Pattonville School District Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (2018-2023) February 27, 2018 CSIP

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Pattonville School District Comprehensive School Improvement Plan


February 27, 2018


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CSIP Steering Committee

Board of Education

Member Role

Mike Fulton Superintendent

Ruth Petrov Board of Education

Tim Pecoraro Assistant Superintendent

David Reese Parent

Bonnie Long Parent

Tricia Bagsby Parent

Beth Ball Parent

Jeremiah Simmons High School Teacher

Chris Benbow Middle School Teacher

Audrey Masek Elementary Teacher

Wendy Mathis PNEA President

Teresa Jercinovic PESP President

Steve Vargo Principal

JoAnn Greenwell Curriculum and Instruction

Member Role

Jeanne Schottmueller President

Andrea Glenn Vice President

Ralph Stahlhut Secretary

Mary Kay Campbell Treasurer

Brian Gray Director

Ruth Petrov Director

Mindy Ridings Director


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IntroductionPattonville’s Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) directs the overall improvement of its educational programs and services. It is written in accordance with guidelines from Missouri’s Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The guidelines require stating goals in sufficient detail so as to direct district improvement efforts for at least a five-year period. The goals must define specific, measurable results the district expects to achieve in order to improve programs, services or student achievement.


Pattonville’s Mission

That All Will Learn….to become responsible citizens in a nurturing environment where❖ diversity means strength❖ knowledge means freedom and❖ commitment means success

Pattonville’s VisionWe Envision Pattonville as a(n)

Caring community where all learners are valued, loved, respected, and regarded as our hope for today and the future.

Safe community where respect for self and others is demonstrated; where integrity and dignity guide behavior.

Learning community where all are challenged to excel. We see students as life long learners and problem solvers who are academically prepared for success and committed to excellence.

Interdependent community where unity among students, families, patrons and staff fosters learning, responsibility and an appreciation of the diverse individual.

We Envision All Pattonville Students as

Contributing citizens of their school, community, country and world. We see students living their hopes and dreams through self-reliance, commitment, compassion, and cooperation.

Adopted December 13, 1994


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Planning Process

OverviewPattonville School District developed an initial Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) during the 1988-89 school year. That year, two hundred stakeholders, including board members, community members, administrators, teachers, support staff and students invested over three hundred hours developing the plan. This work resulted in a mission statement and the establishments of five district priorities: curriculum and instruction, facilities and funding, growth and development, staffing, and technology. The district then developed and implemented action plans for each area.

In 1995, Pattonville adopted a new strategic plan that emphasized student achievement and personal responsibility. Over 150 individuals participated in developing a vision statement and establishing 15 district initiatives designed to improve student achievement and personal responsibility.

In the summer of 1997, the Board of Education reinitiated the district’s strategic planning process in order to comply with CSIP specifications and meet requirements set forth in the Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP). Based on past strategic plan work, which included analysis of external and internal factors influencing the school district, Pattonville’s Board of Education identified the following Areas of Emphasis for 1997-1998.

• Continue the focus on enhancing student achievement and establish district student performance benchmarks/goals.

• Begin the development of a plan that will address student, personnel, fiscal, and facility issues related to possible changes with the St. Louis desegregation program and the expansion of Lambert Airport.

• Provide staff development opportunities, addressing site-based management, for staff and the Board of Education.

• Update the district’s technology plan. • Prepare for the March 1998 Missouri School Improvement Program evaluation.

From these Areas of Emphasis, an updated Comprehensive School Improvement Plan was formed. The plan resulted in the development of three goals with related targets and indicators. The CSIP goals were:

Goal 1 Students demonstrate significant improvement in their understanding and application of the Show-Me Standards. Goal 2 Develop and implement building-level School Improvement Plans consistent with CSIP. Goal 3 Develop a plan that addresses critical issues (i.e. enrollment growth, possible expansion of Lambert Airport, and Voluntary Transfer Program).


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From 1998 to 2003, Pattonville maintained a clear organizational focus on these goals, including incorporating them in the Board of Education’s Areas of Emphasis. In July 2003, the Missouri State Board of Education recognized the results of the work by awarding Pattonville School District a perfect score (149 out of 149 points) on its MSIP Accreditation Review.

In June 2003, Pattonville established a structure to update its CSIP plan. The work focused on identifying research-based indicators for each CSIP Goal that meet Missouri School Improvement Program requirements, including those required by No Child Left Behind, and promote best practices. The goals were:

Goal 1: Subcommittees identify research-based indicators for each CSIP Goal that meet Missouri School Improvement Program requirements, including No Child Left Behind, and best practices. Goal 2: Conduct research on “What our Community Wants” in schools with students, parents, teachers and legislators and provide data to subcommittees.

The Goals, Targets, and Indicators of the updated Comprehensive School Improvement Plan were limited in number and easily communicated to parents, students, and staff. The CSIP plan was made into a poster and placed in all district buildings.

In July 2008, a structure to update the CSIP plan was established. A meeting structure was developed that included committee structures along with dates, times, and locations for meetings. The CSIP Steering Committee was charged with overseeing a process that included work from building level school improvement teams, the critical issues subcommittee, and the newly formed activities and athletics subcommittee. These groups were focused on identifying a few key levers that could be put in place that have dramatic implications.

In March 2012, the process for updating the current strategic plan began with a district-wide comprehensive school improvement meeting. At this meeting, our new CSIP structure was unveiled with the formation of our four subcommittees (School Improvement Teams, Resources, Community Connections, and Before and After School Activities). Over the next year, more than 200 individuals participated in the process to update our CSIP.

Organization In September 2017, the Pattonville community came together to define our vision and work for the next five years. The focus of our process was ensuring our students leave our system as success ready graduates. Approximately, 250 individuals participated in one of four committees (Student Achievement, Student Responsibility, Extra Curricular Involvement and Personal Excellence, and Critical Issues). Over the next six months, these committees identified key areas of focus that will lead Pattonville during the next five years and beyond.


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Goal 1: Students demonstrate significant improvement in their understanding and application of state academic standards.

Target Indicators A. All students are proficient in English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.

● All students score proficient or higher on the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) and internal assessments. All students meet the equity targets of high school course content readiness and success ready graduates.

Strategy Number

Strategy Evaluation Strategy Person Responsible Start Date

Projected Completion

Date 1 Develop and implement a

district-wide five year personalized learning plan (document attached).

Personalized Learning Plan

Curriculum and Instruction Department Personalized Learning Committee

Winter 2018 Spring 2022

2 Implement a guaranteed and viable curriculum (GAV) including implementation of Tier 1/Core curriculum and instructional strategies.

● Ongoing implementation of Tier 2 interventions which are research-based and fully implemented with fidelity.

● Where applicable, Title I and other Federal Programs services are coordinated and integrated with other educational services.

District and State Assessments

Federal Programs

Annual Plans

Curriculum and Instruction Department Principals

Winter 2018 Ongoing


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Goal 1: Students demonstrate significant improvement in their understanding and application of state academic standards.

Target Indicators A. All students are proficient in English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.

● All students score proficient or higher on the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) and internal assessments. All students meet the equity targets of high school course content readiness and success ready graduates.

Strategy Number

Strategy Evaluation Strategy Person Responsible Start Date

Projected Completion

Date 3 Identify and implement specific

instructional strategies designed to improve academic performance for disaggregated subgroups who are performing below their peers.

District and State Assessments

Curriculum and Instruction Department Principals Teachers

Fall 2018 Spring 2019

4 Study the current middle school model and make necessary adjustments to the learning design to better meet the needs of all students in grades 6th-8th.

Committee Minutes

LCAT Middle School Administrators

Spring 2018 Winter 2019

5 Use building and grade level/department data teams to review assessment data at the building, classroom, and student level; monitor progress; incorporate the principles of multi-tiered system and make adjustments to instruction based on results.

District and State Assessments

Curriculum and Instruction Department Principals

Winter 2018 Ongoing


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Goal 1: Students demonstrate significant improvement in their understanding and application of state academic standards.

