), the fields in the grey box changes to match the image below.

a. Saved Options Description – Create and save option templates to save time b. List of saved profiles – If desired, click on existing profile to use c. Archive folder – By PDFs by vendor or by project. The folder location is defined on the vendor or

project record d. Control Amount – When used, it ensures that any changes made by the reviewer/approver will

balance to the original totals

e. A/P liability code – Defaults to value on the Vendor Info Center. Users can change it here for this specific batch of invoices. The code can then again be changed on the individual invoice

f. Bank code – Bank code value used on all invoices in the batch. The bank code on individual invoices

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g. Load as Disbursement – Check this box for Disbursements h. Route – Enter default routing for all invoices in this batch. Can change routing on the individual

vouchers i. Type - Select Exchange Email d. Tax Code - Dropdown will display the tax codes set up in Vision. Users set a default value to use for

this folder or leaves blank. Users can also change the value for individual invoices j. User – Normally would default to a company A/P email box. For example, [email protected]

However, you can also use an individual’s email account k. Password – Enter the password for the email account l. URL – If required, enter the URL of the email account

https://Exchance.companyname/EWS/Exchange.asmx * note for Office365 , use the following url: https://outlook.office365.com/EWS/Exchange.asmx

m. Version – Select the version of Microsoft Exchange n. Max Days – Enter maximum number of days you want to read backward in email box for invoices to

import. Enter 0 to read all emails in folder o. Read Status – Enter email read status for emails you want to import: ALL, Read, Unread p. Post Save – Action for exchange to take after the save

• No Action • Mark as Read • Move to Deleted • Hard Delete

q. PDF Attachments Only – Only include PDF image without email body r. Specific Folder – Identify a folder within the email box to import emails s. Load Oldest First - Will pull in the oldest emails first t. Continue – Move to the next screen and review invoice list for loading into PAT

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Load Invoices from emails

a. Source – Source email account. If the email domain is associated with a current vendor record, the

vendor name field will auto-populate b. Date – the date of the email. Can edit this field as it becomes the invoice date c. File Name – Name of file in email d. Subject – Subject line of email e. Include Body – Check this box if you want to include the body of email at the bottom of your invoice f. Vendor – Enter any part of the Vendor name or ID. If the email domain is entered in the Vendor

Info Center, this column will auto populate the Vendor name. g. Load – Check this box to load invoice into PAT h. Load All – Check to auto-check all line item load boxes i. Click Continue to go to next screen

The invoice window displays the PDF attached to the email. The email window displays the body of the email.

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Create template to load invoices from system folder(s) Users can also create templates for invoice PDFs residing in a system folder. Click on the menu item - New.

A dropdown will appear, click on Batch Load. The default batch load screen appears. Once the user selects Folder for type (i), the fields in the grey box changes to match the image below.

a. Saved Options Description – Create and save option templates to save time b. List of saved profiles – If desires, click on an existing profile to use c. Archive folder – Store PDFs by Vendor or by Project d. Control Amount – When used, it ensures that any changes made by the reviewer/approver will

balance to the original voucher totals

e. Liab code – Defaults A/P liability code to value on the Vendor Info Center. Users can change it here for this batch of invoices. Users can also change the value for individual invoices

f. Bank code – Default bank code for all invoices in this batch. Users can change it on individual invoices.

g. Load as Disbursement – Check this box for Disbursements

h. Route – Enter default routing for all invoices in this batch. Can change routing on the individual vouchers

i. Type – Choose Folder

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e. Tax Code – Dropdown will display the tax codes set up in Vision. Users set a default value to use for this folder or leaves blank. Users can also change the value for individual invoices

f. Source Folder – System folder that contains the invoice PDFs g. Wildcard – Naming convention for files to import. Defaults to all files in the folder with a PDF

extension. Invoices must be PDF format h. Copy file only (don’t move) – Click if you want to keep a copy of the file in the system folder along with

a copy in PAT i. Continue – Move to the next screen and review invoice list for loading into PAT

Load Invoices from scanned PDFs

a. Vendor – Enter Vendor name or Vendor Alias b. Load – Check this box to load invoice into PAT c. Displays the invoice image d. Shows data about the PDF file

Click Continue to go to next screen.

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Enter Invoice Details You can fill in the data manually one line at a time or you can import lines from a text file. The import feature is convenient to use for credit card type invoices or invoices that are available to download as a CSV file from the vendor website.

