st political opportunities: tercosmos 1967 no launch payments p://www.cbk.pan.wroc.pl/body/publikacje/2005/PTA_Solar_htm.html Kapustin Yar Sounding rockets 7 launches 1970 1971 1977 1979 1980 1981 1983 1984 Plesetsk Orbital missions 3 launches 1994 Coronas-I 1995 Interball-Tai 2001 Coronas-F

Past political opportunities: Intercosmos 1967 no launch payments

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Page 1: Past political opportunities: Intercosmos 1967 no launch payments

Past political opportunities:

Intercosmos 1967 no launch payments http://www.cbk.pan.wroc.pl/body/publikacje/2005/PTA_Solar_htm.html

Kapustin YarSounding rockets

7 launches



missions3 launches





Page 2: Past political opportunities: Intercosmos 1967 no launch payments

The First Polish Space experiment

Pin-hole cameras

Page 3: Past political opportunities: Intercosmos 1967 no launch payments

SphinX soft X-ray spectrophotometerThe Team: PI Janusz Sylwester

Mirek Kowalinski : Project ManagerJarek Bakała: Project ConstructorSzymon Gburek: Project Scientist

Marek Siarkowski, Barbara Sylwester, Zbigniew Kordylewski, Piotr Podgórski,

Witold Trzebiński, Stefan Płocieniak, Anna Kępa•FIAN: Dr. Sergey Kuzin, TESIS PI

•MEPhI: Yury Kotov, CORONAS-Photon PM

•AI CzAS: Dr. Franta Farnik•Prof. Fabio Reale, INAFA, Palermo University

Prof. Ken Phillips, UCL, London http
















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CORONAS-F launch, orbit & pointing31 July 2001, polar orbit, 95min, ~500 kmsemi-Sun-synchronous


SS-14 Cyclone


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pressure vessel



Launch is fixed to the last week of 2008 !


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Instruments for registration of gamma-radiation and neutrons

Instrument Measured radiation Organizations Weight kg High energy

radiation spectrometer


Gamma-rays spectroscopy 0.3 – 2000MeV;

Neutrons 20 – 300MeV

Moscow Engineering-

Physics Institute (MEPhI)

PI Yu.D.Kotov


Solar flare and GRB

spectrometer KONUS-RF

Hard X-ray & gamma-ray spectroscopy with high temporal resolution (0.0112) MeV

Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute,

PI E.P.Mazets


Hard X-ray polarimeter


Soft X-rays 1 – 10keV Hard-X-ray polarization 20–150keV Spectroscopy 0.15 – 5MeV;

Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute,

MEPhI PI A.S.Glyanenko


Fast X-ray monitor FXM

Hard X-ray with sub-msec temporal resolution 20 – 500keV

MEPhI PI V.N.Yurov


Low energy gamma-ray

spectrometer RT - 2

Hard X-ray spectroscopy: Phoswich NaI(Tl)/CsI(Na) 15 – 150keV; 100–2000keV CZT - detector 10-100keV

TATA Institute of Fundamental

Research (TIFR), ISRO and others

PI. A.R.Rao


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Full Solar disk UV & soft X-ray monitorsInstrument Radiation bands Temporal resolution Detector type

SphinXSpace Res. Center,PolandPI J. Sylwester P.N. Lebedev PI, Russia MEPhI, Russia

Soft X-rays0.5 keV– 15 keV

Solar disk radiation monitoring up to 10 msec

Pure Si PIN-diode 500μm thick, aperture 19.96, 0.397 and 0.0785 mm2 (Amptek, USA)

PHOKAMEPhI, RussiaPI A.Kochemasov

4 channels (nm) Visible, FUV & XUV <1100; 116-125; 27-37 & <11

Solar disk radiation monitoring 2 secOccultation mode 0.1 sec

AXUV-100G 10mmx10mm(International Radiation Detectors, CA, USA)

SOKOLIZMIRAN, RussiaPI V.D.Kuznetsov

7 Visible & NUV channels (nm)1500, 1100, 850, 650, 500, 350, 280 (bandwidth <10%)

Solar disk radiation monitoring 30 sec

Photodiodes with filter (effect. square

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TESIS assembly of instrumentsTESIS assembly of instruments for XUV imaging spectroscopy of the Sun

Name of channel






WF XUVwide

field telescope-


Mg XII spectro-


XUV spectro-


SphinX Solar

Photometer in X-rays

Spectral band, ?

