The 5th Preaching Ruth Brown Key Elder Heather McLean Greeters Jo Albin Thelma Riggs Eleanor Reinecke Ushers Bob & Cathy Culbertson Earl & Sharon Henderson Liturgist Denise Hash Van Driver Charles Leggate Sound Booth David Bauer Communion Ken & Barb Eichenberger Phyllis Brown Jerry & Bobbi Koch The 12th Preaching Dave Thompson Key Elder David Bauer Greeters Craig & Denise Hash Lucile Weisback Ushers Janet Brown Bebe Spring Bud & Joanne Leuthold Liturgist Robyn Bauer Van Driver Don Harr Sound Booth Jeff Gruizenga Flower Delivery Tom & Ginny Helmer The 19th Preaching Dave Thompson Key Elder Sandi Schoenberger Greeters Kay Doss Harry & Judy Cuff Ushers Sharon Mathews Cindy Leggate Carla & Teena Bracken Liturgist Megan Lorentz Van Driver Don Harr Sound Booth Chuck Leggate Flower Delivery Chris Eriksen The 26th Preaching Dave Thompson Key Elder Chris Eriksen Greeters Tom & Ruth Drummond Sharon Mathews Ushers Chris Eriksen John Thompson Pat Clark Marjorie Stewart Liturgist Suzanne Braun Van Driver Heather McLean Sound Booth Bob Culbertson Flower Delivery Chris Eriksen Memory Joggers for June 2016 SUBSTITUTE USHERS Pat Clark Kay Doss Chris Eriksen Tom & Ginny Helmer Earl & Sharon Henderson Biff Hogue Diane Noddings Charlie Reed Don Reed John Thompson SUBTITUTE GREETERS Kay Doss Tom & Ruth Drummond Bob & Linda Fedric Tom & Ginny Helmer Earl & Sharon Henderson Biff Hogue Bob & Barb Muir Marge Myhra Betty Ann Nesmith Charlie Reed Bob & Shirley Shirley Lucile Weisbeck Pastor’s Pen 2016 “A Busy Summer Ahead” As I look over the calendar for the next several months, I can see that it is going to be a busy summer at FPC. Our extensive bathroom/office remodel project will begin in the next month with a complete renovation and rebuild of the area from my office to the conference room at the north end of the main floor. This remodel will include new men’s and women’s bathrooms and a family bathroom. We will also be remodeling the old pas- tor’s office to accommodate a large conference room where meetings and special gathering can take place. A letter was recently sent out to all of our members asking for your financial help in raising $150,000 to make this project possible. We hope to complete this project around the first part of October. As usual, Vacation Bible School will be offered from June 6-10 with a number of children expected again this year. Many children and families say that we offer one of the best Bible schools in town with lots of activities, events, and outings offered during a fun and faith filled week. We will host a garage/bake sale on Saturday, June 18 from 9-3 with all proceeds going to our bath- room remodeling project. If you have items to donate, please contact Teena or Karla Bracken to make ar- rangements for pick up or to help with this special event. Items for the bake sale are also needed. We will offer a mini-mission trip to Stanford, Montana, from June 20-22 where we will be taking our Vacation Bible School program on the road. We will be helping Jack Bell and the Stanford Presbyterian Church provide their VBS program for three days. If you would like to help with this, whether you are a youth or adult, please let me know. Our annual community block party is scheduled for Wednesday, August 17 from 5:30-7:30 PM. This annual party is a great way to invite friends and neighbors to a fun evening of free food, games, and fellow- ship. We will have free food, music, games, and the dunk tank once again this year! Last, but certainly not least, the search committee for a new Children’s and Youth Ministry Director has begun their work. We have had some great applicants which we are following up through telephone interviews. We hope to have someone in this position by the middle of August, just before the fall activities resume. I am excited for what lies ahead for our congregation. With lots of activities planned and a building project that is soon to begin, this certainly will be a busy sum- mer at our church. Come and join us on the activities as we together make FPC- Billings a great place to call home. Blessings, Pastor Dave INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Session Notes/ Finance/Church 2 Events/ PW/ Church and Society 3 Youth/ Notices/ Personal 4 Birthdays Mission 5 Calendar 6 Dinners of Eight Stephen’s Ministry 7 Memory Joggers 8 Coming Attractions: Vacation Bible School is coming June 6-10 from 9-12:15 each day VBS Carnival on Friday, June 10 beginning at 6 PM Presbytery meeting in Miles City on June 10-11 FPC Garage/Bake Sale coming on Saturday, June 18 from 9-3 Relay for Life at West High School track will be held on Friday, July 8 beginning at 7 PM Triennium youth trip to Purdue University in Indiana from July 17-26 Annual Block Party on Wednesday, August 17 from 5:30-7:30 PM