Target Indicators A. All students are proficient in English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.

● All students score proficient or higher on the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) and internal assessments. All students meet the equity targets of high school course content readiness and success ready graduates.

Strategy Number

Strategy Evaluation Strategy Person Responsible Start Date

Projected Completion

Date 6 Increase the connections between

home and school by identifying and implementing proven strategies, including targeted professional development on how to effectively work with diverse families and their needs. Where applicable, the coordination and integration of Title I and other Federal Programs is expected.

Climate Survey Data

Federal Programs Annual Plans

Principals School Staff

School Improvement Teams

Spring 2018 Ongoing

7 Research, identify, and implement a Pattonville online learning system that will provide all students with additional opportunities to personalize their learning.

Implementation Plan

Curriculum and Instruction Department

Spring 2018 Fall 2020

8 Professional development will be research-based and directly support improving classroom instruction and promoting increased student achievement.

District and State Assessments

Survey Data

Curriculum and Instruction Department Principals

Winter 2018 Ongoing


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Goal 1: Students demonstrate significant improvement in their understanding and application of state academic standards.

Target Indicators A. All students are proficient in English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.

● All students score proficient or higher on the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) and internal assessments. All students meet the equity targets of high school course content readiness and success ready graduates.

Strategy Number

Strategy Evaluation Strategy Person Responsible Start Date

Projected Completion

Date 9 Encourage and help foster positive

relationships through open, honest communication that promotes understanding of our diverse abilities, cultures, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds, while providing meaningful and relevant instruction for ALL Pattonville students.

Climate Survey Data District and State

Assessment Results

Curriculum and Instruction Department Principals

School Improvement Teams

Spring 2018 Ongoing

10 Use technology and informational resources to support student learning of the essential curriculum and increase staff effectiveness.

Survey and Use Data

Curriculum and Instruction Department Technology Department

Principals School Improvement Teams

Winter 2018 Ongoing


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Personalized Learning A 5-Year Plan for Pattonville Learners

Timeline Competency-Based Learning Learner Profiles Systemic Innovation by Design

2017-2018 Create a clear definition of competency-based learning.

Develop competencies in ELA and math that represent high

school course content readiness along with success-ready


Form a district-wide personalized learning committee made up

of students, staff, and parents.

Plan site visits and literature reviews.

Begin literature review to develop

framework for Individual Learning


Conduct literature review on Systemic Innovation by


Develop working definition of Systemic Innovation by


Establish initial budget to support Systemic

Innovation by Design.

Design challenge conference.


Create descriptions of “levels of student mastery” for each

competency and learning level in ELA and math.

Design and implement professional development for teachers

and administrators related to how competency-based learning

impacts their classroom.

Utilize the district personalized learning committee to conduct

research and provide implementation guidance.

Create a system to monitor student progress on each

competency in ELA and math.

Work with the Missouri Assessment Partnership (MOAP) to

identify a common assessment that meets the needs of

Pattonville students and aligns with our competency-based

learning approach.

Develop framework for Individual

Learning Plan.

Create proof of the Individual

Learning Plan.

Design professional development

on Individual Learning Plan.

Establish necessary policy and strategy to sustain

Systemic Innovation by Design.

Develop practical and meaningful district-wide

approach, framework and process that accounts for

the dynamics of Systemic Innovation by Design.

Provide appropriate professional development for


Generate initial set of tangible/feasible ideas to

implement at building level tied to school

improvement plans.

Establish ongoing budget to promote, support,

evaluate, scale and publish results for successes

and failures.



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Timeline Competency-Based Learning Learner Profiles Systemic Innovation by Design

2019-2020 Refine descriptions of “levels of student mastery” for each

competency and learning level in ELA and math.

Implement new common assessment in appropriate grade


Develop competencies in science that represent high school

course content readiness along with success-ready graduates.

Create descriptions of “levels of student mastery” for each

competency and learning level in science.

Continue professional development.

Begin implementation of proof of

Individual Learning Plan.

Implement first wave of innovation supported policy,

strategy, framework and process derived in previous


Provide appropriate professional development for


Generate second wave of tangible/feasible ideas.

Provide ongoing budget to promote, support,

evaluate, scale and publish results for successes

and failures.

2020-2021 Refine description of “levels of student mastery” for each

competency and learning level in science.

Create a system to monitor student progress on each

competency in science.

Make necessary revisions based

on initial implementation.

Continue full implementation.

Implement second wave of innovation supported

policy, strategy, framework and process derived in

previous year.

Provide appropriate professional development for


Generate third wave of tangible/feasible ideas.

Provide ongoing budget to promote, support,

evaluate, scale and publish results for successes

and failures.

2021-2022 Identify other content areas where the development of

competencies is needed.

Make necessary revisions based

on feedback.

Implement third wave of innovation supported policy,

strategy, framework and process derived in previous


Provide appropriate professional development for


Generate fourth wave of tangible/feasible ideas.

Provide ongoing budget to promote, support,

evaluate, scale and publish results for successes

and failures.


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Goal 1: Students demonstrate significant improvement in their understanding and application of state academic standards.

Target Indicators B. Students are responsible citizens ● Attendance rate (annually) 90% of students attend school 90% of the time.

● Graduation rate (annually) is 92% or higher. ● Student responsibility indicators increase annually (e.g. decrease in office referrals, etc.). ● Community service involves 100% of students (K-12).

Strategy Number

Strategy Evaluation Strategy Person Responsible Start Date

Projected Completion

Date 1 Develop and implement a PK-12

social emotional curriculum in order to support the development of the whole- child.

Completed Curriculum

Curriculum and Instruction Department Principals

Counselors Social Workers

Fall 2018 Spring 2019

2 Develop and implement a plan for Pattonville to become a Trauma Informed Organization as defined by the Missouri Model.

Completed Implementation Plan

Curriculum and Instruction Department Principals

Counselors Social Workers

Fall 2018 Spring 2019

3 Increase staff participation in professional development activities that support social emotional learning.

Staff Professional Development

Participation and PD Calendar

Curriculum and Instruction Department

Fall 2018 Ongoing

4 Review and evaluate the current transition models (elementary to middle and middle to high) for effectiveness and make recommendations to support improved student outcomes.

Completed Transition Plans

Curriculum and Instruction Department Principals


Fall 2018 Spring 2019


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Goal 1: Students demonstrate significant improvement in their understanding and application of state academic standards.

Target Indicators B. Students are responsible citizens ● Attendance rate (annually) 90% of students attend school 90% of the time.

● Graduation rate (annually) is 92% or higher. ● Student responsibility indicators increase annually (e.g. decrease in office referrals, etc.). ● Community service involves 100% of students (K-12).

Strategy Number

Strategy Evaluation Strategy Person Responsible Start Date

Projected Completion

Date 5 Complete a district-wide social

emotional learning needs assessment to: 1)Identify current district goals, outcomes and core values related to social emotional learning. 2)Assess the current staffing model and duties for staff supporting social emotional learning and growth and make recommendations regarding how to improve the effectiveness. 3)Assess the effectiveness of current therapeutic service providers and make recommendations on how to improve these offerings to students/schools.

Completed Assessment Curriculum and Instruction Department Principals

Fall 2018 Winter 2019

6 Develop a plan to implement restorative practices PK-12 to support positive school climate and student responsibility.

Completed Implementation Plan

Curriculum and Instruction Department Principals

Counselors Social Workers

Fall 2018 Spring 2019


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Goal 1: Students demonstrate significant improvement in their understanding and application of state academic standards.

Target Indicators B. Students are responsible citizens ● Attendance rate (annually) 90% of students attend school 90% of the time.

● Graduation rate (annually) is 92% or higher. ● Student responsibility indicators increase annually (e.g. decrease in office referrals, etc.). ● Community service involves 100% of students (K-12).

Strategy Number

Strategy Evaluation Strategy Person Responsible Start Date

Projected Completion

Date 7 Develop and implement an Early

Warning System with agreed upon academic, behavior and social emotional data to proactively identify students for Tier II and Tier III interventions.

