Pastors: Fred Jones (405)699-1255 • Matt Barrie (479)629-2267 October 12, 2017 Companions him and somehow they all got something from Him that changed them. The loud mouthed, roughneck fishermen learned to be the voice of the Gospel that changed the world and the smarmy tax collector learned to be generous in the things he did in the world. Men that had concrete ideas of what was and was not in our world learned from Jesus that there is a world beyond ours that takes what we know to be true and throws it out the window. How else could the teacher they were travelling with, eating with and sleeping with feed 5000 people from a tiny little lunch they found from a young man willing to give? Our companions affect who we are, what we think and how we act and so it is imperative that we should follow the example the Bible calls us to and consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:24-25 (NIV) The companions that we should draw to for strength and support are those that have been affected by Jesus. Friends and family that share our desire to do His will and take His name into the world are the companions that we should be seeking out and allowing to change and mold who we are. As I sit here writing this, I’m reminded of something my Grandma Dodes used to say, “Be careful of who hang around with, they’re who you will become.” She was a smart lady. And she was echoing something from the wisdom of Continued on page 2 I had a conversation today with some nice ladies about their pets. I heard about a couple schnauzers and a couple that I’m not sure what the breed are, but what I can tell you is that these ladies love(d) their pets. It made me think about the animals that have free reign in our house, specifically our dog, Ruby. Ruby loves to be around us, and when we are happy she wags her tail and jumps around in the living room so that we are all together in her view. That doesn’t sound daunting until you realize that Ruby is a 150# Great Dane. When Ruby gets excited she bounds around with her dragon in her mouth “taunting” us to come take him away. She doesn’t care who plays with her as long as one of “her” people are interacting with her. I wish I could say that this is a one way street, but the truth is she is a comfort to us as much as we are to her. When we are needing to be calm or to slow down and take a breath, it’s always easier when you lay down next to her and hear that big rhythmic heart thumping and listen to her breathing contented sighs of closeness to those that she loves. As I was thinking about it though, isn’t that the way it is with most companions we have? We may not always agree on everything, and we may not always have the same feelings as that other person, but don’t companions help define us in ways that are sometimes subtle and sometimes radical? Jesus had 12 companions and they couldn’t have been more different if you had tried. Blue collar, white collar, political activist and political sympathizers, Jesus had them all with

Pastors: Fred Jones (405)699-1255 • Matt Barrie (479)629-2267 …doverchristianchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/... ·  · 2017-10-25Pastors: Fred Jones (405)699-1255 •

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Page 1: Pastors: Fred Jones (405)699-1255 • Matt Barrie (479)629-2267 …doverchristianchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/... ·  · 2017-10-25Pastors: Fred Jones (405)699-1255 •

Pastors:FredJones(405)699-1255•MattBarrie(479)629-2267 October12,2017 Companions









Hebrews10:24-25(NIV) ThecompanionsthatweshoulddrawtoforstrengthandsupportarethosethathavebeenaffectedbyJesus.FriendsandfamilythatshareourdesiretodoHiswillandtakeHisnameintotheworldarethecompanionsthatweshouldbeseekingoutandallowingtochangeandmoldwhoweare. AsIsitherewritingthis,I’mremindedofsomethingmyGrandmaDodesusedtosay,“Becarefulofwhohangaroundwith,they’rewhoyouwillbecome.”Shewasasmartlady.Andshewasechoingsomethingfromthewisdomof



Ihadaconversationtodaywithsomeniceladiesabouttheirpets. IheardaboutacoupleschnauzersandacouplethatI’mnotsurewhatthebreedare,butwhatIcantellyouisthattheseladieslove(d)theirpets. Itmademethinkabouttheanimalsthathavefreereigninourhouse,specificallyourdog,Ruby. Rubylovestobearoundus,andwhenwearehappyshewagshertailandjumpsaroundinthelivingroomsothatwearealltogetherinherview.Thatdoesn’tsounddauntinguntilyourealizethatRubyisa150#GreatDane. WhenRubygetsexcitedsheboundsaroundwithherdragoninhermouth“taunting”ustocometakehimaway.Shedoesn’tcarewhoplayswithheraslongasoneof“her”peopleareinteractingwithher. IwishIcouldsaythatthisisaonewaystreet,butthetruthissheisacomforttousasmuchaswearetoher.Whenweareneedingtobecalmortoslowdownandtakeabreath,it’salwayseasierwhenyoulaydownnexttoherandhearthatbigrhythmicheartthumpingandlistentoherbreathingcontentedsighsofclosenesstothosethatsheloves. AsIwasthinkingaboutitthough,isn’tthatthewayitiswithmostcompanionswehave?