Pastor’s Pen - Razor Planet

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Page 1: Pastor’s Pen - Razor Planet

The 5th Preaching Ruth Brown Key Elder Heather McLean Greeters Jo Albin Thelma Riggs Eleanor Reinecke Ushers Bob & Cathy Culbertson Earl & Sharon Henderson Liturgist Denise Hash Van Driver Charles Leggate Sound Booth David Bauer Communion Ken & Barb Eichenberger Phyllis Brown Jerry & Bobbi Koch

The 12th Preaching Dave Thompson Key Elder David Bauer Greeters Craig & Denise Hash Lucile Weisback Ushers Janet Brown Bebe Spring Bud & Joanne Leuthold Liturgist Robyn Bauer Van Driver Don Harr Sound Booth Jeff Gruizenga Flower Delivery Tom & Ginny Helmer

The 19th Preaching Dave Thompson Key Elder Sandi Schoenberger Greeters Kay Doss Harry & Judy Cuff Ushers Sharon Mathews Cindy Leggate Carla & Teena Bracken Liturgist Megan Lorentz Van Driver Don Harr Sound Booth Chuck Leggate Flower Delivery Chris Eriksen

The 26th Preaching Dave Thompson Key Elder Chris Eriksen Greeters Tom & Ruth Drummond Sharon Mathews Ushers Chris Eriksen John Thompson Pat Clark Marjorie Stewart Liturgist Suzanne Braun Van Driver Heather McLean Sound Booth Bob Culbertson Flower Delivery Chris Eriksen

M e m o r y J o g g e r s f o r J u n e 2 0 1 6

SUBSTITUTE USHERS Pat Clark Kay Doss Chris Eriksen Tom & Ginny Helmer Earl & Sharon Henderson Biff Hogue Diane Noddings Charlie Reed Don Reed John Thompson SUBTITUTE GREETERS Kay Doss Tom & Ruth Drummond Bob & Linda Fedric Tom & Ginny Helmer Earl & Sharon Henderson Biff Hogue Bob & Barb Muir Marge Myhra Betty Ann Nesmith Charlie Reed Bob & Shirley Shirley Lucile Weisbeck

Pa s t o r ’ s P e n


“A Busy Summer Ahead”

As I look over the calendar for the next several months, I can see that it is going to

be a busy summer at FPC. Our extensive bathroom/office remodel project will begin in

the next month with a complete renovation and rebuild of the area from my office to the

conference room at the north end of the main floor. This remodel will include new men’s

and women’s bathrooms and a family bathroom. We will also be remodeling the old pas-

tor’s office to accommodate a large conference room where meetings and special gathering can take place. A

letter was recently sent out to all of our members asking for your financial help in raising $150,000 to make

this project possible. We hope to complete this project around the first part of October.

As usual, Vacation Bible School will be offered from June 6-10 with a number of children expected

again this year. Many children and families say that we offer one of the best Bible schools in town with lots

of activities, events, and outings offered during a fun and faith filled week.

We will host a garage/bake sale on Saturday, June 18 from 9-3 with all proceeds going to our bath-

room remodeling project. If you have items to donate, please contact Teena or Karla Bracken to make ar-

rangements for pick up or to help with this special event. Items for the bake sale are also needed.

We will offer a mini-mission trip to Stanford, Montana, from June 20-22 where we will be taking our

Vacation Bible School program on the road. We will be helping Jack Bell and the Stanford Presbyterian

Church provide their VBS program for three days. If you would like to help with this, whether you are a

youth or adult, please let me know.

