J of IMAB. 2019 Oct-Dec;25(4) https://www.journal-imab-bg.org 2805 ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of this case report is to show one of the rarest syndromes such as that of Patterson – Lowry and to prove that with a wide variety of treatment procedures, physiotherapy and rehabilitation speciality could improve patients’ subjective complaints and restore the basic functions of the locomotor system in rare syn- dromes such as that of the two brothers represented in this report. Materials and Methods: The methods of physi- otherapy and rehabilitation offered by Pavel Banya MC were used, as well as the methods of kinesiotherapy. Results: Improvement of patient’s subjective com- plaints. Conclusion: Balneotherapy procedures have a ben- eficial effect on patients with rare diseases, not only through their analgesic action but also through the profes- sionalism and the hope that experienced rehabilitators give patients and their families. Keywords: Patterson-Lowry syndrome, rare syn- dromes, physiotherapy, limb shortening BACKGROUND These are two 15-year old patients – identical twins who received treatment at Pavel Banya Medical Center in July 2016, one of them (we will call Patient 1) reported that in Belgium he was diagnosed with an extremely rare disease Ê Patterson-Lowry syndrome. The Department of Clinical Genetics at the ULB has offered to the parents of Patient 1 to make further genetic testing of the brothers and their parents by whole-exome sequencing, to seek for the genetic anomaly, manifested only in Patient 1. This could allow to find out the cause of this rare skeletal anomaly. Although an absolutely free of charge testing was offered, the mother refused, as she be- lieved the testing would not help the child’s condition. If, however, the testing is to be made, the mode of inheritance, the cause of the disease, and the risk to the offspring of Patient 1 could be clarified. The latest presented case of the twins with the Patterson-Lowry syndrome revealed a noteworthy fact - of the 6 cases described in the world to the present, 4 of the patients were from the Western Balkans, and for the other two patients, there is no clear indication of their origin [1]. AIM The aim of this case report is to investigate and de- scribe an extremely rare case of two twin brothers diag- nosed with the Paterson-Lowry syndrome, as only 4 cases have been reported in the world, and to track the develop- ment of subjective complaints and the condition of patients during their rehabilitation at the Pavel Banya Medical Center. CASE DESCRIPTION Patient 1 and Patient 2 are two identical twins born on 12th July 2001 (15-year old). Since the age of 10, Pa- tient 1 has complained of not being able to raise his arms at the shoulder joints, of pain in the muscles of the lower extremities and the back, as well as of flexion deformity of the distal phalanges of both 5th fingers without prior trauma. His brother, Patient 2, and their mother have also reported chronic back pain. Fig. 1. Patient 1. Fig. 2. Patient 2. Case reports BALNEOTHERAPY IN AN EXTREMELY RARE CONDITION – PATTERSON-LOWRY SYNDROME Gergana Gecheva-Fermendzhieva 1, 2, Radko Radev 1 , Miroslav Marinov 1 1) Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology, Union of Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria. 2) Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Pavel banya medical center ltd, Pavel banya, Bulgaria. Journal of IMAB - Annual Proceeding (Scientific Papers). 2019 Oct-Dec;25(4) Journal of IMAB ISSN: 1312-773X https://www.journal-imab-bg.org https://doi.org/10.5272/jimab.2019254.2805

PATTERSON-LOWRY SYNDROME - Journal of IMAB...Coffin-Lowry syndrome: a case report and review of the literature. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2010 Jul;32(7):691-4. [PubMed] [Crossref] 5

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  • J of IMAB. 2019 Oct-Dec;25(4) https://www.journal-imab-bg.org 2805

    ABSTRACTPurpose: The purpose of this case report is to show

    one of the rarest syndromes such as that of Patterson –Lowry and to prove that with a wide variety of treatmentprocedures, physiotherapy and rehabilitation specialitycould improve patients’ subjective complaints and restorethe basic functions of the locomotor system in rare syn-dromes such as that of the two brothers represented in thisreport.

    Materials and Methods: The methods of physi-otherapy and rehabilitation offered by Pavel Banya MCwere used, as well as the methods of kinesiotherapy.

