Robot Integration and Testing Pat Arrigo – Team Lead/ME Wes Coleman – ME Steve Guenther – EE Adam Spirer – EE Vernon Vantucci – CE Aaron Zimmerman - ME

Pat Arrigo – Team Lead/ME Wes Coleman – ME Steve Guenther – EE Adam Spirer – EE Vernon Vantucci – CE Aaron Zimmerman - ME

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Page 1: Pat Arrigo – Team Lead/ME Wes Coleman – ME Steve Guenther – EE Adam Spirer – EE Vernon Vantucci – CE Aaron Zimmerman - ME

Robot Integration and Testing

Pat Arrigo – Team Lead/MEWes Coleman – ME

Steve Guenther – EEAdam Spirer – EE

Vernon Vantucci – CEAaron Zimmerman - ME

Page 2: Pat Arrigo – Team Lead/ME Wes Coleman – ME Steve Guenther – EE Adam Spirer – EE Vernon Vantucci – CE Aaron Zimmerman - ME

Third Team on Project Track

Inherited Project from Locomotion and Navigation Teams

Worked in parallel with Robot Applications Team


Page 3: Pat Arrigo – Team Lead/ME Wes Coleman – ME Steve Guenther – EE Adam Spirer – EE Vernon Vantucci – CE Aaron Zimmerman - ME

Fully Integrate Navigation Software/Electrical Components with Locomotion Chassis and Motors/Motor Control

Test Customer Specifications Integrate Robot with Application Team’s

Software Create and Mount shell to Chassis and Paint

Initial Project Expectations and Goals

Page 4: Pat Arrigo – Team Lead/ME Wes Coleman – ME Steve Guenther – EE Adam Spirer – EE Vernon Vantucci – CE Aaron Zimmerman - ME

Customer Needs and Specifications

P10215 P10216

Robot carries and cares for a plant

Robot moves slowly Promotes innovation and

green values at RIT Friendly to passing

pedestrians Must be able to return

home Last an entire day of


◦ System uses navigation and plant sensors in order to capture real-world data, and gain an understanding of the surroundings.

◦ Develop firmware for all of the sensors.

◦ Develop software to perform navigational tasks using sensor data.

◦ Maintain a wireless connection to a host computer in order to send status updates.

Page 5: Pat Arrigo – Team Lead/ME Wes Coleman – ME Steve Guenther – EE Adam Spirer – EE Vernon Vantucci – CE Aaron Zimmerman - ME

System Architecture


MSP430 MSP430 MSP430

Motor H-Bridges

Motor Encoders

Plant Sensor Cluster

Navigation Sensor Cluster

Page 6: Pat Arrigo – Team Lead/ME Wes Coleman – ME Steve Guenther – EE Adam Spirer – EE Vernon Vantucci – CE Aaron Zimmerman - ME

Small model used to prove concept

Sculpting full scale took longer than expected◦ Sheer scale◦ Material Differences: Styrofoam vs.

Pink foam Despite delays, shell is

complete and painted

Shell Creation

Page 7: Pat Arrigo – Team Lead/ME Wes Coleman – ME Steve Guenther – EE Adam Spirer – EE Vernon Vantucci – CE Aaron Zimmerman - ME

Navigation Team components and Locomotion Motor Controllers did not work properly◦ Majority of MSD II spent on debugging and fixing

Robot was not fully functional until ~Week 8◦ Testing of Specifications was not done due to time

constraints (suggested for future teams)

Major Setbacks

Page 8: Pat Arrigo – Team Lead/ME Wes Coleman – ME Steve Guenther – EE Adam Spirer – EE Vernon Vantucci – CE Aaron Zimmerman - ME

Item Vendor QuantityCost Total P/N

Triple Axis Acclerometer Breakout ADX6345 SparkFun 1 $27.95 $27.95 SEN-09156MSP430F6111 Header Board SparkFun 2 $34.95 $69.90 DEV-0047Straight Breakaway Headers SparkFun 4 $2.50 $10.00 PRT-00116Female Breakaway Headers SparkFun 4 $1.50 $6.00 PRT-00115

