PATIENT DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION PATIENT INFORMATION Today’s Date: MRN: Account Number: Patient Name: Nickname: Mailing Address: Email Address: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Work Phone: Can we leave a message? □ Y □ N □ Y □ N □ Y □ N DOB: Sex: Marital Status: EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION Emergency Contact Name: Phone Number: RESPONSIBLE PARTY Guarantor Name: DOB: Address: INSURANCE INFORMATION Primary Insurance: Secondary Insurance: Address: Address: Phone Number: Phone Number: Subscriber Name: Subscriber Name: DOB: DOB: Subscriber ID: Subscriber ID: Group Number: Group Number: EMPLOYER INFORMATION Patient Employer: Patient Occupation: ADVANCED DIRECTIVE Please provide our office with a copy and check the box if you have any of the following in place: □ POA □ Living Will □DNR □None ETHNICITY/RACE/LANGUAGE Which category best describes your race? Please select all that apply □ African American □ Asian □ Caucasian □ Other __________ □ Decline to answer Are you of Hispanic or Latino descent? □ No □ Yes □ Decline to answer What is your preferred language? □ English □ Spanish □ French □ Other______________


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Today’s Date: MRN: Account Number:

Patient Name: Nickname:

Mailing Address:

Email Address:

Home Phone: Cell Phone: Work Phone: Can we leave

a message? □ Y □ N □ Y □ N □ Y □ N

DOB: Sex: Marital Status:


Emergency Contact Name: Phone Number:


Guarantor Name: DOB:



Primary Insurance: Secondary Insurance:

Address: Address:

Phone Number: Phone Number:

Subscriber Name: Subscriber Name:


Subscriber ID: Subscriber ID:

Group Number: Group Number:


Patient Employer: Patient Occupation:


Please provide our office with a copy and check the box if you have any of the following in place:

□ POA □ Living Will □DNR □None


Which category best describes your race? Please select all that apply

□ African American □ Asian □ Caucasian □ Other__________ □ Decline to answer

Are you of Hispanic or Latino descent? □ No □ Yes □ Decline to answer

What is your preferred language?

□ English □ Spanish □ French □ Other______________


HIPAA: (May Discuss Information With) Primary Contact: Relationship: Phone:

Secondary Contact: Relationship: Phone:

PATIENT APPOINTMENT AND NO SHOW POLICY At Medical Hills we value our relationships with our patients and understand your time is valuable. With that in mind,

we work to maintain the most efficient schedule and make every attempt to get patients an appointment within a

reasonable timeframe. We appreciate your understanding of and adherence to our policy.

Medical Hills utilizes scheduled patient appointments and does not accept walk-in visits. We also understand that

schedules sometimes change. Our office sends automated voice message reminders for provider appointments. In the

event you do not receive this message, you are still responsible for no show fees in regards to missed appointments. If

you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment, we ask that you call us at least 24 hours in advance to reschedule.

This allows us to reschedule your cancelled appointments in a timely manner and allows other patients with urgent

needs to quickly access our providers. If you do not call to cancel or reschedule before your scheduled appointment

time, it is documented as a NO SHOW. You will be notified via our automated messaging system of the no show. You

will need to call our office to schedule another appointment.

The following outlines our policy for NO SHOWS:

1. First Occurrence: Notified via automated message and assessed a $25 NO SHOW FEE.

2. Second Occurrence: Notified via automated message and assessed an additional $25 NO SHOW FEE. No

more patient appointments will be scheduled until the NO SHOW FEES are paid in full. We will provide one

30-day medication refill to allow time to reschedule the missed appointment and pay the no show fee.

3. Third Occurrence within a 24 month period: If you no show 3 appointments within a 24 month timeframe,

you will be dismissed from the practice and be assessed an additional $25 NO SHOW FEE.

NO SHOW fees will be billed directly to you, the patient. This fee is not covered by insurance, and must be paid prior

to your next appointment.

Because it is important to keep our appointments on time and not make patients wait longer than necessary, patients

arriving more than 10 minutes late for a scheduled appointment may be rescheduled for another day.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we strive to best serve the needs of all of our patients.

My signature below constitutes acknowledgement and acceptance of this policy. _________________________________________ _________________________ Patient or Guarantor Signature Date

Patient Name: «FirstName» «LastName» Date of Birth: «DOB» MRN: «MRNNo»




I grant consent for Medical Hills Internists, LLC to activate my account on the patient portal. The portal offers a secure way for our patients to view limited data, clinical summaries, and communicate with our staff through secure messaging. Access to this secure web portal is an optional service, and Medical Hills Internists may suspend or terminate your access at any time and for any reason. If we do suspend or terminate this service we will notify you as promptly as possible. I agree not to hold Medical Hills Internists or any of its staff liable for network infractions beyond its control. I understand and will comply with the terms of use regarding the patient portal.

