*/ PASTOR GENERAL'S TO THE MINISTRY OF THE REPORT WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD Pastor General's Office. . . . 1 From Church Administrati.on . . 2 From Fleet Administration. . . 4 VOL. 8, NO. 5 PASADENA, CALIFORNIA JANUARY 31, 1986 forever (v. 17). Our heartst minds and affections must be on the things above, the things of Dear Fellow Ministers of Jesus Christt What a weekend! I mentioned last week that we expected a record response to the special "World Tomorrow" telecast honoring Mr. Armstrong's life and work. And what a record it was! While we had expected to double the weekend response record of 26~000 calls on the WATS linest we more than tripled it with 81t359 calls. In additiont the number of calls "trickling" in through the week is running at six times the average rate. By mid Tuesdayt we had received a total of more than 90t000 calls requesting "Mystery of the Ages." It is possible that by the time this issue of the "Pastor General's Report" is printed we will have received more than 1OOtOOO calls! I On the Scene Clearlyt this has been a tremendous encouragement t o a l l of us to "Be strong and of good couraget" as God told Joshua after the death of Moses. We know that we won't# at firstt receive this kind of extraordinary response from the new telecasts. Howevert we do anticipate outstandinq responses in the 20t000 to 25~000 range at firstt with steady growth as God grants it. What is of most value to us? What really grabs our attention? But let's bear one thing firmly in mind. God will bless us when our ways please Him! As God's ministerst we shoulder the responsibility to take the lead in getting our personal lives on trackt in drawing close to God in dailyt ferventt heartfelt prayert in regular fasting (or "fastings oftent" as Paul put it) and i n meaningful study of God's Word. Then we have the wherewithalt as helpers of the joy of God's peoplet t o teach8 encourager instruct and train them to do the same. Jesus Christ prophesied that "because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold" (Matthew 24:12). He went on to explain that those who endure &g the end will be saved. We do live in a world of lawlessnesst a world that grows farther and farther from God daily. But God admonishes us t o "come out of heft my people." The apostle John warns us: "Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the worldt the love of the Father is not in him" (I John 2:15). How seriously do we take the clear message God gives to us as His end- time Church? I 1 John further states that the IN THIS ISSUE I world is passing awayt but he who does the will of God abides Q 1986 woTld*dB Church 01 God


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Pastor Genera l ' s Office. . . . 1 From Church Administrati.on . . 2 From Fleet Administration. . . 4


f o r e v e r (v. 17). Our heartst minds and a f f e c t i o n s m u s t be on t h e th ings above, the things of

Dear Fellow Min i s t e r s of J e s u s C h r i s t t

What a weekend!

I mentioned l a s t week t h a t we expected a record response t o t h e special "World Tomorrow" telecast honoring Mr. Armstrong's l i f e and work. And what a record it was! While w e had expected t o double t h e weekend response record of 2 6 ~ 0 0 0 ca l l s on t h e WATS l i n e s t w e more than t r i p l ed it w i t h 81t359 calls. I n a d d i t i o n t t h e number of ca l l s " t r i c k l i n g " i n through t h e w e e k i s running a t six times t h e average ra te . By mid Tuesdayt w e had rece ived a t o t a l of more than 9 0 t 0 0 0 ca l l s request ing "Mystery of t h e Ages." I t is p o s s i b l e t h a t by t h e t i m e t h i s issue of t h e "Pastor Genera l ' s Report" is p r i n t e d w e w i l l have rece ived more than 1 O O t O O O calls!

I On the Scene

C lea r ly t t h i s has been a tremendous encouragement t o a l l of u s t o "Be s t rong and of good couraget" as God t o l d Joshua a f te r t h e dea th of Moses. W e know t h a t w e won't# a t f i r s t t r ece ive t h i s kind of ex t raord inary response from t h e new telecasts. Howevert w e do a n t i c i p a t e outs tandinq responses i n t h e 2 0 t 0 0 0 t o 2 5 ~ 0 0 0 range a t f i r s t t w i t h steady growth a s God g r a n t s it.

What i s of most va lue t o u s ? What r e a l l y grabs our a t t e n t i o n ?