Page 2: Pastors: Fred Jones (405)699-1255 • Matt Barrie (479)629-2267 …doverchristianchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/... ·  · 2017-10-25Pastors: Fred Jones (405)699-1255 •

2 TheDoverChristian October12,2017



In September we had several exciting events both

planned and unplanned. We started our month off with the blessing of the

Labor Day services in Hennessey. It was a wonderful gathering of different people and different churches coming together to show the love of Christ to that community.

Soon after the Labor Day service we were having the Redneck Revival. It was a great day of music, speaking and preaching. As for most things it was made even better by having great food and service by the people that chose to help with this undertaking.

The Redneck Revival would not have been half the success that it was if it weren’t for the diligent work and supervision of Randy and Robin Green. They took on this event and did a great job of seeing it through to its wonderful conclusion.

The unplanned was how great the fellowship hall


remodel has been going! As always that smooth work and even

transformation can be attributed back to the efforts of our contractor and his great crews.

We now have a fellowship hall that is bright and ready to be a boon to the community of Dover as a location to have dinners and take care of those that need help.

We have an exciting and overflowing future ahead. Can you wait to see what happens next?

TheNumbersSeptemberIncome $22,484.14

SeptemberExpenses $54,037.81

SeptemberAttendence 87





I’mgladwehavealovingdoginourhouse.It’shelpedusallbecomebetterpeople,butI’mevenmoregladthatGodhasprovidedmewithbrothersandsistersinChristthatremindmetobewhoJesuswouldhavemebe. BrothersandSisterswhoLikeironsharpensironarehelpingformmeintothemanofGodthatcanbeacompaniontomoresothatGod’sKingdomgrowsdaily!


Looking to help this holiday season? There are opportunit ies almost every month!

In November, we’ll have our Community Thanksgiving! In December there will be at least 2 opportunities to serve.

On December 9th, the Jr & Sr High class will be taking a shift at the Kingfisher lights. We are looking for some folks that might be willing to split

the shift with them. Then a bit later in the month we are considering our Live Nativity again. This

is a massive undertaking and we will need lots of help to run this endeavor. If you are interested in helping in any of these projects let Matt or Fred know

and we will be happy to direct you to the right person!

Page 3: Pastors: Fred Jones (405)699-1255 • Matt Barrie (479)629-2267 …doverchristianchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/... ·  · 2017-10-25Pastors: Fred Jones (405)699-1255 •

October12,2017 TheDoverChristian 3

October Sunday Mond Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 9:30a.m.SundaySchool10:30a.m.Worship






FarrarLarry&AshleyHarviston PeggyThiems AmberMcGee

29 30 31 9:30a.m.SundaySchool10:30a.m.Worship

KarenHarrisonLauraJuneCerny ArnoldKenyon



Sunday Mond Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4


CodyHawk TrillaCranfordKatieTurnerJaneWitt RobinGreen

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 9:30a.m.SundaySchool9:45a.m.Meetand




JodiTurner JasonHawk





12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9:30a.m.SundaySchool10:30a.m.Worship11:45a.m.3rdSunday




DebbieBiggsChristyHawkShiAnnJones JasonGundlach Jason&ChristyHawk


Page 4: Pastors: Fred Jones (405)699-1255 • Matt Barrie (479)629-2267 …doverchristianchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/... ·  · 2017-10-25Pastors: Fred Jones (405)699-1255 •

October12,2017 TheDoverChristian 3




Oct.22: WorshipLeader:DonnaKayOffering:JeffJohnsonCommunion:WayneBiggsDeacon:DirkHaymakerGreeter:RickTurnerNursery:CherylBullisChildren’sChurch:JanieHaymaker

Nov.12: WorshipLeader:SheldonTuckerOffering:JimmyBerkenbileCommunion:ArnoldKenyonDeacon:SteveMatthewsGreeter:RyanCooperNursery:Timberly&TarynJechChildren’sChurch:PriyaHumphries

Oct.29: WorshipLeader:DonnaKayOffering:MaxVincentCommunion:OcarThiemsDeacon:MontyTaylorGreeter:MarkFarrarNursery:CarolFryChildren’sChurch:TinaJohnson

Nov19: WorshipLeader:SheldonTuckerOffering:WillJohnsonCommunion:DennisSipeDeacon:ShawnWalkerGreeter:JohnDeutschendorfNursery:JenniferFarrarChildren’sChurch:JanieHaymaker

Nov.5: WorshipLeader:SheldonTuckerOffering:ChaseFarrarCommunion:TomO’HernDeacon:PhillipCoxGreeter:NathanGuinnNursery:JadenMatthewsChildren’sChurch:KimMatthews
