Prepared for Pat Sample 15 March 2017 Iv]]}v}˙}o(r]vPUR]} ]vo˙}]vP(}uP ooR æ v(}]LR]XooR]PRRX v(}]LR]ULUvSl]oo}P]ul}`v˙Rv(}]LR]X

Pat Sample - Center for Creative Leadership · Pat Sample 15 March 2017 ... his/her career. 78. 11 Is goal-directed, persistent; is driven to ... Learn about all of our product lines,

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Prepared for

Pat Sample

15 March 2017

In addition to your self‐ratings, this reportincludes your ratings from:

All Raters15

©2016 Center for Creative Leadership. All Rights Reserved.

Center for Creative Leadership®, CCL®, and Skillscope® are registered trademarks owned by the Center for Creative Leadership.

©2016 Center for Creative Leadership.

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in anyform or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior writtenpermission of the publisher.

The Center for Creative Leadership gratefully acknowledges the contribution of the following individuals whosework and dedication made Skillscope possible:

Lead Contributors

To cite from this report, please use the following as your reference:

Kaplan, Robert E. (2016). Skillscope® Feedback Report. Greensboro, NC: Center for Creative Leadership.

Special Contributor

Author Robert E. Kaplan

Michael Raper

Dawn BartsCraig ChappelowNancy StaleySylvester Taylor

Development needed

If you have more than 9 raters in any column, the total number of responses is included in the middleicon (e.g., )

What is Skillscope?

Comprehensive Data

How do I interpret my report?

Skillscope is a research‐based, multi‐rater assessment that is designed to provide you with straightforward, practicalfeedback on job related skills and behaviors necessary for effectiveness in your role.

The following pages show each of the 15 Skillscope competencies in more detail and include:

Competency Name

Importance for Success ‐ You and your raters were asked to identify the five competencies that are mostimportant to your current job. A Pnext to Self or Boss indicates this competency was chosen as one ofthe five most important for success in your current job. A number next to Other Raters indicates howmany raters selected this competency as one of the five most important competencies.

Item Feedback ‐ Your Skillscope scores are presented as frequency counts, using the following symbols:

Strength= =


Pat Sample

Page 3

The most accurate feedback data usually comes from raters that know you well. The table below indicates how wellyour raters said they know you.

How well your raters said they know you Number of Raters

Hardly at all

Fairly well

Quite well

Extremely well





Your feedback report indicates how your raters responded to the individual items (questions) in the survey. In orderto receive an item‐level score, the following number of raters must respond:

Boss ‐ at least 1

Other Raters (Peers, Direct Reports and Others) ‐ at least 3, to ensure anonymity

All Raters ‐ at least 4, to ensure anonymity

How Well Your Raters Know You

Pat Sample

Page 4

Other RatersSelf Boss Development NeededItem Strength

Seeks information actively.1. 13

Probes for underlying data; checks thevalidity of information.


Creates order out of large quantities ofinformation.

3. 11

Is a keen observer of people, events, andthings.


Defines problems effectively.5.

Identifies problems, opportunities,trends, and threats early.


Is logical, data‐based, and rational.7. 10

14Self P Other RatersBoss PImportance:

Pat Sample

Solves problems

Page 5

= Development needed = Strength

= Total number of Raters (see explanation in the Introduction)Key

Other RatersSelf Boss Development NeededItem Strength

Is adept at disseminating information toothers.


Is crisp, clear, and articulate.9.

Is good at speaking in front of anaudience.


Makes his/her point effectively to aresistant audience.


Has strong writing skills.12.

12Self P Other RatersBoss PImportance:

Pat Sample

Communicates information

Page 6

= Development needed = Strength

= Total number of Raters (see explanation in the Introduction)Key

Other RatersSelf Boss Development NeededItem Strength

Is action‐oriented; presses for immediateresults.

13. 12

Is decisive; does not procrastinate ondecisions.


Enjoys solving problems.15.

Implements decisions; follows through.16.

Considers possible consequences whenmaking decisions.


10Self P Other RatersBoss PImportance:

Pat Sample

Takes action

Page 7

= Development needed = Strength

= Total number of Raters (see explanation in the Introduction)Key

Other RatersSelf Boss Development NeededItem Strength

Has vision; often brings up ideas aboutpossibilities for the future.


Is entrepreneurial; takes advantage ofnew opportunities.


Consistently generates new ideas.20.

Creates significant organizational change.21.

Introduces needed change even in theface of opposition.


0Self -- Other RatersBoss --Importance:

Pat Sample

Takes risks, innovates

Page 8

= Development needed = Strength

= Total number of Raters (see explanation in the Introduction)Key

Other RatersSelf Boss Development NeededItem Strength

Manages conflict effectively.23.

Confronts others skillfully.24.

Negotiates adeptly with others.25.