    Results: Improvement of patient’s subjective com-plaints.

    Conclusion: Balneotherapy procedures have a ben-eficial effect on patients with rare diseases, not onlythrough their analgesic action but also through the profes-sionalism and the hope that experienced rehabilitators givepatients and their families.

    Keywords: Patterson-Lowry syndrome, rare syn-dromes, physiotherapy, limb shortening

    BACKGROUNDThese are two 15-year old patients – identical twins

    who received treatment at Pavel Banya Medical Center inJuly 2016, one of them (we will call Patient 1) reportedthat in Belgium he was diagnosed with an extremely raredisease Ê Patterson-Lowry syndrome.

    The Department of Clinical Genetics at the ULB hasoffered to the parents of Patient 1 to make further genetictesting of the brothers and their parents by whole-exomesequencing, to seek for the genetic anomaly, manifestedonly in Patient 1. This could allow to find out the cause ofthis rare skeletal anomaly. Although an absolutely free ofcharge testing was offered, the mother refused, as she be-lieved the testing would not help the child’s condition. If,however, the testing is to be made, the mode of inheritance,the cause of the disease, and the risk to the offspring ofPatient 1 could be clarified.

    The latest presented case of the twins with thePatterson-Lowry syndrome revealed a noteworthy fact - ofthe 6 cases described in the world to the present, 4 of thepatients were from the Western Balkans, and for the other

    two patients, there is no clear indication of their origin [1].

    AIMThe aim of this case report is to investigate and de-

    scribe an extremely rare case of two twin brothers diag-nosed with the Paterson-Lowry syndrome, as only 4 caseshave been reported in the world, and to track the develop-ment of subjective complaints and the condition of patientsduring their rehabilitation at the Pavel Banya MedicalCenter.

    CASE DESCRIPTIONPatient 1 and Patient 2 are two identical twins born

    on 12th July 2001 (15-year old). Since the age of 10, Pa-tient 1 has complained of not being able to raise his armsat the shoulder joints, of pain in the muscles of the lowerextremities and the back, as well as of flexion deformityof the distal phalanges of both 5th fingers without priortrauma. His brother, Patient 2, and their mother have alsoreported chronic back pain.

    Fig. 1. Patient 1. Fig. 2. Patient 2.

    Case reports


    Gergana Gecheva-Fermendzhieva1, 2, Radko Radev1, Miroslav Marinov1

    1) Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology, Union of Pathophysiology,Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria.2) Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Pavel banya medical centerltd, Pavel banya, Bulgaria.

    Journal of IMAB - Annual Proceeding (Scientific Papers). 2019 Oct-Dec;25(4)Journal of IMABISSN: 1312-773Xhttps://www.journal-imab-bg.org


  • 2806 https://www.journal-imab-bg.org J of IMAB. 2019 Oct-Dec;25(4)

    old boy with anomalous segmentation of the proximal hu-meral metaphyses, brachydactyly and brachymetacarpalia.

    In 2004, a publication by Franceschini et al. in theAmerican Journal of Medical Genetics reported two pa-tients with many similar manifestations [4] – 1 Albanianand 1 Romanian with no connection between them. Bothof them exhibited short humeri, coxa vara, shortmetacarpals, metatarsals and phalanges. The changes inthe humerus, according to Franceschini, were character-ized by striking flattening of the proximal epiphyses andlateral bulging of the proximal diaphyses, which was alsoestablished in Patient 1’s X-rays [5].

    In a 2001 publication, Kamoda et al. reported thisdiagnosis in two sisters with humeral changes. However,these sisters were mentally retarded and therefore, shouldbe treated as cases of another syndrome [6].

    Physical examination: Obvious shortening of bothhumeri. Limited abduction of both shoulder joints. 5thfinger camptodactyly of the upper limb, bilaterally. Lightscoliosis of the thoracolumbar transitional region with therigidity of the paravertebral muscles on the left .Hypermobility in the lumbar region. Preserved musclestrength and sensitivity of both upper limbs (Fig. 3.). Ab-normal flexion of both shoulder joints in Patient 1 with5th finger camp to dactyly (Fig. 4.). Slight scoliosis ofthe twins with higher left shoulders (Fig. 5.). Patient 2 –no scoliosis (Fig. 6.). Obvious shortening of both humeriin Patient 1 (Fig. 7, 8.).