Please initial if you consent to the Patient Portal:_________


I give permission to Medical Hills Internists, LLC to access my pharmacy benefits data electronically through Sure Scripts. This consent will enable Medical Hills Internists to send my prescription electronically, determine if a patient's health plan allows electronic prescribing to Mail Order pharmacies, e-prescribe to the pharmacy if possible, and download a historic list of all medications prescribed for a patient by any provider. I also allow Medical Hills Internists permission to obtain formulary information, and information about other prescriptions prescribed by other providers using Sure Scripts.

Please initial if you consent to Rx History:_________


I give my consent for Medical Hills Internists, LLC to release my immunization(s) and identifying information to the Illinois Comprehensive Automated Immunization Registry Exchange (I-CARE). I understand the purpose of the I-CARE is to assist in my medical care and to record the immunizations that I have received. My immunization information may potentially be used by the Department of Health for quality improvement purposes, epidemiologic research, and disease control purposes. Any Information used for these purposes will have my personal identifying information removed. The immunization information in the I-CARE may be released to the following: myself, my health insurance organization, the state and local health departments, the school that I am registered to attend, and authorized medical providers that deliver my medical care. I understand that there will be no effect on my treatment, payment, or enrollment for benefits if I choose to participate. This consent may be withdrawn at any time by using the form provided.

Please initial if you consent to I-CARE :________


I give my consent for Medical Hills Internist, LLC to partake in the eHX summary program. This program electronically shares important parts of patient medical information with authorized healthcare professionals, their agents, and others whose job it is to secure, monitor, and evaluate the operation of the information system and quality of care. The eHX summary will allows the provider to access health information more quickly and accurately with billing and financial management, administrative management, clinical care, reports to public health agencies, reports to protect security of your medical information, reports to evaluate the use of the eHX summary, and reports to track and evaluate the quality of your healthcare services.

Please initial if you consent to eHx:_________

If at any point you wish to withdraw permission, please notify our office to complete a new form.


CONSENT TO TREAT (required for all patients) I am seeking medical care and treatment at Medical Hills Internists, LLC. I consent to the rendering of such medical care and treatment deemed necessary by my provider, other members of the clinical staff, and by Medical Hills Internists, LLC and its employees.

NOTICE OF PRIVACY PRACTICE By signing this document, I acknowledge that a copy of the Medical Hills Internists, LLC Notice of Privacy Practice has been made available to me. I understand that I can request a copy of the notice at any time. The privacy notice can also be located on the Medical Hills Internists LLC website at www.medicalhills.org.

This notice is effective September 23, 2013.

FINANCIAL POLICY AND CONSENT FOR PAYMENT Medical Hills Internists, LLC will submit fees for services to insurance. Payment of service is due according to the date listed on your statement. Returned checks, unpaid balances older than 60 days, and failure to pay account balances timely as promised may subject your account to external collection fees and possible termination from the practice. Your insurance is a contract between you, your employer and the insurance company. Please make sure we are in network with your insurance plan before having services to avoid any unexpected expenses or denied services. It is your responsibility to understand your insurance policy, and all coverage and benefits, including pre-certification, in/out of network benefits, and referral and authorization requirements. Medical Hills does not bill for motor vehicle accident claims or become involved in third party litigation.

I hereby authorize payment of medical benefits billed to my insurance by Medical Hills Internists, LLC. I have listed all health insurance plans from which I may receive benefits. I accept responsibility for payment for any service(s) provided to me that is not covered by my insurance. I agree to pay all copayments, coinsurance and deductibles at the time services are rendered. I also accept responsibility for fees that exceed the payment made by my insurance, if Medical Hills Internists does not participate with my insurance. I authorize Medical Hills Internists to use and/or disclose my health information, which specifically identifies me or which can reasonably be used to identify me, to carry out my treatment, payment and healthcare operations. I understand that while this consent is voluntary, if I refuse to sign this consent, the Medical Hills Physicians can refuse to treat me. I understand this authorization can only be revoked in writing.

PATIENT AGREEMENT On the sections previously initialed, I grant permission for Medical Hills Internists to activate my account on the patient portal and share secured information via ICARE, RX History, and eHX registries. I have read this Consent for Treatment, Payment and Health Care Operations form or have had it read to me, and all information has been explained to my satisfaction. By signing this document, I confirm that I accept the terms of this document and confirm that any questions have been addressed. I further certify that I am the patient or his/her authorized representative or legal guardian, and I am signing voluntarily. Print Name: _________________________________________________ Relationship:_____________ Date:_____________ Patient or Legal Guardian or Patient Representative Signature: __________________________________________________ Relationship:_____________ Date:______________ Patient or Legal Guardian or Patient Representative


Medical Hills New Patient Information Name: DOB:

Current Medications

Prescribed Medications Size Dose Frequency Prescriber Lipitor(example) 40mg tablet 1 tablet Once a day Dr. Med Hills

Medication Allergies / Intolerances

Please list medications you are allergic to (or cannot tolerate).