B u t l e t ' s bear one t h i n g f i r m l y i n mind. God w i l l bless u s when our ways p l e a s e H i m ! As God's m i n i s t e r s t w e shoulder t h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y t o take t h e l e a d i n g e t t i n g our personal l i v e s on t r a c k t i n drawing c lose t o God i n d a i l y t f e r v e n t t h e a r t f e l t prayer t i n regular f a s t i n g (o r " f a s t i n g s o f t e n t " a s P a u l put it) and i n meaningful s tudy of God's Word. Then we have t h e wherewithal t a s helpers of t h e joy of God's peoplet t o teach8 encourager i n s t r u c t and t r a i n them t o do t h e same.

Jesus C h r i s t prophesied t h a t "because lawlessness w i l l abound, t h e love of many w i l l grow cold" (Matthew 24:12). H e went on t o e x p l a i n t h a t those who endure &g t h e end w i l l be saved. W e do l i v e i n a world of lawlessness t a world t h a t grows f a r t h e r and far ther from God d a i l y . B u t God admonishes u s t o "come o u t of h e f t my people." The a p o s t l e John warns us : "Do not l o v e t h e world o r t h e t h i n g s i n t h e world. If anyone loves t h e worldt t h e love of t h e Fa ther i s not i n him" ( I John 2:15). How s e r i o u s l y do w e take t h e clear message God g i v e s t o u s a s H i s end- time Church?

I 1 John f u r t h e r s ta tes t h a t t h e I N THIS ISSUE I world is pass ing awayt b u t he who

does t h e w i l l of God ab ides

Q 1986 woTld*dB Church 01 God



What is our primary and foremost interest? For Jesus Christ, our elder brother and example, it was & still doing the will of His and our Father.

Jesus told us to seek first the Kingdom of God His righteousness. If God sees us dioinq that, focusing our attention both individually and collectively on the doing of His Work, and on overcoming, getting every spot and wrinkle out of ourselves, then He will certainly bless us.

As one unified body we must be actively and faithfully entreating God to bless every aspect of the production of and response to these new "World Tomorrow" programs. Also, the writing, publication and distribution of "The Plain Truth," "Youth 86," "The Good News" and "The Worldwide News," as well as the books, booklets, Correspondence Course and Youth Educational Services lessons.

How often have we heard Mr. Herbert Armstrong say, "God's Church must be a praying Church." Just as it has been said that an army moves on its stomach, so the Church of God must move on its knees--in earnest prayer to God! Stir up God's people to do their part! And take the lead yourself1

God is with US. We don't know how much work lies yet ahead. But let's be about doing our Father's business!

In Christian love,



Assistant Director Chosen After much prayer and counsel, I have decided to assign Larry R. Salyer, for the past three years serving as Dean of Students at Ambassador College in Big SantTy, Texas, to assist me in Church Administration here in Pasadena. As Assistant Director of Church Administration, Mr. Salyer will work directly with me in overseeing the churches worldwide. Most of you ministers and Regional Directors already know him quite well, and all of you are familiar with him through his lectures for the Refreshing Program. Assisting Mr. Salyer will be Douglas R. Horchak, currently pastor of the Glendora, California congregation.

Both men will be moving to Pasadena to assume their new responsibilities as soon as possible. I am requesting, on their behalf, that you give them your full support in every way, especially in heartfelt prayer for Christ to lead them through his Spirit in the difficult and challenging job they will be doing.



Mr. Michael Feaze11 w i l l cont inue serv ing as personal a s s i s t a n t t o m e i n t h e Pastor General' s Office.

Seat B e l t s Having j u s t read Dean May's s ta tements about seat be l t s t h a t appear l a t e r i n t h i s issuet I want t o add some comments. From t h i s day forwardt I r euu i r inq of God's m i n i s t e r s to wear seat belts anytime tEev are d r i v i o r r i d i automobiles. F u r t h e r t I am requi r ing a l l min i s t e r s ",g,dTives t"oq see t h a t their ch i ld ren are belted i n when r id ing t and t h a t approved r e s t r a i n t systems are used f o r t h e i r ch i ld ren under 5 years. This is f o r your awn s a f e t y ? and f u r t h e r t f o r t h e purpose of s e t t i n g the r i h t examPle fo r God's people and f o r t h e

t h e law when it does not i n t e r f e r e w i t h H i s law.

God t e l l s u s no t t o tempt Him. To be negl igent about s e a t bel ts doing j u s t that--tempting God. L e t ' s be w i s e i n tak ing t h e proper precaut ions for t h e s a f e t y of ourse lves t our wives and our ch i ldren .

community. I n many states .;-4- t is t h e l a w , and God commands u s t o J t e e R

** TO BE READ I N ALL U.S. AND CANADIAN CHURCHES ** I am pleased t o announce t h a t w e w i l l be conducting United States summer camps i n both B i g Sandyt Texast and Orrt Minnesotat again t h i s year. P lans are t o include more youngsters than i n previous y e a r s by running two f u l l three- - week s e s s ions a t both loca t ions .