Our annual community block party is scheduled for Wednesday, August 17 from 5:30-7:30 PM. This

annual party is a great way to invite friends and neighbors to a fun evening of free food, games, and fellow-

ship. We will have free food, music, games, and the dunk tank once again this year!

Last, but certainly not least, the search committee for a new Children’s and

Youth Ministry Director has begun their work. We have had some great applicants

which we are following up through telephone interviews. We hope to have someone

in this position by the middle of August, just before the fall activities resume.

I am excited for what lies ahead for our congregation. With lots of activities

planned and a building project that is soon to begin, this certainly will be a busy sum-

mer at our church. Come and join us on the activities as we together make FPC-

Billings a great place to call home.


Pastor Dave


T H I S I S S U E :

Session Notes/

Finance/Church 2

Events/ PW/

Church and



Youth/ Notices/

Personal 4


Mission 5

Calendar 6

Dinners of Eight





Joggers 8

Coming Attractions:

Vacation Bible School is coming June 6-10 from 9-12:15 each day VBS Carnival on Friday, June 10 beginning at 6 PM Presbytery meeting in Miles City on June 10-11 FPC Garage/Bake Sale coming on Saturday, June 18 from 9-3 Relay for Life at West High School track will be held on Friday, July 8 beginning at 7 PM Triennium youth trip to Purdue University in Indiana from July 17-26 Annual Block Party on Wednesday, August 17 from 5:30-7:30 PM

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Church Info

Office Hours: Mon—Thurs 8:30 am— 4 PM 406-252-3434 [email protected] www.fpcbillings.org Worship Celebration: Sundays @ 9:30 STAFF Pastor: Dave Thompson

Office Manager: Jeanne Thompson-Raney

Accompanist: Sandi Rabas

Choir Director: Janie Sutton

Custodian: Kent Fellingham

SESSION MEMBERS Clerk of Session: Marlene Spencer

Class of 2017 David Bauer Ken Eichenberger Sharon Lincoln Sharon Mathews

Class of 2018 Kathy Baskett Marv Brown Jeff Gruizenga Sandi Schoenberger Class of 2019 Chris Eriksen Jenice Fugere Chuck Leggate Heather McLean


Session Notes: During the May 10 meeting of the session Sonja Bennett, Carol Drum, Susan McCarthy, John Reed, and Ron & Sandy Velin were received into our membership. The mission committee reported that Ruth Brown, a PC (USA) missionary in the Congo will speak to our congregation on Sunday, June 5th during our 9:30 AM wor-ship service. The committee will help with a cook out at Friendship on May 20th. A request from Jack Bell asking members from our church to conduct a Vacation Bible School in Stanford in June was granted. The church in Forsyth will also receive help from our church in conducting Vacation Bible School. Pastor Dave was given permission to lead worship service at West Park Village on June 12. The property committee is receiving bids for the bathroom remodeling and hopes to begin the project within the next month.

Financial snapshot

2016 Income Expense Net May $ 127,371 $ 49,731 $ 77,360 YTD $ 259,718 $ 197,245 $ 62,473

The elevated expenses in May have to do with costs associated with the final payment of the new garage and architectural

costs associated with the bathroom/office remodeling project. Per-Capita is being received for 2016. Our church pays $45 per member. If you would like to pay your share of the per-capita that would be appreciated. You can write a check to

the church and indicate on the memo line “Per-Capita.” We appreciate your giving to help off-set this fund. Thank you!

MAY 2016

1st 227

8th 225

15th 206

22nd 155

29th 131

2016 May



2015 May



Flower Sponsorship Opportunities

Our flower sign-up sheet is located on the back table in the narthex. We invite you to sign up for a particular Sunday to sponsor the flowers either in honor or memory of someone or a special event such as an anniversary, birthday, etc. Suggested donation is $30. Special thanks to those who donated flowers during the month of May. They are Pat Clark, Don Reed, Gary & Judy Lohnbakken, and the Presbyterian Women’s group. Following worship each Sunday, the flowers are distributed to church members and friends in the hospital, nursing homes, or among those who are unable to attend church.

