Pawa News Pamela Porras Pérez Chaotic News The news is of great importance to me because it informs about what is happening nationally and internationally. But for many people, the news is not of great benefit and people become news resisters. First, they feel desperate for the news content, second they believe that it takes away time and is repetitive and third, many of the "breaking stories "are inconsequential. All these are the reasons why many people choose not to read news and they are indifferent to it. First, sometimes people feel desperate of the news because it shows much cruelty and they feel news is only bad. Many people are affected emotionally by stories that are not so good, like earthquakes in other countries or illness and death of people. For many people, news has nothing positive in in their content. It is clear that in certain situations the news can cause a state of despair, but in fact the news informed about the things that happen in the world, whether good or bad. I think many people feel that way because their emotional level is a bit sensitive and they cannot feel comfortable knowing bad news. Second, many people are addicted to the news. They have to read them several times during the day and it turns into something that is negative for life. This addiction is similar to social networks that consume a person's life up to the point that the person does nothing more than checking his or her Facebook or Twitter. Similarly, with the news some people spend all day on just reading articles or watching news. Many people have had to go to therapy and many doctors have been interested in this topic because it is an issue that concerns all people.

PaWa News

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Pawa News

Pamela Porras Pérez

Chaotic News

The news is of great importance to me because it informs about what is happening nationally and internationally. But for many people, the news is not of great benefit and people become news resisters. First, they feel desperate for the news content, second they believe that it takes away time and is repetitive and third, many of the "breaking stories "are inconsequential. All these are the reasons why many people choose not to read news and they are indifferent to it.

First, sometimes people feel desperate of the news because it shows much cruelty and they feel news is only bad.

Many people are affected emotionally by stories that are not so good, like earthquakes in other countries or illness and death of people. For many people, news has nothing positive in in their content. It is clear that in certain situations the news can cause a state of despair, but in fact the news informed about the things that happen in the world, whether good or bad. I think many people feel that way because their emotional level is a bit sensitive and they cannot feel comfortable knowing bad news.

Second, many people are addicted to the news. They have to read them several times during the day and it turns into something that is negative for life. This addiction is similar to social networks that consume a person's life up to the point that the person does nothing more than checking his or her Facebook or Twitter. Similarly, with the news some people spend all day on just reading articles or watching news. Many people have had to go to therapy and many doctors have been interested in this topic because it is an issue that concerns all people.

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Third, many times the news is inconsequential because the title has nothing to do at all with the news. In Costa Rica, we can see in the example of “La teja” newspaper that their "breaking news" disagrees with what is stated in the news. For many, this situation takes away the urge to read beyond what they see in the "breaking news." Clearly, the same newspapers often do these kinds of things because they need to attract the attention of people. It is much better that the news stays clear and concise because we just read the central point of the news and not things that have nothing to do with the title. Many people feel bored and tedious when the text is inconsistent and tends to take time of their day.

In conclusion, being a news resister can be a positive or negative situation. If you know how to make a good balance of watching news, you can see them without them bothering us and we can take advantage of it. Becoming a news resister is not good because we always need to be aware of what is happening outside, so watching the news

will be beneficial as long as we consume only what we need.


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Currently, many people live many types of limitations. It is common to live with people with limitations and is a problem for many people. For me not all constraints are critical. Many of these constraints are solvable but not all. Some of the limitations that are more difficult for me to overcome are: illness, physical or mental disability and family problems. I chose these three because they are the most difficult to overcome and some cannot be controlled. First, a disease is a situation which we will all have to face at some point in life. It is much harder when you have diseases that will change a person's life. When the disease usually cannot be control it is a desperate situation for the patient. I think that many times it is a situation that affects not only the person but the family, friends and acquaintances.

Second, suffering from mental disability is difficult for the person because you cannot control your condition, but also many people tend to

discriminate. Many people make fun of the disease and do not understand their condition. It is hard to deal with it because you have to deal with many things at once and it is often frustrating and tiring. Usually these people have low self-esteem and suffer from shyness because they think that they can be hurt by people.