These camps w i l l be staffed by Ambassador College f a c u l t y members and s tudents , as well as Imperial School f a c u l t y memberst under t h e camp d i r e c t o r s h i p of D r . K e r m i t Nelson. A l imi t ed number of f i e l d m i n i s t e r s w i l l provide a d d i t i o n a l l eade r sh ip and example t o t h e program. Campers w i l l have t h e opportunity t o l e a r n true va lues of God's way of l i f e through a wide range of a c t i v i t i e s designed t o b u i l d t h e i r s k i l l s t experience and confidence.

Letters w i l l be mailed t o a l l members i n t h e near f u t u r e descr ib ing t h e programs i n more de t a i l and g iv ing information on datest t u i t i o n fees (which w i l l remain unchanged from l a s t y e a r l t t r a n s p o r t a t i o n and on how t o sponsor a camper. Camper app l i ca t ions w i l l be mailed t o a l l U.S. and Canadian Church Pas tors i n e a r l y March.

--Joseph W. Tkacht Pastor General



Seat B e l t s C a l i f o r n i a r ecen t ly passed a mandatory seat-belt law. A s of January I t 1986t i f a v e h i c l e i s stopped f o r any reason and t h e d r i v e r or other seat occupants a r e caught without their seat be l t s ont there w i l l be a $25 f ine .



Only 15 percent of Americans u s e t he i r seat b e l t s r y e t t h a t amount of usage alone saves more than l r 8 0 0 l i v e s a year . If another 1 0 percent buckled u p r lr200 more l i v e s would be saved. I f 80 pe rcen t of t h e people i n passenger c a r s would wear t h e i r seat b e l t s r almost 1 O r O O O l i v e s would be spared on our highways every year. I t takes only a couple of seconds--but those seconds could t u r n o u t t o be t h e most important of your l i fe .

Car Seats Can Save Your Child's L i f e O f t h e more than lr500 c h i l d r e n under 15 y e a r s old who d i e i n motor v e h i c l e c o l l i s i o n s every yea r i n t h e United Statesr those under t h e age of 6 months have t h e h i g h e s t death rate--9 per 1 O O r O O O . T h a t ' s double t h e death ra te fo r l-year- olds. The dea th rate decreases u n t i l age 6 where it l e v e l s t o about 3 per 1 O O r O O O f o r c h i l d r e n 6 through 12. More s ta tes are pass ing laws t h a t mandate r e s t r a i n t systems f o r c h i l d r e n under t h e age of 5. Children strapped i n t o car seats have been removed unharmed from cars t h a t have been i n seve re c o l l i s i o n s .


Know Your Limitations I n add i t ion : I d e n t i f y your l imi ta t ions- -both mental and physical--as w e l l a s t h e mechanical l i m i t a t i o n s of your vehic le . Then d r i v e w i t h i n those l i m i t s . You w i l l be better able t o avoid and prevent acc idents . And rememberr both you and your v e h i c l e ' s l i m i t a t i o n s can and w i l l be affected by outs ide s t i m u l i such as stressr wear and tearr weather r road cond i t ions t etc. To d r i v e proper ly and sa fe ly r . you must know your l i m i t a t i o n s and d r i v e accordingly.

--Dean Mayr Fleet Adminis t ra t ion ON THE WORLD SCENE


"Chunnel' Plan Selected Monday# January 2 0 r was an his tor ic--and prophetic--milestone i n Europe. Meeting i n L i l l e r Francer Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of B r i t a i n and P res iden t Frangois Mi t te r rand of France announced approval of an enormous $6.6 b i l l i o n p r o j e c t t o r e a l i z e an age-old engineer ing dream--a f i x e d l i n k underneath t h e English Channel. Of t h e f o u r f i n a l p roposa ls presented t o themt t h e two leaders selectedr as t h e most l o g i c a l and e a s i l y a t t a i n a b l e r a scheme of twin r a i l r o a d tunnels . When t h e p r o j e c t is ready f o r u s e i n - 1993r t h e t u n n e l s w i l l c a r r y both through passenger and f r e i g h t t r a f f i c as w e l l a s por ta l - to-por ta l automobile s e r v i c e on s p e c i a l l y designed s h u t t l e t r a i n s .