Example: Penicillin

Example: rash, difficulty breathing

Past Medical History

Have you been treated for any of the following conditions? Please circle all that apply.

Cardiovascular Lung / ENT Bowel/ Urology

Brain/ Nerve/ Eye

Musculoskeletal Endocrine/ Skin

Cancer/ Blood

Heart attack Heart failure Atrial fibrillation Palpitations Valve disease Heart murmur Hypertension Carotid disease PVD Passing out

COPD Emphysema Asthma Sleep apnea Pneumonia Lung clot (PE) Positive PPD TMD/ TMJ Ringing ears Allergies

Pancreatitis Liver disease Reflux/ GERD Ulcers Colon disease Colon polyps Hemorrhoids Kidney disease Bladder disease Large prostate

Chronic headache Stroke/ TIA Seizures Memory loss Neuropathy Herniated disc Macular disease Retinopathy Cataracts Glaucoma Migrains19

Arthritis Fibromyalgia Gout Osteoporosis Bursitis Back pain Knee pain Shoulder pain Hip pain Foot problems

High cholesterol Diabetes Thyroid disease Low testosterone Menopause Acne Psoriasis Eczema Skin cancer Hair/ nail disease

Prostate CA Breast CA Cervical CA Colon CA Anemia Bleeding disorder DVT/ blood clot Transfusion Hepatitis B or C HIV

List any other conditions not included above or important facts related to any of the above:

Mental Health History

Circle any of the following conditions that you have been treated for in the past:

Depression Suicide attempt Anxiety Panic attacks

Drug abuse Alcoholism Eating disorder Posttraumatic stress disorder

ADHD Bipolar disease Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) Psychosis


Specialists/Other Medical Care


Are You Currently Under The Care/Supervision Of Any Other Physician For Any Aspect Of Your Medical Care?

☐ Yes ☐ No

If yes, please list the physician and condition they are treating you for:

Physician Condition being treated

Sexual History

Are you currently sexually active? NO YES Type of contraception:

Have you been sexually active in the past? NO YES

How many total sexual partners have you had in your lifetime?

Have you ever been treated for a sexually transmitted disease? NO YES Type: Examples of STD’s: gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital warts, herpes.

Are you satisfied with your sex life? YES NO Concerns:

Women’s Health

Bone Health

Have you ever had a spine or hip fracture? NO YES

Date of last DEXA Scan: Date of last Vitamin D level:

Has your mom or a sister been NO YES treated for osteoporosis?

Do you take supplemental YES NO Calcium and Vitamin D?

Age of first period:

Are your periods regular?

If no longer having periods, how old were you when they stopped?

How often do you have a period?

Total number of pregnancies:

Number of stillbirths:

Number of live deliveries:

Number of miscarriages:

Gestation diabetes? NO YES Pregnancy induced hypertension? NO YES

Number of abortions:

Surgery/Procedure History

Have you had any of the following procedures (please circle)? If you can recall, add date.

Tonsillectomy Adenoidectomy Cholecystectomy Appendectomy Bowel surgery Weight loss surgery

Carpal tunnel surgery Hip surgery Knee surgery Shoulder surgery Foot surgery Plastic surgery Breast Biopsy

Vasectomy Prostate surgery C Section Hysterectomy Tubal ligation Cystoscopy Cardiac catheterization

Stress test Bypass surgery Stent placement Pacemaker Neurosurgery Back surgery Cataract surgery


Please list recent hospitalizations:

Date Reason Hospital


Family History

Please indicate any blood relative who has/had the following conditions with an X:

Health Problem Circle Y or N for if family is living

Mother Living Y/N

Father Living Y/N

Sibling Living Y/N

Maternal Grandma

Living Y/N

Maternal Grandpa

Living Y/N

Paternal Grandma

Living Y/N

Paternal Grandpa

Living Y/N


Heart Attack


High Blood Pressure

High Cholesterol

Thyroid Problem


Bleeds easily

Blood Clots



Substance Abuse

Seizure Disorder

Cancer (Type)

Social History

Occupation Job description: Company or place of work:

Marital Status

Single Divorced Widowed Married Separated Remarried

What is your spouse’s name? (if applicable)

Children’s Names

Education What is your highest level of education? Where and when did you complete your education?