Third, it is hard to have family problems because the family is the only sure thing that many people. Being rejected by parents, siblings, spouses or children is a situation that is very compelling because we really love them. Having family problems can be solved many times but in other cases people come to feel very alone and without any support from the family. It is difficult to live without the family because these people are unconditional.

In conclusion, many times all these limitations are quite painful for people but everything in life is given for some reason, maybe because we are going to learn something and grow in many ways. If our limitations can be solved, it is important to put all our efforts to achieve the goal

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and always have a positive attitude towards the problems that may come into our lives. If we have a fighting attitude, we will be able to face whatever comes.

Pamela Porras

Ronaldinho Gaucho!

Ronaldo de Assis Moreira better known as Ronaldinho Gaucho has been one of the greatest players in the history of football. Behind all the complications that he

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had, his story are how was growing every day, and this attitude is the most important in a person who had a difficult live. Ronaldinho was born in Brazil in a town called Porto Alegre where he grew up with his parents and brother.

First Ronaldinho's life was always surrounded by football. His father was a professional player and his older brother too. The team was his brother play gives them a pool where the father died tragically. This was a tough time for his family. His father was an idol for him and always told his son he was going to be the best player in the world, without even knowing what lay ahead for the future of his youngest son.

Ronaldinho‘s greatest thing was that he doesn’t matter if the life was hard he always fight for his dream to be like his father and brother. Ronaldinho started playing indoor football, making it one of the best and perfecting his technique. At 17, he went on to play with the first team of Gremio, where he was also

selected sub-17 and the same year he won the world championship of soccer, with the top scorer and best player trophy.

The next year he was hired by the Paris Saint Germain where he excelled and had several offers from Manchester United, Real Madrid and Barcelona. In 2002 Ronaldinho made Brazil five times champions of the fifa world cup, and was hired by Barcelona, where he was recognized as the best player of the decade and the most

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valuable player. With Barcelona he won all

European competitions. Ronaldinho always are

noted (passive) for his skill with the ball, his speed, his strength but mostly for his smile and humility at all times.

Ronaldinho had a difficult live and his father die when he was a child but he decided to be different and overcome the obstacles with his family. If a child who doesn’t have anything in his childhood could be the best player in the world, other people with more opportunities should fight for their dreams but seems like with one little problem they fall and don’t know how to overcome and pass

that problem, but some people having less show

more desire to live and overcome the big problems

that they have.

Walter Gonzalez Young

This new it is about the intelligence of animals. We refer to a few things that humans do and how the animals can do the same. Also we are going to talk about which animals are smarter and in which area they are better. The animals being proof with a few challenges. Animals have feelings and emotions like

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humans have. In the final part of the document we show you in what other things humans and animals are similar and why we are the equally important in this world.

First, the animal is able to do things like humans, like skateboarding. Some dogs like bulldogs have been seen skateboarding and even driving. Monkeys have also been doing the same things on a skateboard, like humans. They are able to balance, steer and propel the skateboard.

Second, the intelligence of some animals was amazing. They can remember for long periods of time such as elephants, which can communicate through sounds or gestures. They are also able to draw and learn. One of the most striking things is to see how an animal may be able to

reason if you are cheating as in the case of the parrots, and they are able to learn and repeat words. The smartest animals are monkeys, dolphins, parrots and elephants.

Third is the ability of

animals to feel emotions. It is impressive to see how a human is so similar to animals. There are stories where monkeys died and its family cried. The documentary of Disney called chimpanzees, showed a mother of the herd who dies and leaves her baby alone. One of the males of the pack takes care of the baby, and that attitude is not normal for an alpha male, because they just protect the entire herd and guide the herd to the food, but they do not take care of babies. But he took over and

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raised him and gave him food.

In conclusion, animals are very intelligent and capable, not like humans but very similar. Their physical similarities, emotions and behavior are what make us see how alike we are. We must show respect for the animals and try to take care of them. Animals also give us a lesson of respect, love and loyalty and we should grab those good attitudes and practice. Although humans are the most intelligence beings, sometimes it seems like they are not. Animals are amazing and capable so you must enjoy their abilities.

Walter Gonzalez Young