131-133 295-315 8.418-8.423 280-335 1- 10 keV

Field of view

Full disk: 60

60 in the field of 2.5

Corona up to 5 radii - 2.5

Full disk: 60

1.6 (cross to dispertion)

Spatial resolution, arcsec

1,7 4.4 2 3 (cross to dispertion)

256 channel

Spectral resolution

/~70 /~20 /~20 2*10-4 ? /pix 2*10-2 ? /pix Full Sun

It is advanced version of the SPIRIT instrument


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SphinX & TESIS



Page 10: Past political opportunities: Intercosmos 1967 no launch payments

Instrument Measured radiation Organizations Weigh, kg

Energetic particle analyzer


e : 0.2 – 2MeV p : 1.0 – 150MeV He: 1.5 – 50MeV/nucleon

Institute of nuclear physics of Moscow

State University; PI S.N.Kuznetsov


Energetic particle telescope STEP-F

e : 0.15 – 10MeV p : 4.0 – 62MeV He: 15.5 – 245.5MeV

Kharkov State University

PI I.I.Zalubovsky


Instruments for charge particle measurements



three components of magnetic field in the range of –55 T … +55 T

FGU NPP “Geologorazvedka”, St-Petersburg, Russia;

MEPhI, Russia

PI V.N.Yurov

3-axis magnetometer

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SphinX construction

• EUV filters (doubly aluminized Mylar)

• Photometer– Collimators (+-2.5 deg)

– Three apertures– D1, D2, D3

• Shutter– Stepper motor

• FFU– Filters– Targets– D4

• Electronics– Front end Amptek– Digital „our”

• Controller– Software– reprogramming

• Heat sink• Alignment mirror

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Measurement channels

φ: 5 mmA: 13.0 mm2

8 μsUp to

60 000 cts/sFWHM: 490 eV

P h o t o m e t r i c FFU

φ: 4 mmA: 0.26 mm2

25 μsUp to

20 000 cts/sFWHM: 290 eV

φ: 4 mmA: 0.0052 mm2

25 μsUp to

20 000 cts/sFWHM: 290 eV

φ: 4 mmA: 13.0 mm2

25 μsUp to

20 000 cts/sFWHM: 290 eV

Detectors (four units): 256/1024 energy binsAmptek, Peltier cooled (-50 deg) Si PIN diodes.

Detectors’ support plate thermally connected to external heat radiator

via heat sink pipe.Photon arrival time measured to within 2μs (in

Time Stamping Mode)Much better energy resolution than gas

detectors2.5 % against 16%, low thermal noisehttp://www.carroll-ramsey.com/detect.htm


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Expected total count rates

Courtesy; Marek Siarkowski

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SphinX calibration BESSY synchrotron

RAS Meeting 9 May 2008 Janusz Sylwester, Poland: Ongoing and future solar X-ray experimenting

March 2nd 2008D3

Berlin February 26th 2008

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How it looks from the tests

BESSY Berlin Synchrotron:- All detector linearity: perfect (0.1% ) over 0.8-14.5 keV; dynamic range 104.- absolute response known to better than 5% against reference synchrotron source.

- pile-up matrices known as measured from X-ray 4 crystal monochromator spectra

obtained at 8 energies between 1.5 and 8 keV

The BESSY synchrotron input spectrum (red) with overplotted response of SphinX D2 detector (black). Nominal effective areas have been used. The agreement is better than 5% in the energy

band where SphinX detectors are the most sensitive.