Church Mice: The church mice have noticed that often younger people tell those who have helped or supported them what an influence that mentor has been in their lives. In re-flecting at this time of graduation of our church seniors, it with bitter sweet emotion that we bid them best wishes. The influence has been reflexive - these young people have been a blessing to our church community and have influenced our own Christian journeys tremendously. We have watched them grown from children into kind, caring adults ready to take the next steps on the pathway of life. Love and God's blessings to Zoey Bittner (Senior High), Carter Gall (Senior), Hunter Skov (Skyview), Sam McClain (Senior), Sam Cormier (Central), Jay Almer (Senior), and Elise Keenum (Central).

Food Bank


Our church was one of the first churches in Billings to desig-nate a monthly Food Bank Sun-day. We invite you to bring some non-perishable food items with you on the first Sunday of each month as we help local people in need. Our next Food Bank Sunday will be held on June 5. Thanks to all who brought food last month!

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M e m o r y J o g g e r s f o r A u g u s t 2 0 1 6

July 3rd Preaching Dave Thompson Key Elder Ken Eichenberger Greeters Phyllis Brown Ron Sperry Priscilla Laird Ushers Ken & Barb Eichenberger Gary & Judy Lohnbakken Liturgist Bill Lorentz Van Driver Chuck Leggate Sound Booth David Bauer Communion Heather McLean Chris Eriksen Kathleen Butler Heidi Duncan Sharon Lincoln

The 10th Preaching Dave Thompson Key Elder Sharon Lincoln Greeters Megan Ascheman Carla Bracken Teena Bracken Ushers Marlene Spencer Sharon Brady Marian Shehein Betty Ann Nesmith Liturgist Pam Gore Van Driver Don Harr Sound Booth Jeff Gruizenga

The 17th Preaching Dave Thompson Key Elder Chris Eriksen Greeters Carl & Vickie Johnson Peggy Wilson Ushers Jerry Koch Bob Fedric Bill White Don Reed Liturgist Bob Culbertson Van Driver Don Harr Sound Booth Chuck Leggate

The 24th Preaching To Be Determined Key Elder Jenice Fugere Greeters Earl & Sharon Henderson Marge Myhra Ushers Russ & Janet Kline Greg & Deb Wiens Liturgist Meghan Ascheman Van Driver Heather McLean Sound Booth Bob Culbertson

The 31st Preaching Dave Thompson Key Elder Sharon Mathews Greeters Jim & Biff Hogue Dottie Hilger Ushers Sharon Mathews Jo Albin John & Susan Stewart Liturgist Jane Myhre Van Driver Don Harr

SUBSTITUTE USHERS Pat Clark Kay Doss Chris Eriksen Tom & Ginny Helmer Earl & Sharon Henderson Biff Hogue Diane Noddings Charlie Reed Don Reed John Thompson SUBTITUTE GREETERS Kay Doss Tom & Ruth Drummond Bob & Linda Fedric Tom & Ginny Helmer Earl & Sharon Henderson Biff Hogue Bob & Barb Muir Marge Myhra Betty Ann Nesmith Charlie Reed Bob & Shirley Shirley Lucile Weisbeck

The 7th Preaching Dave Thompson Key Elder Jenice Fugere Greeters Marv & Janet Brown Edna Carlson Ushers Bob & Cathy Culbertson Earl & Sharon Henderson Liturgist Jenice Fugere Van Driver Charles Leggate Sound Booth David Bauer Communion Marv & Janet Brown Chuck & Cindy Leggate Kathy Baskett

The 14th Preaching Dave Thompson Key Elder Chuck Leggate Greeters Phyllis Brown Ushers Diane Noddings Peg Ostlund Carla Bracken Teena Bracken Liturgist Carol Harr Van Driver Don Harr Sound Booth Jeff Gruizenga

The 21st Preaching Dave Thompson Key Elder Sandi Schoen-berger Greeters David & Robyn, Noah, Lauren Bauer Thelma Riggs Ushers Russ & Janet Kline John Thompson Pat Clark Liturgist David Sanderson Van Driver Don Harr Sound Booth Chuck Leggate

The 28th Preaching Dave Thompson Key Elder Chris Eriksen Greeters Tom & Ruth Drummond Eleanor Reinecke Ushers Marlene Spencer Sharon Brady Marian Shehein Sharon Mathews Liturgist Linda Luse Van Driver Heather McLean Sound Booth Bob Culbertson