1 gallon + 42.6 oz 3:1 Epoxy Resin Kit US Composites 1 $61.00 $61.00 EPOX-6353143:1 Ratio Pumps (2pk) US Composites 1 $6.25 $6.25 EPX-P31

10z E-Glass Plain Weave, 38" w, .0154" thk US Composites 15 $5.55 $83.25 FG-c1038

Encoder cable US Digital 3 $10.30 $30.90 CA-MIC3-SH-NC-1

USB 2 Serial-USB Adapter Amazon 2 $14.58 $29.16 B0006LSIOI

Sandisk 4GB SD Amazon 2 $6.33 $12.66 B000PA1073A

DS Breadboard PCB, 1160 holes Sure Elec. 5 $0.89 $4.45 CS-BP008

Hitachi HM55B Compass Module Parallax Inc. 1 $29.99 $29.99 21923

Butt Connectors- Crimp WalMart 1 $4.18 $4.18 003749582220

Female Spade Connectors WalMart 1 $1.98 $1.98 003749582228Male Spade Connectors WalMart 2 $1.38 $2.76 003749582227

Mold SuppliesWes Coleman (HD) $160.00

Misc. Hardware Pat Arrigo (HD) $50.00

TOTAL: $590.43

Page 9: Pat Arrigo – Team Lead/ME Wes Coleman – ME Steve Guenther – EE Adam Spirer – EE Vernon Vantucci – CE Aaron Zimmerman - ME

Week 1 ◦ Initial shell design finalized,

components purchased Week 2

◦ Evaluation of Locomotion/firmware “bugs”

Week 4◦ Header board completion

Week 5◦ Sensors remounted◦ Shell Top & Front complete

Week 6◦ New encoder design integrated◦ H-Bridge functionality solved

Milestones- MSDII Week 7

◦ Shell components test fit, trimmed

◦ Shell top, front, sides painted◦ Remote Control implemented via

gamepad Week 8

◦ Remote Control finalized◦ Shell top mounted◦ Plant, solar panels mounted◦ ImagineRIT

Remote Control verified Battery charge expectancy verified

Week 9◦ Shell front mounts made

Page 10: Pat Arrigo – Team Lead/ME Wes Coleman – ME Steve Guenther – EE Adam Spirer – EE Vernon Vantucci – CE Aaron Zimmerman - ME

Robot is capable of meeting all locomotion-related requirements Sensor Data Acquisition

◦ Compass data not being translated correctly◦ All other positional and plant sensors reporting data correctly

Shell◦ Shell pieces made◦ Top & Front trimmed for fit and sensor/plant clearance◦ Top mounted in final location◦ Front mounts made, not yet attached to chassis◦ Rear & sides unmounted, untrimmed◦ All pieces painted with design scheme

Formal Platform Testing◦ Originally a project requirement◦ Platform reconstruction took precedence◦ Formal test plan methodology developed◦ No formal test plans run◦ ImagineRIT platform validation

Current State of Design

Page 11: Pat Arrigo – Team Lead/ME Wes Coleman – ME Steve Guenther – EE Adam Spirer – EE Vernon Vantucci – CE Aaron Zimmerman - ME

Test customer specifications (velocity, turning radius etc.)

Powder coat the chassis to prevent rust Purchase printed circuit board Integrate Application software with current

Robot (to make autonomous) Add 2 more rear Sonar Sensors

◦ To guard against the back end of Robot bumping into things as it turns

Suggestions for Future Teams

Page 12: Pat Arrigo – Team Lead/ME Wes Coleman – ME Steve Guenther – EE Adam Spirer – EE Vernon Vantucci – CE Aaron Zimmerman - ME

Number of Original Project Goals Met: 0

Number of Robots Created: 1

Senior Design Course: 0

Senior Design Team: 1