Import Lines from Text File a. Click on the invoice that has line items to import ( from batch load or add invoice ) b. Select Import Lines on the right side of the toolbar c. The Import Lines window appears. If a Vendor Default Options file exists, the user can select Import to

continue ( should be saved as a csv file) d. Text File Options – If a template hasn’t been saved for this vendor, the Text File Options window

appears. See the diagram on the following page for details on this window

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Details for Text File Options Window

1- Saved Options – Choose existing option template saved from prior imports 2- Save Name – Enter a name if you want to save the options select below for later use 3- Vendor Default – Select if this option grouping should be the vendor’s default

Column Positions – After the user has chosen the CSV file, click on the Preview tab (d) to view the column numbers. Enter the column number for the following fields, if applicable.

4- Description – Transaction Description 5- Transaction Amount – Transaction Amount 6- Tax Code – Default Tax code 7- Project/Phase/Task (1) – Project number 8- Project/Phase/Task (2) – Phase number 9- Project/Phase/Task (3) – Task number 10- GL Account – Default GL Account number for all lines. Users can change the value on individual

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lines once the import completes 11- Exp Code – Default Expense Code for all lines. Users can change the value on individual lines once

the import completes 12- Orig Vendor – Originating vendor. The Originating Vendor functionality in Vision must be


13- Suppress Bill – Don’t bill on the client invoice 14- Amount is Net Amount -

e. Advanced configuration 15- Text Delimiter – Default is double quotes. Change if required 16- Field Delimiter– Default is comma. Change if required 17- Header Rows – Enter the number of rows in the header 18- Date Format – ONLY Enter Date Format if experiencing difficulty with the date parsing. Use the

format MM-DD-YY or DD/MM/YYYY 19- Amount Mode – Identifies how to import the amounts based on the sign

• Transactions are negative – if the non-cash side of the transaction is negative, use this option to reverse the sign. Example of text file:

Cash 30.00 Office Supplies -40.00 Discount 10.00

Example of imported lines: Offices Supplies 40.00 Discount -10.00

• Transactions are Positive – if the non-cash side of the transaction is positive, use this option to keep the sign. Example of text file:

Cash -30.00 Office Supplies 40.00 Discount -10.00

Example of imported lines: Offices Supplies 40.00 Discount -10.00

• Make positive – use the absolute value Example of text file:

Cash -30.00 Office Supplies 40.00 Discount -10.00

Example of import lines: Offices Supplies


Discount 10.00

20- Skip Pmts/Credits – Check this box to not import payments and credits

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Import Lines Window. There are two ways to import from a text file. (1) Load the csv file (2) copy and paste.

1. Choose file – Window opens to allow user to select the csv file 2. Paste from Clipboard – Opens the text file. Highlight the lines to import, and paste them

under import preview into the space provided to Copy from Clipboard 3. Manage File Options – Opens the Text File Window (image (d) on page 23) to configure

the options for importing the text files associated with a vendor 4. The list of voucher lines to be imported. You may uncheck any line items you don’t want

to import 5. Status – Displays statistics for text file 6. Import button – When ready to import lines to voucher, click this button

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Enter invoice details manually PAT requires users to complete the orange colored fields before moving to the next stage. Users can complete the yellow fields during the approval process. However, these fields are required before loading into Vision. The entry screen resembles the Vision Voucher entry screen.

a. Invoice # – Enter Vendor invoice Number b. Invoice Date – Defaults to the date of the email or, in the case of scanned invoices, the file date on the

PDF c. Contract/Copy – Click on the dropdown to see all contracts in PAT for this vendor. You can select the

contract this invoice should be charged against d. Route - Enter route for this invoice if it should change from any prepopulated value e. Liab Code – Enter or edit A/P liability code f. Bank Code – Enter or edit the bank code g. Pay Terms – Enter or edit the pay terms h. Pay Date – Enter date for payment if pay terms value is Date i. Address – Enter or edit the remittance address j. Project – Enter the project number, if known. Voucher can be routed without project number.

However, users must complete the field before exporting to Vision l. This area shows the invoice image. If voucher created from email with no attachment, the system use the email itself as the source document

m. This area shows information about the file or the email. The top window will show file or email details. If it is an email, a bottom window will open showing the email message body

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Taxes and Originating Vendor Tax Amount - When Tax Auditing is enabled in Vision, PAT will now accept more than 2 tax codes per transaction similar to Vision (starting with Vision 7.2 – PAT will NOT work with Vision 7.1 or earlier). Tax Amount column will now be a link to open a tax code grid for editing tax codes that apply to each transaction. Tax codes will default per transaction as in Vision.