Sept 4 Preaching Dave Thompson Key Elder David Bauer Greeters Priscilla Laird Bob & Barbara Muir Ushers Bud & Joanne Leuthold Margie LaFontaine Sharon Mathews Liturgist Marcia Muir Van Driver Chuck Leggate Sound Booth David Bauer Communion Heather McLean Sharon Mathews Chris Eriksen Jimmy Hummel Paige Spalding

SUBSTITUTE USHERS Pat Clark Kay Doss Chris Eriksen Tom & Ginny Helmer Earl & Sharon Henderson Biff Hogue Diane Noddings Charlie Reed Don Reed John Thompson SUBTITUTE GREETERS Kay Doss Tom & Ruth Drummond Bob & Linda Fedric Tom & Ginny Helmer Earl & Sharon Henderson Biff Hogue Bob & Barb Muir Marge Myhra Betty Ann Nesmith Charlie Reed Bob & Shirley Shirley Lucile Weisbeck

M e m o r y J o g g e r s f o r J u l y 2 0 1 6

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On a Personal Note

We extend our condolences to the family of Mary “Scottie” Jones who passed away at the Wheatland Memorial Nursing Home in Harlowton on Sunday, May 15. A memorial service for Scottie will be held in our church sometime in the next several months. Judy Nusbaum is doing well following back surgery several weeks ago. Harry Cuff is recovering from a fall several weeks ago. Don Reed continues to undergo treatments for cancer. Jason Ascheman is recovering at home from back surgery last month. Gary Bracken has returned home following recent surgery at St. V’s Hospital. Ruth Ewen would like to thank the congregation for your prayers for her son Roger Gibson who was hospi-talized in Denver for a month. He is doing much better and returned to Billings last week.

Stephen Ministry Update We are pleased to welcome our newest group of Stephen Ministers. They were commissioned during worship on Sunday, March 20. The group includes Yvonne Bohlman, Barbara Eichenberger, Pam Harr, Nina LaSeur, Joyce Liptac, and Amanda Webber. Each of these individuals will be assigned a care receiver to whom they will provide skills of listening, encouragement, and spiritual help. Stephen Ministry supervision is now scheduled for the last Tuesday of each month at 6 PM. More information about Stephen Ministry is avail-able through JoAnn Jones, Doris Backus, Jack Bell, Shirley Shirley, or Pastor Dave.

Our Church’s Leadership Team Elders: Moderator of Session: Pastor Dave Thompson Clerk of Session: Marlene Spencer Class of 2017 Class of 2018 Class of 2019 David Bauer Kathy Baskett (2) Chris Eriksen (2) Ken Eichenberger Marv Brown (2) Jenice Fugere (2) Sharon Lincoln Jeff Gruizenga (2) Chuck Leggate Sharon Mathews Sandi Schoenberger Heather McLean

Deacons: Class of 2017 Class of 2018 Class of 2019 Diane Noddings (2) Janet Brown (2) Peggy Cluff Kathy Ramage Pam Gore (2) Dodie Cox (2) Paige Spalding Ruth Kaufman Bob Fedric Marjorie Stewart Charlie Pinnick Janice Ward

(2) denotes a second consecutive terms that is currently being served.

Prayer Garden library is open and ready

Our new outside library, located in our Prayer Garden, is open and ready to be used. This newly refur-bished “garden” is located near the downstairs doors, to the right of the main entry door. Sharon Brady recent-ly placed some books inside the library deposit box for people to use. You can take a book and leave a book at your discretion. We invite you to use the prayer garden as a place of prayer, study, and quiet reflection. Several benches are in the garden for your use.

Welcome New Members We welcome our newest group of members. They joined our church on Sunday, May 15. They include Sonja Bennett, Carol Drum, Susan McCarthy, John Reed, and Ron & Sandy Velin. Let’s welcome them to the fellowship and mission of our congregation.