When cons t ruc t ion begins i n mid-1987 on t h e twin 31-mile t u n n e l s 131 fee t beneath t h e seabedr i t w i l l r ep resen t r said Mr. Mit terrandt " t h e l a r g e s t c i v i l engineer ing p r o j e c t of t h e 2 0 t h century." N o underwater t unne l s of greater l e n g t h have ever been completed. Mrs. Thatcher s a w more than engineer ing magnitudes i n t h e p ro jec t . She said it symbolized t h a t " t h e United Kingdom is p a r t of t h e whole of Europe." (Commitment t o Europe's economic and now phys ica l un i ty is important t o t h e B r i t i s h s incer i n t he i r view, there are practical l i m i t s t o p o l i t i c a l un i ty . ) A day be fo re t h e announcementr Brian Mooney i n a REUTERS dispatch from London analyzed t h e s i g n i f i c a n c e of t h e channel tunnel i n terms of h i s t o r y and n a t i o n a l a t t i t u d e s :





Thousands of years after the land bridge between them subsided into the sea, France and Britain are set to rejoin each other in a bold engineering project that will end the British Isles' physical isolation from Europe.... For Britain, whose history has been profoundly shaped by the defensive, cultural lit-ical moat dividing it from continental Europe, the linrwill have enormous significance.

- For nation that once believed was set apart from continental Europe b~ some divine risht, the psychological impact of such a permanent link is hard to overestimate. Fear of losing its defensive wall drove Britain to abandon the first attempt to bore a rail tunnel under the channel when it halted an Anglo-French project in 1883. Almost a century later, in 1975, Britain halted a second tunnel--this time for financial reasons....

The third major bid to carry out the scheme originally dreamed up in 1802 by an engineer of French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte will start in a much changed Britain. The country is conspicuously more European. Almost half of British exports and imports now go to or come from EC partners, a significant shift from a decade ago....

The degree to which France and Britain have narrowed their differences--even agreeing how motorists would switch over from driving on the left in Britain to the right in France-- has surprised officials in both capitals. Yet relations between the two neighbors have never been easy.... In Britain, where London landmarks such as Trafalgar Square and Waterloo station commemorate victories over the French, there remains a residual hostility toward France. It is largely mirrored across the channel.... French mistrust of Britain has, if anything, deepened under Thatcher.. . . [Mrs. Thatcher was voted in one recent French opinion poll as the second most unpopular leader--after Libya's Col. Qadhafill....

Mitterrand and Thatcher see it as an undertaking on a grand scale that will crown their achievements in government. Both stand to gain from what the LONDON FINANCIAL TIMES--arguing that there is no compelling economic case to replace the present cross-channel ferries--said would be essentially a political link.

Writing in the December 14 issue of the British newsmagazine, THE SPECTATOR, author Gaving Stamp expressed deep-seated reservations about proceeding with the fixed link:

What is clear to me, however, is that there is a fifth solution to the problem which the Government ought to be considering but apparently is not: no fixed link at all.... In the end, however, arguments about the tunnel are subjective and emotional.... England is--or was--a maritime nation and the destruction of ferry services will increasingly make us a physical appendage of Europe and reduce further the importance of our shipping and ports. Further wars and threats of invas ion may seem unlikely but I:


PAGE 6 *


- am glad the Channel & there--not only because it separates us from the French but also because it gives the idea of going abroad....

The original Channel Tunnel Company's scheme of the 1870s was essentially romantic. Sir Edward Watkin was a megalomaniac, obsessed with extending his empire of rails.... In those days Parliament took the arguments about the Channel tunnel very seriously.... As one contemporary railway writer, John Pendleton, wrote in 1896: "There is the feeling in many breasts that the French, polite and accomplished though they may be, are quite near enough to England, and that the stormy bulwark God has placed around the coast should goJ undermined."

The contrast with the hurried and autocratic behaviour of the present Government is striking. A hybrid Bill is to be pushed rapidly through Parliament so that work can begin in 1987. This will avoid the necessity of a public inquiry, which an issue of such national importance...surely demands.

Along with the secularization of British society as a whole has developed a diminishing public awareness of divine intention in the creation of this "stormy bulwark." Thus public acceptance of a fixed link has grown in recent years, according to the January 17, 1986, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR:

Although the English Channel has provided something of a security blanket for Britons who feel that it has kept potential invaders like Napoleon and Hitler & &, as well as keeping out rabies and terrorists, attitudes are changing. Polls show a majority of Britons are in favor of some kind of fixed link, preferably one that includes a road tunnel.