District and State Assessment Results

Curriculum and Instruction Department Principals


Fall 2018 Spring 2019

8 Increase the number of high-yield research-based Tier II and Tier III interventions utilized at the building level to support students needing additional academic, behavioral or social-emotional support.

District and State Assessment Results

Curriculum and Instruction Department Principals

Special School District

Fall 2018 Ongoing

9 Implement a district-wide problem-solving team process to identify students in need of academic, behavior or social and emotional support.

Completed Problem-Solving Team

Process Guide

Curriculum and Instruction Department Principals

Special School District

Fall 2018 Spring 2019


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Goal 1: Students demonstrate significant improvement in their understanding and application of state academic standards.

Target Indicators B. Students are responsible citizens ● Attendance rate (annually) 90% of students attend school 90% of the time.

● Graduation rate (annually) is 92% or higher. ● Student responsibility indicators increase annually (e.g. decrease in office referrals, etc.). ● Community service involves 100% of students (K-12).

Strategy Number

Strategy Evaluation Strategy Person Responsible Start Date

Projected Completion

Date 10 Continue to support PBIS/CI3T

implementation in all Pattonville schools by having a district leadership team who supports all building level teams.

District and Building Meeting Minutes

Curriculum and Instruction Department Principals

Special School District

Fall 2018 Ongoing

11 Continue to monitor and analyze in school and out of school suspensions to identify patterns over time (consider source of referrals; time of year; disproportionality by gender, race, ethnicity and disability). Use the data to make appropriate adjustments and/or develop intervention plans for students and/or teachers if necessary.

Discipline Data, Intervention Plans, Meeting Minutes

Curriculum and Instruction Department Principals

Fall 2018 Ongoing


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Goal 1: Students demonstrate significant improvement in their understanding and application of state academic standards.

Target Indicators B. Students are responsible citizens ● Attendance rate (annually) 90% of students attend school 90% of the time.

● Graduation rate (annually) is 92% or higher. ● Student responsibility indicators increase annually (e.g. decrease in office referrals, etc.). ● Community service involves 100% of students (K-12).

Strategy Number

Strategy Evaluation Strategy Person Responsible Start Date

Projected Completion

Date 12 Develop and implement district and

building plans to systematically address areas of disproportionality.

Completed Plans Curriculum and Instruction Department Principals

Fall 2018 Ongoing

13 Incorporate the use of a "new" student responsibility indicator: "Percent of All Incidents vs. Percent of All Students" into discipline data analysis.

Use of new indicator in building and district

data evaluation

Curriculum and Instruction Department Principals


Fall 2018 Winter 2018

14 Form a district-wide committee to facilitate discussions about equity and access in Pattonville Schools and how to ensure that the district is effectively meeting the needs of our diverse school communities.

Committee meeting minutes and agenda

Curriculum and Instruction Department Principals

January 2019 Ongoing


Develop and implement research- based supported alternatives to out-of-school suspension and in-school-suspension in all PSD schools.

Committee Minutes, Implementation Plan,

Site Visit Log

Curriculum and Instruction Department Principals

Fall 2018 Ongoing


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Goal 1: Students demonstrate significant improvement in their understanding and application of state academic standards.

Target Indicators C. Career and Technical Education is an integral component of the education program.

● Increased number of career and technical education approved programs. ● Increased participation in career and technical student organizations. ● 90% of graduates will meet the MSIP 5 standard for post-secondary placement.

Strategy Number

Strategy Evaluation Strategy Person Responsible Start Date

Projected Completion

Date 1 All students in grades 6-12 are

engaged in career exploration and planning.

Naviance and Family Connections Data

Assistant Superintendent for C&I Directory of Secondary Education

Career Instructional Specialist Counselors

Spring 2018 Ongoing

2 Expand Extended Learning Opportunities (ELOs) to provide customized credit for high school students that support career pathway interests and workplace/career readiness.

ELO Enrollment Data

Assistant Superintendent for C&I Directory of Secondary Education

Career Instructional Specialist Counselors

Spring 2018 Spring 2019

3 Improve equity enrollment in career education programs.

CTE Enrollment Data Directory of Secondary Education Career Instructional Specialist


Spring 2018 Ongoing

4 Utilize tools within Naviance and Family Connection to better support CTE programming.

Naviance and Family Connection Data

Assistant Superintendent for C&I Directory of Secondary Education

Career Instructional Specialist Counselors

Spring 2018 Ongoing


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Goal 1: Students demonstrate significant improvement in their understanding and application of state academic standards.

Target Indicators C. Career and Technical Education is an integral component of the education program.

● Increased number of career and technical education approved programs. ● Increased participation in career and technical student organizations. ● 90% of graduates will meet the MSIP 5 standard for post-secondary placement

Strategy Number

Strategy Evaluation Strategy Person Responsible Start Date

Projected Completion

Date 5 Monitor student participation and

achievement on Technical Skills Attainments (TSAs) and Industry Recognized Credentials (IRCs) and increase students’ opportunities to take these exams.

TSA and IRC Data

Assistant Superintendent for C&I Directory of Secondary Education

Career Instructional Specialist Counselors

Spring 2018 Annually Review

6 Grow and align CTE programming to prepare students for career pathways and meet students’ needs.

Course Offerings Survey Data

Assistant Superintendent for C&I Directory of Secondary Education

Career Instructional Specialist Counselors

Fall 2018 Winter 2020


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Goal 1: Students demonstrate significant improvement in their understanding and application of state academic standards.

Target Indicators D. The district will design elementary and middle school after school programing to prepare students for high school MSHSAA options.

● Types of after school programing offered and number of students participating at the elementary and middle levels will increase annually.

● Elementary and middle school after school programing supports high school MSHSAA options. ● Program satisfaction survey results from students and parents will increase annually.

Strategy Number

Strategy Evaluation Strategy Person Responsible Start Date

Projected Completion

Date 1 Increase elementary and middle

school academic, athletic, and before/after school program offerings and opportunities.

Number and variety of programs offered

Student participation

Elementary & Middle School Principals Director of School/Business Partnership

Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources

Fall 2018 Spring 2023 (ongoing)

2 Provide high quality summer camp/program offerings for elementary, middle, and high school students.

Number and variety of programs offered

Student participation

Director of School/Business Partnership High School Associate Principal

HIgh School Activities Coordinator

Summer 2018 Spring 2023 (ongoing)

3 Connect elementary and middle school academic, athletic, and activities to MSHSAA athletics and activities offered at Pattonville High School.

Number and variety of programs

Student Participation

Director of School/Business Partnership High School Associate Principal

High School Activities Coordinator

Fall 2018 Spring 2015 (Ongoing)


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Goal 1: Students demonstrate significant improvement in their understanding and application of state academic standards.

Target Indicators D. The district will support community programing meeting specific criteria that supports Pattonville student participation in MSHSAA athletics and activities.

● Community programing impacting student participation in Pattonville MSHSAA athletics and activities.

● Effectiveness of structures and strategies implemented that support community programming.

Strategy Number

Strategy Evaluation Strategy Person Responsible Start Date

Projected Completion

Date 1 Evaluate and make specific

recommendations regarding district policies, strategies, and structures that support community programing meeting specific criteria.

Impact of action steps on connecting

community programing to student participation in MSHSAA athletics

and activities

Assistant Superintendent for HR Elementary Principals

Director of School/Business Partnership

Fall 2018 Spring 2023 (ongoing)


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Goal 1: Students demonstrate significant improvement in their understanding and application of state academic standards.

Target Indicators D. The district will improve and enhance supports for MSHSAA programing.

● Success of Pattonville MSHSAA programs. ● Implementation of best practices impacting Pattonville MSHSAA programs.

