Pathogenic Mechanisms Ninta

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  • 8/13/2019 Pathogenic Mechanisms Ninta


    PATHOGENIC MECHANISMS INPERIODONTAL DISEASEPeriodontal diseases are characterized by the progressive

    destruction of the supporting tissues of

    teeth in the apparent absence (at least in the early

    stages) of significant tissue invasion. Tissue damage,

    therefore, must also be mediated by surface

    components and extracellular products of bacteria

    (Table 6.8). These bacterial products can cause

    destruction of gingival tissue by two mechanisms. In

    one, damage results from the direct action of bacterial

    enzymes and cytotoxic products of bacterial

    metabolism. In the other, bacterial components

    are only indirectly responsible, and tissue destruction

    is the inevitable side effect of a subverted and


    host inflammatory response to plaque

    antigens; this has been termed bystander damage

    (Fig. 6.15).

    There is also an hypothesis proposing a role for

    herpes viruses in destructive periodontal diseases.

    Herpes simplex virus, human cytomegalovirus and

    EpsteinBarr virus type 1 nucleic acids have been

    detected in lesions from aggressive types of periodontitis.

    These viruses can infect various host cells,

    including polymorphonuclear leukocytes, macrophages

    and lymphocytes, and they induce the

    expression of potentially tissue-damaging cytokines

    and chemokines. In this way, it is proposed that

    these viruses could reduce the effectiveness of the

    local host defences, thereby giving certain subgingival

    bacteria the opportunity to escape from homeostasis

    and reach clinically-significant levels. The

    tissue tropism of herpes virus infections may explain

    the localized pattern of tissue destruction seen in

    some forms of periodontitis, while the reactivation

    of these viruses may explain the episodic nature of

    tissue destruction.

    Indirect pathogenicityAny subgingival plaque bacterium could be considered

    to be playing a role in tissue destruction via the

    indirect pathogenicity route if they contribute to an

    inflammatory host response. Bacterial antigens can

    penetrate the crevicular epithelium and stimulate

    either humoral or cell mediated immunity. Humoral

    immunity results in the synthesis of immunoglobulins,

    which activate the complement cascade

    that leads to inflammation and the generation ofprostaglandins. Prostaglandins are inflammatory mediators, and can stimulate bone resorption. Levels

    of prostaglandins in GCF correlate with periodontal

    status, and can act as molecular predictors of attachment

    loss. In contrast, cellular immunity leads to the

    release of cytokines from activated T-lymphocytes,

    and these modulate macrophage activity. Activated

    macrophages release cytokines such as tumour

    necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-), interferon gamma

    (IFN-), and interleukin-1 (IL-1). Both IL-1 and

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  • 8/13/2019 Pathogenic Mechanisms Ninta


    be a means of targeting appropriate substrates for the

    release of essential cofactors for growth, such as haemin,

    from host molecules. The arg-gingipains ofP.

    gingivalis (see later) cleave proteins to leave exposed

    arginine residues, which in turn can act as receptors

    for its own fimbriae, thereby facilitating colonization

    by the exposure of cryptitopes (Ch. 4).

    The gingipains ofP. gingivalis can also contributeto nutrition by generating the vascular permeability

    enhancement factor, bradykinin, either through

    a direct action on kininogen or via activation of

    pre-kallikrein, resulting in the entry of elevated levels

    of plasma proteins (which can act as nutrients) into

    the pocket. The lys-gingipain also plays an essential

    role in nutrition by obtaining haemin from haemoglobin.

    The concerted action of arg- and lys-gingipains

    is necessary for the production of the black pigment

    layer on the surface ofP. gingivalis (micro-oxo bishaem

    layer), that protects cells against oxidative damage.

    Evasion and/or inactivation of the hostdefencesPhagocytic cells form the main defence strategy by

    the host against periodontal pathogens. Many strains

    ofA. actinomycetemcomitansproduce a powerful leukotoxin

    able to lyse human neutrophils, monocytes

    and a sub-population of lymphocytes, whilst

    other cell types (e.g. epithelial and endothelial cells,

    fibroblasts, erythrocytes) are resistant. The leukotoxin

    belongs to the RTX (repeats-in-toxin) family

    of bacterial pore-forming cytolysins; Campylobacter

    rectus also produces a leukotoxin. The JP2 clone ofA. actinomycetemcomitans serotype b overproduces

    the leukotoxin by up to 20 times that seen in other

    strains, and its presence is a significant risk factor for

    localized aggressive periodontitis. The same clone

    has not been isolated from Caucasians or from

    healthy individuals, giving rise to the speculation

    that this might represent a specific, and highly infectious,

    clone of a periodontal pathogen.

    Periodontal pathogens can produce a range

    of molecules that cause tissue damage by inducing

    host cells to produce pro-inflammatory cytokines.

