4th Joint Audit Seminar in Rom

PASTERKAMP-KELLNER 2013-03-15 exchange info · PASTERKAMP-KELLNER 2013-03-15 exchange info.pptx Author: mauro Created Date: 9/23/2014 4:32:41 PM

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Page 1: PASTERKAMP-KELLNER 2013-03-15 exchange info · PASTERKAMP-KELLNER 2013-03-15 exchange info.pptx Author: mauro Created Date: 9/23/2014 4:32:41 PM

4th  Joint  Audit  Seminar  in  Rom  

Page 2: PASTERKAMP-KELLNER 2013-03-15 exchange info · PASTERKAMP-KELLNER 2013-03-15 exchange info.pptx Author: mauro Created Date: 9/23/2014 4:32:41 PM

C  O  N  T  E  N  T  

I.  Introduc5on    II.  Na5onal  and  interna5onal  rules    II.I    Na5onal  Law    

 -­‐  sec.  117  AO  (General  Tax  Code)    II.II  Interna5onal  Law    

 -­‐  Ar5cle  26  OECD-­‐MT    -­‐  Joint  Audit  Report  (OECD)    -­‐  Tax  Informa5on  Exchange  Agreements    -­‐  APAs    -­‐  European  Mutual  Assistance  Direc5ve  

 III.  Cross-­‐border  audits    IV.  The  German  Annual  Tax  Law  of  the  year  2013  -­‐  Outlook  

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I.  Introduc5on      -­‐  Why  is  interna5onal  coopera5on  in  the  field  of  exchange  of  informa5on  and  

tax  audits  abroad  necessary?        

Material  Universality  

Formal  Territoriality  

Taxa5on  of  world-­‐wide  income  


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II.  Interna5onal  and  na5onal  Rules    II.I  Na5onal  German  Law    

§  117  AO  (General  Tax  Code):    -­‐  Legal  founda5on  for  exchanging  informa5on    -­‐  §  117  (1)  AO:  Enability  for  the  German  Tax  Authority  to  make  use  of  

the  exchange  of  informa5on    -­‐  §  117  (2)  AO:  tax  trea5es,  European  Law    -­‐  §  117  (3)  AO:  Exchange  of  informa5on  without  legal  obliga5on  

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II.II    Interna5onal  Rules    Ar5cle  26  OECD-­‐MT      -­‐  Commits  the  states  to  exchange  informa5on    -­‐  No  allowance  to  request  on  informa5on  that  is  not  relevant  for  taxa5on    -­‐  Major  and  minor  informa5on  clause  

-­‐  Germany/Italy:  Ar5cle  27  tax  treaty    

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II.II    Interna5onal  Rules    The  Joint  Audit  Report  (OECD),      -­‐  Report  of  the  OECD  in  the  field  of  tax  audits,  16th  September,  2010    -­‐  Types  of  audits:    -­‐  simultaneous  examina5ons    -­‐  mul5lateral  control  (MLC)    -­‐  joint  audits  

-­‐  Pilot  projects  

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II.II    Interna5onal  Rules    Tax  Informa5on  Exchange  Agreements  (TIEA)      -­‐  Anable  the  exchange  the  informa5on  between  countries,  where  there  

has  been  previously  been  no  exis5ng  legal  basis  to  do  so  

-­‐  No  binding  instrument  

-­‐  Basis  for  mul5lateral  and  bilateral  trea5es  

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II.II    Interna5onal  Rules    Advanced  Pricing  Agreements  (APAs)      -­‐  Origin  in  the  USA  

-­‐  In  the  field  of  transfer  pricing  

-­‐  Certain  security  for  cross-­‐border  ac5ng  companies  

-­‐  Unilateral,  bilateral,  mul5lateral  

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II.II    Interna5onal  Rules    European  Mutual  Assistance  Direc5ve    -­‐  Scope  

-­‐  Exchange  of  Informa5on  -­‐  Exchange  of  informa5on  on  request  -­‐  mandatory  automa5c  exchange  of  informa5on  -­‐  spontaneous  exchange  of  informa5on  -­‐  presence  in  administra5ve  offices  -­‐  simultaneous  controls  

-­‐  Condi5ons  governing  adminstra5ve  coopera5on  and  limits  

-­‐  Execu5on  of  the  exchange  of  informa5on  electronically    

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II.II    Interna5onal  Rules    European  Mutual  Assistance  Direc5ve    -­‐  Compe55on  between  the  various  sources  of  law  

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III.  Cross-­‐border  audits  –  The  German  view  in  the  field  of  transfer  pricing      -­‐  Special  focus  on  cross-­‐border  audits  in  the  field  of  transfer  pricing  

-­‐  Obliga5ons  of  the  taxpayer  

-­‐  Sanc5ons  

-­‐  Exep5ons  for  small  companies  



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IV.  The  German  Annual  Tax  Law  of  the  year  2013  „light“  /  Outlook      -­‐  Implemen5ng  of  the  European  Mutual  Assistance  Direc5ve  

-­‐  §  117  AO    -­‐  Changes  to  the  „old“  Direc5ve  

-­‐  Chances  and  risks    

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Thank  you  for  your  a,en.on