    After consultations and investigations at the Genet-ics Center of the Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Brus-sels, the Queen Fabiola Children’s University Hospital, amember of Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and pres-entation of the case to a European skeletal dysplasiaworking group, the diagnosis was made - an extremely rarePatterson-Lowry rhizomelic dysplasia. The case of Patient1 (Fig. 1.) is only the fourth such case in the world.

    The syndrome is characterized by humerus short-ening and humeral head dysplasia, but other abnormali-ties can also display short stature [2]; back pain and hipmuscles pain; camptodactyly - the same as described inpatient 1 (Fig. 1.). In comparison to his brother (Fig. 2.).Noted were also: short metacarpal, metatarsal bones andphalanges;coxa vara [2, 3].

    The clinical and radiological signs of the syn-drome may vary, but the shortening of both humeri, com-bined with humeral head dysplasia, makes the syndromeeasily identifiable. The origin of the Patterson-Lowryrhizomelic dysplasia is currently unknown as well as itsmode of inheritance. Women and men are thought to beequally affected.

    The Patterson-Lowry syndrome was first describedin 1975 by Caroline Patterson and R. Brian Lowry, de-scribing a man of small stature with shortened limbs, mostnoticeably of the humeri and dysplasia of the shoulderjoints [2, 4].

    A second case was described in 1995 by Williamset al. who reported the case of a mentally normal 5-year-

    Fig. 3. Obvious shortening of both humeri.Fig. 4. Abnormal flexion of both shoulder joints in Patient 1 with 5th finger camp to dactyly.

  • J of IMAB. 2019 Oct-Dec;25(4) https://www.journal-imab-bg.org 2807

    Fig. 5. Slight scoliosis of the twins with higher leftshoulders.

    Fig. 6. Patient 2 – no scoliosis.

    Fig. 7. Obvious shortening of both humeri in Patient 1 (front).

  • 2808 https://www.journal-imab-bg.org J of IMAB. 2019 Oct-Dec;25(4)

    Fig. 8. Obvious shortening of both humeri in Patient 1 (back).

    X-Ray: Investigations were conducted at Pavel BanyaMedical Center Ltd.

    To Patient 1 we conducted X-rays radiographs of hu-merus and shoulder joints (Fig. 12, 13, 14, 15), frontal andlateral cervical region X-rays; frontal and lateral thoracicregion X-rays (Fig. 11.); frontal lumbar region X-rays; X-

    Ray of palms bill. (Fig. 16, 17.), electromyography andelectroneurography.

    To Patient 2, we conducted frontal and lateral tho-racic region X-rays. X-rays of Patient 2 – left convex scolio-sis from Th5 to L4 with enhanced lumbar lordosis (Fig. 9.,10.); electromyography and electroneurography.

    Fig. 9. X-rays of Patient 2 – left convex scoliosisfrom Th5 to L4.

    Fig. 10. X-rays of Patient 2 – enhanced lumbar lor-dosis.

  • J of IMAB. 2019 Oct-Dec;25(4) https://www.journal-imab-bg.org 2809

    Fig. 11. First featured X-rays of Patient 1, made inBelgium.

    Fig. 13. X-rays of Patient 1’s both humeri – congeni-tal malformation of both humeral heads with lateral bulg-ing of the proximal diaphyses and shortening of the twobones.

    Fig. 12. X-rays of Patient 1’s both humeri – congeni-tal malformation of both humeral heads with lateral bulg-ing of the proximal diaphyses and shortening of the twobones.

    Fig. 14. X-rays of Patient 1’s both humeri – congeni-tal malformation of both humeral heads with lateral bulg-ing of the proximal diaphyses and shortening of the twobones.