One cannot help but reflect on the proud words: "Rule Britannia, Britannia rule the waves, Britons never, never shall be slaves."

Papal Call to "Re-evangelize" Europe A very significant article appeared in THE TIMES of London on January 17, 1986, in which Pope John Paul I1 was reported as calling for Roman Catholic bishops to help him "re-evangelize" Europe, in what he calls a "common plan of action" to combat atheism. Here are the key points of the article:

Pope John Paul I1 has called upon the Roman Catholic Church throughout Europe to collaborate in a programme to "re- evanqelize" - continent and halt the progress of atheism. In a letter published in Rome and London yesterday he asks the Council of European Episcopal Conferences, of which Cardinal Basil Hume of Westminster is president, to take the lead in this campaign. It is addressed to all the conferences of bishops in Eastern Western Europe, and suggests that the diversity of cultures and languages they represent, which could be an obstacle to communication and joint action, should be turned to the church's advantage.

European Christians also had a particular responsibility to -- heal the disunity of the churches, he declared, as it was in




Europe that Christianity was first divided. His letter contains the unusual admission that the Roman Catholic Church is "in a way, imperfect" as are the Orthodox churches of the East, because the two traditions are meant to be complementary. By the meeting and harmonization of the two they can be "reciprocally completed."...

Cardinal Hume, in a brief response to the Pope..., said it [the papal appeal1 is evidence of his "commitment to the collegiality of bishops." The bishops of Europe are sure to respond generously to the Pope's appeal, the cardinal added.

The spread of atheism, and efforts over recent centuries to eradicate religious belief, was "a phenomenon of such vast proportions" that it can only be faced in a co-ordinated "common plan of action" across Europe, the Pope said.

"What is in question here is a new evangelization of cultures, in which there must be sown again those seeds of Christianity which in the past produced such a wonderful blossoming." The "ageless message of salvation" must be set before modern man in convincing terms, for "contemporary Europe needs & be siven soul g new self-awareness." The difficulties now being experienced "must lead Christians to gather their strength, rediscover their oriqins, and sive fresh life &g those senuine values which sealed the spiritual unity of the continent and fed the b r i g h t flame of civilizaTion from which so many other nations of the earth have drawn."

The Pope's letter is seen as strong encouragement to Cardinal Hume's efforts over the past eight years to persuade Catholic church leaders throuqhout Europe to add continental dimension to their policies, rather thrn confining themselves to a national basis....

A meeting of top Catholic churchmen is to take place in Spain next month to prepare a more detailed programme in answer to the Pope's appeal.

Deuteronomy 28:43 Being Fulfilled The United States is being confronted with a massive and potentially explosive phenomenon--the steady influx of Third World immigrants, legal as well as illegal, into the country, threatening to change the very character of the nation itself. This development should come as no real surprise. For as prophecy relates: "The alien who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you, and you shall come down lower and lower" (Deuteronomy 28:43). This looming crisis was addressed in a recent speech delivered in San Francisco by noted economist Walter E. Hoadley who said relative to this issue:

Do you know that...Only 11 percent of the world's people are white and speak English? thirds & all qlobal misration ----- is now into the U-.So? 42 U.S. states have a smaller total population than California's present Hispanic population?...

The most delicate, yet vitally important and potentially disruptive issue facing America over the coming generation



is acceptance and full integration of massive immiqrakion-- recent, past, present, and much more to come. Fears of racial discrimination and charges of lack of compassion prevent much public discussion, while, beneath the surface, the situation is ripe for explosion....

The critical dimensions are how to control immigration numbers to make full integration feasible, insure strong English language skills, and achieve successful completion of minimum educational programs and standards among all immigrants. No one yet knows how to resolve these matters, but the nation must realize that time bomb tickinq.... My concern is with the magnitude of the problem.... We're on a collision course.

In the Fall 1985 issue of THE JOURNAL OF SOCIAL, POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC STUDIES, article "The U.S. Immigration Crisis," G. Palmer Stacy I11 and Wayne Lutton reported:

Life in the poor nations of the world will grow ever more miserable as this century comes to a close. Overcrowding, shortages of food and water, lack of jobs, political turmoil and other problems resulting from overpopulation will lead hundreds of millions to consider migration to the relatively more prosperous countries. Since the successful nations of Asia, such as Japan, Taiwan and Singapore, rigidly restrict immigration, this means that Western Europe, the United States and Canada will be the target.