Strategy Number

Strategy Evaluation Strategy Person Responsible Start Date

Projected Completion

Date 1 Enhance high school MSHSAA

sports/program marketing. Impact of action steps

on promoting MSHSAA

sports/programs in the community

Assistant Superintendent for HR Director of School/Business Partnership

High School Associate Principal Community Relations Department


Spring 2018 Spring 2023 (ongoing)

2 Development of comprehensive professional development MSHSAA sports/program plan.

Impact of action steps MSHSAA

sports/program success

High School Associate Principal High School Activities Coordinator

Fall 2018 Spring 2023 (ongoing)

3 Evaluation and recommendation of coaching FTE to ensure adequate coaching resources.

Impact of action steps MSHSAA

sports/program success

Assistant Superintendent for HR High School Associate Principal

High School Activities Coordinator

Fall 2018 Spring 2023 (ongoing)


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Goal 2: Develop and implement building-level School Improvement Plans consistent with CSIP

Target Indicators A. Building School Improvement Plans

improve structure, instruction and climate that supports improved student achievement and responsibility.

● Schools accumulate 90% or more of the possible points on MSIP 5 standards. ● Climate improves annually or maintains a 90% satisfaction level. ● All teachers participate in professional development that directly supports the plan. ● Teams composed of at least 50% or more community/parents/student representatives who are not

employees of the district.

Strategy Number

Strategy Evaluation Strategy Person Responsible Start Date

Projected Completion

Date 1 School improvement teams will

identify and use scientifically based research and evidence-based practices to guide their building level work. Teams will develop specific school plans on implementing personalized learning.

Gantt Charts School Improvement

Team Meeting Minutes

Principals Assistant Superintendent for C&I

School Improvement Teams

Spring 2018 Ongoing

2 School Improvement Teams administer professional development needs assessment survey to evaluate progress of their school improvement plan.

Needs Assessment Survey Data

Building PDC Principals

Spring 2018 Annually each spring

3 School improvement teams administer climate surveys to staff, parents, and students to evaluate progress on school improvement plan.

Climate Survey Data Assistant Superintendent for C&I Principals

Spring 2018 Every two years


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Goal 2: Develop and implement building-level School Improvement Plans consistent with CSIP

Target Indicators A. Building School Improvement Plans

improve structure, instruction and climate that supports improved student achievement and responsibility.

● Schools accumulate 90% or more of the possible points on MSIP 5 standards. ● Climate improves annually or maintains a 90% satisfaction level. ● All teachers participate in professional development that directly supports the plan. ● Teams composed of at least 50% or more community/parents/student representatives who are not

employees of the district.

Strategy Number

Strategy Evaluation Strategy Person Responsible Start Date

Projected Completion

Date 4 School improvement teams meet at

least five times annually to report progress on their plan (based on evaluation) to the Superintendent and their school communities.

Meeting Minutes


Fall 2018


5 School Improvement teams update Gantt Charts, which outline action steps in their school plans, annually and report progress to Superintendent, then to the Board of Education every two years.

Needs Assessment Survey Data

Building PDC Principals

Spring 2018 Annually each spring

6 Training is provided for building level school improvement teams, which are comprised of at least 50% or more community/parent/student representatives who are not employees of the district.

Minutes from Training Session

Assistant Superintendent for C&I Principals

Fall 2018 Annually


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Goal 3: Develop a plan that address critical issues (i.e. impact of the current economy, changes in state and local funding, changes in enrollment, district staffing, and district safety).

Target Indicators A. Funding, staffing, safety, and facilities plan. ● Facilities plan supports student application of state standards.

● Maintain at least MSIP “desirable” student-teacher ratios and facilities within a balanced budget (with 26% balances).

● Provide a safe learning environment for the Pattonville community of students and staff.

Strategy Number

Strategy Evaluation Strategy

Person Responsible Start Date

Projected Completion

Date 1 Conduct a building by building safety audit to

evaluate needs of the district. Also, evaluate current safety protocols to determine if any modifications are needed. Safety audit should focus on, but not be limited to the following:

● Review parking lot traffic flow at each site to keep parent and bus traffic segregated where possible, and evaluate signage and monitoring.

● Evaluate access at each building to determine if improvements are needed, and if additional monitoring is needed. Include a review of new locking technologies for exterior and interior doors, and building wide alert systems.

● Conduct an inspection of playground and physical education equipment to ensure all equipment is safe and in working order.

● Evaluate each building for compliance with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA).

Hire 3rd party

experts to conduct

building site visits and prepare a

comprehensive report.

Chief Financial Officer Director of Facilities

Safety Committee

Fall 2017 Fall 2018


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Goal 3: Develop a plan that address critical issues (i.e. impact of the current economy, changes in state and local funding, changes in enrollment, district staffing, and district safety).

Target Indicators A. Funding, staffing, safety, and facilities plan. ● Facilities plan supports student application of state standards.

● Maintain at least MSIP “desirable” student-teacher ratios and facilities within a balanced budget (with 26% balances).

● Provide a safe learning environment for the Pattonville community of students and staff.

Strategy Number

Strategy Evaluation Strategy

Person Responsible Start Date

Projected Completion

Date 2 Review current safety training within the district to

focus on the following:

● Conduct site specific active shooter training at each school for all district staff. Program should be options based and require active participation by district staff. Once trained each building should develop a plan train students.

● Review current district drills to ensure they are scheduled appropriately throughout the year, and determine if they meet district needs.

● Provide trauma informed care training for district staff. Training should review what trauma is and how to recognize the impact of stress and trauma on our school community and how to best support our families and students experiencing trauma.

● Review training modules available through the district’s safety learning management system (SafeSchools) to ensure training is meaningful and relevant for district staff, and meets safety needs of the district.

Safety Committee

meetings and minutes

Climate Survey

Chief Financial Officer Director of Facilities

Safety Committee

Spring 2018 Ongoing


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Goal 3: Develop a plan that address critical issues (i.e. impact of the current economy, changes in state and local funding, changes in enrollment, district staffing, and district safety).

Target Indicators A. Funding, staffing, safety, and facilities plan. ● Facilities plan supports student application of state standards.

● Maintain at least MSIP “desirable” student-teacher ratios and facilities within a balanced budget (with 26% balances).

● Provide a safe learning environment for the Pattonville community of students and staff.

Strategy Number

Strategy Evaluation Strategy

Person Responsible Start Date

Projected Completion

Date 3 With the growing use of technology within

Pattonville the committee recommends a comprehensive review of how devices are safeguarded, how student and staff data is protected, the appropriate use of technology and technology safety protocols within the district. The review should be focused on but not limited to the following: ● Providing formal security privacy and

awareness training for students and staff. ● Developing a comprehensive data

governance program and policy for the district to include items such as documented security controls and roles, password procedures and ongoing assessments of technology security.

● Reviewing policies and procedures for continuity in the event of a data breach and how the district will respond to a data breach or disruptive incident.

● Ensuring software acquired from 3rd parties complies with district security principles and safeguards staff and student data.

Internal audit and

assessment with 3rd party


Technology Committee

meetings and minutes

Chief Financial Officer Director of Technology Technology Committee

Spring 2018 Ongoing


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Goal 3: Develop a plan that address critical issues (i.e. impact of the current economy, changes in state and local funding, changes in enrollment, district staffing, and district safety).

Target Indicators A. Funding, staffing, safety, and facilities plan. ● Facilities plan supports student application of state standards.

● Maintain at least MSIP “desirable” student-teacher ratios and facilities within a balanced budget (with 26% balances).

● Provide a safe learning environment for the Pattonville community of students and staff.

Strategy Number

Strategy Evaluation Strategy

Person Responsible Start Date

Projected Completion

Date 4 Conduct a review of middle school structures and facility

use focused on the following: ● Identify building capacities at each middle school and

other available space within the district. ● Develop a comprehensive plan focused on instructional

outcomes at middle school that makes a greater use of existing space and fully utilizes available staff.

Chief Financial Officer Assistant Superintendent for HR

Director of Facilities School Improvement Teams

Construction Advisory Committee

Fall 2018 Fall 2019

5 Review existing attendance boundaries and enrollment projections to ensure each school is being utilized efficiently and staffed appropriately.