4Self -- Other RatersBoss --Importance:

Pat Sample

Manages conflict

Page 9

= Development needed = Strength

= Total number of Raters (see explanation in the Introduction)Key

Other RatersSelf Boss Development NeededItem Strength

Conveys a sense of purpose.26. 10

Is a team builder; brings people togethersuccessfully around tasks.


Structures others’ work appropriately.28.

Is resourceful; can effectively secureproject resources.


Successfully manages large, long‐termprojects.


Recognizes and rewards people for theirwork.


Manages decision‐making processeseffectively; knows who to involve onwhat issues.

32. 10

Can easily handle situations where thereis no clear answer or method forproceeding.


Can translate strategy into action overtime.


5Self P Other RatersBoss --Importance:

Pat Sample

Manages teams

Page 10

= Development needed = Strength

= Total number of Raters (see explanation in the Introduction)Key

Other RatersSelf Boss Development NeededItem Strength

Builds warm, cooperative relationships.35.

Is not abrasive or antagonistic.36. 10

Interacts with others in a fair, openmanner; does not exploit.


Has good relationships with direct reportsor support staff.


Has good relationships with senior staff.39.

Has good relationships with peers.40. 10

Has good relationships with peopleoutside of the organization.


Relates well to many different types ofpeople.


Is readily available to others.43. 10

Is competent at dealing with people'sfeelings.


4Self -- Other RatersBoss --Importance:

Pat Sample

Develops relationships

Page 11

= Development needed = Strength

= Total number of Raters (see explanation in the Introduction)Key

Other RatersSelf Boss Development NeededItem Strength

Inspires people, helps them see theimportance of their work.


Effectively promotes ideas and visions.46.

Maintains extensive businessrelationships inside and outside theorganization.

47. 12

Knows how to be tactful and discreet.48.

Motivates and inspires people to takeaction.


Is comfortable with the power of amanagerial role.


Is skilled at influencing superiors.51.

Delegates effectively.52.

Works effectively with others over whomhe/she has no direct authority.


1Self -- Other RatersBoss --Importance:

Pat Sample

Influences others

Page 12

= Development needed = Strength

= Total number of Raters (see explanation in the Introduction)Key

Other RatersSelf Boss Development NeededItem Strength

Listens well.54.

Takes ideas different from own seriously.55.

Accepts criticism well.56.

Is participative; shares responsibility andinfluence with others.


Collaborates well with others.58.

Is flexible; varies his/her approach withthe situation.


Acts as if there are multiple ways toapproach a problem.


Encourages others to share theirthoughts and opinions in conversationsand meetings.


Is comfortable with power and status.62.

0Self -- Other RatersBoss --Importance:

Pat Sample

Open to influence

Page 13

= Development needed = Strength

= Total number of Raters (see explanation in the Introduction)Key

Other RatersSelf Boss Development NeededItem Strength

Recognizes the talents of others.63.

Attracts talented people.64.

Considers personalities when dealingwith people.


Is tolerant of others’ idiosyncrasies.66.

Is a good coach, counselor, mentor.67.

Inspires others to do their best.68.

Gives others appropriately challengingassignments with the opportunity togrow.


0Self -- Other RatersBoss --Importance:

Pat Sample

Develops people

Page 14

= Development needed = Strength

= Total number of Raters (see explanation in the Introduction)Key

Other RatersSelf Boss Development NeededItem Strength

Shows mastery of job content; excels athis/her function or professional specialty.


Is a good general manager.71.

Is effective in a job with a big scope.72.

In a new assignment, developsknowledge and expertise easily; is a quickstudy.


Is comfortable working with numericaland technical information (e.g., graphs,charts, statistics, budgets).


Understands cash flows and financialreports.


4Self -- Other RatersBoss PImportance:

Pat Sample

Knows the job, business

Page 15

= Development needed = Strength

= Total number of Raters (see explanation in the Introduction)Key

Other RatersSelf Boss Development NeededItem Strength

Shows initiative; continually reaches formore responsibility.

76. 11

Demonstrates a high energy level.77. 10

Shows high motivation to advancehis/her career.

78. 11

Is goal‐directed, persistent; is driven toachieve objectives.


1Self P Other RatersBoss --Importance:

Pat Sample

Drives for results

Page 16

= Development needed = Strength

= Total number of Raters (see explanation in the Introduction)Key

Other RatersSelf Boss Development NeededItem Strength

Distinguishes between important andunimportant tasks.


Makes the most of the time available; isextremely productive.


Deals with interruptions appropriately.82.

Avoids overcommitting self.83.

2Self -- Other RatersBoss --Importance:

Pat Sample

Manages time

Page 17

= Development needed = Strength

= Total number of Raters (see explanation in the Introduction)Key

Other RatersSelf Boss Development NeededItem Strength

Remains calm in high pressure situations.84. 11

Shows resilience; deals well withsetbacks.