    These molecules, termed modulins, include

    lipopolysaccharides and other less well defined cell

    wall components. Other bacterial components can

    inhibit the chemotaxis of polymorphonuclear leukocytes

    (PMNs), and interfere with their ability to

    kill bacteria or phagocytose cells. Bacteria, including

    A. actinomycetemcomitans, also exert an immunosuppressive

    effect, perhaps mediated by cell surface proteins,

    whileP. gingivalis, possesses a capsule, which

    protects cells against phagocytosis.Aggregatibacter

    actinomycetemcomitans, T. forsythia,P. gingivalis, and

    other pathogens may also evade the host defences

    by invading epithelial cells (Ch. 4; Fig. 4.6).

    The proteases ofP. gingivalisplay a critical role

    in deregulating the host control of the inflammatory

    response, and in evading the action of other

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    components of the immune system. Arg-gingipain

    can inactivate both complement (e.g. by degrading

    C3 and C5) and antimicrobial peptides (Ch. 2); a

    range of proteases can also degrade immunoglobulins

    (IgA, IgG and IgM) and interfere with the

    respiratory burst of neutrophils, reducing the likelihood

    of opsonization. The maintenance of tissue

    homeostasis, and the coordination of the innate andadaptive immune response, is dependent on a complex

    intercellular signalling network mediated by

    cytokines. Components ofP. gingivalis can stimulate

    the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines

    such as TNF- and IL-1, but arg-and lys-gingipain

    can subvert this host response by degrading these

    key molecules and enzymically modifying others.

    Arg-gingipain can also inactivate the two major

    plasma protease inhibitors, 1-antitrypsin and 2-

    macroglobulin, thereby reducing the ability of the

    host to regulate the scale and ferocity of the inflammatory

    response. Expression and activity of these

    enzymes is up-regulated by environmental changes

    (e.g. by increases in local pH and haemin concentration)that occur during the transition from a normal

    gingival crevice to a periodontal pocket. Other

    periodontal pathogens, including Tannerella forsythia

    and Treponema denticola, also produce proteases with

    arginine-x specificity. Thus, some periodontal pathogens

    can subvert and deregulate the hosts attempt

    to control subgingival plaque so that by-stander

    tissue damage occurs, while the influx of potential

    nutrients is increased so that their growth is

    selectively enhanced.

    Tissue-damaging enzymes and

    metabolitesMembers of the subgingival microflora produceenzymes that may play a direct role in the damage

    of host tissues in the periodontal pocket. For

    example,P. gingivalis has been shown to produce

    collagenases that can degrade collagen, although

    the majority of collagenase activity in GCF is hostderived.

    Once denatured, collagen may be broken

    down by bacterial proteases with a broader specificity.

    Other enzymes produced by subgingival bacteria

    that may damage tissue matrix molecules directly

    include hyaluronidase, chondroitin sulphatase, and

    glycylprolyl peptidase. These enzymes can also be

    detected on outer membrane vesicles of Gram negative

    bacteria such asP. gingivalis; these vesicles can beshed from the bacterial cell surface during growth,

    enhancing the likelihood of tissue penetration by

    these enzymes. Once the integrity of the epithelium

    is impaired, the increased penetration of cytotoxic

    bacterial metabolites such as indole, amines, ammonia,

    volatile sulphur compounds (e.g. methyl mercaptan,

    H2S), and butyric and propionic acids can

    induce further damage.Fusobacterium nucleatum is

    the most commonly isolated species in periodontal

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    pockets, and it produces large concentrations of

    butyrate and volatile sulphur compounds. Bone loss

    is a feature of advanced forms of periodontal disease

    (Fig. 6.8); bone resorption can be induced by molecules

    from periodontal pathogens (e.g. LPS, lipoteichoic

    acid and surface-associated proteins).

    InvasionMicrobial invasion of host tissues occurs in necrotizingulcerative gingivitis (NUG), where there is superficial

    invasion of the gingival connective tissues by

    spirochaetes. Invasion also occurs in other forms of

    periodontal disease, e.g. localized aggressive periodontitis,

    advanced chronic periodontitis, and in

    HIV-associated periodontal disease. The persistence of putative pathogens such asP. gingivalis in health

    may be linked to their ability to invade host cells

    and survive in this privileged site, out of the reach of

    the host defences.

    The invasion of gingival tissue byA. actinomycetemcomitans

    shows some similarities to other intracellular

    pathogens, such as Shigella flexneri andListeria monocytogenes,

    but there are also unique features, especially

    with respect to cell-to-cell spread. Contact betweenA.actinomycetemcomitans and a host cell triggers effacement

    of the microvilli, formation of craters on the

    host cell surface, and rearrangement of host cell actin

    at the site of entry. Bacteria appear to enter the host

    cell through ruffled apertures on the cell surface, and

    entry occurs in a host-derived, membrane-bound vacuole.

    The host-derived vacuolar membrane that initially

    surrounds the internalized bacterial cells soon

    disappears and cells ofA. actinomycetemcomitans grow

    rapidly intracellularly, and spread to neighbouring

    cells by using host cell microtubules. These protrusions

    contain cells ofA. actinomycetemcomitans, and

    interconnect with other host cells, enabling cell-tocell

    spread of the bacteria to occur.