Chief Financial Officer Assistant Superintendent for HR

Director of Facilities School Improvement Teams

Construction Advisory Committee

Fall 2018 Fall 2019

6 Conduct an audit of existing facilities to evaluate various building systems such as HVAC and lighting. ● Potential improvements should achieve a 15 year or less

return on investment. ● Utilize solutions that improve the learning environment,

building comfort and other factors such as indoor air quality.

Investment Grade Audit Conducted by Energy

Service Contractors

Chief Financial Officer Director of Facilities

Construction Advisory Committee

Spring 2018 Fall 2018


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Goal 3: Develop a plan that address critical issues (i.e. impact of the current economy, changes in state and local funding, changes in enrollment, district staffing, and district safety).

Target Indicators A. Funding, staffing, safety, and facilities plan. ● Facilities plan supports student application of state standards.

● Maintain at least MSIP “desirable” student-teacher ratios and facilities within a balanced budget (with 26% balances).

● Provide a safe learning environment for the Pattonville community of students and staff.

Strategy Number

Strategy Evaluation Strategy

Person Responsible Start Date

Projected Completion

Date 7 Conduct a review of the Facilities Master


● Update the existing plan to address needs identified in prior action steps.

● Review the $15 million in unfunded projects to determine their inclusion in an updated plan.

● Determine the impact of technology on instruction and the impact on future building needs.

● Determine funding options available to support the updated plan.

Chief Financial Officer Director of Facilities

Construction Advisory Committee School Improvement Teams

Fall 2019 Spring 2020

8 Evaluate existing district staffing model and factor all funding sources such as Title I. Review target class sizes as a guide, but research models that may provide a greater level of autonomy at the building level to allocate staffing.

Chief Financial Officer Assistant Superintendent for HR

School Improvement Teams

Fall 2018 Ongoing


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Goal 3: Develop a plan that address critical issues (i.e. impact of the current economy, changes in state and local funding, changes in enrollment, district staffing, and district safety).

Target Indicators A. Funding, staffing, safety, and facilities plan. ● Facilities plan supports student application of state standards.

● Maintain at least MSIP “desirable” student-teacher ratios and facilities within a balanced budget (with 26% balances).

● Provide a safe learning environment for the Pattonville community of students and staff.

Strategy Number

Strategy Evaluation Strategy

Person Responsible Start Date

Projected Completion

Date 10 Ensure district reserves are sufficient to avoid

short-term borrowing. Finance Program


Annual Budget

Chief Financial Officer Spring 2018 Ongoing

11 Provide competitive salaries for district staff. Finance Program


Annual Budget

Chief Financial Officer Professional Studies

PESP Meetings

Spring 2018 Ongoing

12 Proactively manage the district health insurance program to provide to ensure a competitive benefit program for staff, but minimize annual increases. Focus on new models such as health clinics and wellness initiatives.

Finance Program


Annual Budget

Chief Financial Officer Wellness Committee

Spring 2018 Ongoing


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Success Ready Graduates

Student Achievement Committee Member Role

MaryKay Campbel Board Member

Mindy Riding Board Member

Tim Pecoraro Asst. Superintendent/Co-Chair

Tricia Bagsby Parent

Carol Clifford Parent

Roxanne Drayton Parent

Marla Dunbar Parent

Brad Eader Parent

Dayna Eckhardt Parent

Becca Guss Parent

Tracy Herman Parent

Stephanie Kellner Parent

Brian Kuhn Parent

Bonnie Long Parent

Pam MacDonald Parent

Amanda Purnell Parent

Laura Wick Parent

Will Polster Student/Co-Chair

Caleb Long Student

Mikayla Bridges Student

Krista Cross Staff

Kim Dannegger Staff

Amanda Denson Staff

Sarah Funderburk Staff

Kristen Gosa Staff

Cheryl Gragert Staff


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Jenni Gruendler Staff

Abby Hancock Staff

Angie Huesgen Staff

Christine Kent Staff

Taylor Koenig Staff

Katie Lambdin Staff

Diane Langston Staff

Brittany Magee Staff

Vicki Martin Staff

Tracey Robinson Staff

Leah Schnatmeier Staff

Kathleen Shearrer Staff

Adam Siebert Staff

Mary Spitzmiller Staff

Robin Woodrome Staff

Regina Wright Staff

Montize Aaron Director

Cara Hiripitiyage Director

Mary Krekeler Director

David Miller Director

Bill Casner Principal

Scot Mosher Principal

Melissa Yount-Ott Principal

Dana Burns Asst. Principal

Stephanie Krawcyk Asst. Principal

Odetta Smith Asst. Principal

Member Role


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Task Design a PK-12 competency-based, personalized learning environment that leads to high school course content readiness and success ready graduates.

Problem Statements 1. How do we ensure all students are prepared to master high school course content? 2. How do we ensure all students are success ready graduates?

Defining the Issue Pattonville continues to focus on improving student achievement so that all students score proficient or higher on the English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies end of course assessments (EOC) and MAP tests.

The State Board of Education uses the results of the EOC and MAP assessments, and other qualitative measurements, to reach a determination regarding the accreditation of the district and to determine the district’s relative performance related to outcome measures of student success. The fifth version of the Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP 5), the state’s accountability system for reviewing and accrediting public school districts, outlines the expectations for student achievement with the ultimate goal of each student graduating ready for success in college and careers. The comprehensive MSIP accountability system was established in 1990 and has evolved with each version. MSIP 5 Resource and Process Standards are designed to promote continuous improvement and innovation within each district. The Process Standards are often qualitative in nature. The Performance Standards are designed to recognize the achievement and continuous growth of ALL students as they prepare for a global economy.

MSIP 5 is also used to distinguish the performance of schools and districts in valid, accurate and meaningful ways so that districts in need of improvement can receive appropriate support and interventions, and high-performing districts can be recognized as models of excellence. Annual Performance Reports (APRs) are based on the performance standards and are reviewed for accreditation purposes at the district level. MSIP 5 is comprised of 5 standards. Each standard has a point value which is used when determining a districts accreditation status.

1. Academic Achievement (56 Points) 2. Subgroup Achievement (14 Points) 3. College and Career Readiness (30 Points) 4. Attendance Rate (10 Points) 5. Graduation Rate (30 Points)

In Pattonville, there are two critical times in a student’s educational journey; high school course content readiness and being a success ready graduate. The student achievement committee tackled this issue with a clean slate. Focus on what students should know and be able to do with


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disregard to grade levels and seat time. The charge was simple, learning is the constant while time, structure, and instructional practices are the variables.

Summarizing the Work The committee completed two main tasks during the CSIP process. First, the creation of a five-year personalized learning plan. This plan will serve as the district road map during the implementation of personalized learning.

Personalized learning puts the focus on each individual student and includes the following elements: • Instruction is aligned to rigorous college and career readiness standard and the social and emotional skills

students need to be successful. • Instruction is customized when appropriate to meet the individuals learning needs of students. • The pace of instruction is varied based on individual student needs, allowing students to accelerate or take

additional time based not heir level of mastery. • Educators use data from formative assessments and student feedback in real-time to differentiate instructions

and provide robust supports and interventions so that every student remains on track to graduation. • Students and parents have access to clear, transferable learning objectives and assessment results so they

understand what is expected for mastery and advancement.


Personalized Learning A 5-Year Plan for Pattonville Learners

Timeline Competency-Based Learning Learner Profiles Systemic Innovation by Design

2017-2018 Create a clear definition of competency-based learning.

Develop competencies in ELA and math that represent high school

course content readiness along with success-ready graduates.

Form a district-wide personalized learning committee made up of

students, staff, and parents.

Plan site visits and literature reviews.

Begin literature review to develop

framework for Individual Learning


Conduct literature review on Systemic Innovation by


Develop working definition of Systemic Innovation by


Establish initial budget to support Systemic

Innovation by Design.

Design challenge conference.

2018-2019 Create descriptions of “levels of student mastery” for each

competency and learning level in ELA and math.