Is willing to admit a lack of knowledgewhen necessary.


Is optimistic; displays behaviors thatsuggest that most problems can besolved.

87. 11

Admits mistakes.88.

Shows integrity; is trustworthy.89.

Puts the organization's objectives aheadof his/her own ambitions.


Maintains equilibrium between his/herwork and home life.


12Self -- Other RatersBoss PImportance:

Pat Sample

Copes with pressure; demonstrates integrity

Page 18

= Development needed = Strength

= Total number of Raters (see explanation in the Introduction)Key

Other RatersSelf Boss Development NeededItem Strength

Compensates for own weaknesses.92.

Capitalizes on own strengths.93.

Responds well to new situations thatrequire him or her to stretch and grow.


Learns from own experience.95.

Uses constructive outlets to addresstension and frustrations.


Makes needed adjustments in ownbehavior.


Is aware of his/her feelings.98.

1Self -- Other RatersBoss --Importance:

Pat Sample

Manages and develops self

Page 19

= Development needed = Strength

= Total number of Raters (see explanation in the Introduction)Key


Learn about all of our product lines, especially since the merger. Focus more on strategic and less on tactical day today.


Pat should challenge her direct reports more. Address performance issues directly. Continue to build strongrelationships within the company and with clients.

All Other Raters

Continue to learn more about what's going on across the whole company.

Continue to take the time to listen and ask questions if she doesn’t understand.

Spend more time checking in with us.

Stop trying to be everything to everybody. Be willing to say ‘no’ or delegate to others.

Responses to the open‐ended question are listed here exactly as they were typed by each respondent.

Describe specific actions Pat can take in order to be more effective as a leader in the future.

Written Comments

Pat Sample

Guide forInterpretation

How do your comments compare to those of others? What patterns do you see?

How are the written comments related to other feedback you received in this report?

How are the comments consistent or inconsistent with feedback from other sources?

Page 20

These pages list the 10 items from the previous section most often identified as strengths or development needs byyour raters.

All Raters includes: Boss, Peers, Direct Reports and Other responses.

The number of raters who selected this item as a strength (or development need).

Your rating for the item.

Top 10 Strengths and Top 10 Development Needs

Pat Sample

Page 21

The ten items listed below are the items most often identified as strengths by your raters. They are listed in rank order.The “All Raters” column shows the number of raters who identified this item as a strength. The “Self” column showshow you rated yourself on that item.

Item Competency All Raters Self

1. Seeks information actively. Solves problems

47. Maintains extensive business relationships inside andoutside the organization.

Influences others13

Creates order out of large quantities of information. Solves problems12


13. Is action‐oriented; presses for immediate results. Takes action12

Remains calm in high pressure situations. Copes with pressure;demonstrates integrity 12


87. Is optimistic; displays behaviors that suggest that mostproblems can be solved.

Copes with pressure;demonstrates integrity 12

26. Conveys a sense of purpose. Manages teams11

Is not abrasive or antagonistic. Develops relationships11


40. Has good relationships with peers. Develops relationships11

Is readily available to others. Develops relationships11



Additional item(s) had All Raters scores that were tied with the score of the last item listed.

Top 10 Strengths

Pat Sample

Page 22

= Development needed = Strength

= Total number of Raters (see explanation in the Introduction)Key

The ten items listed below are the items most often identified as development needs by your raters. They are listed inrank order. The “All Raters” column shows the number of raters who identified this item as a development need. The“Self” column shows how you rated yourself on that item.

Item CompetencyAll

Raters Self

20. Consistently generates new ideas. Takes risks, innovates6

52. Delegates effectively. Influences others6

Avoids overcommitting self. Manages time6


24. Confronts others skillfully. Manages conflict5

Recognizes and rewards people for theirwork.

Manages teams5


33. Can easily handle situations where thereis no clear answer or method forproceeding.

Manages teams5

37. Interacts with others in a fair, openmanner; does not exploit.

Develops relationships5

Motivates and inspires people to takeaction.

Influences others5


50. Is comfortable with the power of amanagerial role.

Influences others5

Is comfortable with power and status. Open to influence5


Top 10 Development Needs

Pat Sample

Page 23

= Development needed = Strength

= Total number of Raters (see explanation in the Introduction)Key

Self 1

Pat Sample

Boss 1

Charlotte Baan

Peer 5

Liam Daniels

Nora Farrell

Noah Granger

Emma Ingold

Audrey Kingsley

Direct Report 5

Cora Hagar

Gavin Jackson

Harper Landry

Elijah MacGuire

Levi Nelson

Other 4

Avery Adams

Mason Cahill

Emily Eastwell

Wyatt Gaines

Rater Summary

This section lists the raters you invited and the number of people from each category who completed surveys.

Raters Assigned SurveysSubmitted

Pat Sample

Page 24