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Mission News

The Mission Committee had a guest at their May monthly meeting. Mary Lou Affleck of the Rebuilding Together Group spoke about the volunteer organization that she works with whose mission is “A safe and healthy home for every person.” They work to preserve and re-vitalize affordable housing, assuring that low-income homeowners, from the elderly, the disa-bled, and families with children can live in warmth, safety, and independence. They try to fix or help with at least one thing for each family. They can’t do everything for everyone. The Mission Committee is considering how we can work with the Rebuilding Together Group. The Noisy Offering was received on Sunday, May 22 during worship and went to the Peace Lutheran Church’s food pantry. You gave $457.10. Thank you! The mission committee matched these funds making the total $914.20. The money will go a long way to feeding the hungry people in our area this summer. We helped feed our about 130 children and adults at the Friendship House for Christian Service at the annual “end of school cook out” on Friday, May 20th. Thank you for your help. Friendship House is a Chris-tian organization which provides ministry to children and families living in the Billings Southside. We grilled

hamburgers and hotdogs and served potato chips, watermelon, ice cream, and refreshments. Ruth Brown, a PC(USA) missionary in the Congo, will be sharing during our wor-ship service on Sunday, June 5th. Ruth has served as a missionary to the Congo, a large country located in central Africa, since 2011. She works to bring sustainable food supplies to this impoverished land. Ruth will share her work through both words and pictures and will be available after church for further questions and conversation.

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. —1 Peter 4:10

Relay for Life Events

Our church’s Relay for Life team will be selling luminaries in the gallery on Sundays June 12 and 19. Luminaries are $10 and can be given in honor or in memory of a loved one. The Billings Relay for Life will be held at the West High School track on Friday, July 8 beginning at 7:00 PM. To join our team, please talk with Chris Eriksen or Pastor Dave.

New lawn mower donated to our church Special thanks to Chris Eriksen who donated a new lawn mower to the church. Chris purchased a John Deere X-570 for the church lawn. The mower was purchased through Yellowstone Valley Implement and is equipped with a bag to collect the grass as well.

Mini-Mission Trip to Stanford, Montana from June 20-22

We would love to have you join us for a mini mission trip to Stanford, Montana, from June 20-22 (Monday-Wednesday). We will be taking our Vacation Bible School program to the Presbyterian Church in Stanford where Jack Bell is serving as their Commissioned Lay Pastor. We will lead VBS each day from 8:30-12noon. We will also plan an outing to the waterpark in Great Falls one afternoon. If you are interested in joining us please contact Pastor Dave. Adults and youth (must be in high school and older) are welcome to join us. There will be no cost to join us for this trip.

Senior Singles to meet at Three Brothers Bistro Our Senior Singles group will be meeting on Saturday, June 18 at 10 AM at the 3 Brothers Bistro, lo-cated at the Old Alpine Restaurant (1120 16th Street West). All senior singles are welcome to join this group which meets monthly for food and fellowship. Questions about this group can be directed to Phyllis Brown.

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Youth News: We are asking the youth in our church to help with our Vacation Bible School from June 6-10 from 9:00-12:15 each day. Helpers are needed to be team leaders and to assist the adults at each station. Please talk with Jody Ferestad or Leah Wright if interested. The youth group will be taking a mini-mission trip to Stanford, Montana, from June 20-22 to assist with their vacation Bible School. Pastor Jack Bell has requested our help for these three days of their VBS. We will take some time to play during our trip to the waterpark in Great Falls. If interested, please talk with Pastor Dave. We have 19 youth and adults traveling to Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana from July 17-26 for the Presbyterian Triennium Youth Conference. We will join over 5,000 other youth from across the nation at this great event. On our return we will be doing some mission work in Minneapolis. Summer camping opportunities at Westminster Spires abound. Check out the camping brochures that are in the gallery for dates on the elementary, middle school, and high school camps.

Grief support group continues every month

A grief support group within our church continues to meet the first Wednesday of each month from 10-11. This group is open to anyone in the church or community who is experiencing grief. Facilitated by Dr. Don Harr, this group provide support, encouragement, and help to those facing grief, loss, or transitions in life. All are invited to join this special group. This group will be meeting on Wednesdays, June 1, July 6, and August 3 at 10:00 AM at the church in the conference room.

Men’s group

Our men’s group is meeting the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 12noon in the Fireside Room. Join other men for a time of encouragement, fellowship, prayer, and study. This group is studying the New Testa-ment book of 2 Peter which talks about living as people of faith. For more information about this group, please talk with Pastor Dave. The next meeting will be held on Mon-day, June 13 at 12noon. All men are invited.