Originating Vendor – Enter any part of vendor name or ID

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Split Invoice New role options to enable ‘split invoice’ feature to aid in entering of retainage and partial payments With

the role option enabled and when editing an existing invoice, a ‘Split’ dropdown will be displayed

When selected the Save and Split button will be enabled, and upon saving, PAT will, prompt to confirm, then automatically adjust the amount of the current invoice per the specified criteria and create a copy of the invoice with the remaining amount defaulted along with setting pay terms and adding a suffix to the invoice number. Additional changes can be done manually if needed before saying the second ‘split’ invoice.

Save Records

If the records are ready for import they will color green. If there are any missing items, you will see a message identifying fields that aren’t complete. When all records are green, close the screen by click the red X in the upper right hand corner.

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Ready invoices for routing and approval

a. Pending – Click on Pending to see all invoices not yet posted to Vision b. Stage – Change the stage to Review to start the routing process for that transaction c. Click on the button icon to see the routing flow

d. Click on the pencil icon to edit the voucher detail e. Open ‘+’ to view the voucher detail f. Invoice image g. PDF markup tools h. Stamps for invoice

Edit Voucher Entry User can edit voucher information by clicking on the edit icon (d) or double clicking on the line. Another window will appear and the background will gray out. User can scroll the invoice window while in this mode.

PDF Edit Invoice Refer to (f) and (g) above. The user can edit the invoice image by using the pdf editing tools or adding stamps for common information. If invoice is attached to a contract, you will see the images side by side. The invoice appears on the left and the contract on the right.

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Import Records into Vision On the menu click Vision

A dropdown will appear with options Create Voucher and Create Disbursement.

Choose the type of transaction to import. Invoices with the stage Ready for Voucher, or the trans file a manually changed value of Ready will appear in a new window.

There is now an option to check for records that do not fall within the select accounting period. For Vision Multi-Currency databases, on export to Vision, Currency Code will be determined by the Bank Code’s GL Account, instead of the default functional currency for the company. After verifying this information is correct, click button that says create Transaction file in Vision. In Vision, you will find an A/P transaction file to post. It will start with PAT-. You can edit the vouchers in the Vision A/P transaction file if needed. Once you post the file, Vision invoice voucher is the primary record. All corrections to vouchers must be made in Vision. The modifications will flow back to PAT and are visible on the Browse grid.

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Employee Delegation The intent of Employee Delegation is to allow another person, (the “delegate”), to perform actions on behalf of some other person, (the originally scheduled reviewer or approver). Delegation does not apply to full accounting roles and full access to the software; only to the ability to review and approve a document. Delegation does not apply to invoice lookup; only to the “Pending” screen on which reviews and approvals occur.

Employees are able to specify a delegate for themselves over a given timeframe, and if required via configuration, an accounting user (or other designated approver) will approve, reject or modify that delegation. Creating a Delegation Within PAT, a “Delegation” menu is located within the Utilities menu.

Once selected, this dialog box will pop up:

The grid shows all current delegations, whether approved or not. That is, all delegations that include the current day or future days will be shown. If delegations approvals are not required, then the two Approved columns will not be shown. If required, the Approved columns will be read-only for non-approvers. If the user is an approver, the Approved By cell will default to their name. The Max $ column allows the delegation to apply only up to the listed amount but not over. A blank value is unlimited. The green checkmark button shown above is a quick method to set the Approved By and Approved On fields to the current user/date.

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The blue items at the top-right are meant to simulate a grid menu similar to Vision. The menu items are: • History – Popup a Delegation History window, showing all delegations for all time, in reverse order.

That grid is filterable and exportable to Excel. It includes deleted delegations as well. For non-accounting users, this shows only their history. Within the History window is the ability to show all changes made to the grid along with who and when they were made. History is limited to 6 months unless the user specifies a longer timeframe which then refreshes the window.

• Insert – Insert a new delegation row in the grid. The Employee cell will include a lookup capability that will show all employees who are current reviewers.

• Delete – Delete the current delegation row in the grid. Non-accounting users will not have access to this menu item, except for non-approved self-delegated entries (e.g. a mistaken entry).

Routing with Delegation When a delegation is in effect, the delegate will see all items they are normally responsible for and all items that were delegated to them during the delegation timeframe. Upon opening the route dialog, the delegation would be visible under the employee:

The rights a person has is dictated by the rights of the original reviewer. So when acting as a delegate, the delegate has the rights of the original reviewer for those documents.