Design and implement professional development for teachers and

administrators related to how competency-based learning impacts

their classroom.

Utilize the district personalized learning committee to conduct

research and provide implementation guidance.

Create a system to monitor student progress on each competency

in ELA and math.

Work with the Missouri Assessment Partnership (MOAP) to identify

a common assessment that meets the needs of Pattonville

students and aligns with our competency-based learning approach.

Develop framework for Individual

Learning Plan.

Create proof of the Individual

Learning Plan.

Design professional development

on Individual Learning Plan.

Establish necessary policy and strategy to sustain

Systemic Innovation by Design.

Develop practical and meaningful district-wide

approach, framework and process that accounts for

the dynamics of Systemic Innovation by Design.

Provide appropriate professional development for


Generate initial set of tangible/feasible ideas to

implement at building level tied to school

improvement plans.

Establish ongoing budget to promote, support,

evaluate, scale and publish results for successes and




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A key component to successfully implementing a personalized learning environment for all Pattonville students is the creation of learning competencies. Students advance in their learning after showing they’ve mastered important concepts and skills (competencies). Everything adapts around the student’s needs: time it takes to master the subject matter, the teacher’s instructional practices and the structure of the learning environment.

The student achievement committee created draft competencies in the areas of English language arts and mathematics. There is still much work to be done before the competencies are completed and ready for full implementation (see personalized learning plan), but we’ve


Timeline Competency-Based Learning Learner Profiles Systemic Innovation by Design

2019-2020 Refine descriptions of “levels of student mastery” for each

competency and learning level in ELA and math.

Implement new common assessment in appropriate grade levels.

Develop competencies in science that represent high school

course content readiness along with success-ready graduates.

Create descriptions of “levels of student mastery” for each

competency and learning level in science.

Continue professional development.

Begin implementation of proof of

Individual Learning Plan.

Implement first wave of innovation supported policy,

strategy, framework and process derived in previous


Provide appropriate professional development for


Generate second wave of tangible/feasible ideas.

Provide ongoing budget to promote, support,

evaluate, scale and publish results for successes and


2020-2021 Refine description of ‘levels of student mastery” for each

competency and learning level in science.

Create a system to monitor student progress on each competency

in science.

Make necessary revisions based

on initial implementation.

Continue full implementation.

Implement second wave of innovation supported

policy, strategy, framework and process derived in

previous year.

Provide appropriate professional development for


Generate third wave of tangible/feasible ideas.

Provide ongoing budget to promote, support,

evaluate, scale and publish results for successes and


2021-2022 Identify other content areas where the development of

competencies is needed.

Make necessary revisions based

on feedback.

Implement third wave of innovation supported policy,

strategy, framework and process derived in previous


Provide appropriate professional development for


Generate fourth wave of tangible/feasible ideas.

Provide ongoing budget to promote, support,

evaluate, scale and publish results for successes and



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started the process of defining the important concepts and skills needed for our students to be ready to enter high school and for life afterwards.

Characteristics of a competency • A competency is a student’s ability to transfer his or her learning in and across content areas. • In a competency, content and skills are both addressed. • The skills described in a competency will be valuable ten years from now even if the content

knowledge has changed. • A well-designed competency focuses upon the highest level of learning, such as evaluating

and strategic thinking.

Draft Competencies

English language arts Explore, analyze, and evaluate on or near grade-level works from a range of informational genres.

Explore, analyze, and evaluate on or near grade-level works from a range of literary genres.

Support an idea both orally and in writing using appropriate, credible resources.

Clearly communicate both orally and in writing in a range of styles and for different audiences and purposes.

Create new ideas by synthesizing information from multiple sources.

Collaborate with others using good listening, speaking, and communication skills.

Utilize age-appropriate, self-management skills to organize, manage, demonstrate, and solve real-world problems.

Mathematics Number Sense, Properties, and Operations The student will reason and model quantitatively, using units and number systems to help make sense of the real world.

Patterns, Functions, and Algebraic Structure The student will make sound predictions and generalizations based on an understanding of patterns and relationships that arise from numbers, shapes, symbols, and data

Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability The student uses a variety of data analysis and statistics strategies to analyze, develop, compare and evaluate inferences based on data.


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Shape, Dimension, and Geometric Relationships The student will make claims about relationships among numbers, shapes, symbols, and data and defend those claims by relying on the properties that are the structure of mathematics.

Measurement Students will strategically use tools and apply reasoning and precision to solve measurement problems.

Mathematical Thinking The student will solve problems and make decisions that depend on the understanding and explaining of numbers.

School Improvement Teams School improvement teams serve as the steering committee for improvement efforts at their schools. Working from data and research, the school improvement team identifies specific action steps that improve instruction, structure and climate. This process includes evaluating each action step to determine its contribution to achieving Goal 1 and its related targets.

School improvement plans are developed by every school building community for the purpose of achieving CSIP Goal 1: Students demonstrate significant improvement in their understanding and application of state academic standards.


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Student Responsibility CommitteeMember Role

Brian Gray Board Member

Teisha Ashford Director/Chair

Michele Avery Parent

Teresa Bailey Parent

Steve Blassingam Parent

Vicky Bower Parent

Colleen Davidson Parent

Michelle DiSalvo Parent

Michelle Elkins Parent

David Ellison Parent

Lee Grant Parent

Joanne Judge Parent

Ivy Lee Parent

Carrie Linenbroker Parent

Cheryl McCree Parent

Melissa Seals Parent

Danita Stewart Parent

Andrea Snowden Parent

Emily Bailey Student

Nadia Maddex Student

Kayla Wetzel Student

Cassie Baughn Staff

Maggie Fairless Staff

Carol Garrett Staff

Carrie Heine Staff

Christine Hillier Staff

Debbie Jansen Staff

Margie Justice Staff


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Task Design a PK-12 student responsibility framework that leads to all students being responsible citizens.

Problem Statements 1. How do we ensure all students being responsible citizens? 2. How can social emotional learning support Pattonville students being responsible? 3. How can alternative education programs be used to support students tin being responsible citizens? 4. How can the district begin to systematically address disproportionality present in school discipline data to support improved student responsibility outcomes?

Jen Lipscomb Staff

Terri Lyell Staff

Allison O’Very Staff

Ashley Powers Staff

Susan Saputo Staff

Cathy Selleck Staff

Stephanie Sliefert Staff

Lisa Stahlhut Staff

Melissa Wentzel Staff

Nicole Youngquist Staff

Kim Zuccarello Staff

Joe Dobrinic Principal

Jason Van Beers Principal

Steve Vargo Principal

Jon Fitzgerald Asst. Principal

Rebecca Prokopf Asst. Principal

Member Role


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Defining The Issue The student responsibility portion of the 2018-2023 CSIP plan strives to systematize the work conducted by the Pattonvillle school district to support students being responsible citizens. It does so by laying the foundation for a framework for student responsibility that is supportive of the development of the whole child. Our students in Pattonville should not only be critically thinking problem-solvers; they should also be students who have a foundation of social emotional learning and support that has provided them with the tools to make positive, responsible choices for themselves and others around them.

In Pattonville, we understand the importance of student responsibility, as a counterpart and support to academic achievement, and frequently look at discipline data to have a global understanding of our students' behavior and choices. Upon analysis, district discipline data is supportive of the well accepted positive correlation between academic achievement and student responsibility; students who consistently make positive behavior choices tend to have a greater degree of academic success than students who struggle with making positive behavior choices. As we strive to consistently make academic gains and improve student achievement, it is important that we as a district increase our efforts to support students in the non-academic areas that if left unaddressed can begin to negatively affect a students academic performance. The Student Responsibility Framework defines how the district will address these factors over time.

The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) defines social and emotional learning as, “ the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.” As a school district, we strive to approach social and emotional learning in the same systematic, student-centered, data driven manner that is used to approach academic learning. It is our belief that students who are healthy mentally and regulated emotionally are more equipped to attend to academic tasks and achieve high academic achievement than students who are not.