Upcoming Committee Meetings in March (All meetings are in the Fireside Room)

Mission Committee Thursday, June 2 at 1:00 PM Property Committee Tuesday, June 7 at 12noon Christian Education Thursday, June 9 at 7:00 PM Worship Committee Monday, June 13 at 10:00 AM Session Meeting Tuesday, June 14 at 7:00 PM Fellowship Committee Thursday, June 16 at 11:00 AM Congregational Care Team Thursday, June 23 at 12noon Deacons Meeting Monday, June 27 at 4:00 PM

Piano Donation Appreciation

Special thanks to Jody Mercer Wallace who donated her beautiful piano to the church to be used in the choir room. The piano that was in the choir room is now in Sandi Rabas’ office. Thanks for this wonderful gift.

United Campus Ministry fundraiser coming June 3

United Campus Ministry invites you to its fundraising dinner on Friday, June 3, at the Hilands Golf Club. We are featuring Surf and Turf and a live auction. Tickets of $50 each can be purchased from Bob Culbertson or Shari Dayton. United Campus Ministry is a joint effort of a number of Christian denominations that work to sup-port the campus ministry effort at MSU–B. The Rev. Rob Kerby serves as a chaplain for the ministry program. Celebrate our ministry with us!

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June Birthdays 1 Peter Weisbeck 2 Andrew Wiens Dave Thompson 3 Lucille Weisbeck June Pierce 4 Jane Quandt 6 Dan Gall Juanita Stovall 7 Eric Leggate Bill Young 9 Kelly Murch 11 Kurt McLean 12 Jeannette Davis Karen Gall Chuck Pinnick 14 Tom Helmer 17 Sharon Klovstad

19 John Thompson 20 Bobbie Lauwers 21 Mae Hunter 22 Carol Limbach 26 Bev Wornom 27 Bebe Spring 27 Linda Luse 28 Michelle Montville 29 Pat Hastings

Anniversaries 10 Russ & Janet Kline 12 Tim & Gail Janiak 14 Enoch & Lisa Walker 16 Mark & Teri Pattee 22 George & Maxine Schuman 23 Ken & Barb Gullard Rod & Cindy Hessler Jack & Karla Mahan 27 Dave & Vicki Thompson 29 Jim & Jennifer Bennett

July Birthdays 6 David Sanderson Andrew Sterup 7 Patricia Clark Lois Dalton 9 Charlie Reed 10 Pam Gore 11 Sandra Schoenberger 12 Amy Letson Jason Ascheman Michelle Berger 16 Norma Thiesen 18 Daniel Repka Wava Knutson 19 Jim Bateman 20 Merilyn Ballard Jim Duncan

Rae Chaney 22 Lois Dyce Bud Leuthold 23 Janet Kline 24 Mike Lafko Shawn Pattee Eric Wiens Noah Bauer 27 Colin McRae 28 Phyllis Brown Jileasa White 29 Melissa Leggate 30 Carlene Taubert 31 Boden Lafko

Anniversaries 16 Jim & Cherrie McRae 19 Robert & Irene Sterup 22 Dan & Karen Gall 23 Tom & Ruth Drummond

August Birthdays 1 Jo Albin Larry Bean John Oliver 2 Ryan Lafko 4 Megan Bell Jody Ferestad 5 Margie Jarrett Deborah Keenum 7 Russ Kline 8 Betty Ann Nesmith 11 Deb Wiens 12 Jerry Swanson 14 Darlene Busch Jean Ross John Luse 15 Lorrane Croymans 16 Vicki Thompson

17 George Green 22 Michelle Cormier Lee 27 Jennifer Bennett 28 Rod Hessler 31 Ruth Letson Liam Montville Tom Erskine

August Anniversaries 3 Joel & Lila Spring 7 Bob & Shari Dayton 11 Chuck & Cindy Leggate 14 Bill & Marilyn Ballard 19 John & Linda Luse 20 Kevin & Cheryl Nagel 21 John & Lauren Wright 27 Tom & Jeannette Davis 30 Ralph & Jane Myhra 31 John & Mary Quandt