  • 2810 https://www.journal-imab-bg.org J of IMAB. 2019 Oct-Dec;25(4)

    Fig. 15. X-rays of Patient 1’s both humeri – congeni-tal malformation of both humeral heads with lateral bulg-ing of the proximal diaphyses and shortening of the twobones.

    Fig. 16. X-rays of Patient 1 – 5th fingercamptodactyly, bilaterally.

    Fig. 17. X-rays of Patient 1 - 5th finger campto-dactyly, bilaterally.

    Therapy course: The following therapy courses werecarried out:

    • Electrotherapy;• Magnetic and brine therapy;• Ultrasound therapy• Underwater hydro massage with aromatherapy;• Underwater exercises for the upper limbs;• Dry massages

    RESULTS:This case report was represented to show that there

    was an improvement of patient’s subjective complaints.This report investigated and described an extremely rarecase of two twin brothers diagnosed with the Paterson-Lowry syndrome, as only 4 cases have been reported inthe world, and followed the development of subjectivecomplaints and the condition of patients during their re-habilitation at the Pavel Banya Medical Center – patients’subjective complaints and restore the basic functions ofthe locomotor system in rare syndromes such as that ofPatterson-Lowry was improved.

    DISCUSSION:Physiotherapy and rehabilitation is a multi-disci-

    pline covering all medical specialities and serving a widerange of patients with various diseases and rare syndromes,as described in this report. With a wide variety of treat-ment procedures, this speciality could improve patients’subjective complaints and restore the basic functions ofthe locomotor system in rare syndromes such as that ofPatterson-Lowry [1, 5].

    Balneotherapy procedures have a beneficial effecton patients with rare diseases, not only through their anal-gesic action but also through the professionalism and thehope that experienced rehabilitators give patients and theirfamilies [3].

  • J of IMAB. 2019 Oct-Dec;25(4) https://www.journal-imab-bg.org 2811

    1. Hanauer A, Young ID. Coffin-Lowry syndrome: clinical and mole-cular features. J Med Genet. 2002 Oct;39(10):705-13. [PubMed] [Crossref]

    2. Kamoda T, Nakajima R, MatsuiA, Nishimura G. Patterson-Lowryrhizomelic dysplasia: A potentiallylethal bone dysplasia? Pediatr Radiol.2001 Feb;31(2):81-3. [PubMed][Crossref]

    4. Lowry B, Miller JR, Fraser FC. A

    CONCLUSION:Balneotherapy procedures have a beneficial effect

    on patients with rare diseases, not only through their anal-gesic action, but also through the professionalism and thehope that experienced rehabilitators give patients and theirfamilies.


    Address for correspondence:Dr. Gergana Gecheva – FermedzhievaMedical centar “Pavel banya”Ltd,2, Osvobojdenie str., Pavel banya, Bulgaria,E-mail: [email protected],

    new dominant gene mental retardationsyndrome. Association with smallstature, tapering fingers, characteristicfacies, and possible hydrocephalus. AmJ Dis Child. 1971 Jun;121(6):496-500.[PubMed] [Crossref]

    3. Lange IR, Stone P, Aftimos S. TheCoffin-Lowry syndrome: a case reportand review of the literature. J ObstetGynaecol Can. 2010 Jul;32(7):691-4.[PubMed] [Crossref]

    5. Damar Ç, Boyunaða Ö,Derinkuyu BE, Battaloðlu N, Ezgü FS.Radiologic findings of Patterson-Lowryrhizomelic dysplasia in two sisters.Skeletal Radiol. 2014 Nov;43(11):1651-4. [PubMed] [Crossref]

    6. Shelmerdine SC, Brittain H,Arthurs OJ, Calder AD. Achondroplasia:Really rhizomelic? Am J Med Genet A.2016 Aug;170(8):2039-43. [PubMed][Crossref]

    Please cite this article as: Gecheva-Fermendzhieva G, Radev R, Marinov M. Balneotherapy in an extremely rare condi-tion – Patterson-Lowry syndrome. J of IMAB. 2019 Oct-Dec;25(4):2805-2811.DOI: https://doi.org/10.5272/jimab.2019254.2805

    Received: 28/02/2019; Published online: 02/12/2019