A Kettering Foundation poll taken in the early 1970s found that one third of the people in Latin America wanted to leave their native lands and that 90 percent of those who wanted to migrate wished to come to the United States....

Can the United States solve the world overpopulation problem by taking in much of the excess population of the Third World? Some say we should try. But the population of the Third World will grow by at least two billion over the next 25 years....

Defenders of liberal immigration policies often claim that aliens rarely use social services and actually contribute more in taxes than they receive in benefits. However, recent evidence indicates that illegal aliens are making heavy and increasing use of tax supported services, often at higher rates than citizens.... For example:

Nearly 80% of the infants born at the hospital nursery of the Los Angeles County-University of Southern California Medical Center are born to mothers who are illegal aliens.

Los Angeles County's Health Services Department, with six public hospitals serving seven million residents, estimates that the annual cost of caring for the country's large population of illegal aliens is at least $150 million. The department reported in 1983 that illegal aliens represented 22.9% of the total patients and accounted for 64% of the births at county hospitals....




Nearly 10 percent of -- the population of 3 Salvador now lives - in California.... L O ~ Angeles school board member, Larry Gonzales, reported that "the impact of the Salvadoran children on our public schools has been tremendous."...

Aliens are becominq so [politicallvl erful & some parts -- of the United Statesthat they are srcessfully pressuring local and state government agencies not to enforce laws prohibiting the giving of welfare to illegal aliens, and are further demanding that such agencies not cooperate with the Federal government. This problem is especially acute in the state of California, dubbed by TIME magazine as the U.S.'s first "Third World" state....

Another technique by which immigration laws are constantly circumvented on a major scale is for the expectant alien mother simply to plan & be &J the U.S. for the birth of her baby. The number of "citizen children" born to alien visitors in the U.S. border'towns now runs as high as 20,000 per year. Tens of thousands of additional "citizen children" are born annually to alien mothers residing illegally in the United States.

"Citizen children" have legal access to nearly all U.S. welfare programs, such as food stamps and AFDC payments, as well as special programs for minorities, despite the fact that their parents are in this country illegally. On reaching the age of 21, the "citizen child" acquires the same immigration benefits as a naturalized citizen, includinq the risht & brinq & his parents, spouse and children from the mother country, with no wait or visa limits.... - Few ether nations consider the children of illecral aliens - be citizens. In the U.S., this concept grew out of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, ratified in 1868, when the Reconstruction Congress was trying to protect newly emancipated slaves, not immigrants....

This alarming trend is given full-sized treatment in a new book entitled THE IMMIGRATION TIME BOMB, co-authored by Governor Richard D. Lamm and Gary Imhoff. Here are just a few observations made by the authors:

Arnold Toynbee, after a lifetime of studying history, observed that "the same elements that build up an institution eventually lead to its downfall." This clearly applies to the wrenching subject of immigration. Immigration policy was once an asset to this country, helping to make us strong. But its current uncontrolled state will seriously harm this country and its institutions.

This is not easy for Americans to accept. The Statue of Liberty is deeply embedded in the American psyche and American institutions. The immigration crisis has grown steadily and slowly, and therefore taken us by surprise. Today, immigration to the United States is massive, and it is out of control. United States accepts for pe rmanent



resettlement twice as many immiqrants gg do all the other countries -- of the world combined. Legal immigration is three times as high as it was in the early 1960s: there are now well over 6$0,000 legal immigrants in an average year.... Illegal aliens pour into the United States through Swiss- cheese borders. Legal and illegal immigration combined contribute nearly half of the population srowth of the United States....

For most of our history, the extraordinary population growth of the United States has actually been from natural increases--from the high rate of fertility of relatively small numbers of immigrants [Joseph was prophesied to receive "blessings.. .of the womb"].... Yet the Population Reference Bureau ominously reminds us that immigration will add more than fifty million people to the population of the United States by the year 2025, if today's levels continue without increasing.

In North, South, and Central America, especially in Mexico, the population pressure builds up, compounds, and threatens to explode.... Mexico, with 70 million people, has 300,000 more babies born every year than does the United States, with 230 million people. There is a flood of people rising right outside our door.

The remainder of the Lamm-Imhoff book tackles the issues of eroding national identity, language and bilingualism, pressures on employment and social services, and frustrated efforts to develop an immigration reform policy.


--Gene 8. Hogberg, News Bureau