Religion Local church or place of worship:

Caffeine Cups of coffee per day: What do you do for enjoyment?

Alcohol 1 drink=12-ounce beer/5 oz wine/1 shot liquor

How many drinks do you have per day? o 0 o 1-2 o 3-5 o 6-9 o 10 or more

Have you ever sought treatment for drug or alcohol use?

o Yes o No

How many drinks do you have per week? o 0 o 1-2 o 3-5 o 6-9 o 10 or more

No Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover?

o Yes o No

Drugs Which drugs have you taken before (check all that apply)? ___ Methamphetamines (Speed, Crystal) ___ Cocaine


___ Cannabis (Marijuana, Pot) ___ Ecstasy ___ Tranquilizers (Valium) ___ Hallucinogens (LCD, Mushrooms) ___ Inhalants (Paint Thinner, Aerosol, Glue) ___ Narcotics (Heroin) ___ Barbiturates ___ Synthetics

How many times in the last year have you used a street drug?

o None o A few times o Several times o Most days

How often do you use prescription drugs for non-medical reasons

o Not at all o Some days o Several times

Most days

Tobacco Which of the following tobacco products have you used in the last year?

o Smoke cigarettes or cigars o Smoke e-cigarettes o Dip o Chewing tobacco o Water pipes o Hookahs

Have often do you smoke/use tobacco? o Not at all o Some days o Most days o Every day

Do you need support to quit? o Yes o No

Have you tried to quit tobacco within the last year?

o Yes o No o If yes, how did it go?

Preventative Care History


Date of Last:

☐ Never


☐Abnormal ☐Normal ☐Unknown


Date of Last:

☐ Never


☐Abnormal ☐Normal ☐Unknown

Pap Smear

Date of Last:

☐ Never


☐Abnormal ☐Normal ☐Unknown

PSA (Screening for Prostate Cancer)

Date of Last:

☐ Never


☐Abnormal ☐Normal ☐Unknown

Skin Exam by dermatologist Date of Last:

☐ Never


☐Abnormal ☐Normal ☐Unknown

Flu Shot/Influenza Vaccine Date of Last: ☐ Never

Gardasil (HPV) Vaccine Date of Last: ☐ Never

Pneumonia Vaccine Date of Last: ☐ Never

Tetanus Vaccine Date of Last: ☐ Never

Shingles Vaccine Date of Last: ☐ Never

Hepatitis A Vaccine (2 shot series)

Date of Last: ☐ Never

Hepatitis B Vaccine (3 shot series)

Date of Last: ☐ Never

Review of Systems

Please place an X by any symptoms that you are experiencing today: Constitutional o Weight change o Fatigue o Weakness

Respiratory o Shortness of breath o Difficulty breathing at night o Cough

Gastrointestinal o Nausea o Abdominal pain o Vomiting

Musculoskeletal o Morning stiffness o Muscle spasms o Joint pain


o Fever

Ears/Nose/Throat o Pain o Redness o Double or blurred vision o Eye dryness o Ringing in ears o Hearing loss o Nosebleeds o Loss of smell o Sores in mouth o Dry mouth o Hoarseness o Difficulty swallowing

Cardiovascular o Pain in chest o Irregular heart beat o Sudden changes in heart

beat o High blood pressure o Low blood pressure o Heart murmur

o Coughing up blood o Wheezing o Swollen legs or feet

Neurological o Headaches o Dizziness o Sensitivity in hands/feet o Memory loss o Night sweats

Psychiatric o Excessive worries o Anxiety o Easily loses temper o Depression o Agitation o Difficulty sleeping o Difficulty concentrating

Endocrine o Excessive thirst o Cold intolerance o Heat intolerance

o Stomach pain relieved by food/milk

o Constipation o Persistent Diarrhea o Blood in stools o Black stools o Heartburn o Excessive gas o Change in appetite

Genitourinary o Difficulty urinating o Pain/burning when

urinating o Frequent urination o Blood in urine o Discolored urine o Discharge from

penis/vagina o Rash/ulcers o Sexual difficulties o Change in periods

o Muscle tenderness o Joint swelling

Allergic/Immunologic o Frequent sneezing o Frequent infections Skin/Breast o Easy bruising o Rash/hives o New lesions o Change in mole o Hair loss o Color changes of hands/feet

when cold o Breast lump o Nipple discharge

Hematologic/Lymphatic o Swollen glands o Tender glands o Anemia o Bleeds easily o Blood transfusion


Advanced Directives

Which of the following have you completed?

Power of Attorney for Healthcare Living Will Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR) Order

What questions do you have for your doctor today? What is your MAIN medical concern?

Patient Signature:_____________________________________________ Date:_________________________________