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Optional Features Check Requests Check requests are an optional feature in PAT. To process check requests through PAT, create the following fields in a Vision UDIC.

a. Transaction Number – Can create this field as an auto-generated field b. Payee – Vendor c. Date – Date of check request d. Notes – Will populate the description field e. Mail – check this field if you want to mail the check to the payee f. Return to – Return the check to this employee g. Requested by – Employee who requested the check h. Status – status of check request in PAT

• Loaded – Check request loaded into PAT • New – not in PAT • Need Vendor – vendor information not in Vision • Batch Load – Check request ready to load into PAT via a PAT batch load

i. Path – Location of the Invoice

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j. Detail – can have multiple lines • Project number – Field will validate against Vision available projects • Phase – Field not validated • Task – Field not validated • Notes – Description • Amount – Amount of check to allocate to this project/task/phase • Account – G/L account number

k. Missing Vendor Information Grid – If the check requestor can’t find the Vendor in Vision, they load known vendor information in this grid. Accounting then searches existing vendor records. If it doesn’t exist, they create the vendor record.

The custom field definitions entered in Vision’s Configuration/User Defined Components screen

If desired, attach an HTML page to the company’s intranet. Users enter data here and attach a document. Example:


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Load into PAT using Batch Load

Finish loading and route as any other voucher in PAT.

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Purchasing Interface By utilizing Vision’s UDIC functionality, you can create a basic purchase order system. Below is an example of a Purchase Order UDIC. Firms may have additional fields they want to include.

All fields are self-explanatory.

Status examples • Review – Ready to upload into PAT • In Process – Form not completed • Approved – Back from PAT will approval • Order – ordered the products from the vendor • Received – received products from vendor • Update PAT - workflow button to create a record in PAT with a PO type.

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Example of PO in PAT pending screen.

Interface with Vision’s Purchasing System Contact EleVia Software for more information on interfacing with Vision’s purchasing module

Interface with third party Purchasing System Contact EleVia Software for more information on interfacing with a third party purchasing system

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Invoice Edit PDF menu

Open a file dialog to the folder that the current PDFs are in. This can be used to: • Open a different PDF into the right-side window (e.g. the previous draft invoice) • Open a PDF via Acrobat Reader (e.g. to see the current 2 PDFs and last month’s draft

invoice) • Quickly email the current PDF to another employee for whatever reason

Save the PDF files

Print either or both PDF files.

Pan the document by holding and dragging the mouse

Move, resize or delete PDF annotations. Attempting to modify someone else’s annotation will result in an error dialog stating whose annotation it is and when it was created.

Select and highlight text in a color defined in PAT Configuration (Roles tab).

Add a sticky note. The size and position of the sticky note window is user defined. This window can be closed, and when re-opened via double-click, will appear in the same location with the same size.

Add a callout textbox – a textbox with an arrow pointing out. Initial click is the head of the arrow, second click is the bend in the arrow, third click is the textbox location. Remember – 3 clicks needed and then drag the size of the textbox.

Add a textbox – click and drag the location/size of the textbox, enter the text, then click somewhere else on the document. Textbox text can be modified when the hand tool is selected, by double- clicking the text. Use the mouse or ctrl-left arrow or ctrl-right arrow to move within the text.

Add raw text to the document. Select the top-left position of the first character. Raw text can be modified when the hand tool is selected, by double-clicking the text. Use the mouse or ctrl-left arrow or ctrl-right arrow to move within the text.

Add an arrow

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Add a line

Add a rectangle

Add an oval

Add freeform drawing

Add a user-defined stamp

Merge PDF documents onto the back end of either the draft invoice or the unbilled detail report. ( option will not work with File Stream)

Fit the PDF document to the view area

Fit the PDF width to the view area

Sets PDF view to single page scrolling mode

Sets PDF to view multiple pages side-by-side

Zoom in to the area selected by a rectangle

Zoom out via rectangular area

Zoom in 10%

Zoom out 10%

Rotate the document left 90 degrees

Rotate the document right 90 degrees

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Brings up a search dialog – same as ctrl-F key

Users can hide, by PAT role, tools that you don’t want users to use. If all users will use the single-page scrolling mode, then the two window tools (single page, multiple pages) tools can be hidden. It is common to hide the rotate tools.

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Initial Emails Not Being Sent - Payables Approval and Tracking emails are sent via a Windows Service on the Vision web server called “CCG Email Service”. This service must be running. If you find that initial emails did not go out (e.g. when an invoice is set to Review), you can check the log file for the CCG Email Service Windows service, usually located in C:\Temp on the Vision web server. If not there, the location is determined in the CCG Email Service.exe.config file under \Program Files\EleVia Software on the Vision web server. If there is an SMTP error in the log file, contact your IT resource for assistance in determining the cause.

Re-Notification Emails Not Being Sent – If users receive the initial emails sent, but not re-notification emails, then there could be a problem with the re-notification workflow setup. For details on configuring PAT re-notification emails, see the PAT Configuration Guide.

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