Research has indicated that the prevalence of trauma in a family and or community can have long term lasting negative effects on children. Pattonville is committed to taking a trauma-informed approach in our work with students and families by supporting staff in growing in their understanding of trauma and how to appropriately respond to symptoms of chronic trauma, as well as, by supporting our schools to become “Trauma Informed Schools” as defined by DESE’s Trauma Informed Schools Initiative:

“Trauma-informed school” - a school that: a. realizes the widespread impact of trauma and understands potential paths for recovery b. recognizes the signs and symptoms of trauma in students, teachers and staff c. responds by fully integrating knowledge about trauma into its policies, procedures and practices; and d. seeks to actively resist re-traumatization


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Research shows that not all children learn the same way, at the same pace, or in the same environment. Pattonville is fortunate to have several Alternative Education programs and placement options available that are designed to help students develop the academic and social skills they need to become academically successful and responsible citizens. Currently there are 143 students enrolled in one of five Pattonville alternative programs. These programs are the POSITIVE School, ACE Learning Center, Missouri Options, the Pattonville Online Academy and the Pattonville Success Academy. 2016-17 data show a slight increase in Pattonville’s drop-out rate and a decrease in Pattonville’s four-year graduation rate. This data caused the school improvement team to consider the role of the Alternative Education program in promoting student responsibility and academic achievement. Data from the 2016 Alternative Education Program Evaluation indicates that Pattonville students who attend alternative placement programs succeed academically, and appear to have very good attendance rates, very low dropout and suspension rates, and very few discipline referrals.

Based on 2016-17 discipline data, there are areas of disproportionality present in our discipline data when it is disaggregated by subgroups; with children of color and children in poverty having the highest frequency of disciplinary incidents as well as the highest rates of exclusionary discipline (ISS and OSS) when compared to their peers of other subgroups. This trend mirrors the well-documented academic achievement gap between children of color and children in poverty and their peers of other subgroups. Analysis and discussion of this data led the CSIP team to formulate several questions that are addressed in the CSIP plan: 1) what are best-practices that support students of all demographics to make positive behavior choices and behave responsibly, and 2) what supports are available at the school-level to support students who are struggling academically, behaviorally and/or socially.

Summarizing the Work Over the course of the three CSIP meetings, the Student Responsibility Subcommittee focused on five main tasks: 1) Defining in concrete language what student responsibility means and how it is best measured. 2) Identifying the current programs, practices, supplemental materials utilized in Pattonville schools to support student responsibility. 3) Reviewing and analyzing district discipline data for trends. 4) Determining and prioritizing best practices to implement district-wide to support student responsibility. 5) Analyzing the role of parents in supporting student responsibility and considering how the district might support parents in this area.

With this, the subcommittee developed action steps that, in their totality, define and articulate Pattonville’s student responsibility framework.


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Extra Curricular Involvement and Personal Excellence Member Role

Andrea Glenn Board Member

Ruth Petrov Board Member

Jeanne Schottmueller Board Member

Barry Nelson Asst. Superintendent/Co-Chair

Jim Rowlett Community Member

Beth Ball Parent/Co-Chair

JoAnne Baumer Parent

Maribeth Esteep Parent

Candice Evans Parent

Jennifer Flores Parent

Ricci Grabski Parent

Shelli Greenblatt Parent

Melissa Hubbs Parent

Manda Johnson Parent

Renee Killian Parent

Karen Lashley Parent

Tara Neumann Parent

Brian Podmore Parent

Tracy Podmore Parent

Keith Potter Parent

Dave Reese Parent

Brandy Rice Parent

Deirdre Rodgers Parent

Vicky Schmid Parent

Muriel Smith Parent

Debbie Trammell Parent


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Task Design an athletics and activities program structure that leads to personal and team success at every level.

Problem Statements 1. How do we ensure our existing elementary and middle school after-school programs are

preparing students for various MSHSAA high school options? 2. How do we facilitate club level and/or highly competitive and affordable programing in the

Tehya Cox-Potter Student

Madelyn Hubbs Student/Co-Chair

Jamie Cargal Staff

Emily Cook Staff

Chris Curtis Staff

Lisa Entwistle Staff

Katie Funderburk Staff

Abby Hall Staff

Teresa Hutti Staff

Michelle Petke Staff

Amy Reese Staff

Joe Rehagen Staff

Mary Ellen Sievers Staff

Amanda Starwald Staff

Linda Tyahia Staff

Patty Gold Director

Marla Wasserman Principal

Robert Thompson Associate Principal

Mark Houston Asst. Principal

Greg Schnatmeier Asst. Principal

Bob Hebrank Activities Director

Member Role


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Pattonville community? 3. What metrics are needed to determine if Pattonville High School has appropriate and comparable MSHSAA coaching/sponsor, program resources, and structures in place? 4. How are the program/playbooks and coaching/sponsor professional development at Pattonville High School impacting practice and results?

Defining the Issue Each fall, Pattonville conducts a program evaluation on the 51 (47 sport groups, three musicals, and one speech and debate group) Missouri State High School Activities Association (MSHSAA) sponsored activities/athletics offered at Pattonville and the impact on high school students. This analysis looks at academic performance, student responsibility indicators, and survey data (student, parent, and staff). The data continually demonstrates a correlation between student participation in a MSHSAA sponsored activity and greater academic success (GPA and standardized achievement results), fewer discipline infractions, and higher attendance rates while enrolled at Pattonville High School.

During the 2016-2017 school year, 48% of Pattonville High School students participated in at least one MSHSAA activity. Based on data collection and analysis, we know, on average, students who are involved in at least one MSHSAA sponsored activity tend to have more success on measurable standards ( attendance, discipline referrals, grades, suspensions, etc.) at Pattonville High School.

Preparing students to get involved with MSHSAA offered programming at Pattonville High school guided the work of the subcommittee and led to the identification of initial problem/challenge statements that ultimately led to targets and indicators that support the goal of students demonstrating significant improvement in their understanding and application of state academic standards.

Summarizing the Work Subcommittee feedback was collected over the course of three meetings to identify how to most effectively address the problem/challenge statements.

Extracurricular Involvement and Student Excellence Committee Problem/Challenge Statements

How do we ensure our existing elementary and middle school after-school programs are preparing students for various MSHSAA high school options? Phase 1: Evaluate current and identify future after-school and summer programming options. Phase 2: Identify strategies to connect elementary and middle school programming to MSHSAA high school offerings.

How do we facilitate club level and/or highly competitive and affordable programming in the Pattonville community?


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Phase 1: Identification of strategies to support the development and implementation of pursuing local club level competitive sports/program competitions at an affordable price point to improve sport specific skills and overall athletic performance. What metrics are needed to determine if Pattonville High School has appropriate and comparable MSHSAA coaching/sponsor, program resources, and structures in place?

How are program playbooks and coaching/sponsor professional development at Pattonville High School impacting practice and results? Phase 1: Evaluate areas of strength and areas of growth current programming. Phase 2: Identify strategies to support and enhance Pattonville High School MSSHA activities.

The problem/challenge statements led to the identification of specific targets, indicators, evaluation strategies, action steps, and implementation timelines. Extracurricular Involvement and Student Excellence Targets

• The district will design elementary and middle school after school programing to prepare students for high school MSHSAA options.

• The district will support community programing meeting specific criteria that supports • Pattonville student participation in MSHSAA athletics and activities. • The district will improve and enhance supports for MSHSAA programing.