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The measurement environment, bcgd: ~few cts/s up to 103 cts/s (SAA)

SAA Night RB RB Night Flare


orbit Important pahases• S/C X-ray day• S/C optical day

• S/C optical night• S/C X-ray night

Terminator crossing

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Time stamping mode D1, D2 or D3 rates < 103/s

• Time stamping mode from: D1, D2, D3, D4– 2 Bytes for processor time of the detector event start– 1 byte for the amplitude– Allows to determine the difference between events to

within 2 μs ~2/1000 accuracy– Absolute timing to within 0.001s against UT

Expected ratesD1= 103 events/s (event: Amplitude 1byte, time 2 bytes)-3 KB/sD2= 10 events/s, D3= 10 events/s, D4= 10 events/s

Total: 3Kbytes/s – can last for ~10000s (3 h) each dump – may cover 100% cycle with compression

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Waiting time analysis – is the process at low count rate Poissonian?

Wheatland, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 679, Issue 2, pp. 1621-1628, 2008

• Radioactive sources give an ideal example of the statistics

• To what degree the arrival times of photons from the „quiet” corona have „no memory” i.e they have the exponential waiting time distribution? (Models for flare statistics assume or predict that flares are independent events- however this is under question)

• The primary task for the initial part of the mission where the activity is expected to be low.

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SphinX convolved spectra (Acoronal)

5 MK10 MK

25 MK







O, Ne,Fe Shape depends on T

pure continuum

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Predicted behaviour of activity during active phase of Coronas-Photon


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Energy Calibration

• D1,D2,D3 solar induced fluorescence spectra of pure elements– During flares ~> M1– Until 10^6 cts collected for each detector– Approximately each month– If v. quiet condition then on the command from

the ground for 10 min

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Terminator transit: Profile of Earth atmospecric absorption

• X-ray terminator crossing algorithm operational on board– Predict the entry/exit to within few seconds– Spectra 256 energy bins each 0.1 sec give at

least 1 km resolution in the vertical Earth absorption profile

– Time stamping or spectral mode depending on the flare flag

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SphinX firstshttp://sprg.ssl.berkeley.edu/~tohban/wiki/index.php/The_Sp

hinX_Instrument_on_CORONAS-PHOTON • SphinX will measure absolute element abundances using line

features due to neon, magnesium, silicon, sulphur, argon, calcium, iron and nickel in various levels of solar activity (quiet Sun, active regions and flares). It should therefore be in a strong position to give a definitive answer to the continuing debate about the dependence of coronal abundances of elements on their first ionization potential, the so-called FIP effect.

• SphinX will obtain the first absolutely calibrated solar X-ray spectra in the 0.8--15 keV range. In particular this will help us to understand the RHESSI continuum observations in this difficult range.

• SphinX will also study quiet coronal heating processes via photon arrival time--distance analysis (the arrival time of an X-ray photon will be measured to a couple of microseconds); X-ray oscillations in the <1 to 500 s period range; and transient ionization in flares.

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Instrument satus• Flight model at the Moscow „factory” undergoing final electro-

magnetic & teelmetry compatibility tests• On November 30, TESIS ( a mother instrument for SphinX) is

coming for a final maintenance tests to FIAN (MK+WT) will reload the flight programme

• The Coronas-Photon launch is expected before the end of 2008 a X-mas present?

• Ground sector of software v1 ready (Czech contribution under guidance od Szymon)– 2 mirror servers (Wrocław, Ondrejov)– Automatic data access to FIAN SphinX data stream (~12 hours

maximum delay if 2 dumps/24h)– Automatic reduction to Level2– Data publishing to the public access area (90% data will go there

decision taken by the duty scientist)– Automatic flare event catalogue creation start,max, end, class, Tmax,

Emmax, rise phase dur L, H, EMmax-Tmax delay– Auxiliary data available: GOES, RHESSI, SOXS

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The FFU unit (filter-fluorescence unit)

Filter-Fluorescence Unit (FFU) layout

This unit will be active all the time: time stamping < 1000 cts/s or spectra (256 bins)