CSIP Extracurricular Involvement and Student Excellence Action Steps https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mvDhQo0AV9M8zZ_gBG_VtiSmB6_1neD4WAVH3l0-a9o/edit?usp=sharing

K-8 After School Programming Summary https://drive.google.com/file/d/146c902OXAxB_-4qHgUW-s3FN1rWy4mFc/view?usp=sharing

Critical Issues Committee Member Role

Ralph Stahlhut Board Member

Ron Orr Chief Financial Officer

Terry Briggs Community Member

Joe Bailey Parent

Jim Carver Parent

Mandy Carver Parent


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Tom Evers Parent

Matthew Flores Parent

Eric May Parent

Gilliam McCullough Parent

Melissa McDermott Parent

Kelly Monroe Parent

Heather Paulson Parent

Phil Ruffus Parent

Sara Jane Rybarczyk Parent

Andrea Stranghoener Parent

DeCarol Timmons Parent

Jim Usry Parent

Connie Usry Parent

Rachel Vandernoot Parent

Nicole Ashford Student

Kendall Battle Student

Aric Hamilton Student/Co-Chair

Abby Surlet Student

Ellen Yeshivas Student

Lauren Abel Staff

Layota Blair Staff

Trisha Buenemann Staff

Angela Byrne Staff

Leslie Jones Staff

Cheralyn Kirton Staff

Anne Kloeckener Staff

Cheryl Norfolk Staff

Nisa Peters Staff

Travis Williams Staff

Member Role


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Task Design a future plan for facilities, safety, staffing, finances to support improvement in student learning.

Problem Statements 1. How do we ensure the safety of all students and staff?

2. How should building space be used and/or repurposed to meet the future enrollment and instructional needs of the district?

3. What are the critical facility needs of the district and how will those be funded?

4. How will future learning, building, and enrollment changes impact staffing?

5. What is the future role of technology in student learning and the impact of facility and staffing needs?

6. How will economic conditions at the local, state, and national level impact Pattonville; and how do we plan for the future

Summarizing the Work Safety The subcommittee feels strongly that safety and security of all who are learning and working in Pattonville is critical to the current and future success of the district. Also, the district should continue to take a proactive approach in improving safety and security. The committee had the opportunity to review concerns from several district buildings, and other items that were noted as part of recent bond issue planning and construction. The majority of the concerns from the committee were to make continued improvements that will restrict access into the buildings. In addition the district should continue training and instruction that will educate staff/students on all issues that may impact safety. Below are the actions steps identified by the committee:

Christine Young Staff

David Besgrove Director

David Winslow Director

Matt Goodman Learning Center

Don Furies Principal

Sarah Moran Principal

Nicole Autenreith Asst. Principal

Gene Grimshaw Asst. Principal

Member Role


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1. Safety Audit Conduct a building by building safety audit to evaluate needs of the district. Also, evaluate current safety protocols to determine if any modifications are needed. Safety audit should focus on, but not be limited to the following:

¥ Review parking lot traffic flow at each site to keep parent and bus traffic segregated where possible, and evaluate signage and monitoring.

¥ Evaluate access at each building to determine if improvements are needed, and if additional monitoring is needed. Include a review of new locking technologies for exterior and interior doors, and building wide alert systems.

¥ Conduct an inspection of playground and physical education equipment to ensure all equipment is safe and in working order.

¥ Evaluate each building for compliance with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA).

2. Training Review current safety training within the district to focus on the following:

¥ Conduct site specific active shooter training at each school for all district staff. Program should be options based and require active participation by district staff. Once trained each building should develop a plan train students.

¥ Review current district drills to ensure they are scheduled appropriately throughout the year, and determine if they meet district needs.

¥ Provide trauma informed care training for district staff. Training should review what trauma is and how to recognize the impact of stress and trauma on our school community and how to best support our families and students experiencing trauma.

¥ Review training modules available through the district’s safety learning management system (SafeSchools) to ensure training is meaningful and relevant for district staff, and meets safety needs of the district.

3. Technology Review With the growing use of technology within Pattonville the committee recommends a comprehensive review of how devices are safeguarded, how student and staff data is protected, the appropriate use of technology, and technology safety protocols within the district. The review should be focused on but not limited to the following:

¥ Providing formal security privacy and awareness training for students and staff.

¥ Developing a comprehensive data governance program and policy for the district to include items such as: documented security controls and roles, password procedures, and ongoing assessments of technology security.

¥ Reviewing policies and procedures for continuity in the event of a data breach, and how the district will respond to a data breach or disruptive incident.


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¥ Ensuring software acquired from 3rd parties complies with district security principles and safeguards staff and student data.

Facilities In the fall of 2016 the district completed an extensive Facilities Master Plan. This plan identified nearly $35 million of district needs, that was reviewed and prioritized by individual school communities. Through this review the initial list of $38 million was reduced to to $23 million, and resulted in a April 2017 no tax rate increase bond referendum. This measure passed with greater than an 80% approval rate. The committee review the facilities master plan and related information. In addition the subcommittee had an in-depth conversation regarding currently middle school structures, and available space. This included an analysis of fluctuating enrollments, staffing, and the impact on existing schedules. The subcommittee feels strongly that more detailed analysis of existing middle school structures and facility utilization is needed. Below are the action steps identified by the committee:

1. Middle School Review Current and future middle school enrollment will be an estimated 20%-30% below building capacities at each school. Enrollment will fluctuate between buildings, but lower enrollments impact the ability of each school to staff most efficiently. This can have negative impacts to the instructional design for middle school, and forces school schedules to be developed based on staff availability and not instructional needs. The subcommittee recommends a review of middle school structures and facility use focused on the following:

¥ Identify building capacities at each middle school, and other available space within the district.

¥ Develop a comprehensive plan focused on instructional outcomes at middle school that makes a greater use of existing space, and fully utilizes available staff.

2. Elementary Attendance Boundary Review The subcommittee reviewed enrollment trends at the elementary level and made note of fluctuations over the past 10-15 years that impact some schools more than others. The subcommittee recommends the following:

¥ The transition of all early childhood classrooms to the new Pattonville Early Childhood Center will create additional capacity at each elementary school. Conduct a review of all elementary building capacity.

¥ Review existing attendance boundaries and enrollment projections to ensure each school is being utilized efficiently, and staffed appropriately.

3. Building Systems and Environment During 2015 the district conducted a pilot program to engage an Energy Service Contractor (ESCO) to evaluate various building systems such as: HVAC and lighting. The pilot review at Willow Brook and Holman focused on energy usage, and optimizing the safety and comfort of each school. The ESCO


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building improvements are also designed to guarantee a minimum 15 year return on investment through reduced utility costs. The subcommittee recommends the following:

¥ Engage ESCO’s to conduct reviews at each school and determine potential scopes of work.

¥ Utilize solutions that improve the learning environment, building comfort, and other factors such as indoor air quality.

¥ Identify projects that can reduce utility charges and offset the cost of related construction projects.

4. Facilities Master Plan The district is currently implementing the Facilities Master Plan approved in 2016, but due to funding approximately $15 million in projects were not addressed. In addition the subcommittee identified additional needs that the existing plan may not address, and needs of the district will continue to change. The subcommittee recommends the following in review of the plan:

¥ Update the existing plan to address needs identified in prior action steps.

¥ Review the $15 million in unfunded projects to determine their inclusion in an updated plan.

¥ Determine the impact of technology on instruction and the impact on future building needs.

¥ Determine funding options available to support the updated plan.


The majority of district revenue comes from local property sources, and accounts for 87% of the district budget. The state of Missouri funds approximately 9% of the district budget, and the remaining comes from federal sources. Missouri currently ranks 49th out of 50 states in state level funding for education. Pattonville recieves $838 per student from the state, and ranks 516th lowest out of 520 Missouri districts. In terms of spending the district currently spends 83 cents out of every dollar for salaries and benefits, and 2/3rds of that spending is for classroom teachers. After reviewing district finance and staffing information the subcommittee recommends the following:

1. Evaluate existing district staffing model, and factor all funding sources such as Title I. Review target class sizes as a guide, but research models that may provide a greater level of autonomy at the building level to allocate staffing.

2. Use comparative data from other school districts to measure Pattonville’s financial performance.

3. Ensure district reserves are sufficient to avoid short-term borrowing.

4. Provide competitive salaries for district staff.

5. Proactively manage the district health insurance program to provide a competitive benefit program for staff, but minimize annual increases. Focus on new models such as health clinics and wellness initiatives.